#2. Gabelli Asset Management
adeelseo · 5 months
Marc Joseph Gabelli
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orbemnews · 3 years
As Talk Turns to Inflation, Some Investors Look to Gold Inflation is back in the news and so, of course, is interest in gold. After years of dormancy, inflation is expected to rise a bit this summer. It is even possible that as Americans emerge from Covid-19 induced seclusion, their pent-up demand will overheat the economy and weaken the dollar. Those concerns have put the spotlight on gold, which has long been viewed as a hedge against inflation, a declining dollar and an unstable stock market. Buy gold now and make a quick profit, or so the thinking goes. But this analysis has problems, starting with the outlook for inflation, which isn’t necessarily that bad. The inflation rate ended 2020 at an anemic 1.4 percent, and Jerome H. Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, has said that despite the potential for a modest surge above 2 percent this summer, the Fed doesn’t expect inflation to move much higher between now and 2023. Perhaps that’s why gold hasn’t been soaring lately, either. After peaking at more than $2,000 an ounce last summer, gold prices hovered below $1,750 in early April, a decline of nearly 13 percent. In short, betting on gold for the short term is risky. That doesn’t mean individual investors need to dismiss the idea of holding it, and precious metal funds, entirely. But it suggests that they should be exceedingly careful and take a very long view, several strategists said. “For investors who are looking for a hedge in their portfolio, commodities in general and gold specifically can be a good play,” said Katerina Simonetti, senior vice president at Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management in Philadelphia. “The goal is to ensure positive long-term performance at a lower level of risk.” The returns of gold funds have been volatile, though positive for many extended periods. The SPDR Gold Shares E.T.F. from State Street Global Advisors posted a total return of 23.68 percent for 2020, but it was down more than 9 percent this year through March. It returned 8.98 percent over three years and 6.4 percent for five years. Performance for the iShares Gold Trust E.T.F. is similar: down more than 9 percent through March, after total returns of 23.87 percent in 2020, and 6.52 percent for five years. Both funds provide a way for shareholders to invest in gold bullion without ever needing to buy or secure it. Gold mutual funds, on the other hand, which also invest in gold bullion, also often hold interests in companies involved in gold mining. That exposes shareholders to equity risk, in addition to the intrinsic risk of making bets on gold prices. The Gabelli Gold Fund (class A) was down more than 15 percent through March, after returning more than 26 percent last year. The fund’s annualized return is 12.86 percent for three years and 10.11 percent for five years. The Fidelity Select Gold Portfolio follows the same trend: down this year after annualized returns of 26.85 percent last year, 12.06 percent for three years and 9.27 percent for five years. Skeptics point out that gold can be a drag on a portfolio. Investors must time purchases and sales — a notoriously difficult task even for professionals. Otherwise, for long periods, gold prices can remain nearly flat, as they did for more than a decade from the mid-1980s to 2000, and they can decline. In addition, gold doesn’t pay dividends or interest: “It just sits there,” as Warren E. Buffett likes to point out. Finally, investors who buy physical gold face the additional risk and cost and of securing their bullion or coins. A more cautious approach is to avoid chasing returns. Instead, keep a small percentage of a portfolio in gold and other precious metals in the hope that this will be a long-term stabilizer. “In a world where equity prices continue to elevate untethered to any fundamentals, precious metals as a small amount of diversification makes sense,” said David Trainer, chief executive of New Constructs, an investment research firm based in Nashville. George Milling-Stanley, chief gold strategist at State Street Global Advisors, said gold offers two benefits over the long term: protection against risk and volatility, and as asset appreciation. “Gold is a defensive asset that really comes into its own over the long term, when you can enjoy the return stream,” Mr. Milling-Stanley said. As for gold working only as a hedge against inflation, Mr. Milling-Stanley pointed out that since 2001, inflation has been restrained, rarely rising above 3 percent annually and remaining around 2 percent or less most of the time. Gold prices, however, rose from $274 an ounce at the beginning of 2001 to about $1,750 at the end of March. “We don’t need inflation,” Mr. Milling-Stanley said. Gold performed well anyway. Some experts recommend investors stick to E.T.F.s that focus strictly on gold, which tends to lead the other precious metals, silver and platinum. Advisers warn that gold, precious metals and other commodities should make up just a sliver of an individual’s portfolio, usually no more than a total of 5 percent. Whatever its drawbacks as an investment, gold has had an enduring appeal. “There is a psychological component in owning gold that goes back for centuries,” Ms. Simonetti said. “It’s an asset that gives peace of mind to investors. It just makes investors feel safe and secure.” Source link Orbem News #gold #Inflation #investors #talk #turns
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peacekaleandyoga1 · 4 years
RYE, N.Y.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Board of Trustees of The Gabelli Healthcare & WellnessRX Trust (NYSE:GRX) (the “Fund”) authorized the redemption of all outstanding 5.76% Series A Cumulative Preferred Shares (the “Series A Preferred”). The shares will be redeemed at $25.0520 per Series A Preferred (the “Redemption Price”), which consists of $25.00 per Series A Preferred (the liquidation preference) plus accumulated and unpaid dividends and distributions to the redemption date of April 9, 2020 (the “Redemption Date”).
As of the Redemption Date, the Series A Preferred will no longer be deemed outstanding, dividends will cease to accumulate and all the rights of the Series A Preferred shareholders with respect to the Series A Preferred will cease, except the right to receive the Redemption Price.
The Series A Preferred Shares, which trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “GRX Pr A”, are rated “A2” by Moody’s Investors Service and have an annual dividend rate of $1.44 per share. The Series A Preferred Shares were issued on August 20, 2010 at $25.00 per share and pay distributions quarterly.
Questions relating to, and requests for additional copies of, the notice of redemption and the related materials should be directed to the Fund at 800-GABELLI (800-422-3554) or (914) 921-5070.
About The Gabelli Healthcare & WellnessRX Trust
The Gabelli Healthcare & WellnessRX Trust is a diversified, closed-end management investment company with $288 million in total net assets whose primary investment objective is long-term growth of capital. The Fund is managed by Gabelli Funds, LLC, a subsidiary of GAMCO Investors, Inc. (NYSE:GBL).
About GAMCO Investors
GAMCO Investors, Inc., through its subsidiaries, manages private advisory accounts (GAMCO Asset Management Inc.), mutual funds and closed-end funds (Gabelli Funds, LLC). As of December 31, 2019, GAMCO Investors had $36.5 billion in assets under management.
CUSIP – 36246K202
from https://ift.tt/2ycjCfF
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click2watch · 6 years
Institutional Crypto and a New Generation of Wall Street Leaders
Donna Redel is an angel investor focusing on financial technology, blockchain and emerging technologies, professor of blockchain and a former chairman at the Commodity Exchange.
The following is an exclusive contribution to CoinDesk’s 2018 Year in Review. 
