#2) @dont-offend-the-bees for having written the kurlish fics i had read yesterday and gotten bart brain wigglies from
urlocallesbiab · 1 year
headcanon: in blackwing, bart never let anyone brush her hair because she didn’t like the feeling, the tugging and tediousness, and no one could force her — because she's bart. in order to manage her hair somehow, they would shave it off every month, keeping it in a short buzzcut; the only person ever able to get close enough to do that was osmund priest. the low buzzing and the steady hand movements were one of their older brother & little sister rituals. she never cared for looks, so she took it fine, but the adults cringed (only a little bit, because they never cared for bart) at how it made her look even more like a prisoner than the others.
after getting out she stopped having it cut, mainly because it's a hassle and she can't be bothered; she hasn't done it once in all of sixteen years since. sometimes, when she finds a knot in her hair big enough to be annoying, she cuts it out with the nearest sharp object, and that's why the hair hasn't gotten past her shoulders in length.
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