#2 guys in a room unable to naturally transition between topics
dciji-blog · 7 years
( * shin deiji . )
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scanning shin deiji, he is twenty-two years old and read as audacious but hazardous, which explains why he is referred to as the scelestic. before virtual reality he was battling multiple personality disorder and living in japan. he’s been said to look incredibly similar to park jimin, but he’s never seen it. in this new virtual world, he plans on finally taming his temper and hopes to never go back to reality.
trigger warning: multiple personality disorder, abuse ( physical, emotional, sexual ), death, murder, violence, blood, adoption.
heeeeeeey-ho, your favourite friendly neighbourhood loser sky is finally here to talk about her beloved Angel™. she/her, twennnnney & from cest aka gmt+2, a nerd. but !! i’m not important here, my baby is sooo i’m really fckn hoping you guys are down for reading some perhaps confusing shit bc i plan on rambling a lot eeek ok here we go.
ps. i hope no one is triggered by this. if you have a problem with any part of my bio, feel free to contact me but only if you genuinely have a problem with it & not because you wanna be an asshole. ok ty~!!
pss. i know that it might seem Extra, introducing so many dark topics here, but abuse, separation & depression are believed to be among the main causes of mpd, so they needed to be included.
psss. i won’t actually be portraying the mental illness itself. it’s only present in my love’s past.
of course shin deiji isn’t a real name. shin deiji doesn’t exist in reality. at least not with this face. the name they’d attach to his solemn features back home was gang jinyong. jinnie.
born twenty-two years ago on november 11th in ilsan, south korea, this scorpio was raised by a single mother with occasional, undesired appearances of his sperm donor ( his father, but he doesn’t deserve to be called that ).
he was a result of a loveless act, a drunken hookup that failed to turn into anything more. a product of reckless infidelity. his mom, min seo, was a college senior & the guy, jiho, was the owner of a local pub, a married man with two children. when she discovered that she was pregnant & that he was married & uninterested to help her with the baby, she threatened to ruin his marriage if he did not support her financially.
he did so during her pregnancy. she kept asking him for help even after giving birth ( naturally, bc her parents didn’t want to support her & she had to drop out of college so she had no income whatsoever. couldn’t work bc who’d take care of tiny jinnie then ? ). he found them a decent apartment & gave her a job at the bar. jinnie grew up in that bar and watched men catcall, emotionally & sexually abuse his v young mother night after night. he even witnessed jiho slap her a couple of times when she asked for a raise or complained about the regular customers being nasty towards her.
min seo, bless her soul, was a wonderful mother. she put her child first and would rather starve than let her kid walk around hungry. but during the years of torture she became very mentally ill & she would snap at jinnie during her breakdowns. afterwards, though, she’d fall on her knees in front of the tiny kiddo & apologise, kiss his little cheeks & forehead.
when he grew up, he became a victim of the drunks as well. i don’t feel like writing about that now, it was too nasty.
experiencing all of this first hand, more often than not, jin would lock himself away & daydream about a better life. either a life where he was capable of protecting himself or a life in which he was appreciated. those two were among many scenarios he’d get lost in. 
while he was still young he dealed with some blackouts & memory loss. he couldn’t figure out how he ended up standing in a particular room. he couldn’t remember certain conversations or things he had done. it was a rare occurrence at first, but as he got older & more plagued by tragedies, it became more frequent.
min seo, believing she was doing the right thing, gave jinyong away when he was eleven. he would’ve been taken away from her anyway, since she was deemed an unfit parent & jin was growing up in an unhealthy environment.
the separation made his illness even worse, it really did. that’s when he had the most alts who distracted him. however, all of them merged and then split into two, leaving jin only with jiu & jeaki.
he was adopted by won mina & jongin, who moved to tokyo, japan with him a year later.
he went to school there & was a remarkable student who was especially interested in nanotechnology.
personality-wise, he was more of a quiet type. not shy but he didn’t like to speak when he had nothing smart to say. blunt af, honest. though, still considerate & kind.
the only major alt that survived besides his most prominent one, jeaki.
