alexenglish · 1 year
i started tracking my fic reading (using this bangin’ tracker) because i’d love to know how much fic i actually read over the course of a year - not sure how long it will last because doing things for an entire year is not my style, but i figured i’d do some fic rec posts of stuff i liked once or twice a month if i keep it up so ! i’ve read a decent amount of fic since the beginning of the year, so here’s what i’ve got for you so far~
2023 fic recs 1️⃣
🚩 red flag: read the tags 🚩
flicker / illuminate by hollowcene - skz, minsung, 12k, t
It’s not like things in Seoul were great before the sound monster showed up.
rec comment: i will be That Guy and say I never read minsung so the fact that minsung is my first read of 2023 and my first rec is 100 percent a huge vouch for this fic. if you love world building & dynamics & FUN, then i cannot recommend this more
drown it out by rosecrush - skz, chansung, 2k, e 🚩
“ah, hyung,” jisung gasps. the way he squirms, struggling against chan—reflexively, chan bears more weight down on the arm pinning jisung’s hips in place, curls his hand tighter around jisung’s cock. jisung whines louder, knees pressing hard into chan’s sides. “please, please, i can’t—i have to—”
he cuts himself off. chan says, leveling his voice, honey-sweet, “have to what, hannie?” even though the redness of his face, flush with embarrassment, the now-constant wriggling—chan can guess.
rec comment: rosecrush i’m love you
quién lo diría by enbookcased - skz, minbinchan, 21k, e
"Did I ever tell you that pasta’s my favorite?"
"You know I don't listen when you talk about food," Minho murmured, concentrating on the task at hand. Finished chopping the garlic, he quickly added it to the large pan that was already filled to bursting with little neck clams. He topped it off with some white wine and then turned to Changbin. The pasta was already simmering away in its own pot on the stove. “All we gotta do now is wait,” he said, crossing his arms over himself.
And then he looked over at Changbin and did the weirdest thing yet: he smiled. It was awkward and fleeting, but Changbin had seen it. Changbin could probably count on one hand how many times Minho had smiled at him that didn’t involve a camera in their faces or a joke being cracked, and he couldn’t deny the effect it had on him, that it had him smiling back.
Minho's smile dropped immediately into a scowl. “Ew, what is your face doing? Stop it or it’s gonna get stuck that way.”
rec comment: the dynamics were fun, i enjoyed reading this as it updated, i especially loved the exploration of dynamics in the first two chapters as things were building
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift by hope_and_hardship - skz, soobgyu, 43k, m
Beomgyu looked down at his guitar and wondered if he’d ever be strong enough to put it away for good.
The trouble was he could run away from everyone he knew, could delete accounts, could change cities, but he couldn’t run away from himself. And the guitar was just part of him now.
But, goddamn, he was too young to feel this old and washed up.
rec comment: obsessed with this entire fic, a banger from start to finish. the heady commentary on art and the ways it we abandon it, and it abandons us, but never truly leaves us, and the ways we need to move on, and the ways we grow. the relationship felt so sweet and organic, and this is the best side character yoongi i’ve ever read in my entire life, literally huge rec
you and me (the series) by flying_dream - skz, jilix, 200k, e
When Jisung moves to Seoul for university, he just wants a fresh start. Study a course he actually enjoys, possibly make some new friends, find meaning in his life again: the works.
Then he meets Lee Felix and his entire world turns upside down.
rec comment: this was a reread because this fic has been lodged deeply in my head ever since i read it the first time. i LOVE It. i can’t even express how much i love it, how often i think of the elements of this fic, how well done they were?? it honestly floors me to think about what they did with this, and how it was over 200k and neither reading it the first or the second time did it EVER feel like over 200k lmao
Law of Probability by rhythmsextion - skz, binchan, 6k, e
In which Changbin loses a bet and is subsequently dared to give Chan a lap dance. And everyone gets to watch. 
rec comment: what it says on the tin. it’s fun!
In Sheep's Clothing by Mntsnflrs - skz, chanlix, e, 36k 🚩
“I’m sorry about this,” the man said. He took a sip of his coffee before continuing, “It’s the lesser of two evils. A mother and her young children, or a single kid. It has to be you.”
rec comment: listen daddy kink is pretty much always a hard boiled no for me but just skimming the first few paragraphs of this fic had me immediately hooked, i’m feral over this fic. the delivery of the pov did something to me that i can’t even explain. i will never recover from how good it is.
Collateral Damage by Mntsnflrs - skz, chanlix, e, 12k 🚩
Chan gets a boyfriend, and Felix doesn't deal with it.
rec comment: another felix pov that just fucks severely, i’m obsessed with how weirdly dysfunction this chanlix is - as GOD INTENDED.
fundamental mentalities by upottery - skz, binchan, chansung, minchan, 8k, e
The taut bowstring that runs along Chan's spine loosens for a moment, lets him straighten and cross the room in a few strides to the wall where Minho’s waiting. He doesn’t bother facing him, skips instead to resting his head on his folded arms, holding them above his shoulders. When he turns, his cheek hits the cold glass. He can feel Minho’s icy stare, sees it in the reflection only barely.
“That wasn’t so hard.” Minho says, low. “At least someone can listen around here.”
rec comment: ongoing bottom chan saga which i love, upottery writes bangers, i’m love u latte
this is what drives me crazy by ghosthunter - skz, hyunsung, 3ra, 8k, e 🚩
"Changbin-ah," Chan says, twisting around in his desk chair. "Can you go grab us drinks? I think Hannie could use one."
rec comment: LOVE an exploration of kink and discomfort and sex and relationships and how polyamorous arrangements relate and liking something because it gets someone else off and like, it’s all JAM PACKED in here with two of my fave ships so like god. fuck yeah. and pee!
winter in busan by booooin - bts, yoonmin, e, 43k 🚩
Alternate history!au. In a world where the Korean war never happened, Busan is the trashcan of the world, run by three clans (the Min, the Gwan, and the Bang) and able to feed itself only through the toxic waste processing industries and the polluting mining industries. Park Jimin is a Korean American who comes to Busan on business.
This fic is about environmental imperialism and the struggles of decolonization.
rec comment: honestly still chewing on this, it hits a bunch of my IMMENSE hit-or-miss tropes but god i thought the themes were handled well and like... the elements were worked in so well... the characterization... bonkers. wow.
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