#2022 Honda Civic Hatchback
radracer · 2 years
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TOP 10: Honda Civic Hatchback EG
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ded-and-gonne · 2 years
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🍂 🎃 🍂 Sheehalloween 2022 🍂🎃🍂
Devil’s Night Part 3: A Green Man
AN: I’m chopping a huge post down into manageable chunks. Hope you enjoy. Triggers: two not-brothers flirting, my sense of humor, treasure hunts, kitchens. Ded & Gonne is and will always be a gen fic.
Ded & Gonne || Devil’s Night || Start || Prev || Next
��Is there such a thing as a sub-sub-basement?” It’s Klaus asking.
They’ve emerged from a non-descript door on an oddly ornate hallway. Lots of gilding. Crowns. Mouldings. Cherubs all over the place, a green man, and a gargoyle or two here and there. Wyrd-looking little squidgy symbols in random places, like the carpet, and light switches. A complete suit of armor. Other fancy stuff rich people would buy. For a really fancy sub-sub-basement.
Klaus asks, “Which way, Bennerino? This is your story, after all, and you get the honors of directing the particulars. You could even order me around, if that would cheer you up.”
That would definitely cheer Ben up. He needs to find a way of keeping Klaus willing to be bossed around indefinitely. Problem for another day.
Turning back to his not-brother, Klaus decides that Ben’s facial expression isn’t one to be trifled with. He can put off trifling for a while, for Ben’s sake. “Yes, dear one?” Klaus responds with fluttering lashes.
Turning back to his not-brother, Klaus decides that Ben’s facial expression isn’t one to be trifled with. He can put off trifling for a while, for Ben’s sake. “Yes, dear one?” Klaus responds with fluttering lashes.
Ben swallows heavily. He wants to kill Klaus, but that would be a little too on the nose for Devil’s Night. “Shut up and tell me how the hell this Devil’s Night thing is supposed to be a story. What exactly about this thing screams story to you?” is what Ben had wanted to say. Instead, he attempts the word “story” with a question mark at the end. Unfortunately, the explosive breath required by the word “story” is not available at the time due to losing his vocal chords. So he splutters a bunch of consonants, hoping “s,ry?” is close enough for Klaus to unpack.
Klaus unpacks. “Simple, Ben. We scare the shit out of each other as many times as possible between sundown and sunrise on Halloween morning. And then we get to tell everyone a bunch of awesome stories about how scared we got. Didn’t Dad make you guys play this?”
“Nnn,” Ben rasps his answer, and attempts to sigh a sigh of forbearance. Such a martyr, that Ben. “Storytelling? I’m sorry. But storytelling wasn’t a thing at the Sparrow Academy,” he would have responded, voice thick with disdain (rather than pain). Instead, he gives up and shakes his head, no.
“Really? Dad thought it was really important for our missions and the fate of the world that we tell good stories.”
“Namae nnnsense,” Ben whispers, lip curled, without explosive letters, and eyes squinting in doubt and pain.
“Sure it does. Like, ‘It was a dark and stormy night near Boston, when a short man — about 5’2” maybe, with a mustache, and a muscular build which looked really odd on such a tiny individual. He wore black leather jeans way too tight to hold out hope of ever producing enough live swimmers to father a child one day, a lime green t-shirt, and a lime green Mohawk. A caucasian male driving a 2012 Honda Civic Hatchback — beat me up and left me for dead at mile marker 25 on the Mass Pike heading west, before the Framingham exit. The license plate was suspicious.’ There. That’s a story. A really short and helpful one.”
“Cool story, bro,” says Ben, back to his eye-rolling sarcasm. It comes out more like a tiny, “Lll rrry, ro.” Again, the explosive letters giving him trouble. The humming, nasal letters, not so much.
A sharp left and on down a dark-ish hallway leads them to what Ben is guessing was once the belowstairs area for kitchen staff. A lightswitch proves the electricity still works, shocking, and a few footsteps into the largest room gives them a clear look at their treasure. At an industrial kitchen.
The layer of dust on the kitchen floor alone is at least an inch thick. Like an actual, measurable inch. Walking through it feels like disturbing freshly fallen snow. Plus the room has that eerie quiet that hangs over everything during a snowfall. Not a soul has traversed the room in, well, as many years as it takes to gather an inch of dust. The surfaces are even worse, which, if you really think about it, is not normal. Being abnormal in the sense that it lacks logic in almost every way.
It strikes Klaus as odd that the room lacks any trace of smell. On the contrary, it is a particularly noticeable freshness after what they’ve just come through.
No scent at all. Not musty, nor antiseptic, nor lemon-scented fresh. Nor like shit water, rot, or dead things. Ben smells no scent of freshly grilled and steaming fillet mignon, left to rest in peace, while the drippings are kept at a rolling boil for the Yorkshire pudding. As if food has never been prepared in this room. Not a sign of grunge, nor of stained surfaces. The kitchen appliances, the paint, the cabinets, countertops, all of it appears a lot newer than the rest of the, well, the rest of the entire building, actually.
The cupboards are officially bare. Officially. Not a dish nor a plate, let alone grilling utensils. And certainly no booze. And you know as well as anyone else that Klaus is a pro at finding booze, so, naturally, he’s checked. Like he’s really checked very hard.
Retracing their steps, a sharp right leads them out of the belowstairs quarters. On their way back, they continue beyond their original point of entry, and past more of the wyrd finery. This end of the hall culminates in a formal dining room. Don’t picture the one where Luther and Sloane got married. It’s not that cavernous, nor as twinkly and sparkly. But it’s got something the wedding didn’t. ooooWOOOOoooo
The glass French doors into the room stand open, as if expecting guests. Klaus is struck dumb. (That’s a miracle, by the way. Never happens.) The only occupants of the entire room are one long dining table and enough chairs for a substantial family or two — well over 20 chairs, possibly 30. The opulence of that dining table and its chairs is remarkable. So is the length. “It’s long. Longer than you were picturing, isn’t it, Ben. Like, stupid long,” Klaus remarks. “Normally I’d say who has room for that? But this room has room, so I guess they got what they paid for.”
As with every other room they’ve investigated (peeked into) thus far, the dining room is thick with dust, which kicks up from the floor into swirling eddies as they enter. Even the small panes of glass in the doors are covered in a layer of silt. Not just a dusting, but a mass of it clinging to the glass as if it’s been trapped there in an oily substance.
Ben now has a greater sense of foreboding than the foreboding he’d already been having, because the room, for all its opulence, has no windows to the outside world. Possibly because it’s a sub-sub-basement, but it could be for other reasons, too.
Against the far wall stands a massive, totally unexpected, green man.
“Look!” Klaus whisper-shouts, pointing at the green man. “It’s a green man!” He approaches the huge face. A man’s face, and only his face, Klaus can see that it had been cast in some sort of metal. The pink kind that turns green with age. Copper?
Ben stands back to take in the whole of it. Oval, tapering at the top and bottom. Almost like a huge imitation of a battle shield. Definitely not pretending to be a shield for actual fighting, Ben’s thinking. Not with this kind of ornately sculpted surface. No, this is pretending to be a formal, ceremonial shield. He couldn’t even guess what the weight of this thing would be to hang. He inspects it closely. Nah, that whole thing can’t be solid copper, that’s insane. Could it?
Ben has been fascinated by something other than conflict so rarely in his life, that he doesn’t even realize he’s been sucked in. “What are you on about? What’s a green man?”
Klaus turns slowly around, with the careful excitement of a small child who is in love with a new toy, but is afraid that even though his daddy gave it to him, he is about to take it right back out of Klausie’s chubby little baby hands. “Ooh! Ooh! I know this one.” Klaus stands up straighter, and holds his hands behind his back, while trying not to bounce on his toes. He speaks as if he’s giving a report. Maybe one of those ‘stories’ he likes so much. “They are pagan protector spirits or elementals in the Celtic lands stretching all the way back to the time of the druids. oooooWOOOOooooo, spooky.” Twinkle fingers. “But yeah,” he scritches his beard. “I dunno, though, something smells fishy. Because this big guy over here is a little bit younger than he should be, if he’s a green man.” Scratching his beard, he adds, “It’s not ancient. Not even medieval.” He is correct, it’s neither ancient nor medieval.
Klaus steps in closer to check out the detailing. Leaves grow in place of hair. His eyebrows, likewise, have grown leaves. Like an elemental would do. And the mustache and beard, also leaves. Standing up straight again, Klaus returns to his oral report. “Green Men are said to watch over rivers, lakes, streams, and woodlands. Doesn’t he look like he’s surfacing through his greenery? I don’t know about you Benny Bear, but I’m curious just what kind of greenery he’s been surfacing through. Think he’s got a leaf stuck in his teeth?”
Klaus walks up to only a nose’s distance, just to see what he can see, and starts to fondle the green man.
Not quite how it sounds. He’s running his fingers over bits of it, following every swirl in the lines of the oak leaf on one of its eyebrows. Or the lips, which seem about to speak. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall…that green man sure is tall. Am I right, ben? Yeah!”
Ben agrees. Stubbornly, so he doesn’t make it too easy for Klaus to have him around. Old habits blah blah blah whatever.
Thing is, Ben has been watching Klaus stroking down the length of the nose, and onward to the- the whatever it was they were- what were they- the fingers following sinuous lines. He shakes his head free of the hot, pink cobwebs that have suddenly regrown in the corners of his brain.
Klaus isn’t so much in a stupor as he is completely engrossed in his sensory experience, following all those snaking curves and ridges. “Boop!” Klaus pokes the Green Man in the eye.
Silently swinging open, the green man is a door.
No screech, creaks nor groans, no carpet to get caught on, unless you count all the dust. He would have at least expected the door to sound like metal against wood — whatever that sounds like. Or even a “fwoosh” sound. But nothing. Dead air.
“Ben? I’ve got a feelin, man. I’m thinkin like, maybe we shouldn’t go out there, y’know? This door was, it was way too easy. Right? I mean, that, that’s like a secret door, y’know? It should be harder to open.”
Klaus is actually quite shaken by this. “I’ve seen Indiana Jones and I know what it means when something is way too easy to open. Bad things happen. Bad.”