jiu loves fashion more than life itself. sometimes jin would wake up in piles of new clothes & then look in the mirror and see that his hair’s grey or pink   ------   that’s mostly how he discovered when this alt was in charge of his body. jiu always styled his host. other alts didn’t really care about that, but would sometimes sigh at jiu’s extravagant fashion choices, cashmere suits & silky scarves, while going through the closet.
jiu wasn’t delusional, he knew he was not actually a fae prince, but he liked to view himself as one. no one ever praised him, so he took it upon himself to praise himself.
he was created to battle sexual abuse & the depressing lack of love jin was dealing with.
sweet af. pure. heart of gold. god of love. lecherous. classy.
heart-shaped sunglasses. dimmed lights with a rosy glow. tasty, edible lip scrubs. summer.
main alt. he came when jin was feeling helpless. when anger was bubbling inside of him & ached to be released. he was initially envisioned as a protector of both jinyong & his mother, but soon jin could no longer control him & jeaki became a separate personality with a mind of his own. he started appearing more when jin moved to tokyo to live with his adoptive parents. with a tongue as sharp as a razor & steel knuckles that aren’t afraid to fight back, he failed to manage his wrath whenever he was present.
he was aware of his host & other alts and he wanted to do everything he could to be the most superior alt, often engaging in conflicts with them in jin’s mind even when he was not controlling his body. he managed to consume a couple of minor alts.
he’s not your typical murderous alt you know in media. no, he was never violent just because and he was never aggressive when unprovoked. as i said, he was there to fight back for jin, who was too afraid to do it himself.
thunderstorms. static noise. heavy eyeliner. danger. sore knuckles. bruised skin. jumping out of a plane. taking risks. cats. glares. autumn.
the night of doom: jeaki didn’t have the time to change from jiu’s ridiculous clothes. he needed to go out & get some fresh air. he was angry. mina yelled at jin because of a bad grade, not knowing that he, jeaki, took that test insted of jinnie. jeaki was the one feeling worthless so he needed to go out & cool down. but when his anger management issues combined with a street thug calling him out on his ( jiu’s ) fashion choices & using slurs ( reminding him of his days back at the bar in ilsen ), he could only see red. he started a fight without the intention to end a life, but that’s what happened.
jinyong came back to his senses in the middle of the street with dirt & blood on his knuckles & face, beaten, but without a sign of the other’s body anywhere around him. he had no memory of what had happened, but he was having a panic attack & didn’t trust his adoptive parents enough to ask for help.
not long after that jinyong was tracked down & supposed to be charged for murder but a psychiatrist managed to prove that jin had dissociative identity disorder, so they placed him in a mental hospital.
alone, terrified & clueless of jeaki’s deed, jin cried his eyes out in his room in the hospital, until everything around him started pixelating.
present day. no, there was not an epic war between alts & their host in order to determine who’d be the cured version of him in this world. it was peaceful. fragments of jin, jiu & jeaki merged in order to form a boy who thoroughly knows himself, but doesn’t know how he’ll react to anything. the voices from his head are gone   ------   they all speak at the same time when he opens his mouth.
seeing how he’s the perfect harmony of the three boys that used to live in his body, he couldn’t choose one of their names. he also didn’t want to be associated with anything from his past. that’s when he adopted the name shin deiji, deiji meaning daisy, his mother’s favourite flower. he might introduce himself to you as daisy rather than deiji if you don’t speak korean.
depending on what kind of person you are, you will be shown an appropriate side of deiji’s personality. so, when a couple of different people sit down and start talking about deiji, they might realise that it sounds as if they’re talking about different individuals.
he doesn’t trust people easily. he’d rather die than let anyone lay a poisonous hand on him again. he sticks up for himself. he’s his own protector and best friend. he’ll play you before you even think about playing him.
him not trusting people doesn’t mean he doesn’t engage in various interactions with them. he loves to charm his way into people’s lives because he’s no longer scared that he’ll blackout & do something that he won’t remember afterwards. something that he won’t be fully aware of & unable to control.
hooo, boy. he’s so angry. if you’re rude to him, he’ll be twice as rude to you. always wants to one up others. always. if you’re playing a game ?? he will lie & cheat & do everything to win. then lie about lying & cheating. if he still loses, expect a hissy fit.
