#2 Cor 5:7
sweet-euphoric · 1 year
My Spiritual Walk with Jesus
It's been 8 months since I've dedicated my life back to Christ.
I will most definitely tell you it is not all rainbows and butterflies. I still have trails and struggle, though so much has changed in such a small amount of time. Asking God to change my ways and for Him to guide me. He is the one who gives me the strength to continue on.
Romans 15:5 “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had.”
It was a summer night on June 2022, I was alone in my room broken, scared and empty. I reached out to God and called upon Jesus. God met me on my knees, He heard my cry. Once the Holy Spirit was given to me I knew how much He truly wanted to guide me and how much He loves me. How he is the Heavenly Father, wanting to protect, guide and teach.
I was overwhelmed by the love He had for me. I felt this weight come completely off for my chest. He didn't care about my past, what I had done and how much I resented Him.
2 Corinthians 5:17 -Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
Before Christ:
I use to be into the Buddhist religion, meditation, chakras and tarot cards. Like everyone else in this generation looking for self healing, focusing on myself trying to heal generational trauma. I had friends who were in this lifestyle as well.
I honestly was so lost, I smoked marijuana like most of my friends. Partied on the weekends, drank and smoked until I was sick. I began to down spiral silently, slacking on college assignments nearly giving up and withdrawing from school of nursing.
This also goes along with the LGBTQ+ community. This may be a sensitive topic to many and it was for me at the time. I was at the time identified as a lesbian.
I thought that was who I was, but how quickly God showed me what was good and what wasn't. It was as simple as that. As soon as I accepted Jesus as my saviour.
I just want to say to anyone who reads this that there is hope. God truly loves you He gave you His only son to die for us. So that we can live forever through Him. There's so much He can do through us so please today put your trust in Jesus <3
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
-John 3:16
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jazzonce · 9 years
We live by faith, not by sight.
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littlehomingpigeons · 10 years
Resolution So with everything going on, I haven’t been disciplined enough to focus on my personal development; I haven’t been following through on my New Years resolutions or my general aims or even taking particularly good care if my health. I haven’t been furthering my CV, I haven’t put the necessary effort into friendships, spent enough time with family and I’ve completely neglected my fitness. There has been no progress in the knowledge department and at this rate I’ll know less than I did in second year by the time I graduate. I’m tired all the time, can’t focus or remember anything, and never seem to achieve anything. This is not the way 2014, sixth year, MY YEAR was meant to pan out. And here’s a bunch if reasons why: 1. My youngest sister breaking her ankle in NZ while we we hiking, causing a traumatic 3 hours stranded on a mountain, a major change in travel plans, and prolonged stay in NZ when I was meant to be at home gearing for this year, hanging out with my nieces and nephew and actually having a rest. 2. The bush fires immediately after I arrives home from NZ, which I unfortunately got really up close and personal with. At least I know who I think about and how I react in imminently life-threatening situations. 3. My bike being stolen - I guess this is pretty minor in the scheme of thins, but it caused me grief. 4. My parents fighting intensely with each other and at times with me for over a month, such that we all thought they’d get divorced. I think this probably hit me the hardest if everything, because my family is my world, even though I live 300km away. And the situation wasn’t helped by a 21st (at which an ambulance way called) being hosted at our home in the middle of it all. It was so distressing to watch that, but hopefully it’s settled now.. 5. Bodily fluid exposure at hospital of a patient who potentially has hepatitis and goodness know what else. I actually don’t know what I will do if the results gone back positive for HIV or viral hepatitis. It’s a much bigger game changer for me than cancer or other chronic disease. I fear passing it on to my family or friends, even though I know the risk is so small it’s negligible. And in between all of these stressors and the lack if rest has been my role in my university’s global health group that has given me far far more work to so than I anticipated. I love the committee and our work, but it’s taking so much time away from my family.. So this is my resolution: decent bed times, early mornings, >45 minutes exercise daily, 5 minutes of prayer and self reflection daily, 20 minutes of personal development reading daily, 29 minutes of educational reading daily, “follow through”, “be bold”, and be adventurous. Be outside. Love the people who love me - generously and without reservation. Document things and stay accountable. Don’t settle and stop defaulting back to a position where I believe I need a husband in the future (especially if I have a blood borne virus..), and keep my eyes open to the beautiful things that God provides to me. 
I will be better.
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