#2 way humidity control packs
f1-05-writer · 6 months
Blurb: Redbull racing welcomes a new doctor to the medical team but she the boss daughter and has caught the eye of max verstappen…
So this is the first part of my story hopefully you like it! It will be a bit of a slow burn!
Part 2 posted!
Length: 1145 words
I brace my knee braced on top of the hard plastic and give an almighty pull of the zipper and yet it still doesn’t budge. The sheer amount of clothes I’ve crammed in are refusing to be contained. “Come on you can do this!” I mutter, trying desperately to psych myself up. With a final burst of brute strength, the zipper eeks closed. “Fuck yes!!” I shout triumphantly settling down on top of the conquered suitcase. I survey my surrounding and settle further into my new position, realising that this is the last thing I have to do. My apartment is now fully packed up. However, the tranquillity of this moment is quickly interrupted by the sweat on my forehead making it's presence known, I grimace as the hem of my shirt comes up wet after swiping it across - Brisbane humidity is not something I will miss. After being here for five years for my medical degree, I'm ready to leave. To do something new. The first stop of that is heading to Bahrain –for the first Grand Prix of the year. Just as I'm about to stand and start wrangling this stupid suitcase out the door of my flat I hear the ear-piercing ring of my phone. Muttering out a curse at the stupid tone and swipe to answer not bothering to look at the name – I already know who it is based on the fucking ringtone.
“Hi Dad, what are you calling for” I query
“Y/N/N,” he starts with, using the shortened version of my name, “I can’t wait to see you again only a few more hours till you are in Bahrain with me! The start of many races together. I was just calling to check that you’re all sorted for the plane – it will be on the tarmac waiting for y-”
I do a double take at that comment and “Wait what! I've already booked my flight you didn’t need to send the plane down – I’ve told you it will make people look at me differently if they see me coming in on the company plane – they will think I only got the position because of you!” I screech, running my hand through my hair, this however, does nothing to sooth my frustration as my fingers get tangles in my mess of curls. Whilst my battle rages with my curls dad continues unperturbed, “Darling, you know that’s not true I had nothing to do with the selection process for Dr Trome.” I finally freed I continue exasperated “I know that dad, but other people don’t! it already hard enough people think I get handouts for being a girl and now people will say I only got it cause I'm RedBull’s Team principles daughter”
My father, Christian Horner sighs “I'm sorry darling, I just wanted to make your day easier – will you at least take the car from Bahrain airport to the track?”
I mull my options over – an Uber on Grand Prix week will cost me and arm and a leg, I know shit about Bahrain public transport and nor do I particularly want to wrangle my luggage around on it. Knowing my options are slim to none I agree to the car picking me up. Pleased with my answer my father finishes the call with a rushed I love you. `
I look down at my phone and my heart drops “FUCK” I scream. Frantically I grab everything do a curtesy sweep of my flat – it was really nothing to write home about – despite my very wealthy parents I am determined to make my own way – I want my successes to be mine, that everything I have earned in life is due to my own hard work not my last name, not my parents’ money but my skill. Jumping into a Taxi without a second to spare if I want to make my flight on time, I tell the driver to head to the terminal. An excruciating  25-minute drive later I arrive. With barely enough time to breath, I make it in time to check in. Finally, I have a chance to breath once seated on the plane – I'm always on edge in airports, the sheer mass if people, the lack of control it all sets me on edge. Checking my emails for the details of my position with Dr Trome.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you are traveling safe and once again congratulations on securing the position
Now that you are on your way, I just want to reaffirm what the expectation and the duties that this position involves –  you are my one of back up team doctors you will be mainly responsible for the wellbeing of your assigned driver – this has yet to be determined but you will be informed once you have arrived in Bahrain.
This includes a whole multitude of aspects but as this is merely an internship with RedBull Racing’s Medical team you will NOT be responsible for making decision merely informing me of your proposed medical plan and talk through the rational with me, we will then decide the course of treatment – this experience is meant to challenge you showing you what life as a team doctor is like – the taxing pace of travel, athletes in their peak physical health and give your hands on training.
When you land at 4pm please come straight to conference room 140E for the run-down of operations.
Once again Congratulations and welcome to RedBull Racing
Kind Regards,
Dr Trome
Unable to contain my excitement a wide, slow smile spreads across my face. This is it. The start of a dream. Heading into medical school I was unsure of where I wanted to end up hospital rotations left me feeling drained and unfulfilled – I yearned for travel and excitement. My view of hospitals was probably warped due to the pandemic, but I was desperate not to suffer through that now. When the medical faculty at university had posted about an internship at RedBull racing I just couldn’t pass up, I dared not speak a word to my family about this – I knew my father would inject himself into the situation despite my protests and the obvious ethical violations. So, I quietly applied, not telling anyone and then 3 months ago after the whole interview process was complete, I got the internship. And that’s why I now find myself seated on a plane headed for Bahrain. I look out the window imagine the exciting possibilities that await me when this plane lands
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, the current time in Brisbane is 6pm the flight time to Bahrain is approximately 18hours and 45 minutes so settle back, get comfortable and enjoy your flight. We thank you for flying with us.
I settle into my seat and get ready for the start of my new life.
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incubum · 2 years
hi i love ur jesse pinkman fics you write him so well!! was wondering if you could write something abt him going down on (or 69ing) a transmasc reader after a smoke session together? ty!!
i have been working on this request for months i promise i haven't been ignoring it. BUT HERE IT IS!
no d/s undertones, transmasc reader, basically what's in the ask :)
summary: he couldn't quite see what you were doing, but the image of how you two looked right now clouded his brain; it was like an aerial view, the two of you covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his dick halfway down your throat and his face buried in your core. his face was soaked, all the way from his nose to his chin, and he didn't mind it at all.
part 1 part 2
word count: 3k+
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42659277
days off work are the best days. days where jesse can wake up next to you and spend all day in bed if he wanted to. off days came few and far between; especially since gus put mike up to babysitting him nearly every single day. it was even rarer for him to be off on the same days that you were off.
he had begged you to quit your job and let him take care of you. you had all kinds of excuses, all of which he was far-too-willing to take care of for himself. things like 'i have bills and rent, jesse' and 'i still technically don't live with you' and 'supporting a whole other human being is a lot more expensive than you think'. he didn't care. he had more money than he would ever be able to spend in his lifetime. he wouldn't pressure you, though.
what jesse would, do, though, was sit behind you in your spot near the edge of the bed, arms wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder as you played some video game he wasn't entirely invested in. he thrived for moments like this, and any ounce of intimacy he could get his hands on. normally he would be playing with you, but your skin was too warm and inviting for him to bother. he briefly contemplated falling asleep.
jesse's hand traveled up your stomach, and over the flattened surface of your chest as he placed a few quick kisses on the skin between your shoulder and your ear. he stopped his movements to tug lightly on the scratchy fabric of your binder. it had gotten incredibly hot and uncharacteristically humid in the ABQ that day and you both rid yourselves of your t-shirts hours ago.
"off." he muttered, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck, "we've been in bed basically all day. you can take it off."
you groaned softly, only slightly fucking up at whatever you were doing in-game. he gave you a small window of opportunity to respond, and when you didn't, he continued.
"i can get you a shirt if you just wanna be covered up. you're gonna hurt yourself." jesse's eyes were closed as he pressed his face against your skin and his fingers found their way to the clips on the side of your binder, tracing them mindlessly. the fabric was getting stretched and the clasps were worn out; he made a mental note that it was about time for him to buy you a new one.
this time, you paused the game, and placed the controller next to you on the bed.
"fine, but can you pack us a bowl too?" you mumbled, and rested the side of your head against the side of his.
