#200 words air snatching paragraph
If you could change ten things about Teen Wolf what would you change??
OMG BUCKLE DOWN BECAUSE IT’S GONNA BE A LONG ONE! Do asks have a word limit? Guess we gonna find out! (Sometimes I wish I could speak these replies, they sound much funnier when I am speaking out loud to myself and then they are just weird and flat typed up but I DIGRESS! I do that a lot, have you noticed? Doesn’t matter.)
(Also, I did put a “Keep Reading” but for some reason it’s not working. Or it’s not showing as working on my end. But it’s right under this paragraph I swear so if it’s not working, that isn’t on me....)
1) SO! Trauma. People be dealing with their traumas. That’d be a thing I’d like, thank you. Like, I’m sorry, but there is a fuckton of trauma in this show and everyone like, goes to bed at night and wakes up cured. Like MAGIC! I mean, yes, I get that magic is a thing in the show (is it? I mean kind of? Idk, I never saw past season 4, they alluded to magic and then SNATCHED THAT AWAY so, side-note, that’s coming up later!) But yes, I would’ve very much liked for people to, you know, deal with their traumas in a realistic fashion. Let’s get some therapy going, or like, idk, some actual negative reactions to thing! They kind of had that with Stiles every now and then, but he seemed to be up and down episode to episode so like, it’d be like they wrote an episode where he reacts to what happened to him and then four episodes have gone by where he’s fine and the writers were like “OH YEAH SHIT HE JUST MURDERED LIKE A WHOLE HOSPITAL, make him have a panic attack randomly over dropping milk, that balances out, excellent, we’re so smart.” So yes. DEAL. WITH. THE. TRAUMA! Thanks.
2) LESS CHARACTERS, MORE DEVELOPMENT! I mentioned this in another recent ask about relationships but like, they just kept shoving characters in there. Like one of those clown cars. So we got like, 30% character development on the core group and then the rest was like “wait, who are you again?” Like, legit, I have a bad memory, you put too many people in front of me, I ain’t gonna remember them unless they have a good personality or a reason to be there. And like, develop their relationships! Not even romantically, but like, Scott’s mom loves Scott, that is sweet and lovely, but like, we never really… see… that… developed? Idk man, like again, I have a bad memory, but when you really develop relationships WELL (ex: Brooklyn-nine-nine), that shit sticks with you and you CARE about people. The friendships are important, and the familial relationships are important and just developing all the dynamics is important! They spent more time showcasing how much everyone hated each other and lied to each other and stuff and that just got really tiring. Yes, you’re allowed to get mad at your friends, but if you’re a Werewolf, and your human friend is calling you when there is a fucking monster running around killing people, can you maybe stop making out with your girlfriend and answer your phone so your friend isn’t treading water with a 200+ pound Werewolf for 2 hours? Like, JUST SAYING! (Spoiler alert: Me and Scott would not be close friends. Like, I think we’d be friends, but not so much that I’d trust him with my life. If I wanted to grab pizza and a movie, maybe play some video games, he sounds like a treat, but if my life was in danger, thanks I be callin’ someone who answers their phone).
3) Actual consequences for their actions! Okay like, I am also guilty of this in fanfic, but at the same time, my writing is free, I don’t get paid for it, and I write what I want because that’s how it works, so I can do whatever I please (If I wanna make the Hales royalty for the millionth time, ain’t nobody gonna stop me!). But like, when you are a legit paid screenwriter who is writing a show? Consequences! Just because it’s a show about Werewolves doesn’t mean there can’t be any consequences! Like, the best scene, and I feel like we can agree, because fuck it like, hurt my soul and my heart and I was just so like ;~; was when the sheriff got fired (fired? suspended? TEMPORARILY UNEMPLOYED!) because Stiles stole a police van when they locked Jackson up in it. Like, that shit was REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES for actions, and that shit was intense and it HURT and omg I loved it! Give me more of that! Like, I’m sorry, but you gonna tell me Nogistune!Stiles walked through the hospital murdering a bazillion people and not one camera was working the whole time? Not one? Nobody saw that? Nobody went “hey, isn’t that the sheriff’s kid?” Like, CAN. YOU. IMAGINE?! That would’ve been so amazing, a bunch of episodes of the pack scrambling to keep the Supernatural a secret while also trying to stop Stiles from GETTING ARRESTED because saying “Sorry ma’am, I was possessed by a demon fox who likes chaos and thought murdering a bunch of people would be fun” ain’t gonna fly in court and the FBI sure isn’t gonna believe that but like, UGH! Again, bad memory, but was the fact that Dark!Stiles wandered through the hospital killing people EVER brought up again???? CONSEQUENCES. Woulda really liked that.