If there’s any doubt institutions are moving fast on crypto asset adoption, take it from a teacher.
In developing the syllabus for Fordham Law and Gabelli School of Business, which both offered my new course on blockchains and crypto assets, I was all too aware of the dramatic changes the industry underwent. The ever-shifting landscape and break-neck pace meant that the class, the guest speakers and myself had to remain nimble, adjusting on an almost weekly basis to innovations in technology and regulatory issues.
We were witnessing and learning in real time as the SEC and CFTC officials made speeches, issued settlements or statements that would shape the industry.
Yet, as we head into 2019, I’m reminded that our industry faces even more urgent questions:
How will the marketplace find ways to employ digital assets in risk management?
Is there an overarching framework, a consistent set of standards and terminology for the industry to subscribe to?
Is the movement to institutional acceptance fundamentally at odds with decentralization?
What are the market opportunities?
What role is regulation having in the migration to institutionalization?
Still more important, however, will be a larger question that will define all of the above: Who are our leaders leading the charge to institutional adoption of digital assets?
This answer may prove critical to overcoming the challenge of attaining broad institutional acceptance.
The long move toward digitization
In order to put the dramatic changes of 2018 into context, consider the historical perspective.
In 1992, I was elected Chairman of The Commodity Exchange where during my tenure it merged into the NYMEX to create the largest physical commodity exchange. At that time, the exchanges occupied a 50,000 square-foot column-less trading floor, populated with thousands of people in brightly colored trading jackets, screaming and waving their arms violently to buy or sell a commodity – things such as gold, silver, oil, sugar, orange juice.
If you never had the occasion to visit a vibrant trading floor watch the movie “Trading Places” with Eddie Murphy to get the gist. Though it may seem crazy or inefficient now, those people were doing the work that computers do today. The exchange floor was first and foremost a community, a network, a beehive of activity where millions of transactions occurred and every player had a defined place in an economic ecosystem.
Electronic order books have since replaced bits of papers with scribbled buy and sell orders, but the fundamental rationale for the market and its players remains intact, which is to transfer risk and to provide liquidity for institutional users.
The COMEX-NYMEX merger in 1994 was the first consolidation of the exchanges that began the process of unlocking value, and of rethinking how to be competitive in the approaching age of data availability, computerization and global technological competition. It was a big step toward new product development and the growth of derivatives.
Fast forward to today and many things are not essentially different.
When we think about advancing the use of crypto and digital assets, it is helpful to draw on history. The invention of financial products or asset classes is a complex art. But the adoption of the product and growth of the marketplace takes perseverance and leadership by individuals building out the ecosystem step-by-step for institutional acceptance.
Here again, historical examples can provide insight for developing digital assets and tokens markets.
Dr. Richard Sandor, considered the father of financial futures, helped grow both OTC market participation and the exchanges by speaking to all the potential stakeholders day in and day out. In the most affectionate of ways, I think of Richard going door-to-door selling financially engineered products and educating people about how they can transform risk management as well as investing. He convinced one person at a time, one institution at a time to step in and to build a marketplace. The Chairman of the CFTC recently cited Sandor’s new blockchain book twice in a single speech.
In the early 1980s, the great Leo Melamed literally dragged traders into the S&P pit to spend their quota of time making markets in what became known as “Leo’s folly.” It became the most successful of contracts.
The lesson? Leaders are dedicated, trusted and patient individuals who build a community to expand the marketplace.
Centralized decentralization
Still, in electing this leadership we also need to be conscious of values. In 2018, the move towards institutional utilization came with a step away from decentralization – the core value-add of blockchain-based systems.
Crypto contracts opened on the CME and the CBOE, and ICE put forth its new entrant Bakkt. All are highly centralized marketplaces that institutional players support and trust. Yet, there is no peer-to-peer trading or settlement as in the decentralized models of crypto trading.
But as the market gains traction we should be reminded of the need to reimagine exchange structure and the promise of decentralization for digital assets, and that we need leaders who can help steer us toward this greater goal.
Already, innovative companies with devoted leadership teams are working together to grow the economic understanding of digital assets, to develop functional products, and to build the complicated infrastructure. As we move towards institutional digital assets, new partnerships are being developed, frameworks are being built and alliances forged.
In 2018, the digital asset industry began step-by- step an educational framework for the institutional marketplace as well as for the regulators and also began to produce thought leadership initiatives based on scholarly work. I recommend the following selection: the tokenomics work of Prysm’s Cathy Barbarra and Stephanie Hurder; the blockchain research of Carnegie Mellon’s Giulia Fanti; Todd Lippiat and Micheal Oved’s new approach to real estate tokens (tokenwaterfall.io); and the cutting edge legal work of The Brooklyn Project as well as that of Aaron Wright’s (openlaw.io):
On the partnership side, Fluidity announced deals with Securitize, Propellr and GenesisBlock, all since October 2018. Vincent Molinari (of Templum) and Seedinvest (newly merged with Circle) are continuing to lead the way to ease regulation for crowdfunding.
In 2019, we can expect to see mergers and alliances that position firms to offer digital asset products to institutional investors and to provide creative solutions aimed at building infrastructure and an efficient liquid security token market. The dynamic partnership and configurations within blockchain and a wider set of industries will produce leaders that drive change.
But my hope is to see continued leadership from a new generation of empowered entrepreneurs who can perform a leadership role similar to Sandor, Melamed or myself, driving the process of the institutionalization of crypto-digital assets, and continuing the long-running digitization of finance, already decades in the making.
It is noteworthy and without historical precedent that in 2019 women in leadership positions will have key roles in driving the process of the institutionalization of crypto assets. I look forward to seeing what these women in power will do and say in 2019: Abagail Johnson, CEO of Fidelity Investments, Kelly Loeffler, CEO of Bakkt, Adena Freidman, CEO of Nasdaq, Stacey Cunningham, President of NYSE , Hester Pierce, Commissioner of the SEC and Valerie Szczepanik, SEC Senior Advisor for Digital Assets and Innovation.
I, the first woman chair of an exchange, feel hopeful and certainly in good company.
Have an opinionated take on 2018? CoinDesk is seeking submissions for our 2018 in Review. Email news [at] coindesk.com to learn how to get involved. 
Image via CoinDesk archives 
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newestbalance · 6 years
Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) shareholders have endured a painful year amid worries about prospects for its many businesses, but investors capitalizing on the stock’s relatively cheap valuation may be set to apply a Band-Aid to the declines.
FILE PHOTO: A Johnson & Johnson building is shown in Irvine, California, U.S., January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Blake
Shares of J&J, the largest U.S. healthcare company by market value, had slumped 11.2 percent this year as of Friday’s close, although recent gains may indicate the start of a rebound. The stock’s year-to-date decline compares to more than 2 percent gains for both the S&P 500 healthcare sector .SPXHC and the blue chip Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI, of which J&J is a member.