"mm." jesse rotated his head so his face was closer to your neck than your shoulder and left a few more kisses there for good measure before he pulled back a little bit. "you need help?"
you shook your head, so he made his way off the bed and walked over to your almost-matching dressers to dig out the lightest, flimsiest t-shirt he could find between the two of them. when he found a sufficiently non-suffocating one he tossed it across the room to you, who had just began work on tugging off your binder.
jesse then turned his attention towards the grinder and bong sitting on the nightstand on his side of the bed. the water was black and rank so he contemplated replacing it for a few moments (and then decided that, yes, he should). he wandered into the bathroom and rinsed it out in the sink and filled it up with nice, clean water, deciding he would buy one of those baby bottle brushes at the dollar store later to get all the resin off the sides where he couldn't reach.
on the walk back he thought about how hyper-aware he was being about everything that was happening; he hadn't thought this much about any of his actions in a long time. he was pretty sure he hadn't replaced the water in this bong since he bought it. he was taking better care of himself simply because you were around and that was kind of a weird feeling for him.
and, as he unscrewed the grinder and packed the bowl with the finely ground, high-grade weed that was inside, he thought about how this was the first time he and another guy successfully made it past fucking once or twice. he had tried it with a couple friends from highschool when he was just starting to figure things out and it just never worked so he quit trying. he was glad he started trying again.
by the time jesse crawled into the bed next to you, your binder was off and you were laid against the pillows, t-shirt laying next to you as you soaked up the cool air of the fan on your side of the bed and tried to let the sweat dry on your skin before you put it on.
he was all smiles. he didn't try to hide that he was ogling at you anymore; he thought you needed to know that you were worth ogling over.
"you're makin' me self conscious."
you turned your face away from him as he handed you the bong and grabbed the lighter off of his nightstand.
"i can't help it, i like tits...especially boy tits." jesse giggled at himself. he sounded stupid but it was true.
he laid on his side with his hand supporting his head, and when you scooted up to sit on your butt, he beckoned you into a kiss before he would hand you the clipper lighter in his other palm.
his favorite thing was watching you smoke up. there was something so attractive about it; he loved the way your mouth looked when you blew the smoke out. he also really loved the way you looked with a perfectly rolled joint between your lips. maybe he was a bad influence, because smoking together took up at least 50% of your relationship bonding time.
you took one of the biggest hits he's ever seen you take and managed to not cough when you did it. it basically took everything in him not to moan when you passed the bong and lighter his way.
"fuck, you're hot when you outsmoke me." jesse smiled and looked at you through his eyelashes as he took his designated hit, the water bubbling and gurgling in the bottom of the glass piece, and passed it back to you courteously.
he didn't know how many times the bong had made the trip back and forth before he started looking at you a little too hard. you had never bothered to put your shirt back on and jesse was enamored by the expanse of your skin in front of him combined with the way his head buzzed and his body warmed up. he was pretty sure you were finishing up the second bowl and passing it to him to refill when his hand began to creep up your thigh and underneath the leg of your shorts.
jesse sat up slowly, using his free hand to take the bong and place it back on his bedside table with his other palm still resting against your thigh. afterwards, he leaned in close to kiss you. it was sloppy, and open-mouthed, and he relished in the way your hand met the base of his neck and trailed up the side of his head as the kiss went on. when he moaned into your mouth, you broke away for air.
"hmm, i miss your hair." you looked up at him fondly, rubbing the slightly-grown-out stubble on his head.
"what, you don't like it when i'm bald?" jesse spoke through a fake-pout.
"no, i like it..." you pondered your words for a moment, "i just miss pullin' on it when my dick's in your mouth."
he snickered, more of an exhale through his nose, a smile on his face, and a shaking of his shoulders than anything, as he pulled you into another kiss and began tugging at your shorts, in a silent request for permission to pull them off of you. you very quickly lifted your hips to help him out without an ounce of complaint.
your skin was still sticky with sweat against his palms, and they roamed your body aimlessly like they were lost in the unforgiving new mexican desert. his hands had always been hungry and greedy; he was, admittedly, very touch starved...for basically his whole life. skin-to-skin contact with you was electrifying even if it wasn't in a situation like this. whether it was his hand beneath the waistband of your pants in the dark, or on the small of your back when walking past you, at the end of the day, he just liked touching you.
you were bare-naked in front of him already, and he liked that it didn't take very long anymore. you two had this unspeakable comfort with each other. some days your gender dysphoria was worse than others, and he understood that completely. even jesse had his days where he felt like clawing his way out of his skin and he imagined it felt like that. on those days he still tried to coax you out of a binder just so you wouldn't hurt yourself or overheat, but he still gave you options to cover yourself up if you needed to. he hoped that it didn't go unnoticed how much your comfort meant to him, even at times where you were destroying him from behind or he was skullfucking you on the floor.
your hand met the tent in jesse's thin, stretchy pjs and he gasped like a teenage girl. these things never got less exciting for him; especially not with you. he was already kissing you again and tugging your body closer. he barely had time to speak when he pulled away, immediately eager to slot his lips back against yours.
"fuck, i wanna eat you out."
his lips were quickly back on yours as he moaned into your mouth and bucked his hips against your hand. it made you chuckle, giving him a gentle squeeze, which made him pull away, lips swollen and shiny and eyebrows furrowed. all of a sudden, he felt needy and pathetic, nails digging into the skin of your butt where his hand stopped last.
"what if i wanna suck you off, though?" you pressed, catching your lip between your teeth afterwards and taking in the angelic look on jesse's face.
"then you can— fuck." jesse's words were cut off when the palm of your hand pressed against his crotch more firmly, and he let out a low groan, deep in the back of his throat, "you can fuckin'— sit on my fuckin' face."
"aww, good boy, jesse, you used your words." his eyes were screwed shut, but there was an obvious smile in your voice.
"shut up and sit on my face, dude."
he didn't have to ask you twice. he opened his eyes, and rolled onto his back, and he felt the bed shift multiple times before your ass came into view; you were straddling his head, facing his feet, and hovering above him an inch or two. you stayed like that for a moment before the anticipation got too much to bear, and jesse wrapped his arms around either of your thighs, gently lowering you down onto his face.
he didn't blame you for relishing in the moment when his tongue met your slit, dragging along your folds experimentally as your entire body tensed up at the feeling. by the time his tongue found your bottom growth, you had leaned forward, and when you pulled his dick from his pjs he moaned in anticipation against your core, sending vibrations through your body.
he hated that he couldn't see what you were doing, breath hitching in his throat when he could feel yours against his skin but not see you getting closer. his heart pounded in his chest at the sheer desperation coursing through him, before your warm mouth finally wrapped around his throbbing tip. he stopped everything he was doing just to process the feeling; it took everything in him not to buck his hips upwards into your mouth.
"oh, shit." jesse muttered against you, and you stifled a laugh around his girth. as you slowly began to bob your head up and down, he tried to think about the task at hand; your pussy was literally hovering over his face and he needed to make work of that.
he lapped at you slowly at first, languid and experimental and trying to get the hang of the angle he was working at. it was hard to focus with your warm mouth swallowing him down. your movements were eager, and enthusiastic, like you were grateful just to have his dick in your mouth, and that made him moan against you, which caused you to do the same.
then, jesse tried to match your pace; his tongue explored your folds fervently, and when you pulled off to bury the tip of yours in the slit of his cock, he did the same to the head of your bottom growth. your hips bucked against his face, and he took that as a good sign.
he couldn't quite see what you were doing, but the image of how you two looked right now clouded his brain; it was like an aerial view, the two of you covered in a thin sheen of sweat, his dick halfway down your throat and his face buried in your core. his face was soaked, all the way from his nose to his chin, and he didn't mind it at all. what took him by surprise, though, was the feeling of your hand kneading at his ballsack, rolling them in your palm and rubbing them gently.
jesse would have been lying if he said you weren't able to make him cum faster than anyone he's ever been with before. he could already feel the knot in his stomach tightening as he moaned into your heat, stroking the underside of your bottom growth with the tip of his tongue and digging his blunt nails into the flesh of your thighs. he tried his hardest not to buck his hips up into your mouth, and when he failed, you used your free hand against his hipbone to hold him down.
"ah-- fuck!" he gasped needily into your cunt, and you knew he had to be close; jesse wasn't ever able to hold out very long during blowjobs. his thighs clenched and unclenched as he tried to keep himself together long enough for it to not be tooembarrassing, but he was struggling, and you could tell.
jesse's head was swimming and he couldn't understand how you were doing so well while he placed sloppy, open-mouthed kisses on your clit; but maybe it was because he was so distracted by you doing so well that he wasn't doing the greatest job himself. his face was red-hot between your thighs as he willed himself to last as long as possible, but it didn't last very long before he was whining into your heat and cumming doen your throat.
you giggled at him when you pulled off, and he felt you shift around above him while he collected the pieces of his brain and tried to put them back together, so he assumed you were spitting in the ashtray on the bedside table, where you usually spit when he came in your mouth like that. you lifted yourself off his face to give him a second to breathe.
