#2.5 year installment plan
southeastasianists · 18 days
Singapore’s prosperity has long set it apart from many other former British colonies. There is another difference, too: Singapore has clung to honouring its former colonial ruler — and it wants to keep doing so.
Special accolade has gone to Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who is considered to have founded modern Singapore in the early 1800s. For decades, Singapore’s textbooks credited Raffles with transforming the island from a “sleepy fishing village” into a thriving seaport. He has been the central character in a larger official narrative that says imperial Britain had set up Singapore for success as an independent nation.
Dedications to Raffles dot the landscape of Singapore. A business district, schools and dozens of other buildings bear his name. Two 2.5-metre likenesses of the man loom large in downtown Singapore.
But a new statue of Raffles, installed in a park in May, has revived a debate about the legacy of colonialism in Singapore. On one side is the broader establishment, which has held up British colonial rule positively. On the other are those who want a closer inspection of the empire that Raffles represented and the racial inequity he left behind, even as Singapore became wealthy.
This divide has surfaced before, perhaps most prominently a few years ago when Singapore celebrated the bicentennial of Raffles’ arrival on the island. Now, the new statue has set off a fresh debate, with critics pointing out that other countries have for years been taking down monuments to historical figures associated with slavery or imperialism, or both.
“The thing about Raffles is that, unfortunately I think, it has been delivered as a hagiography rather than just history,” said Alfian Sa’at, a playwright who wants to see the Raffles statues destroyed. “It’s so strange — the idea that one would defend colonial practice. It goes against the grain on what’s happening in many parts of the world.”
The new statue of Raffles stands next to one of his friend Nathaniel Wallich, a Danish botanist, at Fort Canning Park. Tan Kee Wee, an economist who pooled $330,000 with his siblings to commission the statues, said he wanted to commemorate the pair’s role in founding Singapore’s first botanic gardens, which were his frequent childhood haunt. He donated the sculptures in his parents’ name to the National Parks Board.
Opponents have also criticised the government for allowing the statue to go up at the park because it was the site of the tomb of precolonial Malay kings. The parks board said it considered historical relevance in the installation of the sculptures.
Questions about the statue have even been raised in Singapore’s parliament. In June, Desmond Lee, the minister for national development, responded to one by saying that Singapore did not glorify its colonial history. At the same time, Lee added, “We need not be afraid of the past.”
The plaque for the Raffles statue explains how Singapore’s first botanic gardens “cultivated plants of economic importance, particularly spices”. That, critics said, was a euphemism for their actual purpose: cash crops for the British Empire.
Tan defended the legacy of British colonialists in Singapore, saying they “didn’t come and kill Singaporeans”.
He added: “Singapore was treated well by the British. So why all this bitterness?”
Far from benign
But colonial Britain was far from benign. For instance, it treated nonwhite residents of Singapore as second-class citizens. Raffles created a town plan for Singapore that segregated people into different racial enclaves. And he did not interact with the locals, said Kwa Chong Guan, a historian.
“He was very much a corporate company man, just concerned with what he assumed to be the English East India Co’s interests,” Kwa said.
Raffles landed in Singapore in 1819 as Britain was looking to compete with the Dutch in the Malacca Strait, a crucial waterway to China. At the time, Singapore was under the sway of the kingdom of Johor in present-day Malaysia. Raffles exploited a succession dispute in Johor to secure a treaty that allowed the East India Company to set up a trading post in Singapore.
Within a handful of years, Singapore was officially a British territory. Convict labour, largely from the Indian subcontinent, was crucial to its economic development. So, too, were Chinese immigrants, which included wealthy traders and poor labourers.
Singapore achieved self-governance in 1959, then briefly joined Malaysia before becoming an independent republic in 1965. It has since built one of the world’s most open economies and among its busiest ports, as well as a bustling regional financial hub.
In recent years, the government has acknowledged, in small ways, the need to expand the narrative of Singapore’s founding beyond Raffles. Its textbooks now reflect that the island was a thriving centre of regional trade for hundreds of years before Raffles arrived.
In 2019, officials cast the commemoration of Raffles’ arrival as also a celebration of others who built Singapore. A Raffles statue was painted over as if to disappear into the backdrop. Placed next to it, though only for the duration of the event, were four other sculptures of early settlers, including that of Sang Nila Utama, a Malay prince who founded what was called Singapura in 1299.
To some historians and intellectuals, such gestures are merely symbolic and ignore the reckoning Singapore needs to have with its colonial past. British rule introduced racist stereotypes about nonwhites, such as that of the “lazy” Malay, an Indigenous group in Singapore, that has had a lasting effect on public attitudes. Colonialism led to racial divisions that, in many ways, persist to this day in the city-state that is now dominated by ethnic Chinese.
“If you only focus on one man and the so-called benevolent aspect of colonialism, and you don’t try to associate or think about the negative part too much, isn’t that a kind of blindness, or deliberate amnesia?” said Sai Siew Min, an independent historian. (Story continues below)
Role of race
Race relations played a role in Raffles’ ascension in Singaporean lore. Soon after Singapore became independent, the governing People’s Action Party — which remains in power decades later — decided to officially declare Raffles the founder of Singapore. Years later, S Rajaratnam, who was then the foreign minister, said that anointing a Malay, Chinese or Indian as its founder would have been fraught.
“So we put up an Englishman — a neutral, so there will be no dissension,” Rajaratnam said.
The decision was also meant to indicate that Singapore remained open to the West and free markets.
In a 1983 speech, Rajaratnam acknowledged that Raffles’ attitude toward the “nonwhite races was that without British overlordship the natives would not amount to much”.
Critics of the Raffles statues also argue that his legacy should reflect his time on the island of Java. Although Raffles outlawed slavery in Singapore, he allowed trading of slaves in Java, including children as young as 13, according to Tim Hannigan, who wrote a book about Raffles.
The new statues of Raffles and Wallich were created by Andrew Lacey, a British artist. The sculptures evoke the two men as apparitions — symbolism that Lacey said represented the world’s evolution away from the West.
Lacey said he had “wrangled” with the public reaction toward his sculptures and he had no qualms if Singaporeans wanted to take them down, destroy them or replace their heads with the Malay gardeners who were instrumental in creating the botanic gardens.
“I was cognisant of the complexities of making any dead white male,” he said of Raffles. “I wasn’t cognisant of the degree of complexity around him.”
