#i gotta get through this though its important obvs
bronzefuryfic · 6 months
ughghgh... Rhae and Daemon... this should've been it's own chapter
"I gave you everything, child." Daemon asserts calmly. "Liar!" Rhae forgets her fear and her patience, jabbing at his chest. "You killed Rhea Royce. Do you deny it? You left me with nothing!" "I gave you more than most men could ever dream of!" Daemon snaps so harshly Rhae stumbles a step backward. "A castle, titles. An uncontested ascension! You've taken the life of peace I'd promised you and you've squandered it!" Rhae cannot believe her ears. "You expect me to be grateful?" "I expected you to stay in the Vale! Away from the likes of those rats and all their bullshit politicking." Daemon snarls in disgust. "Yet you're determined to insert yourself where you don't belong." "I belong wherever I deem myself to belong." "Stupid child." Daemon's eyes narrow, Rhae yelps as he seizes her by her burnt wrist and dragging her discolored fingers to eye level once more. "Have you learned nothing from your failures? How many times must you be burned to understand?" Rhae tries to rip herself away, but it's useless. She can see his nails digging into her skin and finds herself thankful she can't feel it. "You may be my daughter, but you have none of my blood. You bleat and think it a roar, little lamb. Dragons know the difference. Why else would Sheepstealer have turned on you?" Rhae wonders vaguely when he'd learned about her encounter with Sheepstealer, but the question is drowned in a haze of devastation. The sun is getting very low now, and Rhae tries to focus on the crash of the waves. She tastes salt at her lips. She'd always known this was how meeting her father would go, hadn't she? So why did it hurt so much? "You're wrong." She meant to shout, but her words came out more a whimper. Is it true? Do I bleat like a sheep? " You're wrong!" She cries, more forcefully this time. Rather than trying to pull herself away from Daemon, she shoves into him with all her might. He staggers back a step before wrapping his arms around her in a binding embrace. Having lost the advantage of surprise, Rhae writhes against him now. But his hold only tightens. She cries. He pulls her tighter. It's only when she's exhausted herself, her face hot and wet with tears, that he lets go. "Run back to your pasture, Rhae." Daemon whispers. "Can't you see I'm trying to spare you?" He cups her face in his hand, forcing her to look up at him. "Stay out of the way of what's coming. Whatever you may think of me... I'd hate to see you burned again."
Just need to pull it and look at it on it's own. I'm so crazy about their relationship and I want to write more between them but... the nature of their dynamic is one of extreme absence
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sleepymccoy · 4 months
Alright, I have been thinking about spaceships!!
Basic premise, we don't have light speed tech so it's all within the solar system. Moons and some planets are terraformed, there are space stations, so on. I haven't designed anything with fake gravity, so the ships would need to handle gravity and zero grav in space. That's mostly fixtures though, the structure is fairly unchanged I reckon, cos it does all still need to work in gravity. Because of that, the engines are taking up a bit of space. And i've tried to leave some dead space in the ship cos i'm sure i'll come up with more scientific necessities, like I'm already thinking about constantly having to create fuel to burn to leave orbit.
Other thing, this ship has to work in three ways. One, space flight/leaving orbit stuff. Two, can park on solid ground and has a functional trade door. Three, has some way of fishing while hovering over the open ocean. That's why every ship has a "fishing" zone for the fishing part of things. They're all at the bottom of the ship, obvs.
Also, you'll probably get this from my writing the pros and cons, but this is for a romance that just happens to be set in space lol
First of all, the UFO
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Basic UFO design premise. One big wide disc, on one level.
Pros: I can fuck around with the design on the one level pretty freely, and don't need to commit to shit For example, storage and rooms should def swap cos rooms can have windows then. This can have whole areas the pov character doesn't go to very easily. Open plan means secrets and privacy are harder to have, encourages drama.
Cons: The design doesn't make sense against like air drag and leaving orbit. It' so not aerodynamic. Maybe it takes off at a 90 degree angle, so like every room has a take off chair fitted to the wall cos it's gonna flip to its side. Okay, that's kinda fun, this shouldn't be in the con line anymore but whatever. It's a good example that all cons can be overcome x
Second, let's look at the Slice
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Pros: Small and intimate. There's less rooms so everyones sharing a room with another shift, which gives everyone a unique friendship with one person on another shift schedule. Can't hang out in your room, so gotta see other people, encourage interaction. Tbf, I can make that happen in the other designs if I decide it's too cool to skip
Cons: also not aerodynamic. Very good in space or staying in gravity. Maybe it has another way it sorta collapses in to leave orbit, like the angle bit on the hangy downy slides up to be more like an arrow head. Yeah alright, there' another con that's become a cool pro. Actual con! Not having your own room lessens how easy it is to have sex. Although i guess the shifts undo that, cos you wouldn't want to risk waking the person who's got the room rn. Could be a fun pro as secret sex is much harder to do. Ugh
The Ball
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Pros: Hysterical. Quite a bit of space. Confusing layout gives you nooks and crannies to bump into someone in a sexual tension way. Aerodynamic enough i guess? Fucking wild looking, it's just a big ol ball. I could redesign this a bit to be like a luxury yacht that's been refitted to be a fishing boat, which'd add some fun world building stuff. And some crazy down time options
Cons: This feels the most disjointed to me really. And it would be so damned hard to build. Oh, the multi level idea, which i kinda forget when drawing, is that 1B would be accessible through floor holes in the 2C corridors. They probably dont line up cos I forgot about it. Actually, they kinda nearly do. Cool.
Here's a poll so you can choose lol. I'll do another poll in reblogs with some of the features so you can suggest what you think is the most important feature, if you really want to have a say! I love feedback and brainstorming, so please, bring your heart <3
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borisbubbles · 4 months
Eurovision 2024: #10
10. UNITED KINGDOM Olly Alexander - "Dizzy" 18th place
Decade Ranking: 35/153 [Above Last Dance, below Monika Linkyte]
Gotta love the commitment to the art here, it's really giving:
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I'm getting ahead of myself, but yeah I fucking loved "Dizzy". It was a really good entry that of course, was never going to get a single televote. They exist, and this is one of them.
But first, let's get the unfun bit out of the way: Olly Alexander was bullied. I'm not going to address that any further. Those responsible need to dc from the internet, because it clearly brings out the absolute WORST in them.
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In these times of overwhelming negativity, I find it important to be POSITIVE whenever possible, so here we are - 'Dizzy" was far from perfect, but I love it nevertheless. SOMETHING GOOD to come out of Olly's miserable ESC journey.