4) STOP with unnecessary romances. Like, yeah, I get it, the allos like their romances, but shockingly, you can still have a good show without focussing on the romance. Like, it can be there, I’m not saying don’t put it in, I’m saying DON’T MAKE IT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! Like, the entirety of season one was Scott chasing Allison and Stiles chasing Lydia. This… this does not make an interesting show? Like, is that just me? And then as the season progressed, EVERYONE had to be in a relationship? WHY? Again, haven’t seen past season four, but I mean, I know Scott and Kira were a thing, and then Stiles and Malia, and Liam and some… person? Idk. And Ethan and Danny (congrats Jeff, you get to tick your “I had representation in my show!” box, well done, gold star, or whatever). And Isaac and Allison, and Melissa and Chris (apparently?). And then Stydia was alluded as being canon, and Scott ended up with Malia somehow?? And Derek slept with half the town and all of Mexico, idek. Like, stop it. Stop. Shows work without everything being about everyone banging each other. (See again: Brooklyn-nine-nine, or Avatar the Last Airbender, or The Good Place, or even fucking Supernatural!) You can have a good, interesting story without everyone banging each other. It ain’t necessary.
5) More actual storytelling (again, this woulda worked better without the unnecessary romances taking up 49 of the 50 minutes of air-time). Like, yes, I get it, pilot’s gotta have some pizzaz! Gotta be spicy and sparkly to make people interested (and like, fucking hell, all I can remember of the pilot is sobbing Allison soaking wet–LIKE, WAS THAT NECESSARY???–about the dog she hit and oh noes is it dead well thank God the lead character works for a vet! And somehow has keys and access to the whole clinic like nbd at all hours? Whatever. I wasn’t even allowed inside my blockbuster as a shift lead if it was off-hours but apparently a high school student doing paperwork at a vet clinic is different, I’m not a vet so what do I know? I HAD A BAD DAY OKAY, I GOT FEELINGS ABOUT THIS RN!) I went off-topic, what was I saying? Oh yes, storytelling. You know what woulda been nice? Werewolves! It happens, we find out about Laura, we find out about Werewolves, Scott gets bitten, all that jazz. And then like… ease in the Hunters? Like, why was there Laura/Derek, Peter, AND the Hunters all crammed into the pilot? Yes, I get it, you need the SUSPENSE and the DRAMA, but you can do that without the Hunters right off the bat. Just, how CONVENIENT~ that the same day Derek and Laura come back, Hunters move to town? That’s just lazy, and again, I can be guilty of laziness, I admit to it, but I literally get paid in—like, do hearts count? I get paid in hearts and pats on the back for my fics, I can write whatever I want. If you’re getting paid to write something, try a bit harder, yes? Yes???
What number am I on? Oh good Lord, I got things to say, okay.