Ded & Gonne || Devil’s Night || Start || Prev || Next
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Images: If anyone knows to whom I should credit any of these images, please tell me. Middle green man: john-howe.com
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baliportalnews · 8 months
Penjualan Honda Meningkat di Tahun 2023, Lini Model SUV Jadi Penopang Utama dengan Kontribusi 50 Persen
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – PT Honda Prospect Motor menutup tahun 2023 dengan mencatat penjualan secara retail sebanyak 128.010 unit atau meningkat sebesar 2% dibandingkan periode Januari - Desember tahun sebelumnya. Peningkatan tersebut didukung oleh model-model SUV yang berkontribusi sebesar 51,3% terhadap penjualan Honda di tahun 2023. Sepanjang tahun 2023 model-model SUV mencatatkan peningkatan penjualan sebesar 18% dibandingkan tahun 2022. Peningkatan penjualan model SUV Honda didukung oleh kehadiran Honda WR-V sebagai varian terbaru dalam lini produk SUV Honda dimana model ini mulai didistribusikan pada akhir tahun 2022. Pada tahun 2023, Honda WR-V berhasil mencatatkan penjualan sebanyak 18.046 unit, atau berkontribusi sebesar 14% dari total penjualan. Sementara itu penjualan SUV tertinggi yaitu Honda HR-V, berhasil terjual sebanyak 24.736 unit dengan kontribusi sebesar 19,3% terhadap penjualan Honda di tahun 2023. Selanjutnya Honda BR-V berhasil mencatatkan penjualan sebanyak 18.104 unit serta model SUV flagship Honda yaitu All New Honda CR-V terjual sebanyak 4.720 unit. Sepanjang tahun 2023, Honda Brio kembali menjadi model dengan penjualan terbanyak dengan 56.627 unit. Model Honda lainnya seperti Honda City Hatchback RS terjual sebanyak 2.707 unit, Honda Mobilio terjual 1.547 unit, Honda Civic terjual 901 unit, Honda Accord terjual 272, Honda City sebanyak 266 unit unit serta Honda Civic Type R sebanyak 84 unit. Yusak Billy selaku Sales & Marketing and After Sales Director PT Honda Prospect Motor mengatakan, bersyukur di tengah pencapaian penjualan otomotif nasional yang tidak setinggi tahun sebelumnya, permintaan terhadap produk Honda tetap tinggi sehingga Honda dapat mencapai peningkatan penjualan secara retail di tahun 2023. “Kami akan terus memonitor perkembangan pasar di tahun 2024, melakukan pengaturan stok dan produksi agar dapat terus memenuhi permintaan konsumen, serta terus menyegarkan pasar dengan pembaruan produk dan program penjualan yang menarik untuk konsumen,” tutur Yusak Billy dalam keterangan resmi yang diterima Baliportalnews pada Selasa (16/1/2024). Untuk kembali menyegarkan pasar, pada awal tahun ini Honda mengadakan program penjualan dengan tema MERIAH (Makin Gembira Jika Ada Honda) dimana konsumen yang melakukan pembelian mobil Honda di bulan Januari hingga Maret 2024 berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan mulai dari bebas biaya perawatan* hingga Program SETIA dan RESOLUSI. Pada program Bebas Biaya Perawatan (Gratis Paket Hemat 1) didapatkan secara khusus untuk pembelian Honda Brio Satya, Honda Brio RS, Honda CR-V*, Honda Mobilio, Honda City Hatchback RS dan All New Honda BR-V. Dalam program ini akan mendapatkan secara langsung Paket Hemat 1 yaitu gratis biaya jasa dan suku cadang untuk perawatan berkala sampai dengan 50.000 KM atau 4 tahun. Kemudian Honda juga menghadirkan program Fleet Sales & COP Campaign dimana Honda memberikan kemudahan kepada perusahaan yang ingin melakukan pembelian fleet dan untuk konsumen yang ingin menggunakan fasilitas Car Ownership Program untuk pembelian Honda City Hatchback RS dan Honda Accord*. Program selanjutnya adalah acara customer gathering yang diadakan oleh dealer resmi Honda di berbagai kota serta berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan value senilai jutaan rupiah untuk setiap pembelian Honda CR-V* dan Honda BR-V. Untuk Pengguna setia mobil honda mendapatkan program khusus yaitu SETIA (Semangat Ganti Mobil Honda) dimana para pemilik mobil Honda dapat menukar tambah mobil hondanya dengan Honda WR-V & Honda HR-V terbaru dengan kemudahan cicilan mulai dari Rp4 juta* dan penawaran additional loyalist sampai dengan Rp7 juta*. Honda juga mengadakan program RESOLUSI (Realisasikan Mobil Baru dengan Leasing) yang menawarkan berbagai kemudahan serta penawaran hitungan finansial spesial untuk meringankan konsumen yang ingin memiliki SUV Honda khusus pada bulan Januari hingga Maret 2024. Honda juga mengadakan program penjualan yang bertajuk Ease of Mind with 0% Interest 2-3 Years* untuk model Honda City, Honda Civic dan Honda Accord*. Program ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan konsumen dalam memiliki mobil sedan Honda dengan cicilan 0% selama hingga 3 tahun.(tis/bpn) Read the full article
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vividracing · 11 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-5-best-exhausts-for-the-honda-civic-type-r-fl5-2023/
Top 5 Best Exhausts For The Honda Civic Type-R FL5 2023+
The 2023+ Honda Civic Type R FL5 is one of the most exciting hatchbacks out there, and a ride this terrific deserves nothing but the best exhaust in order for it’s capabilities to be clearly heard in your adventures. Known for being one of the most capable, practical, and a fun to drive race car, this compact car has amazing features designed to deliver the highest performance, be it aerodynamically, safety-wise, in handling, and more.
This ride seems perfect in most ways, but we can all agree that the stock exhaust sound can use some improvement. With a power output of 315 horsepower and 310 pound-feet of torque, the only way for this car’s capacity to be heard and felt when you drive on road, track and in most weather conditions is through an exhaust upgrade, and in this blog, we are going to share the top 5 best exhaust system that are the perfect fit for your Honda Civic Type-R FL5 2023+
NEW – HKS Legamax Sports Revolutionary Exhaust System Honda Civic Type R FL5 2022+
HKS has a track record of releasing high performance aftermarket products, abd this exhaust is no different. Guaranteed to deliver a 30% lower exhaust pressure compared to stock, and to increase the exhaust efficiency, this system is also valveless, which is also something that sets this system apart from the stock exhaust system. Check out the video below to hear the sound improvement that this system will deliver on your ride once installed!!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf4Hl_Vzgo0[/embedyt]
ARMYTRIX Stainless Steel Valvetronic Exhaust System w/Triple Tips Honda Civic Type-R FL5 2.0L Turbo 2022+
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ7ZGu_gHDU[/embedyt]This wouldn’t be the list of the best exhausts if we didn’t recommend an Armytrix exhaust. Get this system if the loudest sound performance is what you desire, as this system will increase power, reduce weight, and improve sound in a way that you have yet to see in any other.
Since Armytrix designs and manufactures the best exhaust system for cars out there, you should also check out their quality exhaust parts for the Honda FL5 by CLICKING HERE
MRT Street Race Axle Back Exhaust System
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wRTEbjwPUE[/embedyt]
Designed for street use, this MRT Street Race Axle Back Exhaust System was manufactured to bring out the pop and burbles from your Honda FL5 that will turn heads.MRT engineered this system for the best sound to match your Type R and to provide increased performance from the increased exhaust flow, in addition to saving weight of upto 17lbs compared to the stock axle back.
For a sporty, aggressive exhaust sound that is slightly louder than stock, you should grab the MRT Sport Touring Mid Pipe specifically designed for  the Honda Civic Type R FL5 2023+ racing uses, CLICK HERE to grab it right now
Millteksport Part Resonated Road+ Valved Catback Tip Finish Brushed Titanium
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isW-pMBiJ6s[/embedyt]
Milltek cat back systems are durable and are designed to improve sound and aesthetics, on top of being engineered as the perfect replacement of the stock system. This catback system enables you to choose the increase in volume of your exhaust hence giving you a choice in how aggressive you want the tone to be.
Remus Sport GPF-Back Exhaust
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8ieAoPwaQM[/embedyt]
Manufactured in Austria, this system features a lightweight construction, and is guaranteed to deliver aggressive tones once installed. When it comes to installing this system, no modifications are required. This cat back system will not only add to the driving experience of the FL5 Civic Type R but also increase performance and lower back pressure, and in turn reducing the drone. In addition to all that it’s sleek finish will improve your Honda FL5’s aesthetics in impeccable ways.
If you would like to learn more or get more exhaust recommendations, Shoot us an email at [email protected] or give us a call at 480-966-3040, our knowledgeable Performance Specialists will help you find the perfect upgrades for your Honda FL5! 