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tjsgreenteamints · 1 year
so fun fact for my public speaking class this year I had to give a speech on something I'm passionate about and why it's important to my entire class so I did mine on falsettos (slideshow attached)
"When most people think of a musical, they think of big jazz hands and kicklines and cheesy plots. What they are unaware of is how a musical can be much more than that. While big dance numbers are entertaining, music can be used to convey deep emotions and stories that just can’t be translated through regular words. Because of this, Falsettos is one of the most important musicals of our decade. It touched on topics most people in its time wouldn’t even talk about, let alone make a musical on. William Finn and James Lapine, its writers, were able to remind us that families can be much more complicated and deep than a husband, wife, and 2.5 kids. A lot of people don’t live inside that norm, yet it’s the primary one that is represented. Then you get a show like this, which explores conceited parents, difficult love stories, coming to terms with things that are hard, and coming of age. All of these are relatable topics. In this speech, we’ll get into the history, the characters, and the representation in Falsettos. “Love can tell a million stories.” This is the main idea of the show. Because there really are countless different ways a family can be. The show has some trigger warnings: AIDS, death, abuse, somewhat sexual scenes, and cursing. Also, spoilers ahead!
First, we’ll get into the history. The creation of Falsettos is rather unique compared to other musicals. It was originally a trilogy of three one-act, off-broadway musicals, all created by William Finn. All the shows take place in New York City, in the late 70s to early 80s. They center around Marvin, and him exploring his sexual identity. This is mostly what In Trousers (1978) focuses on, and how the women in his life helped him accept that. It was critically acclaimed as a flop, largely based on the topic it portrayed in its era. In the second installment, March of the Falsettos (1981), Marvin’s partner Whizzer gets more involved, and this act focuses on how their relationship affects Marvin’s ex-wife Trina and child Jason. Finally, in Falsettoland (1990), the dynamics of the family are shown much more, especially with Trina and Marvin planning Jason’s bar mitzvah. In 1992, the last two one-acts were combined into one full length show, simply titled Falsettos. (This was nominated for seven Tony awards that year!) The show had a broadway revival in 2016, which spread its popularity (and also what I’ll be referencing here). Also, the history behind the name of the musical is fascinating as well; According to a 2019 interview with SFist, Finn says he was “inspired by the idea of the falsetto — a man singing in his head voice outside his range — as a metaphor for people who exist ‘outside the normal range.’”
Next, the characters. Almost every character is a primary one, but the main character is arguably Marvin. He’s a possessive and insensitive man. He left his wife and child after realizing he wants to be with a man named Whizzer. He’s not exactly a good father and wasn’t a loving husband, but over the course of the play, his character development is prevalent and interesting to watch. Second, Whizzer is Marvin’s live-in boyfriend. According to Marvin, Whizzer is “delightful, stylish, and romantic,” but also “spiteful, sorta-kinda mean, and evil.” Marvin and Whizzer’s relationship is pretty toxic, but improves. Alternatively, there’s also Trina, Marvin’s ex-wife. She’s often described as insecure. A lot of her conflict is her coming to terms with Marvin and Whizzer’s relationship. Trina and Marvin’s son, Jason, is 10 years old, and thinks he is “too smart for his own good, and too good for his sorry little life.” Friendless, he plays chess all day, and has anger management problems. Finally, there is Mendel, the family psychiatrist. He was Marvin’s long-term therapist, but after Marvin insists Trina sees him too, Mendel immediately falls in love with her. Mendel honestly is kind of manipulative, but also a fun character to watch onstage. There’s also Charlotte and Cordelia, the “lesbians from next door.” They’re close family friends, and godparents to Jason. A large part of it is showing how real people behave, including the good and the ugly.
Now into how they’re all important as representation. The main theme is the various family dynamics and relationships- most of us can see aspects of our own families within the characters and plot. For example, in my own family my parents divorced then found new partners or remarried later and I have good friendships with them. First, there are three different types of gendered relationships as shown: a straight relationship, a gay relationship, and a lesbian relationship. Oftentimes in the media, the only kinds of relationships that are shown are straight ones. And for them to all be parents in some sort of way to Jason is even more important- it’s showing queer parents can be good ones too, which is a misconception many people hold (this is, that lgbtq+ parents are inadequate). Second, Falsettos touches on the AIDS crisis, which Whizzer contracts and later dies from. During the ‘80s it was a very big problem but now next to no one talks about it. How it’s portrayed in the show represents how it affected real families and people. Third, Jewish households. This year we all were able to read Night, which showed what Jewish people went through during the holocaust, but not what regular cultural home life is like. One of the main plot points is about Jason’s bar mitzvah, and how he’s not sure if he wants one or not. Jewish expectations and customs are brought up throughout the whole show.
To conclude, Falsettos is a fantastic installment to musical theater. It has original history, complex characters, and overall is an amazing testament to different types of American families. Not only that, its music and book are award winning, according to Broadwayworld.com. And this speech is really only the tip of the iceberg–there’s much, much more to it. Falsettos is definitely the musical you’ve been looking for!"
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ultimateaclrecovery · 9 months
Checking in on my 2023 goals!
23 things for 2023
1. buy 1 horse
Done!! Bought Luna!!!
2. Knit a pair of socks
I knit a sock, that I finished today. But I mostly decided I wanted to knit other things instead so this is fine
3. Three camping trips
went to mt of the holy cross, and New Mexico for two camping nights, plus a day hike in winter park. So technically no but pretty close!
4. Plant four pumpkins
…..no. I bought seeds and did nothing and I don’t feel that bad about it
5. Handstand (five fingers) press
Lol no. Did nothing for it. Never made a plan and so did not achieve
6. Kill side yard weeds (because weeds are the devil 666)
Success? I paid a Gardner to pull them all so yes! Feels like a failure because I didn’t really deal with them or the yard in general, but they are all gone now.
7. Go to Loyola social justice meeting (7th heaven)
I went to a meeting! And baked cookies for an event. (And then never went back oops)
8. Mail 8 letters to mates - birthday cards probably
Success! (Rebecca birthday, Sarah birthday, Clare get well card, Callie birthday, Alison birthday, clare birthday, Callie wedding, clare kt recipe card)
9. Research 9 hours of getting a cat (9 lives)
Decided a horse was enough so stopped researching 🤷‍♀️[ read complete guide to adopting a cat 3 hours]
10. Do ten full pull ups
Total yes, in a row like intended absolutely not. I can do like 2.5 in a row. Made haphazard progress, but now I have a pull up bar so hoping for better next year!