6) MAGIC! Can you like—I feel like this one is self-explanatory. Stiles did the whole mountain ash thing in season one, and it was SO PROMISING, and then that just died. It died like Maes Hughes getting shot in a phonebooth (spoiler, but really, you haven’t seen that yet, that’s a you problem). Why even bother introducing magic if you weren’t gonna use it? Like, was it because people like Stiles more than Scott and the showrunner was like “nonono. If we make him magic, he’s TOO cool, and then Scott is unimportant.” I mean, you coulda worked that in your favour, but no. You just murdered the fuck out of it, like straight up took it out back and shot it. Like, yeah, Derek went kiddo again and Jennifer was apparently all magic beauty spell or whatever, but like?? That’s it??? You had a show about Werewolves and you didn’t even try to make it more interesting by making some of the characters magic? Lydia’s basically the closest and they didn’t even explain her powers that well. Magic would’ve been dope and they totally shoved that to the side. That was dumb. Shoulda done something with that.
7) Explain things more? Don’t mention them once and then do nothing? Like, we got some brief stuff about anchors, and emissaries (which are super duper secret according to Deaton but then like, EVERYONE KNOWS HE IS EMISSARY SO WHICH IS IT DEATON? YOU TELL ME!) Like, they had so much opportunity to talk about so many things and again, maybe that comes out more in the later seasons, idk, but they likely coulda done with more explanations and they didn’t and this angers me GREATLY. They mention something once and then it never comes up again. That’s some Lost bullshit right there. Don’t start something if you’re not gonna commit. You tell me the beginning of the story, I wanna fucking know the end, don’t forget halfway through and wander away, that ain’t right, I NEED ANSWERS JEFF! And like, as above, never really got Lydia’s powers. I know what a Banshee is, but her powers did NOT make sense to me. Idk, could just be that I’m dumb, but similarly, don’t write something so convoluted that it confuses people, that is also dumb. As dumb as I am so like, well done there. And also do we get more on Parrish? I know he’s a Hellhound, but how does one get born a Hellhound and not know until you are conveniently lit on fire by someone trying to kill you for money? (Also, you bean, you absolute treasure, “I’m worth five dollars?” You’re so cute. Silly child.) I feel like being a Hellhound is something that woulda come up before getting barbecued in his cruiser. Like, he works a stressful job, you gonna tell me not ONCE while getting shot at he didn’t have a massive heart attack over a close call and like, burst into flames? No? Is that just a me thing? I feel like the slightest annoyance and I’d be fully on fire, not gonna lie. (I’d be on fire a LOT… CLEARLY I AM AN ANGRY PERSON! No, that’s not true. No yes it is, I am angry, but more angry lately because I’m sleep-deprived and work is dumb ANYWAY back to this)
8) EMBRACE THE SIDE CHARACTERS! Okay, so MAYBE Scott is meant to be the golden child. The Dick Grayson of the show, if you will. The original Robin, the creme de la creme. That’s all fine and dandy if he is, no judgement (little judgement), but you know what you don’t do when your side characters are getting a lot of attention and love? What you DO NOT do is give them less screen time. Because then you’re being petty and, shockingly, you get more positive results when you give the fans what they want. I’m not talking about pairings, because everyone is different, and you can’t cater to everyone, but like, the more people moved away from liking Scott, the harder the showrunners pushed him into our faces. And like, that isn’t how this works. If I like side character 87 a lot, and the lead’s getting annoying, you know what’s gonna make me NOT watch the show? Cutting out side character 87 (hey, for shits and gigs, let’s call him DANNY, just, not coincidentally at all) and then just shoving the lead into my face. That is what makes someone go “Well, four seasons is enough, I can happily live knowing I didn’t waste my life watching two more of them.” Like??? I’m not saying cut out Scott, because the show is ABOUT Scott, but the more everyone tried to showcase how amazing and wonderful and pure and perfect he was, the more annoying it got? Like, Scott has flaws. THEY ALL HAVE FLAWS! If you don’t admit that they all have flaws, it gets boring, and you hate the characters. I know that Scott turned into a douche later (apparently, again, haven’t seen it), but even in the early seasons by trying to make him this pure True Alpha golden angel child who spreads love and hope and trusts everyone, it just got boring. He was vanilla, and also a bad friend, because he was too “perfect” to be around someone “imperfect” like Stiles, and even like, the rest of the pack overall. He was always put on a pedestal and it made the show really… irksome? Idk, I just feel like yes, SCOTT is the Teen Wolf, but you added all these damn side characters, maybe use them a bit more? At least Stiles was interesting, and Lydia was fucking badass, and fucking hell, if you’d done right by Boyd and Erica, the actors wouldn’t have left for better shows so like, come on man, you coulda done better. We coulda had such a dope show, why you gotta crush my dreams like that Jeff? What did I ever do to you?
