#21. you can't keep a bog-burglar under lock and key
"It's like a nightmare - we can't get rid of him!"
This is what Hiccup is saying about Alvin currently hanging from their observation balloon that they're using to escape.
But I'm pretty sure it's the other way around in the movie universe.
"It's like a nightmare! We just can't get rid of him!" A Dragon Hunters moans in misery as the Dragon Rider descends on him from on top of a Night Fury, just seconds away from sinking another ship.
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And Camicazi proved herself right, after all! You can't keep a Bog-Burglar under lock and key!
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The chapter ends with Hiccup finding out that Stoick did end up sending the War Party to the Roman Fortress, they just didn't arrive in time to help Hiccup and co.
Which doesn't matter to Hiccup at all because he's just happy to see that his father has listened to him and doesn't prefer Snotlout for an heir after all.
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I was ready to find out how Ziggerastica helped Hiccup fly, tear through the netting, and break the dam, but I never could've thought that he would actually call in an entire army of nanodragons to grab Hiccup by the tunic to make him fly, eat through the netting, and through the dam! Ziggerastica really is a king and god of his people!
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"Lead on!" said Hiccup, with a slightly mad laugh. "We can't hang around here forever."
Oh dear, book 3 and he's already losing it.
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So Alvin ended up falling into Sharkworm-infested waters. I'm sure he's dead this time. I'm sure he won't be back ever, eeeeever again after this!
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New word of the day: portcullis!
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"No problem," said the sad Gronckle. "It would be my pleasure. Nobody's bothered to ask me nicely before - they usually just hit me." "Oh dear," said Hiccup sympathetically. He hated to see his fellow creatures trapped or ill-treated.
Poor Gronckle. They're just happy to be talked to nicely for once.
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Suddenly the afternoon's entertainment of "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" had taken an interesting twist. The audience who had laughed so heartily at the tables being turned on the greedy Sidewinders didn't seem so amused to find they themselves had become the prey...
Why, yes. Yes, it has!
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