#15 minutes of zooming on my phone T_T
hirokari · 2 years
I hope you rest well, Mari!! <3 It makes me happy to see how nicely you deal with things, you're very tough indeed. ♡
That's awesome!! I hope your school year goes smoothly for you. My classes restart tomorrow and I'm honestly kinda scared of the amount of studying I'll have to do... (◞‸◟)
I've been doing ok, as I said, I'm just stressing over school before it even starts. But I know I have my family's support and I know I'm smart enough to pass this year. I'll just take it slowly and do my best, as always. And yes, I've been taking care of myself - enjoying my free time while I still can and making sure to stay healthy! (◠ᴗ◠)
- 🧋
ah!! no i'm late to answer!! how were your classes, bub? i'm sure with all the studying, you'll manage your time well anyway like the responsible pearl you are :> but be sure to take rests, okay? know your limits!
your fam is very sweet ^^ i hope your school has treated you well, bub! keep me updated, yeah? despite how inactive i am on this platform because of sophomore year starting,, i'll always want to know how you are!!!
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salmonmakiii · 4 years
Hiii I’d like to request a time stamp please! 01:25 with boyfriend Kuroo, all fluff pls 🥺
I’m sorry for the late updates T_T I didn’t know my college schedule will be THIS packed T_T Here ya go!
About : Kuroo x reader Note : Fluff, nekoma rich, Kuroo being a whiny boyfriend >:( Sorry if I have any mistakes!
“Tetsu! Stop laughing in my ear!”
You hit your boyfriend’s chest jokingly as he slowly calmed down from his laugh and let out a “sorry”.
Being stuck in quarantine with Kuroo was fun. For the past month, you two would either be cuddling all day in bed, trying new recipes from TikTok, making TikTok with him, or just lay around the house doing nothing. There are a few times where he had to do his work, but with the pandemic right now, he didn’t have a lot he needed to do.
You, on the other hand, didn’t have a job yet. You were about to find one but quarantine strikes first before you could. Kuroo was fine with it since his job could already fulfill your daily needs, that and maybe someone wanted you to be available whenever he needs cuddles after a stressful zoom meeting.
These days were just one of those days where you tow had been cuddling in bed all day, only to wake up a few times to get something to eat and then to go to the bathroom only to fall back asleep in each other’s arms.
That was a big mistake though. Both of you were now wide awake in the middle of the night and your boyfriend suggested to watch some of The Office episodes. The two of you got bored of it after watching five episodes, Kuroo then decided to go back to memory lane as he searched “iconic vines that…” on youtube and now both of your cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling.
When the youtube video ends, your boyfriend used his left hand to move the cursor to peek at the time while his right was still rested around your shoulders.
“Babe,” He called, you looked up from your phone to your boyfriend.
“I think we messed up our sleep schedule,” He let out a chuckle. You looked at the time on your phone and smiled.
“I guess we did,” You shook your head, fixing up your position to stretch out your limbs. Kuroo moved the laptop from the bed to the nightstand.
“You tired yet?” He asked, stretching his hands.
“Nope,” You smiled, leaning in as you kissed your boyfriend on the lips. Pulling back a little to stare at his handsome face. Kuroo gave you a grin as he leaned in once more to kiss you. You cupped his cheeks as he moved his lips on yours and you pulled back abruptly as you squinted your eyes.
“Why is your face so dry?” You asked, rubbing your thumb on your boyfriend’s cheeks.
“Dry? I don’t know,” He answered shortly, clearly uninterested in the current topic as he leaned down once again. You halt him and let out a laugh when he groaned.
“I have an idea!” You exclaimed, letting go of your boyfriend as you scrambled off the bed to go to your drawer.
“If it doesn’t involve you cuddling me and giving me kisses, I don’t want any part of it,” His child-like grumble made you laugh. You took out a few of your skincare products and put them all on the bed.
“We’ve been doing that for a whole day, Testu.”
Kuroo jutted his lips as he looked at you with those sad, cat-like eyes and his hair seemed like cat ears as it went a little droopy. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“We can have that after I put chemicals on your face.”
Kuroo muttered a “Fine,” as he scooted closer to look at the products on the bed.
“Now come on, let’s wash up our face.” You smiled at him, Kuroo groaned once again as he lazily made his way to the bathroom, his feet dragging on the floor.
“Come on!” You said, pushing him to walk faster to the bathroom.