"aww, baby boy, was it that good?" you teased, and he was sure you could feel his stubble tickle your inner thighs when he nodded. you rubbed his lower tummy for a moment before lowering yourself back down to his willing mouth.
"c'mon, i'm not done with you yet." you wiggled your hips a little and jesse got back to work. he always ate you out like he could suck your soul out through your pussy if he tried hard enough. if he thought you were enthusiastic just to have his dick in your mouth, he really needed to reevaluate how he felt about eating you out. it was one of his favorite hobbies. he lapped at your insides like he had received a message from god himself telling him to do so.
jesse dipped his tongue in and out of you a few times, and when he heard you mewl from your position above him, he broke out the big finisher -- he began spelling his name on your tongue, over and over, in big, broad letters.
J-E-S-S-E P-I-N-K-M-A-N.
he did it as quickly as he could, so fast and unforgiving that he knew it would have been chicken scratch if he were trying to write his name anywhere else. but that didn't matter now; all that mattered was the way you rode his face, grinding your hips down against it filthily and squeezing his thighs like they were the only thing keeping you from floating away. the best part, though, was your moans. you sounded absolutely disgustingly amazing, and jesse knew how close you were by how desperate they had gotten. this was his moment.
he reached a hand behind you and pushed two fingers into you just in time to rub them against your now-very-familiar g-spot and feel your walls flutter around them beautifully. he tongued at your dick until you patted his stomach to tell him to stop. you were both speechless, hot, faces red and sweaty as you lifted yourself up once more and you both tried to catch your breath.
when your legs stopped shaking, you removed yourself from jesse's view, only for him to feel the bed sink down next to him. he turned his head to look at you, wiping his face with the back of his palm and grinning wolfishly, satisfied with himself.
jesse admired your fucked-out face, snuggling into your side and kissing your cheeks sweetly.
"god, your face is sticky. are you fucking hard again?" you laughed, you could feel his boner poking you in the thigh as he bit his lip through a smile and looked at you like you hung the stars in the sky. yes, he was very glad he kept trying.
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Moving to some other country involves huge planning and care while sending all your stuff to the destination, much more so with breakables. International moving company have devised various methods of efficiently transferring all your fragile items over long distances. This article talks about some advanced techniques and practices used by international movers to help avoid damage to fragile items during transit.
1. Custom Crating Solutions
The most outstanding innovations in the movement of fragile goods are custom crating solutions. Moving companies design and build custom crates for the dimensions and requirements of each type of fragile item. Crates of this nature are developed with robust materials, such as wood or heavy-duty cardboard, and lined by foams or other cushioning materials in order to absorb shocks and restrict movements. Custom crates are very useful in moving large, highly valued, or oddly shaped items like artwork, antiques, and sculptures.
2. Advanced Packing Materials
The quality and grade of the packing materials used constitute another highly critical aspect for safeguarding fragile items. Various specialized materials that international movers use to protect fragile belongings include:
Bubble Wrap: Very good at cushioning and absorbing shocks, suitable for glassware, ceramics, and electronics.
Packing Paper: This is used to wrap each item individually. This will avoid scratches or minor impacts.
Foam Sheets and Peanuts: These fill up empty spaces in the boxes and avoid the shifting of objects within them. They provide extra padding, too.
Edge Protectors: Reinforce corners and edges of items; they are easily susceptible to damage.
These materials withstand the rigors of international transportation, ensuring your fragile items remain intact.
3. Double Boxing Technique
Probably the best measure to protect fragile goods in international moving is going to be the double boxing technique. The process consists of placing the fragile entity in a well-padded smaller box and subsequently in a larger box with more padding material. This double layering for protection of the items will help in absorbing the shocks or vibrations that may occur during transit, thereby providing extra protection from damage. This method applies very well to extremely fragile items, like fine china, sensitive electronics, and small antiques.
4. Climate-Controlled Shipping
These include items that are sensitive to temperature and humidity changes, such as fine arts, musical instruments, and antique furniture. International moving companies provide climate-controlled shipping for these kinds of items to help guard against environmental fluctuations. The use of climate-controlled containers or trucks helps to avoid damage by extreme temperatures, moisture, or dryness; hence, it is very important for the integrity and value maintenance of sensitive fragile items over a long-distance move.
5. Real-Time Tracking and Monitoring
The traditional way of handling fragile items by international moving companies has undergone a sea change with the introduction of technology. Real-time tracking and monitoring systems enable movers and clients to trace, at all times during the journey, the location and condition of their shipment. The progress of the shipment continues to be updated through GPS tracking devices, while temperature, humidity, and even vibration can be constantly monitored by sensors inside the containers. This level of control is very important in ensuring that any problem is addressed on the spot, thereby giving clients peace of mind and greater safety for items of a fragile nature.
6. Expert Handling and Training
The human factor is at work just as much in the safe transport of fragile items. A professional international moving company is serious about investing in the training and expertise of its employees so that fragile items are treated with the care that they need. Moving people have received special training in careful packing, appropriate lifting techniques, and how to handle delicate things best. Such expertise minimizes the risk of accidents and ensures that packing, loading, and unloading of fragile items are done safely.
7. Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
After all the precautions, there can be an accident. Reputable international moving companies provide comprehensive insurance coverage on your fragile items. This could provide clients with financial protection against damage or loss while in transit. Many insurance options will ensure that the values and fragile goods of clients are well protected.
Conclusion Innovative techniques and sophisticated technologies have dramatically changed the way in which international moving companies handle fragile items. This will ensure that treasured possessions are moved safely and securely through advances in custom crating, advanced packing materials, climate-controlled shipping, and real-time monitoring. Such methods, allied with investment in expert handling, help international movers provide clients peace of mind regarding the safety of their fragile items. Knowing the following new techniques can ensure that your fragile goods reach their destination safely when you have another international move lined up.
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daggerzine · 2 months
Pitchfork Day 2
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Saturday's weather looked like it might rain, but it stayed overcast for a bit, and then the sun came out Needless to say, it was typical Pitchfork weather-humid. As for the music, what seemed like countless DJs yesterday, today was filled with band after band on all three stages for the most part.
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Chicago's Lifeguard kicked things off on the Green Stage (GS) in a great way as a tight-sounding, three piece combo that fluctuated between bass and guitar or two guitars with their drummer. Kai Slater, the main guitarist, was seated the entire set, but it didn't seem to limit his capabilities. The set ended with a wall of distortion that sent the (unfortunately) small crowd into a frenzy. (Kai was seen later at the Blue Stage and on crutches.)
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Next up, L'Rain performed on the Red Stage (RS) with a complete jazz combo featuring keyboards, saxophone, drums, guitar, and backing vocals. It was a set filled with smooth sounds that offered another slice of musical style to Pitchfork fans.
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Back to the GS, Kara Jackson continued the smooth vibe L'Rain started. Kara sang and played her acoustic guitar, along with her bassist, violinist, keyboardist/clarinet player, as well as, a backup singer. She opened with her beautiful rendition of Karen Dalton's "Right, Wrong or Ready" and then immediately went into her song "No Fun." Kara's a folky, jazzy, bluesy songwriter that brings another style to today's lineup.
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The first band at the Blue Stage(BS) is Hotline TNT. Imagine if Swervedriver met The Replacements and you get a slight comparison. Will Anderson may write all the music, but his current out-of-control lead guitarist stole the show. Two guitars, one bass, and a drummer that pack a lot of punch in their songs. Lots of Who-like jumping and thrashing that really fired up the crowd. "I Thought You'd Change" was a crowd favorite.
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Back to the RS, Pittsburgh's feeble little horse brought their sound to the big stage blasting indie rock with a full band. Singer and bass player, Lydia Slocum, along with guitarists Sebastian Kinsler and Ryan Walchonski , and drummer Jake Kelley did their best despite some technical issues with tracks.
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At the BS, Water From Your Eyes was one band I was really looking forward to. Unfortunately, a coughing Rachel Brown confessed she wasn't her best, but that didn't stop her "from doing her job." Nate Amos and the rest of the band plugged through a rockin' set despite her announcement. "Barley" was a crowd favorite with its vocal counting, tapeloops, and post-punk blasts. "I'm being punished for sneaking into Pitchfork all three days 10 years ago." -Rachel
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Back to the GS, Wednesday delivered an Alt-Country/American slice for the crowd. Karly Hartzman kicked up her vocals especially in the spine-shilling final number, "Bull Believer." Wednesday also includes Jake Lenderman (more often known as MJ, who I missed a few weeks ago) on guitar. Throw in a lap steel guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer, along with Karly shredding her guitar, and you've got a great live sound. The coolest transition of the day was from their own "Bath County"(referencing Drive-By Truckers) to a Drive-By Truckers song, "Women Without Whiskey."
