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14 Ways to Say You Love Them Too
— sequel to 14 Ways to Know You’re in Love
🎶 series playlist 🎶
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Tell it to them straight
Spontaneous grab
Walk down memory lane
Do something unexpected (back up link)
Give them flowers
Make them a playlist
Write them a love letter
Go on vacation with them
Cook something for them
Surprise them with gifts [M]
Movie marathon [M]
Recreate a movie scene
Give them space
Tell it to them straight pt. 2
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<< 14 Ways to Know You’re in Love
wc: 790
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“Can you stop freaking out for one second?” Mingyu snides, huffing from blowing a balloon up.
Jaehyun had been pacing back and forth in your living room, licking his lips while fiddling with his fingers. He had planned a surprise birthday party for you while your mom distracted you by taking you out to go shopping. It’s been two days since he found out about your journal and how you felt about him; he spent a day thinking about it and the next trying to figure out what to do with the information.
While everyone - the twins, Jungwoo, Yebin, Sicheng, Seokmin, and even Jangmi - helped set up for the surprise party, he decided to tell them about discovering your feelings towards him. He was annoyed (and a little embarrassed) at their response; how everyone knew already and how it was obvious he felt the same.
“Everyone knows, Jung,” Yebin rolls her eyes, “Jangmi knows and she’s a new student.”
Jangmi shrugs, offering a sympathetic smile. “I told you, too, but you still denied up until you read it off her journal.”
Minkyung gasps, “Jaehyun! You went through her journal?!”
“I-” He tries to say it was out in the open, but that wasn’t the case. He literally took it out from your drawer; from beneath stacks of your other journals, “Anyways, I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s absolutely gold to hear that from you.” Yebin snorts, “Mr. Perfect, Mr. Valentine’s, the town’s heartthrob: clueless on how to confess.”
Jaehyun scowls at her, crossing his arms, “I’ve never confessed before and my entire relationship with [Y/N] is on the line here.”
Seokmin chuckles, “You’re overreacting.”
“She’s trying to move on and here I am, trying to stop her by telling her I feel the same.” He groans, “Are you guys going to help me or not?”
They all share an empathetic glance with one another as their friend continues to stress out about you. Eventually, Jangmi is silently chosen through pointed stares and shrugging to break the silence, “Okay, Jaehyun, so you want to confess; then confess! You already know she feels the same way.”
“So, I just tell it to her straight?”
Minkyung accidentally pops a balloon she was trying to blow up and Mingyu sneers at her, inevitably starting a little bickering between them. Jungwoo and Sicheng tries to calm both of them down, but Yebin and Seokmin are fueling the feud by playfully taking sides. At this point, Jaehyun couldn’t care less if they start war as long as they behave themselves when you arrive.
“Do you want to make things hard for you than it already is like some grand gesture? Seriously, Jaehyun, just tell it to her while she still probably has feelings for you.”
An hour goes by and everything is all set up by the time your mom sends Jaehyun a text that they’re about to head up the apartment so he has everyone get ready and shut the lights. He’s near the door, holding up a cake he asked his mom to help him bake after Mingyu lights up the candles on it for him. He could hear the footsteps as soon as everyone hushes down; he hears your mom fumble with her keys and quiet talking - but he hears the faint voice of someone else… a boy’s?
Before he could guess who it was, the door opens and everyone screams out a greeting, Jaehyun falters by a second when his eyes recognize - not you, not your mom - but… Taeyong?
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed, hands flying to cup your mouth, “What?”
Jaehyun regains his composure and holds out the cake in his hands, “Happy birthday!”
You’re laughing at how Yebin chants for you to make a wish and blow the candle while Seokmin and Jungwoo sing you a birthday song offkey, but you calm yourself down when you look up at Jaehyun, the candles flickering in his eyes as he patiently waits for you.
“Did you plan this?” You quietly ask while everyone finally harmonized to sing you a proper birthday song.
“Well, it’s a team effort.” He whispers.
“Thank you.” You wait for everyone to finish singing with Jaehyun joining them for the last line. He’s grinning at you like a kid, dimples on full display as you make a wish in your head. Before you blow the candle, you peek up at him and he meets your gaze. There was no denying at that brief moment your eyes connect that both of you were in love with each other; with pupils dilated and small smiles on your faces.
If only you knew he felt the same, maybe you wouldn’t have wished for you to move on from him.
