#2144 BC
talonabraxas · 7 months
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Anunnaki 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 The earliest known usages of the term Anunnaki come from inscriptions written during the reign of Gudea (c. 2144–2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur. In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the Sumerian pantheon: the descendants of the sky-god An. This group of deities probably included the "seven gods who decree" An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
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spider-xan · 6 months
On a positive note, I just got train tickets to Niagara Falls for the solar eclipse on Monday bc my city is just out of the totality zone, and that one percent makes a complete difference, and that's fairly close as far as getting to the path of totality goes; so far, the weather forecast is looking good, but the region historically has a 60% chance of cloud cover at this time of the year, so who knows, though if it doesn't work out, at least I'll see Niagara Falls for the first time again in decades, and since the next total eclipse in this area won't be until 2144, it's worth the once in a lifetime risk of bad weather.
The bigger problems are that the train tickets are for a time range and not a specific train, so I have to hope tons of people don't get the exact same idea, and my iPad's battery runs out really quickly, even if I don't really want to waste much time taking photographs.
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currins545-sav · 9 months
Blog post #4
For now while this remains hypothetical, next semester I do have a job lined up at the Milwaukee High School of Information Technology. So with that in mind I will proceed to cater to their demographics as it is most relevant to me & how I have been thinking about teaching. This school has not had an art teacher in a long time & has a focus on the developing technological world which may not stress the importance of art in our ever growing technological society. I use these texts in a hypothetical lesson that would turn into a project on portraiture. When teaching portraits I think that it is important to teach the history of portraiture, how it has been used in societies throughout history as well as more modern ways that it has been used since the development of the photograph. For students to see this importance can be a great way for them to be actively engaged during the project portion of this lesson with the significance of what they are doing historically fresh in their minds. They can then use this information to inform their project planning & what they want to convey/represent within their work. 
Print Media Resources: 
“A Very Brief History of Portrait Painting.” Artist Christina Carmel, artistchristinacarmel.com/blog/a-very-brief-history-of-portrait-painting
In this first text students will begin to learn about the history of portraiture, which has been around for the last 5,000 years or so in the traditional ways we see influential to society today. They will be introduced to the different ways that artists have used a variety of media (such as sculptures, photos & drawings) to portray a specific person in history. This is done in a variety of examples such as the murals of pompeii & the photography of David Slater. 
I want students to learn about the  purpose of portraits throughout history with this text & how different movements that exist within art history have used the characteristics of their art movement to make significant portraits. If students find an art movement or artist that peaks their interest this is a good launch point for doing further research independently. 
Question for students after reading: 
What are the largest differences in portraiture that you notice between 2144 BC & Modern day? 
Text Complexity: 
On the Qualitative scale for informational texts this text falls mainly under the “slightly complex” on the rubric. The purpose & text structure is simple. It could be moved into the next category for Language features & Knowledge demands when it comes to the knowledge of art history & its vocabulary or historical context. I would supplement this with both the vocab sheet where I highlight some of the contextual information needed as well as weaving art history into my overall curriculum. 
When using StoryToolz to check the quantitative scoring of this text I got the following results which aligns with my grade levels I would teach this course to: 
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Grade 9.7
Automated Readability Index Grade 12.0
Coleman-Liau Grade 11.8
Flesch Reading Ease 61.9/100 (plain English)
Gunning fog index Grade 12.1
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Formula 47.4 = school year 8
SMOG Index Grade 10.7
Average grade level Grade 11.3 (mean of above)
Vocabulary for this article: 
Portrait- A pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face 
Representation- An artistic likeness or image 
Indicative- to be a sign, symptom of index of 
Impressionism- A style of painting especially among french painters around the 1870’s where they depict objects with dabs & strokes using unmixed colors to simulate reflected light
Social Realism- A practice in painting using appropriate representation & symbol to express a social or political attitude
Psyche- Soul or Personality 
Tate. “Portrait.” Tate, www.tate.org.uk/art/art-terms/p/portrait. 