Finally arriving at the bathroom, you gave Kuroo one of your hair bands. Your boyfriend looked at the hairband and then at you. If you wanted him to do things your way, might as well be a little hard to get.
“Can you put it on for me, please?” He asked in a gentle and yet teasing tone but you did as he asked, since he looked so cute. Now that his rooster hair was out of his face, he continued to put his face wash on his face, rubbing it and then applying it to his cheeks first, you follow after him with your own and you both decided to brush your teeth right after.
When both of you finished, Kuroo handed you your towel as he wiped his face with his. You thanked him and walked back towards the bedroom with Kuroo following behind you. You plopped down on the bed and grinned at your boyfriend who’s towering over you.
“Now, let’s begin!”
“You’re weirdly excited about this simple thing.”
You gave Kuroo your toner and he looked at you with an offended look. You tilt your head to the side and raised an eyebrow.
“What’s wrong?” You asked,
“I thought you were going to put it on for me?” He pouted, jutting his lips out.
“Tetsurou, I swear, you’re a child!” You laugh. Nonetheless, you sat crosslegged, putting two pillows on top of your legs and patting it, gesturing for him to lay down his head there.
Kuroo smiled victoriously and laid his head down, his body bounced just a little as he plopped his body on the mattress. He let out a sigh of relief when he felt your hand ran through his hair.
“You’re so spoiled,” You planted a kiss on his forehead and put a few drops of the toner to a piece of facial cotton. Kuroo only hummed as he relaxed when you pressed the cotton to his face, the pressure you gave him felt like you were massaging his face.
Putting the cotton and toner aside, you reached out to the mini-fridge near you to get those facial masks. Kuroo said something about that fridge being used for drinks, but you put in some of your skincare there anyways. You took out your facial masks, choosing the right one for your boyfriend’s dry skin. Kuroo was still closing his eyes, hearing you rummage through things.
“What’s taking you so long?” He asked, opening his eyes and looking up at you.
“I’m choosing a facial mask for you,” You said, not glancing at him as you continued to search.
“I’d take anything, honestly,” He shrugged, closing his eyes once more. You let out an “Aha!” and tapped Kuroo’s head. Your boyfriend opened his eyes to see you smiling.
“Wanna wear this one? It’s for dry skin.”
“Yeah sure.” He closed his eyes once again.
Kuroo knew what masks they are, he saw you wear it a few times around the house. He even got scared by you when you wore a black one. If he remembered correctly, this was the one where it was like cloth but soaked in some moisturizer…? He shakes the thought away and just went with the flow.
What Kuroo forgot was that this was fresh out of the fridge and it was cold. The second the mask touched his skin he jolted and sat up, looking at you.
“Jeez, babe! Warn me next time! That thing is below freezing temperature!” He complained and you laughed at him, still holding the mask with your fingertips.
“Sorry! Sorry! Lay down and let me apply it to you.”
Kuroo glared at you as he grumpily lay down on the pillow. You laugh silently and warned him by counting. Kuroo flinched a little at the sudden cold touch, but as the mask covered more of his face, he relaxes. You let out a content sigh and gently stood up, Kuroo noticed your absence and let out a groan.
“Where are you going?” He whined,
“Will you stop being a child, Tetsu?” You giggled, reaching for your moisturizer on the table across your bed. “I’m just going to do my routine.” You heard another groan leave him.
“When do I take this off?” He asked,
“In 15 minutes,” Kuroo groaned once more and reached for his phone beside him, opening his social media.
Fifteen minutes passed by pretty quickly. Kuroo had set up a timer and he immediately called out your name to take the mask off. You shook your head as you move from your comfortable spot on the bed. You peeled the mask off and he let out an exaggerated sigh.
“Finally! I’ve been waiting for ages.” He said. you saw him about to wipe his face with a towel and you quickly stopped him, pulling his face to you.
“Do NOT wipe them off!” You warned while Kuroo raised an eyebrow.
“But my face’s so slimy,”
“You’re supposed to spread it all over your face,”
You began spreading the excess serum on both of his cheeks, gently putting on pressure to massage his face. Kuroo visibly relaxed and leaned into your touch. A few seconds of massaging his face, you finally let go and moved back to lay down on your spot once more. Kuroo throwing his body beside you. His hand reached for the light switch on top of your bed and the room grew dark, the soft light from the closed curtains being the only light source.
“Now, where’s my cuddle and kisses?” Kuroo asked in a raspy voice.
