#drago literally says that too
howtodrawyourdragon · 10 months
"It's like a nightmare - we can't get rid of him!"
This is what Hiccup is saying about Alvin currently hanging from their observation balloon that they're using to escape.
But I'm pretty sure it's the other way around in the movie universe.
"It's like a nightmare! We just can't get rid of him!" A Dragon Hunters moans in misery as the Dragon Rider descends on him from on top of a Night Fury, just seconds away from sinking another ship.
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vargaslovinghours · 2 years
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They’re like inspiration cuckoos
#💟#Digital art#Art#Edgar#Scriabin#Does this count as a crossover? Not reallyyy??#Just consider them cameos lol it's not like they do anything#This always happens with Big Fixations I go to put them down and they just bounce right back in with new ideas and inspiration#I've only recorded 3 in the past 15ish years and Vargas is the latest - literally can't put them down if I tried - I /have/ tried lol#They're cuckoos! They push out other muses and get fed the ideas I have to literally intentionally redirect certain ideas to different ones#Surprised ZEX and DAX didn't make it into the Muse Box this time around lol - I think when I started this I was still in the Spamrot#And I'd been rereading the first chapter of Lost and Found so Duster#Gosh I need to get back to Mother 3 I just need to get enough items for the Mecha Drago fight - I know it's early on I just jfldsajfd#I lose focus when Duster's not on screen lol I miss him already#Birdo back there <3 Love her <3 <3 I'd drawn her fairly recently too ♪#And then the broccoli lol anyone here play Pajama Sam? My first was PJ Sam 3 and I love Florette and Luke and I /want/ them to be muses lol#Goal-building!#Not that it makes much of a difference when I just keep filling up page after page after /page/ with new Vargas ideas lol#I do love them ♥ But I wish my brain would chill a Bit lol#All this to say I'm going back on hiatus :) It was a good season! Requestober was rich with ideas and the fallout (positive) was really fun#But I am gonna at least try to fill my Muse Box with Something else emphasis on try lol#I'll be back as always for the next sketchdump :3 And if I get another inspiration burst haha#You know I can't stay away for long 💕
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byfulcrums · 3 months
been rewatching rtte
toothless is called T multiple times, but the letter T doesn't exist in the alphabet of this world
i think hiccup was also called H???
hiccup went to the wedding of the man who tried to kill him and his family multiple times. no wonder he thought he could change drago's mind
snotlout is canonically a theater kid
"you're so small and cuddly" "please never say that again"
the twins are really smart, but they're also just stupid
hiccup straight up disappears when he's working on something
heather had a super noticeable crush on astrid
fishlegs got a love interest!! a plus size main character actually has a cool, badass love interest!
it was super hetnormative but it was cute
there was an island full of flying women who were implied to regularly commit cannibalism
hiccup taught all the riders how to fly with toothless, that's so sweet
everyone is a flat earther except for the twins
hiccup almost directly killed a lot of people
and killed a LOT more when destroying their ships
“scalding– cal..ding--" "toothle, plama bla!" was pretty much the funniest part of the entire series
dagur was bullied as a kid by a guy 8 years older than him who literally tattooed an imagine of him beating up little dagur in his arm??? What was that all about
actually we need to talk about how messed up everything about dagur is and about how the things that could've/did happen(ed) to him may be the reasons why he's Like That
just why was he imprisoned by the outcasts??? he didn't do anything to them directly
oof my brain is spiraling. "he loved you" "ig now we'll never know" what do you mean he didn't know if his dad loved him
there's a technically musical episode
tuffnut became hiccup's defense attorney and immediately got him the death sentence
hiccup regularly jumps off cliffs
he also jumped off a boat, with his arms tied and without toothless. just where did he think he was going
snotlout's annoying attitude is actually because spitelout pressures him too much and he feels like he has to be perfect for his dad :((
viggo is the best httyd villain change my mind (you can't, swords at sundown, you may bring backup but i will win on my own)
skrill comeback skrill comeback SKRILL COMEBACK!!!!
what is a boar pit???
oh my god i had missed this series so much. it has no right to be this funny
this was my childhood. it has forever shaped the way i am
berserker heather the unhinged >>>
actually good disability rep! yay
hiccup complains about his peg leg pinching him
he straight up cannot walk without it and it is shown many times
"well, there are the benefits of a metal leg" after it got caught in a bear trap
funny moments, like snotlout trying to steal it to use it as a weapon
the jokes!! toothless laughing at the jokes!!! hiccup being so fucking done with the twins, who are always making the jokes!
there's an episode where everyone is so sleep deprived they actually start spiraling
astrid becomes a happy go lucky girl, hugs snotlout and tells him he's handsome
the fucking mood swings snotlout got were insane
the twins were straight up just hallucinating
"i sent them to wash their dragons, how could they mess that up?" cut to heather falling on her face with a bucket full of water in her hands
fishlegs becomes so paranoid, he's yelling at everyone all the time
"don't you know the trapper's trap can trap the trapper?? ...oh gods, i must be losing it, i'm quoting dagur"
YOOOO VALKA!!!! it's so nice to see her
hiccup tried to murder dagur to stop him from getting to toothless, which is scary bc it shows just how far he's willing to go for his bff, but also funny because hiccup. that was not going to work
oh the hiccstrid slowburn, how i have missed you
the twins's made up language
there was a beach episode turned murder mystery and a musical episode held at gun point
hiccup has a whole little speech that he periodically gives astrid to remind her that the twins serve a purpose
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nightfury-2001 · 1 month
Okay so. Self-indulgent HTTYD fanfic idea!!! (+ General stuff about main AU
Can't get this out of my head so I'm putting this out there even though I'm not sure I'll ever write a single chapter for this lol
To start off - I imagine this story would feature almost exclusively OCs and have basically nothing to do with canon characters until possibly waaaaay later into the story or like, a sequel if I got that far. It also would take place in my version of the HTTYD universe/my main AU, so certain major events happened differently or never happened at all, various minor details may be changed or ignored entirely, a couple of dragon species may be redesigned if they appear at all, etc..
Really what I'm trying to say is this fic wouldn't be something very many people would be interested in and I'm totally okay with that lol.
Anyway, with that out of the way let's get into what it would actually be about:
After what was supposed to be an easy job goes horribly wrong, a young dragon trapper has an experience that challenges her beliefs and causes her to question if she really wants to continue in her parent's footsteps.
(She stares at the beast. At first glance, it is so very different. But is it truly that different after all?)
As you probably guessed from that simple summary or whatever you'd call it, the fic would be about a young dragon trapper/hunter questioning what she's been taught all her life about dragons after one saves her, and the friendship that slowly forms between her and that dragon. (And yes I imagine the dragon is a Northern Night Fury* because this would be written by me, were you expecting anything different lmaoo)
I realize it could perhaps be a bit too similar to HTTYD 1.....what can I say, it's my favorite movie and I really love it and its themes - but really I do feel like the story/characters I'm imagining are different enough to not have it feel like a cheap knockoff.
But anyway! A couple of details and things I've come up with so far because I have more than just the main idea(s):
- The fic would begin a little after the events of HTTYD 2 - which I imagine HTTYD 2 happened mostly the same as in canon, but I'm seriously debating having Hiccup be the chief/stay the chief in my main AU. Not to go off on a bit of an unrelated tangent but honestly, I'm one of the people that thinks he's just not that well suited for the role. And like yeah, I get the whole parallel - Hiccup becomes the leader of the humans of Berk like how Toothless becomes the leader of the dragons of Berk - but I'm just saying even some of the people who worked on the film thought Astrid should be chief lol
- Anyway so I imagine the young dragon trapper's parents (and their parent's crew) are skilled and pretty well respected dragon trappers/hunters that worked for/supplied dragons to Drago in the past, but since his defeat they've been kinda struggling to find a new employer(s) and have had to travel to unfamiliar areas to find unprotected wild dragons.
