#2019 sherlolly halloween master list
holidaysat221b · 3 years
Let’s turn back the clock to Halloween 2019
If you’re in the mood for some older Sherlolly Halloween fun, look no further.  
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To help get you in the Fall/Halloween spirit, here are all the submissions we received during the 2019 Halloween Fest.  Please give them another look, leave a comment or a kudo (or both!), and show a little love to the creators who took the time to participate in 2019.
And Then There Were Two - Written by @mizjoely A Sherlolly version of the classic Agatha Christie novel, but heavily influenced by the 1945 movie with its much altered (and happier!) ending.   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me - Written by @darnedchild Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated M)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @darnedchild “I can’t take what you don’t freely give.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A gift for @darnedchild for her fic “Everything that Kills Me”.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Neverwhere/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo “Young man,“ he said, “understand this: there are two Londons. There’s London Above―that’s where you lived―and then there’s London Below―the Underside―inhabited by the people who fell through the cracks in the world. Now you’re one of them. Good night.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo In 1894: It seems that Jack the Ripper is on the loose again despite his disappearance, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think…
In 2016: Sherlock and Molly are together, but their relationship is rocky to start with after the phone call. A modern Jack the Ripper is terrorizing London, and seems to have close ties with the detective. Meanwhile, strange dreams of a past life plague both Sherlock and Molly, leading them to the identity of the murderer.   (On Ao3, Complete in 9 parts, Rated T)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo I am the Hunter But you’re not the prey Your heart will be torn asunder Think of your family It will pave the way Does the Devil live within me? You wonder   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Margaret “Molly” Hooper, 1894   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #1 - Created by @mel-loves-all A spectre or man? He travels in the moonlight. Is he angel or demon…after his first kiss, that kiss, does it really matter?   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #2 - Created by @mel-loves-all “Listen to them — the children of the night. What music they make.” — Bram Stoker.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #3 - Created by @mel-loves-all “He has resisted temptation for centuries, A stone cold warrior whose frozen heart refuses to thaw- Until Her..”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #4 - Created by @mel-loves-all “When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #5 - Created by @mel-loves-all Happy Halloween   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Silly Ghostly Sherlolly  - Written by @lyssisbored “This is your fault,” Molly informed him as she reached out to poke a finger through the wall.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
The Sneinton Bollard Children - Written by @mizjoely Molly and Sherlock on a case in Nottingham. What could possibly go wrong? Well for starters, a broken-down car and a “there’s only one bed” stay at a small inn, all while they’re still tip-toeing around the events at Sherrinford. And then of course, there’s the creepy, dead-eyed bollard children outside the local school, two of whom look disturbingly familiar to Sherlock…   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - Frankenstein  - Written by @darnedchild They were four bodies in before someone noticed a pattern. It was Philip Anderson, of all people, who made the first connection.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Invisible Man  - Written by @darnedchild “This is the strangest thing I have ever seen,” John marvelled.
“Haven’t seen,” Sherlock corrected.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Universally Monstrous - The Mummy  - Written by @darnedchild “I must admit I’m surprised you managed to secure authorization for me to see the mummy.”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Until Dawn/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo One year after Victor Trevor disappears, Sherlock invites everyone back to Holmes Lodge as a way to discreetly solve the mystery of Victor’s disappearance, and to woo the girl he had continually denied his feelings for.