At the core lies a really, really good song. I'm biased, obv - basic Synthpop IS my safe zone, and "Dizzy" is basic synthpop that perfectly articulates what I want / am missing from my intimate life.
"Why don't you make me DIZZY FROM YOUR KISSES
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Take my hand AND SPIN ME
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Round and round 'till this MOMENT NEVER ENDS
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It's unabashed in its hopeless romanticism, in it's naive optimism and in it's tragic, inevitable conclusion.
Okay, now we address the performance. The vocals, let's get that out of the way, we're not good, but they weren't detrimental enough for me to care. They were a step up from Mae, and the overall packages was still enjoyable, so whatevs.
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The staging though, ho boy I have all the opinions. The bottom line is that i LOVE it but I'm also shocked they went with something so... QueerTube coded?
I don't CARE that it was on-stage seppuku.
I don't CARE that it was the raunchiest thing in the goonerverse.
I don't care that it served "Inclusivity, but only for queen men".
I get it, I understand, I accept it. Single Gay Men such as myself and Olly often deeply crave unrequited emotional affection, tenderness, a lover's gentle caress, but as Gay Men have learned to repress those cravings and not speak of them. Including to others.
So instead, we often default to the easiest alternative: Grindr, and all the depravity that comes with it. Kinkster-tinged debauchery as a form of escaping the lonelyness we feel in our hearts.
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AND THAT, I think it was what Ted Uni Dom King were intending to convey with their staging. It's a tragic, but poignant combination of inner brittleness and outwards brutality and vulgarity that is so painfully real for so many (too many) strong codependent homosexuals.
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Ironically, he took the Sexual Thing way too far, bless. 😍 Literal cowgirling in a family show <3 If the objective was to score televotes they definitely shouldn't have went there. Inclusivity is achieved through including everyone, not by specifically showcasing your marginalized group (hopeless homosexuals => so, me). Considering that the majority of the viewing audience this year were wine mom karens and their tory husbands, it didn't go down quite as well, but like who cares? "Dizzy" pissed off all those that spend their afterlives within the nine circles of hell: bigots, karens, tories, pearl-clutchers, zionists, bleeding hearts, keyboard warriors, eurosnobs and LBG-without-the-T Cigarettes. Press their (nonexistent) hearts, King.
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Also, I refuse to call the staging bad, because "Dizzy" frankly, was a bit basic as a song. It NEEDED to go big and take a huge risk, and it took it, fuck the consequences. It showcased a boldness that I can respect.
Furthermore, I just love the concept and how it flows? Like yeah it was erotic, but it was still doing with a sense of aesthetics. The showerroom shenanigans, the shaky cam, the topsy-turvy angles. Olly DESPERATE search for some level of intimacy from his collective of xwitter oomfbots. This was a much better representation of eroticism and desire compared to say, Sekret. (then again, I think "Sekret" borders on harrassment ♥) It suited the song and made it better.
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So in this end, yeah. This entry is for me and people like me and NOBODY ELSE lmfao. 😂 Its low placement in the televote is also a massive defeat for the contest, but that's a whole nother discourse and I refuse address that. I'm still looking for a kind, cute beefy himbot who wishes to make me dizzy with his kisses, so DMs are open for applications. The only requirement is that you like Sebi...x
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ijosijen · 5 months
Head Parameter Thoughts
I'll probably explain wtf my metadata model is in a future post, but the broad strokes are similar to the minimalist program.
Okok? Cool ima talk about the three biggest word ordering paradigms through the lens of head parameter.
First off, metadata syntax assumes that movement isn't real - there's only projection - and that a phrase's head directionality is information stored in the word class, which is itself a probably a sub-morpheme of the head. (a.k.a metadata on said head)
What's also stored in the head's metadata? Subject and object assignment. No such thing as a subj/predicate here. The verb heads all of its arguments, which means that VO and OV word orders are literally all that there are. Or, rather, if we call an Arg "A" (for now), then the word orders are AA...AV and VA...AA. etc.
The VP is itself going to be headed by a finite marker F. Which is to say that the predicate was real the Whole Time !! i'm sorry,,,,
Inside of the VP, our head verb is casually tossing out theta roles. The exact function of the argument vis-a-vis the verb is - you guessed it - determined by the verb's metadata, which chooses certain arguments as its agents and patients etc etc.
How does it choose them? Speaker choice, though information transfer likes its topic prominence, so let's say that the earliest arg gets subject, other args object, etc etc. As it's assigning these platonic roles, a verb may also literally be assigning marked cases. The subject is basically always there so that's usually pointless, but maybe an accusative. Maybe a dative for a generic indirect object. Maybe other args came with a case, PP or whatnot, so it doesn't really have to worry about those.
Or maybe your lang is ergative and considers a a patient more topical. So the verb's first marked one will be your agent. if you wanna do that. for some reason. Most sentences involve an agent, though ig a few involve a patient -- a situation common enough that it's mostly solved through passive voice. The dative being the most topical element is kind of insane though, and nobody would do this. Very few "topical dative" sentences.
Let's get back to the role'd out VP. it's doing pretty great! Alas, your only two word orders are now SOV and VSO.
This runs into the fundamental issue with how we (humans) like to order things in terms of their topicality. Head initial as a base structure is nicer for our brains because we have to keep less information in the working memory, but it renders a word order that puts the verb (comment-ass information) at the front.
SOV, in exchange for the slightly heavier memory load, is having a topicality party up in here. But enough languages in the head-initial camp figure the subject (the agent) to be so important and topical that they'll take the extra effort to project it up and out into the jacketing tense clause. Most of the metadata (including the phonetic realization data lmao) gets beamed up and out, creating a holographic initial subject nonetheless tethered to its trace inside the VP.
But the SVO was worth it. Like sure it's a bit of a trainwreck and the projection is expensive and now your arguments are separated from one another (bad unliked) but at least the subject is topical, the head-initial order is easier for the listener, and you don't really have to rely on overt nom/acc case markings anymore, with the verb in the way of the surface forms.
These are still three rather goofy options, but from start they're the compromised choices that most languages have gotta and then do end up making. As for our weird ones (VOS, OVS, OSV), i mean. I dunno. But in my eyes they're doing similar gymnastics as the more common orders except it makes things less simple/topical. But there's research to be done there obv.