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Sweeping Promises at the BS, provided quirky indiepop. Guitarist, Caufield Schnug, gave it all he had with his intricate, B-52's-ish riffs. Not to take anything away from bassist Lira Mondal, she can really sing!
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The GS, is getting crowded. Here's as close as I could get to Jessie Ware. She eventually jumped into the crowd for that intimate connection. Great sound, cool dancers, tight rhythm section, and she covered Cher's "Believe." What more could you ask for?
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Back to the BS, Bratmobile's Allison Wolfe shared her roots of visiting Chicago before showing off her vocals and cheerleader movements. It was a fun set featuring Rose Melberg playing killer guitar! (They even played her Tiger Trap song, "Supreme Nothing"!) But it was the finale that stole the show. Covering The Runawyas' "Cherry Bomb" was the perfect ending complete with young girls (daughters?) singing the chorus.
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I ended DAY 2, at the BS. Unwound delivered a post-hardcore set to compete with Carly Rae Jepsen on the RS. I was mesmerized by Jared Warren's intricate bass work! Solid sound coming from all four band members made this a great way to end my day.
DAY 3 tomorrow.
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roylustang · 2 years
In my preparation to live a life more outdoors I have not used AC or heat in my house for the past year. It wasn’t really an experiment, but here’s what happened:
The temperature range outside for the past year (including wind chills and heat indexes) was approximately 26F during the predawn hours in winter to 110F at the height of the day in summer. The temperature in my house probably ranged from about 40F to 90F, but I had no way to actually measure this so it’s just an educated guess.
Obviously we’re skipping over spring and fall, because you don’t need climate control for those seasons anyway. 
Let’s start with winter, since we’re heading that direction again. For me, the main challenge of winter is honestly braving the cold for 30 seconds when I need to put on a bra to go running. That’s really it. I usually don’t wear one to work because I’m usually wearing three layers of clothing, so I don’t need one, but if I go to the town gym I have to change (the gym does not have climate control either). I don’t really have a solution for this other than to just suck it up, or wear a bra to sleep (which I used to do all the time in high school, but I dislike it now).
In order to stay warm in the winter, I have three main methods: kotatsu, blankets, and hot shower. I’m almost always wearing 2-3 layers of clothing and fingerless gloves, which I usually sleep in too. I usually do laundry biweekly in winter, and weekly (or more) in the summer. So that’s a point for winter (also no bugs). Anyway. 
Kotatsu is pretty obvious--it’s warm under there. I know my housemates have already broken their’s out for the season, but honestly I’m gonna try to not use mine this year as an added challenge, I guess? Idk, I’m also just lazy and don’t feel like getting it out. And also because...
Blankets get the job done pretty well. This apartment came with 5 million blankets. I’m currently using 3/4 of the Main Blankets on my bed, but the third one is still too hot sometimes at night. Otherwise, as long as I put my hood up I’m never cold at night or when I’m sitting in bed, which is usually what I’m doing at home.
Hot shower is the third method. I love this one because it literally gives you cold immunity for like up to an hour afterwards, especially if its Too Hot. I once got out of a Too Hot bath and ended up sitting in my underwear in my 40F room for awhile after because I was Too Hot. 
The secret fourth method is exercise, which I do a lot of because it is my Lifestyle. You have to change quick though bc your sweat will get cold fast. (then I take a hot shower, and I’m basically cold immune until its time to go to bed again lol)
Summer is a lot worse in my opinion, mainly because it’s humid. It’s literally sweat central and because this is rural Japan, I can’t exercise shirtless outside. It definitely makes me want to go outside though, because sweating is much better when youre moving than when you’re just sitting somewhere. 
I don’t really have multiple methods of cooling off except for cool showers (of which I took many), occasionally putting an ice pack on my torso when I felt like it, and using a fan (which is extremely necessary in order to not sweat, and also dry my body off when I come back from exercising. I will literally sweat through an entire shirt in 10 mins, the humidity is fucking insane, I have wrung 100ml of sweat from my short shorts, I have disinfected the home gym mats after using them for those aforementioned 10 mins. The chewing gum in my kitchen was ruined simply bc it was humid. I had to clean mold off the kitchen floors and tables. Just imagine constantly being soaking wet if you’re not in front of a flowing air source, that is my life. Luckily I derive a very masochistic joy from this, so it could be worse). I keep the windows open literally 24/7, and the fan runs whenever I’m in the house basically, unless it’s raining because it’s significantly cooler then. I essentially do not wear clothes in my house in the summer. 
The worst and completely unanticipated consequence of this though was the appetite loss. I lost approximately 10 lbs on accident, because I wasn’t eating lunch (mainly bc I wasn’t in school and I just didn’t feel hungry). This really fucked with my health and made me much more prone to passing out, especially during exercise. I was also iron deficient, though I don’t actually know what the cause was, because I was tested for that at the beginning of June. My hair was definitely falling out though. Anyway, when fall came around, I gained it all back. It’s wild to notice how my appetite changes from season to season. Now that its getting colder again, my dinners are much bigger than they used to be. 
Overall, I’m gonna keep doing this, because i’m very used to it now. I just have to make myself eat lunch when summer comes around again. Cold spaghetti never tasted so good let me tell you. Also, my electricity bill is like half of what my housemates are, so thats fun.
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auclogistics · 15 days
Tips for Smooth Relocation in Monsoon Season
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Monsoon season is considered to be the worst time of year to move because the weather is always unpredictable and the roads will be slippery and slowed by delays. However, with careful planning and strategies, you can make your moving process smooth and well-organized, even in rainy seasons. 
Here are a number of tips that can help you in monsoon relocation. In case you need help with relocation, contact AUC Logistics- local, national, and International Packers and Movers in Oman.
1. Selecting The Best Time In The Year To Move
It is also important to choose the date when the moving is planned during monsoon season but the weather forecast says there will be less rain. 
While it is not possible to control the weather, one has to just stay very vigilant and check the weather forecast frequently as you approach the moving day. If at all possible it is also advised to ensure that you move when one would not easily notice or associate it with rain and this could be at very early morning, or late in the evening. 
2. Hiring Professional Movers 
Search for local, national, and International Packers and Movers in Oman, who offer their service particularly during the monsoon season. So, they would know how to cope with wet and slippery roads because they are alert every time. 
Make sure that they pack your goods with a material that is waterproof and that they have covered cars that will not allow water to infiltrate your goods during transport.
3. Waterproof Packing
Among the major concerns during a monsoon in the moving process is keeping all belongings from water damage. Handy materials for this will include waterproof packing materials such as plastic wraps, ziplock bags, and waterproof containers. 
Plastic sheets are to be used in covering furniture items, while fragile items are to be wrapped in bubble wraps. Electronics, documents, and other prized possessions are packed into waterproof bags or containers to keep out moisture.
4. Prepare Your New Home in Advance
Get your new house ready to welcome your belongings. Make sure there are no leaked roofs, windows, or doors. Waterlog your drainage to make sure they are correct for avoiding flooding. You can set mats or old newspapers at the entrance so that the floor would remain clean and dry when some people are getting in and out.
5. Plan for Delays
Monsoon weather could contribute to traffic congestion and delay. Plan your move with extra time taken into consideration. It would be even better if one started off early in the day to avoid rush hours and be prepared for slow times of travel. 
One should keep in contact with your moving company about the status of the move. In case of any delays, one shouldn't freak out but be patient because the safety of their belongings and the people is far more important than taking an extra hour or so longer .
6. Keep Essentials Handy 
Put all necessary items together in one bag, these include clothes, bathroom items, medicine and drugs, documents, identification cards, cash, credit cards, emergency items such as a first aid kit, etc. This makes sure that one will be ready in case of delay or should they wet something accidentally. 
And, obviously one should be equipped, and ready with a raincoat, an umbrella or even a few towels in case of sudden rains.