If J&J ends the year with its current 11.2 percent decline, 2018 will be the worst calendar-year performance in 25 years for the stock, a bellwether for the healthcare sector and one traditionally considered a safe-haven investment during periods of market uncertainty.
The diversified company, whose products include Band-Aid bandages, Tylenol pain reliever, replacement knees and cancer and immunology medicines, faces concerns in all three of its main segments – pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer.
But the stock’s swoon makes it look particularly cheap, based on its price-to-earnings ratio of 14.8 times forward earnings estimates, which is enticing investors, along with the stock’s above-market dividend yield of 2.9 percent.
“We are much more upbeat about J&J today than we were six months ago,” said David Katz, chief investment officer at Matrix Asset Advisors in New York, as the stock traded just above $120 a share.
“We definitely think it’s an attractive investment opportunity,” Katz said.
J&J shares are up more than 3 percent in June, following five straight months of declines, the stock’s longest such losing streak in over a decade.
J&J’s pharmaceuticals segment, roughly half of company revenue, saw sales jump by 19 percent in the first quarter. But concerns about generic-drug competition eroding sales of prostate cancer medicine Zytiga, a standout in the first quarter, and rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade have investors leery about the segment’s future performance.
Pharmaceuticals has been the strongest segment of J&J’s businesses, but “the ability to sustain an above-average growth rate has been a question,” said Dean Dillard, senior research analyst at USAA Investments in San Antonio.
J&J’s medical devices segment including its orthopedics business has been losing market share, said Jeff Jonas, a portfolio manager focusing on healthcare for Gabelli & Co.
Performance in J&J’s consumer segment has been “pretty lackluster for a few quarters,” Jonas said. The division also may be subject to weak investor sentiment in general for consumer brand companies, amid fierce competition and other concerns.
“There is concern around all three of the businesses,” Jonas said.
(GRAPHIC: J&J shares in 2018: A stock in need of Tylenol – reut.rs/2Mg5dRC)
J&J shares may also be suffering from concerns about scrutiny over prescription drug costs that are undermining pharmaceutical shares broadly.
“Sentiment remains fairly negative for the group, so that by and large does not help Johnson & Johnson,” said Kevin Gade, a portfolio analyst, who follows pharmaceutical stocks at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati.
The stock’s recent valuation at 14.8 times earnings estimates for the next 12 months is its lowest since late 2015 and well below its five-year average of 16.5 times, according to Thomson Reuters Datastream.
J&J is also trading at a nearly 10 percent discount to the S&P 500 .SPX, compared to the slight premium it has held over the benchmark index on average over the past five years.
Also appealing, investors said, is J&J’s dividend yield of 2.9 percent compared to 1.9 percent for the S&P 500, as well as the company’s track record of consistently raising it.
Aside from paying its dividend, some investors want J&J to use its cash for a stock buyback or for an acquisition to improve its growth prospects.
J&J is “capable of doing 10 $5 billion transactions. We don’t have to do a $50 billion transaction,” Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso told an investor conference last week.
J&J’s broad healthcare portfolio, which offers products that people will require even in economic down times, helps position it as a safe-haven stock in the event of market volatility or an increasingly uncertain economy.
“If and when the economy sees negative growth,” Gade said, “relative to the market, Johnson & Johnson is the type of company and business model an investor would want to hold.”
Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf; Editing by Cynthia Osterman
The post Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2t0yXcm via Everyday News
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) shareholders have endured a painful year amid worries about prospects for its many businesses, but investors capitalizing on the stock’s relatively cheap valuation may be set to apply a Band-Aid to the declines.
FILE PHOTO: A Johnson & Johnson building is shown in Irvine, California, U.S., January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Blake
Shares of J&J, the largest U.S. healthcare company by market value, had slumped 11.2 percent this year as of Friday’s close, although recent gains may indicate the start of a rebound. The stock’s year-to-date decline compares to more than 2 percent gains for both the S&P 500 healthcare sector .SPXHC and the blue chip Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI, of which J&J is a member.
If J&J ends the year with its current 11.2 percent decline, 2018 will be the worst calendar-year performance in 25 years for the stock, a bellwether for the healthcare sector and one traditionally considered a safe-haven investment during periods of market uncertainty.
The diversified company, whose products include Band-Aid bandages, Tylenol pain reliever, replacement knees and cancer and immunology medicines, faces concerns in all three of its main segments – pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer.
But the stock’s swoon makes it look particularly cheap, based on its price-to-earnings ratio of 14.8 times forward earnings estimates, which is enticing investors, along with the stock’s above-market dividend yield of 2.9 percent.
“We are much more upbeat about J&J today than we were six months ago,” said David Katz, chief investment officer at Matrix Asset Advisors in New York, as the stock traded just above $120 a share.
“We definitely think it’s an attractive investment opportunity,” Katz said.
J&J shares are up more than 3 percent in June, following five straight months of declines, the stock’s longest such losing streak in over a decade.
J&J’s pharmaceuticals segment, roughly half of company revenue, saw sales jump by 19 percent in the first quarter. But concerns about generic-drug competition eroding sales of prostate cancer medicine Zytiga, a standout in the first quarter, and rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade have investors leery about the segment’s future performance.
Pharmaceuticals has been the strongest segment of J&J’s businesses, but “the ability to sustain an above-average growth rate has been a question,” said Dean Dillard, senior research analyst at USAA Investments in San Antonio.
J&J’s medical devices segment including its orthopedics business has been losing market share, said Jeff Jonas, a portfolio manager focusing on healthcare for Gabelli & Co.
Performance in J&J’s consumer segment has been “pretty lackluster for a few quarters,” Jonas said. The division also may be subject to weak investor sentiment in general for consumer brand companies, amid fierce competition and other concerns.
“There is concern around all three of the businesses,” Jonas said.
(GRAPHIC: J&J shares in 2018: A stock in need of Tylenol – reut.rs/2Mg5dRC)
J&J shares may also be suffering from concerns about scrutiny over prescription drug costs that are undermining pharmaceutical shares broadly.
“Sentiment remains fairly negative for the group, so that by and large does not help Johnson & Johnson,” said Kevin Gade, a portfolio analyst, who follows pharmaceutical stocks at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati.
The stock’s recent valuation at 14.8 times earnings estimates for the next 12 months is its lowest since late 2015 and well below its five-year average of 16.5 times, according to Thomson Reuters Datastream.
J&J is also trading at a nearly 10 percent discount to the S&P 500 .SPX, compared to the slight premium it has held over the benchmark index on average over the past five years.
Also appealing, investors said, is J&J’s dividend yield of 2.9 percent compared to 1.9 percent for the S&P 500, as well as the company’s track record of consistently raising it.