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corvidmasters · 10 months
the only parts of the story that matter after lb4 are the ones that include arjuna anyway so its fine <3 i keep track anyway
anyway i would like to know what her thoughts are on karna- obvs since shes so close to arjuna (and it seems like karna is contracted to another master in their chaldea) shes probably got an opinion on him and theyve probably interacted at some point and im curious what kind of relationship, if any, they have.
same w ashwatthama if youre up to it.
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"what does macha think of karna" is truly the million dollar question isn't it. what DOES macha think of her partner's rival. (and also answered here: what does macha of her partner's now-awkward childhood friendship). this is going to be a liiittle long for some brief context and also because it's two answers smashed into one so i'm breaking out the readmore.
Like was said in the ask I'm answering here, Karna (and Ashwatthama as well) are contracted to different Masters in Macha's Chaldea. Karna is contracted to Tanya (the girl in the second image), and Ashwatthama is contracted to Aimi (the one saying blow up). As such, she doesn't have the same chance for a deep relationship that a Master and Servant would.
She has an amiable relationship with him that's occasionally a little troubled by her distaste for his talent at seeing through facades (specifically when it's hers, it's useful when he's doing it to other people though!). For the most part, she finds his straightforward nature easy to tease, and she's actually quite fascinated by watching him and Arjuna compete in things and will even actively encourage it. Macha also appreciates his diehard loyalty; Tanya was her first friend that wasn't family or imaginary, so if she's going to rely on someone to protect Tanya when Macha herself can't, her ideal choice is Karna because of this.
Of course, Karna is very happy that both his Master and Arjuna have someone who's always in their corner. He knows very well that most of the time when Macha approaches him she's going to ask him to help her with some bullshit, but so long as it's not going to endanger Tanya he'll help out, why refuse?
He won't lie though he didn't like her LB4 stunt. Was not a fan of the betrayal. He can see why she did it but it put Tanya in danger so that caused a small Sims relationship minus sign to appear over his head.
Back during the Indian Lostbelt, while Ashwatthama was pissed at her for betraying her team and trying a nonsensical gambit by becoming a worshiper, Macha was literally too anxious and CPTSD-fueled to think of him as anything other than one of Ashiya Douman's chess pieces. She was actually so relieved when he helped Chaldea out her relief nearly wrapped around into a panic attack.
After that, he's summoned proper by Aimi. Macha finds the two a good fit and, like with Tanya and Karna, considers Ashwatthama one of the most trustworthy Servants to have by Aimi's side. By this point she's both read the Mahabharata and heard plenty of stories from Arjuna, so she's well aware of Ashwatthama's sins and his complicated relationship with Arjuna. Of course as is evident from her relationship with Karna, those things don't have much bearing on her opinion of him; if anything, she thinks he's an exemplary man that's she's almost a little envious of for being able to feel so intensely. In some respects, he reminds her of how her younger bother Badb is, which cultivates a sisterly fondness in her that she keeps to herself.
In turn, Ashwatthama, uh...still thinks Macha is batshit fucking crazy, but now he's getting that she lost her shit that one time because he has eyes and can see that Arjuna is pretty important to her. And he can't lie, when she's Normal she can be actually pretty fun to be around. I firmly believe that if he knew about Macha and Badb's past he would go back in time again to kill their parents. Don't worry though with Aimi there are still people he's gotta go back and kill.
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comicavalcade · 1 year
Submariner Summer 10
Hello those of Namor Nation on the Tumblrs, time for #SubmarinerSummer part the tenth, Tales to Astonish #79: When Rises The Behemoth!
Hulk cover obvs, but even though this is NOT a Hulk read through, gotta admit its a banger for the 1st meeting of Hulk and Hercules
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The Title page puts us right back in the Namor action, though, as soldiers surround Namor and Puppet Master orders him to fight to the death.
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IMPORTANT NOTE: there's a new inker in the house, and its none other than Bill Everett himself, the *creator* of Namor! The soldiers underestimate him and get in *too* close, though, and in close with the Submariner is a bad move, as Namor quickly lets them know. They're just no match for him all around, and Namor isn't interested in that
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Interesting perspective here: "The guy running away unarmed after sparing our lives is forcing a showdown, we have to shoot him!" I mean in all fairness they don't know a supervillain is mind-controlling him, but still...yikes US is gonna US
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Namor can only take so much, and reacts to the constant attack by pushing over the sign, but as soon as it start to lean the soldiers scatter...and AGAIN, that's good enough for Namor and he stops his attack; seems he's resisting the "fight to the death" order. Off to the river!
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And to the river he goes to recharge his dwindling energy, taking a swan dive off the George Washington Bridge into "The Mighty Majesty of Nature's Water!!!" You know Stan Lee dialogue means business when it has alliteration AND three exclamation marks
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Back in Atlantis, the thing Namor feared comes to pass, as the doomsday weapon in the form of a monster called Behemoth wakes!
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Dorma is set the task of bringing Namor back to deal with Behemoth, which she quickly does, finding him at the bottom of the bridge
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Dorma is worried at his state, but luckily his dive gave Namor the clarity to finally really fight Puppet Master, a fight which he wins as his puppet shatters! And the last plot thread comes together, as the ever watchful Warlord Krang returns to the narrative, with plans for Puppet Master
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And here we arrive at this issue's cliffhanger: Krang has taken control of Behemoth thanks to Puppet Master, as Namor confronts the monster! And the next issue blurb promises a "battle spectacular"! oh-ho, we shall see, won't we Namor Nation?
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A pretty fun issue with a Namor mini-rampage in New York and him overcoming the villain through strength of will instead of just strength, before weaving several of the recent plot threads together; gotta love it. Plus Behemoth is classic Marvel Monster design, always a strength of theirs. On top of all that, Bill Everett returns to the character he created, even if its only on inks, so that is something. Let's see how it all plays out! Next--Tales to Astonish #80: To The Death!