11. Buy 11 things off of my to buy eventually list
Success! This was easy and I did it! (air fryer, air mattress, nice soap dispensers, office mat, thermometer, fire extinguisher, white tank top, little plates, shower cleaner, plastic drain pipes, sheet pan organizer, bonus: back door light bulb, rainbow flag and holder, more bras)
12. Go on 12 dates
Success! I thought this would be really hard but then I just got my boyfriend by like February and it ended up being the easiest ny resolution ever. He even asked me out to start.
13. Run a half marathon 13.1 miles
Success! (Okay this was a gimme because I signed up for it and had a training plan in 2022 but still)
14. Hike a fourteener
Success! mt of the holy cross and it was terrifying and very long but we did it!
15. Read 30 (15x2) books
I read 27 and have three in various states of completion. I kind of wanted to power this one thru but it wouldn’t have been fun and then what’s the point. This one is hard because I abandoned so so many books this year. Like I made it at least one chapter into like 40 and a couple half way thru. So close but no cigar but I refuse to read things that aren’t fun just to hit a goal so I feel fine about it.
16. Host 8 things
Hosted 3, organized a couple others so partial credit. I would like to do better in the future. ( galentines, whimsy brunch, birthday, organized brunch at watercourse, organized lake day)
17. Go out dancing (must be more dancing than drinking, dance class counts.)(dancing queen only 17)
Nope. But also that’s fine.
18. Upgrade phone and deal with all photos. Upload belize to fb and save others. Data management
Mostly. I got an external storage for Christmas so I can finish when I get home. So solid partial credit. (uploaded some. Upgraded phone plus new battery, still need to get data off of it) [email protected] [email protected]
19. General contractor for house cracks plus install air conditioner
Success. Installed ac. Got the cracks looked at once and they were fine and then they got worse and now I’m getting foundation work done. So success I guess.
20. Get 20 layout ds
… I did not count. I def got some but probably not 20 so partial credit. (4 from leiout)
21. Go to frisbee Masters regionals
Success! Another bit of gimme but we went and qualified to nationals!)
22. Buy purple navel jewelry (I’m feeling 22)
Success! (And I love it)
23. volunteer for 23 hours
No and I feel bad about it. I need to find something to volunteer with. I feel like I should have the time/be able to make time but it also feels like I never have time and also never want to. But I think it’s important.
So overall full success on 11 of the goals, happy partial on 5, annoyed partial on 2, abandoned 4 and failed my last one and feel bad about it.
But overall pretty good success!
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auntie-communism · 1 year
From the official Unity Blog, and from the pricing article:
Basically they've walked back the entire thing that people were up in arms about. This is a step in the right direction, but they've got a ways to go to re-earn people's trust, if they can at all.
Notable policy bits:
Personal Plan license remains free
No Runtime Fee (per install) for games built on Personal Plan
Personal Plan cap (I'm assuming its the revenue cap before you're strongly encouraged/required to upgrade your license) raised from $100,000 to $200,000
You can disable the Made with Unity splash screen now on Personal
Runtime Fee does not apply if you've made less than $1 million in revenue for the past 12 months
Runtime Fee only takes effect on the next LTS version for Unity, in 2024
Games that have been released, are released later this year, or are still in development will not count as long as they stay on versions of Unity prior to the 2024 LTS release.
You still use the ToS that corresponds to your engine version as long as you stay on that version
For the runtime fee, you have a choice between a 2.5% revenue share and fees based on engagement metrics, being billed whichever is smaller (both are self-reported)
Additional tidbits:
Still seems like they want to keep the option of install fees available for the future
Nothing about the fact they took down the ToS github tracker
Although I doubt that it'd be mentioned here, some executive heads should still roll for this mess
Long term Unity is still fucked, this just theoretically means that people who have/had Unity projects can wrap them up before plotting a next move rather than attempt to port engines
Game dev education is probably going to be in a very interesting place for a bit, especially if there is a broader shift away from Unity
Basically, ditch Unity once you can, and stick to the older versions if you can't.
Ideally, don't just jump ship for Unreal or other proprietary, closed-source engines without taking into consideration that there is always a possibility they try to pull this shit later on, too, especially if the market position become practically unassailable (like, say, Unreal's biggest competitor blasting itself in the dick with a shotgun)
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sixbucks · 8 months
Kroger changes unpopular policy after customer pushback
Daniel Kline
The retailer has faced the same problems as Walmart, Dollar General, and Target but tried to solve them in a different way.
Retailers love selling something that's more work for customers as being about choice or control.
Panera Bread, for example, won't even pour your coffee. The chain hands customers a cup and forces them to assemble their drinks themselves. That does give them full control of their beverage, but Starbucks does the same thing by allowing complete customization in its app.
It's a very fine line between a restaurant offering something that's a benefit, like a salsa bar at a Mexican eatery or the old Roy Rogers' Fixins' bar that let customers truly customize their burgers to a business passing off work from employees to customers. In many cases, self-checkout has been sold to consumers as being about convenience, but in reality, it's about spending less money on labor.
Over the past few years, nearly all the major chains that sell groceries have installed self-checkout lanes. The results, however, have been very mixed as while labor costs come down, shoplifting — both intentional and accidental — goes up.
"39% of all thefts within grocery stores occur at self-checkout," according to data from loss prevention platform Auror which based its information on 2.5 million transactions across 10,000 stores. The average self-checkout theft costs a store $120, or one 8-hour shift of a cashier making $15 an hour.
Kroger has tried all self-checkout stores in very select locations including a store in Tennessee that was retrofitted to remove the traditional checkout lanes. That store was picked because a high number of that location's customers were already using self-checkout, a Kroger spokesperson told WKRN.
"These allow our customers to scan and bag their own items,” said Kroger Corporate Affairs Manager Lauren Bell, told the station, adding that it makes the experience faster.
The chain, however, made it clear that not every checkout clerk was replaced by self-checkout. Bell shared that there were still employees who could help with checkout for those who don't want to or can't use self-checkout.
“We still have staff at the front end ready and willing to step in to assist those customers,” said Bell.
Kroger had tested the self-checkout-only concept in a Dallas store beginning in early 2021. That store was also retrofitted to eliminate traditional cashier-based checkout lanes and some other changes were made.
The retailer added "wide-belted self-checkouts [that] can accommodate large-volume purchases” and “will still have cashiers and courtesy clerks to help customers” who need assistance," NFCW.com reported.
Kroger recently quietly ended the self-checkout-only experiment in Dallas. The company has brought back some tradtiional checkout lanes at the store.
