#2 calls her queenie which has exactly the effect youd imagine of sputtering 1 sounds
defineshitposting · 2 years
who hogs the duvet
Both of them like to have a lot of layers when they sleep (when you are tiny and old it is easy to get chilly at night) but 1 is on another level with it. 2 curls up with the blankets 1 positively cocoons himself.
who is the most creative when it comes to gifts
2s the most apt to give actual presents. He'll gather up any piece of jewelry or pretty fabric he finds out in the ruins, hoard it away for a bit, and then surprise 1 with an extravagant bundle of treasures. Floors 1 every time. 1 meanwhile will spot any sort of technology and very bashfully offer it to 2 like "is this? useful?" (inventing is not in 1s repertoire lol) and 2 is always over the moon about it.
who suggests new things in bed
2. Besides the fact that being an anthropology nerd means he's already fascinated by such things, he finds the way that 1 is always always scandalized by these suggestions incredibly amusing, especially given that 1 is perfectly capable of his own debauchery.
who cries at movies
2s the most prone to getting misty over sad movies, but at one point they're all watching a Charlie Chaplin flic (City Lights) and while 1 is mostly ambivalent about it, he bursts into tears at the ending, surprising everyone. He is not immune to sappy nonsense.
who gives unprompted massages
2, he's so touchy-feely! 1 will show the slightest inkling of discomfort and 2 will immediately be directing him to sit down and let him work on whatever joint is being bothersome. 1 does not object.
who fusses over the other when they're sick
In a complete 180 of his previous attitude of "go tend to your wounds somewhere that won't annoy me" 1 postcanon is much more attentive. 2 deals with lingering effects of being attached to the Seamstress, and while 1 is nowhere near the healer 2 and 5 are, he's stubborn and also surprisingly tender, which is often exactly what 2 needs. On the other side of it, 2 is 2. He's gentle and excellent at telling when something is Off TM, which when dealing with someone as full of himself as 1 is a very good asset to have. Comforts 1 when he has a (not uncommon) nightmare too.
who gets jealous easiest
He's slowly yet surely unlearning it but it's definitely 1 lmao. 2 will go out scouting with one of the others and 1 will just grumble and sulk for the rest of the day very dramatically.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
They both have their moments lol. 2 lovesssss music so much and will hum along to it happily once he's learned the tune. This is a favorite. 1 also loves music but feels the need to be private about it. Gets caught singing by himself one time and is so flustered about it meanwhile 2 is completely heart-eyeing.
who collects something unusual
2 has a thing with anything clockwork, so he's slowly gathered a large amount of watches that he greatly enjoys fiddling with. 1s appreciation of jewelry also means things sometimes get a little gnarly lol. He once found a lone gold-capped tooth in the ruins, and after ruminating over the disturbing implications of it being there, pocketed it.
whose the most tidy and organized
2 isn't necessarily disorganized, it's more just a case of eccentric dad who has a complete jumble of things in various drawers yet manages to know exactly where each item is. 1 on the other hand is nearly obsessive with things looking neat. Adjusting lights by a few millimeters, smoothing the tiniest of ripples out of the rugs, the whole nine yards.
who takes the longest to get ready
1 by a mile lol. Only under the direst of circumstances will he actually hold off on making sure he looks his best and 2 finds it soooooo endearing right up until they're actually in a rush at which point he starts pacing.
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Ordinarily it's 1 (taller, likes to grab, shoulders perfect place to plant face, etc) but the first time 2 sleepily curls up around 1 and Holds him, 1 has a complete bluescreen moment in the best way.
who gets the most excited about the holidays
2 to a huge extent he loves loves loves holidays. Finds them utterly charming. 1 thinks they're ridiculous human constructs up until Valentine's rolls around, upon which his opinion improves considerably.
who gets most competitive
1 of course always wants to be seen as powerful and competent, so he hates losing at any of the group's games. Losing to 2 at sparring isn't his favorite thing, but at least 1 gets a chance for some eye candy
who starts the most arguments
Obviously 1 lmao. Not even necessarily serious things (although that happens too) he just loves bickering. 2 puts up with it because despite the sunshiney exterior, he likes letting off some steam with a good row every now and then. Good enrichment for the both of them lol.
who suggests a pet
Less of a suggestion and more of a running joke, but 2 frequently states that 1 is a cat person. This remains an inside joke until 6 hears it and draws a very mr bigglesworth + dr evil type picture of 1 with a cat that 2 finds hysterical. 1 is slightly less amused.
what couples tradition do they have
Reading together! 2 prefers nonfiction while 1 likes dime novels, especially mystery. They take turns on page-turning duty.
what other couple do they hang out with
5 and 9! 9s absolutely ecstatic over them getting together but it takes awhile for 5 to stop constantly giving 1 the "if you so much as hurt his feelings I'll make you wish you'd stayed dead" eye lol.
how do they spend time together as a couple
Lots and lots of relaxing together. They'll often chat for a while but much of their (non fooling around) alone time is spent in comfortable silence. Similar to the others, winter is spent together hunkered down where it's warmest.
who made the first move
The first declaration of love came from 1, and the first steps of actually making it a relationship came from 2 soon after. Took them both awhile to get there, there were lots of things that had to be said and done first (especially on 1s part), but once they got there it came easily.
who brings flowers home
2 has a long term project of getting the few surviving orchid seeds he found to grow, simply because he caught 1 admiring an old botanical drawing of some. He's eventually successful and the plant becomes 1s most prized gift.
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