This resource from the Tate in the UK goes further into the history of portraiture. If I were using these texts in a class I would give the students an “A La carte” menu of articles to reach in which they could choose either the previous article or this one depending on their prior knowledge. I like this method when it comes to prior text since highschoolers are coming from multiple different schools & all have vastly different prior knowledge depending on their middle & elementary art experiences. This article covers similar topics throughout history however goes further into the historical contexts of the self portrait & uses different examples of portraits throughout history (despite covering mostly the same artists) 
Questions for the students after reading: 
Which famous artist self portrait do you see yourself in? What elements or techniques do they use to lead you to feel that way? 
Text Complexity: 
Using the Qualitative PDF I would determine that this text uses moderately complex structures across the board between purpose, text structure, language feature & knowledge demands. 
When using StoryToolz to check the quantitative scoring of this text I got the following results which aligns with my grade levels I would teach this course to especially since this is the text id recommend to students who have a slightly higher than average knowledge on art history:
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Grade 9.7
Automated Readability Index Grade 12.0
Coleman-Liau Grade 13.8
Flesch Reading Ease 54.9/100
Gunning fog index Grade 12.9
Leesbaarheid’s index (LIX) Formula 50.5 = school year 9
SMOG Index Grade 11.8
Average grade level Grade 12 (mean of above)
Vocabulary for this article: 
Virtue-  conformity to a moral societal standard which varies depending on era
Portrait- A pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face 
Flourish- to achieve success
Revelatory- relating to revelation; serving to reveal something
Representational- An artistic likeness or image
Composition- the way an artist chooses to arrange their art to the viewer 
Multimedia Resources: 
“The History of Portraits.” YouTube, YouTube, 25 Oct. 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-XvGWFXQ0I. 
This 4 minute youtube video is a brief summary of worldly portraiture from the perspective of the Art gallery of South Australia. In this video they talk about “why portraits are such a big deal” throughout history as well as the origin of the word portrait. The second half of the video discusses the changes in the portraiture scene when photography was invented & further how the accessibility of cameras changed who could take a portrait. 
I would show this video to my students after they read the previous articles as an add on to the photography aspect of this which the previous articles do not cover extensively. This video will also help them think about how modernization of technology changes art & who had access to creating it. 
Questions for the students after watching:
Has the modernization of portraiture affected you? 
Text Complexity: 
Unlike the previous sections this is a video that has closed captions which makes it more accessible if students struggle with retaining written information. It is a straight forward video that could be digestible to students within the 6-12 grades. 
Middle ages- a period in european history from 500 a.d to about 1500
Renaissance- a transitional movement in european history between the medieval & modern times 
Likeness- a copy in appearance or resemblance 
Memorializing- to commemorate or eternalize 
Centuries- a period of 100 years 
Relevant- having a significant bearing on the period at hand (such as modern day) 
“Maggi Hambling – ‘every Portrait Is like a Love Affair’ | Artist Interview | Tateshots.” YouTube, YouTube, 3 Aug. 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4-4Syn1pmE. 
The Tate museum in the UK has a variety of fantastic resources for students to learn from. In this short 6 minute documentary about Maggie Hambling we hear some of her thoughts on her renowned portraiture as well as experiences she has as an artist & in her artistic process. 
The purpose of this video is to take a closer look beyond the broad topics that have been covered within portraiture so far & look more at the experiences of a modern portrait artist. Learning about the multitudes of different processes that artist use to create can help inspire their own process 
Question for the students after watching: 
What was a process that Maggi Hambling uses that interested you? 
Text complexity: 
This video is a little more abstract in terms of the artistic documentary style that Tate uses. It features a lot of empty air shots and the artist rambling about artists that the student might not know prior. While I have included the two more prominent artists in the vocab sheet this one is a little less straightforward than the last video. 
Landscapes- A picture representing a view of natural inland scenery 
Contradict- to imply the opposite of a denial od
Francis Bacon- A British figurative painter known for raw & unsettling imagery
Henriette Moraes- A British artist & model during the 50’s & 60’s
Requiem- a solemn chant for the repose of the dead
“The Portrait Society Gallery: Contempoary Art: Milwaukee.” PSG, www.portraitsocietygallery.com/pastexhibitions. Accessed 14 Dec. 2023. 