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wiackcom · 1 year
The automobile industry is hugely competitive in the United States. With dozens of manufacturers and hundreds of models to choose from, car buyers have many options to consider. But a few select vehicles stand out from the crowd as the top sellers. These incredibly popular cars attract buyers thanks to their compelling combination of style, features, performance, and value. This article will count down the 5 vehicles that sell the most units in America each year. We'll look at sales data and analyze why these models outpace their competitors. Reading this will help you understand the hottest selling cars in the country and what influences car shoppers. Methodology To determine the top selling cars, we examined sales data from auto industry sources like Autodata Corporation. This covered 2021 calendar year US retail sales of passenger cars and light trucks. We focused on models, not brands, and excluded commercial vans or heavy trucks. Sales numbers for individual models were sorted from highest to lowest. The following sections will profile the 5 best selling vehicles in detail starting with #5. For each we'll overview its background, notable features, trim levels, performance specs, pricing, and what likely makes it so popular with buyers compared to segment competitors. #5 - Honda Civic The first car we'll profile is the Honda Civic which came in fifth place for US sales in 2021. The Civic is Honda's storied compact car that was first introduced back in 1972. It's one of the Japanese automaker's most recognizable and longest running nameplates. The Civic is currently in its 11th generation which debuted for model year 2022. Available as a sedan, coupe or hatchback, the contemporary Civic delivers practicality, efficiency, value, and fun. Here's an overview of what this popular compact offers car shoppers:  Background and History Launched in 1972, the Civic is one of Honda's longest running and most successful models. It helped establish Honda's reputation building affordable, fun, fuel-efficient cars. Over 12 generations, more than 16 million Civics have been sold in America. The Civic is currently in its 11th generation released for 2022 after a full redesign.  Key Features and Specs Two engine choices available: A 158hp 2.0L naturally aspirated or 180hp 1.5L turbocharged engine. Both offer great fuel economy up to 42 mpg highway. The interior leans modern and sporty with ample passenger room and cargo space. Available transmissions are a CVT or 6-speed manual depending on trim. Standard active safety tech includes collision mitigation braking, road departure mitigation, and adaptive cruise control. Higher trims get further upgraded styling, premium audio, leather seats, moonroof, and 18-inch alloy wheels. MSRP ranges from $22,000 for base LX to $28,000 for top Touring trim.  Why It Sells Well Several factors likely contribute to the Civic's continued popularity and sales success in the US market: Proven reputation for quality, reliability, and durability over decades on the market. A perennial favorite compact car with available coupe, sedan, or hatchback body styles. Strong value proposition with good fuel mileage and low cost of ownership. Engaging driving dynamics make it fun to drive for an affordable compact commuter car. Honda's brand appeal and consumer confidence in the Civic nameplate. Extensive selection of trims from LX to Touring allows customized builds. Standard active safety tech and modern infotainment keep it competitive. With almost 300,000 units sold last year, the venerable Civic keeps finding ways to appeal to new generations of car shoppers looking for an affordable, practical and fuel efficient vehicle. #4 - Toyota Camry Coming in fourth place is the legendary Toyota Camry midsize sedan. This stoic family car has been a best-seller in America for decades thanks to Toyota's reputation for durability combined with comfort, space, and value.
The Camry dominates the shrinking midsize sedan segment even as SUVs erode car sales. Here's an overview of Toyota's bread-and-butter family car contender:  Background and History Launched in 1983, the Camry is Toyota's mass-market midsize sedan sold globally. Its name comes from an Anglicized phonetic translation of the Japanese word "kanmuri” meaning "crown.” The Camry quickly earned praise for affordability, smooth ride, and excellent build quality. It is Toyota's second longest running nameplate behind the Corolla. The Camry is currently in its eighth generation released for model year 2018.  Key Features and Specs Available with a 203hp 2.5L 4-cylinder or 301hp 3.5L V6 engines. The base four-cylinder engine offers exemplary fuel economy up to 38mpg highway. Smooth comfortable ride with supportive front seats and plentiful legroom. Standard infotainment with Apple CarPlay/Android Auto on all trims. Available hybrid drivetrain on certain trims achieves upwards of 52mpg combined. Advanced safety tech standard like collision warning, pedestrian detection and radar cruise control. MSRP ranges from $25,000 for the base LE trim up to $35,000 for the XSE V6.  Why It Sells Well The Camry continues outpacing most competitors in the midsize sedan segment thanks to: Toyota's sterling reputation for build quality, reliability and high resale value. Comfortable, quiet cabin ideal for commuting or family road trips. Strong value proposition with decent fuel economy and reasonable pricing. The hybrid model's excellent MPG ratings appealing to eco-focused shoppers. Standard active safety tech and modern infotainment on par with rivals. Familiar styling won't deter loyal Toyota shoppers looking for a sensible midsize sedan. With over 300,000 sold last year, the Camry keeps printing sales and performs well attracting new generations of Toyota loyalists in the declining sedan market. #3 - Ford F-Series Pickup Trucks Bronze medal for US sales goes to the Ford F-Series pickup trucks, America's perennial best-selling vehicles for over four decades now. The F-150 drives Ford truck sales, while the Super Duty series also sells well targeting commercial buyers and contractors. This full-size truck dynasty remains massively popular year after year thanks to its capabilities, performance, and brand image. Let's analyze Ford's light-duty and heavy-duty truck sales dominance:  Background and History Ford's F-Series pickups first debuted in 1948 and have been the best-selling vehicles in America since 1977. Generations are indicated by F-150, F-250, F-350, etc. but "F-Series" refers to the whole truck line. Highly profitable and important revenue generator for Ford. The latest models represent the aluminum-bodied 13th generation F-150 and fourth Super Duty generation. Over 800,000 units sold in 2021 showcases astounding market stranglehold.  Key Features and Specs Wide range of cab and bed configurations allow ideal specs for work or play. Numerous trim options from the base XL work truck to lux Platinum and King Ranch. Four available engine choices: A 290hp 3.3L V6, 400hp 5.0L V8, 450hp 3.5L turbo V6, and 475hp High Output 3.5L turbo V6. Max towing of 13,000 lbs and payload of 3,325 lbs when properly equipped. Off-road ready FX4 package and torquey turbo diesel option on certain models. Advanced tech like Pro Trailer Backup Assist and onboard generator available. MSRP from $30,000 on base F-150 XL to over $80,000 for fully loaded Limited.  Why It Sells Well The F-Series succeeds on its capabilities, customization, and brand equity: Highly versatile for work, recreation, or family hauling needs. Strong residual value and resale value appeal to cost-conscious truck buyers. Wide range of trim levels from bare bones XL to luxurious Limited. Advanced tech and towing/payload capabilities target contractors and truck traditional
ists. Powerful available V8 engines and off-road packages carry machismo truck appeal. Longevity and reputation make it a safe familiar choice. Given this formula, it's no surprise Ford sells hundreds of thousands each year even with extensive competition from brands like Chevy, GMC, Ram and Toyota. The F-Series juggernaut shows no signs of letting up. #2 - Chevrolet Silverado Pickup Trucks Giving its arch-rival Ford a run for its money, the Chevrolet Silverado pickup trucks nab second place for best selling vehicles in America. Like the F-Series, Chevy's half-ton Silverado and its heavy-duty Silverado variants offer full-size truck versatility, performance, and familiarity. As Ford and Chevy's truck war rages on, the Silverado continues holding its own as a top-selling model thanks to its blend of capabilities, technology, and brand awareness. Let's analyze Chevy's perennial pickup sales success:  Background and History The Silverado nameplate debuted in 1998, replacing the long-running C/K line of Chevrolet trucks. It represents the GMC equivalent of the Sierra truck line though they share platforms. Available in half-ton 1500, mid-duty 2500, and large 3500 variants. Analysts estimate Ford and Chevy trucks account for roughly 90% of the full-size segment. Over 580,000 Silverado units sold in 2021, keeping close pace with Ford.  Key Features and Specs Three main engine choices: A 285hp 4.3L V6, 310hp 5.3L V8, and 420hp 6.2L V8. Max conventional towing of 14,500 lbs when properly configured. Wide range of cabs, beds, trim levels from Work Truck to High Country. Available off-road tuned Z71 or trailboss packages. Latest models have updated interior styling with large touchscreens and improved materials. Advanced safety tech and camera tech aid trailering or off-roading. MSRP from $30,000 for base Work Truck to over $60,000 for High Country.  Why It Sells Well The Silverado's popularity comes down to: Strong brand loyalty and familiarity with Chevy trucks over decades. Market leader in half-ton truck sales, in tight competition with Ford. Strong residual values and domestic brand appeal. Rugged customization from spartan Work Truck to lux High Country trims. Capability offerings like power, towing, and off-road packages attract contractors and outdoor enthusiasts. Gas, diesel, and even all-electric options now available. Given the fierce competition, it’s impressive Chevrolet moves 500,000+ Silverado units annually. It gives buyers a familiar and capable alternative to the Ford truck dynasty. #1 - Toyota RAV4 And now, the best-selling vehicle in 2021 and winner of the sales crown is the Toyota RAV4 compact crossover SUV. This modestly sized SUV dominates thanks to Toyota's reputation blended with versatility, value, and available hybrid fuel efficiency. The RAV4 demonstrates car shoppers ongoing pivot away from cars toward SUVs and crossovers. Let's examine Toyota's sales juggernaut that dethroned decades of truck dominance:  Background and History The RAV4 pioneered the compact crossover SUV segment when it launched in 1994. Previously, light truck models were larger and more rugged body-on-frame SUVs. It offered car-like handling and fuel efficiency paired with light off-road and utility capabilities. RAV4 stands for "Recreational Active Vehicle with 4-wheel drive.” Early generations had more squared-off small SUV styling compared to today's smoother profile.  Key Features and Specs Standard 203hp 2.5L 4-cylinder engine or available 219hp hybrid powertrain. Available all-wheel-drive is ideal for inclement weather handling. Comfortable ride and handling make it drive like a passenger car. Roomy interior passenger and cargo room for the compact segment. Available hybrid trims achieve up to 40mpg combined fuel economy. Standard Toyota Safety Sense package with collision warning and avoid