7. Handle Fragile and Delicate Items with Care
The monsoon has highly concentrated humidity in the air. Due to humidity, paintings, wood items, and electronics may get damaged. For that purpose, you can place silica gel packets or moisture absorbers in the box with them so that it may keep them dry. 
The other option for the electronics is to carry them in the car with you. In this way, it will stay safe and dry.
8. Check Weather Forecast
Check the weather forecast for the week of your move, and then contact local, national, and International Packers and Movers in Oman. In case of bad stormy weather, it would be wiser to schedule a different date. Though this will be inconvenient and cost you more, this option is safer and the moving will avoid bad weather that might ruin your goods and make traveling hazardous.
9. Hire Additional Labor in Case of Self Move
Moving during the monsoon might get exhausting physically as the ground is wet and slippery. Arrangements about extra help on a moving day may be considered to make the process smoothly feasible. It could be done by hiring extra movers or asking friends and family to help out.
10. Keep Your Spirits High
Lastly, a positive mindset is the most important step in terms of moving in during the monsoon season. Yes, it's for sure there is going to be heavy weather; however, being composed automatically tightens your thoughts on working your way around any complication that may arise. Remember that with proper preparation, you are able to overcome any obstacles the monsoon has in store for you.
This move during the monsoon season is a bit more caring and extra cautious, but once you adopt certain strategies, you can move smoothly and conveniently.  You can safeguard your goods by making early planning, using waterproof material, and being flexible; this way, transition to a new home will be pretty smooth. For all sorts of relocation, contact AUC logistics, they offer local, national, and Door to Door International Cargo Services in Oman.
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vamosaespana · 3 months
Rain with rainbows
We awoke to a rainy day…not what we had planned on as we obviously did not pack any rain gear 🤦🏻‍♀️ Ugg everything we had brought with us and of course I forgot to add that. But who am I kidding, for the teenagers they would have just worn a hoodie and how that would have felt in summer humidity would have not been bueno 👎🏼
We headed out to grab some breakfast and GB stopped to pick up some umbrellas from a street vendor…3 out of the 5 worked decent I guess🤷🏻‍♀️ We found a local place and had some French fries because why not have French fries in Spain 😆 The favorite tends to be patatas bravas which are potatoes with with a salsa on top which of course is amazing. My favorite is when GB ordered a plate of fries and they gave him not one but 2 sides of mayo for his fries!!!! I can’t even describe the giddiness I have each time I see the mayo😍 We then do a little shopping as we are heading to the Sagrada Familia today and Ali would like to wear some pants instead of her super long dress so of course we stop at Brandy Melville. Can I just stop for a second and ask moms about this store. It’s one I can somewhat get behind price was as I am super stingy about spending money (someone’s got to balance GB out🙄) but some of the clothes in the store look like they would fit my American Girl doll…it’s so small!!!!! And the style looks no different from any other store. Plain tees and tanks throw some sweats and pajamas in there…explain to me how that’s different from Target 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyway I digress but just wanted to feel out the crowd. 2 is able to find - pair of linen striped pants and some tops that fit a normal teenager and we are back in the rain heading home. Our reservations at La Sagrada Familia aren’t for 3:30 so we just decide to hunker down in the apartment and wait for the rain to pass. I get a load of laundry and some tidying up and the rain stops! 2/5 wanted to take a taxi but luckily I win and we walk. I mean I bought these On Clouds for how great they were for walking…I want my money’s worth 🤑
We arrive at La Sagrada Familia and it is breathtaking…now keep in mind parts of it are under construction as they are adding on and mending but still absolutely beautiful. We have a tour guide set up and he provides us with our headsets which now we are pros with and we head in. I have never seen a church like this ever in my life. One sees color in the stained glass in churches but the color Gaudi brought inside was just absolutely unbelievable!
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He set up the windows so that it would take in color from the sun starting at sunrise and ending at sunset. The blue archway lighting up from the morning sun and the reddish hued arches lighting stronger as the sun sets. His true love for his faith was beautiful and showed in every detail from outside to inside. I truly applaud artists for the true gift they see in their mind and share with us.
We then took an elevator to the top of the spires dedicated to the nativity and then walked down enjoying the angel’s view of Barcelona. It was very winding and trust me when I probably should have taken a Dramamine on the way down. Would have truly been a good sobriety test! So far the day was going pretty drama free until…2 all of a sudden asked about her contacts and if I packed them…are you kidding me😑 Asking about them now as we head up the spire where we literally have no control and won’t know the answer for at least a couple hours. Yeah of course, let’s do that, total perfect timing, and then proceeds to freak out thinking she doesn’t have them and we have no way to verify at the time. These are the times I take a deep breath and try to stay calm when all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs, which for sure would get me not only the dirtiest looks from people but also possibly arrested. Not to mention the Holy family just looking at me and shaking their head. This stays an issue for a bit but then seems to somewhat improve in order to enjoy the rest of the evening without tears.
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As the family went to the gift shop, I was able to have some quiet time for prayers and again saying thank you for this beautiful gift. Also to ask for any help that the Holy Family can provide me in raising a teenager…still waiting for a response 🫤 I met up with them at the gift shop where they found our traditional ornament that we get for our tree. The one selected was the top spire of the tower dedicated to the Virgin Mary with 12 points. Truly beautiful. We also found our token reusable bag with the bright colors and design that we so loved in the church. I love our traditions that we have for each of our trips, something small but something we see and use reminding us of our trips.
GB arranged for a dinner just outside La Sagrada Familia where we enjoyed each others company and soaked in the views 😍
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Andrew and I walked home while the girls took a cab with GB. Apparently they had an interesting ride with 2 cabbies yelling at each other back and forth. The talk is one taxi blew off GB and the girls because it was a short ride and the cab that did pick them up after definitely let him know how he felt about that 😲 Andrew and I were able to talk just the two of us which was nice as I really get sentimental with him. He’s going to be a sophomore this year and I feel like it’s going way to fast. We talked about school, colleges and friends making him promise he will come and visit on the holidays🥺 he always gives me an “awww mom” with a side hug and kiss. Not sure if it means “never in a million years would I pass up the holidays’ or “‘mom you’re crazy and need to be put in a nursing home”. Either way I take the hug and kiss 🥰
We get back to the hotel room and it’s back to packing up a again. Tomorrow we leave at 9:00 for a train to Madrid and then to Seville where the next leg of the journey starts. More laundry to be done, which I have to admit I am getting better at understanding the European washer and dryers…guess its one of my many gifts 😁. We are getting up early tomorrow at 6:00 so this is going to be rough but I’m excited where our next journey takes us!
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nagarajseofreelancer · 7 months
How to Choose Best Storage Spaces in Bangalore
Managing space in Bangalore, where life is constantly changing and space is valuable, requires choosing a suitable storage facility. Finding the best Bangalore storage space for business or personal use requires thought. The city, known for its vibrant culture and business scene, has many storage options. Each has unique qualities. This detailed guide covers five crucial factors when choosing the best storage spaces in Bangalore.
1. Location and accessibility:
The location of a storage facility is crucial to its usefulness. A conveniently located storage unit can make managing your belongings much more accessible. Consider how close the storage facility is to your home or business. This affects how much time and effort frequent trips require. Check the facility's accessibility by looking at transportation and road connections. Having a suitable storage space makes storing and finding things more accessible, saving time and money.
Choose a storage unit near significant roads or transport hubs in Bangalore, a busy city with traffic. It simplifies transporting goods to and from storage.
2. Safety Steps:
When choosing storage spaces in Bangalore, prioritise the safety and security of your items. Any big city, including Bangalore, can have security issues, so select secure facilities. Look for storage units with advanced access control, 24/7 surveillance, and on-site security. Security features like well-lit areas and locked doors prevent unauthorised entry.
Find out if the storage facility offers insurance for theft, fire, and natural disasters. Extra insurance gives you peace of mind and protects your finances in a disaster.
3. Storage unit size and shape:
The sizes and layouts of storage units are crucial to meeting your needs. Check the size and volume of your items before choosing a storage space. This test ensures your unit can hold everything without crowding or wasting space.
Fortunately, many Bangalore storage facilities have units of various sizes to satisfy a wide range of customers. You can customise your storage space by choosing from small units for personal items to larger ones for business inventory. Consider climate-controlled storage to store electronics, documents, or fragile furniture sensitive to temperature and humidity.