His hands were already around you and his lips were grazing yours. You giggle at him before closing the gap between you. Kuroo’s lips formed a smile once you started taking the lead, that giddy feeling he always liked resurfaced. Kuroo initiated to put sloppy kisses on your cheeks but stopped and pulled back.
“Ack! Ew!” Kuroo stuck his tongue out as he tried to get rid of the weird taste in his mouth. You stared at him confused before understanding what happened.
“You tasted my night serum didn’t you?” You chuckled, Kuroo frowned and turned to you.
“Yeah, and it tastes BAD,”
“Well, what do you expect?” You laughed, pushing a hand through his hair.
“Something sweet! Don’t they have some kind of strawberry flavor or something?”
“They don’t, Tetsu.”
“Well, they should!”
A good five minutes went by as you hear your boyfriend's complaints before the two of you were out cold. In the morning though, Kuroo was surprised at how soft his skin felt as he looked at himself in the mirror.
“Babe! My face is as soft as a baby’s bum!”
Maybe he’ll let you take care of his skin-care from now on.
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victoriatvtravels · 5 years
January 27~28 2020
I woke up a little earlier than I had expected, around 9 am, because I just could not sleep. I had been anticipating this day for the past three months,to the point I looked up all the possible clubs I could join but when it finally came down to it, I’m reluctant to leave home. 
My flight is scheduled to leave Vancouver at 3:30 pm, so my family and I had an early breakfast at 10 am so I could still do some last minute throwing-things-into-my-luggage if I needed to. (Of course there were some things I definitely forgot but the past is the past and nine hours away by plane.) Arriving at YVR, it sunk in that I’ll need to carry fifty and twenty four pound suitcases by myself once I’m across the Atlantic (which I did with gREAT difficulty.) My suitcases were actually overweight, by half a kilo for my checked one and by a solid 5 kilos for my carry ons. It turns out that both the weights of my back pack AND my carry on suitcase needed to amount to 12 kilos (yikes, I didn’t know that). Thankfully the check in attendant was kind and allowed me to check the carry on suitcase for free, leaving my hands blessedly free for the plane ride. 
I breezed past customs quickly and without any difficulty, probably thanks to not having to have an entire suitcase go through the scanner! I was early by two hours, so I got to sit in the food court and enjoy my tea and Pokemon Go. Boarding was on time and fast since there weren’t any lost travelers, and cabin crew was v helpful in making sure everyone was buckled in on time by 3:30 pm. I was pretty surprised that the plane was full. By full I mean PACKED, there was hardly any room for my legs, let alone extra baggage. I had checked into my flight early the day before and snagged an aisle seat which gave me the opportunity to stretch my legs into the aisle every so often. Knowing that I had an additional hour and a half of travel time on a train, I tried to drink as much water, pee, and sleep as possible since no one will be able to watch my luggage after I leave the plane. The flight time wasn’t that bad, around nine hours, but the plane felt very very small and I’m not sure if that’s because there were a lot of people or if I was suddenly struck by claustrophobia or what.  
Disembarking was actually a struggle, the air traffic control actually sent out plane to a gate undergoing renovations, so there wasn’t actually a gate to we could walk out onto. We had to wait another 15 or so minutes for the crews to set up stairs and buses to shuttle us to arrivals which wasn’t too big of an issue since our flight was actually 15 minutes ahead of schedule. I was very confused after I was dropped off since I wasn’t too sure where to go to get to immigration. I followed the crowd until half of them split off to catch various connections. There was one very determined guy that zoomed with a purpose, and I thought that the purpose was the same as mine. Clearly, I was right, and UBC guy led me straight to the border control officers. I stuttered past them and wandered until I got to the baggage claim (which was HUGE.) Luckily, my suitcases literally just fell out right when I got there (many people on my flight were catching connections to elsewhere, so there weren’t much luggage at AMS.) When I was trying to leave though, an officer stopped me and I had to open everything up for their examination. Not that big of a deal but still a little annoying especially since I lost a suitcase lock during it. I walked around looking for a place in the airport that sold extra locks and when I found one it was 15€!!! I sucked it up and bought it because I’m paranoid LOL
Finally, I was released and I sat down to redeem my train vouchers. I had bought these ticket vouchers from ISIC and they were redeemable for two train tickets, making it so much easier for me to hop onto a train to my city. I wasn’t sure which platform had what trains, and where these trains were going, so I asked the guy manning the ticket info desk (who was engrossed in his phone) who directed me to platforms 5 and 6 for trains to Rotterdam. However, I didn’t expect there to be track disruptions, making a direct trip to Eindhoven impossible. I then had to consult the the NS app which told me to go to track 3 to catch an Intercity direct train to Venlo. I had to rush to switch platforms since the train would be pulling in in three minutes. I caught the train, but in my rush I think I got into the wrong car? or something, because there were no luggage racks and the seats available seemed to be priority seats. I had to choose between going upstairs or downstairs, but since the downstairs area had “Lounge” written on it, I thought that I wasn’t able to access it with my ticket, leaving me to go up. It was hard since the stairway was narrow and my luggage was big, but I persevered and made it through. I did take up quite a lot of room, so I ended up putting my smaller suitcase underneath the seat and my larger one next to me. My seat was at the back right before a wall, so I didn’t block the path or anyone’s way. Looking back, I’ll probably just sit on the damn priority seats because when I struggled my way back down to get off, there were regular people just chilling there. (Obviously I will get up for anyone that needs the seats, but it’ll probably save me a headache and back ache in the future.) 