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lovleez · 4 years
oner 《恶浪》 mv/film theory
(this is less of a theory and more of a debunking of the mv though)
warnings: mentions of violence, murder (i wont include gifs of the bloody moments but it will be discussed!!!), animal abuse, and a bomb or two ? (someone gets blown up ;-;)
honestly the debunking might get a lil bit dark around the ling chao and ziyang individual parts, so be warned of that!
it would be helpful for you to watch/listen to these to process whats going on here:
oner 《恶浪》 mv (cw blood, murder, animal abuse, & heavy violence - please dont watch if these are triggers for you!!!) (there’s also eng subs in this link ^^)
oner - AGENT  (this is a song, but there’s quite a bit of dialogue near the end that ties into this plot!)  (cw gunshot, beeping noises that resemble a bomb ?? - all at the end of the song w/ the dialogue)
okay lets dive into it d(^-^)> !!!
to get the important info out of the way!
the start of the mv shows the three of them chilling on the couch, as friends do, watching,,well themselves on the screen (oner’s past performances as idols) (and i do believe that the idols part of this has some significance that i can figure out). the important takeaway from the beginning rlly is that they’re three good friends...who are completely unaware of each other’s secret occupations
their occupations being: ziyang, a murderer, yueyue, a spy, and ling chao, a hacker
now to jump into the main story! (starting around 1:35)
yueyue and ziyang both have the same target: the man in the restaurant. however yueyue gets there first and does his job well, as he gets away without being caught. ziyang is frustrated that his target is taken already.
*interesting detail here, but when trying to enter, ziyang shows them a ring with a purple jewel in the middle for entry,,,coincidentally, the man yueyue kills in the bar in his personal segment in the film later also has the same ring? obv the ring is for the restaurant entry so maybe ziyang wasn’t going to kill this “boss” but maybe negotiate/discuss something with him instead...but also thats disproven by the fact that ziyang pulled out a gun to presumably shoot him before realizing the dude was dead....
but also,,,suspicious how there was a zoom in to the purple ring when yueyue kills the man in the bar..maybe it means more than we think it does? altho im not too sure what  to think abt it for now
     for reference:
     ziyang’s ring                                    
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     dead man in bar’s ring
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moving on 
okay so since yueyue is a spy n all, he has to confirm his kill somewhere right? this somewhere is a phone booth,,,one that ling chao has rigged up with a bomb,,,,
speculation: someone hired ling chao to kill someone who will be approaching the phone booth; at this time, lc doesn’t know that this someone is yueyue (and is v shocked to see him there through his cameras as evident by his “what the hell! are you kidding me?”)
....and after this part the film dives into their personal stories to give more background on who  these three are (i’ll expand on those after i finish explaining the present timeline ^^) before coming back to the main story 
ling chao “accidentally” blew up yueyue oh no (he’s still alive tho yey)
& then yueyue holds up a piece of candy,,,and immediately knows its ling chao (cuz its the piece of candy lc was eating earlier in the film) 
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(and to take care of all loose ends that my brain is providing me with: in the beginning they didn’t know abt each other’s secret occupations...how does yueyue know that lc is capable of doing this? my answer: they used to be agent buddies!!! i’ll expand on this later hehe)
and so
it was at this moment ling chao knew...he fucked up
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he’s afraid yueyue might come after him.
which, is exactly what yueyue does
after going home or somewhere, yueyue receives a text telling him to get rid of “them” (ling chao) bc his “identity is exposed” 
....so now yueyue has to go and hunt down his buddy ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
and they fight! looks very painful for ling chao,,,poor dude,,,
since ziyang comes out from the back door to join the fight, theres two possibilities that come from this:
1) ling chao knew yueyue was coming and knew he couldnt take him down himself (lets be honest; he looks rlly scrawny) so he called ziyang to his location for backup (how could he know ziyang can fight? agent buddies 👐) 
2) ziyang and ling chao live together in the same house
anyways, both results making it obvious that ling chao and ziyang are on the same team while yueyue is on another (lets ignore the fact that ling chao was getting up to fight ziyang as well)
the fight scene is so dramatic oml T-T
ziyang could also be motivated to beat up yueyue in this fight cuz the dude did  take his target before he himself could (loophole: how did ziyang know it was yueyue who took his target? answer: maybe yueyue left like a signature or smthn at the crime scene, or ziyang saw him walk out  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ )
and when they all beat the living heck out of each other and are dramatically lying down in different areas of the room 
the tv turns on to a council saying “still want to be idols?”
(and remember, the thing they were watching on tv earlier was themselves performing,,,as idols. i cant connect it further than that so lemme know if yall figure smthn out ^-^)
so mayhaps this council is yueyue’s agency and they wanted to turn the trio against each other...? they would have set this whole situation up: they knew ziyang wanted to kill the restaurant “boss”, so they assigned yueyue to take care of him first, which creates conflict between those two. then, they hired ling chao to rig up a phone booth with a bomb; basically setting him up against yueyue
whether this council succeeds with their plan or not is unrevealed bc the film has a “to be continued” at the end, so the storyline still will have more to it!!!
although i would say the council succeeded since they all did beat each other bruised and bloody
that leaves the question: why  is the council setting them up against each other?
what are there previous connections beyond them just being friends 👀 ?
and here i shall bring back the “agent buddies” bit i was talking abt earlier, as well as why i linked the agent song in the beginning
near the end of the mv, there’s quite a lot of dialogue between the three of them, and it goes like this:
[robotic voice: welcome agent oner
ling chao (?): check 
yueyue: yo what up guys!
ziyang: yo what up bro
ziyang (yueyue?): alright lets take them out
yueyue: okay gentlemen we got a lot to do
ziyang: ey we gotta finish this quick, i got a date tonight
yueyue: really?
ziyang: no hard feelings (couldnt catch the rest)
yueyue: okay shut up
ling chao: hey guys, i saw a hit
(?): copy that
yueyue (ziyang?): hold your breath....now
ling chao: guys watch out
yueyue: okay guys locked and loaded
*single shot can be heard, then the reloading of a gun*
yueyue (?): go go go!
yueyue: fire fire fire!
yueyue: ???? *indistinguishable orders*
ziyang?: i got trouble i got trouble
yueyue: ?? i got ?? lets go
ling chao: stay together
ziyang (yueyue??): okay set to kill
ling chao: damn the truck is (blown?)
yueyue: what the hell
ziyang: okay let me (???) it
*bomb beeping noises*
yueyue: ???? clean this blood on my shirt]
(not sure how accurate my hearing is but its enough to make some guesses 😅)
agent buddies! the three of them used to be agents, as the song is titled, at some agency...and they probably made a pretty strong team together
the agency story would explain why they all seem to be good fighters too!