Aside from paying its dividend, some investors want J&J to use its cash for a stock buyback or for an acquisition to improve its growth prospects.
J&J is “capable of doing 10 $5 billion transactions. We don’t have to do a $50 billion transaction,” Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso told an investor conference last week.
J&J’s broad healthcare portfolio, which offers products that people will require even in economic down times, helps position it as a safe-haven stock in the event of market volatility or an increasingly uncertain economy.
“If and when the economy sees negative growth,” Gade said, “relative to the market, Johnson & Johnson is the type of company and business model an investor would want to hold.”
Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf; Editing by Cynthia Osterman
The post Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2t0yXcm via Online News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) shareholders have endured a painful year amid worries about prospects for its many businesses, but investors capitalizing on the stock’s relatively cheap valuation may be set to apply a Band-Aid to the declines.
FILE PHOTO: A Johnson & Johnson building is shown in Irvine, California, U.S., January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Blake
Shares of J&J, the largest U.S. healthcare company by market value, had slumped 11.2 percent this year as of Friday’s close, although recent gains may indicate the start of a rebound. The stock’s year-to-date decline compares to more than 2 percent gains for both the S&P 500 healthcare sector .SPXHC and the blue chip Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI, of which J&J is a member.
If J&J ends the year with its current 11.2 percent decline, 2018 will be the worst calendar-year performance in 25 years for the stock, a bellwether for the healthcare sector and one traditionally considered a safe-haven investment during periods of market uncertainty.
The diversified company, whose products include Band-Aid bandages, Tylenol pain reliever, replacement knees and cancer and immunology medicines, faces concerns in all three of its main segments – pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer.
But the stock’s swoon makes it look particularly cheap, based on its price-to-earnings ratio of 14.8 times forward earnings estimates, which is enticing investors, along with the stock’s above-market dividend yield of 2.9 percent.
“We are much more upbeat about J&J today than we were six months ago,” said David Katz, chief investment officer at Matrix Asset Advisors in New York, as the stock traded just above $120 a share.
“We definitely think it’s an attractive investment opportunity,” Katz said.
J&J shares are up more than 3 percent in June, following five straight months of declines, the stock’s longest such losing streak in over a decade.
J&J’s pharmaceuticals segment, roughly half of company revenue, saw sales jump by 19 percent in the first quarter. But concerns about generic-drug competition eroding sales of prostate cancer medicine Zytiga, a standout in the first quarter, and rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade have investors leery about the segment’s future performance.
Pharmaceuticals has been the strongest segment of J&J’s businesses, but “the ability to sustain an above-average growth rate has been a question,” said Dean Dillard, senior research analyst at USAA Investments in San Antonio.
J&J’s medical devices segment including its orthopedics business has been losing market share, said Jeff Jonas, a portfolio manager focusing on healthcare for Gabelli & Co.
Performance in J&J’s consumer segment has been “pretty lackluster for a few quarters,” Jonas said. The division also may be subject to weak investor sentiment in general for consumer brand companies, amid fierce competition and other concerns.
“There is concern around all three of the businesses,” Jonas said.
(GRAPHIC: J&J shares in 2018: A stock in need of Tylenol – reut.rs/2Mg5dRC)
J&J shares may also be suffering from concerns about scrutiny over prescription drug costs that are undermining pharmaceutical shares broadly.
“Sentiment remains fairly negative for the group, so that by and large does not help Johnson & Johnson,” said Kevin Gade, a portfolio analyst, who follows pharmaceutical stocks at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati.
The stock’s recent valuation at 14.8 times earnings estimates for the next 12 months is its lowest since late 2015 and well below its five-year average of 16.5 times, according to Thomson Reuters Datastream.
J&J is also trading at a nearly 10 percent discount to the S&P 500 .SPX, compared to the slight premium it has held over the benchmark index on average over the past five years.
Also appealing, investors said, is J&J’s dividend yield of 2.9 percent compared to 1.9 percent for the S&P 500, as well as the company’s track record of consistently raising it.
Aside from paying its dividend, some investors want J&J to use its cash for a stock buyback or for an acquisition to improve its growth prospects.
J&J is “capable of doing 10 $5 billion transactions. We don’t have to do a $50 billion transaction,” Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso told an investor conference last week.
J&J’s broad healthcare portfolio, which offers products that people will require even in economic down times, helps position it as a safe-haven stock in the event of market volatility or an increasingly uncertain economy.
“If and when the economy sees negative growth,” Gade said, “relative to the market, Johnson & Johnson is the type of company and business model an investor would want to hold.”
Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf; Editing by Cynthia Osterman
The post Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2t0yXcm via News of World
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dragnews · 6 years
Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) shareholders have endured a painful year amid worries about prospects for its many businesses, but investors capitalizing on the stock’s relatively cheap valuation may be set to apply a Band-Aid to the declines.
FILE PHOTO: A Johnson & Johnson building is shown in Irvine, California, U.S., January 24, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Blake
Shares of J&J, the largest U.S. healthcare company by market value, had slumped 11.2 percent this year as of Friday’s close, although recent gains may indicate the start of a rebound. The stock’s year-to-date decline compares to more than 2 percent gains for both the S&P 500 healthcare sector .SPXHC and the blue chip Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI, of which J&J is a member.
If J&J ends the year with its current 11.2 percent decline, 2018 will be the worst calendar-year performance in 25 years for the stock, a bellwether for the healthcare sector and one traditionally considered a safe-haven investment during periods of market uncertainty.
The diversified company, whose products include Band-Aid bandages, Tylenol pain reliever, replacement knees and cancer and immunology medicines, faces concerns in all three of its main segments – pharmaceuticals, medical devices and consumer.
But the stock’s swoon makes it look particularly cheap, based on its price-to-earnings ratio of 14.8 times forward earnings estimates, which is enticing investors, along with the stock’s above-market dividend yield of 2.9 percent.
“We are much more upbeat about J&J today than we were six months ago,” said David Katz, chief investment officer at Matrix Asset Advisors in New York, as the stock traded just above $120 a share.
“We definitely think it’s an attractive investment opportunity,” Katz said.
J&J shares are up more than 3 percent in June, following five straight months of declines, the stock’s longest such losing streak in over a decade.
J&J’s pharmaceuticals segment, roughly half of company revenue, saw sales jump by 19 percent in the first quarter. But concerns about generic-drug competition eroding sales of prostate cancer medicine Zytiga, a standout in the first quarter, and rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade have investors leery about the segment’s future performance.
Pharmaceuticals has been the strongest segment of J&J’s businesses, but “the ability to sustain an above-average growth rate has been a question,” said Dean Dillard, senior research analyst at USAA Investments in San Antonio.
J&J’s medical devices segment including its orthopedics business has been losing market share, said Jeff Jonas, a portfolio manager focusing on healthcare for Gabelli & Co.