By the time I got off at Eindhoven Centraal, it was around 1:15 or so, and I was ready for a shower and rest. I had a small problem trying to figure out which ticket gate had a scanner, but the problem was me not being observant since all you needed to do was to open up the barcode and hover it over the scanner plate  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . My hostel was a literal 3 minute walk from the train station so I pretty much speedwalked there. Upon check in, it turns out that you’re supposed to check in after 3 pm but they allowed me to do so early AND they upgraded my room!! But only for my 4 day booking before my semester stay there!!! The room itself is fantastic, it’s roomy, comfortable, and the bed is so soft but I can’t fully relax in it because I know I’ll have to pack up in four days to move to a smaller room (and I don’t know how much smaller it’ll be T_T). I went out to the market just across the street to grab some shampoo, toothbrush, etc before returning and eating a bit of food. I wasn’t very hungry, maybe since I was a nervous and homesick wreck, but a shower helped me feel more like a human being again. The hotel provided a hot water kettle but the insides of it were pretty gross so I took out and used my own hot water pot. I drank so much water because the air felt a bit drier than home? (dead skin was peeling off from my forehead and chin.) I decided to sleep early to feel better, but sleep was also a bit restless, since I woke up around 12 am, slept til 6 am and then woke up at 8 am. 
First day was busy, busy, busy! At least, I came a few days before school started! 
Money spent: 
Lock: 15
Food/shampoo/conditioner: 8.45
City tax at hostel: 14
Total: 37.45 €
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opepin · 8 years
february: week 4
20: ho hum. i was in much dull pain in the morning. i did work from home today and i worked on looking into using camtasia and recording videos in between meetings today. kevin didn’t have work today so he spent his time making ratatouille pasta for us for lunch. thank you <3 it was delicious haha. he also gamed until he got sick of dota 2. i exercised after work. i did 45 minutes of kickboxing with weights and then i showered right after so that my hair would dry in time for sleep. everything felt good (other than my stomach) today. like it was nice to work out at like 5-6 pm again and shower at an earlier time. we spent the rest of the evening watching ‘izombie.’ it’s getting more interesting. we had pasta for dinner but also ate pizza... we were really hungry for some reason? we didn’t get full, which was weird. i looked up why i felt like i wasn’t full and it’s because it’s my time of month. apparently bodies burn more calories during this time lol. so we ate half a pizza and some pasta. kevin vacuumed and swiffered while i got ready for bed. then we played some pokemon and i ko’d before 1 am. zzzz. here’s to spending more time with kevin on a weekday <3
21: i felt energized when i woke up and ready for work. the train was a bit late though so i got to work a bit later than i expected and i also took a nap on the train...so then i felt really sleepy coming into the office. the office was pretty full today! hehe. cole, charles, and i went to kane’s donuts and started our mid-morning off right. i love my t7 team. :) john sat at my desk yesterday because the heater was on (no one was there to turn it off) and the building was like 80 degrees and being in the separate office was even hotter :O haha good thing i didn’t come in. jim was also melting... the morning was hard for me because i was sleepy but i did learn more about camtasia and made a to-do list for myself. i had 3 meetings today so i had to juggle videos and meetings like yesterday. i realized that i can’t do video work in the office because it’s an open space and that i will work from home to do video work from now on.
i was in meetings for the rest of the day. i bonded with charles and cole over pokemon LOL and john was a bit bewildered about our generation because cole and i brought in our 3ds’s to work :P i left work at 3 pm after a meeting to catch the train before my last one at 4:30 pm. i picked up my memebox package and then got comfy and got back to work. after the meeting, i looked up where to eat for boston’s restaurant week and i got super excited. hehehe. then i made shiitake rice and prepped the veggies for dinner. i started exercising after and kevin came back. i finished exercising while kevin finished cooking dinner. then we watched 2 episodes of izombie while eating dinner and kevin made me feel bad about spoiling the show but then he revealed that he also knew -__-” JERK haha. then i got ready for bed and ko’d at like 1 am.