thats why the council might have wanted to tear them apart. perhaps the council was doing something that they knew would displease the trio, so they needed them separated lest they team up and try to defeat them 
i also think this audio could have been describing a mission going wrong for them, possibly their last one as a team. someone was probably hurt (im betting on either ziyang or ling chao), and they quit the agency and aimed to live normal lives from then on
...but old habits are hard to forget, so ziyang starts to kill ppl in his free time, yueyue joined another agency as a spy, and ling chao uses his hacking skills for other purposes
however they all dont tell each other, which could add on to the tension of their fight at the end of the film
now to dive into their individual bits of the film. these all don’t connect much to the main lore, just expands onto their lives with their secret occupations btw!
his segment details moments in his daily agent life; im guessing he’s not very happy with it judging by his nightmares? or the nightmares are bringing up his past at his old agency which he does not like
he’s also master of disguise woah
personally i think he’s losing “who he is”. he’s always playing the role of another person, always putting on another disguise...so he starts losing his sense of identity (if that makes sense ;-;) 
(and if you wanna stretch it and make things wholesome, maybe the only times he [feels like himself] is when he’s around his two friends)
so basically: he’s always filling out other personas to the point where he doesnt know who he is anymore
(this is also the segment where he kills a man in the bar with poison,,,and the man was wearing the same ring as ziyang,,,,which is like Hm. why’d the directors do that 🤔)
aka the murderer :D
(and not just regular serial killer type, more like joker-esque type where they’re a bit insane,,,)
okay his segment starts of with him dragging a man through a white room, where the floors is covered with plastic, and on the walls are a bunch of clay molds of human body parts
my brain has concluded that! ziyang takes clay and makes molds of his victim’s faces/body parts of who he kills! to make statues! 
(i dont even know how i got there aksjdhdh but thats just what i assumed the first time i watched this film thingy)
and to make it more messed up than it already sounds,,,im guessing he’s a famous statue maker too, and holds shows where he presents his works to the public and maybe even bids them off ?
     ,,,,little did the audience know,,,,
          (this kinda remind me of sally and gabe’s statue from the pjo too now aksjhdkdh)
(i got this assumption from 6:50 in the film where he walks out in front of an audience who start clapping,,,and let my brain run wild with the rest,,,)
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of course, he probably kills off the people he was the molding the clay off of once he’s done with his works,,,or sometimes even in the middle of his works as shown in the mv (*-* )
but alas that is not all to his story,,,
judging by his flashbacks when he’s beating that one dude to death with a bat, he used to be bullied when he was in school, which seems to be the source of all his anger throughout the film..
    ( yeah he killed the bullies too (_ _ )> )
its part of his personality to be rough and short tempered - he doesn’t like people looking down on him (as the bullies did)
and,,,if you want to be wholesome again! perhaps he found some bits of happiness and peace when hanging out with the others :]
cw: animals abuse!!! 
his is pretty simple and is already explained in the mv itself! i’ll walk ya’ll through it though in case you didn’t watch the film tho akdjdjkf
basically: he’s just a dude who loves dogs :]
a lot
in his segment, a girl (handong, looking absolutely stunning ToT) approaches him wanting to take home another stray, and when he asks her where how the previous dog she adopted was doing, she says that “my bestie loved him a lot, so i gave him to her” ( -_- )
so...he lets her keep the dog, but also decides to keep an eye on her...to the point where she becomes very paranoid that someone is stalking her (which..she isnt wrong in)(but she doesn’t believe it to be ling chao because they’re..dating? i think? and he lulls her into a false sense of security that he’ll protect her from harm)
and then bam! one day he breaks into her house, steals the dog away, and then,,,,blows her up,,,,,
(i must say as disturbing this scene is,,,,i absolutely adore ling chao’s look here askjdjfd)
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(i mean?? look at him?? loving the black lipstick ugh)
(v pale tho ;-;)
okay anyways the next flashbacks reveal that handong was abusing her dogs & starving them, and him being the animal lover he is, decides to kill her for it ig
(also she,,,stabbed the other dog that she “gave to her bestie” so-)
yeahh thats the end of his story; nothing much to take from it except that his hacker skills are still intact past agent days 
annnd thats a wrap folks! nothing else to expand on; i’ll definitely make another part to expand on this if they decide to release another mini film in the future tho :]
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Song of the Dark Crystal liveblog pt 6
Song of the Dark Crystal by J.M. Lee because the quest is back on!
Last time in book: Kylan and Naia have joined forces with Rian to overthrow the Skeksis. Unfortunately, Kylan has also been declared a traitor by the Skeksis. The three decide to leave Stone-in-the-Wood immediately and pursue separate plans. Rian will go to the All-Maudra with the vial of Mira goo. Kylan and Naia will go find Aughra and try to alert all Gelflings to what the Skeksis are doing.
Chapter 6
The heroes make their way through the forest to the Black River. Kylan sings a Jarra-Jen story that gets Rian to open up.
The gang... is there a catchy name for the protagonists? Kylan’s crew? Anyway, they’re leaving Stone-in-the-Wood in the dark of the night because at least 2 out of 3 and probably 3 out of 3 are fugitives.
But more importantly:
“Best wishes!” Mythra said. “When I’m big, I’ll come and join you. I fear no lying Skeksis!”
Mythra is too powerful!
“Once you’re big enough to not be eaten in one gulp. Then I’ll welcome you.”
It was the first playful thing Kylan had heard the soldier say, and it was endearing.
It really is!
I love the dynamic between Rian and Mythra.
The three set off in RPG formation: Rian in the front, squishy Kylan in the middle, and Naia in the back. Kylan, in Kylan fashion, feels bad and tells himself he brings value to the party somehow, even if he doesn’t know how.
Best boy Kylan, you’re the best boy. But also: you came up with a great third option between Rian and Naia’s position last chapter. That’s something!
The group also starts discussing whether the Skeksis have been preying on the Gelfling for a long time. Kylan brings up the census, how the Skeksis come twice a year to record the number of Gelfling. Rian even darkly calls it a harvest.
“We count the peach-berry trees every spring, and pluck half the blossoms so they bloom in the summer. That way we know they will all bear fruit, and how many. Mother Aughra taught the Gelfling these things long ago, and we’ve performed the counting and plucking every year since the Age of Innocence... and yet we couldn’t see that the Skeksis were doing the same to our people in front of our very eyes.”
Naia said, “You’ve given this a lot of thought.”
“I’ve had a lot of time to consider.”
They wonder whether the Skeksis perform the census with the Dousan and the Grottan. Rian says that he’s only ever seen a single Dousan guard at the Castle and none from the Caves of Grot. He speculates that the Skeksis may have finished them off long ago without any one noticing.
