redsunns · 4 years
+ @19111992
                while hyori does have a gift that, if used properly, could prevent her from inconveniences like the one she’s in now, hyori’s also a fucking idiot. had be been the slightest bit preemptive, she likely wouldn’t be ( literally ) covering her ass from exposure to the big bad world. “hey--- hey!” she tries to be as unassuming as possible while calling over the closest passerby. nothing looks questionable about a girl drawing someone to a little alleyway. “don’t--- listen--- don’t freak out, just--- can i borrow your jacket? i have---” hyo turns and removes her hands from her butt, exposing her underwear through the rip in her pants. they’re bright red, and they match the embarrassed flush on her face and on the tip of her ears. “---i have a problem.”
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precicus · 4 years
                            𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐨𝐨   𝐚𝐧𝐝   𝐬𝐤𝐲   𝐟𝐨𝐫   𝟏𝟗𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟐   .
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                                   the brightness not only bothered his sleep,   but was enough to pull him out of a dream he could no longer remember.   well,   parts of it came flashing back as soon as he opened his eyes,   but even then it was hard to tell what was the product of his imagination and what actually had happened the night before.   he had been drinking to the point where most of the evening was nothing but forgotten,   apart from........    shit.
                                                                                                           where the fuck am i?
what he saw above him was for sure not the ceiling of his own apartment,   oh no.   as he let his gaze wander around his surroundings through half opened eyes,   he realized those were not the walls of his room either,   nor the sheets in his bed.   worst of all,   he could feel something–   no,   someone,   moving.   eungsoo wasn't huge on hookup culture and the last time he checked,   he wasn't dating.   the way he felt in that very moment was heavily foreshadowing the future,   how in his head this was nothing but a huge mistake:   a red flag concerning his very own behavior.   though he had a strong idea about who the person next to him was,   it took him a very long time to get the courage to even look.   none of the people he had been spending time with the night before were good,   nothing but a group of junkies   (   like himself   )   that in the end could get him in even more trouble.
                                                  but facing the truth was his only option,   ‘   sky?   ’
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hcwlin404 · 4 years
╰     *    incoming  starter    ›   @19111992​  '
                          the  devils  of  hell  had  one  job    -      encite  chaos  .  if  there  was  one  thing  hyuntae  was  always  good  at  ,  it  was  just  that  .  pressed  up  against  the  bar  ,  thin  fingers  danced  across  the  hard  wood  ,  drawing  mindless  shapes  &.  words  .  the  devil  wasn’t  too  sure  exactly  what  he  was  looking  for  ,  but  something  in  his  gut  told  him  he  would  make  tonight  fun  .  he  just  had  to  figure  out  what  THAT  was.                                                                     ‘ah’    he thought  ,  ‘..perfect’     
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                          the  devil  was  quick  on  his  feet  ,  long  legs  stretching  out  as  long  as  they  could  to  try  &.  quicken  his  pace  .  hyun  held  his  drink  in  one  hand  ,  keeping  it  close  to  his  chest  as  he  reached  his  hand  out  to  the  stranger  —  a  suspicious  look  painted  across  his  features  ,  “  now  i’m  not  a  stalker  or  anything  ,  but  you  seem  to  be  alone  tonight  and  well    -      i  figured  i  would  change  that  ,  ”  his  words  were  laced  in  such  a  cocky  tone  it  was  almost  pathetic  .  hyuntae  was  more  than  aware  someone  could  see  through  his  macho  -  man  facade    ,    yet    he  didn’t  seem  to  care  about  any  of  that  right  now  .  he  was  just  too  busy  trying  to  be  SOMETHING  he  wasn’t  . 
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bcddays · 4 years
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                                  hotel  stays  nothing  more  than  a  commonality  in  roman’s  life  .  his  self-proclaimed  boring  routine  something  others  would  spend  youth  dreaming  of  .  he  starts  to  lose  that  feeling  of  luck  as  he  struggles  to  see  much  of  the  positive  in  the  people  he’s  surrounded  by  . at  the  end  of  it  all  ,  what  is  he  meant  to  do  ?  try  to  lose  the  public  approval  through  loud  controversies  or  suffer  until  he  becomes  less  desired  ,  until  everyone  slowly  forgets  him  and  focuses  on  new  and  upcoming  talents  ?  he  prefers  the  latter  ,  as  miserable  as  he  is  keeping  at  the  disturbing  games  that  come  along  with  fame  .
                                     two  week  long  stays  aren’t  normal  ,  however  .  his  home  is  only  thirty  minutes  away  ,  but  it’s  too  big  .  too  empty  ,  lonely  ,  and  .  .  .  maybe  ,  to  an  extent  ,  he’s  avoiding  something  .  hiding  .  he’s  sure  valets  have  to  recognize  his  car  from  a  mile  away  .  roman  is  constantly  in  and  out  throughout  the  day  ,  and  maybe  it’s  an  added  bonus  that  one  of  the  valets  is  attractive  .  to  a  point  that  roman  has  memorized  his  usual  schedule  .  he  comforts  himself  by  reasoning  that  he  genuinely  sees  nothing  else  to  entertain  himself  with  at  the  time  .  