"We listened closely to customer feedback and made the decision to convert back to hosting staffed checkout lanes at this store,” Kroger spokesman John Votava told The Dallas Morning News.
That move comes after key rivals including Target, Walmart, and Dollar General have made self-checkout locations in some stores. Target has imposed item limits at self-checkout in some stores while Walmart has removed self-checkout in select stores.
Walmart has also given employees at some stores the ability to shut off self-checkout so security personnel can check whether a company has not scanned certain items. That's a controversial move because it's being presented to customers as a technology breakdown rather than a stall tactic designed to allow for a bad check.
Dollar General has also decided to cut down its reliance on self-checkout. The company's CEO Todd Vasos talked about the change during his company's third-quarter earnings call.
"We plan to increase the employee presence at the front end of our stores and in particular, the checkout area. While self-checkout has contributed to the convenient proposition for our customers in certain stores, it does not reduce the importance of a friendly, helpful employee who is there to greet customers and assist while the checkout process is happening.," he said.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Turkey's foreign affairs committee is scheduled to discuss Finland's Nato membership on Thursday.
That's according to news service STT, a story picked up by many papers, including Maaseudun Tulevaisuus (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Consideration about Finland's Nato membership can possibly be moved to the general session of the parliament as early as Friday or Saturday, Turkish paper Hürriyet (siirryt toiseen palveluun) reported.
Turkey's parliamentary foreign affairs committee will meet on Thursday afternoon, according to Turkish news agency Anadolu (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
On Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey has decided to start the ratification process of Finland's Nato bid. President Sauli Niinistö met Erdogan in Turkey last week.
At the time, Erdogan said he hoped the ratification would take place before Turkey's May elections, scheduled on 14 May.
Meanwhile, Hungary has said the country's parliament will vote on Finland's Nato membership next Monday.
Turkey and Hungary are the two remaining Nato member states yet to ratify Finland and Sweden's membership applications.
Election debate season in full swing
Yle hosted an election debate between the chairs of the three largest parties on Tuesday night, with Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP), Petteri Orpo (NCP) and Riikka Purra (Finns) fiercely contesting the issues.
Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) was among the papers covering the debate, which at one point dealt with the topic of the possibility of immigration being a way to deal with Finland's labour shortage.
The Finns Party's Purra said,that rather than increasing work-based immigration, Finland could solve personnel shortages in the healthcare sector through salary increases, more study positions and aptitude tests.
The Finns Party stance greatly differs from other leading parties, which generally contend that Finland needs more foreign labour because of its ageing and shrinking population.
Earlier on Tuesday, another election debate hosted by Ilta-Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun) saw Purra and Marin clash over immigration.
Purra said that nurses without language skills are an additional burden and drive nurses out of the field citing nursing unions.
Marin interjected saying that her statement was false.
"This is pure populism! I don't know which nurse you have spoken to, but I have spoken to these organisations," Marin said.
Dumping diesel
A fleet of Finland's largest and heaviest dump trucks are getting electrified, business daily Kauppalehti (siirryt toiseen palveluun) reported.
The Kevitsa open pit mine near Sodankylä in Lapland is 270 metre-deep. Driving from the mine's edge to the centre is about 2.5 kilometres along a switchbacking road.
In a first for Finland, the mine is planning on electrifying 13 dump trucks in its fleet.
The mine is installing pantographs onto the trucks — the same technology already used in electric trams — and creating electric tracks for the trucks to move up and out of the quarry.
The dump trucks are normally powered by diesel and use 15 litres of fuel per kilometre.
Over the next 10 years, the open-pit mine will become about a half a kilometre deeper due to continued mining.
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Canadian miner Brazil Potash presses on with sensitive Amazon project
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A unit of Toronto-based miner Brazil Potash is working to keep a $2.5 billion potash project on schedule, as legal challenges are mounting to its plans for extracting the fertilizer ingredient from beneath the Amazon rainforest.
In an interview, Potassio do Brasil Chief Executive Adriano Espeschit described a protracted licensing process hinging on court-supervised talks with the Mura Indigenous people, who have the right to be consulted under an International Labor Organization (ILO) convention.
The proposed mine and processing facilities in Autazes, 75 miles (120 kms) southeast of the Amazonas state capital Manaus, would require about three years to build, Espeschit said.
Consultations with the Mura have no fixed timeline, but he insisted the project remains on track to start production in 2026. Potassio do Brasil is hoping to get a license to start building installations while continuing to engage in the Indigenous consultations, Espeschit said.
The situation highlights risks associated with mining projects in the Amazon at a time when global potash prices have tumbled after steep rises last year.
Continue reading.
Tagging @allthecanadianpolitics.
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k12academics · 2 months
3B Protection, Inc. is a USA-based company headquartered in California. We have offices in almost every state along with manufacturing facilities in key locations.
Our mission is very simple, to protect, save lives, and make it as safe as possible for life to continue on as normal and to take away the worry and concern that everyone can return home to loved ones at the end of each day. Our goal is to make schools the relaxed safe havens that everyone loves and appreciates.
Our technology was created to resolve unfortunate issues that we all face in today's world. That could be against active shooters, planned attacks, or random incidents you can be assured that you will have the best protection available anywhere in the world.
Our focus is on providing simple, advanced cost-effective solutions that protect against real-life scenarios, not something that will last a few ballistic rounds and then fail. Our products stop thousands of ballistic rounds which gives human life the best chance of survival and protects the building assets.
Our expertise is offering tailored, unique, cost-effective, and realistic protection solutions against a multitude of real-life threats. Our products are backed by years of research and development and accredited by world-leading test houses.
There is no limitation on what we can offer, from protecting critical assets or buildings, our priority is to save time, money, and lives.
Our products are produced using a variety of recycled materials making 3B an environmentally friendly option.
We offer full turnkey solutions from initial consultation, design and engineering, manufacturing, and installation, and working with architects and planners.
Our product range covers anything from no-fuss quick retrofit solutions for schools perimeter walls, complete buildings, houses, factories, gates, and doors, which give the very highest levels of protection against any type of ballistic, shaped charge, blast, and forced entry attacks.
In addition, we also offer the highest level of protection against fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes all of which are also offered with the above protection. We can offer you a shopping list of solutions you can mix and match however you please.
We will work with you to make sure you have every angle covered.
There is no limitation on what we can offer, from protecting critical assets or buildings, our priority is to save time, money, and lives.
We fully understand the concerns and worries that our clients have when embarking on any type of construction project.