god. affection. give this boy affection. would 11/10 die if someone cuddled him. especially when he’s being Extra with his raging, burning anger. he’d just ... melt tf away.
loves to party ?? he doesn’t have to take his medication anymore, but that doesn’t mean that he’s going to drink and get high every chance he gets. get those nasty substances away from him. they took his mother away.
he’s forgiven his mother for every single bad word she directed towards him bc he knows what it’s like battling a mental illness. he’d give anything for a chance to see her again & tell her that he loves her.
nanotechnology is still the love of his life & he’s still such a nerd and wants to know what tf is up with this virtual world & figure out how it works but like ... he’s a scared bambi that fears that he’ll get sent back to his own personal hell if he tries to figure out what’s going on.
so rly what he’s focusing on rn is becoming an actor because he has all these FEELINGS that need to be expressed without having a poor individual who’d be hit by that tidal wave. he rly wants to act, he thinks that will help him a lot. the idea of finding roles that would fit each of the personalities he previously consumed makes him all giddy.
pansexual & rly just a sexual person afaf.
so ... basically what i’m giving you here is a screaming nerd who loves to flirt. ok. should’ve only written that. rip.
if you’re still confused: he no longer has mpd. call him deiji/daisy. don’t yell at him. unless you want bad shit to happen ??
if you’ve read all of this, you’re my new best friend & i love you more than anything glrwbgowgo. come plot with me !!
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erindatesla · 7 years
The Great Pretender
March 27, 2014
After living in Los Angeles for more than a year, I finally dated an actor. His best role yet was acting like he didn't have girlfriend.
Shake Rattle and Roll: How We Met
I was dancing the night away to some Golden Oldies at Harvard & Stone when he and his pretty boy face glided into my world. I wasn’t sold on him immediately. There were a lot of cute boys around, plus dancing with one guy versus a group of friends can be a a drag. I just wanted to do the twist, ya know? However, he continued to stand out among the crowd and his dancing was unrivaled.
Eventually, ignoring him was no longer an option and we danced until they turned the music off and lights on and then danced some more when they played just one more song after closing. At the end of the night he pulled me close during a slow song and my face dodged his. He said, "don't worry, I know we just met” and unable to stop myself I said "but it feels like I've known you forever."
We sat at the edge of the stage ignoring the bouncers that were urging everyone to leave and had our first conversation. “So I should probably get your number,” he said. I obliged and we said goodbye six times before we really said goodbye, and even then we met again out front and made small talk while I waited for my ride. He asked when he could see me again, interrupting himself to walk over to my friends sitting on the ground a few feet away. “May I see your friend Erin again?” I melted. On my Lyft home I got a text from him, apologizing to my friends for being "that guy" they had to put up with, and this:
Then He Kissed Me: The First Date
After some debate about scheduling we decided on Monday, which was Saint Patrick’s Day, with the understanding that I’d leave immediately if he didn't show up wearing green. He picked Molly Malone's as our meeting spot because I'm "pretty fucking Irish" and he used to be in an Irish folk/punk band. He showed up late but wearing green and bought us a round of drinks. Conversation flowed naturally from the get-go, as did the Jameson and Guinness, and I noticed he had a sweet but subtle southern drawl.
We migrated toward the live music and he was super into the band, but we still managed to talk a lot. He knew an impressive amount about Irish culture. We traded tales about our visits to Ireland before transitioning to the “get-to-know-ya” part of the night. Then, I learned that he writes and records music for an artist I'd actually heard of, but his real passion is acting. However, he doesn't like to talk about it because 'everyone's an actor in this town.'
After a long night of music and chatting he offered me a ride home since I’d taken an Uber, and when I got in his car he grabbed my face and kissed me.
When we got to my building he parked and invited himself up to meet Dracula, who he was determined to befriend. Within minutes Dracula had drawn blood, so we moved somewhere more comfortable to kiss a bit more. A perfect gentleman, on his way out he asked if he could take me dancing again on Friday. I told him I was busy but could go the following Friday and he asked if he’d have to wait that long see me again. We settled on Thursday for our second date.