Performance in J&J’s consumer segment has been “pretty lackluster for a few quarters,” Jonas said. The division also may be subject to weak investor sentiment in general for consumer brand companies, amid fierce competition and other concerns.
“There is concern around all three of the businesses,” Jonas said.
(GRAPHIC: J&J shares in 2018: A stock in need of Tylenol – reut.rs/2Mg5dRC)
J&J shares may also be suffering from concerns about scrutiny over prescription drug costs that are undermining pharmaceutical shares broadly.
“Sentiment remains fairly negative for the group, so that by and large does not help Johnson & Johnson,” said Kevin Gade, a portfolio analyst, who follows pharmaceutical stocks at Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel in Cincinnati.
The stock’s recent valuation at 14.8 times earnings estimates for the next 12 months is its lowest since late 2015 and well below its five-year average of 16.5 times, according to Thomson Reuters Datastream.
J&J is also trading at a nearly 10 percent discount to the S&P 500 .SPX, compared to the slight premium it has held over the benchmark index on average over the past five years.
Also appealing, investors said, is J&J’s dividend yield of 2.9 percent compared to 1.9 percent for the S&P 500, as well as the company’s track record of consistently raising it.
Aside from paying its dividend, some investors want J&J to use its cash for a stock buyback or for an acquisition to improve its growth prospects.
J&J is “capable of doing 10 $5 billion transactions. We don’t have to do a $50 billion transaction,” Chief Financial Officer Dominic Caruso told an investor conference last week.
J&J’s broad healthcare portfolio, which offers products that people will require even in economic down times, helps position it as a safe-haven stock in the event of market volatility or an increasingly uncertain economy.
“If and when the economy sees negative growth,” Gade said, “relative to the market, Johnson & Johnson is the type of company and business model an investor would want to hold.”
Reporting by Lewis Krauskopf; Editing by Cynthia Osterman
The post Investors ready to resuscitate Johnson & Johnson appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2t0yXcm via Today News
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Test Bank for Investments and Portfolio Management 9th Edition by Bodie Kane and Marcus
This is completed downloadable Test Bank for Investments and  Portfolio Management 9th Edition by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus
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Zvi Bodie is the Norman and Adele Barron Professor of Management at Boston University. He holds a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has served on the finance faculty at the Harvard Business School and MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Professor Bodie has published widely on pension finance and investment strategy in leading professional journals. In cooperation with the Research Foundation of the CFA Institute, he has recently produced a series of Webcasts and a monograph entitled The Future of Life Cycle Saving and Investing.
ALEX KANE University of California, San Diego Alex Kane is professor of finance and economics at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He has been visiting professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo; Graduate School of Business, Harvard; Kennedy School of Government, Harvard; and research associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. An author of many articles in finance and management journals, Professor Kane’s research is mainly in corporate finance, portfolio management, and capital markets, most recently in the measurement of market volatility and pricing of options.
ALAN J. MARCUS Boston College Alan Marcus is the Mario J. Gabelli Professor of Finance in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College. He received his PhD in economics from MIT. Professor Marcus has been a visiting professor at the Athens Laboratory of Business Administration and at MIT’s Sloan School of Management and has served as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. Professor Marcus has published widely in the fields of capital markets and portfolio management. His consulting work has ranged from new-product development to provision of expert testimony in utility rate proceedings. He also spent two years at the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), where he developed models of mortgage pricing and credit risk. He currently serves on the Research Foundation Advisory Board of the CFA Institute.
Bodie, Kane, and Marcus' "Investments and Portfolio Management" sets the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. It blends practical and theoretical coverage, while maintaining an appropriate rigor and a clear writing style. Its unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The text places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts. It is also the only graduate "Investments" text to offer an online homework management system, McGraw-Hill's "Connect Plus Finance".
1. The Investment Environment
2. Asset Classes and Financial Instruments
3. How Securities are Traded
4. Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies
5. Introduction to Risk, Return, and the Historical Record
6. Risk Aversion and Capital Allocation to Risky Assets
7. Optimal Risky Portfolios
8. Index Models
9. The Capital Asset Pricing Model
10. Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Multifactor Models of Risk and Return
11. The Efficient Market Hypothesis
12. Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis
13. Empirical Evidence on Security Returns
14. Bond Prices and Yields
15. The Term Structure of Interest Rates
16. Managing Bond Portfolios
17. Options Markets: Introduction
18. Option Valuation
19. Futures Markets
20. Futures, Swaps, and Risk Management
21. Macroeconomic and Industry Analysis
22. Equity Valuation Models
23. Financial Statement Analysis
24. Portfolio Performance Evaluation
25. International Diversification
26. Hedge Funds
27.The Theory of Active Portfolio Management
28. Investment Policy and the Framework of the CFA Institute Appendices
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071289143
ISBN-13:9780071289146   978-0071289146
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Test Bank for Accounting Principles 9th Edition by Weygandt Kieso and Kimmel
Test Bank for Strategic Management Concepts and Cases Competitiveness and Globalization 10th edition by Michael Ireland and Robert
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years
Why these 2 investment trusts are primed to outperform
Investors pursuing growth strategies have enjoyed bumper returns since the financial crisis. A graph in a recent article demonstrates the extent to which growth has outperformed value over the last 10 years, with the MSCI World Growth index having delivered more than double the return of its Value equivalent.
On the same theme, a chart in a recent blog post by veteran fund manager Neil Woodford shows that “the difference between the performance of value stocks and growth stocks today is greater than at any stage in stock market history.”
Past performance is no guarantee of future returns
Now, unless “it’s different this time” — historically one of the most dangerous things for investors to believe — the tremendous run in growth stocks, fuelled by extraordinary post-financial-crisis monetary policy, will come to an end. As the market comes back to its senses, we could be entering a golden period for value investing.
On the view that value is primed to outperform in the coming years, here are two investment trusts, I’d be happy to buy today.
Value plus
Gabelli Value Plus+ Trust (LSE: GVP) was launched in 2015 and the name is probably unfamiliar to many UK investors. However, it’s a different matter in the US, where Gabelli Asset Management Company (GAMCO) is well recognised, having consistently deployed its value investment methodology since 1977 and delivered market-beating returns. The methodology has its foundation in the principles first articulated in 1934 by the fathers of value investing, Benjamin Graham and David Dodd
The investment team of Gabelli Value Plus+ Trust is lead by GAMCO heavyweights, supported by over 30 research analysts. It invests primarily in undervalued US stocks. Specifically, these are stocks trading at a significant discount to what the team calculates “an informed industrial buyer” would be willing to pay to acquire the entire company, and where there are identified catalysts for the stock price to move towards this valuation.
The trust may not be well known to UK investors but Gabelli’s ‘Private Market Value with a Catalyst’ selection criteria is not only founded on sound value investing principles, but also is tried and tested.