- That's how the young dragon trapper ends up in the situation™. She's out helping a small group of older and more experienced trappers with what sounded like an easy job, but due to them getting a bit too cocky on an unfamiliar island they end up getting ambushed by a powerful and territorial dragon. It goes about as well as you would expect it would and our young dragon trapper is certain she's about to die just like the others until! The chonk swoops in and scares off the other dragon!
- Existential crisis time because she just got saved by a dragon.
Other things:
- By "young" I mean around 19-20 or so and not like, a literal child - I imagine the chonk is also around the same age lol
- Also in my AU, while some dragon species are more comparable to parrots/cetaceans/etc., most species could be considered sapient in a human sort of way even if they don't necessarily have literal human-level intelligence in all areas. There's even a couple of species, such as Furies, that I imagine have actual human-level intelligence - they just don't act like humans since they're giant reptiles/reptile-like creatures and don't process the world in the exact same way as humans do and have evolved to have different instincts, etc.
- Soooo because of that I think the idea of occasionally having a chapter from the POV of the chonk would be fun. Even if it's only a chapter or two I could explore the idea of why she decided to save the human (could be really interesting I think, especially if the chonk knew/understood she was a dragon trapper/hunter and chose to save her anyway).
This is really long and I've been working on this post for hours and um yeah. Enjoy I guess?
(*Northern Night Furies are a fan species made by me, basically they're big chonky seal inspired Furies that live in very cold environments. They're usually very friendly and curious creatures.)
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genshinemblem564 · 10 months
Intermission II Time Skip
Just a time skip. The next events are either too varied or too boring to make proper chapters out of.
CW: Foul language (one curse word)
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• The meeting of the archons and the goddess began, and just as Zhongli had predicted, Ei was eating it up about your awakened power.
• A short break was called so that Nahida could verify a few things, and just as Xiao said, you held no memories from before your return.
• The news soured everyone's mood, but they were still ecstatic to have you back. For the time being, you are to be treated as a normal human to avoid drawing unwanted attention in your weakened state.
• Venti has taken to checking on you every now and again, just barely avoiding being caught by the more adept heroes, only escaping thanks to his control over wind.
• Nahida uses Irminsul to check on you every day. She knows you have memories of when you took vessels, you wouldn't know half the things you do otherwise. She hopes that your fragmented memories will return on their own.
• The Tsaritsa tells all of her harbingers of the situation and also informs them that this is to remain a secret.
• Meanwhile, in Askr. The kingdom's head of finances and Ningguang come to an agreeable exchange rate using the cost of crops as the calculation base.
• After the contracts were written up, reviewed, and signed, trade became very common between the two nations, crops especially as the two worlds had plants that the other found quite interesting. For example, I have yet to hear anyone in Teyvat mention strawberries, and the herbalists of Askr were quite curious about mist flowers and flaming flowers.
• Ningguang sent a copy of the contract to the other 6 nations. When sending one to Snezhnaya, she wasn't hopeful given her previous experience with the fatui, but to her surprise, it was sent back signed within a matter of days, not months, not weeks, days, well without time for travel taken into account of course. Apparently, with the knowledge the Tsaritsa gave them, the moment the fatui saw the word Askr, they didn't need to reread the thing, it was signed copied and sent back for confirmation before the messenger had time to breathe.
• After a few months, the other contracts returned signed as well, and Askr citizens and OoH (Order of Heroes) members could now visit Teyvat freely and without financial concerns.
• You had dress codes for heroes visiting Teyvat. For example, Camilla and Charlotte, I think that's all I need to say for those two. You also go over a brief history of each nation and their laws so you can at least hope these heroes can avoid jail time.
• Every visitor you get from Teyvat receives a fair warning about the heroes' clothing and personalities, from the traumatized Bernadetta to the more "eccentric" heroes. I swear some of these people are psychotic, and they're the good guys in their worlds.
• The first to visit are the scholars of Teyvat, as they wish to study the lands unique magical essence. Faruzan also visits, as an instructor in the Hravatat darshan, she'd be remiss to not take this opportunity to act as a bridge between two worlds, in other words she wants to teach the order how to read Teyvat's language.
• Tartaglia is a regular visitor at this point, after hearing that literal gods were a part of your army, you think he's not going to want to go mano a drago with them. He doesn't do so well, it doesn't matter how fast he is if his weapon can't even dent their scales, but he's still happy as he knows even defeat can be enlightening, as long as he lives to learn from it. However, if he ever sees you training, he is quick to stand on the sidelines. It looks like you're losing at first, as you were on the defensive, but the tide of battle changed in an instant and it was abundantly clear that you were analyzing your opponents as they couldn't even touch you afterwards, man, beast, it didn't matter, your mind was sharp as nails, but it was clear that your body still wasn't used to the strain, as even with this advantage, the only fights you won were the ones you ended in that moment.
• Zhongli visited as well, curious about the divine weapon you held. He was intrigued, but not surprised, to learn that the contract linked to that weapon was the same contract you would offer them, they recieve strength and you receive their aid.
• You visited Mondstadt with Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna, where you were basically harassed by Venti bombarding you with questions, which you thought were for inspiration for a new song, which wasn't an incorrect assumption, but some of these questions were also stuff like your favorite element or food or if you drank alcohol, as he offers you a whole bottle of dandelion wine. What he uses for inspiration is stuff like a current topic of interest or stories of the other worlds.
• The two water singers, Barbara and Azura, also meet. When Azura performs her usual song, Barbara is amazed by the blue haired woman's power of water and practically begs her to teach her some of those moves to really make a splash at her next performance, or better yet, they can do a duet, if Azura is okay with that of course.
• When visiting far-off nations, the Askrans and heroes are often the center of attention due to their mode of transportation, horse, pegasi, or wyvern. The people of Mondstadt were terrified when Camilla came in on her wyvern's back, but of course, Klee came up to him and he just rolled over like a giant puppy, which Klee proceeded to treat him as, as she scratched his chin and rubbed his belly. When Albedo asked if he should be concerned, Camilla told him that he doesn't take to people often so they should still keep an eye on the girl.
• People couldn't help but compare pegasus knights to angels or something similar, as they move with both grace and ferocity, both striking fear and inspiring awe in those who see them. It's quite embarrassing for them to hear such a thing.
• Those who ride horses, despite how plain they are compared to the other two, are seen as noble and dignified. Even when they don't try, to the people of Teyvat, the mounted warriors always seem the most noble in manner of speech and etiquette. Of course, there are outliers, they aren't abhorrent but they aren't what you'd typically describe as noble or dignified, often only lacking one of these two.
• Inazuma was visited by the Hoshidans. When Miko met the other worldly kitsune, you were quick to explain that Hoshido's kitsune seem to retain their more animalistic behaviors, as opposed to Miko's more human traits. When Kaden and Selkie learn that Miko is a kitsune, they are quick to want to compare transformations, as they are curious if there are any other differences. Miko shows hesitance, and you ask her what the issue is, and when she turns to tell you that there is no issue, she sees the biggest shit eating smirk on your face. Be prepared for the ultimate revenge upon your next visit.
• Your mischief doesn't end in Inazuma, as you invite Alois with you on a trip to Sumeru, where you listen in glee as Tighnari groans in increasing agony while Cyno and Alois have a grand old time.
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fictionalnormalcy · 2 years
Something I am reeling about today.
Race to the Edge was originally supposed to have 4 seasons. Not 6. But what one can presume is that it garnered enough popularity that the extra two seasons were added. Hence why we got a Dragon Eye 2, Krogan was given more screentime, the King of Dragons came into play, Mala and Dagur became a thing, but what was outlined more to me, that Viggo was brought back.
With the show originally intended to be four seasons, Viggo was meant to be the main villain of the series. Dagur being a threat in Season 1, then 2 leading into the Dragon Hunters, then 3 and 4 centering around Viggo and Ryker.