4. Cost and adaptability:
Cost is crucial when choosing storage spaces in Bangalore. Compare prices and services at different facilities. Some storage facilities charge flat rates, while others offer packing supplies, transportation, and loading and unloading assistance.
Know the storage arrangement's total cost and ensure it fits your budget. Compare prices based on how long you need to store items, as some storage facilities offer discounts for long-term contracts. Ask if the rental terms are flexible and the facility allows month-to-month contracts or only long-term leases. This lets you adapt storage to changing needs and circumstances.
5. Customer Reviews and Credibility:
In the digital age, customer reviews and a storage facility's reputation are helpful when choosing. Before choosing storage spaces in Bangalore, read customer reviews. Social media, online platforms, and word-of-mouth are great ways to assess facility performance and customer satisfaction.
Focus on reviews about the building's cleanliness, customer service, and security. Happy customer reviews indicate a well-run and reliable storage facility. Many negative reviews or security hole complaints should be a red flag.
In Bangalore, a busy city, storage space demand keeps rising, so choosing a suitable facility is crucial. A storage space's suitability depends on location, safety, size, cost, and reputation. Reading customer reviews, doing a lot of research, and visiting potential storage facilities will ensure that the one you select meets your needs and provides a safe, easy storage experience in this busy city.
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techji · 7 months
Conquer the Outdoors with the Huami Amazfit T-Rex 2 Smartwatch (Ember Black)
Unleash your adventurous spirit with the Huami Amazfit T-Rex 2 smartwatch(Ember Black) – built for those who thrive in the great outdoors. This rugged and versatile wearable features an eye-catching design and packs a punch with its military-grade durability, advanced fitness tracking, and long-lasting battery.
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Designed for the Wild:
Military-Grade Toughness: Certified to withstand extreme temperatures, shock, humidity, and water resistance up to 100 meters (10 ATM).
Always-On Display: Easily view time, health data, and notifications even in bright sunlight thanks to the vibrant AMOLED display.
Ultra Long Battery Life: Get up to 24 days of typical use or 10 days of heavy use on a single charge – perfect for extended adventures.
Your Ultimate Outdoor Companion:
150+ Sports Modes: Track everything from running and hiking to swimming and skiing with dedicated sport modes.
Built-in GPS + 5 Satellite Systems: Accurately track your location and routes, even in challenging terrain.
Personalized Health Monitoring: Monitor your heart rate, blood oxygen, sleep quality, stress levels, and more for comprehensive insights into your well-being.
Beyond the Outdoors:
Smart Notifications: Stay connected with incoming calls, text messages, and app alerts sent directly to your wrist.
Music Control & Storage: Play music from your watch or your connected phone.
Built-in Compass & Altimeter: Never lose your way with precise navigation tools.
More Than Just a Smartwatch:
The Huami Amazfit T-Rex 2 in Ember Black is your essential partner for conquering the outdoors. It's designed to be bold, rugged, and equipped to handle anything nature throws your way.
Upgrade your adventures. Visit our Poorvika website to discover the Huami Amazfit T-Rex 2 Smartwatch today!
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dna-skin-clinic-10 · 8 months
Bangalore's Beauty Secrets: Dermatological Insights for Radiant Skin
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Nestled in the vibrant landscape of South India, Bangalore, the "Garden City," is not only a hub of technology but also a city that values the essence of beauty. With its pleasant climate and diverse culture, Bangaloreans take pride in their appearance and understand the importance of radiant skin. In this article, we uncover Bangalore's beauty secrets, offering dermatological insights for achieving and maintaining that coveted glow.
The Cultural Tapestry of Beauty in Bangalore
Bangalore's beauty standards are deeply rooted in its rich cultural tapestry. The city's residents, known for their diverse backgrounds, have cultivated beauty rituals that blend tradition with modernity. Dermatologists in Bangalore play a pivotal role in guiding individuals through these beauty practices, ensuring optimal skin health.
1. Ayurveda and Skincare
Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, holds a special place in Bangalore's beauty secrets. Dermatologists often integrate Ayurvedic principles into their skincare recommendations, emphasizing the use of natural ingredients and holistic approaches for radiant skin.
2. Traditional Beauty Rituals
Bangaloreans often incorporate traditional beauty rituals into their skincare routines. From homemade face packs using turmeric and honey to the regular use of natural oils, these age-old practices contribute to the city's timeless beauty secrets.
The Dermatologist's Perspective: Unlocking Radiance Through Science
While cultural practices lay the foundation for skincare in Bangalore, dermatologists bring a scientific perspective to the quest for radiant skin. Here are some dermatological insights to uncover the beauty secrets of Bangalore:
1. Tailored Skincare Regimens
Dermatologists in Bangalore recognize that each individual's skin is unique. Tailored skincare regimens are crafted based on factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and specific concerns, ensuring a personalized approach to radiant skin.
2. Advanced Treatments for Bangalore's Climate
The city's climate, characterized by moderate temperatures, can impact the skin. Dermatologists in Bangalore often recommend treatments that address climate-specific concerns, such as hydration for dry skin or oil control for humid conditions.
3. Holistic Approach to Beauty
Beyond external treatments, dermatologists in Bangalore adopt a holistic approach to beauty. They consider factors like nutrition, stress management, and sleep patterns, recognizing that internal well-being reflects externally on the skin.
Beauty From Within: Nutrition and Skincare
Bangalore's beauty secrets extend beyond skincare products to the kitchen. Nutrient-rich foods are an integral part of the beauty regimen for many residents. Dermatologists highlight the connection between nutrition and skin health, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet for radiant skin.
1. Antioxidant-Rich Foods
Antioxidant-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, are celebrated in Bangalore for their ability to combat free radicals and promote youthful skin. Dermatologists often recommend incorporating a variety of colorful produce into daily meals.
2. Hydration for Skin Glow
In the moderate climate of Bangalore, staying well-hydrated is a beauty secret that cannot be overstated. Dermatologists advise on the importance of drinking an adequate amount of water to maintain skin hydration and achieve a natural glow.
3. Traditional Elixirs for Beauty
Bangalore's beauty secrets often include traditional elixirs like herbal teas and concoctions. Dermatologists acknowledge the potential benefits of these remedies, which may include improved digestion and detoxification, leading to clearer skin.
Innovations in Bangalore's Beauty Scene: Technology and Skincare
As Bangalore evolves as a global city, innovations in technology have also found their way into the beauty scene. Dermatologists leverage advancements to offer cutting-edge treatments that enhance the traditional beauty secrets of the city.
1. Laser Treatments for Skin Concerns
Laser treatments have gained popularity in Bangalore for addressing various skin concerns, including pigmentation, acne scars, and fine lines. Dermatologists use state-of-the-art laser technology to provide effective solutions with minimal downtime.
2. Non-Invasive Aesthetic Procedures
The rise of non-invasive aesthetic procedures in Bangalore reflects a global trend. Dermatologists offer treatments like dermal fillers and Botox to address aging concerns, providing natural-looking results without the need for surgery.
3. Skincare Apps and Telemedicine
In the digital age, skincare apps and telemedicine have become valuable tools for dermatological consultations. Bangalore's tech-savvy residents appreciate the convenience of virtual consultations and personalized skincare guidance through digital platforms.
Cultivating a Skincare Routine: Tips from Dermatologists
To unlock Bangalore's beauty secrets, dermatologists recommend cultivating a consistent skincare routine. Here are some expert tips to incorporate into your daily regimen:
1. Gentle Cleansing
Start your routine with a gentle cleanser to remove impurities without stripping the skin's natural oils. This is especially important in Bangalore's climate to maintain a balanced skin barrier.
2. Sunscreen as a Must-Have
Regardless of the weather, sunscreen is a non-negotiable step in any skincare routine. Dermatologists emphasize the importance of sun protection to prevent premature aging and reduce the risk of skin cancers.
3. Hydration and Moisturization
Hydration is key to radiant skin. Dermatologists recommend using a moisturizer suitable for your skin type to lock in hydration and maintain a supple complexion.
4. Regular Exfoliation
Incorporate gentle exfoliation into your routine to remove dead skin cells and promote cell turnover. This can contribute to a smoother, brighter complexion.
Conclusion: Embracing Bangalore's Radiant Beauty
As we unravel Bangalore's beauty secrets, it becomes clear that the city's residents embrace a harmonious blend of tradition, science, and innovation in their pursuit of radiant skin. Dermatologists play a pivotal role in guiding individuals through this journey, offering insights that bridge cultural practices with modern skincare techniques.