I know this is only eight, but this is long enough, if I go two more, this is gonna be IN.SANE. And also it’s late and I haven’t finished my fic for the day (I mean, I’m almost done, but I’m not done yet!) So like, I’ma stop here. But yes, hopefully this answered your question. Sorry I got REALLY PASSIONATE about it but it’s been a day.
Also, I feel this needs to be said, but obviously these are my own personal opinions, and as opinions, you are not obligated to agree with them. But you are also not allowed to tell me my opinion is wrong. You can disagree with it, but this is an opinion, not a law, so there is no right and wrong. Don’t @ me, my day’s been bad enough kthx!
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flauntpage · 6 years
Bird Droppings: Sometimes Ya Gotta Dump
That’s the first word that comes to my mind when I think about the game against the Bucs yesterday.
The Eagles, in their own right, almost snatched a turd of a win from the jaws of Fitzmagic, but it wasn’t to be. More compelling, however, is that we’ll collectively revel in the shit from a disappointing and unexpected loss to the surging(?) Tampa Bay Bucs, who now own wins over two of the presumed top teams in the NFC.
But I’m going to start this paragraph with a conjunction, because the first four started with the letter T. The Eagles were playing without, arguably, three of their best offensive players yesterday– Carson Wentz, Alshon Jeffery, Darren Sproles, and then add in large chunks of Jason Peters, Mike Wallace and Jay Ajayi. It’s a borderline miracle they were in contention to pull that one out considering what they were working with offensively.
Sure, you might say that they won the Super Bowl last year without some of those guys, but that doesn’t absolve their absence of meaning. One of Wentz, Sproles, or Jeffery would have been good for an extra touchdown yesterday, which – math – would have led to a tie if you remove ALL CONTEXT and write only in theoreticals. That’s not how things work, and you play the hand you’re dealt, but I find it totally meaningless to overreact about the offense seeing as though it is nothing like it will be in a week or two, personnel-wise, once the gang gets back together and then Howie Roseman gets Josh Gordon. What?
Anyway, the defense was more of the issue yesterday, particularly Jalen Mills. Who…  um… didn’t live up to his pre-game hype:
Jalen Mills @greengoblin hyping up Eagles secondary in team huddle “Put on a bleepin show!”#FlyEaglesFly Earmuffs kids pic.twitter.com/vppedwesGi
— John Clark (@JClarkNBCS) September 16, 2018
Kill that shit today.
Yes, kill it.
I’m not a Mills hater by any stretch, but he did not have a good day. His biggest offense, in my opinion, was his coverage (term used loosely, and in air quotes, with a big fucking sad face next to it) of DeSean Jaccson on 2nd and 13 when the Eagles needed to, well, not do this:
That soft of a cushion is bad for your back. What did Mills think ya boi was going to do here– torch him for another 75 yards with a deep-in-their-own-territory bomb for the jugular? No way. This play was all about the first down. It would’ve been made even worse had DeSean turned around and not run out of bounds for reasons that are completely unknown, but whatever, you do you, D-Jac, you earned it.
We can fault Darby for the missed tackle. We can fault Jenkins for not giving help on the first play. But Mills was the worst yesterday, and this play isn’t getting enough attention. That throw effectively won the game.