We will work with you to ensure you have as little disruption as possible.
Our rapid retrofit installation process will assist with this. It is very simple and your facility can operate normally without the need for major disruption. You can expect little dust and minimal power tool noise during the installation of our wall panels.
Depending on the threat level we all agree on you can expect to lose anywhere from 0.5 inches to 2.5 inches of your classroom/building wall and this could change based on the internal design of your building.
We can harden your entire facility without the need for major demolition or embarking on or totally redesigning your facility. We can of course build you a new facility if that is your desire, however for simplicity and cost-effectiveness our retro-fit solution will be perfect for your requirements.
We offer a shopping list approach that offers you a choice of different levels of protection of ballistic, blast, and forced entry for our product range.
In addition to our retrofit panels for your walls, we can also offer ballistic doors and gates and create safe rooms within your facility.
To give you the best solution we offer a free initial consultation where we will discuss your concerns and suggest solutions to address your worries. We may request a site visit to be conducted so we can meet face to face and conduct a survey of the school so we can provide you with a detailed quote and project renderings.
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lizseyi · 3 months
North And Midlands Regions To Get £4.7 Billion Boost From Local Transport Fund - Transport Planning
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The UK Department for Transport (DfT) threw the covers off the Local Transport Fund. The Government said this development meant the North and Midlands would benefit from £4.7 billion of direct investment from reallocated High Speed 2 (HS2) funding. 
Ministers said the money was aimed at transforming transport across these parts of the country, with smaller cities, towns, and rural areas set to benefit. 
What does this redirected funding truly mean for the affected localities? 
Secretary of State for Transport, Mark Harper, provided a statement to Parliament setting out the news. He said that the Local Transport Fund was “dedicated to transport funding across the North and Midlands”, adding that it “delivers on a commitment made in our Network North plan and is paid for by savings from High Speed 2.” 
The Member of Parliament for Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire said that this funding arose due to the reallocation of the £36 billion that would have been invested into the second phase of HS2. He said the money would instead be spent on transport improvements that would “benefit far more people, in far more places, far more quickly”. 
Of the £4.7 billion Local Transport Fund, £2.5 billion will be allocated to the North, while the Midlands will get £2.2 billion, with the money being spread over a seven-year period from 2025 to 2032. 
The DfT hailed the investment as “the first transport budget of its kind that’s specifically targeted at smaller cities, towns, and rural areas and empowers local people and local leaders to invest in the transport projects that matter most to their communities”. 
Various projects and improvements could be made possible 
Cited in the DfT’s news release were various examples of transport improvements that the funding could be put towards. These ranged from the construction of new roads, the installation of Mass Transit Systems, the expansion of electric vehicle (EV) charge points and the refurbishment of bus and rail stations. There was also mention of an improvement of streets, including filling in potholes.
The DfT said it would publish advice for local councils and transport authorities to assist them with the development of ambitious plans for enhancing transport infrastructure in their localities. 
Local councils will be expected to set out their delivery plans for the projects that they wish to invest in, and “will be held to account by the Government as well as their communities to make sure the money is spent promptly and effectively.” 
It certainly is exciting to see what potential transport initiatives will be presented by local authorities from this large reinvestment of HS2 funding, something that we will be closely monitoring for future projects. If you are on the lookout for transport consultants who could help you realise the potential of your own projects, please reach out to your nearest Transport Planning Associates (TPA) office for transport planning and infrastructure advice and guidance. 
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homerenovationhub · 3 months
Energy-Efficient Fixtures for a Green Bathroom Renovation
In today's environmentally conscious world, more homeowners are opting for green solutions when renovating their bathrooms. Energy-efficient fixtures not only help reduce your carbon footprint but also lower utility bills in the long run. If you're planning a bathroom renovation in Whitby, Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. is your trusted partner for incorporating sustainable practices into your project. Let's explore how energy-efficient fixtures can transform your bathroom into an eco-friendly oasis.
1. Low-Flow Toilets
One of the most impactful upgrades you can make during a bathroom renovation is installing a low-flow toilet. Traditional toilets can use up to 1.6 gallons (6 liters) of water per flush, whereas low-flow toilets use significantly less—often as little as 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters) per flush or even less with dual-flush models. This reduction in water usage not only conserves water but also lowers your water bill over time.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. offers a range of stylish low-flow toilets that meet water efficiency standards without compromising on performance or design for your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
2. Water-Efficient Showerheads
Upgrading to a water-efficient showerhead is another effective way to conserve water without sacrificing comfort. Traditional showerheads can use around 2.5 gallons (9.5 liters) of water per minute, whereas water-efficient models use 1.5 gallons (5.7 liters) per minute or less. This reduction can lead to substantial water savings over the course of a year, benefiting both the environment and your wallet.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. can help you select and install high-quality water-efficient showerheads that provide a luxurious shower experience while promoting sustainability in your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
3. LED Lighting
Switching to LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting is a simple yet effective way to make your bathroom more energy-efficient. LED bulbs use up to 75% less energy and last significantly longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. They also produce less heat, reducing the strain on your cooling system during warmer months.
During your bathroom renovation in Whitby, Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. can integrate energy-efficient LED lighting solutions that enhance the ambiance and functionality of your space while reducing energy consumption.
4. Energy-Efficient Faucets
Installing energy-efficient faucets can help minimize water waste in your bathroom. Look for faucets with aerators, which mix air into the water stream to maintain pressure while reducing water usage. Some models also feature motion sensors or touchless technology to further conserve water by eliminating the need to keep the faucet running while not in use.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. offers a variety of stylish and water-saving faucets that can complement the design aesthetic of your bathroom renovation in Whitby while promoting sustainability.
5. Tankless Water Heaters
Consider upgrading to a tankless water heater as part of your green bathroom renovation. Unlike traditional water heaters that continuously heat and store water in a tank, tankless water heaters heat water on demand. This not only eliminates standby heat loss but also ensures you have hot water whenever you need it without the energy losses associated with traditional tanks.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. specializes in the installation of energy-efficient tankless water heaters that provide reliable hot water while reducing energy consumption and operating costs for your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
6. Eco-Friendly Flooring Options
Choosing eco-friendly flooring materials is another way to enhance the sustainability of your bathroom renovation. Opt for materials such as bamboo, cork, or recycled tile that are renewable or made from recycled content. These materials not only reduce environmental impact but also contribute to a healthier indoor air quality by minimizing off-gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. can help you explore eco-friendly flooring options that align with your style preferences and sustainability goals for your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
7. Smart Thermostats
Integrating a smart thermostat into your bathroom renovation allows you to optimize energy use by controlling heating and cooling systems more efficiently. Smart thermostats learn your heating and cooling preferences over time and can adjust temperatures based on occupancy patterns and external weather conditions, reducing energy waste.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. offers smart thermostat installation services that can help you achieve greater energy efficiency and comfort in your renovated bathroom in Whitby.