Then I think about, what the end of RTTE was supposed to be. Shellshocked Pt. 2. In the final minutes of the finale. Viggo threatening Astrid, and Hiccup throwing the Dragon Eye into the volcano. Viggo chasing after it, and the rock crumbling beneath him, last words crying out, “HICCUP!”
And frankly wanting to admit, that is really the only way it could have ended. Viggo needing to be eliminated because he would never surrender, and the Dragon Eye destroyed because it was too dangerous in any hands.
I don’t think that at the point they stood at it would make sense for him to have been redeemed as he was in Triple Cross.
But I reflect upon what the ending was meant to be. Viggo meeting his end in that way. Imagine if we hadn’t been given two more seasons. That would’ve been an extremely grim ending. Like imagine going from that to HTTYD 2. And here’s me wondering, if Hiccup’s reaction after Viggo fell into the volcano was always planned, wasn’t altered even after they got the green light for two more seasons. 
How he reacted, he looked remorseful, the way he worriedly stared into the lava. The saddened tone of “Viggo. It didn’t have to end this way.” And I will be honest, even if it was brief, Viggo was the only villain which Hiccup actually looked shocked was gone. He did that for no one else, not for Grimmel, Drago, and not even Alvin when he got struck by the Skrill’s lightning. That scene, of how he stares down at where Viggo had fallen, and Astrid comes up to him and asks him if he’s okay. Just a mere minute ago Astrid had been threatened by this very man holding her own axe to her throat, and she’s asking Hiccup if he’s okay. I literally yell at the screen at this part. To comfort her, she’s the one who just endured something traumatic. Yet, there’s a moment of silence, where Hiccup stares morosely downward. And he says he’s okay. But he doesn’t check on her wellbeing, if she’s okay after what Viggo had done. 
But to me, in showing his shocked expression, displays some sort of mourning over Viggo. Reinforced by the sentence he says afterward. I say this again, this was meant to be the last episode. Had it ended like this, we would have gotten that Hiccup demonstrated some regret in how Viggo came to pass. The writers wanted to leave us with that kind of impact for the end. BUT, it didn’t end like this. Once the next season came we were given a reveal of him having survived the fall into the volcano, but not emerging unscathed. 
The writers of RTTE really had the capacity of making him a villain all over again. We see the scars on his face, the marred eye. They worked to reveal his new change ever so nicely. I for one would have completely understood if they had made him vengeful, because of how harshly the Riders struck him down. It would make sense for him to regather forces in attempts to strike them down, even with Hiccup in specificity. Yet, they didn’t. In Wings of Disaster they wished to show us he’d partnered with another villain, that he still had an obsession in obtaining the Dragon Eye. He spoke in reverence of Hiccup, not how he wished to be close enough to him to drive a blade through his heart. We were showed how out of their way they went to show Viggo was not vengeful. 
Then, I feel obligated to point out Triple Cross. The very last episode we get with him. Where we get a very short-lived redemption. A redemption I do not think, was originally planned. It was the direction went down because they decided not to make Viggo vengeful for the final two seasons. It was even outlined for us too, in that episode. Krogan so helpfully points it out: “Why do you want him alive? He scarred your face, destroyed your brother and, decimated your empire.” Literally showing us how he was capable of this, yet did not take this path. This was even testing the chance of his redemption too. There wasn’t enough time for Viggo to react, maybe he could have changed his mind, told Krogan that as he spelled it out, why not let Hiccup be killed. 
But we reach that point. Left to believe Viggo met his end. The final scene of Triple Cross? Astrid saying it felt weird he was gone, Hiccup saying he taught them a lot. Hiccup takes the piece that represented Viggo during their game, and knocks it over. Signifying the fallen player, then sealing the Maces & Talons board. Once again, bearing a saddened expression with slumped shoulders before steeling himself and exiting.
To think. Hiccup reacted in that way back in season 4 when they were still enemies, but yeesh how they did it when he sacrificed himself and left a parting gift. 
I wish to say this, the writers always had this intention. They wanted to show us that Hiccup grieved Viggo’s death. No matter how he met it, they wanted us to witness this. And doesn’t it make you wanna ship vigcup just a little bit more.
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69misato69 · 1 year
🍭 Well then, my trusted confidant. Let me in on the basics. Genders and orientations, Genshin-Verse or perhaps another occasion?
Sell me the Kokochaeya, I have something exciting in mind but I would like to make sure it aligns with your vision of it.
Awaiting your response and praying for your well-being.
you've got yourself a deal. the ship sails so hold my hand
kokochaeya basics
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now, first i'm obligated to let you know that i also have a few versions of it. first is based in canon, supported by some lore inferences and a few of my hcs. second is in a modern setting.
kokomi and kaeya are the children of lost civilizations that perished a long time ago. even if kaeya isnt the prince of khaenriah he is still the abyss founder's son and kokomi is the dragon of water.
childe on the other hand, though his foundation is in the teyvat we know he has close links to the abyss. having been there, wielding a power that was taught to him in the abyss. aside from that childe lives in deception, carries the aftereffects of betrayal by those he deemed his comrades, is forsaken even by his own god. no matter how strong and confident he presents himself it is apparent that under it all is someone who doubts his place in this world. they are all individuals with secrets and are burdened by responsibilities.
kokomi is the divine priestess and the "dormant dragoness", kaeya is hiding GOD KNOWS WHAT from us on a daily basis, and childe refrains from giving away anything important regarding his time in the abyss.
one sinner, one priestess, and one that is in the middle. light within dark, dark within light and of course, grey.
kokomi who feels like she failed in following her mother’s footsteps, kaeya who vaguely remembers his own and childe who has to watch his own look at him with a fearful gaze that she tries rly hard to hide.
three people who don't and can't belong anywhere yet they are tasked with protecting their nations. childe serves the tsaritsa, kokomi is in charge of the shrine and the island while leading the resistance, and kaeya is in an organization that aims to ensure the peace and security of an entire nation.
they are loyal and devoted despite the betrayals, despite being cursed with a life here, they will do what it takes to serve.
its either three bisexuals or three lesbians (agender koko, nb childe and genderfluid kaeya) to me.
however there is a specific modern version of it that is driving me insane. and that one is trans girl koko trans boy childe and genderfluid kaeya. half vishap koko and fox hybrid childe.
we start out with established kokokae, have been dating since they were teenagers, grew up together in a sense.
despite not being a part of the romantic relationship, childe has always been with them. three best friends, extremely close. but the funny part is that childe literally does everything with them with the exception of sex.
they live together, cook and eat together, childe is even invited to dates. movie nights are always all three of them. late at night one of them always lazily drags childe into their bed so they can cuddle.
childe sometimes wakes up in the middle, one head on each side of his chest. he is deeply in love with both of them but he doesn't know that either.
in addition to that he also sucks at figuring out that they love him too. i think this version i will write, the 'getting together' part of this scenario, smut too i believe since that's the only thing they never had before.
have i made the sale please say yes ?
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So my last Animal Crossing poll, which Marshal won by a hair, got me thinking. I’d have to BUY Marshal because I don’t have his Amiibo on hand, and that gave me pause. I’ve bought so many AC Amiibo cards already that it almost became an addiction.
But then it hit me: I have a bunch of cards! So instead of spending money, and to make up for the other poll being tossed out, I have a new week-long poll to have you all decide who the REAL last boy on the island will be from out of the cards I have! The winner will join the island after my vacation!
Beneath the cut I will make the case for each of these choices! In addition, here is my current island roster:
1. Julian is genuinely one of the prettiest smug villagers, as well as one of my favorites overall. He’s a feminine male unicorn with slick style and one of the cooler houses among the mythical creature villagers. Plus I have a perfect spot for his house: A field of flowers on a seaside cliff.