As the mystery unfolds, Sherlock discovers that his friends and family may be more unhinged than he originally thought.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Wonderful Halloween fest graphics by created by @mel-loves-all​  
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holidaysat221b · 5 years
2019′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
Below is the 2019 Halloween at 221b Master List, complete with where they’re archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
And Then There Were Two - Written by @mizjoely A Sherlolly version of the classic Agatha Christie novel, but heavily influenced by the 1945 movie with its much altered (and happier!) ending.   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me - Written by @darnedchild Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated M)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @darnedchild “I can’t take what you don’t freely give.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A gift for @darnedchild for her fic “Everything that Kills Me”.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Neverwhere/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo “Young man,“ he said, “understand this: there are two Londons. There’s London Above―that’s where you lived―and then there’s London Below―the Underside―inhabited by the people who fell through the cracks in the world. Now you’re one of them. Good night.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo In 1894: It seems that Jack the Ripper is on the loose again despite his disappearance, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think… In 2016: Sherlock and Molly are together, but their relationship is rocky to start with after the phone call. A modern Jack the Ripper is terrorizing London, and seems to have close ties with the detective. Meanwhile, strange dreams of a past life plague both Sherlock and Molly, leading them to the identity of the murderer.   (On Ao3, Complete in 9 parts, Rated T)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo I am the Hunter But you’re not the prey Your heart will be torn asunder Think of your family It will pave the way Does the Devil live within me? You wonder   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Margaret “Molly” Hooper, 1894   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #1 - Created by @mel-loves-all A spectre or man? He travels in the moonlight. Is he angel or demon…after his first kiss, that kiss, does it really matter?   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #2 - Created by @mel-loves-all “Listen to them — the children of the night. What music they make.” — Bram Stoker.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #3 - Created by @mel-loves-all “He has resisted temptation for centuries, A stone cold warrior whose frozen heart refuses to thaw- Until Her..”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #4 - Created by @mel-loves-all “When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #5 - Created by @mel-loves-all Happy Halloween   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Silly Ghostly Sherlolly  - Written by @lyssisbored “This is your fault,” Molly informed him as she reached out to poke a finger through the wall.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
The Sneinton Bollard Children - Written by @mizjoely Molly and Sherlock on a case in Nottingham. What could possibly go wrong? Well for starters, a broken-down car and a “there’s only one bed” stay at a small inn, all while they’re still tip-toeing around the events at Sherrinford. And then of course, there’s the creepy, dead-eyed bollard children outside the local school, two of whom look disturbingly familiar to Sherlock…   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - Frankenstein  - Written by @darnedchild They were four bodies in before someone noticed a pattern. It was Philip Anderson, of all people, who made the first connection.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Invisible Man  - Written by @darnedchild “This is the strangest thing I have ever seen,” John marvelled. “Haven’t seen,” Sherlock corrected.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Universally Monstrous - The Mummy  - Written by @darnedchild “I must admit I’m surprised you managed to secure authorization for me to see the mummy.”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Until Dawn/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo One year after Victor Trevor disappears, Sherlock invites everyone back to Holmes Lodge as a way to discreetly solve the mystery of Victor’s disappearance, and to woo the girl he had continually denied his feelings for. As the mystery unfolds, Sherlock discovers that his friends and family may be more unhinged than he originally thought.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
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holidaysat221b · 4 years
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Halloween at 221B Is Back!
Welcome to 13 Days of Sherlolly Halloween.  From October 19th to Halloween night, we will be showcasing your Halloween or supernatural themed Sherlolly fic and art.
Is there a ghost haunting 221B?  A vampire stalking the halls of St. Barts Hospital?  Were the Hounds of Baskerville secretly lead by an unknowing Henry Knight, werewolf?  Or is it all fancy dress shenanigans on a Halloween night?
Is there a Halloween gala or a blood thirsty ghoul?  A flirty fancy dress gathering at Baker Street or a monstrous regiment of women impersonating a vengeful ghost bride?  Scary or smutty?  Silly or sweet?  The Fest is open to it all.
Works can be any rating, any length, any genre, and any medium (art, fic, knitted dolls, videos, etc). However, they must be a Sherlolly work with a Halloween and/or supernatural theme.  
We will open posting on the Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebration collection at Ao3 on October 19th and close it after midnight on October 31th. Authors/artists will be welcome to post their works to the community at any time while it is open.  Any works added to the collection will also be shared and featured on the @holidaysat221b tumblr during that period.
Please make note of the change to Rule #6 below.  It’s a huge change from years past.
Once the fest is over, all works will be added to the Halloween Masterlist.  (http://holidaysat221b.tumblr.com/master_list_halloween)
If you have any questions, feel free to message the mod or submit an ask.  Please have a look at the rules below the Read More.
The Rules:
1)     Must be on theme in some way – Halloween, fall, supernatural
 2)     Sherlolly must be the main pairing (it does not need to be a romantic pairing), but other ships are welcomed.
3)     The collection can be found at http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B_2020.  Please note that this is a subcollection.  Please do not post your fic to the parent collection (http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B) as that contains the 2016 fics.
4)     To add your work to the Ao3 collection:  Post your fic to Ao3 as you normally would, but in the “Post to Collections / Challenges” box you need to type Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B_2020.  This should add your work to the 2020 Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebration collection. If you have any problems, please message a mod so we can help you out.
