#2k on the eye loss aftermath and Alicent hasn't even grabbed the dagger yet
bronzefuryfic · 6 months
ughghgh... Rhae and Daemon... this should've been it's own chapter
"I gave you everything, child." Daemon asserts calmly. "Liar!" Rhae forgets her fear and her patience, jabbing at his chest. "You killed Rhea Royce. Do you deny it? You left me with nothing!" "I gave you more than most men could ever dream of!" Daemon snaps so harshly Rhae stumbles a step backward. "A castle, titles. An uncontested ascension! You've taken the life of peace I'd promised you and you've squandered it!" Rhae cannot believe her ears. "You expect me to be grateful?" "I expected you to stay in the Vale! Away from the likes of those rats and all their bullshit politicking." Daemon snarls in disgust. "Yet you're determined to insert yourself where you don't belong." "I belong wherever I deem myself to belong." "Stupid child." Daemon's eyes narrow, Rhae yelps as he seizes her by her burnt wrist and dragging her discolored fingers to eye level once more. "Have you learned nothing from your failures? How many times must you be burned to understand?" Rhae tries to rip herself away, but it's useless. She can see his nails digging into her skin and finds herself thankful she can't feel it. "You may be my daughter, but you have none of my blood. You bleat and think it a roar, little lamb. Dragons know the difference. Why else would Sheepstealer have turned on you?" Rhae wonders vaguely when he'd learned about her encounter with Sheepstealer, but the question is drowned in a haze of devastation. The sun is getting very low now, and Rhae tries to focus on the crash of the waves. She tastes salt at her lips. She'd always known this was how meeting her father would go, hadn't she? So why did it hurt so much? "You're wrong." She meant to shout, but her words came out more a whimper. Is it true? Do I bleat like a sheep? " You're wrong!" She cries, more forcefully this time. Rather than trying to pull herself away from Daemon, she shoves into him with all her might. He staggers back a step before wrapping his arms around her in a binding embrace. Having lost the advantage of surprise, Rhae writhes against him now. But his hold only tightens. She cries. He pulls her tighter. It's only when she's exhausted herself, her face hot and wet with tears, that he lets go. "Run back to your pasture, Rhae." Daemon whispers. "Can't you see I'm trying to spare you?" He cups her face in his hand, forcing her to look up at him. "Stay out of the way of what's coming. Whatever you may think of me... I'd hate to see you burned again."
Just need to pull it and look at it on it's own. I'm so crazy about their relationship and I want to write more between them but... the nature of their dynamic is one of extreme absence
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