8. Solar-Powered Ventilation
Enhance the energy efficiency of your bathroom renovation by incorporating solar-powered ventilation systems. These systems use solar energy to power exhaust fans that remove excess moisture and odors from the bathroom. By harnessing renewable energy sources, solar-powered ventilation reduces reliance on traditional electricity sources and lowers overall energy consumption.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. can install solar-powered ventilation solutions that improve indoor air quality and energy efficiency in your bathroom renovation project in Whitby.
9. Recycled or Sustainable Countertops
Choose countertops made from recycled materials or sustainable sources to further enhance the eco-friendliness of your bathroom renovation. Materials such as recycled glass, reclaimed wood, or responsibly sourced stone can add a unique aesthetic while reducing environmental impact.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. offers a range of sustainable countertop options that combine durability, style, and environmental responsibility for your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
10. Water-Efficient Bathtubs
If you're including a bathtub in your bathroom renovation, consider opting for a water-efficient model. Modern bathtubs are available with features such as deeper soaking designs that require less water or adjustable water jets that provide a luxurious spa-like experience while conserving water.
Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. can help you choose a water-efficient bathtub that meets your relaxation needs while promoting water conservation in your bathroom renovation in Whitby.
Incorporating energy-efficient fixtures into your bathroom renovation not only reduces your environmental footprint but also enhances the overall functionality and value of your home. From low-flow toilets and water-efficient showerheads to LED lighting and eco-friendly flooring, there are numerous ways to create a greener bathroom without compromising on style or comfort. Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. is committed to helping homeowners in Whitby achieve their sustainability goals through expert design, installation, and renovation services. Contact Altima Kitchens and Closets Inc. today to start planning your green bathroom renovation and discover how you can create a more eco-friendly and efficient home environment.
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lntegrityplumbing353 · 4 months
How to Choose the Right Size Tankless Water Heater for Your Home
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Choosing the right size tankless water heater installation in Dayton for your home is crucial for ensuring a steady supply of hot water while optimizing energy efficiency. With the popularity of tankless water heaters on the rise in Dayton, it's important to understand how to select the right model to meet your household's needs. This guide will walk you through the process and provide some frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Tankless Water Heaters
Tankless water heaters, also known as on-demand water heaters, heat water only when it's needed. This eliminates the need for a storage tank and can significantly reduce energy consumption compared to traditional water heaters. However, selecting the correct size is vital to ensure your unit can handle the demand during peak usage times.
Steps to Choose the Right Size Tankless Water Heater
Determine Your Peak Hot Water Usage The first step in sizing a tankless water heater is to calculate your household's peak hot water usage. This is the maximum amount of hot water your home might use at one time. To do this, consider all the fixtures and appliances that could be running simultaneously, such as showers, dishwashers, washing machines, and sinks.Here's a general guideline for flow rates:
Shower: 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM)
Dishwasher: 1.5 GPM
Washing machine: 2.0 GPM
Kitchen sink: 1.5 GPMAdd up the flow rates for each appliance or fixture you might use at the same time. For example, if you plan to run two showers and a dishwasher simultaneously, your peak usage would be: 2.5 GPM (shower) + 2.5 GPM (shower) + 1.5 GPM (dishwasher) = 6.5 GPM
Consider the Temperature Rise Temperature rise is the difference between the incoming water temperature and the desired output temperature. In Dayton, the groundwater temperature averages around 50°F. If you want your hot water to be 120°F, the temperature rise needed is: 120°F - 50°F = 70°F
Check the Specifications Once you know your peak hot water usage and the required temperature rise, look for tankless water heaters that can handle both. Manufacturers provide specifications showing the maximum GPM the unit can deliver at various temperature rises. Ensure the unit you choose can meet your needs at your calculated temperature rise.
Example Calculation
Let’s assume your peak hot water usage is 6.5 GPM and your desired temperature rise is 70°F. You’ll need a tankless water heater that can handle at least 6.5 GPM at a 70°F rise. Check the product specifications to ensure the unit you’re considering meets these requirements.
Installation Considerations in Dayton
When installing a tankless water heater in Dayton, there are several local factors to consider:
Climate: Dayton’s cold winters mean groundwater temperatures can be lower, potentially affecting your temperature rise calculations. Ensure your heater can handle colder input temperatures.
Building Codes: Local building codes and regulations may impact your installation. Consult with a local professional to ensure compliance.
Professional Installation: Hiring a professional installer in Dayton can ensure your unit is set up correctly and safely, maximizing efficiency and longevity.
FAQs about Tankless Water Heater Installation in Dayton
Q: How much does it cost to install a tankless water heater in Dayton?
A: Installation costs vary depending on the unit size, installation complexity, and local labor rates. On average, expect to pay between $1,500 and $3,000, including the unit and installation.
Q: Are there any local rebates or incentives for installing a tankless water heater in Dayton?
A: Yes, many utility companies and local governments offer rebates and incentives for energy-efficient appliances. Check with Dayton Power & Light and local government programs for available rebates.
Q: How long does a tankless water heater last?
A: Tankless water heaters typically last 20 years or more, which is longer than traditional tank water heaters. Regular maintenance can extend their lifespan even further.
Q: Can a tankless water heater be installed in any home?
A: Generally, yes, but some homes may require upgrades to their electrical or gas systems to accommodate a tankless water heater. Consult with a professional installer to determine if your home needs any modifications.
Q: What maintenance is required for a tankless water heater?
A: Regular maintenance includes descaling to remove mineral buildup, checking the venting and air intake, and ensuring the unit operates efficiently. It's recommended to have a professional service the unit annually.
Selecting the right size tankless water heater for your home in Dayton involves understanding your peak hot water usage, the required temperature rise, and ensuring the unit you choose meets these needs. Considering local factors and professional installation can help ensure a smooth process and long-term satisfaction with your new water heater. With the right unit, you'll enjoy endless hot water and improved energy efficiency for years to come.