ance. MSRP ranges from $27,000 for the base LE trim up to $37,000 for the TRD Off-Road model.  Why It Sells Well The RAV4 hits a sweet spot blending practicality, efficiency, value, and versatility: Toyota's legendary reputation for durability, reliability and resale value. Excellent fuel economy from the standard gas engine or hybrid model. Reasonable pricing positions it well versus SUV rivals. All-weather security of available AWD without a true SUV's off-road tradeoffs. Familiar crossover styling inside and out make it a safe mainstream choice. With over 500,000 units moved in 2021, the RAV4's formula resonates broadly with SUV intenders. It dethroned Ford trucks by tailoring Toyota's strengths for the growing crossover market. The RAV4 reigns supreme as America's new best-selling vehicle. FAQs Car buyers researching the most popular vehicles often have similar questions. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about 2021's best selling cars, SUVs, and trucks:  What are the top 10 best selling vehicles in the US? Toyota RAV4 Chevrolet Silverado Ford F-Series Toyota Camry Honda Civic Nissan Rogue Honda CR-V Toyota Highlander Ram Pickup Trucks Toyota Corolla  Do car sales leaders typically change much year over year? The top selling car rankings tend to remain relatively stable year over year. Full-size Ford and Chevy trucks are almost always #1 and #2. The Toyota Camry midsize sedan is normally in the top five. But there are sometimes shakeups like in 2021 when the RAV4 crossover became #1.  What auto segments are growing or declining in sales? Crossovers are gaining sales while sedan demand shrinks. Trucks remain hot sellers while minivans cool off. Electrics and hybrids are growing too. Overall SUVs represent around 50% of US auto sales now.  Why do pickups continue leading sales? Full-size trucks like the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado remain top sellers thanks to capabilities like towing and hauling. Brand loyalty, residual value, and familiarity also drive truck sales. Contractors and outdoor enthusiasts value their power and performance.  How have economic conditions impacted auto sales? New and used car prices have risen due to low inventory and supply chain issues. Interest rates rising also increases monthly payments. But demand remains fairly resilient and many Americans still need personal vehicles. In summary, America's best selling vehicles represent a diverse mix of consumer priorities. Buyers turn to long-running nameplates known for value, efficiency, style or capabilities. While the market evolves and new trends emerge, expect most sales leaders to enjoy stable demand. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
The automobile industry is hugely competitive in the United States. With dozens of manufacturers and hundreds of models to choose from, car buyers have many options to consider. But a few select vehicles stand out from the crowd as the top sellers. These incredibly popular cars attract buyers thanks to their compelling combination of style, features, performance, and value. This article will count down the 5 vehicles that sell the most units in America each year. We'll look at sales data and analyze why these models outpace their competitors. Reading this will help you understand the hottest selling cars in the country and what influences car shoppers. Methodology To determine the top selling cars, we examined sales data from auto industry sources like Autodata Corporation. This covered 2021 calendar year US retail sales of passenger cars and light trucks. We focused on models, not brands, and excluded commercial vans or heavy trucks. Sales numbers for individual models were sorted from highest to lowest. The following sections will profile the 5 best selling vehicles in detail starting with #5. For each we'll overview its background, notable features, trim levels, performance specs, pricing, and what likely makes it so popular with buyers compared to segment competitors. #5 - Honda Civic The first car we'll profile is the Honda Civic which came in fifth place for US sales in 2021. The Civic is Honda's storied compact car that was first introduced back in 1972. It's one of the Japanese automaker's most recognizable and longest running nameplates. The Civic is currently in its 11th generation which debuted for model year 2022. Available as a sedan, coupe or hatchback, the contemporary Civic delivers practicality, efficiency, value, and fun. Here's an overview of what this popular compact offers car shoppers:  Background and History Launched in 1972, the Civic is one of Honda's longest running and most successful models. It helped establish Honda's reputation building affordable, fun, fuel-efficient cars. Over 12 generations, more than 16 million Civics have been sold in America. The Civic is currently in its 11th generation released for 2022 after a full redesign.  Key Features and Specs Two engine choices available: A 158hp 2.0L naturally aspirated or 180hp 1.5L turbocharged engine. Both offer great fuel economy up to 42 mpg highway. The interior leans modern and sporty with ample passenger room and cargo space. Available transmissions are a CVT or 6-speed manual depending on trim. Standard active safety tech includes collision mitigation braking, road departure mitigation, and adaptive cruise control. Higher trims get further upgraded styling, premium audio, leather seats, moonroof, and 18-inch alloy wheels. MSRP ranges from $22,000 for base LX to $28,000 for top Touring trim.  Why It Sells Well Several factors likely contribute to the Civic's continued popularity and sales success in the US market: Proven reputation for quality, reliability, and durability over decades on the market. A perennial favorite compact car with available coupe, sedan, or hatchback body styles. Strong value proposition with good fuel mileage and low cost of ownership. Engaging driving dynamics make it fun to drive for an affordable compact commuter car. Honda's brand appeal and consumer confidence in the Civic nameplate. Extensive selection of trims from LX to Touring allows customized builds. Standard active safety tech and modern infotainment keep it competitive. With almost 300,000 units sold last year, the venerable Civic keeps finding ways to appeal to new generations of car shoppers looking for an affordable, practical and fuel efficient vehicle. #4 - Toyota Camry Coming in fourth place is the legendary Toyota Camry midsize sedan. This stoic family car has been a best-seller in America for decades thanks to Toyota's reputation for durability combined with comfort, space, and value.
The Camry dominates the shrinking midsize sedan segment even as SUVs erode car sales. Here's an overview of Toyota's bread-and-butter family car contender:  Background and History Launched in 1983, the Camry is Toyota's mass-market midsize sedan sold globally. Its name comes from an Anglicized phonetic translation of the Japanese word "kanmuri” meaning "crown.” The Camry quickly earned praise for affordability, smooth ride, and excellent build quality. It is Toyota's second longest running nameplate behind the Corolla. The Camry is currently in its eighth generation released for model year 2018.  Key Features and Specs Available with a 203hp 2.5L 4-cylinder or 301hp 3.5L V6 engines. The base four-cylinder engine offers exemplary fuel economy up to 38mpg highway. Smooth comfortable ride with supportive front seats and plentiful legroom. Standard infotainment with Apple CarPlay/Android Auto on all trims. Available hybrid drivetrain on certain trims achieves upwards of 52mpg combined. Advanced safety tech standard like collision warning, pedestrian detection and radar cruise control. MSRP ranges from $25,000 for the base LE trim up to $35,000 for the XSE V6.  Why It Sells Well The Camry continues outpacing most competitors in the midsize sedan segment thanks to: Toyota's sterling reputation for build quality, reliability and high resale value. Comfortable, quiet cabin ideal for commuting or family road trips. Strong value proposition with decent fuel economy and reasonable pricing. The hybrid model's excellent MPG ratings appealing to eco-focused shoppers. Standard active safety tech and modern infotainment on par with rivals. Familiar styling won't deter loyal Toyota shoppers looking for a sensible midsize sedan. With over 300,000 sold last year, the Camry keeps printing sales and performs well attracting new generations of Toyota loyalists in the declining sedan market. #3 - Ford F-Series Pickup Trucks Bronze medal for US sales goes to the Ford F-Series pickup trucks, America's perennial best-selling vehicles for over four decades now. The F-150 drives Ford truck sales, while the Super Duty series also sells well targeting commercial buyers and contractors. This full-size truck dynasty remains massively popular year after year thanks to its capabilities, performance, and brand image. Let's analyze Ford's light-duty and heavy-duty truck sales dominance:  Background and History Ford's F-Series pickups first debuted in 1948 and have been the best-selling vehicles in America since 1977. Generations are indicated by F-150, F-250, F-350, etc. but "F-Series" refers to the whole truck line. Highly profitable and important revenue generator for Ford. The latest models represent the aluminum-bodied 13th generation F-150 and fourth Super Duty generation. Over 800,000 units sold in 2021 showcases astounding market stranglehold.  Key Features and Specs Wide range of cab and bed configurations allow ideal specs for work or play. Numerous trim options from the base XL work truck to lux Platinum and King Ranch. Four available engine choices: A 290hp 3.3L V6, 400hp 5.0L V8, 450hp 3.5L turbo V6, and 475hp High Output 3.5L turbo V6. Max towing of 13,000 lbs and payload of 3,325 lbs when properly equipped. Off-road ready FX4 package and torquey turbo diesel option on certain models. Advanced tech like Pro Trailer Backup Assist and onboard generator available. MSRP from $30,000 on base F-150 XL to over $80,000 for fully loaded Limited.  Why It Sells Well The F-Series succeeds on its capabilities, customization, and brand equity: Highly versatile for work, recreation, or family hauling needs. Strong residual value and resale value appeal to cost-conscious truck buyers. Wide range of trim levels from bare bones XL to luxurious Limited. Advanced tech and towing/payload capabilities target contractors and truck traditional