A world of value
I’m sure more readers will be familiar with British Empire Trust (LSE: BTEM) than with Gabelli Value Plus+. British Empire Trust was established in 1899 and has been managed by Asset Value Investors since 1985. Again, this team has a well-established strategy of identifying stocks trading at a deep discount to intrinsic value and with catalysts for the value to be outed.
It invests globally and its current 20% exposure to Japan provides an example of how it goes about looking for value. It points out: “There is a striking contrast between the US, where the S&P 500 ex-financials index trades on a Price-to-Tangible-Book multiple of 19.2x, and Japan where the multiple for comparable companies is just 1.9x.” And it sees a catalyst for unlocking shareholder value in the shape of rising activist pressure (including from government, shareholder advisory services and the National Pension Fund) on “corporate Japan’s bloated balance sheets.”
With its relentless focus on fundamental value and willingness to look anywhere in the world to find it, British Empire is another trust I believe could thrive in the coming years.
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More reading
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G A Chester has no position in any of the shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years
AAR Corp. (AIR) Reaches $42.31 52-Week High; Arden Realty (ARI) Has 2.29 Sentiment
The stock of AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) hit a new 52-week high and has $43.58 target or 3.00% above today’s $42.31 share price. The 5 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $1.44 billion company. The 1-year high was reported on Dec, 4 by Barchart.com. If the $43.58 price target is reached, the company will be worth $43.20M more. The stock increased 2.79% or $1.15 during the last trading session, reaching $42.31. About 30,453 shares traded. AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) has risen 46.02% since December 4, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 29.32% the S&P500.
Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. operates as a real estate investment trust that primarily originates, acquires, invests in, and manages commercial first mortgage loans, subordinate financings, commercial mortgage-backed securities, and other commercial real estate-related debt investments in the United States. The company has market cap of $2.00 billion. The firm is qualified as a REIT under the Internal Revenue Code. It has a 9.22 P/E ratio. As a REIT, it would not be subject to federal income taxes, if it distributes at least 90% of its REIT taxable income to its stockholders.
AAR CORP. provides products and services to commercial aviation, government, and defense markets worldwide. The company has market cap of $1.44 billion. The companyÂ’s Aviation Services segment offers aftermarket support and services; inventory management and distribution services; and maintenance, repair, and overhaul, as well as engineering services. It has a 25.43 P/E ratio. This segment also sells and leases new, overhauled, and repaired engine and airframe parts and components; and provides inventory and repair programs, warranty claim management, and outsourcing programs for engine and airframe parts and components, as well as performance logistics programs in support of the U.S.
Among 6 analysts covering AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR), 4 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 2 Hold. Therefore 67% are positive. AAR Corp. has $43 highest and $25 lowest target. $38.33’s average target is -9.41% below currents $42.31 stock price. AAR Corp. had 15 analyst reports since December 22, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The stock has “Hold” rating by Canaccord Genuity on Wednesday, September 6. The firm has “Buy” rating by Noble Financial given on Wednesday, September 20. The company was maintained on Tuesday, July 18 by Noble Financial. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Tuesday, October 25 by Gabelli. Canaccord Genuity maintained the shares of AIR in report on Wednesday, October 11 with “Hold” rating. SunTrust maintained AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) rating on Wednesday, November 1. SunTrust has “Buy” rating and $42.0 target. The rating was maintained by Noble Financial on Thursday, November 2 with “Buy”. The stock has “Buy” rating by Suntrust Robinson on Thursday, January 19. Noble Financial maintained it with “Buy” rating and $40 target in Tuesday, April 4 report. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, August 10 by Noble Financial.
Investors sentiment increased to 1.31 in 2017 Q2. Its up 0.28, from 1.03 in 2017Q1. It improved, as 11 investors sold AAR Corp. shares while 47 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 44 raised stakes. 30.06 million shares or 1.62% less from 30.55 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Canal Insurance Communication owns 30,000 shares or 0.38% of their US portfolio. State Street invested in 0% or 1.12 million shares. 4.73M are owned by Blackrock Incorporated. Legal General Gp Public Limited Com holds 0% or 62,282 shares in its portfolio. Pub Employees Retirement Sys Of Ohio reported 5,463 shares. Victory Cap accumulated 4,262 shares. The California-based Rice Hall James And Assocs Ltd Liability has invested 0.14% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Fisher Asset Management Limited Liability Corp holds 0.06% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) or 1.07M shares. Jpmorgan Chase & Co stated it has 0% in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Dimensional Fund Advisors Lp reported 2.92M shares stake. Jane Street Group Inc Llc invested in 0% or 11,917 shares. Renaissance Techs Ltd Liability Corp reported 28,360 shares. Parametric Assocs Limited Liability holds 0.01% or 145,532 shares in its portfolio. Zurcher Kantonalbank (Zurich Cantonalbank) has invested 0% of its portfolio in AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR). Barrow Hanley Mewhinney And Strauss Ltd Liability owns 193,560 shares.
Analysts await AAR Corp. (NYSE:AIR) to report earnings on December, 20. They expect $0.37 EPS, up 5.71% or $0.02 from last year’s $0.35 per share. AIR’s profit will be $12.59 million for 28.59 P/E if the $0.37 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.31 actual EPS reported by AAR Corp. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 19.35% EPS growth.
Yorktown Management & Research Co Inc holds 3.96% of its portfolio in Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. for 670,000 shares. Orinda Asset Management Llc owns 226,706 shares or 3.26% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Dean Capital Management has 2.01% invested in the company for 225,765 shares. The California-based Fuller & Thaler Asset Management Inc. has invested 1.1% in the stock. Beck Capital Management Llc, a Texas-based fund reported 109,673 shares.
Ratings analysis reveals 0 of Apollo Commercial Real Estate’s analysts are positive. Out of 3 Wall Street analysts rating Apollo Commercial Real Estate, 0 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 3 recommend “Hold”. ARI was included in 3 notes of analysts from October 13, 2016. The company was downgraded on Wednesday, March 1 by JMP Securities. Wells Fargo upgraded Apollo Commercial Real Estate Finance, Inc. (NYSE:ARI) on Thursday, October 13 to “Market Perform” rating. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Bank of America given on Thursday, December 15.
The post AAR Corp. (AIR) Reaches $42.31 52-Week High; Arden Realty (ARI) Has 2.29 Sentiment appeared first on Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today.
from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/04/aar-corp-air-reaches-42-31-52-week-high-arden-realty-ari-has-2-29-sentiment/
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craigmyersfinance · 7 years
Alere (ALR) Stake Upped by Cheyne Capital Management
Jonathan Lourie increased its stake in Alere Inc (ALR) by 35.62% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp bought 273,964 shares as the company’s stock rose 18.05% with the market. The hedge fund run by Jonathan Lourie held 1.04 million shares of the in vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $40.66M, up from 769,042 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp who had been investing in Alere Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.35B market cap company. The stock declined 0.08% or $0.04 reaching $49.8 on the news. About 931,932 shares traded. Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) has risen 17.58% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.88% the S&P500.