2. Hans was my first smug villager, and has come and gone off my islands more times than I can count. He’s an absolute Chad, a buff yeti boy with style who unironically says “groovy” as his catchphrase. He’d also be a unique animal unlike most other choices.
3. Dobie is the best wolf in the game. He’s a cranky old grandpa, AND he’s a writer (meaning he’s literally me). The only downsides I can think of is I can’t ship his wrinkly ass with anyone, and that my daughter really seems to not like the wolves in this game (they scare her I think).
4. Pietro is da Jokah, baybee! He’s one of the most colorful characters around, and his clown style almost makes up for how awful his house is compared to his house in New Leaf. Almost.
5. I’m not too keen on another jock joining my island (Tiansheng is more than enough), but come on! It’s Kevin Bacon! Plus his catchphrase is “Weeweewee!”
6. Drago needs little elaboration as to why he’s cool: He’s a fat, lazy dragon who likes to eat and whose house looks like a Chinese restaurant. He’d make a good buddy/boyfriend to Tiansheng, I think.
7. Sasha is basically the ultimate femboy twink of the game, and he’s a bunny! He’s also the only male character with the fashion hobby! It is a bit weird hearing the himbo slob dialogue coming out of his mouth, though.
8. The underdog of the bunch. Elvis is the only character I have a card for who has never been on my island. He has a really cool house and he’d be a unique animal (there’s no other lion).
9. I love Cephalobot. I know I’m trying to vote him off, but he is a good buddy and he is cute. I guess I’m not opposed to keeping him for now.
10. There are other villagers I like who I could easily time travel for like Raymond, Chops, or Tucker. This would be first come, first served; whoever I like most that pops up first gets in.
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gummy-sharks666 · 5 months
Sweetie, I have a new meal that I wish you to cook 😋😋😋 for the random hcs of bakugan characters.
Shun, Dan, Marucho and Billy.
Have fun!! ❤️🤩❣️
Gender: v gender-fluid/demi boy
Sexuality: I’m thinking his sexuality is also p fluid but he’s probably attracted to more fem ppl
A ship I have: haven’t seen s4 but I’ve been converted to the shunsellon agenda. They can be emo together <3 might be strange but I like shun/ace 🫣
BROTP: Dan definitely. They’ve had ups and downs together, childhood friends. A lot of ppl ship them but idk I just see them more as rlly good friends personally. Also fabia and Alice
NOTP: uhh probably Shun/Fabia. I think they’re just friends
Random hc: his favorite MCR album is Black Parade but hes too afraid to admit it bc then he’d either be called basic or he’d have to explain the reason is because of losing his mom and how the hard he relates to the lyrics
General opinion: I like him and HOO boy I shave a history with him for sure. He was def one of my faves as a child and definitely contributed to my gender crisis. Also began my love for Ventus and Ventus users. I don’t think I ever crushed on him but I wanted to be him so bad…
Gender: someone has to be the cis male of the group, it’s him
Sexuality: bi but definitely has not explored his attraction to masc presenting ppl as much. It takes him awhile to figure out he’s bi
A ship I have: THERAPY LMAO 💀 but fr I’d say either Spectra or Anubias, although I think those relationships would be more one sided (Dan not really noticing they’re crushing on him so damn hard). I think that’s why I like it so much too bc I’ve had MANY crushes like that before and i like angst… something something Pete Wentz lyrics be like
BROTP: Shun for sure, him and Runo strike me as the divorced couple who end up being besties after going separate ways and learning ab themselves more. Also Drago obvs
NOTP: Literally any female character in the show
Random hc: adhd for SURE
General opinion: I’d say season 1 Dan will forever be my fave. He’s a little shithead kid who gets the bomb dropped on him and he has to start reevaluating how he looks at the other people around him, but that starts to falter in the later seasons where he just becomes the stereotypical hero who gets all the buffs and does no wrong, which does his character such a disservice. I honestly like that he was such a dick in the beginning bc that’s how most kids are, but the point is they learn through meeting other people and experiencing shit. We were robbed of that for Dan after season 1 IMO. But overall he’s fine ig.
Gender: reads as a boy to me personally, now that I think ab it him being a trans guy is so real. Short trans kings unite 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sexuality: his sexuality is fluid. He just likes who he likes, but I think he definitely tends to fall more for personality than looks
A ship I have: MARUREN OBVIOUSLY!! Literally one of the best things ab season 3
BROTP: Julie and Runo definitely
NOTP: uhhhhh idk honestly I haven’t seen him be shipped with too many ppl for me to be like “oh hell naw” 😭😭
Random hc: he def has a bakugan discord and probably a separate one for him and all the original brawlers from when the game first started. Him and Julie coordinate all the reunions and meetups
General opinion: I love this dude fr. He’s fucking LOADED but he’s still the sweetest kid in the universe. He’s not just hella book smart but he’s extremely emotionally intelligent too. I also relate to him with that whole gifted kid past a bit,,, hes honestly just all around a fantastic character I’m a big fan of Marucho. Def one of the best characters in the series
Gender: yknow what,, I’m gonna say it. Billy gives me transmasc vibes
Sexuality: straight
A ship I have: Canon, but Julie. I think they’re whole backstory connection, the falling out and reconnection was really cute. I hope they have a good rest of their lives together 🫡
BROTP: Jake. I think they’d be homies. Jake is the third wheel on his and Julie’s dates
NOTP: uhhh idk honestly,,, maybe klaus 💀
Random hc: huge fan of early 2000’s pop alongside Julie
General opinion: I think he’s cool. He’s not one they expand on a whole lot but him and Julie are one of the very few straight ships I rlly like
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who-is-page · 2 years
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Coat of Gender, 2022
The idea of a Coat of Gender is originally from Orion Scribner (@frameacloud). The original Read Mores that went with their gender heraldry comics are no longer on their Tumblr, but you can find the reblogs of the comics themselves on my blog here and here. The functional idea is a “…form of heraldry, in which each person can create their own coat of arms to describe their gender identity and expression.” My friends Nova also made a CoG here, you should check it out! Consider making one yourself too!
I used to make an updated CoG every year to see the different ways my presentation and expression would change over time, but I dropped off in 2020 when the pandemic hit and after I graduated college. So it's really nice to get to pick this back up, and to hopefully start the yearly tradition again!
Click the "Read More" below for the Symbolism Key and general information. Click the links below to see the good (and the not-so-good) past versions of my Coat of Gender.
2016 & 2017 Versions - 2019 Version
The Top Banners:
The top banners read “Mx.” (my preferred honorific), “He - They” (my preferred pronouns). While I've had these banners separate in the past, I decided to interconnect them onto a single ribbon in this new version because I've found that my preference towards androgynous/masculine pronoun sets is directly intertwined with my preferred honorifics-- I generally prefer "Mx." but secondarily also accept "sir" and similar masc-oriented terms when gender neutral ones are not available.
The Bridge:
Like in previous versions of my CoG, the bridge is meant to represent that I consider myself transgender in addition to nonbinary, and have plans to partially transition in my future. The lampposts at both ends of the bridge are akin to ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ symbolism, but with the additional acknowledgement of the bright things in my past which have helped me and are helping me cross the metaphorical bridge of gender transition and acceptance. In this new version, I've changed the bridge from stone to wood for aesthetics, and because I think it feels a little cozier, reminiscent of my days playing Minecraft with friends and loved ones. I deserve a cozy and warm transition, surrounded by the people I love, and this reminds me of that.
The Shield Shape:
Like my last CoG, this shield is meant to mimic a hanging banner or pennant. I display my gender loudly and proudly, putting it high for all to see, no matter what anyone says, and this is meant to reflect that. We changed the shape from three points at the end to five points, to represent one point for each systemmate, a reference to our plurality's influence on our gender identity.