Whether it's Ayurvedic principles, traditional beauty rituals, or cutting-edge technology, Bangalore's beauty secrets are as diverse as the city itself. By understanding and incorporating these dermatological insights, residents can unlock the key to radiant skin and confidently showcase Bangalore's timeless beauty to the world. After all, in the Garden City, where tradition meets technology, beauty is not just a standard but a celebration of individuality and self-care.
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972getasam-dfw · 8 months
Tips for Storing Clothes During Winter
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Winter brings a wardrobe shift, with many of us transitioning from airy fabrics to cozy layers. This makes it the perfect time to reorganize your closet. As temperatures drop, it’s essential to properly store your summer clothes to make room for bulky sweaters, jackets, and coats.  Here are some tips for storing clothes during the winter and how a portable storage container can be a solution to your winter storage challenges. 1. Clean Them First Before packing away your summer attire, ensure everything is freshly laundered or dry-cleaned. Stains or oils left on clothes can become more challenging to remove when left for an extended period. You can also avoid attracting pests or mildew during storage if you clean clothes first. 2. Choose the Right Containers If you go with a storage container, make sure you select the right one. Choose containers that are breathable and provide protection against moisture. SAM (Store & Move)’s storage containers, for example, are designed to keep your clothes safe from environmental elements, ensuring they remain in top condition. Avoid plastic bags, however, as they can trap moisture. 3. Fold and Pack Appropriately Fold clothes neatly to avoid wrinkles and maximize space. Consider using acid-free tissue paper or cloth garment bags for delicate items like silk or cashmere. This helps preserve the fabric and prevents creasing. 4. Utilize Climate-Controlled Storage If possible, opt for a climate-controlled storage facility, especially for valuable or sensitive fabrics. You’ll be happy to know that SAM offers a climate-controlled facility as an option to ensure that your clothes maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels (as well as protect them from extreme conditions). 5. Label and Organize Stay organized by labeling your storage containers or boxes. Consider categorizing clothes by type—such as sweaters, dresses or accessories—to easily find what you need when warmer weather returns.  6. Elevate and Protect Place containers off the ground to protect your clothes from potential water damage in case of leaks or flooding. That being said, SAM’s containers are designed with durability in mind, keeping your belongings safe even in adverse conditions. 7. Rotate and Refresh Consider rotating your stored clothes periodically to prevent fabric deterioration. This helps evenly distribute any potential wear and tear and allows you to assess if any items need special care or attention. With SAM (Store & Move), you can even have your containers delivered so you can rotate and refresh on site. 8. Avoid Overstuffing While it’s tempting to fit as much as possible into the container (or whatever storage solution you’re utilizing), overpacking containers can lead to wrinkles and damage. Leave some room for air circulation to keep your clothes fresh. Preparing your clothes for winter storage is a proactive way to maintain their quality and longevity. With SAM’s storage solutions, and these tips, your winter wardrobe transition can be seamless and stress-free. Contact us today to get a quote for our reliable clothing storage options in Dallas-Fort Worth. Read the full article
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heatherbmoore · 11 months
5 Tips for Traveling with Jewelry This Holiday Season
Fall is here, and for many, that means holiday travel plans. Wearing fine jewelry in public always carries some risk, but when you’re away from home and staying somewhere that’s not entirely under your control, there is even more risk, so it’s essential to take extra precautions. However, fun family vacations and holiday gatherings require dressing our best, and nice outfits need beautiful jewelry, so what is a jewelry lover to do? Not to worry! There are some things you can do to make traveling with your precious pieces as safe as possible. Below are five tips for traveling with jewelry this holiday season.
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Leave It at Home Traveling with jewelry involves strategy. If you’re staying in a hotel or on a beach all day, leave your favorite heirloom 2mm gold chain at home. This brings us to the most important tip: if it’s something you can’t live without, don’t travel with it. Or at least keep the number of items you couldn’t bear to lose at a minimum. This doesn’t mean you can’t travel without heirloom pieces, but bringing your entire collection is usually unnecessary. Keep It with You When traveling with jewelry, only pack a small amount that can stay on your body, in your purse, or in your carry-on bag until you reach your destination. You should be able to touch the jewelry bag anytime during transit. Avoid placing your precious jewelry in checked luggage or in any bag that will be prone to damage. The last thing you want is to arrive at your resort or relative’s house and discover your beloved goldlink chain was broken during transit. Take It Off Are you going to a warm-weather destination and will be spending lots of time at the pool or beach? Or perhaps you’re going to a spa or ski resort. In that case, it’s best to take your jewelry off. The beach is one of the most common places to lose a wedding ring because hot, humid air makes fingers swell, so rings feel secure. However, when those fingers hit cold, frigid water, the skin shrinks, and rings slip into the water or get buried under sand, never to be found. Lock It Up When traveling with jewelry, keeping it secure when not on your body is essential. Many hotels offer in-room safes, but keep in mind these safes can be accessed by people who work there, so they aren’t foolproof. Still, it’s better than leaving your cherished, monogrammed oval charms in plain sight on a dresser or bathroom counter, so lock up your jewelry anytime it’s not within arm’s reach. Create a Travel Jewelry Collection The best defense against missing jewelry is creating a travel collection—or pieces explicitly reserved for travel. Simply combine one or two nicer pieces you’ll wear daily with a rotation of fun costume jewelry pieces that you can pair in various ways to keep things interesting. While you should curate a travel jewelry collection that works for you, consider 1-2 pairs of statement earrings, 1-2 pairs of stud or small hoop earrings, 1-2 rings that pair well together, and 2-3 necklaces of varying lengths, you can layer in different ways. About Heather B. Moore Let your jewelry from Heather B. Moore tell a rich story about your life. Every personalized piece begins with a journey of love, laughter, and family. Heirloom jewelry from Heather B. Moore isn’t about trends but documenting one’s story, letting the person wearing the piece remember what shaped them along the way. Created with the highest level of craftsmanship possible, sentimental fine jewelry and charms feature hand stamped letters, numbers, symbols, and even exact handwriting or a child’s drawing. The artistry that goes into Heather’s B. Moore’s jewelry also allows for a one-of-a-kind piece that will last a lifetime and can be passed down to the next generation. Cherish Who You Are® and celebrate your life and loved ones with meaningful fine jewelry. Create a travel capsule jewelry collection at https://www.heatherbmoore.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3QGpKlu
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hollowaystorage · 1 year
5 Tips for Moving Out of Your House in the Rain with Professional Removals
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How to move out of your house when it’s raining? Well, hiring adept removals in Sydney can be of help. No one likes to move when raining, but sometimes the timing is just like that. You may need a new job, and you get one with a joining date during the monsoon. Also, it’s like your rental agreement expires in the monsoon. And these leave you no choice but to move out in the rain (unless you’ve got a second place to stay for the month).
So, how can you move out in the monsoon like a pro? Let’s learn that in the below blog post.
How can you move out during monsoon with professional movers?
Moving in the rain isn’t fun and is not recommended by movers as well. But well, you can’t control the weather as per emergencies. Even if you want to avoid the rain, unexpected rains can surprise you in the middle of the move. But you can still ace your monsoon move with the following tips,
1. Wrap all your items in plastic.
Here’s how,
If you have art pieces or antiques, wrap them in plastic covers.
Toss all your clothes and important documents in plastic trash bags.
If you’re moving valuables during the monsoon, invest in shrink wrap.
Cover all your furniture pieces in plastic comforters.
2. Never forget to pack rain essentials.
Moving in the rain means, you need to be extra careful. Making your items rainproof alone can’t do anything. You need to protect yourself when loading/unloading the items to/from the moving truck. Keeping the below rain essentials handy will be of help,
Flip-flop shoes
Rain boots
Baseball caps/hats
Rain slickers
Umbrellas, etc.
3. Reach your new place before the movers.
Here’s why,
If you reach the house before your movers, you can lay down a welcoming mat in front of the door. It’ll keep your floor safe from outside dirt and muddy stains. But ensure not to use your expensive wool mats to wipe your dirty feet on them.
Moving in the monsoon can be a little chilly. Hence, heating the new place will be a great idea. If you’ve already moved some of your appliances before ‘D-day,’ or have brought some in your car, turn that ON.