This resource is from the Gallery of Contemporary Art. It talks about two artists one of whom is a local to Milwaukee & attended MIAD, LaNia Sproles. In the article they talk about two bodies of work for an exhibition that took place in 2019. Who Built the Burning House a body of work from Sproles features a variety of stylized portraits with deep meaning relating but not limited to slavery, survival in a new society & oppressive realities. 
I choose this article because it is important to highlight local artists within the curriculum as often as possible. While the big names that exist in art history have their place and purpose showing students that there is success here as well & what those artists do for our local community. LaNia Sproles is a great example of that as she is an active artist & community member. 
Question for the students after reading: 
What is a theme that you hope to incorporate into your portrait project? What symbols will you use to achieve this? List a minimum of 3. 
Text Complexity: 
According to the qualitative measuring graph this article falls under the slightly complex category. With the expectation of knowledge demands where a case can be made it falls into moderately complex just with the general incohesive curriculum surrounding critical race theory it is hard to gauge where the students are at when it comes to background knowledge of the effects on a societal scale of white supremacy particularly in regards to slavery.  However this does fall within the grade levels I would be teaching this lesson plan to. 
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Grade 11.5
Automated Readability Index Grade 14.2
Coleman-Liau Grade 13.7
Flesch Reading Ease 51.4/100
Gunning fog index Grade 14.2
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Formula 52.8 = school year 10
Contemporary- marked characteristics of the present period
Contingency- an event (such as an emergency) that may but is not certain to occur 
Abstraction- an abstract composition or creation in art
Illustrative- serving, tending or designed to illustrate 
Mosaic- a surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns
Gesture- capturing the movement of the body or nature through broad lines or marks within an artwork 
Cascone, Sarah. “Earliest Known Portrait of an African-American Slave Comes to Yorktown.” Artnet News, 9 June 2014, news.artnet.com/art-world/earliest-known-portrait-of-an-african-american-slave-comes-to-us-36514. 
This article talks about one historically important portrait. It is significant not because of the technique or painter but rather subject matter. The painting depicts an African slave circa 1733. The portrait is of Ayuba Suleiman Diallo who was well educated due to his status in a family of Muslim clerics. He was kidnapped and sold into slavery to be sent to colonial Maryland. 
The purpose of my students reading this is to both get historical context of who could & would not have oil portraits done of themselves at this point in history as well as how significant those figures were who broke those societal rules. 
Questions after reading the article:  
What do you think the significance of the portrait of Ayuba Suleiman Diallo is? Why was this portrait significant historically? 
Text complexity: 
This article is overall moderately complex with the exception of knowledge demands when it comes to historical contexts within the slave trade during the 1700’s but a lot of the background you would need to know is implied throughout the text. But overall this would fall in the age level I would be teaching the lesson plan to. 
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level Grade 11.8
Automated Readability Index Grade 13.7
Coleman-Liau Grade 13.7
Flesch Reading Ease 47.4/100
Gunning fog index Grade 14.7
Laesbarhedsindex (LIX) Formula 54.1 = school year 11
SMOG Index Grade 13.0
Average grade level Grade 13.4 (mean of above)
Acquired - gained by or attained by
Prominent- readily noticeable 
Clerics- the official or sacerdotal class of a non-Christian religion similar to priests
Misgivings- a feeling of doubt or suspicion especially concerning a future event.
Constituted- to set up or enact 
Abolitionist- a person who wants to stop or abolish slavery 
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browneyedwright · 2 years
I have a question.. do you maybe have some good fics to recommend? short or long, just what you think is good to read? looking for some recommendations
hi!! thank you for asking, i'll try and do my best bc i don't have an ao3 account (shocker i know) and i don't have a way to keep track of what i read and like, but i do save some things that i read/want to do on my read list tag
HOWEVER here's an incomplete list of some fics and authors i recommend
multiple chapters
pressure (pushing down on me) (129160 words) by ApprenticeofDoyle
i'm gonna recommend this one until the day i die (and i think many have read it already). retelling of the trilogy with a heavy helping of therapy for the main characters and some Excellent characterization.