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Video game publisher Take-Two Interactive has announced that the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto VI will be launched in fall 2025. The company has also lowered its bookings forecast, signaling potential challenges ahead. Fans of the popular franchise can now mark their calendars for the release of the next installment of the beloved game series. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Take-Two Interactive Software recently announced a delay in the release of "Grand Theft Auto VI" to fall 2025, which led to a decrease in their fiscal 2025 bookings forecast. The highly-anticipated game is expected to generate billions in sales yearly, according to analysts. This news caused a 2.5% drop in Take-Two's stock value in early Friday trading. The company revised its fiscal 2025 bookings outlook to be between $5.55 billion and $5.65 billion, down from the previous estimate of over $7 billion. This adjustment follows similar disappointing forecasts from other gaming companies like Electronic Arts and Roblox. In an effort to cut costs, Take-Two recently laid off 5% of its workforce and canceled several projects in development. Despite the setback, Take-Two remains optimistic about the future. They anticipate a boost in bookings starting in fiscal 2025, driven by the release of GTA VI and other upcoming titles, including those from their recent acquisition of Gearbox Entertainment, the maker of "Borderlands." Analysts predict that Gearbox could contribute significant revenue to Take-Two, with some estimating up to $400 million by fiscal year 2027. Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick expressed confidence in the company's future success, stating their commitment to delivering growth in net bookings for the next few years. With a pipeline of 40 titles through fiscal 2027 and 16 titles planned for fiscal 2025, Take-Two is poised for continued growth. Industry experts believe that the launch of GTA VI will drive substantial growth in GTA Online for Take-Two. Despite a 3% decline in fourth-quarter bookings to $1.35 billion, Take-Two's performance exceeded analysts' expectations. The company's focus on upcoming releases and strategic acquisitions sets the stage for future success in the gaming industry. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. When is GTA VI expected to be released? GTA VI is set to launch in fall 2025. 2. Why did Take-Two lower its bookings forecast? Take-Two lowered its bookings forecast due to factors affecting game development and Marketing. 3. Will GTA VI be available on all gaming platforms? Yes, GTA VI is planned to be released on multiple gaming platforms. 4. What can fans expect from GTA VI in terms of gameplay and story? Fans can expect an immersive open-world experience with a gripping storyline in GTA VI. 5. Are there any pre-order bonuses or special editions for GTA VI? Details regarding pre-order bonuses and special editions for GTA VI have not been confirmed yet. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators
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chloemarievaughan · 4 months
Scotland with Grey- Trains, the Highlands, and Whisky! May 1-2
I asked Grey earlier this year if he would be interested in doing a trip with me somewhere… without any hesitation he immediately said, “Scotland!” And so I planned our next adventure! I did the lions share of the planning as I enjoy planning my Europe trips, but to check with grey about my planned itinerary, I texted him “shall I assume your Scotland requests are: trains, the highlands, and whisky haha” And he replied “💯” and so that is much the theme of our trip :)
Grey is living in Denver now, and so I looked for flights for us with the same layover so we would arrive in Edinburgh together. there was only one option; we would meet up in the toronto airport. The downside was that I was planned to have a 5 hour layover which is definitely on the longer end. So I bought our tickets and then not two weeks later my flight was rescheduled to an EIGHT hour layover which was pretty excessive. I got pretty familiar with the international departures terminal at the Toronto airport, spent time walking laps back and forth, sitting in a variety of chairs for about 45 minutes each. I did get one short nap in which I imagine looked odd laying my head on the table where I was sitting 😂
I am currently getting over a nasty sinus infection and will spare you the gory details but I did drink a lot of tea in the airport, and ate some spicy curry soup for lunch in the hopes it would clear my nose. I also brought the 4th Harry Potter book in French that i am STILL trying to finish- but I read French way slower than English so I would probably finish most English books in 8 hours. I did read like 200 pages of the book over the long day and some on the plane!
Grey showed up after I had been in the airport for about 5.5 hours, by which time I knew all of the best places to sit and the variety of dining options and art installations in the terminal, so we found some dinner and then it was time to board the plane! For some reason, my ticket would NOT let me choose a seat but grey was able to: so he elected to sit next to me, even sacrificing to sit in the middle seat. The Toronto to Edinburgh flight is Very short for an international flight, under 7 total hours. This doesn’t leave much time to actually sleep. Grey and I strategized this oppositely; Grey has a two hour longer time difference to Edinburgh than I do, and so he was essentially planning to push through the flight, sleep a bit on the train the next morning, but more or less doing an all nighter. I need my beauty sleep so I planned to close my eyes the instant the meal was served and keep them closed for 4 hours until breakfast was being served. I am not sure how much I actually slept- thanks to two crying babies that seemed to be keeping each other awake all night on and off, and one crying would usually set off the other one. but Grey only slept for about 30 minutes. Getting off the plane in Edinburgh made me glad we weren’t meeting in the Edinburgh airport- lots more to distract you in the Toronto airport. We then took the tram to the Haymarket train station about a 25 minute ride away and had another wait for our train which left at 10:37 to Inverness. The train left at 8:37 or 10:37, but 8:37 seemed like too tight a connection so I booked the later train. We would have made it in plenty of time, so had to kill like 2.5 hours: went to a little Turkish cafe for breakfast- had some excellent avocado toast, grey had a traditional English breakfast, and I had some delicious lemongrass ginger tea. I was testing a theory about the timing of my caffeine consumption on adjusting to the time difference so I didn’t have coffee on the plane, waiting until about 9:30 am. We went to a cafe next to the Turkish place that had cozy armchairs and Delicious filter coffee- usually I don’t like the actual coffee in Europe, preferring to get espressos, but it was very tasty. There were two Giant very friendly dogs wandering the cafe wanting to play fetch and get pet. It was finally time for our train and both grey and I fell immediately asleep the second we sat down. According to our booking, our seats were forward facing, but when we got to the seats they were backward facing and grey was a little motion sick, but surprisingly I was okay with it. Train seats aren’t That comfortable for sleeping but it still was so much better than the plane!
I slept for about the first hour of the four hour train to our first city, Inverness. I woke up and peeked outside and saw spectacular rolling hills and farmland with sheep, horses and cows and I was suddenly full of energy and enjoyed looking out the window and seeing the sights. I bought more tea when the trolley lady went by on the train with her cart. We went into the highlands, seeing the Cairngorms National Park (which we are visiting tomorrow!) past tons of little towns and villages dotting the hills, and there are yellow gorse bushes that are blooming now and dotting the hills. The trees are *just* starting to bud; another week or two it will really be spring.