ists. Powerful available V8 engines and off-road packages carry machismo truck appeal. Longevity and reputation make it a safe familiar choice. Given this formula, it's no surprise Ford sells hundreds of thousands each year even with extensive competition from brands like Chevy, GMC, Ram and Toyota. The F-Series juggernaut shows no signs of letting up. #2 - Chevrolet Silverado Pickup Trucks Giving its arch-rival Ford a run for its money, the Chevrolet Silverado pickup trucks nab second place for best selling vehicles in America. Like the F-Series, Chevy's half-ton Silverado and its heavy-duty Silverado variants offer full-size truck versatility, performance, and familiarity. As Ford and Chevy's truck war rages on, the Silverado continues holding its own as a top-selling model thanks to its blend of capabilities, technology, and brand awareness. Let's analyze Chevy's perennial pickup sales success:  Background and History The Silverado nameplate debuted in 1998, replacing the long-running C/K line of Chevrolet trucks. It represents the GMC equivalent of the Sierra truck line though they share platforms. Available in half-ton 1500, mid-duty 2500, and large 3500 variants. Analysts estimate Ford and Chevy trucks account for roughly 90% of the full-size segment. Over 580,000 Silverado units sold in 2021, keeping close pace with Ford.  Key Features and Specs Three main engine choices: A 285hp 4.3L V6, 310hp 5.3L V8, and 420hp 6.2L V8. Max conventional towing of 14,500 lbs when properly configured. Wide range of cabs, beds, trim levels from Work Truck to High Country. Available off-road tuned Z71 or trailboss packages. Latest models have updated interior styling with large touchscreens and improved materials. Advanced safety tech and camera tech aid trailering or off-roading. MSRP from $30,000 for base Work Truck to over $60,000 for High Country.  Why It Sells Well The Silverado's popularity comes down to: Strong brand loyalty and familiarity with Chevy trucks over decades. Market leader in half-ton truck sales, in tight competition with Ford. Strong residual values and domestic brand appeal. Rugged customization from spartan Work Truck to lux High Country trims. Capability offerings like power, towing, and off-road packages attract contractors and outdoor enthusiasts. Gas, diesel, and even all-electric options now available. Given the fierce competition, it’s impressive Chevrolet moves 500,000+ Silverado units annually. It gives buyers a familiar and capable alternative to the Ford truck dynasty. #1 - Toyota RAV4 And now, the best-selling vehicle in 2021 and winner of the sales crown is the Toyota RAV4 compact crossover SUV. This modestly sized SUV dominates thanks to Toyota's reputation blended with versatility, value, and available hybrid fuel efficiency. The RAV4 demonstrates car shoppers ongoing pivot away from cars toward SUVs and crossovers. Let's examine Toyota's sales juggernaut that dethroned decades of truck dominance:  Background and History The RAV4 pioneered the compact crossover SUV segment when it launched in 1994. Previously, light truck models were larger and more rugged body-on-frame SUVs. It offered car-like handling and fuel efficiency paired with light off-road and utility capabilities. RAV4 stands for "Recreational Active Vehicle with 4-wheel drive.” Early generations had more squared-off small SUV styling compared to today's smoother profile.  Key Features and Specs Standard 203hp 2.5L 4-cylinder engine or available 219hp hybrid powertrain. Available all-wheel-drive is ideal for inclement weather handling. Comfortable ride and handling make it drive like a passenger car. Roomy interior passenger and cargo room for the compact segment. Available hybrid trims achieve up to 40mpg combined fuel economy. Standard Toyota Safety Sense package with collision warning and avoid
ance. MSRP ranges from $27,000 for the base LE trim up to $37,000 for the TRD Off-Road model.  Why It Sells Well The RAV4 hits a sweet spot blending practicality, efficiency, value, and versatility: Toyota's legendary reputation for durability, reliability and resale value. Excellent fuel economy from the standard gas engine or hybrid model. Reasonable pricing positions it well versus SUV rivals. All-weather security of available AWD without a true SUV's off-road tradeoffs. Familiar crossover styling inside and out make it a safe mainstream choice. With over 500,000 units moved in 2021, the RAV4's formula resonates broadly with SUV intenders. It dethroned Ford trucks by tailoring Toyota's strengths for the growing crossover market. The RAV4 reigns supreme as America's new best-selling vehicle. FAQs Car buyers researching the most popular vehicles often have similar questions. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about 2021's best selling cars, SUVs, and trucks:  What are the top 10 best selling vehicles in the US? Toyota RAV4 Chevrolet Silverado Ford F-Series Toyota Camry Honda Civic Nissan Rogue Honda CR-V Toyota Highlander Ram Pickup Trucks Toyota Corolla  Do car sales leaders typically change much year over year? The top selling car rankings tend to remain relatively stable year over year. Full-size Ford and Chevy trucks are almost always #1 and #2. The Toyota Camry midsize sedan is normally in the top five. But there are sometimes shakeups like in 2021 when the RAV4 crossover became #1.  What auto segments are growing or declining in sales? Crossovers are gaining sales while sedan demand shrinks. Trucks remain hot sellers while minivans cool off. Electrics and hybrids are growing too. Overall SUVs represent around 50% of US auto sales now.  Why do pickups continue leading sales? Full-size trucks like the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado remain top sellers thanks to capabilities like towing and hauling. Brand loyalty, residual value, and familiarity also drive truck sales. Contractors and outdoor enthusiasts value their power and performance.  How have economic conditions impacted auto sales? New and used car prices have risen due to low inventory and supply chain issues. Interest rates rising also increases monthly payments. But demand remains fairly resilient and many Americans still need personal vehicles. In summary, America's best selling vehicles represent a diverse mix of consumer priorities. Buyers turn to long-running nameplates known for value, efficiency, style or capabilities. While the market evolves and new trends emerge, expect most sales leaders to enjoy stable demand. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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jagatdigital21 · 1 year
Toyota Yaris Is Economical, Budget-oriented
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jazz vs yaris irit mana
Posisi duduk Toyota Yaris rendah layaknya sedanSementara untuk Toyota Yaris TRS Sportivo MT 2019 ditawarkan dengan harga Rp 211 juta. Sementara untuk Toyota Yaris TRS Sportivo MT 2019 ditawarkan dengan harga Rp 211 juta. Seperti dijelaskan di atas, mode berkendara yang disematkan di Toyota New Yaris TRD Sportivo CVT membuat mesin 2NR-FE jadi lebih adaptif menanggapi input sang pengemudi, termasuk saat memakai mode Eco yang dikenal lebih bahan bakar. ”Sudah jelas kami optimistis menantang rival dan dengan fitur yang baru serta harga kompetitif, kami siap terus menjadi leader di segmen hatchback,” tegas Jonfis menanggapi pertanyaan wartawan soal rivalitas dengan Yaris. Perbandingan varian, fitur, jaminan, penghematan bahan bakar, harga, dan ruang penumpang, Anda pasti akan memiliki ide tentang mobil impian Anda dengan laporan perbandingan kami yang jelas dan informatif antara Toyota C-HR vs Toyota Yaris. In normal driving conditions, 2007 Honda Civic should accelerate faster than 2012 Toyota Yaris. In terms of performance, 2007 Toyota Yaris (86 HP @ 6000 RPM) has 62 more horse power than 1973 Honda Z. (24 HP @ 7000 RPM) In normal driving conditions, 2007 Toyota Yaris should accelerate faster than 1973 Honda Z. With that said, vehicle weight also plays an important factor in acceleration.
toyota yaris Bagaimana dengan fitur keselamatan Toyota Yaris 2023 sendiri? Komparasi Jazz vs Yaris vs Swift vs Kia Rio1.All New Honda JazzAll NewHonda Jazz sendiri menurut kami memiliki tampilan yang lebih sporty dan elgant di bandingkan mobil hatcback lainnya, karena mobil ini memiliki tampilan yang keren dan interior yang nyaman, namun sayang material dalam mobil ini banyak yang bilang kurang begitu bagus. Kia Rio sendiri terkenal dengan tampilannya yang elegant di tambah kapasitas kabin mobil ini cukup luas menurut kami, namun untuk masalah penjualan mobil ini masih kalah dengan Honda Jazz, Toyota Yaris, dan Suzuki Swift. Menurut Zeekr, lampu depan ini menggunakan 41 titik lampu LED. Bagian depan Honda Jazz mengusung desain ciamik dengan perubahan mulai dari desain lampu LED Headlight dengan Auto Leveling, LED Position Lamp, Front Grill dengan Dark Chrome Plating, Emblem RS pada Front Grill, Side Sill Garnish, Rear Combination Lamp & LED Stop Lamp dan Tailgate Spoiler yang lebih sporty, Rear Defogger, Dark Chrome Rear License Garnish dan desain baru Velg 16 inchi yang semakin memperkuat tampilan All New Honda Jazz sebagai sebuah hatchback yang superior dan sporty.
honda jazz hybrid vs toyota yaris hybrid 2022 Bahkan ditambah Electric Parking Brake with Auto Hold, Emergency Stop Signal, Hill Start Assist (HSA) Vehicle Stability Control (VSC), Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA), Blind Spot Monitor (BSM), sampai keberadaan Toyota Safety Sense (TSS). SALIM Komparasi Mazda2 vs Honda Jazz vs Toyota Yaris, Fitur dan Tampang Dilihat dari data penjualan, selama ini Jazz berhasil menasbihkan diri sebagai pemenang. Dalam hal ini pengendara dengan All New Mazda2. Salah satu faktor yang sering kali diangkat menjadi bahan komparasi adalah dari kepraktisan yang memudahkan pengemudi dalam mengendarai kendaraan beroda empat ini dengan nyaman. Jika Honda Prospect Motor (HPM) meluncurkan Honda Jazz Cross Style di Indonesia, bisa dipastikan varian ini menjadi penantang seimbang Toyota Yaris Heykers. Only the Hybrid misses out on a leather steering wheel Only the Hybrid misses out on a leather steering wheel Not only does the Yaris offer you a quieter environment, the Toyota also has a more submersed experience in terms of the entertainment in the car. This makes it ideal for city dwellers who need to maneuver in and out of tight parking spots.
It’s strong enough around town, but quickly runs out of puff as speeds increase, with motorway overtakes requiring one or even two downchanges through the six-speed manual gearbox. The menus are easy enough to get your head around, but the screen isn’t that quick to respond - especially when you’re programming a destination. Tetapi ada satu fitur yang dapat dibanggakan, yakni pengoperasian Advanced Information & Entertainment System yang sudah menggunakan teknologi touch screen dan memiliki sensor air gesture. Di sisi lain, pada bagian pengemudi, terdapat setir kemudi yang dibalut dengan bahan kulit dan sudah dilengkapi dengan tombol Audio & TFT khusus tipe TRD. Khusus Yaris terbaru tipe TRD, bagian depannya telah disematkan lampu utama berdesain New Striking LED yang diklaim dapat memberikan pencahayaan sangat terang. Komparasi Spek Toyota Yaris VS Honda Jazz 2020 Meski keduanya belum juga masuk ke pasar Indonesia, namun sebagai hatchback yang namanya telah mendunia, tentu pembaruan dari Honda Jazz dan Toyota Yaris perlu kita ketahui. Yaris Cross dibangun dari basis Yaris hatchback terbaru, yang telah mengusung sasis Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA-B). Di sisi lain, mesin yang dibenamkan pada Toyota Yaris terbaru ini sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur tambahan ‘Fun to Drive’. JAKARTA -- Bicara segmen hatchback, boleh dibilang saat ini menyisakan pertarungan dua nama; Toyota dan Honda.
Honda Jazz vs Toyota Yaris. Mesin Toyota Yaris dan Honda Jazz 2013Pada sisi mesinnya perbandingan Toyota yaris vs Honda jazz 2013 ini adalah pada mesin Toyota yaris mempunyai dapur pacu bermesin DOHC VVT-I 1.5 liter yang mampu menghantarkan energy hingga 109 hp atau 6000 rpm dan torsi maksimal yang mampu digapai 141 NM atau 4200 rpm. Ketika berhenti dan hendak melaju kembali, posisi mobil tak merosot turun karena ditahan fitur ini. Yaris tipe G dan S TRD menggunakan pelek 16 inci dengan ban ukuran 195/50. Sedangkan untuk tipe E, ukuran bannya 185/60 dengan velg 15 inch. Namun bila membeli mobil baru, Toyota Yaris masih ada pilihannya yakni tipe G 1.5 MT dan CVT dengan pilihan 3 atau 7 Airbags. Jika melihat review spesifikasi di atas, tidak heran jika Toyota Yaris terbaru memiliki harga jual yang terbilang cukup tinggi. Dengan menggunakan mesin tersebut, mobil Toyota Yaris 2020 diklaim bisa mengeluarkan tenaga mencapai 113 dk yang lebih tinggi daripada Yaris sebelumnya yang hanya 99 dk. Dengan adanya pelek tersebut, Toyota mengklaim dapat memperkuat kesan sporty Yaris terbaru.