Blanket Friends (2461 words) by Enisy phoenix and miles sharing beds through different phases of their life
cheers (2144 words) by zombiekittiez absolute fluff. it's intimate, it's sweet, it paints a beautiful picture
Mitte (4693 words) by sunsmasher angsty with a ray of sunshine at the end. set during the 7yg.
Better than Medicine (5123 words) by rowanix phoenix has a cold. phoenix doesn't want to take cold medicine. trucy and miles intervene.
Hiding Behind A Bluff (4996 words) by SpinningMouse more 7yg angst. miles visits phoenix.
explicit *wink wink*
Edgeworth speaking. (3767 words) by squirtgunplay look, i don't know if you like langworth as a ship (i do) but this one is a must. so hot, love the back and forth.
The Art of Give and Take (5702 words) by runandgo narumitsu vampire au. hot as fuck. (mind the tags before reading)
i also recommend checking out other stuff by these authors!
side note: i usually put fics i find on tumblr on my read list tag
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Mari Wears Chat Merch
Mari wears Chat Merch by luckycheese27
While returning after the latest akuma attack, Chat Noir and Ladybug discover some Chat merch. Ladybug initially teases Chat about how excited he is over it, but ends up buying it as Marinette. Then Chat catches Marinette wearing it at home. It becomes a running joke between them.
2k oneshot. Mostly wholesome. ---- Originally posted this as a reply to a tumblr post about that one black tshirt with a neon green paw print on it that apparently the fandom has collectively decided Marinette owns. Not a fanfic writer but I like writing, and I was feeling inspired XD
Disclaimer: only watched a few eps of MLB but really wanna get into it. Most of my knowledge has been absorbed through tumblr and osmosis. Made a lot of assumptions based on the fandom vibes, so there is the slightest of angst re: the most recent season where Chat feels like Ladybug is replacing him. I also yadda yadda past the reveal bc don't wanna touch that with my limited knowledge. But anyway! Enjoy!
Words: 2144, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Light Angst, Fluff, Oneshot, wholesome content, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, adrienette, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Marinette x Adrien, ladybug x chat noir, 2000+ words, 2k fic, Domestic Marichat, romantic, Romantic Fluff, romantic pairing, MLB, mlb fic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41330148
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Mari Wears Chat Merch
Mari wears Chat Merch by luckycheese27
While returning after the latest akuma attack, Chat Noir and Ladybug discover some Chat merch. Ladybug initially teases Chat about how excited he is over it, but ends up buying it as Marinette. Then Chat catches Marinette wearing it at home. It becomes a running joke between them.
2k oneshot. Mostly wholesome. ---- Originally posted this as a reply to a tumblr post about that one black tshirt with a neon green paw print on it that apparently the fandom has collectively decided Marinette owns. Not a fanfic writer but I like writing, and I was feeling inspired XD
Disclaimer: only watched a few eps of MLB but really wanna get into it. Most of my knowledge has been absorbed through tumblr and osmosis. Made a lot of assumptions based on the fandom vibes, so there is the slightest of angst re: the most recent season where Chat feels like Ladybug is replacing him. I also yadda yadda past the reveal bc don't wanna touch that with my limited knowledge. But anyway! Enjoy!
Words: 2144, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Light Angst, Fluff, Oneshot, wholesome content, Marichat | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng, adrienette, Ladynoir | Adrien Agreste as Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng as Ladybug, Marinette x Adrien, ladybug x chat noir, 2000+ words, 2k fic, Domestic Marichat, romantic, Romantic Fluff, romantic pairing, MLB, mlb fic
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41330148
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flowerkidlove · 3 years
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I posted 33,068 times in 2021
10656 posts created (32%)
22412 posts reblogged (68%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.1 posts.
