#160402 jikook
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi! do you know where the line "You are me, I am you" came from? was it first mentioned in Serendipity? or were the guys mentioning it already and RM included in the song? thanks!
I could take this to a very in depth and deep place, but I'll try to keep it more contained. I'm still on vacation technically, but can't sleep amd im just enjoying streaming SMFpt2 so I'm trying to catch up on all I've ignored over here on tumblr. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long anon!
Basically, did RM make up the phrase "i am you, you are me" (or vice versa) and the first time we ever heard the phrase was in Serendipity? No. Lol it in fact has orgins in kpop previous to Serendipity in the song by Zico, "I am You, You are Me."
English lyrics here (just a lyric video)
"I am You. You are Me" is also actually an ancient Mayan phrase, Essentially meaning "I am another yourself." It's basically used to describe being so similar to another person, it brings your connection closer and their is an ease of interaction and closeness there. For Mayans it was used as a way of honoring each other, as a statement of unity and oneness. It is not necessarily romantic in nature as a phrase. But both Zico and Jimin made it a very romantic connotation in their songs.
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Anyway, back to Zico... he released this song in January of 2016. And "I am you, you are me" is literally the title. Lol so Serendipity does not have first claim to the phrase in kpop at all either. We also know that BTS has been on friendly terms with Block B (Zicos group) and that they worked together for MAMA back in 2014 too.
During his MV, Zico basically matches by accident with this girl over and over again and says they are therefore destiny. One of the ways they match is through both ending up wearing bandaids on their fingers, the same finger.
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A few months later, at a fansign on 160402, Jikook were sitting next to each other and fans noticed they were wearing matching bandaids on the same hand. When a fan first noticed it on Jimin and asked about it, he said JK gave it to him. When a fan asked JK about it, he said he wasn't hurt and was just wearing it just because. Lol, it's a mystery. Why did JK decide to give a matching bandaid to Jimin? Why did Jimin just go along with it? (I know this one actually because his precious maknae gave him something, and Jimin has been whipped from the get-go. Lol) is it related to the MV and their first moment of acknowledging (or at least JKs first moment, I would fully believe Jimin just wore it because JK gave it to him, no questions asked lmfao) you are me, I am you? Who knows. Or maybe it was just coincidence of timing and still JK being flirty in his own goofball odd way that no one but himself probably understood. Lol but regardless, there is that connection there. Maybe intentional, maybe not. We will never know.
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Neither were hurt. So just a random little matching moment with cutesy bandaids courtesy of Jungkook. Just because. 😂 (also catch them in that black and white fit. For them to later on in the years get dubbed the black and white couple as a nickname lol).
ANYWAYS back to Serendipity, after it released and became the icon queen she is. Jikook fully adopted that song as their own and the first moment of them verbally going "I am you. You are me" happened in a run bts episode....
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And has since therefore continued consistently over the years with them. They sing it from Serendipity to each other too, not just saying the phrase. That is THEIR SONG. Which is an inherently romantic song, and therefore gives the phrase that romantic connotation in the way that they are using it. In my opinion.
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So were jikook using it before Serendipity, depends on what you think of the whole bandaid incident. Lol but not really. Were the rest of BTS saying it pre-Serendipity? Not really that we know of either. And while they may say it now, they say it differently then jikook do, who have made it a whole little thing with finger touches that they do silently to basically say it no verbally to each other or they sing the lyric to each other. Either way, making it fairly romantic lol but only after Serendipity was released. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So, your own thoughts will have to be formed about all of that and if there is any connection there on your own. Lol hope that helps though!
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook in Interviews, Photoshoots & Fansigns
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Just a small collection of posts about jikook in interviews or photoshoots during magazines, radio, backstage, or any other types of interviews theyve done over the years. Either answering about each other or cute jikookery moments that happen from them! With a few solo JM or JK interviews thrown in
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140614, Jimin Confession: Radio Interview
141006 Jimin's Diet Interview
150217 JKs Favorite Hyung
2015 "I think he just likes men" / 150515 Fansign
150516 Fansign, Backstage Cam & Interview
150908 Interview Softness
2016 "Be Your Future Boyfriend" / 160514 Q&A
160402 Bandaid Puma Fansign
160902 JK Bday Interview
2017 J-14 Interview / 170922 Fansign Moments
2017 HetNorm Questions / 171127 ILY on Radio
2018 Favorite Parts of Jimin
2019 Interviews w/ Skye Talks & Ellie Lee
2019 Jimin solo 6th ARMY Zip Interview
2019 Entertainment Weekly
2019 Japan Fancafe Vol 7 / Jpn FC Vol 7 Pics
190703, Connect on Stage: Anan Magazine
190706 BTS LA BBQ
2019 & 2020 KB Kookmin Bank Ads
2020 Cinema Review / 2020 ARMY Kit Photos
2020 Late to MBC / 2020 BE-hind Story Beef
2020 This or That / 200821 Apple Music
2020 97.3 Hits Interview / 200801 MOTS7J
2021 "My Heart Is His" / 210930 Seoul X BTS
2021 Jimin solo Weverse Interview
2021 BTS Game Show / 2021 JK Snack Time
2022 Weekend Interview
2022 Jimin Merchbox 8 / 2022 JK Merchbox 8
2022 Us, Ourselves and We Photosketch
2022 Special 8 Photofolio Reactions
2023 Goodnight Interview / 2023 JM in Aera
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