  Josh Gordon
Kevin made his case against this, but let me just say that I am firmly in the PRO Gordon camp. Vegas… not so much for the Birds:
Thought this was interesting. Already odds on what team Josh Gordon (if he were to be released & not traded obviously) would sign with, per @betmybookie: NE +150 GB +200 TEN +250 JAX +400 DAL +400 INDY +400 NYG +400 NYJ +500 AZ +600 SEA +600 CHI +1000 PHI +1000 SF +1200
— Matthew Berry (@MatthewBerryTMR) September 16, 2018
There’s a reason why the Patriots are number one here– great teams find value and exploit it. There’s little risk to bringing a player like Gordon into a winning culture. And seeing as though the Eagles are the reigning Super Bowl champs and there’s not an undercurrent of mutiny the way there is in New England – who by the way got pounded yesterday – I see not a better place.
The Browns have enough to worry about that Gordon was no longer worth their time or patience. Teams don’t crawl out of the gutter on the back of a troubled wide receiver. But teams can go from good to great with one.
To be clear, I don’t think Gordon is necessary or will even happen. The Browns will try to trade him before 4 p.m. today and they’re undoubtedly trying to create the market. My guess is it doesn’t take much to land him. Therefore, his services would be low-to-medium risk with a potentially high reward. Let’s take a puff of that shit.
  Two good takes
Zach Berman:
You might think otherwise about the defense after those two big plays, but look what the Eagles did a week and a half earlier against Atlanta. Their home/road splits were noticeable a year ago (they allowed nearly 13 more points more on the road than at home). They need to get to the quarterback more than they did Sunday. Of course, that often comes when playing with a lead, which the Eagles didn’t do against the Buccaneers. But it’s not as if the Eagles are going to give up 75-yard touchdowns every week.
Even more: They’ve faced two of the top wide receivers in the league, and maybe the two best receiving units in the NFC, so things will skew back in their favor against the Cololots and the Titans.
.@Buccaneers #RyanFitzMagic is throwing to the best RECEIVING CORP in the @NFL . Do you believe this? #BaldyBreakdowns pic.twitter.com/IoEto5rVNG
— Brian Baldinger (@BaldyNFL) September 17, 2018
Jimmy Kempski:
At the end of the season last year, we determined that the Eagles scored 71 more points by going for it on fourth down than if they had punted (or attempted a field goal).
All season long, Pederson gambled and mostly won. We noted that it was highly unlikely that every Eagles season would have the same level of success on fourth down that they enjoyed in 2017, but that more often than not, going for it is absolutely the right call.
It was the right call on Sunday, too. The Eagles were down 13, they had a manageable distance to go to pick up a first down, and the benefit of scoring a touchdown on that drive outweighed the downside of giving up 35 or so yards of field position to a big-play offense that had already proven it could score from anywhere on the field.
So I’ll just say this. Before you really want to kill that decision, remember how much fun you had at the Eagles’ Super Bowl parade because Doug Pederson has some balls.
Forget about the size of Doug Pederson’s balls for now… as hard as that may be to do… the Philly media usually isn’t smart enough to understand this sort of thinking, but Kempski is. And perhaps the rest of the media is today, too, in the face of how it worked out WELL last year. No issue with any of the fourth down decisions yesterday.
  He sucks
Not sure what was eating Reuben Frank yesterday, but his subtle crusade against Nick Foles was ridiculous. Chew on these tastykakes, er, takes:
Tough day for the o-line. They didn't give Nick a ton of time, but I also felt like he held onto the ball too long too on a number of snaps and got himself into trouble. https://t.co/b2WtVUlgaz
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) September 17, 2018
Nick Foles once again resembles an NFL quarterback.
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) September 16, 2018
He had Ertz wide open for a first down. Don't know how he missed him. https://t.co/hsAR1vsUzm
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) September 16, 2018
That's Nick's first completion of 20 yards or more to a wide receiver in a regular-season game since a 35-yarder to Nelly last year on his only pass against the Broncos.
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) September 16, 2018
Agholor and Clement both banged up. Just can't throw that pass.