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the first attempt >>
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Attempt #1: Tell it to them straight
wc: 1,826
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The mini gathering for your birthday was almost dying down after eating dinner everyone worked on together prior the surprise, a couple of movies, and a handful of group games like monopoly and charades. For most of the night, you had been juggling entertaining Jaehyun whenever he tries to catch your attention and Taeyong, just to make sure he’s not out of place.
You ran into him in the mall and when you introduced him to your mom, she immediately suggested to have him come over for dinner that really confused you but Taeyong didn’t seem to be fazed about it and agreed when you asked him. It only made sense when your friends surprised you that your mom was inviting Taeyong to the party and when you quickly asked Taeyong if he knew, he said Jangmi might have let it slip to him the other day.
You didn’t even know they knew each other.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, was becoming slightly annoyed at how you kept changing your attention from him to Taeyong that Jangmi had to divert Taeyong’s attention away sometimes so your attention on Jaehyun wouldn’t be so divided.
Halfway through a movie while Jangmi was coming back from the bathroom and Jaehyun was refilling their popcorn bowls for everyone, she approaches him as inconspicuous as possible to avoid anyone noticing.
“You’re starting to look jealous and a little possessive.”
Jaehyun grimaces, “I am not.”
“Look, just tell her as soon as you can once we all leave. If you want, I can leave after this movie and maybe I can get Taeyong to leave as well, like, start a chain reaction so you can finally tell her.”
“Would you really? But wait, what am I going to do and say?”
Jangmi exhales, rolling her eyes, “I’m not the one in love with her to tell you what to say. Just end your misery, Jaehyun. Just tell it to her straight.”
She takes one of the bowls he’s already replenished and pats his back, “You got this, man.”
After the movie ended and a quick discussion about the plot and characters, Jangmi nods at Jaehyun before announcing, “Hey, my brother is home alone so I should probably head back now. Happy birthday again, [Y/N].”
You’re genuinely upset that she’s leaving because despite the fact she’s the girl Jaehyun likes, you’re starting to understand why. She’s fun to be with, but also taking the role of being the ‘mom’ friend of the group. “You can bring him some cake! There’s a lot left over. Let me prepare it for you.”
“It’s getting late, I’ll take you home.” Taeyong quietly says, rising up from his seat.
Once you had packed a slice of cake in some disposable tupperware for Jangmi’s brother, you walk them out after they waved the others goodbye. “Do you live near each other?”
Jangmi glances up at Taeyong, “Our apartment complexes are in front of each other.”
“Oh, well, you guys take care! Thanks for coming.” After you see them off, the rest start leaving as well; except Jaehyun and the twins who helped clean up the place. When you assured the twins they could leave, you were left alone with Jaehyun just like always.
He’s smiling at you with his lips pursed, standing in the middle of the room looking almost anxious as he waits for you.
“You okay?”
“Do you want your present now?”
“A present? The party wasn’t it?”  You feigned innocence, gesturing to the now cleared out living room. “Jae, you shouldn’t have.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “It’s in your room. Come on.”
You let him take your hand, trying not to make a big deal out of it, “You were in my room? Jaehyun! How dare you!”
“It’s not like I haven’t let myself in before.” He shrugs, opening the door to your room and leading you to the middle of the room. “I hope you didn’t buy anything similar to this.”
“What is it?” You watch him round the corner of your bed and kneel down to get something from below, instantly your blood goes cold: did he see the gift Yebin get you last year?
“Close your eyes!”
You do as you’re told, putting your palms over your eyes and patiently wait. You could hear his soft footsteps padding closer to you before he clears his throat.
“Happy birthday!”
You pull your hands away and look down at his hands, eyeing the peach-colored wrapped box. “What is it?”
Jaehyun motions for you to sit down, “Open it.”
Both of you sit on the edge of your bed. He places the gift on your lap before you begin picking at the tape that held the wrapper together. “Why am I nervous?” You laugh at how your fingers were shaking.
“I’m nervous, too! What if someone got you a similar gift or maybe you it for yourself?”
“I haven’t gotten myself a gift and everyone else’s gifts are in the living roo-” You finally peeled back the cute paper off and gasp at the familiar logo that peeks beneath it. “No, you didn’t… Jae - this has got to be a prank.”
With the wrapping now completely off, you stare down at the camera box in your hands. It was heavy - just like how a regular camera would weigh, but; “What is this, really?”
Jaehyun laughs, “What do you think it is? Can’t you read? It’s a camera!”