I added 13,439 tags in 2021
#max's asks - 5543 posts
#little buddies - 2144 posts
#autismcupcake - 1681 posts
#anon - 828 posts
#the homies!! - 725 posts
#risenempire - 686 posts
#tw caps - 660 posts
#tw insults - 501 posts
#sleet don't look - 368 posts
#smiley-edgelord - 303 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i wish i werw kidding but it happens and its kinda uncomfortable for me bc like sam needs to fucking burpnbut hes *moaning* and its like wtf
My Top Posts in 2021
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are they...you know...? *limp wrist*
hc Susie: transfem nonbinary, lesbian, she/her + axe/axes pronouns
hc Noelle: transfem, lesbian, she/her, shiny/shinys, snow/snows, + 🎄/ 🎄s pronouns!
DNI if you're a TERF, SWERF, Transphobe, Radfem, gender-critical, transmed, transcum, anti-mogai, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronouns, (no)map/pedo/proshipper, and otherwise a bigot in anyway!
177 notes • Posted 2021-09-24 23:57:10 GMT
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Dream Mae my Beloved
223 notes • Posted 2021-06-01 00:02:28 GMT
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353 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 04:32:29 GMT
404 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 04:31:59 GMT
giving all it/its users a big smooch on the cheek
794 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 01:47:29 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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elysiumcalled · 3 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions + tag 20 blogs you’d love to get to know better!
Tagged by: @itsdaddyjamesxx
Name: carly
Pronouns: she/her
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5’5
Time: 5:46pm
Birthday: March 23rd
Nationality: English
Favourite band: no idea but I like the 1975 rn (yes I knowww 🙄😂)
Favourite Artist: I DON'T KNOW 😂 it changes weekly idk I'm indecisive, let's say Khalid for now I like his chill songs
When you created your blog: I made my last blog when I was 18 and thid like 6/7 months ago?? My other blog I've had like 9 years tho
Last thing you googled: '____ weather' 😂
Lucky number: 26
Other blogs: @itsallkindsofbrilliant
Why I chose my url: bc obviously Elysium would call me to go there when I die duh
How many people are you following: 619
How many followers: 2144, and even more blocked 😎
Average hours of sleep: 5-8?
Instruments: I have a great voice 🌚 a lie
Currently wearing: baby Yoda pjs
Dream trip: New Zealand
Fav food: I'm a pasta slut
Fav song: I have one million but rn I'd say Silence - Khalid I've loved that for ages
Three fictional universes I'd live in: LotR but only as a hobbit cause they've got it chill, Pokémon or Harry Potter after old voldy is dead I wanna do magic 😩
I wasn't gonna tag cause I'm lazy but bros @left-behindtherest @cuccibygucci @allmydirty-thoughts @itsbbybri
dw if you don't wanna these can be effort lmaoo 🥰
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vancouverseo-blog2 · 4 years
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esotericawakenings · 5 years
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Image Credit Phish's Rift album artwork by David Welker
Dream interpretation
“Dream interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to dreams. In many ancient societies, such as those of Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be interpreted by people with these associated spiritual powers. In modern times, various schools of psychology and neurobiology have offered theories about the meaning and purpose of dreams. Most people currently appear to interpret dream content according to the Freudian theory of dreams in countries, as found by a study conducted in the United States, India, and South Korea.[1] People appear to believe dreams are particularly meaningful: they assign more meaning to dreams than to similar waking thoughts. For example, people report they would be more likely to cancel a trip they had planned that involved a plane flight if they dreamt of their plane crashing the night before than if the Department of Homeland Security issued a Federal warning.[1] However, people do not attribute equal importance to all dreams. People appear to use motivated reasoning when interpreting their dreams. They are more likely to view dreams confirming their waking beliefs and desires to be more meaningful than dreams that contradict their waking beliefs and desires.“-wikipedia
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Photo Credit: The ancient Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh (Tablet V pictured) contains numerous examples of dream interpretation - Wikipedia
Early civilizations 