The Field (Shield Colors):
The yellow/gold represents optimism regarding personal acceptance and future societal tolerance of nontraditional gender identities, and is also meant to reflect the draconic aspects and influence of my gender identity: both as a reference to dragons quite literally hoarding gold, and as a reference to my own personal draconic identity, in which I have silver scales. The grey, white, red, and black are our system colors, each representing a systemmate: I'm grey-furred, Noel is white-scaled and red-eyed, Drago is red-scaled, Wyvern is black, and Dash is red-and-black-scaled. Another reference back to the ways plurality affects my gender identity.
The Support (Animals, Plants, Decorations):
The left support is Micrurus fulvius, commonly known as the Eastern Coral Snake or "American Cobra." The right support is Lampropeltis elapsoides, commonly known as the Scarlet Kingsnake or Scarlet Milksnake. Both are native to my home state, Florida, and I have happened to see both in my lifetime-- one in the wild and in captivity, the other just in captivity. Coral Snakes and Scarlet Kingsnakes are often mistaken for one another, and can be hard to distinguish if you don't know what differences to look for: in the same way, it can be hard for cis people and people unfamiliar with nonbinary gender identities, especially more complex and nonhuman-oriented ones, to understand the ways I'm different from a cisgender individual, or the way my own gender is different from that of my systemmate's while still also being connected to ideas of my plurality.
The original supports of my CoG were King Cobras for the longest time, a species of snake that despite its name, hood, and venom, is not actually a cobra. The presence of the Eastern Coral Snake, which is in the family of true cobras even despite its lack of a hood to threat display with, is meant to be something of an honorary hat tip to the previous support and something of a playful inversion on it while still retaining the fundamental concept.
Kingsnakes are also relevant to me on a personal level: my introduction to snakes and their importance to my sense of self started with my family's two California Kingsnakes (one of who was a little asshole, and the other of who was a sweetheart and gentlesnake). They weren't the last or only snakes my family ended up having as pets, but they were my first conscious introduction to reptiles and I loved them with all my heart. The Scarlet Kingsnake is meant to be a small shout-out to their influence on me.
Sunflowers are meant to represent longevity, in recognition of the historical prevalence of non-binary genders and in reference to the fact that I’ve identified as nonbinary for nearly 10 years now. They are, by far, my favorite flower of all time and something I've used to represent myself for many years. For the bottom sunflower supports I used specifically Helianthus angustifolius, or the Swamp Sunflower, and Helianthus annuus, or the American Giant Sunflower. The Swamp Sunflower is, as you can guess, native to my home state of Florida and something I grew up alongside-- they're tenacious plants that can grow up to 8 ft. tall and in huge bushes, but the flowers themselves are quite small! I'm hardy in the same way. American Giants are my favorite kind of sunflower, and are inspiring in how large and in charge they can be. They're bright, sunny, and completely obnoxious, which are all things I can relate to and which I sometimes flaunt my gender as.
Primula meadia, more commonly known as the American Cowslip or "Gentlemen and Ladies," represents divinity and beauty in the language of flowers. These are references to my folcinteric identity, and the ways my nonhumanity often play into concepts of death and divinity. The fact that the flowers are also called "Gentlemen and Ladies" is also very funny to me, as around people who understand my gender identity my pronoun set tends to default to, "whatever makes the joke land," and when I had very first come out as a teenager my public-use pronoun set was "he, or she, or they, or whatever." It's changed since then, but it's a nice reference none the less.
The Tyrannosaurus rex skull is a reference to my alterhumanity as well. Skulls play a major role for me in my nonhumanity, as my primary identity is as a wolf skull-faced canine psychopomp; but T-rexes have an important place in my heart and in my sense of "self." One of my first tattoos to make my body feel less like a house and more like a home was a T-rex skull; one of the only things I managed to take from my family's home when they kicked me out at 18 was my cherished holiday ornament of a golden t-rex skeleton from the Field Museum in Chicago; I even regularly have fictionflickers as an Anjanath currently, which is shaping my nonhumanity and how I directly talk about myself with others.
The Charge (Triheaded Dragon):
The charge is golden to match the Field's outlining colors and refer back to the fact that although this dragon is meant to represent my multiplicity and plurality, this coat of gender is still very much in reference to me singularly rather than necessarily all of us together, even where things may get a bit muddled.
The tri-headed dragon references back to how our system is largely draconic and entirely nonhuman. Our system now has five members rather than four, but I elected to keep it tri-headed as a reminder of the change that the system has gone through over the years. Our shared experiences and understandings of one another's gender identities affect each other in unique and amazing ways, and I can't say that my systemmates haven't helped me become the person I am today. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The Motto
The bottom banner reads, "And the universe said, "I love you."" in reference to the Minecraft ending poem. It's a line that's struck a chord in me over the years. My gender is more and more about finding my place in the universe, engaging in self-love and self-understanding, and reflecting myself as who I really am to those around me with hopes and promises that they'll still find me lovable, if not despite then ideally because of my individuality and uniqueness.
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katealpha · 2 years
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Two months had gone by since Raya had spent her time meditating in her blue dress. The baby had grown noticeably bigger, and she was now past the projected due date, making her officially overdue. Her loved ones were now predicting that Raya would indeed be having the same gestation time that Sisu had. An entire year. That meant two months to go, and more growing would come with it. Raya couldn’t get this dragon out of her body soon enough as she slowly trudged out of her bedroom door, the dim morning light showing her the way into the hallway. The frizzling rain outside provided a pleasant noise to distract from the irritated growls of hunger exuding from her taut tummy.
The young woman yawned and stretched up both arms, her brow furrowed with as she felt a popping sensation in her lower back. This aching was now a normal thing for her at this point. It was almost constant, even. After her stretch, her hands lowered down and held the sides of her belly, feeling her size. Raya simply couldn’t believe how big she was now. She was now roughly Sisu’s size even she was due with her pup. She just couldn’t get her eyes off the tan bump that had slowly expanded fourth from her core. A rumble from within signified that it was time for breakfast, and lots of it. Being pregnant with a dragon imparted the appetite of a dragon into herself. Raya stepped forward and around into the blue and gold hallway of her palace’s second floor.
Raya slowly walked through the hallway, feeling nostalgic to her days as a girl being here before the Druun ruined her teenage years, leaving this place abandoned to decay and become overgrown. But now, it was back the way it was before. Her moment of solitary peace came to an end however when suddenly, something appeared to her left from the guest doorway. Before the princess could even turn her head, her closest friend Sisu was already bumping into her side with her infectious smile, her raspy voice reverberating around the palace halls. The Former last dragon had been living with Raya since Kumandra was made whole, and much of her time was spent in her human form, which was now a second skin for the dragon to get around the palace easier.
“Woah! You’re up early, mama Raya!” The dragoness in human form slid out from her bedroom and right up against Raya’s side, making sure she didn’t ram into her best friend.
Raya grunted softly and smirked before she gave a shove to Sisu with a thrust of her hips, getting her off for the time being. She didn’t mind Sisu touching her, but she liked to be feisty with her friends. “Good morning, Sisu. You know I went to sleep early. I ate way too much last night at the banquet.”
“No kidding! I think you ate more than me, and I was in my normal form for that dinner party. How’re you feeling now??” Sisu rasped, her voice hoarse and easy to recognize.
“Like a toot’n boom beetle that’s about to go boom. Is that a good description?” She quirked her brown, resting her hand atop her belly as she began to slowly walk down the hallway.
“HAHAHA!! Good one! I was gonna say you look like an overfilled water-skin with a big fish swimming around that’s not meant to be in there.” Sisu leaned back against her pregnant friend, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.
“That’s actually pretty spot on. I’m just hopping I don’t pop and rip open. The baby dragon likes to wiggle around more with each day that goes by. I don’t know if my body can handle much more.” The princess gazed down to her belly as she rested her other hand on top of it.