Bruce Kovner decreased its stake in Home Depot Inc (HD) by 45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Caxton Associates Lp sold 22,500 shares as the company’s stock rose 9.30% with the market. The hedge fund run by Bruce Kovner held 27,500 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $3.69M, down from 50,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Caxton Associates Lp who had been investing in Home Depot Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $192.68 billion market cap company. The stock declined 0.01% or $0.01 reaching $159.65 per share. About 9.98M shares traded or 92.29% up from the average. Home Depot Inc (NYSE:HD) has risen 18.65% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.95% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Alere (NYSE:ALR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Alere had 20 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was maintained by BTIG Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $5100 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, February 2. The rating was upgraded by Leerink Swann to “Outperform” on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Thursday, November 5. On Tuesday, March 15 the stock rating was downgraded by BTIG Research to “Neutral”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Craig Hallum given on Monday, May 15. As per Friday, April 29, the company rating was upgraded by Craig Hallum. Canaccord Genuity maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, November 7 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by TheStreet on Friday, August 14.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 30 investors sold ALR shares while 71 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 67 raised stakes. 73.43 million shares or 2.54% less from 75.35 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Tig Advsrs Ltd Liability has 4.93% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Envestnet Asset Management holds 2,503 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Carlson Lp holds 0.31% or 669,347 shares in its portfolio. Cqs Cayman LP owns 0.18% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 57,500 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Incorporated accumulated 0.04% or 37,500 shares. Twin has 1.29 million shares for 8.23% of their portfolio. Paloma Prtn Mgmt has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Wellington Mgmt Gp Llp owns 47,334 shares. Farallon Capital Management Ltd Liability owns 2.25 million shares or 1.01% of their US portfolio. Eton Park Management LP holds 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Gabelli & Communication Inv Advisers has 2.12% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 469,239 shares. Alpine Associate Management Inc has 1.27 million shares for 1.29% of their portfolio. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Co (Trc) accumulated 33 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 51,440 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Allianz Asset Management Ag has invested 0.02% in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR).
0 notes
movieblogreview · 7 years
Alere (ALR) Stake Upped by Cheyne Capital Management
Jonathan Lourie increased its stake in Alere Inc (ALR) by 35.62% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp bought 273,964 shares as the company’s stock rose 18.05% with the market. The hedge fund run by Jonathan Lourie held 1.04 million shares of the in vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $40.66M, up from 769,042 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp who had been investing in Alere Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.35B market cap company. The stock declined 0.08% or $0.04 reaching $49.8 on the news. About 931,932 shares traded. Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) has risen 17.58% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.88% the S&P500.
Bruce Kovner decreased its stake in Home Depot Inc (HD) by 45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Caxton Associates Lp sold 22,500 shares as the company’s stock rose 9.30% with the market. The hedge fund run by Bruce Kovner held 27,500 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $3.69M, down from 50,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Caxton Associates Lp who had been investing in Home Depot Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $192.68 billion market cap company. The stock declined 0.01% or $0.01 reaching $159.65 per share. About 9.98M shares traded or 92.29% up from the average. Home Depot Inc (NYSE:HD) has risen 18.65% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.95% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Alere (NYSE:ALR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Alere had 20 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was maintained by BTIG Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $5100 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, February 2. The rating was upgraded by Leerink Swann to “Outperform” on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Thursday, November 5. On Tuesday, March 15 the stock rating was downgraded by BTIG Research to “Neutral”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Craig Hallum given on Monday, May 15. As per Friday, April 29, the company rating was upgraded by Craig Hallum. Canaccord Genuity maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, November 7 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by TheStreet on Friday, August 14.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 30 investors sold ALR shares while 71 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 67 raised stakes. 73.43 million shares or 2.54% less from 75.35 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Tig Advsrs Ltd Liability has 4.93% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Envestnet Asset Management holds 2,503 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Carlson Lp holds 0.31% or 669,347 shares in its portfolio. Cqs Cayman LP owns 0.18% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 57,500 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Incorporated accumulated 0.04% or 37,500 shares. Twin has 1.29 million shares for 8.23% of their portfolio. Paloma Prtn Mgmt has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Wellington Mgmt Gp Llp owns 47,334 shares. Farallon Capital Management Ltd Liability owns 2.25 million shares or 1.01% of their US portfolio. Eton Park Management LP holds 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Gabelli & Communication Inv Advisers has 2.12% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 469,239 shares. Alpine Associate Management Inc has 1.27 million shares for 1.29% of their portfolio. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Co (Trc) accumulated 33 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 51,440 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Allianz Asset Management Ag has invested 0.02% in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR).
0 notes
Alere (ALR) Stake Upped by Cheyne Capital Management
Jonathan Lourie increased its stake in Alere Inc (ALR) by 35.62% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp bought 273,964 shares as the company’s stock rose 18.05% with the market. The hedge fund run by Jonathan Lourie held 1.04 million shares of the in vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $40.66M, up from 769,042 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp who had been investing in Alere Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.35B market cap company. The stock declined 0.08% or $0.04 reaching $49.8 on the news. About 931,932 shares traded. Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) has risen 17.58% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.88% the S&P500.
Bruce Kovner decreased its stake in Home Depot Inc (HD) by 45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Caxton Associates Lp sold 22,500 shares as the company’s stock rose 9.30% with the market. The hedge fund run by Bruce Kovner held 27,500 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $3.69M, down from 50,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Caxton Associates Lp who had been investing in Home Depot Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $192.68 billion market cap company. The stock declined 0.01% or $0.01 reaching $159.65 per share. About 9.98M shares traded or 92.29% up from the average. Home Depot Inc (NYSE:HD) has risen 18.65% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.95% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Alere (NYSE:ALR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Alere had 20 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was maintained by BTIG Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $5100 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, February 2. The rating was upgraded by Leerink Swann to “Outperform” on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Thursday, November 5. On Tuesday, March 15 the stock rating was downgraded by BTIG Research to “Neutral”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Craig Hallum given on Monday, May 15. As per Friday, April 29, the company rating was upgraded by Craig Hallum. Canaccord Genuity maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, November 7 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by TheStreet on Friday, August 14.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 30 investors sold ALR shares while 71 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 67 raised stakes. 73.43 million shares or 2.54% less from 75.35 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Tig Advsrs Ltd Liability has 4.93% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Envestnet Asset Management holds 2,503 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Carlson Lp holds 0.31% or 669,347 shares in its portfolio. Cqs Cayman LP owns 0.18% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 57,500 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Incorporated accumulated 0.04% or 37,500 shares. Twin has 1.29 million shares for 8.23% of their portfolio. Paloma Prtn Mgmt has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Wellington Mgmt Gp Llp owns 47,334 shares. Farallon Capital Management Ltd Liability owns 2.25 million shares or 1.01% of their US portfolio. Eton Park Management LP holds 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Gabelli & Communication Inv Advisers has 2.12% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 469,239 shares. Alpine Associate Management Inc has 1.27 million shares for 1.29% of their portfolio. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Co (Trc) accumulated 33 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 51,440 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Allianz Asset Management Ag has invested 0.02% in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR).