Kylan can’t help but contrast this grim Rian with the sentimental, kind Rian he saw in the dreamfast and also in his interactions with Mythra and Shoni.
Guy’s been through so much.
But Kylan has an idea! STORY TIME. Of course about Jarra-Jen, obvs.
Naia: “I could use a break from the stories of our real life.”
Many songs of our lightning-born hero are known
From courage and cleverness are these stories grown
But no song is filled with such heartache and yen
As this one of the Dew-Tree and brave Jarra-Jen
Kylan sings the song of Jarra-Jen’s cool girlfriend Amiris of Darkwood, the Singer of Dew. She apparently personally applies the dew to every blade of grass, which is impressive.
Also, she had green hair. The Gelfling are anime people in this continuity apparently.
“Jarra-Jen loved Amiris, as a singer loves song” which is a good line. And they danced every night. They had a really good relationship.
Then Kaul, the Dark King of Sand, ruined the mood by Ganondorfing all over the happy times.
He kidnapped Amiris and took her to the dunes and demanded she make the desert green like Hyrule. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she couldn’t? Because of climate?
But Kaul was a dick about it.
So the King, at her failure, grew wrathful in spite
He took her out in the desert, upon sands hot and white
There he punished her, holding her face to the suns
“If I can’t have the Garden, then neither will no-one.”
Cool rhyme though.
On the fourth morning, Jarra-Jen finally found her but too late. ‘She wanted to cry but the tears had been burned out of her eyes’ amount of too late. She dying.
So she makes a magic seed pop out of her chest, as ya do.
Jarra-Jen pleaded and begged, cried for her not to go
She put the seed in his hand, bade him help it to grow
Then she melted to stardust. The wind took her away
Jarra-Jen left with the seedling on his loneliest day.
Dang, that’s sad.
Don’t you hate it when your gf melts into stardust after staring into the suns too long?
Jarra-Jen plants the seed like Amiris asked but it won’t grow because this is still the desert.
He called to the earth. He called to the sky
But nobody answered. The dew-seed would die
With no other hope, Jarra-Jen fell to his knees
And wept...
Bursting forth from the sands came an enormous tree
Brown of skin, strong of branch, and emerald of leaf
Its roots rippled the earth, its crown brushed the sky
And Jarra-Jen poured forth every last tear he could cry
I feeeeel like salt water wouldn’t be great for growing a tree but Jarra-Jen is a folk legend. This kind of thing is just what they do.
Anyway, Kylan finishes up the song. And I feel like this is the origin story of whatever the Patron Tree of the Dousan are. Huge magic tree in desert? Gotta be.
Naia helpfully tells the moral of the story to the audience. I mean, this is YA. And also, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate the cliff notes.
“I liked it,” she said. “I think it’s a good lesson... We will always face hard times, but it’s important to remember that our sadness can often be what becomes our strength. There’s no weakness in sorrow or grief.”
Rian says nothing about the story but he sniffs and wipes his cheek. He was moved.
Good song-telling, song-teller Kylan.
And what good timing, he finished the story right as they reach the Black River and it’s time to split up.
Hm. Earlier I joked about Naia having to go to Ha’rar after all the detours last book so its funny to me that she’s still not going. I wonder if she’ll ever go to Ha’rar.
Anyway, Rian gives them directions for how to find Aughra’s house from here.
Realizing that they may never see Rian again if something goes wrong, Kylan tells him that he’s not alone and “we may be strangers by blood, but we’re family in arms.”
Rian softens for them.
“I miss Gurjin and the others very much,” Rian confessed. “I don’t want to put anyone else in danger. Every night I dream of the Skeksis hunting me, killing anyone nearby. Gurjin, Mira, Mythra, Timtri, my mother... The only way I can rest is if I’m alone. Once the All-Maudra has been told, maybe I will stop looking over my shoulder, but until then... I couldn’t see you in danger when Gurjin died to protect us.”
“I do trust you both, though. As I trusted Gurjin. I only fear that my sorrow will not be enough to grow anything.”
“Only if it’s salted with remorse,” Kylan said. “Good journey to you, Rian. We’ll meet again in Ha’rar, with help from Mother Aughra and stories of our adventures on the High Hill.”
Rian floats away in a boat and with his last words as he disappears into the shadow warns Kylan and Naia to stay away from finger vines. Whatever those are!
After Rian disappears along the river and the other two Gelfling prepare a second boat, Naia compliments how on the nose the story choice was.
“That song of Jarra-Jen was really something,” Naia said ... “I think it really moved him. I wouldn’t mind meeting the song teller who wrote it. The song that soothed the soul of the boy who first saw the Skeksis betrayal!”
“You don’t have to wait to meet that song teller,” he said. “You already did, in Sami Thicket, when he was running away from home.”
“When he was...” Naia coughed in surprise as she put one and one together. Then she crowed with laughter. “You devil! You made it up just for Rian?”
Kylan figured Rian wouldn’t listen if Kylan just straight up said the stuff about sorrow growing good things so he wrapped it in a story HE MADE UP ON THE SPOT INCLUDING RHYMES and sang it!
What a good song-teller.
And Rian thought wow this ancient story about a cultural folk hero hits me where I live.
I hope Rian passes that off as a real Jarra-Jen story and it gets spread around and becomes part of the accepted canon of Jarra-Jen adventures.
I wonder if there was already an Amiris and a story linking Jarra-Jen to the Patron Tree in the desert. How much Kylan was able to pick up from other stories to make his seem more legit.
“I don’t regret it one bit, Song Teller,” Naia said, as the opposite bank came into view in the dark. “Taking you along. I would have been a fool not to. I hope you know this as I know it.”
It was possibly the sweetest thing she’d ever said to him, and Kylan finally let out the smile he’d been holding back.
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Do You Feel In Charge? (Bane x Wayne Reader) - Part 1
Requests: @tarjanisfrye: “ Hello dear! Hope you're doing fine. I want to know if I could request some Bane /fem reader named Amara, in where Talia questions the time Bane spends watching over Amara instead of, you know, doing his thing as Gotham's Reckoning? Thanks! ♡”
@deaflikehawkeye: “ Bane where he falls for Batman's daughter who is a crime fighter turned villain. Who he teams up with and who has no idea that he likes her.”