Sisu could hear that little snippet of dread in Raya’s voice. She knew it was s fear that existed in all mothers who were expecting their babies. The fear that things will go wrong, and that they may not be able to see the fruits of their labor, literally. The dragoness understood this feeling completely, not only from having experienced a pregnancy herself, but also learning what happened to Raya’s own mother. Why she wasn’t around at all. She didn’t want her friend to be worried too much. Sisu smiled and patted Raya’s shoulder.
“Hey don’t think like that, girl. I know dragon pups are big and strong, but so are you. You’re the strongest person I know, Raya. You’ll ride out whatever storm they cause in there and you’ll give birth to the coolest dragon this generation has scene.” Sisu grinned with pride and support towards her friend.
Raya smiled back warmly, taking a deep breath of relief. She felt better having heard these words of comfort from Sisu. She’d been having the odd disturbing thought about things that could happen in such an unorthodox pregnancy, but she knew these were just that: Thoughts. Raya knew deep down that Sisu nor any of the other dragons would let her get hurt doing this.
“Awww…Thanks Sisu, I really appreciate that. Hopefully they’ll be as cool as you are.” Raya once again smiled, bumping her hip against the human dragon.
“Nah! They’ll be as cool as their mama is when she’s swingin’ that sword around! Even when you’ve got this belly, you’re still training with that thing like a champ!” Sisu grinned and gave Raya’s belly a poke, inciting a wriggle from the dragon within.
“I’ve gotta stay in shape somehow, Sisu! Can’t let my weight get in the way so my figure is ruined after I push them out. I know not to push too hard, but it’s still good to get in the arms and cardio. I just wish Namaari were here. She’d make a great training partner.” She sighed. Raya and Namaari had gotten closer since they reconciled, but didn’t meet all that often.
“Pfft!” Sisu snorted. “If Namaari found out that YOU are this far along with a baby DRAGON…I think she’d faint at the sight of you!”
Raya gave a brief belly laugh as she and Sisu approached the steps towards the first floor where their breakfast awaited them. “I think she would!”
With that, she held onto the railing and began her slow decent down the steps, holding onto her big belly with one hand as Sisu helped her down. Down to eat for two…or at least that’s what she thought…
Here’s part 2 of this little series I’m doing on Raya! I always loved her and Sisu’s dynamic in the film and wanted to capture that here. Julius-Rocks delivers once again an amazing piece. Both look simply stunning and I hope you’ll agree! Stay tuned for part 3 where we’ll be seeing Raya at her absolute zenith!
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greenapplebling · 2 years
So I was making a list of shows that I watched as a kid that I completely forgot about and it took me literal hours to remember one of them was Bakugan 😅
Anyways, sometimes when I'm in this nostalgic mood I try to see if I can rewatch them and finally finish them (and I say "can" bc sometimes some of these shows turn out to be too childish for my current self lol, rn I've finished 2/3). Well, this is my fourth try and I decided to go with Bakugan, I'm on episode 4 and I have some stuff to say:
God, Dan is insufferable. Poor Drago
I love that in the latine dub Dan is voiced by Josh and Masquerade is voiced by Drake from Drake & Josh
Masquerade's design feels like a reference to Yami Yugi
Masquerade's va has NO business making a 14yo sound hot. NO BUSINESS. Why. Just why
Dan: Idc who that Masquerade guy thinks he is, I'm gonna kick his butt! Julie: Oh, I want to give you a hug <3 Alice: Me too <3 // AYO, SIS?? Masochist much??
Anyway, I don't think anyone cares but I like airing my thoughts so I'll update this post if I keep watching :)
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ronispadez · 11 months
1 for the choose violance ask?
1: the character everyone gets wrong
AUGGHHHHHHH OHHH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! LUCAS 4 SURE. also maybe Gerard and Frank and other Band Dudes, but as for actual fictional characters, PROBABLY LUCAS!
Now, we don't have a clear idea of what Lucas is like post time-skip, if he's still the same gentle cry baby as he was before, in the prologue. But you gotta understand that going on a journey like that has got to change a person. He's def a lot more brave than the fandom, AND FUCKING SMASH BROS BRAWL !!! gives him credit for.
Old fanfics will usually give him t-th-he unre-re-alistic s-s-s-s-stuttering habit, which is sssssoooooooooo hard to read sometimes. I understand stuttering as something someone can have naturally, but in this context, it's something he does because he's nervous or scared or flustered. And he does it almost every time he talks until he finally warms up enough, or he's in a perpetual state of flustered. I'd understand if this was an actual speech thing he had that the author brings up, but no, you can tell that the intention is just to make him look more, ... Im not sure the right word, but more Shoujo shy girl like. Y'know?
Mischaracterization can't really be a thing with Mother protags and other silent protagonist. There can be opinions on characters I can either like or dislike, but that doesn't rule out the possibility that the character is "actually" like that. For Ness and Ninten, no one is really right or wrong... Characterizing them as assholes (COUGH mother 1 novel with Ninten/Ken) or as shy or, well, most of the time people just write Ness as a heroic extrovert and/or complete dumbass which personally is the correct way to me.
But in Mother 3, we get more character from Lucas than we do with any other mother protag, in that he's a gentle boy who likes flowers, and the village sees him as a crybaby, even before Hinawa died. (That one lady Flint talks to during the forest fire, before they knew Hinawa died, called Lucas a crybaby)
But fuck dude, even before the time-skip happened, Lucas came in clutch with the drago to save Salsa and Kuma from Fassad!!! You go, baby Lucas! wth!!!!
Anyway I am fucking SICK!!! I AM FYUCKIMG SICKKK!!!!!!!! Of baby-cant-do-nothin-right-pussy-boy Lucas, characterized in fanart or fanfics. I don't want him to just be a stoic asshole, but I also don't want the crybaby part to be laid on too thick, y'know? Characterize him with thought. He can still be a gentle crybaby, but don't make that his whole thing, who cries at any small thing that happens
As much as I love Brawl, it was the start of this trend. As much as I love subspace emissary, they absolutely did Lucas fucking DIRTY. What the fuck is he doing, getting scared over these fuckin doll guys and the poo-poo gas ??? I do understand that he doesn't have his friends and dog with him, so he's lost faith in his solo battling ability. I guess. Also is this after the game ended, where he's endured the worst fucking battle of his life?? Or pre time-skip, making smash, or at least subspace Lucas, a little baby man who hasnt gone thru character development yet? Most likely not. I don't know. Subspace's characterization with Lucas was fucking foul. It started the trend of writing Lucas like a little bitch because that's how most of the world was introduced to him. Most people haven't played his game, so they see him as this little BITCH BOY AUUHGHHHHH
Sorry, I'm rambling and not finishing any of my thoughts, but this is something I have to properly write an essay on or make a fuckin YouTube video about or something. Jesus
I do have to say I think Ness' character in Subspace was pretty cute. I wanna see more fanfics where Lucas gets upset with Ness because he protects him too much and Lucas proves himself as strong enough without Ness' help. And then they kiss maybe. Maybe even hold hands ..
Also I am RIDDLED with Nesscas brain I forgot that's literally what Lucas goes thru when he's with Red, I forgor. But most people just think about the Ness Died Because of Lucas Scene in subspace, not how he protects himself and Red later. Oughhhhhh
PENIS BLAST let's just start over, all the way back in 2008 everybody, cmon, let's go, into the phase distorter
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mrcompass · 3 months
The Holy Trinity of Beyblade.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to convert anyone to any religion; this is just an analysis based on my personal understanding of the show. Thank you for your understanding.
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I previously stated that Dr. Ziggurat bears similarities to the Devil from popular culture and Christian lore. There is also characters close to the idea of God and holiness in the series. In the Bible, the Holy Trinity consists of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, basically, they are all God but they are not the same person. In the Metal Saga, Ryusei/Ryo and Gingka Hagane, as well as Pegasus itself, can be seen as representing this concept.