— Reuben Frank (@RoobNBCS) September 16, 2018
WTF? You mean the one on fourth and long with the game on the line when he scrambled around, evaded a sack, bought time, and almost completed a miraculous pass to Corey Clement which would’ve put the Eagles in a position to win the game, that throw? That’s the one he can’t make? OK there, chief, I’ll be sure to note that on his report card and dock him points for “trying to win the game.”
More from Roooooooooooooob:
I’ll never understand Nick Foles. Ever. He can shred Bill Belichick’s defense with 100 million people watching on the greatest stage in sports or he can look like he’s never played the game before. And then he can have games like Sunday where he’s both those guys. I can’t figure him out and I never will. His final numbers look good (35 for 48, 334 yards, 1 TD, 0 INT, 99.5 passer rating), but honestly, he never gave the team a chance to win. Carson needs to get back soon.
Hot take here that he’ll never understand why the backup quarterback is sometimes good and sometimes bad.
Literally the line before this he wrote how you can’t give FITZPATRICK time:
Other than an early Fletcher Cox sack, the Eagles got very little pressure, and when you give Fitzpatrick time, he’s really good. The D-line is the heart of this team, and they have to be better.
While I agree with his assessment of the Eagles’ D-line yesterday (yuckstains), he just described what makes a quarterback a backup. The fact that Foles has band-aided the Eagles to six meaningful wins, including a Super Bowl MVP, is all the more reason we should just slide off his massive dick and thank him for the job he’s done.
Carson now. Frank Reich next week.
The post Bird Droppings: Sometimes Ya Gotta Dump appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Bird Droppings: Sometimes Ya Gotta Dump published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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ocbungou · 7 years
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Thank you, Lynth, for submitting your application! Both mods have gone over it and accepted it for approval into the ring. Please have your blog ready by September 2nd.
Kaspar measures at about 5'11" if not a bit smaller. His barely kempt auburn hair is maintained only to the point where it remains out of Kaspar’s field of view, but other than that, little regard is given to his ever growing head of hair. Despite this however, Kaspar does put significantly more thought into his wardrobe, often having 7-8 outfits for any given occasion. On most days, he can be seen wearing a collared shirt and slacks, along with a vest and a coat should the weather require it.
More noticeably, Kaspar is missing his left arm and the sleeves that would otherwise have housed it dangle freely. In order to maintain appearances and prevent shirts and coats from being awkwardly positioned, he oftentimes sews his garments together to ensure that his cloths hang from his body in a presentable fashion.
Kaspar is a very straightforward person. Rarely keeping secrets or his thoughts to himself at all for that matter, he has landed himself in a spot of bother on more than one occasion. In his mind, life is too short to beat things around the bush and if something needs to be said, then it will be said, barring the most extreme circumstances. A pragmatist at heart, Kaspar does his best to avoid acting on his baser feelings, opting for more of a reasonable and practical solutions to problems rooted in the mires of emotion.
Oftentimes, Kaspar will view himself as a neutral constant in situations and is quick to deduce that those around him were the chaotic variables that upset an otherwise predictable situation, even if that is not even remotely the case. In that way, Kaspar quietly believes himself to be better than others. He believes, that while not exactly the perfect functional and rational machine/god of his fancy, he is more consistent than many of his peers, though he usually keeps those kinds of sentiments to himself.
Strengths: Adaptive, reasonable, cooperative
Weaknesses: Impatient, blunt, prone to violent outbursts if/when his past is discuss in great detail, will get annoyed if you point out his missing arm, maintains and nurtures feelings of superiority towards his fellow man
Author: Erich Maria Remarque.
The work: All Quiet on the Western Front.
Ability Name: Phantom Pains.
Kaspar is capable of conjuring a phantom hand from thin air and control it telepathically. The hand can move almost twice as fast as Kaspar’s other fist and is capable of exerting twice as much force. It is capable of being summoned and dispelled at any time in any place, so long as it is within 20 yards of Kaspar. The hand can be maneuvered into any orientation, regardless of its position in relation to the user and additionally, it need not be in view for it to be active and controllable.