Open the windows to level down the humidity of the home and remove the moisture from the air. It’ll make the place more comfortable.
Make some towels handy and hand them out to movers when working. They may use this to wipe their hands to handle your items with the utmost care.
If you’ve got extra moving boxes, lay them out on the floor. It’ll prevent your floor to get slippery with rainwater and mud.
4. Create a specific plan for your monsoon relocation.
Here’s how,
Look for a specific area in your new place and unload all your boxes in that area. If you’ve got a garage, unload everything in that place. If not, then set up a spot a few feet away from your rooms. And ask someone (preferably dry) to move them one by one.
If you don’t have any specific area to dry your items after the move, you can set up a pop-up tent. Placing it right at the end of the moving truck will be ideal. In this way, you can have extra space to unload your items.
If you’ve items that can have severe damage from rainwater, don’t move them. Either you can keep them to your friends for the time being or store them in a climate-controlled storage unit.
5. Take care of the wet items ASAP.
Here’s how,
Unpack the compromised boxes right away.
Wipe every item with towels before taking them inside.
Are you planning for a monsoon move? Hiring a team of professional removals in Sydney will be the best way to do so. And we hope this blog will help you with that.
Also Read: Preserving Precious Wedding Memories
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georgemartinun · 1 year
Top tips buy the best air humidifier for living rooms
Do you ever feel like you're living in a desert, with dry air sucking the moisture out of your skin and making your plants wilt faster than you can water them? Fear not! We've got the ultimate solution to bring back that much-needed moisture and turn your room into a cozy oasis. It's time to pick the best air humidifier for the living room that suits your needs, and we're here to help you do just that!
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1. Embrace the Modernity:
Who said humidifiers can't keep up with the times? Say “hello” to the new era of humidification with USB-powered humidifiers! You can easily connect them to your laptop, power bank, or even your smartphone charger. Embrace the convenience of USB, and never worry about searching for the nearest power outlet again!
2. Compact and Powerful:
Let's face it – space is precious, and nobody wants a gigantic, clumsy humidifier hogging up their room. Compact is the way to go! Look for humidifiers that pack a punch in a small form factor. These little dynamos not only blend effortlessly with your decor but also deliver powerful moisture to every corner of your space.
3. Intelligent Humidity Control:
Forget manual adjustments! Look for humidifiers with smart humidity control that can adapt to your room's needs. These modern wonders monitor the air's moisture levels and adjust their output accordingly, ensuring your room stays in the Goldilocks zone – not too humid, not too dry, but just right!
4. Whisper-quiet Operation:
A good humidifier for a room is like a ninja – silent and stealthy. Opt for models that promise quiet operation, allowing you to work, rest, or sleep without any disruptive noise. Silence is golden, and your humidifier should abide by that rule!
5. Seamless Maintenance:
We know that life gets busy, and nobody wants to spend ages cleaning a humidifier. Seek models with easy-to-clean designs, removable parts, and dishwasher-safe components. Keeping your humidifier spick and span should be a breeze, leaving you with more time for relaxation.
6. Eco-friendly Choice:
Let's do our part for the environment! Look for humidifiers with eco-friendly features like low energy consumption and BPA-free materials. It's a small step that can make a big difference in reducing our carbon footprint.
Order the best small room air humidifier from here: https://thetwopalms.shop/.
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milanstorageqcri · 1 year
Arrange Your Stuff in Proper Storage Unit
 When more space is needed at home, self-storage facilities are the best option. Finding a reliable self-storage facility is essential if you need to store a lot of items but have little spare room. Many businesses provide such storage areas for convenient rates. Furthermore, there is a wide range of compact Storage Units Molin esizes available. You can choose any size you choose, from small to extremely large, depending on what you need. Additional services, such as state-of-the-art security and climate control, are available for an additional fee.
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Storage Facilities with Climate Control
Self-storage units with climate control are often regarded as the gold standard in the storage industry. Some products can only be kept in pristine condition under very particular weather conditions. Products like expensive clothing, wine, and electronics must be stored in carefully controlled environments. Items requiring a specific temperature range can be safely stored in such a facility. These Self Storage spaces have climate control, so moisture, light, & temperature are all managed. This service comes at an additional cost. This is now a critical differentiator in the market. To increase their market share, most storage businesses now provide climate-controlled units. The self-storage market has been revolutionized thanks to this building. Even a decade ago, there was no such thing as it. This place also offers a wide selection. There are primarily three varieties of air conditioners:
Dry Air Units, which pump dry air into the building at regular intervals to regulate humidity. It is simple to adjust the settings to suit the objects being kept. By eliminating the potential for mold and fungus growth, this environment protects fragile objects from deterioration.
2.Transportable climate control systems are ideal for those who are constantly on the move. This structure is mobile and mounted on wheels. This is an excellent solution for perishable foods that need to be kept in the fridge. Most of the tenants here are businesses.
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Wine needs to be kept at a precise temperature for extended periods of time. Storage Units like these are also used to store oil paintings and other fragile artworks.
There Are Some Advantages
The convenience of these self-storage warehouses is much appreciated by many people and businesses. Using a storage facility has various benefits:
First, they are available in a range of sizes. It is simple to pick one that suits your needs. In general, sizes range from small to extra-extra huge.
Second, the facility should have adequate security measures in place, such as video surveillance, electronic locks, and restricted entry with a passcode. Your merchandise will be protected from harm. You have the option of allowing other people inside your unit, or keeping it private.
You would be wrong to assume that tiny storage containers are prohibitively expensive. This model offers exceptional cost savings.
Additional Services: In addition to storing your belongings, many storage facilities also offer business meeting spaces, elevators, packing and moving services, and more.You should investigate storage facilities before committing to their use. In no way is it harmful.
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solar-pool-heating · 1 year
Pool Covers Conserves Heat
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Swimming pool covers Sydney significantly reduce the heating costs of a swimming pool. The use of a pool cover can also help reduce the size of a solar pool heating system which can also save money.
 Swimming pools lose energy in many ways, but evaporation is the biggest source of energy loss. Evaporating water requires tremendous amounts of energy.
 For comparison, it takes only 1 BTU (British Thermal Unit) to raise one pound of water 1 degree. However, each pound of 80ºF water that evaporates takes a whopping 1,048 BTU of heat out of the pool.
 This is close enough to the pool that it doesn't create turbulence over the pool, which will increase evaporation. The windbreak that shades the pool from the sun, helps heat it up.
 Indoor pools are not affected by the environment, but they can still lose a lot of energy from evaporation. They even require room ventilation to control indoor humidity caused by the large amount of evaporation.
 The ventilated air also must be conditioned, which adds to the energy costs.
 Pool covers
 Pool covers minimize evaporation from both outdoor and indoor pools. It can sound strange but covering a pool when it is not in use is the single most effective means of reducing pool heating costs. (Savings can reach 50%–70%.)
 Pool covers on indoor pools not only can reduce evaporation but also the need to ventilate indoor air. This is replaced with unconditioned outdoor air. You can also shut off exhaust fans when an indoor pool is covered, which saves even more energy.
 Pool cover types
 In practical terms, all you need is one large plastic sheets. Plastic actually meets the
requirement of being a vapor barrier.
 However, a large sheet of plastic that you get from the lumber store is probably not your best choice. It is very difficult to handle and store, it tears easily, and sunlight will deteriorate it rapidly. Technically, all you really need for a pool cover is a large sheet of plastic. You can use a sheet of plastic, but it will be very inconvenient and it will probably only last 1 to 2 seasons maximum.
 A pool cover designed specifically for swimming pools. Made of special materials, such as UV-stabilized polyethylene, polypropylene, or vinyl, they are transparent or opaque. Covers can even be light or dark colored.
 They are the lowest-priced covers made specifically for swimming pools is the bubble (or solar) cover. The covers show different types of pool covers. Bubble/solar cover, vinyl cover insulated vinyl cover are similar to bubble packing material. The difference except they use a thicker grade of plastic and have UV inhibitors.
 Vinyl covers consist of a heavier material and have a longer life expectancy than bubble covers. Insulated vinyl covers are also available with a thin layer of flexible insulation sandwiched between two layers of vinyl. A pool cover will decrease the solar gain contribution to some extent, depending on what type you use. A transparent bubble cover can reduce pool solar energy absorption by 5%–15%.
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