                                     tonight  a  slightly  different  experience  .  there’s  slight  stumble  in  roman’s  steps  as  he  climbs  out  of  the  backseat  ,  his  usual  driver  settled  in  the  front  .  he  laughs  to  himself  as  he  attempts  to  stand  too  quickly  ,  head  hitting  the  top  of  the  car  with  an  embarrassingly  loud  thump  ,  but  he’s  tipsy  enough  to  shrug  it  off  .  “  fuck  ,  “  he  finally  grumbles  once  he’s  on  his  feet  ,  looking  ahead  to  the  familiar  valet  and  finally  ,  after  weeks  of  merely  handing  him  keys  with  a  quiet  thank  you  ,  or  the  other  way  ,  he  maintains  eye  contact  .   “  someone  is  supposed  to  be  bringing  my  car  soon  ,  “  he  explains  ,  “  i  was  kidnapped  .  “  the  claim  is  followed  with  a  pout  ,  his  shoulders  falling  as  he  balances  himself  again  .  “  you  could  always  help  me  park  ,  uh  .  .  .  myself  .  in  my  hotel  room  .  “  a  heavy  pause  .  “  i  really  thought  that  would  sound  good  in  my  head  .  uh  ,  wait  .  wait  ,  i  remember  one  .  do  you  have  a  place  for  my  peter  to  park  . . .   er   ?  that’s  ,  i  mean  ,  it’s  fine  .  “  he  snickers  ,  so  focused  on  talking  that  he’s  shocked  to  feel  his  bodyguard  giving  him  a  push  to  enter  the  hotel  .  he  glares  at  the  much  larger  man  behind  him  ,  opening  his  mouth  to  complain  before  his  arm  is  grabbed  .  “  room  808  ,  “  he  rushes  out  ,  scoldings  from  his  bodyguard  for  giving  out  the  information  heard  as  he’s  led  away  . //  @19111992​
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pcstilnt · 4 years
“ your life is far more precious than mine. ” - to ronnie c:
« sentence starters //   open !! updating files.  「 ♡ 」 ━ *┊  @19111992
❛   at least we have that cleared .    ❜   emotions .  ronnie didn’t know how to deal with them .  a woman used to having her walls up  --- skylar was one of the   few    that had been allowed to see her in her most vulnerable of states .   when her claws were down and she let herself feel    free    .   hands cradled the burger he had brought over , mouth filled with fries .  when she was not cramming information for her exams into her brain,  scamming old fat pockets for money or dealing her drugs  .  she was at home .  a   h a v e n     for the woman that held poison on her tongue whenever she spoke .   she knew he had noted the bruise upon her cheek .  a gift from her father when he had come over a few days ago to check on her .  
daddy    dearest   wasn’t happy that his daughter enjoyed passing herself around .  a remainder not to   t a r n i s h     the jung name she carried . as if veronica ever cared for it ,  it wasn’t the first nor would it be the last time her father hit her . a man that only cared for the reputation of his name .   ❛   you can have some of my fries , if you’re done with yours .  no need to get sappy on me .   ❜   that was the closest he’ll get to her showing that he cared for him without voicing it fully .   actions were always better than words in her case . 
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redsunns · 4 years
@19111992 continued x.
                it’s not as though hyori hasn’t dabbled into some illicit activities before, but a one-time regret at a party she probably shouldn’t have attended in the first place doesn’t quite count as experience--- or one that she wants to define. hence: sky. hyo nods absently, holding her hands out in front of her and wiggling her fingers. she squints, first at her fingers, then turns her head to give sky the same look. “are you taking care of me?” it almost comes out accusatory like she intends, and if it weren’t for the easy laugh following after, it might have. “i know we met with my ass out but i’m good, swear. i’ll let you know when you need to hold my hair back when i puke. besides---” reaching out toward him, she wiggles her fingers again, trying to coax him to hand the blunt over. “---if you get to break the rules, i do too.”
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redsunns · 4 years
“ … why does this card say ‘ happy 3rd birthday ‘? “ to hyo c:
random sentence starters
status: accepting!!
                at first, hyo just blinks--- surprised because this definitely isn’t the reaction she was expecting when she so nicely got sky a card. a well thought out card too! she actually tried with this one! “well---” she’s offended, roughly tossing her pizza slice back into the box so she can walk him through her genius. “---there’s not really a card for ‘thanks for popping my drug cherry and literally covering my ass’ so i had to improvise. look.” she points to the front of the card, depicting winnie the pooh with... alterations. “it’s you. a little honey bear. cute little bear. very round, very nice---” she points to its paw next--- “i even drew a blunt! it’s you, you fuck!” her voice is beginning to raise, but only because she’s in true disbelief that this whole human being can’t see how much thought she’s put in. unbelievable. next, her hands move to open the card, where a gift card to a local lingerie store is tucked inside. “look! i’m funny! i’m fuckin’ funny--- fuck you!”
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redsunns · 4 years
it is so, so loud. everyone around you is talking, crowded together. despite how loud it is, you cannot hear them, even when they talk to you. you try to talk to them, but you can't hear their responses. you take this as no response at all. it feels lonely, and dark, despite you all sitting in the sun together, and everyone's having a great time except you. you keep trying to get their attention, and when you do, it never feels like enough. you can't keep doing more. it's tiring. you see yourself floating in space, it's cold, and dark. they're still down on earth, laughing, so loud. you desire to be seen right now. you feel unappreciated, you feel left out.
tagged by: @fleurissent tagging: whoever would like!!! but also @19111992
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