22: mmm i had a late morning. kevin went to work and then i got up, ate cereal, and went straight to recording and editing these video tutorials. it’s a lot harder than i expected and i’m not enjoying it as much as making templates for clients right now, ahha. i’m not comfortable with making video tutorials yet. i took a short break for lunch and watched the latest episode of ‘jane the virgin.’ i went back to editing and messing with camtasia until around 5 pm. it was a really chill day. i played pokemon for a bit and then made dinner. kevin was really tired for some reason and asked if he could just chill on the couch for a bit. he ended up taking a nap :P i made pico de gallo (a very chunky one), shredded lettuce, washed the black beans, made rice, and baked chicken thighs. i was in love with the salad i got with cole so i wanted to make it at home. when i started eating it, i realized that i just made chipotle...LOL. i really liked the chicken but i think if the pico had smaller chunks of red onion and tomato, it would have tasted better. we watched two episodes of izombie and then kevin went to game. i played some pokemon; i’m trying to get a razor claw from jangmo-o T_T it’s so hard. i gave up and then did 20 minutes of obliques and 35 minutes of kickboxing. this video hurt more than the 45 minute one! maybe i should skip weights for now. i went to shower and then kevin and i played pokemon in bed before sleeping at like 1:30 am.
23: lol i guess i’m working from home the rest of the week? it’s been hard trying to motivate myself to make tutorials and videos. i feel like i’m bad at explaining things and i need feedback. hopefully, phil lets me know what he thinks today. i made a small to-do list for the morning and then put on some music and tried to pump myself up. oh, my facebook cleanse has been going alright. i still open up my chrome browser and pause and then close it again because that habit has been ingrained in me. x__x maybe i should go for a full facebook deactivation? that seems too intense though. i also need to stop going on snapchat so much. i’m gonna start that cleanse soon too. haha i waste too much time on these apps when i could be playing pokemon (not being on facebook opened that up) or even reading. that’s my other goal. i think if i keep with this cleanse, i will be able to fit in both. i won’t give up my youtube videos though. the downside is that i usually find weird and interesting things on facebook to read and stuff, but i can also educate myself with reading.
anyway, it was a pretty productive day. i figured out how i want to approach the tutorials and etc. i got to talk with phil and sultan as well. we had a somewhat late and long client meeting, which ended my day at about 6:45 pm... i also was frustrated with catching the ultra beasts in pokemon so my mood was kinda ruined for the rest of the day. we ate leftovers for dinner and watched ‘izombie’ after i had a tantrum x__x then kevin dropped the corner iphone on my eyebrow bone on accident and i cried again LOL. it hurt :( but i think it was also because of the shock. kevin went to game and then i pushed myself to workout even though i was super tired from my emotions. i did an intense 30 minute tabata workout and i did 15 minutes or so of hip hop cardio. i haven’t done hip hop cardio in a while. then i showered and kevin and i played pokemon before bed and then we went to sleep at around 1 or 2 am. i caught a good nihilego before sleeping toooo.
24: i got up and scheduled things for next week. it’s a bit of a weird week so i hopefully will be in the office for 2.5 days and then the rest will be wfh for videos and late-ish meetings. then i got on a two hour training session and then right after, i microwaved lunch and then went into another meeting and after that, another two hour session. i caught 4 fairly good pheromosas and took a break from pokemon after learning that xurkitree is a pain in the butt to catch and to get a good one without a synchronized abra. blech. i spent an hour planning to start a video series called, “2MINShowcase.” it will be a series of videos showcasing products, brands, and services that i love and enjoy. i’m excited to start! it’s hard organizing and curating these collections though. i think i have one to shoot tomorrow! i’m going to shoot with my iphone 7 and edit with camtasia as a nice little exercise for now.