Khusus Yaris terbaru varian TRD Sportivo, kesan sporty semakin menonjol dengan adanya Rear-roof Spoiler dan diffuser yang bernuansa racing. Honda Jazz A Alfi Ariefudin Bashary 20 Mar, 2022 untuk Honda Jazz (2014-2018) Saya suka sekali honda jazz Rs modelnya yg sporty Saya suka sekali honda jazz Rs modelnya yg sporty. Harga mobil Honda Jazz berkisar dari Rp 253 juta hingga Rp 295 jutaan. Sedangkan untuk harga Toyota Yaris baru naik dibandingkan sebelumnya. If you are searching for a Toyota Yaris 2020 for sale, CAR FROM JAPAN is the right place. Any commission received from lenders, will not affect the amounts paid by you under your finance/hire agreement. Let me just say that “fun” and “stylish” need not be expensive. Let nothing hold you back! Clever back seatings fold flat making loading big objects simple, and there's a low loading sill. 2. Seat back angle adjusting lever. 1. Seat position adjusting lever. 3. Vertical seat height adjusting lever (on some models).
Speedometer: 8. Clock adjusting buttons. Unlike many modern cars, all three have proper physical buttons and knobs for their air conditioning systems, so there’s no need to faff around with touch-sensitive pads or delve into menus on the touchscreen when you want to tweak the interior temperature. With many years of exporting Japanese used cars, CAR FROM JAPAN provides the most satisfying experience for vehicle buyers. Driving Performances Breakdown 2019 Toyota Yaris 1.5G 2018 Honda Jazz 1.5L V 2020 Mazda 2 1.5 Hatchback Engine Acceleration 3 / 5 3.5 / 5 4 / 5 In-gear Acceleration 3 / 5 3.5 / 5 4 / 5 Throttle Response 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5 4 / 5 Transmission Shift Logic 2 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 Smoothness 4 / 5 4 / 5 4 / 5 Sport/Manual Mode 2 / 3 0 / 3 3 / 3 Steering Accuracy 2 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 Response 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 2.5 / 3 Weight & Feel 2 / 3 1.5 / 3 2 / 3 Braking Distance 1.5 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 Feel 2 / 3 2 / 3 2.5 / 3 Handling Chassis Balance 2 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 Grip 2 / 3 2 / 3 2 / 3 Load Reaction 1.5 / 3 1.5 / 3 2 / 3 Total 32 / 50 pts 31 / 50 pts 38 / 50 ptsRide Comfort - Toyota Yaris is the most comfortableNoise Level Travelling speed 2019 Toyota Yaris 1.5G 2018 Honda Jazz 1.5L V 2020 Mazda 2 1.5 Hatchback 60 km/h 54 dB 64 dB 60 dB 90 km/h 62 dB 69 dB 66 dB 110 km/h 68 dB 71 dB 70 dBThe quiet cabin, comfortable seats and supple suspension make the Toyota Yaris the most comfortable hatchback in its segment.
Baca juga: Intip Spesifikasi Toyota Yaris Cross 2023, Buat Nyali Honda HR-V Menciut! Baca juga SPESIFIKASI DAN KELEBIHAN SUBARU WRX STI dan KELEBIHAN HONDA JAZZ DAN KEKURANGAN HONDA JAZZ 2013. . Hal ini karena Indonesia mengambil basis dari Yaris Thailand, yang pertama kali ditunjukkan di Shanghai Auto Show 2013 untuk pasar Cina. Bahkan pelipatan bangku belakang mobil ini juga bisa menghasilkan bagasi dengan lantai yang rata. Hanya saja saat jok belakang dilipat, menyisakan jok yang sangat menonjol. Untuk keluarga sangat cocok dikendarai di kota2 dan luar kota Baca SelengkapnyaT Trisulo Winowo 24 Feb, 2022 untuk Honda Jazz (2014-2018) Jazz Gk5 Is The Best type Jazz Gk5 Enak buat JJS dan Stylish, mudah di body, model jazz paling bagus mudah di daoat spare partnya. Sekedar impian saja, berharap punya pun saya tak berani ,maklum lah saya dari kalangan menengah ke Baca SelengkapnyaToyota Yaris E Erwin Shariff Harahap 20 Des, 2021 untuk Toyota Yaris (2006-2009) Yaris JDM lebih bagus Yaris JDM atau disebut Yaris Bakpao di Indonesia lebih bagus, Yaris yang sekarang dijual cuma mobil "LCGC" di Thailand, saya heran kenapa Toyota di Indonesia tidak bawa masuk Yaris versi Baca SelengkapnyaY Yudi Sudi Hartono 18 Apr, 2021 untuk Toyota Yaris (2006-2009) Toyota Yaris favoritku Toyota Yaris bagiku mobil tahan lama dan nyaman dikendarai, mobilku tahun 2006 walau umurnya hampir 20 tahun tapi performa mesinnya masih bisa diandalkan dan tampilannya masih keliatan seperti mobil mewah Baca SelengkapnyaR Rinjani 15 Mar, 2021 untuk Toyota Yaris Cuma kalah sama innova Performa Kencang, dalam kabin senyap, kaki kaki empuk, handling lincah, fitur keselamatan memadai, AC dingin, desain cakep, bahan bakar irit, after sales terjamin, fitur kekinian.
Dengan ukuran bodi paling kecil, bantingannya tidak begitu keras ataupun empuk, tetapi terasa mantap layaknya kelas premium. Meski dibuat lebih empuk, tetapi kestabilan saat manuver khas Jazz tetap dipertahankan, sehingga kini melahap jalanan rusak maupun tol terasa lebih menyenangkan.Sayangnya, hal tersebut tidak diikuti oleh kontur jok yang suportif. Sisi baiknya, jok Yaris tetap dibuat empuk dan mempunyai kontur yang cukup mengikat layaknya sebuah semi-bucket. Pembaruan yang cukup terlihat terdapat pada bagian fitur. Bagian fitur pada Toyota Yaris terbaru menjadi bagian menarik untuk dibahas. On our website, customers can select the desired second hand Toyota Yaris 2020 for sale. Each and every automobile in our great inventory is purchased after careful appraisal and inspection in Japan, Middle East or South Africa by our discerning and experienced buyers, so any automobile that we have can be your best choice. BTZ AUTO is one of the leading automobile trading companies in southern Africa. You can also sort and meet your ideal automobile thanks to our well-arranged car lists. We also provide various high quality models in our stock that fit your budget and ship them internationally.
The Yaris Cross even offers a belt system to secure the goods in place and prevent them from flying all over the boot. Each wheel size has bespoke suspension settings attached to them. In terms of performance, 2005 Honda Stream (157 HP @ 6500 RPM) has 88 more horse power than 2007 Toyota Yaris. This means 2005 Honda Stream will have an easier job in driving up hills or pulling heavy equipment than 2007 Toyota Yaris. Let's talk about torque, 2007 Toyota Yaris (170 Nm @ 2000 RPM) has 17 more torque (in Nm) than 2001 Honda Civic. Itulah yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai Komparasi Honda Jazz vs Toyota Yaris 2018, semoga bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan ketika ingin membeli kedua mobil tersebut. Fitur menjadi salah satu pembanding antara kedua mobil tersebut saat ingin membeli mobil. Semoga bandingkan tersebut menjadi tips & trik yang berharga dan menghilangkan kebingungan saat ingin memilih mobil antara Toyota Yaris Vs Jazz. Komparasi Toyota Yaris 2020 vs Mazda2, Antara Rupa dan Fitur Toyota meremajakan hatchback andalannya, Yaris. Jika memakai mode eco, mobil ini dapat mencatat konsumsi BBM sebesar 13,4 km per liter untuk dalam kota dan 19,6 km per liter di luar kota.
Tidak hanya itu saja, sistem pengeraman di semua tipe Yaris terbaru sudah didukung dengan teknologi ABS (Anti-Lock Braking System), Electronic Braking Distribution (EBD), dan Brake Assist (BA), sehingga semakin menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan pengguna mobil ini. Kemudi keduanya sudah dibungkus material kulit dan dilengkapi tombol pengatur audio pada palang kemudi. Prinsip ini menjelaskan mengenai satu kesatuan antara orang dan kendaraannya. Maka dalam pembahasan kali ini Toyota Yaris kami gunakan sebagai perbandingan untuk menilai kelebihan dan kekurangan Honda Jazz. In terms of performance, 2009 Honda Stream (123 HP @ 6300 RPM) has 37 more horse power than 2007 Toyota Yaris. In terms of performance, 2007 Honda Civic (197 HP @ 7800 RPM) has 91 more horse power than 2012 Toyota Yaris. Sekarang pembaca harus melihat perbandingan Toyota yaris dengan Honda jazz untuk mengetahui lebih dalam perbedaan kedua jenis mobil hatchback tersebut. Tapi tenang saja karena dalam artikel ini kami akan membahas komparasi dari Honda Jazz, Toyota Yaris, Suzuki Swift dan Kia Rio, maka dari itu silah kan simak artikel Komparasi Jazz vs Yaris vs Swift vs Kia Rio pada pembahasan di bawah ini. Dan ternyata di servis kedua ini ongkos servis All New Jazz 2020 lebih murah sedikit dibanding mobil Yaris.
Honda Jazz VS Toyota Yaris? Ada dua pilihan transmisi yang ditawarkan Toyota New Yaris, yaitu Manual dan CVT (Matic). Perbedaan yang terasa dari kedua transmisi tersebut. Dari data di atas, kita bisa berasumsi bahwa Yaris menawarkan ruang kabin yang lebih lega meski head roomnya mungkin masih kalah dibanding Jazz. Hatchback: Toyota Yaris vs Honda JazzIngin mendapatkan model hatchback yang lebih besar dan lebih lega dibandingkan Brio maupun Agya, Anda bisa memilih antara dua model hatchback menengah ini; Toyota Yaris dan Honda Jazz. Sangat lega untuk ukuran compact hatchback karena pendekatan MPV. Biasanya, sangat membantu saat sedang menikung dalam kondisi jalan licin, atau menjaga posisi mobil bila harus melakukan banting setir. Ternyata Honda Jazz VS Toyota Yaris sangat berbeda dalam harga beli. General Review of Toyota Yaris vs. Review of the Suzuki Swift 26 May, 2015 . Hybrid transmission With the power on, move the shift lever with the brake depressed, when shifting from “P” or “R” to another position. Aside from a fairly typical case of thick-pillar blind-spot, visibility is good. The leatherette front seats of our Yaris XLE tester are actually just fine, providing ample comfort and good cushion support.