Despite the utility Phantom Pains offers Kaspar, there are a few noticeable flaws. Firstly, should the hand be damaged, all pain is funneled to Kaspar and he would feel it as though it were a regular hand. In the case of grievous injury the hand must be given time to heal, similarly to a normal limb, although it does not need to be manifested in order for it to heal normally. Secondly, Phantom Pains cannot interact with Kaspar’s physical body in any capacity and should he attempt to have it do so, then the hand will simply go through him. Finally, the hand can grow tired and fatigued if used too rigorously for a long enough time and should Kaspar become too exhausted to move or is rendered unconscious while Phantom Pains is manifested, it shall remain corporeal.
As far as Kaspar is concerned, his life began during his tour of duty in Afghanistan. The 20 odd years leading up to his enlistment were nothing to him but a simmering cesspool of redundancy and unimportant events, all contributing to an unrepresentative worldview that featured humanity as a wondrous and beautiful wellspring of untapped potential. His parents, upbringing in Hamburg and academic years all amounted to but a singular lie that had his grasping for enlistment documents before he even understood what it was he was truly fighting for. He departed for the theatre of war as hapless and naïve as one could ever hope for. That perhaps is what he would look back most disdainfully upon.
With his brothers-in-arms by his side, Kaspar took to the killing grounds with wide eyed positivity. The kind of outlook that detailed only the best of intentions and the most humanistic of ideals. He and his unit were ambushed, only 2 days into his tour of duty. As the debris filled the battlefield and smoke clouded the skies, Kaspar threw himself in front of a hail of gunfire to protect the life of a comrade, whom only moments later, abandoned his bleeding frame. As his unit retreated, a sandstorm claimed whatever was left behind.
And thus, Kaspar Bäumer was borne anew from the burning sands, his powers awakening to dig him out of his former grave. After being medically treated, quietly taken home and discharged from the armed forces, Kaspar sought new employers. Over were the days of living for an ideal or his misplaced love of land and liberty. Over the next few years, he began to make a name for himself acting as the bodyguard for several powerful German politicians until he ran afoul of The Guild during an attempted assassination of one of his clients during which Kaspar executed one of The Guild’s agents.
Rather than resting Kaspar’s head on the chopping block, The Guild made him an offer to come and work for them. An offer that was readily accepted.
“I had nothing to do with it.” Kaspar folds his legs and stares down the police officer, who’s near foaming mouth was only inches away, “I’ve already given my alibi and I’m ready to leave, so why haven’t I left yet.” The officer snarls and snatches a photo of a corpse from the table, holding it just in front of Kaspar’s face. “You know damn well why not! The man’s been in protective custody for months, and suddenly he decides to break character and talk to you and now he’s dead!! How could anyone not suspect you had something to do with it, you armless freak!” The man jumps back as Kaspar slams the palm of his hand on the table and rises. “I suppose there are a few things I should inform you of, if you’re that thirsty for information. Firstly, you’re being emotional, and like most people that makes you stupid. It’s a bad look, especially when you don’t have looks going for you in the first place” The officer reaches up and touches his face self-consciously as Kaspar continues, “Secondly, as I am not under arrest, I’m leaving. That’s now this works in America, no? I’m going to walk out of those doors and not miss my flight, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me.”
Minutes later, Kaspar sits behind the steering wheel of his car as he navigates his way towards the airport, his phone on speaker. “Yes…yes I understand….Yokohama, as in, the city in Japan? Very well, I’ll be there within 48 hours.” The call ends and he heaves a sigh. So many inconveniences, first the police, now another mission immediately after this one. “I wonder what it’ll be this time…” he muses to himself as he recounts all of the various tasks that he had performed for the Guild. Murder, arson, bodyguard duty, all miscellaneous tasks that he was well suited to. He reminds himself that things could be worse and continues on his way.
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