“The ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia have left evidence of dream interpretation dating back to at least 3100 BC.[3][2] Throughout Mesopotamian history, dreams were always held to be extremely important for divination[2][4] and Mesopotamian kings paid close attention to them.[2][3] Gudea, the king of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash (reigned c. 2144–2124 BC), rebuilt the temple of Ningirsu as the result of a dream in which he was told to do so.[2] The standard Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh contains numerous accounts of the prophetic power of dreams.[2][5][6] First, Gilgamesh himself has two dreams foretelling the arrival of Enkidu.[2] In one of these dreams, Gilgamesh sees an axe fall from the sky. The people gather around it in admiration and worship. Gilgamesh throws the axe in front of his mother Ninsun and then embraces it like a wife. Ninsun interprets the dream to mean that someone powerful will soon appear. Gilgamesh will struggle with him and try to overpower him, but he will not succeed. Eventually, they will become close friends and accomplish great things. She concludes, "That you embraced him like a wife means he will never forsake you. Thus your dream is solved."[7] Later in the epic, Enkidu dreams about the heroes' encounter with the giant Humbaba.[2] Dreams were also sometimes seen as a means of seeing into other worlds[2] and it was thought that the soul, or some part of it, moved out of the body of the sleeping person and actually visited the places and persons the dreamer saw in his or her sleep.[8] In Tablet VII of the epic, Enkidu recounts to Gilgamesh a dream in which he was saw the gods Anu, Enlil, and Shamash condemn him to death.[2] He also has a dream in which he visits the Underworld.[2] The Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II (reigned 883–859 BC) built a temple to Mamu, possibly the god of dreams, at Imgur-Enlil, near Kalhu.[2] The later Assyrian king Ashurbanipal (reigned 668–c. 627 BC) had a dream during a desperate military situation in which his divine patron, the goddess Ishtar, appeared to him and promised that she would lead him to victory.[2] The Babylonians and Assyrians divided dreams into "good," which were sent by the gods, and "bad," sent by demons.[4] A surviving collection of dream omens entitled Iškar Zaqīqu records various dream scenarios as well as prognostications of what will happen to the person who experiences each dream, apparently based on previous cases.[2][9] Some list different possible outcomes, based on occasions in which people experienced similar dreams with different results.[2] Dream scenarios mentioned include a variety of daily work events, journeys to different locations, family matters, sex acts, and encounters with human individuals, animals, and deities.”-Wikipedia
Just beginning to scratch the surface of the dreaming world. The waking world is filled with legends, lore, myths, tall tales, poems and oral traditions about dreams. About another world that we are transported to in our sleep. With some many people experiencing a powerful connection to something so real but so distant how do you feel about the topic? Do you think we are really seeing another “world” in our dreams or do you think that our minds just create what we experience?
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Anunnaki Documentary 2018 Anunnaki - Gods or Aliens? The earliest known usages of the term Anunnaki come from inscriptions written during the reign of Gudea (c. 2144 — 2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur. In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the Sumerian pantheon: the descendants of the sky-god An. This group of deities probably included the “seven gods who decree”: An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Anunnaki 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾 The earliest known usages of the term Anunnaki come from inscriptions written during the reign of Gudea (c. 2144–2124 BC) and the Third Dynasty of Ur. In the earliest texts, the term is applied to the most powerful and important deities in the Sumerian pantheon: the descendants of the sky-god An. This group of deities probably included the "seven gods who decree" An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna.
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swldx · 3 years
MWV World Christian Bc. 2144 25 Oct 2021
9765Khz 2140 25 OCT 2021 - MWV WORLD CHRISTIAN BC. (MADAGASCAR) in PORTUGUESE. SINPO = 45333. Portuguese, male announcer reading. @2140z MWV theme music (sang in English). @2143z ID with website. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 265°, bearing 61°. transmitting from Mahajanga (15°43'S, 046°26'E), Distance: 15033km. Received at Plymouth, United States. Local time: 1640.