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ocautomatrix · 2 years
Reliability is critical when shopping for a used vehicle in Orange County and the surrounding areas. No driver wants a vehicle that comes with repair needs.  If you’re in the market for a used car and want to research reliability on your own, look no further than JD Power.  The consumer research firm conducts annual studies to determine the most reliable used cars on the market.
This article will highlight the top reliable vehicles of 2022 according to JD Power studies and consumer data.
Top 3 Used Cars of 2022
In the first place is the Toyota Camry, and it’s no surprise here! The Camry is known for being a safe, affordable, fuel-efficient and reliable car. The popular mid-size sedan tops the list based on a solid track record for reliability, a smooth and comfortable ride, and a well-equipped interior. It’s no wonder the Camry is a top pick for used car buyers.
The Toyota Camry is the manufacturer’s most popular sedan. The model at times can give the driver the feeling of a borderline sports car with an exciting and dynamic ride. However, the Camry still boasts comfortable suspension, providing a smooth ride for all passengers with plenty of interior space as well, even for those taller individuals with more than enough legroom.
Customers praise the intuitive design of the Camry’s driver controls. Its excellent fuel economy and affordable MSRP make the Camry a superb option for anyone looking for a great car.
Next on the list is the Honda Civic, a compact car known for its sporty handling and fuel-efficient engines. Civic is well-regarded for its reliability, with fewer reports of mechanical issues over the years.  Not only is it the sixth best-selling car of all time, but there’s also plenty to say about it.
The Civic truly is all things to all people. For the practical, budget-minded driver, it’s a cheap-to-maintain runabout that can be depended on for years to come. To a gearhead, it’s a blank canvas — an easy-to-modify car with almost limitless performance potential. And for everyone else in between, it’s probably exactly what you’re looking for.
Rounding out the top three is the Toyota Corolla, a compact, reliable, and fuel-efficient sedan with a reputation for being easy to maintain and having a long lifespan.
The Toyota Corolla is known as a global favorite for its reliability, predictability, cost efficiency, and safety. The Corolla is one of the best-selling cars ever produced, with over 45 million vehicles sold globally. If you’re looking for a small commuter car that will fit into your budget, the Corolla is the perfect option for you. The model comes well-equipped for its price range with a variety of features.
It keeps getting better with each model and comes as a sedan or hatchback and will come as a crossover too. The Corolla is well-equipped with a variety of safety features as well as many different technological advancements, such as a great infotainment system. Due to its fuel efficiency, particularly with its hybrid version, reliability, and affordable MSRP, this model has become the sensible choice for those that are looking for a basic car to suit their needs. It’s one of the best-selling cars in the world due to its renowned reputation.
Whether you’re running Google searches for “Craigslist OC Cars” or browsing Orange County dealerships, a bit of research can steer you in the right direction to ensure you receive a quality automobile.
At OC Auto Matrix of Costa Mesa, we are discerning with the vehicles that we sell on our lot.  You’ll find a number of well cared for used cars, many with very low mileage, and all at unbeatable prices!  We do the hard work so you don’t have to. We pay cash for cars in Orange County! Cash for Cars OC OC Cash for Cars OC Auto Guys OCautoexchange Money
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world-store · 2 years
2024 Subaru Impreza shown with in-development STI parts
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The new Subaru Impreza hatch premiered in LA last November has made in Japanese debut at the Tokyo Auto Salon – replete with STI performance parts for a sporty edge. While hardly a return to the days of the full-on WRX and STI hatchbacks, this version does at least add some performance flavour. Offical details are sparse, with Subaru’s statements limited to a confirmation that the STI parts pictured are “under development and customised to sportier specifications”. There are some new black alloy wheels, side skitrs, a branded roof spoiler, a glossy front bumper lip, and a very Honda Civic-style centre-mounted dual-pipe exhaust. It’s unclear what suspension and performance upgrades there are, if any. The Japanese-market model pictured uses a Boxer hybrid, however there’s another slightly punchier performance option in the US: a 136kW and 241Nm 2.5-litre flat-four with full-time AWD, torque-vectoring, and a CVT with eight preset gear ratios and paddle shifters. Apparently the new version Subaru Global Platform underpinning the new Impreza is 10 per cent more torsionally rigid, and includes a full inner frame. With 3.4 times more structural adhesive than before, the Impreza is claimed to be lighter than before too. Subaru Australia still has not confirmed when the new Impreza will come here, simply stating: “Impreza has been part of the Subaru family for 30 years, and we look forward to sharing more details for the Australian market in due course”. As to the future of STI parts in Australia, the company is keen to capitalise as much as it can. As announced last March there won’t be a new Subaru WRX STI, but the Subaru Tecnica International brand isn’t dead. The company’s local arm detailed various styling packages for the WRX sedan and Sportswagon (Levorg) last October, and the company has hinted at an electric STI future. “As the automotive marketplace continues to move towards electrification, Subaru is focused on how our future sports and performance cars should evolve to meet the needs of the changing marketplace,” it said in 2022. “We acknowledge the long love affair Australians have had with the WRX STI, and the STI brand,” Subaru Australia managing director Blair Read later told local media. “The STI engineers and that team, that did all these great things, haven’t packed up and gone home. They’re still there. “Part of that change in direction with the STI brand is how it can play a role not just in one model variant, but across all the product. There is exciting options and development in a number of different areas that will feed its way into all the different models.” MORE: How Subaru plans to keep STI alive Read the full article
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usedcars-newcars · 2 years
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gossipvehiculos · 2 years
Revelados los precios del Honda Civic Sedan 2023 para EEUU https://gossipvehiculo.com/2022/10/17/revelados-los-precios-del-honda-civic-sedan-2023-para-eeuu/?feed_id=54912&_unique_id=634dd5e2ebbec
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baliportalnews · 10 months
Para Pembalap Honda Racing Indonesia Berhasil Mengunci Gelar Juara Nasional di Seri Terakhir ISSOM 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, SENTUL – Ketiga pembalap andalan tim Honda Racing Indonesia (HRI) yaitu Naufal Rafif Busro, Avila Bahar dan Alvin Bahar berhasil mengunci gelar juara di kelasnya masing-masing pada ajang kejuaraan nasional balap mobil Indonesia Sentul Series of Motorsport (ISSOM) di Sirkuit Internasional Sentul, kabupaten Bogor pada Minggu (19/11/2023). Dengan demikian, para pembalap tim Honda Racing Indonesia berhasil mempertahankan gelar juara yang sebelumnya berhasil diraih pada musim balap tahun 2022. Alvin Bahar pada musim ini berhasil tampil konsisten dengan menggunakan Honda Civic Type R di kelas Divisi 2 ITCR 3600 Max (Divisi Develop Car). Sepanjang musim 2023 ini jalannya pertandingan berlangsung sengit di mana Alvin Bahar mampu menyajikan penampilan yang konsisten di setiap serinya dan berhasil mengumpulkan 58 poin. Sementara itu, pembalap muda Honda Racing Indonesia yaitu Avila Bahar juga berhasil mempertahankan gelar juara nasional di kelas ITCR 1500 dengan menggunakan mobil balap Honda City Hatchback RS. Pada kelas ITCR 1500 menampilkan pertandingan yang sangat sengit dan kompetitif dimana Avila berhasil mempertahankan keunggulan hingga akhir musim dengan mengumpulkan 71 poin. Sementara itu di kelas ITCR 1200 juga menyajikan pertandingan yang tidak kalah kompetitif dan seru, Naufal Rafif Busro yang membalap menggunakan mobil Honda Brio berhasil mencatatkan gelar juara nasional dua kali secara berturut-turut. Naufal harus menjalani musim balap yang tidak mudah dimana Ia dituntut untuk tampil konsisten untuk mampu mempertahankan posisinya di klasemen sejak awal musim hingga akhir musim. Naufal Rafif Busro berhasil menutup musim balap dengan mengumpulkan total 76 poin. Alvin Bahar selaku Direktur Honda Racing Indonesia mengatakan bersyukur dan mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan yang telah diberikan kepada Honda Racing Indonesia sehingga dapat meraih hasil yang baik. “Musim ini menyajikan kompetisi yang kompetitif dan sengit khususnya di ITCR 3.600, ITCR 1.500 dan ITCR 1.200, didukung oleh persiapan serta performa mobil Honda kami dapat mempertahankan kemenangan di Kejurnas ISSOM 2023,” jelas Alvin. Yusak Billy sebagai Sales & Marketing and After Sales Director PT Honda Prospect Motor juga mengucapkan selamat dan bangga atas prestasi yang ditorehkan oleh ketiga pembalap andalan tim Honda Racing Indonesia yaitu Alvin Bahar, Avila Bahar dan Naufal Rafif Busro. “Tentunya performa para pembalap kami sepanjang musim ini didukung oleh mobil-mobil kami yang mempunyai DNA sporty mulai dari Honda Brio, Honda City Hatchback RS hingga Honda Civic Type R,” ungkap Yusak Billy. Ajang balap ISSOM seri keenam ini sekaligus menjadi seri penutup musim balap tahun 2023. Honda memfasilitasi penonton dalam mengikuti jalannya pertandingan secara langsung melalui channel Youtube & Instagram Hondaisme secara rutin setiap serinya, termasuk pada putaran terakhir.(bpn) Read the full article
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wiackcom · 1 year