I sent my friend Bridget a picture of me wearing my trusty sun hat on the plane and she replied “Yay!!!!! :) I love how you have a sun hat for Scotland! Is it supposed to be sunny at all when you’re there??” which the answer is no, it really was not supposed to be sunny. However I would feel incomplete traveling without a sun hat and also this one is a new one I just purchased for $6 on clearance at target because I left my old one on a train in Amsterdam 😂 however, it actually was sunny for our first day here! Not a cloud in the sky sunny! Not usual for Scotland and likely to be rare for the rest of my trip but now my hat is justified :)
We arrived in Inverness and our air bnb was a short walk away. Not obvious from google maps is that it was a short walk straight up a ton of stairs! Though I crammed everything in a carry on, I did not exactly pack lightly; I was definitely out of breath by the top of the stairs!
Our air bnb is a cute tiny apartment on a quiet residential street a few minutes from the city center. There is a bedroom and a pullout couch in the living room, so Grey doesn’t have to endure my snoring from my sinus congestion lol, and a tiny cute kitchen. our air bnb host sent some welcoming messages and left us some treats and small breakfast items and some milk in the fridge for our tea/ cereal which was nice!
After a quick shower- 24 hours of traveling and I felt like a human being again after that shower! And then we went for a walk around Inverness to kill some time before dinner. This was Beautiful- we walked along the river, past churches, parks, flowers, restaurants, and trees, back and forth across some bridges on the river and winding up at some creatively named islands on the River Ness called the Ness Islands. The sun was out and the people of Inverness were all walking their dogs, strolling along the river and out on bikes, but we were walking away from the city so it wasn’t too crowded. Grey is a very brisk walker so we were booking it around the river, a good reason that we have planned to go on separate hikes later in the week haha. The second half of our walk was significantly less scenic; Grey doesn’t like to walk the same way twice, so we tried to walk back along the opposite bank; an unfortunate construction detour meant we walked most of the way back around a large set of soccer fields and past the construction instead of back along the scenic riverwalk. We then made it to our dinner reservation, which was a sort of trendy American restaurant that served interesting cocktails and burgers, and wouldn’t have felt out of place in Columbus. I had my first scotch of the trip in cocktail form, essentially a scotch and soda with apple, and a pretty solid Mac n cheese. The neighboring table ordered a drink that was poured over a cotton candy base to dissolve, and they had a smoked cocktail that looked incredible but I can’t smell out of my nose so I felt it was a waste to buy a fancier drink if I can’t fully taste 😂 grey had a Scottish beer. When we finished there it was only 6:00, so while I didn’t particularly want another drink, we wound up at another bar for a nightcap. The place wasn’t really our style but we were too tired to find someplace better haha, it was kind of frou frou and looked like a great place for happy hour with the girls haha, and all the cocktails were super sweet and fruity. Grey ordered some scotch and I ordered a fruity cocktail that I did NOT enjoy and still could not taste/ smell so grey also drank that one. We made it back to the apartment at 7, got ready for bed, and chatted until we both crashed at about 8 pm, excited for the trip ahead!
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xtruss · 8 months
China's Most Powerful Spectral Telescope Expected To Enter Use in Qinghai in 2026
— Global Times | Editor: Li Yan | January 30, 2023
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China's most powerful spectral telescope with an aperture of 4.4 meters which can realize multi-target and high-resolution spectral observation simultaneously is expected to be completed and enter use in 2026 at the Lenghu Astronomical Observation Base, the largest astronomical observation base in Asia.
According to the Lenghu Astronomical Observation Base located in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province, Shanghai Jiao Tong University plans to build a large-aperture multi-functional spectral telescope, Jiaotong University Spectroscopic Telescope (JUST), at the base.
After three years of monitoring and testing conducted by the research team, the location of JUST at the Lenghu Astronomical Observation Base in Lenghu area on Saishiteng Mountain in Qinghai was found to enjoy advantages including good air quality, clear night skies, and other stable atmospheric conditions for constructing the world’s first-class large-scale observation base for optical and infrared astronomy.
So far, a total of 12 telescope projects from 11 scientific research institutes have been launched at the base. After their completion, the base will become Asia’s largest astronomical observation base.
With an aperture of 4.4 meters, the spectral telescope project adopted a lightweight design and is equipped with multiple spectrometers, allowing for rapid switching of target sources and timely spectroscopic observations.
According to the plan, JUST is expected to be completed and put into use in 2026, and carry out research work covering three aspects including exploring the dark universe, tracking the dynamic universe and searching for exoplanets as planned. After the project is completed, it is expected to achieve a series of breakthrough research results with significant impact in the fields of time-domain astronomy, exoplanet search, and cosmic web structure and evolution.
The JUST project is one of the major projects in the astronomical field strategically planned by the Tsung-Dao Lee Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The JUST site will be located near the Lenghu Town on the Saishiteng Mountain in Qinghai.
The JUST will be installed at the point B at an altitude of 4,322 meters above sea level on the Saishiteng Mountain. The current largest dome at the point C at an altitude of 4,200 meters, is the 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) Mozi for time-domain surveys.
After it is completed, the JUST is expected to carry out characteristic spectral observations around scientific goals such as cosmic web structure, multi-messenger astronomy, and exoplanet exploration. By that time, the JUST will be the most powerful spectral telescope in China and will work closely with the survey telescope Mozi and the upcoming space-survey telescope, Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), to provide indispensable first-hand observation data for the further development of astronomy in China.
JUST’s High-Resolution Spectrometers will realize multi-target and high-resolution spectral observation simultaneously for the first time in the World, expected to greatly improve the efficiency of exoplanet detection.
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realtorrasheeddubai · 11 months
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Volga Tower At JVT Dubai Volga Tower at Jumeirah Village Triangle (JVT) in Dubai, is a brand-new residential project by Tiger Properties featuring luxury-class apartments. This high-rise marvel boasts a contemporary design, exceptional amenities, and a prime location, making it an enticing off-plan investment opportunity.
Retail Outlets. GymSwimming Pool. Parking Area CCTV Cameras. Shopping MallChildren Play AreaMosqueSports FacilitiesBBQ AreaSchoolsCommunity ViewsLush Green Parks
*Price range
*1 BHK | 1.5-2.5 M | 800 sqft 2 BHK | 1.8-2.8 M | 1200 sqft *Payment Plan:
52/48*10 % down payment32% during construction (monthly installments)10% on handover 48% handover during 4 years
Contact now for more detailsProperty & Investment ConsultantRasheed Khan
Call/WhatsApp: 00971588244056
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