You Really Got a Hold On Me: The Second Date
Cautiously optimistic, I wondered if he'd flake because it was too good to be true. The Wednesday before our supposed Thursday date I asked if we were still on and he said "I think I can make that happen. So THERE." I suggested we make pizza at my place and that was that.
Still sure he was going to flake on me because of geographical (LA) and generational (twentysomething) trends coupled with personal experience, I was both flabbergasted and thrilled when he texted me Thursday, unprovoked, to confirm that he'd be over at 8.
And then he actually showed up. We talked while the pizza dough rose, catching up on our day and week. He helped me punch down the dough and form it into a ball before I pressed it into that perfect circle and topped it with my homemade sauce and some fresh mozzarella. We listened to records, mostly Elvis, while the pizza baked, which took forever since the sauce weighed down the delicate dough (something I need to perfect).
While we ate he asked me 20 questions about my love for and experience with pizza, a topic I love to discuss. We migrated back to the living room where he casually investigated the photos I have around the room and my craft space, which was a mess. Full of pizza we continued listening to records, this time a Rilo Kiley album he hadn’t heard. He leaned in and casually asked, “are we gonna make out or what?” He thanked me for dinner, darlin', and asked when he could see me again.  We agreed on Sunday and when he asked what I wanted to do I told him “see you.” He suggested the flea market and I wondered if this was real life. Really, a GUY invited ME to the flea market?? This is what dreams are made of.
Why Do Fools Fall in [Unrequited] Love?
Saturday night I texted him to confirm plans but I didn't hear back. I had that bad feeling. You know in old movies when the teenage girl sits by her phone, waiting for her crush to call? Her mom and friends are like, don’t sit around waiting for him, get a life! Well, that was me, except I was mobile because it’s 2014. Cursing every person that contacted me who wasn't him, I stared at the screen wondering what technological error could have occurred that misplaced his text in transit. Eventually on Sunday I texted him again and by lunchtime I made other plans.
Familiar with the crushing feeling of an unrequited text, I decided to turn my day around with some new shoes and a date with my dad. As I pulled on to my favorite street in Long Beach around 2:30 pm, I got his unapologetic reply: “Hey. Just woke up. Late night. I don’t think this afternoon will work.”
Suspicious Minds: I think you have a girlfriend
This sudden "change of heart" (read: disinterest) had me wondering, and social media lent itself generously to my cause. Although we’re not connected on any channels, he’s also not private – a foolish move on his part.
Upon finding him on Facebook it was obvious there was a girl in his life but also easy to assume it was his recent ex-girlfriend since she was in Atlanta and he's here in LA. When I didn't hear from him Sunday morning, I checked his Facebook out of morbid curiosity, only to discover that he’d tagged who I thought was his ex in a post at 4 am.
When he officially cancelled Sunday afternoon, I got suspicious. With just a handful of scrolls and a few clicks I found that his “ex” had two Facebook pages: one for her professional life as a cocktail waitress and one for her real life, which lists her in a relationship.
For closure one-way or the other, I text him Tuesday to see if he wanted to reschedule. No reply.
Between his girls' in a relationship status on Facebook and several other social media confirmations, I'm now 100% sure he has a long distance girlfriend who happens to be in town this weekend.
Hound Dog: Now what?
There's the moral dilemma: do you tell the girl? send her an anonymous message?
Then there's the vindictive side of things: do I hope he's at the bar this Friday and slap him silly? do I text him incessantly knowing that his girlfriend is in town this weekend, blow up his phone so she has to ask who the hell is texting him so much?
I could play dumb: text him, "hey, you kinda left me hangin Sunday..." (a reference to when he first texted me, smoooooth) part of me wonders if he'd come around when his girlfriend left town and try to pull of a girlfriend in each state.
There's massive social media shit storm potential: I could seriously be a private investigator for a living with the (sick) skills I have. The potential damage I could do is astounding. (I won't because like, ethics and dignity.)
Then, there's nothing. I could just do nothing and continue to feel like I'm in a daze, numb from shock that I was unintentionally the other woman.
What would you do?
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