With over 70 million new cars sold globally each year across hundreds of models, what rises to the top as the worldwide best-selling car? Let's examine global sales data to reveal the specific models purchased in the highest volumes annually. Best Selling Car Worldwide in 2022 For the 2022 model year, the current best-selling car worldwide is the Toyota Corolla. Key facts about the Corolla's global popularity: Around 1.5 million Corollas sold worldwide in 2022 Top seller across Asia, North America, and Europe Over 50 million total sold since debut in 1966 Held best-selling title 12 of the last 15 years consecutively Top reasons: affordability, reliability, efficiency The Corolla continues its reign thanks to an appealing combination of value, durability, and practicality. Toyota's scaling to serve worldwide markets enables booming sales volumes year after year. Highest Selling Vehicle Models Globally The Toyota Corolla captures the #1 spot. Here are the next top-selling models worldwide: Toyota Corolla – 1.5 million Honda Civic – 1 million Toyota Hilux Pickup – 800,000 Volkswagen Golf – 760,000 Toyota RAV4 – 740,000 Honda CR-V – 720,000 Ford F-Series – 680,000 Toyota Camry – 660,000 Nissan Sentra – 560,000 Hyundai Elantra – 480,000 While Americans favor larger trucks and SUVs, global sales volumes skew toward affordable, fuel-efficient sedans and small crossover SUVs like the Civic, Corolla, and RAV4. Highest Selling Auto Brands Worldwide Looking beyond individual models, the brands selling the most vehicles worldwide each year are: Toyota – 10.5 million Volkswagen – 9.3 million Hyundai/Kia – 7.5 million General Motors – 6.8 million Ford – 4.5 million Honda – 4.5 million Stellantis – 4.4 million Renault/Nissan – 4.1 million Toyota dominates as the best-selling auto brand globally, selling over 10 million vehicles annually. Combined Hyundai and Kia sales allow the Korean brands to round out the top sellers worldwide. Why is the Toyota Corolla the Most Sold Car Worldwide? There are several key factors that make the Toyota Corolla the top-selling car globally: Reputation for reliability - Consistently at the top of dependability surveys. Good base pricing - Starts around $20k in the U.S., affordable worldwide. High fuel economy - Up to 40 mpg highway from fuel-efficient engines. Broad model range - Hatchback, sedan, hybrid versions to suit needs. Global production - Made in Japan, USA, Brazil, Canada, China, and more. Strong resale value - Holds value well when selling used. By combining excellent quality with global manufacturing footprint and economical operation, Toyota sells over 1 million Corollas each year in nearly every corner of the world. Is the Toyota Corolla Also Best Selling in the United States? No, trucks dominate as the top sellers in the United States. Here are 2022's best selling vehicles in the U.S. market: Ford F-Series Pickups Chevrolet Silverado Pickups Ram Pickups Honda Civic Toyota RAV4 Honda CR-V Ford Escape Nissan Rogue Toyota Camry Toyota Highlander The Ford F-Series has been America’s top selling vehicle for over 40 consecutive years thanks to the popularity of light-duty work trucks. FAQs Why do sedan models sell better globally than in the U.S.? Buyers outside North America tend to favor smaller, more fuel-efficient sedans and hatchbacks over large trucks and SUVs. What is the best selling electric car worldwide? The Tesla Model 3 is currently the global top-selling electric vehicle, delivering over 500,000 units worldwide in 2022. Why is Toyota the top selling auto brand globally? Toyota earns the #1 spot by selling reliable, affordable vehicles matched to local markets along with strong hybrid technology adoption. Do auto sales leaders stay the s
ame each year? The top global sellers like the Corolla, Civic and Hilux remain consistent annual leaders. But new models like SUVs continue disrupting rankings. Which brands sell the most cars in Asia? Toyota and Honda dominate sales in their home country of Japan. Hyundai/Kia lead in South Korea. Chinese brands like SAIC, Geely and Great Wall Motors are major players in China. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
With over 70 million new cars sold globally each year across hundreds of models, what rises to the top as the worldwide best-selling car? Let's examine global sales data to reveal the specific models purchased in the highest volumes annually. Best Selling Car Worldwide in 2022 For the 2022 model year, the current best-selling car worldwide is the Toyota Corolla. Key facts about the Corolla's global popularity: Around 1.5 million Corollas sold worldwide in 2022 Top seller across Asia, North America, and Europe Over 50 million total sold since debut in 1966 Held best-selling title 12 of the last 15 years consecutively Top reasons: affordability, reliability, efficiency The Corolla continues its reign thanks to an appealing combination of value, durability, and practicality. Toyota's scaling to serve worldwide markets enables booming sales volumes year after year. Highest Selling Vehicle Models Globally The Toyota Corolla captures the #1 spot. Here are the next top-selling models worldwide: Toyota Corolla – 1.5 million Honda Civic – 1 million Toyota Hilux Pickup – 800,000 Volkswagen Golf – 760,000 Toyota RAV4 – 740,000 Honda CR-V – 720,000 Ford F-Series – 680,000 Toyota Camry – 660,000 Nissan Sentra – 560,000 Hyundai Elantra – 480,000 While Americans favor larger trucks and SUVs, global sales volumes skew toward affordable, fuel-efficient sedans and small crossover SUVs like the Civic, Corolla, and RAV4. Highest Selling Auto Brands Worldwide Looking beyond individual models, the brands selling the most vehicles worldwide each year are: Toyota – 10.5 million Volkswagen – 9.3 million Hyundai/Kia – 7.5 million General Motors – 6.8 million Ford – 4.5 million Honda – 4.5 million Stellantis – 4.4 million Renault/Nissan – 4.1 million Toyota dominates as the best-selling auto brand globally, selling over 10 million vehicles annually. Combined Hyundai and Kia sales allow the Korean brands to round out the top sellers worldwide. Why is the Toyota Corolla the Most Sold Car Worldwide? There are several key factors that make the Toyota Corolla the top-selling car globally: Reputation for reliability - Consistently at the top of dependability surveys. Good base pricing - Starts around $20k in the U.S., affordable worldwide. High fuel economy - Up to 40 mpg highway from fuel-efficient engines. Broad model range - Hatchback, sedan, hybrid versions to suit needs. Global production - Made in Japan, USA, Brazil, Canada, China, and more. Strong resale value - Holds value well when selling used. By combining excellent quality with global manufacturing footprint and economical operation, Toyota sells over 1 million Corollas each year in nearly every corner of the world. Is the Toyota Corolla Also Best Selling in the United States? No, trucks dominate as the top sellers in the United States. Here are 2022's best selling vehicles in the U.S. market: Ford F-Series Pickups Chevrolet Silverado Pickups Ram Pickups Honda Civic Toyota RAV4 Honda CR-V Ford Escape Nissan Rogue Toyota Camry Toyota Highlander The Ford F-Series has been America’s top selling vehicle for over 40 consecutive years thanks to the popularity of light-duty work trucks. FAQs Why do sedan models sell better globally than in the U.S.? Buyers outside North America tend to favor smaller, more fuel-efficient sedans and hatchbacks over large trucks and SUVs. What is the best selling electric car worldwide? The Tesla Model 3 is currently the global top-selling electric vehicle, delivering over 500,000 units worldwide in 2022. Why is Toyota the top selling auto brand globally? Toyota earns the #1 spot by selling reliable, affordable vehicles matched to local markets along with strong hybrid technology adoption. Do auto sales leaders stay the s
ame each year? The top global sellers like the Corolla, Civic and Hilux remain consistent annual leaders. But new models like SUVs continue disrupting rankings. Which brands sell the most cars in Asia? Toyota and Honda dominate sales in their home country of Japan. Hyundai/Kia lead in South Korea. Chinese brands like SAIC, Geely and Great Wall Motors are major players in China. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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seyyah1906 · 3 years
2022 Honda Civic Hatchback Şimdiye kadarki en iyi Civic Hatchback
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ocautomatrix · 2 years
Top Used Cars of 2022
Reliability is critical when shopping for a used vehicle in Orange County and the surrounding areas. No driver wants a vehicle that comes with repair needs.  At OC Auto Matrix of Costa Mesa, we are discerning with the vehicles that we sell on our lot.  You’ll find a number of well cared for used cars, many with very low mileage, and all at unbeatable prices!  We do the hard work so you don’t have to.  But if you’re in the market for a used car and want to research reliability on your own, look no further than JD Power.  The consumer research firm conducts annual studies to determine the most reliable used cars on the market.
This article will highlight the top reliable vehicles of 2022 according to JD Power studies and consumer data.
Top 3 Used Cars of 2022
In the first place is the Toyota Camry, and it's no surprise here! The Camry is known for being a safe, affordable, fuel-efficient and reliable car. The popular mid-size sedan tops the list based on a solid track record for reliability, a smooth and comfortable ride, and a well-equipped interior. It's no wonder the Camry is a top pick for used car buyers. The Toyota Camry is the manufacturer’s most popular sedan. The model at times can give the driver the feeling of a borderline sports car with an exciting and dynamic ride. However, the Camry still boasts comfortable suspension, providing a smooth ride for all passengers with plenty of interior space as well, even for those taller individuals with more than enough legroom. Customers praise the intuitive design of the Camry’s driver controls. Its excellent fuel economy and affordable MSRP make the Camry a superb option for anyone looking for a great car.
Next on the list is the Honda Civic, a compact car known for its sporty handling and fuel-efficient engines. Civic is well-regarded for its reliability, with fewer reports of mechanical issues over the years.  Not only is it the sixth best-selling car of all time, but there’s also plenty to say about it.
The Civic truly is all things to all people. For the practical, budget-minded driver, it’s a cheap-to-maintain runabout that can be depended on for years to come. To a gearhead, it’s a blank canvas — an easy-to-modify car with almost limitless performance potential. And for everyone else in between, it’s probably exactly what you’re looking for. Rounding out the top three is the Toyota Corolla, a compact, reliable, and fuel-efficient sedan with a reputation for being easy to maintain and having a long lifespan. The Toyota Corolla is known as a global favorite for its reliability, predictability, cost efficiency, and safety. The Corolla is one of the best-selling cars ever produced, with over 45 million vehicles sold globally. If you’re looking for a small commuter car that will fit into your budget, the Corolla is the perfect option for you. The model comes well-equipped for its price range with a variety of features. It keeps getting better with each model and comes as a sedan or hatchback and will come as a crossover too. The Corolla is well-equipped with a variety of safety features as well as many different technological advancements, such as a great infotainment system. Due to its fuel efficiency, particularly with its hybrid version, reliability, and affordable MSRP, this model has become the sensible choice for those that are looking for a basic car to suit their needs. It’s one of the best-selling cars in the world due to its renowned reputation. -------------- OC Auto Matrix - Used Car Dealer of Costa Mesa
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