Ryo Hagane: The Father.
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Ryo, or Ryusei, was first and foremost introduced as being Gingka's father as well as his mentor. Everything Gingka knew about Beyblade and the Bey spirit comes from him and his teaching. Ryo himself is a passionate Blader and, despite the fact he is an adult, he sometimes acts like a child or irresponsibly (notably in Metal Masters). In a way, he still has a part of his innocence and, of course, his Blader spirit. Despite the fact that his character "died", he came back from the dead (even thought he just survied). It is best exemplified by his Phoenix persona. Resurrection is a miracle tied to divinity. Though his victory against Doji and him being able to come back from the bottomless pit created by Dark Wolf also illustrate this concept. He also wants to be called the immortal phoenix. The phoenix itself is a fantasy creature that can be reborn: it is a symbol of rebirth and hope.
Ryo himself has many oppositions with Ziggurat: the first is vibrant both in design and in character when the second is grey, cold, and manipulative. The director encourages Bladers in the way of the Blader spirit and himself can be quite childish, Madoka even remarked that he is unfit for his job. Ziggurat despises children, his first appearance establishes him as a competent CEO, his main preoccupation is his business and he throws under the bus everything he thinks are unnecessary like ethics. Furthermore, their beys both have a metal tip and have almost opposite colors. So, Ryo and Ziggurat are natural opposites like God and the Devil.
Finally, Ryo's role in the story is similar to God's doing in the New Testament. Both sent their sons on a journey to save humanity from their sins (L-Drago's dark power comes from humans' desire and darker emotions). Ryo, with his Burn Fireblaze, is also associated with light and fire. In the Bible, God used a bush of fire to talk to Moses.
Gingka Hagane: The Son
Like Jesus in the New Testament, Gingka is the main protagonist. He also looks a lot like his father, in terms of clothes, hair, eyes, and face. As an adult, he retook the hairstyle for the phoenix mask of Ryo. Their physical similarities tied them as father and son and symbolically as distinct incarnations of God.
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Gingka , in a way, performed miracles. By defeating Ryuga at the end of Metal Fusion, he freed him from L-Drago's possession and everyone (notably Kyoya, Hikaru, and Tsubasa) that were in a coma came back. So, Gingka practiced an exorcism and resurrections. He also, during his second fight against Kyoya, managed to endure a storm that Kyoya created. In the Bible, Jesus was credited for calming a storm. Furthermore, Jesus was resurrected three days after he died by crucifixion, according to the Christian faith. Gingka himself came back to life in the manga. In the anime, Damian sent him to hell and literally crucified him with his chains, however after three attempts, he broke free of Hades Gate and came back from hell.
This is obviously symbolism but the scene where he goes through the gate of hell wasn't shown for Kyoya (there are reasons for that that I'm not going to talk about here because it would be too long). Finally, during Jesus' temptation by the devil in the desert, he was brought to a temple and the Devil asked him to jump, saying that if he was the son of God he would be rescued by his father's angels. When Gingka falls off the tower in episode 51, he is saved by Pegasus, whose wings are reminiscent of angels.
Gingka often called upon the bonds he made with his friends and the blader spirit. He managed to gain their trust and faith, believing that "faith can move mountains," and became stronger thanks to this. He was able to accomplish seemingly impossible things: he had a 0.003% chance of beating Lightning L-Drago according to Madoka's computer, and Nemesis had King Hades's prophecy on its side. Gingka has faith on his friends and his friends and rivals have faith on him.
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Despite all this, Gingka is human, as seen with his rage when Ryuga insulted Ryo during their first fight, his love for hamburgers, his relationship with Masamune... These things make Gingka a more relatable and believable character, that he is not perfect. The Son is God incarnate as a human, which in a way is coherent with that.
Gingka, like Jesus, is sent on a journey for the good of humanity. Both experienced unfairness, as Ryo sent his son making him believe he was dead (sacrificing his childhood), and Jesus ends up being crucified, taking on himself humanity's sins. Likewise in episode 10, Gingka said that he will take on Kyoya's anger and desperation as well as Leone's sadness. And while he wasn't able to retrieve L-Drago, he managed to set Ryuga on a better path, and eventually, the dark power vanished. Finally, despite having hated Ryuga, he managed to forgive him and saved him from death and the symbolic fall to hell Daidoji, Ziggurat, Pluto and Rago experienced.
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Both also spread their father's teachings, which become slowly accepted by more and more people. In Metal Fusion, Gingka encountered many characters and amongst them are Bladers representing the twelve zodiacs; during the final fight with Nemesis, there were 12 people on the island with Gingka. His first friend Hyoma bears an Aries bey, a sheep that symbolized innocence. Jesus sometimes assimilated himself to a shepherd and had twleve apostle. Gingka's biggest fear is risking other people's lives and well-being, and by people, I mean his friends. Speaking of his friends, he has a positive influence on them and helped them become the bladers they are at the end of the series (these are Kyoya's own words). In a sense, he sets them on the right path like a shepherd, in direct contrast to Daidoji (a wolf in sheep's clothing, who tried to use and corrupt Kyoya and later Yu).
Pegasus: The Holy Spirit
According to Greek mythology, Pegasus is the son of Poseidon and Medusa, which grants him a divine origin. The winged horse, with the hero Bellerophon, was able to defeat an evil monster, the Chimera, and later ascended to Olympus, the domain of the gods. In the series, Pegasus is a legendary Bey who embodies light, in contrast to the forbidden bey, Lightning L-Drago, its counterpart. In the Book of Revelation, Satan takes the form of a dragon.
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The Holy Spirit is often symbolized by a Dove or tongues of fire. Pegasus's spirit is almost silver (like a white dove), despite a blue energy on the Bey, symbolizing its purity in a way. Also, despite Storm and Galaxy Pegasus being different beys, they seem to contain the same spirit, as seen with Gingka's reaction when he encounters it.
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The bey was possessed by both Ryo and Gingka, who often reference the Blader spirit. It is also through Pegasus and the battle it leads that Gingka is able to connect with the spirit of other people. For him, Beyblade is a confrontation of two spirits. And thanks to this confrontation, he was able to awaken the blader spirit in Kenta, Kyoya, and many others (sometimes indirectly). Gingka even thanked Pegasus at the end of Fusion for saving them all before his bey disappeared. Like the Holy Spirit, Pegasus bestowed knowledge and enlightened the people it connected with through battle; it is also a guide.
The theme of the Holy Trinity fits, in my opinion, with the Metal Saga in the sense that Gingka and his Bey, in particular, inspire hope, trust and determination as well as redemption and growth for the many bladers they encountered.
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cthulhubert · 6 months
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I uh. It's December. You may or may not have noticed.
I did Nanowrimo, spent my "creative projects half hour" slot on that, and completely forgot about posting my fourth year of daily drawings for October. Nevertheless, into my my art tag it goes.
In a fit of petty first world anarchism, I did Inktober's prompts, but digitally.
This year's been busy, so I tried to stick to my half an hour per day drawing time slot. (I say, gritting my teeth, forehead vein bulging as I look at the parts I don't like.)
I am forcing myself to acknowledge that the past year—with its approximately 130 hours of drawing practice—has resulted in some improvements to line control, anatomy, and perspective, but I'm definitely also reaching the point where several of these feel too embarrassing to post.
In fact I only picked nine, instead of the ten I did the last few years.
Please read some of the captions because at least I do think I'm funny.
Dreams was an auspicious start. I like this Bakugirl.
Fortune... exists. I should've been a little bolder with the fairy actually like, interacting with the dragon woman's palm, really being present there, instead of just sort of posed on top. I also should've made the table smaller, dragoness is supposed to be huge.
