yamasakiko---ji · 1 year
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felipeandletizia · 1 year
July 5, 2023: Princess Leonor delivers a speech during the Princess of Girona Awards Ceremony
Majesties, authorities, patrons, girlfriends and friends. I especially salute our prize winners and the thousands of young people who have been involved in the activities that the Foundation has developed this year. Good night and welcome.
Being in Girona is a joy and makes this award ceremony a very special moment for me. Yesterday, my sister Sofia and I were lucky enough to meet the BulliFoundation's model of innovation and creativity - and its museum - from Ferran Adrià, in the impressive Cala Montjoi, in the middle of the Natural Park from Cap de Creus. And I'm also very happy to have been able to meet, with my sister, the headquarters of the Foundation in the city of Girona.
We are brought together tonight by the talent of our five winners and their commitment to society and the challenges it faces. The five are indisputable references who have taken advantage of the opportunities so that their trajectory has a clear purpose with social impact. I have spoken with them and with other young people about the concerns of our generation, about what it means to train, about how to find and develop one's own talent, about preparing for new skills through innovative educational models, about the awareness of living in a balanced way. on our planet, of vital projects when you are twenty or twenty-five years old.
In my case, I am almost eighteen. I have just finished high school and I am about to start a new stage with a period of military training. And, beyond my responsibility, I am happy because I know how much the Spanish value our Armed Forces. It is an important moment in my life and I feel very eager and convinced to continue learning and giving my best spirit to strengthen the values with which I have grown and that today our five awardees embody: respect for others, effort, excellence, search for knowledge, temperance, discipline, perseverance. Also, ability to perceive reality and live with the enthusiasm typical of my age.
That is what I can see in Sabrina: her determination to succesfully build Kenya´s largest network for early childcare is truly inspiring.
And those are values that Marc also projects, when he is proud of his beginnings in Girona to now be a professor at Yale University and a benchmark in the research of a major public health problem: obesity.
And I am still surprised and impressed by Rafel's courage to launch himself into manufacturing satellites that collect valuable information to face challenges such as climate change.
And Silvia, who has the ability to heal emotions and relieve pain when a chronic and advanced disease robs us of any joy.
And with Maria's story, and her extraordinary talent on the violin, I feel that effort is always behind excellence.
They will tell me if it is not exciting to share a night together in which we are verifying that several generations of young people have already taken action and offer us the best of themselves.
Thank you, Silvia, Rafel, María, Sabrina and Marc for leading the way. Thanks to the young people who trust the Princess of Girona Foundation to continue growing, thanks to so many companies and entities that support us. Thank you for allowing me to learn from all of you.
And thank you from Girona for inspiring so many young people of my generation who want to live in a society that is more committed to others.
Thank you so much.
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wonsolsoon · 1 year
[GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.83 셉셉투어 : 감성 숏폼 여행 (TOUR SEV SEV : Sentimental Short-form Tour)
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55megami · 1 year
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19921227 · 1 year
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7704426145 · 1 year
2023/07/05 17:08:52
#嫁阪翔太 選手が奈良クラブ×京ろまんオリジナル浴衣&法被を、モデルに扮してご紹介👘
7/9vsFC岐阜戦から数量限定で販売です! 🔽詳細は下記より https://naraclub.jp/archives/53312
#奈良クラブ #naraclub #京ろまん #浴衣 #法被 #七夕 #嫁阪翔太 #ヨメ
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148614222 · 1 year
奈良クラブ@naraclub_info 2023/07/05 (水) 17:17:33 #嫁阪翔太 選手が奈良クラブ×京ろまんオリジナル浴衣&法被を、モデルに扮してご紹介👘
7/9vsFC岐阜戦から数量限定で販売 https://naraclub.jp/archives/53312
🔽公式インスタグラムでカット公開中 https://instagram.com/naraclub_official
#奈良クラブ #naraclub #京ろまん #法被 #七夕 https://twitter.com/naraclub_info/status/1676471221947633664
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濵田満🦌奈良クラブ@hamada_naraclub 2023/07/05 (水) 19:52:44 今回、ジムに導入されたラディオスティム。
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yamasakiko---ji · 1 year
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2022-12-7 リブログされた自分の過去記事がたまたま流れてきた。 "眼で見えている現実の世界はカラーなのだけれど、心の中のリアルはモノクロームだということ。" らしい。 相変わらず心の中には何かそういうモヤモヤとしたものがある。
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felipeandletizia · 1 year
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July 5, 2023: King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia attended the Princess of Girona Awards Ceremony
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wonsolsoon · 1 year
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12477035327661513 · 1 year
2023/07/05 (水) 13:26:15 湿気が凄いですね〜☁️ おはようございます🌞
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55megami · 1 year
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2023/07/05 (水) 12:00:00 【オフィシャルバスツアー販売中】
「Mt.FUJIMAKI 2023」のオフィシャルバスツアーを販売中🚌
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宿泊プラン ➡ 新宿、横浜、静岡、名古屋、新大阪発着
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2023/07/05 11:27:56
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