5)     Multi-chapter fics are welcome to post over a period of days, but please have the final chapter posted prior to the first of November if possible (things happen, we understand).  
 6)     Any fic/art that began posting sometime between November 1st, 2019 and midnight on October 31st, 2020 is eligible for inclusion in this collection.  Let’s do something new for our final year – Any fic that meets the other requirements will be eligible for inclusion or reblogging.  Regardless of when you originally posted it.  If you wrote a vampire fic in June (for example), and would like to have it featured in this year's 13 Days of Sherlolly Halloween Celebration, feel free to add it to the collection.  Have a ghostly drawing from six years ago, we’d love to see it.  Already on the list from years past?  We can showcase it again if you’d like.  
 7)     Tag your ships. Improperly tagged fics may be deleted.
 8)     If you want to post your work on Tumblr, please @holidaysat221b if possible and tag it with ‘2020 sherlolly halloween’ somewhere in the first five tags.
 9)     If you want to participate but don’t want to post to Ao3, feel free to send a mod a link to your work, wherever it’s at, and we’ll add it to the master list on @holidaysat221b.
 10)  Unfortunately, fics or artwork meant for Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebation that are not added to the collection, properly tagged on Tumblr, or directly submitted to a mod may not be seen and therefore added to the Masterlist or featured on @holidaysat221b.  If you would like your work to be included, you must let us know it exists via submitting to the collection, using the Tumblr tag, @holidaysat221b, or messaging us directly.  
 Please join in the fun!!!
We want to give a HUGE thanks to @mel-loves-all for making the amazing graphic above! 
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holidaysat221b · 5 years
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Halloween at 221B Is Back!
Welcome to 13 Days of Sherlolly Halloween.  From October 19th to Halloween night, we will be showcasing your Halloween or supernatural themed Sherlolly fic and art.
Is there a ghost haunting 221B?  A vampire stalking the halls of St. Barts Hospital?  Were the Hounds of Baskerville secretly lead by an unknowing Henry Knight, werewolf?  Or is it all fancy dress shenanigans on a Halloween night?
Is there a Halloween gala or a blood thirsty ghoul?  A flirty fancy dress gathering at Baker Street or a monstrous regiment of women impersonating a vengeful ghost bride?  Scary or smutty?  Silly or sweet?  The Fest is open to it all.
Works can be any rating, any length, any genre, and any medium (art, fic, knitted dolls, videos, etc). However, they must be a Sherlolly work with a Halloween and/or supernatural theme.  
We will open posting on the Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebration collection at Ao3 on October 19th and close it after midnight on October 31th. Authors/artists will be welcome to post their works to the community at any time while it is open.  Any works added to the collection will also be shared and featured on the @holidaysat221b tumblr during that period.
Once the fest is over, all works will be added to the Halloween Masterlist.
If you have any questions, feel free to message the mods or submit an ask.  Please have a look at the rules below the Read More.
The Rules:
1)     Must be on theme in some way – Halloween, fall, supernatural
 2)     Sherlolly must be the main pairing (it does not need to be a romantic pairing), but other ships are welcomed.
3)     The collection can be found at http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B_2019.  Please note that this is a subcollection.  Please do not post your fic to the parent collection (http://archiveofourown.org/collections/Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B) as that contains the 2016 fics.
4)     To add your work to the Ao3 collection:  Post your fic to Ao3 as you normally would, but in the “Post to Collections / Challenges” box you need to type Sherlolly_Halloween_At_221B_2019.  This should add your work to the 2019 Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebration collection. If you have any problems, please message a mod so we can help you out.
5)     Multi-chapter fics are welcome to post over a period of days, but please have the final chapter posted prior to the first of November if possible (things happen, we understand).  
 6)     Any fic/art that began posting sometime between November 1st, 2018 and midnight on October 31st, 2019 is eligible for inclusion in this collection.  If you wrote a vampire fic in June (for example), and would like to have it featured in this year's 13 Days of Sherlolly Halloween Celebration, feel free to add it to the collection.
 7)     Tag your ships. Improperly tagged fics may be deleted.
 8)     If you want to post your work on Tumblr, please @holidaysat221b if possible and tag it with ‘2019 sherlolly halloween’ somewhere in the first five tags.
 9)     If you want to participate but don’t want to post to Ao3, feel free to send a mod a link to your work, wherever it’s at, and we’ll add it to the master list on @holidaysat221b.