0 notes
kirkbeeblog1-blog · 7 years
Alere (ALR) Stake Upped by Cheyne Capital Management
Jonathan Lourie increased its stake in Alere Inc (ALR) by 35.62% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp bought 273,964 shares as the company’s stock rose 18.05% with the market. The hedge fund run by Jonathan Lourie held 1.04 million shares of the in vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $40.66M, up from 769,042 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp who had been investing in Alere Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.35B market cap company. The stock declined 0.08% or $0.04 reaching $49.8 on the news. About 931,932 shares traded. Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) has risen 17.58% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.88% the S&P500.
Bruce Kovner decreased its stake in Home Depot Inc (HD) by 45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Caxton Associates Lp sold 22,500 shares as the company’s stock rose 9.30% with the market. The hedge fund run by Bruce Kovner held 27,500 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $3.69M, down from 50,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Caxton Associates Lp who had been investing in Home Depot Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $192.68 billion market cap company. The stock declined 0.01% or $0.01 reaching $159.65 per share. About 9.98M shares traded or 92.29% up from the average. Home Depot Inc (NYSE:HD) has risen 18.65% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.95% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Alere (NYSE:ALR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Alere had 20 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was maintained by BTIG Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $5100 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, February 2. The rating was upgraded by Leerink Swann to “Outperform” on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Thursday, November 5. On Tuesday, March 15 the stock rating was downgraded by BTIG Research to “Neutral”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Craig Hallum given on Monday, May 15. As per Friday, April 29, the company rating was upgraded by Craig Hallum. Canaccord Genuity maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, November 7 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by TheStreet on Friday, August 14.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 30 investors sold ALR shares while 71 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 67 raised stakes. 73.43 million shares or 2.54% less from 75.35 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Tig Advsrs Ltd Liability has 4.93% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Envestnet Asset Management holds 2,503 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Carlson Lp holds 0.31% or 669,347 shares in its portfolio. Cqs Cayman LP owns 0.18% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 57,500 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Incorporated accumulated 0.04% or 37,500 shares. Twin has 1.29 million shares for 8.23% of their portfolio. Paloma Prtn Mgmt has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Wellington Mgmt Gp Llp owns 47,334 shares. Farallon Capital Management Ltd Liability owns 2.25 million shares or 1.01% of their US portfolio. Eton Park Management LP holds 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Gabelli & Communication Inv Advisers has 2.12% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 469,239 shares. Alpine Associate Management Inc has 1.27 million shares for 1.29% of their portfolio. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Co (Trc) accumulated 33 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 51,440 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Allianz Asset Management Ag has invested 0.02% in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR).
0 notes
edwardredwould · 7 years
Alere (ALR) Stake Upped by Cheyne Capital Management
Jonathan Lourie increased its stake in Alere Inc (ALR) by 35.62% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp bought 273,964 shares as the company’s stock rose 18.05% with the market. The hedge fund run by Jonathan Lourie held 1.04 million shares of the in vitro & in vivo diagnostic substances company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $40.66M, up from 769,042 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cheyne Capital Management Uk Llp who had been investing in Alere Inc for a number of months, seems to be bullish on the $4.35B market cap company. The stock declined 0.08% or $0.04 reaching $49.8 on the news. About 931,932 shares traded. Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) has risen 17.58% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 0.88% the S&P500.
Bruce Kovner decreased its stake in Home Depot Inc (HD) by 45% based on its latest 2016Q4 regulatory filing with the SEC. Caxton Associates Lp sold 22,500 shares as the company’s stock rose 9.30% with the market. The hedge fund run by Bruce Kovner held 27,500 shares of the consumer services company at the end of 2016Q4, valued at $3.69M, down from 50,000 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Caxton Associates Lp who had been investing in Home Depot Inc for a number of months, seems to be less bullish one the $192.68 billion market cap company. The stock declined 0.01% or $0.01 reaching $159.65 per share. About 9.98M shares traded or 92.29% up from the average. Home Depot Inc (NYSE:HD) has risen 18.65% since September 8, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 1.95% the S&P500.
Among 7 analysts covering Alere (NYSE:ALR), 2 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 29% are positive. Alere had 20 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. As per Tuesday, August 4, the company rating was maintained by BTIG Research. Jefferies maintained it with “Hold” rating and $5100 target in Thursday, July 20 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by Jefferies on Tuesday, February 2. The rating was upgraded by Leerink Swann to “Outperform” on Thursday, April 28. The firm has “Buy” rating by Canaccord Genuity given on Thursday, November 5. On Tuesday, March 15 the stock rating was downgraded by BTIG Research to “Neutral”. The firm has “Hold” rating by Craig Hallum given on Monday, May 15. As per Friday, April 29, the company rating was upgraded by Craig Hallum. Canaccord Genuity maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Monday, November 7 report. The stock has “Hold” rating by TheStreet on Friday, August 14.
Investors sentiment increased to 0.98 in Q4 2016. Its up 0.10, from 0.88 in 2016Q3. It increased, as 30 investors sold ALR shares while 71 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 67 raised stakes. 73.43 million shares or 2.54% less from 75.35 million shares in 2016Q3 were reported. Moreover, Tig Advsrs Ltd Liability has 4.93% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Envestnet Asset Management holds 2,503 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Carlson Lp holds 0.31% or 669,347 shares in its portfolio. Cqs Cayman LP owns 0.18% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 57,500 shares. Polar Asset Prtn Incorporated accumulated 0.04% or 37,500 shares. Twin has 1.29 million shares for 8.23% of their portfolio. Paloma Prtn Mgmt has invested 0.01% of its portfolio in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR). Wellington Mgmt Gp Llp owns 47,334 shares. Farallon Capital Management Ltd Liability owns 2.25 million shares or 1.01% of their US portfolio. Eton Park Management LP holds 1,000 shares or 0% of its portfolio. Gabelli & Communication Inv Advisers has 2.12% invested in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR) for 469,239 shares. Alpine Associate Management Inc has 1.27 million shares for 1.29% of their portfolio. Tower Rech Capital Ltd Co (Trc) accumulated 33 shares. Blackrock Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation has 51,440 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Allianz Asset Management Ag has invested 0.02% in Alere Inc (NYSE:ALR).
0 notes