@udontadixonlover : “ Bane request: Our reader wants to join the ranks of Bane’s Reckoning. She wants to watch Gotham burn and the rich become as lowly as everyone else. Bane is IMMEDIATELY turned on at how she carries herself and her goal. She’s a keen fighter and not afraid to get her hands dirty. (😏 in both ways 😂) then maybe Big Papa wants her and takes her. Whatever Daddy wants...Daddy takes. 🖤” & “Okay...Bane OBVS Maybe, during “Gotham’s Reckoning” our reader maybe has a problem with some of Bane’s new recruits? They end up trying to touch her up and cue Mad!Angry!Bane. He shows them who she belongs to, then the Dom!Bane develops? I don’t know 😂 I do try and think these things through...honestly! 😂🖤”  
Anon : “ Hi love ur writing can u do 168 174 188 from the prompt list with bane please.”
Anon:  ” I was going through your smut prompts, for scientific purposes of course, and I stumbled upon these 3 and my mind went to Bane... think you can get can an idea for somethin’? 12) “Don’t be so rough. There can’t be any marks.” 54) “C’mere, you can sit on my lap until I’m done working.” 55) “What? Does that feel good?” “
Anon:  “ Smutty Dom Bane where the reader kind of bullies Bane for the lack of sex/woman he has, but he proves it otherwise” – I’ve answered this ask, so it might not be LITERALLY this
Anon: “ Smutty Bane drabble with the reader being a total sex kitten for him and getting rewarded for being such a good, obedient girl please!”
A/N: So, although it’s not much, I decided to post what I have so far because I haven’t posted in ages😥😥 ❤ Hopefully, I will finish it tomorrow or after and post it , with all the smut and the fluff I owe you 😍
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 Do You Feel In Charge?
Years after Batman’s mysterious disappearance, Gotham was said to be cleaned from crime, thanks to an intricate web of lies and deception. But there’s no rest for the wicked, is there? The League of Shadow had wreaked havoc upon the city and it was, once again, plunged in crime, violence and anarchy. Those were dark days for Gotham.
There was only one thing people needed; the only thing that could save them, the same one thing you despised the most: Batman. The masked hero, once seen as people’s savior, had been your erstwhile hero too, the example of everything you wanted to be; but sometimes things change.
More than a billionaire, more than a businessman, more than Gotham’s vigilante, Bruce Wayne was your father. Although he successfully raised you alone, giving you the best education he could and providing everything a child might want, Bruce was far from being the perfect father. In your view, his obsession with Gotham had gone way too far, costing him his relationship with you.  
When you came of age, you decided to leave your hometown and find your calling elsewhere. As for your father, he had been hiding from society; no one had seen or heard about him for a very long time. After several years studying abroad, you finally got a call from him, for the first time in a long while. You didn’t expect him to tell you he missed you, or that he loved you, there was never an expression of love or nurture on his part; the subject was almost invariably the family’s business. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something was making him restless and he made it clear he wanted you in Gotham.
The return to Gotham was somehow painful; everything in that place reminded you that your father had always chosen it over you.
Just as you suspected, Bruce’s phone call had an ulterior motive. The nightmare was real again when he asked for your help to save Gotham. In all those years out of the damn city, you almost forgot all the hatred and need for revenge that once consumed you, but hearing Bruce’s unexpected request, those voracious feelings struck you again, like a lightning, tearing off a piece of your being and leaving searing pain in its place. He had trained you for years, pushing you to be better than he ever was, with a single purpose in mind only: you knew it hadn’t been for your protection, but to protect Gotham, when he could no longer do it for himself. The truth was he was a wreck, the corporation was a wreck, the whole city was a wreck, so he placed his hope in you.
A silent agreement was forged between you two when he took you to the Batcave, to give you all the information he gathered about the enemy: the possible locations, the possible plans and the possible ways to destroy him. What Bruce didn’t know was that your plans for Gotham didn’t match up his.
One night, you found yourself in front of the mirror, glaring, looking beyond your own reflection, faced with impossible choices that seemed to be wrecking your mind and tormenting your soul.  After a long reflection, without clear answers, you took a deep painful breath and steeled yourself.
After leaving the manor, cloaked in the silence of the night and the darkness that befell the city, you wandered through the streets.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend; it was time to find an ally. Although trying to reach Bane could have an unexpected outcome and you were uncertain of your fate, you were unafraid of what was about to come; a storm isn't always just bad weather, and a fire can be the start of something.
After many years of training, of disciplining and struggle, you had the ability to move like a shadow in the night, like a wraith. You were only seen when you wanted to be seen, and heard when you wanted to be heard; no movement betrayed you and no sound gave you away, unless it was your wish. This favored you, since being noticed ahead of time would certainly be your death sentence. Ready for everything for the sake of your goal, you slithered soundlessly into the sewers, avoiding the henchmen who patrolled the huge underground maze. Sneaking into Bane’s territory was a dangerous feat, requiring sacrifice, skill, but foremost inhuman bravery; one wrong move and it would end in a disaster.
When you found his chambers, for a moment you almost lost your breath; although he was laid resting in an old mattress, he still had a strapping, strong, intimidating figure, a beast that could certainly kill with his hands. With extreme caution, you slid against the cold wall, until you reached his desk, full of maps and papers.
The instant he heard the page flipping sound, he became alert immediately, swinging his legs over the mattress and getting up out of the bed.
Sliding from the shadows and into the dim light that shone on the wall, you gradually revealed yourself.
Bane merely squinted, observing you in silence, before he moved towards you. His muffled breaths through the mask echoed around the chamber and his hands hung on his jacket lapels.
“Let’s see. What have we got here?” – With a slight frown, he cocked his head, waiting for an answer. His broad frame shadowed your figure, much smaller in comparison to his.
“That depends on you, I guess.” – You met his stare, not flinching for a second.
“The question is how did you get here?” – He circled his hand around your neck, squeezing it lightly. – “And where are the rest of them?” – His penetrating gaze studied your face.
“I came in peace, to make a proposal. There’s no rest of them, I work alone most of the time; it makes it much easier to stay undetected, as you can tell.” – You gave him a brief, dirty look, before you suggestively looked down at his hand, with which he held your neck. – “Isn’t that an important trait in an ally?”
“It takes a backbone to be out here alone, I gotta give that to you. But what exactly makes you think you can call yourself an ally of mine?”
“It has been brought to my attention that you want to destroy Gotham. Now, if this were to be true, we would have a common goal.”
“Destroy Gotham?! And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – He mockingly said, letting go of your neck and grabbing your chin instead. – “And what has Gotham done to you?”
“Not Gotham itself, but the other important part of the equation you keep forgetting about: Batman. Gotham is Batman’s kryptonite, so that’s where I’ll strike.”