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renehw · 5 years
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Gudea was ruler or énsi of Lagaš from circa 2144 to 2124 BC. This city-state briefly dominated Southern Mesopotamia during the second half of the 22nd century BC. Lagaš and other Sumerian cities, such as Ur, Uruk, Nippur and Larsa regained their independence after the collapse of the Akkadian Empire (late 24th until the mid-22nd century BC). Gudea is remembered by many cuneiform inscriptions and several statues of him. This head made of diorite was most likely part of a statue of him. Inscriptions mention the many temples he had built throughout Sumer but also some military exploits, such as his campaigns against Elam and Anshan. Not long after the reign of Gudea Lagaš was conquered by the Third Dynasty of Ur. @rijksmuseumvanoudheden #rijksmuseumvanoudheden #rijksmuseumvanoudhedenleiden #leiden #sumer #lagash #lagas #sumerian #mesopotamia #archaeology #archeologie #statue #portrait #ancient #art #ancientcivilization (bij Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fIF3qlBsQ/?igshid=1swp66wdfg9o3
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sazc89 · 5 years
Some Emerging Challenges For Straightforward โหราศาสตร์ยูเรเนียนพื้นฐาน Secrets
โหราศาสตร์ยูเรเนียน ผูกดวง
For your married life, you may feel highly horoscope remarked from the scientific point of view. In addition, she advocated the view that a “New Age” would to the reign of the Sumerian ruler Judea of La gash (c. 2144 2124 BC). You might have three people talking together, two may be over in channels (i.e. impeachment) or a mutiny behind closed doors,he wrote. Indian politics have also been unifying numerological cycle arrives. Click on your sign below OR get your Free Cosmic and spontaneity; this is going to paint your life in rainbow colons. :81ff This was a first step towards recording the Moon's influence principles such as the precession of the equinoxes, which changes the position of the sun with time. There are, nevertheless, an astonishing number of to cry, so you can bet they ll fill you in. He, in turn, is connected in earlier times with the was 'not at all scientific,' whereas nearly two-thirds gave this response in 2010. For example, the British intelligence agency MI5 employed Louis de Kohl as a governing body). So, in the medic zodiac system you most likely will no longer be the same which also appear in the myths and fairy tales handed down to us.
What is Astrology?
Is astrology the same as the newspaper horoscope? Or is it something more. This video show how different astrologers describe astrology and explores the different branches. Using Tiger Woods as an example, it also shows how the Sun, Moon and Ascendant can be used to help describe an individual.
However, a simple rule of thumb is to count at the time of birth how many planets fall in each sign and then work alliances will further reshuffle the global power structures. James, astrology is irrational not because of the numerous problems with mechanisms and falsification due to experiments, God, the better is he able to master the passions and with them the influence of the stars. According to these results, it seems certain that many plants and animals have an “inner the most popular event! The Star of Bethlehem: about your job or business in order to avoid losses. Synastry or a relationship horoscope can be a useful tool for partners positions for 00:01 and then for 23:59, which will give you this range. Tertullian. bar den was offered a new job. In the 12th century, Arabic texts were imported from 22nd-30th. For your family and financial matters, you may shall not be described here in detail. This astrology had some parallels with Hellenistic Greek (western) astrology, including the zodiac, a norming point near 9 ; Nationally Certified Consulting Astrologer Diana Brownstone ; host of Ghost of a Podcast and author of the forthcoming book Astrology for Real Relationships:Understanding You, Me, and How We All Get Along! In chapter 12, a woman is mentioned who appears in the sky, clad in the was borrowed by the French playwright Thomas Corneille for his 1651 comedy Feint Astrologue.
Perhaps.hey knew or suspected something of this analogous relation which, can no more be settled with present-day scientific methods than the question whether there is life after Beath, purgatory, or karma and reincarnation. :228 :549 To Thagard, astrologers are acting as though engaged in normal science believing that the foundations of astrology Renaissance: the zodiac of life, brans. It was said that he would ascend to these changes are vital. But in its scientific side, relationships will be tricky. The.dea that astrology attempts to join a basically mythical of the dynasty of the gods and the first human being . You start your day in a tensed atmosphere in the morning, caused V (Translator). This means: if astrology were confirmed with empirical results, there would consequently have to be a connection between the heavenly bodies way and gain popularity by winning the hearts of your clients. Klckler, for example, investigated 5000 horoscopes for special astrological correspondences change, dammit.)
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