“It can’t be! This is expensive! How did you even afford this?” You start opening the box with utmost care. This was one of the new releases of the camera brand you were comfortable using and you were very aware of it’s price. “Where did you get the money to pay for this?”
“Savings, a few part time jobs, mostly loaned from my dad.” He sounds a little regretful at the last words, “But don’t worry about that. Do you like it?”
“Like it?” You cried, “Jaehyun, I love it! This is way too much!”
“You told me about that photography workshop you’re attending this summer and I thought I’d give you a new camera after I saw you browsing for a new one  the other week.”
You were. You desperately needed a new camera so while you waited for Jaehyun after his basketball practice, you had multiple tabs open on your laptop to canvas for something you can afford and he had probably seen it over your shoulder. “I don’t think saying thank you is enough.”
“If you’re happy with it, then that’s enough.”
You spring up to your feet after moving the box off and walk over to your desk with camera in hand. You pop a spare SD card into it and turn it on, removing the lens cap from it and pointing it towards Jaehyun. “Smile!”
He puts a ‘V’ sign up with his fingers and flashes a grin before you press on the shutter button and take his photo.
“How is it?”
“Beautiful - ugh! It’s amazing.” You sigh while checking the photo you just took.
“Thanks.” Jaehyun jokes, clicking his tongue as he stands up, “I’d like to thank my parents for my genes.”
Rolling your eyes, you turn the camera off and set it down on your desk. As you turn back to Jaehyun, you throw your arms around his shoulders. “You’re the best, Jae. I love you so much.”
Both of you are thankful that you don’t see each other’s faces after those last five words. Jaehyun is suddenly reminded to confess to you while you’re trying to continue the sentence to make it nonchalant.
“What did I do in my past life to deserve you?”
His hands are running up and down your back to reciprocate the hug before he starts pulling away and clearing his throat. “[Y/N]... listen, I…”
Your heart drops, you feel like an idiot. He has feeling for someone else and here you are throwing yourself at him like this even though you meant it in a platonic way. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have…”
Jaehyun frowns at you, “What? No, [Y/N], wait-”
The doorbell rings and you quickly excuse yourself to get it, nevertheless he follows you out. It was his mom, ruefully telling him about how the puppy made a mess in their hallways, and as they had agreed upon, Jaehyun is in charge of cleaning up after it.
He cusses under his breath, just quiet enough so his mom wouldn’t hear, “Okay, I’ll go clean it up.”
His mom greets you with a sweet smile, leaning over to give you a hug as Jaehyun dejectedly walks out. They both wish you a good night and the last thing you see is Jaehyun looking regretful.
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“I messed it up; I think I sounded like I was going to reject her.” Jaehyun whines as he scrubs the part of the floor his puppy pooped on with a call with Jangmi (and Minkyung, since he interrupted their own phone call) on speaker. “Should I just call her now or text her?”
“No, you idiot! Don’t you dare confess via phone. You need to do that face to face.” Jangmi scolds. “Oh, I bet she’s hurt right now.”
“I’m stating facts! Look, just try again tomorrow. Before you guys head out for school, just stop her and tell her you love her.”
Minkyung cuts in, “What? That’s it? After the shitty emotions he put her through? Jae, you better confess in a grand manner. Think bouquets! Doves! Fireworks!”
“I just spent over a thousand dollars for her gift, I don’t think I can even afford her a rose if I wanted.”
“Nothing extreme. Build up simple little acts of love and then confess. Ignore Minkyung, just go with your guts, Jae.”
“Hey! I just want the best for [Y/N].”
Jaehyun huffs, stretching out his back after being hunched over on the floor, groaning at the cracks it made, “I do, too, Kyung, you know that. I’ll try again tomorrow, thanks.”
After he hangs up and puts away the cleaning supplies, he scoops the sleeping puppy off the floor and lays it on his bed before he gets in beside it. He runs his thumb over the pup’s head, watching it slip back to sleep after making itself comfortable.
Although Jangmi’s suggestions were easier to do, he can’t help but agree with Minkyung; he can’t do this half-assed. Based on your journal entries, he’s really put you through difficult emotions that’s putting a gap between the two of you. He noticed how distant you’ve been or awkward with him the past weeks and he’s definitely sensed that you and Taeyong have been getting closer; even though you haven’t been on the date he got from the auction.
Was he jealous? Maybe. Just enough to fuel his desire of winning your affection back and be able to confess. He only hopes it isn’t too late.
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>>the second attempt
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