kevin stayed later than he expected and didn’t go climbing right after work. instead, he came back right when i was going to prep the pork cutlets to make tonkatsu. lol, i would have started prepping earlier if i knew. i turned off my work phone when i was done with work for the day and kevin sent messages there so i missed it by 30 minutes or so. well, we talked while we cooked together. kevin did a really dumb thing: put cold water in a pot of super hot oil. omg...it made a big oily splash when he did that and it scared the shit out of me. sometimes, he just doesn’t think in the kitchen... no one was hurt though, thankfully. we finished preparing dinner with no more kitchen incidents. we had tonkatsu spring rolls while watching the newest episode of supernatural. then kevin went to game after i felt like he insinuated that i am fat (he told me to exercise and i asked him if i should and then he continued to say that people run in the morning all the time and he compared all of the exercises i do to that. -__- then he said that he knows not to lift everyday but it doesn’t really apply to cardio. idk if you would get offended, but i did).
i think i actually ko’d for a bit and then woke up and did my damn 500 calorie burning popfitness video. then i showered and washed my hair. i don’t remember the last time i washed it LOL. it’s been a while because i worked from home basically the entire week. hmmm. anyway, i’m getting a little crazy from staying inside. i watched the free episode of the ‘try guys’ youtube red series and then went to sleep at like 2 or 3 am.
25: uhhhh my body was awake at 9:30 am but i got up at like 12:50 pm LOL. kevin made us breakfast: egg mcmuffin with leftover pico. i think the pico i made has a bit too much red onion... it’s upsetting my stomach in a way. i think i need to stop eating it lol. i watched ‘reign’ while kevin watched a dota game. then he tried getting a haircut but he had to wait after 9 other people...so he rq’d and got us bubble tea and then came back. after kevin left though, i went straight to recording my video series. the iphone 7 camera is soooo nice. i hate that my oneplus one always tries to auto-focus so it kind of zooms in and out. it’s so not cool. for some reason, it took 1-2 hours for my iphone to upload 17 1-minute or less videos to dropbox... so i sat and waited and edited as each clip came in. ugh. oh, kevin came back and then went straight to rock climbing. lol i lost track of time because of editing.
then i had to take a break and ate leftovers for dinner with kevin. we watched two episodes of izombie and then i went back to editing. i finished and tried uploading but then i was slowing down kevin’s connection so he restarted the router and i stopped (even though i was super excited about uploading it to youtube and facebook) -____-” so i just did hip hop cardio while he gamed. he finished his game like 30 minutes later and asked and i said no because it was too late for people to even see it if i posted it. ugh. i came back and uploaded it after my workout. then youtube took down my video T__T so i spent a few hours looking up youtube rules and violations and etc. then i finally went to shower and then i got in bed and played a few minutes of pokemon. it was like 4-5 am by the time we went to sleep LOL. kevin was up watching a dota tournament.
26: we got out of bed at like 2 pm or something LOL gg us. then kevin made us pico with scrambled eggs. it definitely made the red onion more tolerable. then he gamed for a bit while i finally uploaded my video to facebook, curled my hair, and then got ready for groceries. oh, we also planned food this week in bed. we didn’t need to get much because we’re going to new york on friday. so excited! we went to kam man and got some drinks to bring over to winston’s and jeanne’s along with groceries. we actually had to stock up on a few things so we did a lot of grocery shopping in general. then we went to roche bros and finally stopped at bj’s. we spent like 2 hours grocery shopping because i had coupons for bj’s and there were two coupon books so we had to check if each item we wanted was worth or not. we ended up getting more than what we needed...like chicken nuggets for example haha.
we got back, unloaded, kevin started cooking hong shao rou, i started laundry and cleaned the bathroom and then went to cutting apples for our puff pastry apple hand pies. it took me forever to find the recipe michelle gave me for the filling of an apple pie and also the other recipe i used to bake the hand pies and how to seal them as well. it was crazy. we ate dinner while standing and waiting for other things to cook. then i assembled the pies, put them in the oven and then we put up all of the artwork and posters we have gotten for the apartment so far. while kevin was putting up the final one, i took down our christmas tree. kevin finished putting it in the box while i showered at like 12:30 am or something. it was late af. i finished folding the clothes and then i stayed up a bit watching clothesencounters’ new video. i went to sleep at like 1 or 2 am but i think i actually fell asleep asleep at 3 am or whenever kevin got into bed x__X; this is what happens when you get up at 2 pm when you got shit to do LOL!
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