 10)  Unfortunately, fics or artwork meant for Halloween at 221B – A Sherlolly Celebation that are not added to the collection, properly tagged on Tumblr, or directly submitted to a mod may not be seen and therefore added to the Masterlist or featured on @holidaysat221b.  If you would like your work to be included, you must let us know it exists via submitting to the collection, using the Tumblr tag, @holidaysat221b, or messaging us directly.  
 Please join in the fun!!!
We want to give a HUGE thanks to @mel-loves-all for making the amazing graphic above! 
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holidaysat221b · 4 years
2019′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
To help get you in the Fall/Halloween spirit, here are all the submissions we received during the 2019 Halloween Fest.  Please give them another look, leave a comment or a kudo (or both!), and show a little love to the creators who took the time to participate in 2019.
We’ve listed where the works are archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
And Then There Were Two - Written by @mizjoely A Sherlolly version of the classic Agatha Christie novel, but heavily influenced by the 1945 movie with its much altered (and happier!) ending.   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me - Written by @darnedchild Dreams. Fevered, erotic, all consuming. A woman whose beauty takes his breath away. Sherlock doesn’t ever want to wake up.   (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated M)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @darnedchild “I can’t take what you don’t freely give.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Everything that Kills Me (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A gift for @darnedchild for her fic “Everything that Kills Me”.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated T)
Neverwhere/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo “Young man,“ he said, “understand this: there are two Londons. There’s London Above―that’s where you lived―and then there’s London Below―the Underside―inhabited by the people who fell through the cracks in the world. Now you’re one of them. Good night.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo In 1894: It seems that Jack the Ripper is on the loose again despite his disappearance, but Sherlock and Molly are on the case. They set out to find the identity of the ripper, unaware that they’re closer to the answer than they think… In 2016: Sherlock and Molly are together, but their relationship is rocky to start with after the phone call. A modern Jack the Ripper is terrorizing London, and seems to have close ties with the detective. Meanwhile, strange dreams of a past life plague both Sherlock and Molly, leading them to the identity of the murderer.   (On Ao3, Complete in 9 parts, Rated T)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo I am the Hunter But you’re not the prey Your heart will be torn asunder Think of your family It will pave the way Does the Devil live within me? You wonder   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Repeating History (Companion Edit) - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Margaret “Molly” Hooper, 1894   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #1 - Created by @mel-loves-all A spectre or man? He travels in the moonlight. Is he angel or demon…after his first kiss, that kiss, does it really matter?   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #2 - Created by @mel-loves-all “Listen to them — the children of the night. What music they make.” — Bram Stoker.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #3 - Created by @mel-loves-all “He has resisted temptation for centuries, A stone cold warrior whose frozen heart refuses to thaw- Until Her..”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #4 - Created by @mel-loves-all “When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ‘tis near Halloween.”   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Sherlolly Edit #5 - Created by @mel-loves-all Happy Halloween   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
Silly Ghostly Sherlolly  - Written by @lyssisbored “This is your fault,” Molly informed him as she reached out to poke a finger through the wall.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
The Sneinton Bollard Children - Written by @mizjoely Molly and Sherlock on a case in Nottingham. What could possibly go wrong? Well for starters, a broken-down car and a “there’s only one bed” stay at a small inn, all while they’re still tip-toeing around the events at Sherrinford. And then of course, there’s the creepy, dead-eyed bollard children outside the local school, two of whom look disturbingly familiar to Sherlock…   (On Ao3, Complete in 2 Parts, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - Frankenstein  - Written by @darnedchild They were four bodies in before someone noticed a pattern. It was Philip Anderson, of all people, who made the first connection.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Universally Monstrous - The Invisible Man  - Written by @darnedchild “This is the strangest thing I have ever seen,” John marvelled. “Haven’t seen,” Sherlock corrected.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Universally Monstrous - The Mummy  - Written by @darnedchild “I must admit I’m surprised you managed to secure authorization for me to see the mummy.”   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
Until Dawn/Sherlolly AU - Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo One year after Victor Trevor disappears, Sherlock invites everyone back to Holmes Lodge as a way to discreetly solve the mystery of Victor’s disappearance, and to woo the girl he had continually denied his feelings for. As the mystery unfolds, Sherlock discovers that his friends and family may be more unhinged than he originally thought.   (On Tumblr, Complete, Rated G)
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