I immediately decided I was doing some kind of pair for Angel and Demon. Please ignore that the actual prompt was not Devil. It's close enough right? If I had more time and ambition the devil girl's net was going to be made of serpents. I did not really capture her "shouting" expression the way I wanted, but now that I'm looking it's not execrable. Angel's dreads are definitely more half hearted than I wanted. This one did at least convince me that my next batches of studies need to be of clothed figures.
Rise got my favorite concept for the whole month. Cause it's bread. Get it? eh? Please enjoy our little alchemist workshopping her lines for introducing her magnum opus. Tried to lean into cartoonish with her face.
I spent a solid 10 minutes trying to decide what to do for Dagger, and then all of a sudden it was like a voice spoke to me: "Do fan art of one of your favorite games of all time." I wish the Final Fantasy series hadn't abandoned that more stylized, cartoonish vibe. You know, one of the most interesting things about drawing is realizing that I am 100% looking at things that I have previously—apparently!—only kind of glanced at. Like I would not, before drawing this, have described Garnet as having, to be frank, a prodigious bosom, significant badonkerage, or ginormous dobonhonkeros. To be frank. And a really low cut top to boot. But here we are. I like this face. Wish I'd chosen a more dynamic pose.
For Shallow I decided to do a little snippet of something from one of my stories (coincidentally one related to what I was working on in November). The anatomy is a bit iffy. And even though she's literally supposed to have been buried in a shallow hole in the woods, I had to add a gravestone because I wasn't confident how well that showed.
Rush is another one where I was not at all sure what I was going to do until the brain noise intruded, "Firetrucks are red because red's the color of communism and they're always Russian[Rushin'] around." What was I thinking with that background?
Hilariously, I didn't notice the final prompt of Inktober and how well Fire went with my spontaneous choice for the previous day. It's only now that I'm posting that I realized during export I must have turned off the "background" layer that shows a(n attempt at a) continuation of the previous background. I recall being really frustrated trying to get the foreshortening right on this mischievous fire-ninja jill-o-lantern's arms, but it doesn't look so awful now.
It's fascinating feeling myself more fully move into the phase of learning where I can tell that I'm on the cusp of drawing this or that noticeably better, I just have to push, put a bit more time into individual pieces. And of course, practice.
Next I think I'll aim for at least four and up to twelve studies of clothed figures. Might stop to try and find some good hints on drawing a good fire, or something that suggests dirt.
But I also have some writing to do. I got engaged in my Nanowrimo project. I'm finishing something else up that a friend and I have worked on in bits for years. Of course, what I'd really like is to do some writing and drawing practice every day. It hasn't happened yet, but then again, between picking up drawing supplies and actually starting to practice daily, "It hasn't happened yet" was the case for years.
Until it wasn't.
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meowstix · 1 year
IT'S APPRECIATE A DRAGON DAY AND OF COURSE, I AM ALWAYS APPRECIATING DRAGONS BUT TODAY I'M GONNA DO IT EVEN MORE! and well. beyblade sure does have many dragons! so i looked through em all (or atleast, as many as i have good pics of) and i am going to rate All Of Them. i'm also gonna be rating these out of 5 stars because i'm really bad at rating things out of 10
unfortunately, because i cannot find any high quality pictures of many bit chip-exclusive designs, some of them will not be mentioned. trust me i wish i had pics of em all
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dragoon/seiryu: the azure dragon, the absolute og. i mean not THE original but i don't have any good images of ultimate dragoon or whatever it's called's bit chip. 5/5 it's fucking seiryu
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cyber dragoon: i've literally been insane about the digital sacred beasts plotline for MONTHS now. not quiiiite five stars but almost.
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dark dragoon: i only ever got halfway through the movie i'm gonna be real. nothing Bad about this one but if i want a seiryu recolor i'd definitely go for cyber dragoon instead, 3 stars
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gaia dragoon/koryu: this is probably the closest bsb has to an average western dragon, not too much of note although the colors.. do not look very threatening to be honest. 3 stars, gets one taken off because i swear i had a render of it and i'm genuinely pretty bummed i couldn't find it
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dark gaia dragoon: as i said before i never finished the movie so i have no idea how this thing is in that. looks sick as fuck in the concept art though, 5/5 stars
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amphilyon/amphisbaena: yeah so for some fucking reason this is the only sacred beast besides the main 5 to have a name other than that of its corresponding bey. not sure what's up with that but honestly this thing looked way cooler when we saw it in season 1 than it is in full color. 3 and a half stars, i'd put it at 2 and a half but giancarlo is neat
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ice: it sure is dragoon and it sure is ice. not much of note here, 3 stars master: i'm not fond of any of the master variants but this is probably the second best one behind master draciel. 1 and a half stars spark: if the fact that i went and drew it once didn't tip you off i think this one goes fucking hard. 5 stars, wish we saw it in the anime death: i don't have anything to say other than yeah that's sick. 8/10 rock: it barely resembles seiryu but it DOES remind me of dire miralis from monster hunter so that's a plus, 3 stars metal: is it me or do the metal variants look slightly fucked up. i'm gonna be real i kind of wish these designs were used for the digital sacred beasts though ig that defeats the point of those being copies. anyway gonna give this one 3 and a half stars knight: this thing looks so generic it's insane i would see this in a set of fantasy-themed stock art. zero stars it's not even fucking blue kids: weird little freak. 2.5 stars
that completes bakuten shoot, leading into metal fight. i know almost none of these and if i missed any, it's because i'm mainly going off the ones listed in @mach-speed-spin's post on dragon beyblades.
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L-drago: like the ONLY cool creature design i saw in mfb before i dropped it. 4/5 i don't care if it's evil i think it's Neat
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orochi: this is just a skylander you can't trick me. it would make a damn good one though, 2.5 stars
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leviathan: yeah this one goes pretty hard. 4 stars
i'm gonna be real mfb didn't have a lot in the first place but i hit the image limit so dragooon (three Os) and behemoth aren't here sorry to any fans of those
finally is burst, which i keep hearing has too many dragons, and to that i say fuck you there's no such thing as too many dragons. for the record because of how many variations some of these have across the seasons i'm only gonna be rating their original designs.
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wyvern: that's a wyvern alright! 4/5
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quetzalcoatl: i wasn't sure whether to count this one as a dragon but wikipedia says quetzalcoatl is a dragon so i'll take their word on this. 2 out of 5, it's fine i guess.
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longinus: banger design but i would punt lui without hesitation given the opportunity. goes from a 5/5 to a 3/5 because of that.
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fafnir: almost a pretty solid dragon design but idk man the beak is really throwing me off here. 2.5 stars.
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bahamut: oh this is ABSOLUTELY a banger, and associated with a character who deserved more screentime. 5/5
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kukulcan: another one that's apparently a dragon according to wikipedia. kurt's actual character is neat but his design made me go "wait this guy looks kinda like ghasem" and his avatar made me go "wait this looks kinda like quetzalcoatl". 2.5 stars
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salamander: the only dragon introduced in cho-z and honestly i don't even have anything to say here just look at it. that thing's fucking awesome, 5 and a half stars
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dragon: that's a dragon babe! 5/5
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diabolos: this thing looks like it wouldn't be out of place in a hot sauce ad. decent design but the pattern on it's front kinda throws me off, solid 3 stars
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genesis: I'VE HEARD THIS THING IS A DRAGON ENOUGH THAT I GUESS IT GOES HERE BUT LOOKING AT IT I'M NOT SO SURE ABOUT THAT. THAT'S A FUCKED UP MAN. 1.5 stars, i don't know yugioh much but this thing looks like it would probably be pretty at home there
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apocalypse: it doesn't really feel like what i'd expect an apocalypse dragon to look like which holds it back, but i do prefer it over genesis. 3.5 stars
happy appreciate a dragon day, and remember to appreciate your local dragon, everyone!
i wanted to put a gif of seiryu here but since as i said i hit image limit here's a link to it instead
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