“Batman is not in the picture anymore.” – Crossing his arms, he started pacing around the room
“Please allow me to correct what you said; he’s not in the picture yet, but he’s planning to be back soon.”
Bane turned around and just looked at you in silence, for a while.
“I know his every move before he makes it; I know exactly how he thinks… His plans, his fears, his goals, his strengths and weaknesses… ” – Your icy stare mesmerized him. – “I’d say I know him way better than your League of Shadows does.” -  A sassy smirk appeared on your lips.
“Oh, and just how would you know all that?” – Thoughtful, he narrowed his eyes,
“Because he has been mentoring me, ever since I was a child.”
“Now, that’s a surprise.”
“I can give him to you. What you do with him is entirely up to you, as long as you get him out of our way.” – You looked at him, moving closer with a smirk on your face. – “Alone we're impressive, but together, we're a force to be reckoned with; we can take this city down.”
He couldn’t help admiring your determination, but he had questions about you and your past.
“I’m sorry, who are you again?” – He took a deep breath, moving closer, inches away from you, as if testing you.
“I’m (Y/N), formerly known by the name Amara Wayne.”
“Wayne, as in Wayne Enterprises?” – He raises his eyebrows in disbelief.
“And as in Bruce Wayne. Let’s not stand in ceremony here, we both his little secret.” – You shrugged.
“Don’t tell me you’re his sweetheart.” – A sneering chuckle was heard behind the mask.
“Oh, no, I’m his child.”
With that, he fell silent and pensively nodded, staring straight into your deep eyes.
Tag List : @carmen-kray , @titty-teetee , @iv-nyc , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @tiredoffeelinglost , @marvelgirl7 , @captstefanbrandt , @evilispretty-dead , @mollybegger-blog , @bignastyfan-nz , @scarrasco1325, @miidailyinspiration ,  , @haroldpain , @marvelslut16 , @willowick13 , @outofbluecomesgreen , @elemephstudies , @my-little-lucky-scissors , @overitall2018 , @innerpaperexpertcloud , @matoki-darkpanda , @jay-bel , @tarjanisfrye , @sadgirrrl666 , @baliadelcuore
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angstidote · 5 years
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Okay, so I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. I have been for a while, but I've finally kinda decided on what I want to get. I'm thinking I'll have it done on my upper back and oriented angel-side up. The images are attached and I'll kinda talk about what it means, then why:
The image itself is reversable as shown, and is comprised of an angelic figure and a demonic one which cannot be separated from one another.
The figure is holding the stylized zodiac symbols for Pluto and the asteroid Persephone, as Pluto is my astrological chart ruler and sole dispositor, while asteroid Persephone is conjunct my natal Sun. From the demon’s perspective, these are held aloft and wielded like weapons, but from the angel’s, they are offered out as gifts.
The zodiac symbol for the sun lies at the bottom of the image (yet over the demon’s head), as my natal Sun is conjunct my IC when the chart is cast in Whole Signs, representing the lifelong theme of illuminating the subconscious. Over the angel’s head is the symbol for the asteroid Vesta, which is conjunct my North Node, representing the lifelong imperative for understanding and serving God.
There are nine rays of light over the angel’s head, representing the nine enneagram types, and twelve flames, representing the twelve zodiac signs and houses. I chose these because these two systems have given me the most invaluable guidance over the years, and 9 x 12 = 108, which is a holy and important number to me. Lastly, the wings represent the balance of light and darkness and are a form of yin-yang.
The image itself is mostly derived from the mask of the character from Final Fantasy XXIV I've been enamored with, the Ascian named Hades (obv. named after Pluto/Hades) or Emet-Selch. “Emet-Selch” being his title of office, which translates to “the Architect,” which coincidentally/ironically is what the astrologer I see titled me after looking at my chart for the first time, saying that I was well suited to destroying old structures in order to rebuild them more soundly.
For the sake of having it written down, the reason I'm so fixated on the character is that Hades was an immortal, belonging to a race with the godly power to create anything from imagination. Unfortunately, their civilization fell when they lost control over their minds and therefore powers, and inadvertently brought all their worst nightmares to fruition. This metaphor is an appropriate reminder for how we create our own realities, however blessed or cursed, and symbolizes the vital importance of maintaining a clear, open mind and not letting fear run my life.
As one of only a handful of Ascians to survive, Hades dedicated his eternal life to trying to free his friends and family from the reincarnation cycle they were cast into upon death, in hopes that they would someday be able to reclaim their power and end their unnecessary suffering. 
Unfortunately for him, his friends did not wish to return to their godly positions (at least by his means) and ultimately killed him. This serves as a reminder to myself that I do not know what is best for others and it is not my place to decide such things. It is an apt reminder of the vital importance of humility...and, of course, the fact that just because I'm trying to help someone doesn't mean they'll appreciate it in any way (though, to be fair, I don’t plan on using genocide in my tactics).
On the whole, the tattoo will serve as a reminder to myself that pain and death are as necessary and sacred as peace and life, that all difficulties in life can be as much a blessing as a curse, and that self-awareness, the intention to grow, and the willingness to surrender to the higher power’s plans is how we best come to understand God and achieve freedom from suffering.
I feel like I really want to make a shift in my life, orienting me back toward my core goals and spirituality in general. I feel like aligning myself with Pluto (which, by the way, I realized is in aspect to every planet in my chart except the moon, which I'm currently experiencing anyway as a Pluto-trine-Moon transit) is something I was meant to do. Because Pluto is my chart ruler, sole dispositer, is conjunct Scorpio's traditional ruler (Mars), and is in aspect to everything else in my personality to boot, I should really have no problem with its energy. I MEAN. But (I guess?) because it's in my 12th house, it really is pretty repressed and awkward, and is thus probably one of the reasons I have always felt so out of touch with who I am and therefore the world around me. Then, to have Persephone of all the asteroids conjunct my Sun...doesn't that kinda suggest that I should be comfortable with being Pluto's wife?? Ultimately??
In any case, I feel like it's time to start moving in that direction because when Pluto conjuncts my Sun in 5 years from now, I'm gonna be REAL up close and personal with Pluto. He's gonna drag my ass into hell and rebuild me from the ground up or, at the very least feed me pomegranate seeds or whatever, and I'm gonna be married to that bastard for real. When it conjuncted my Mercury back in 2011 my mind was basically sent up in smoke then rebuilt, so I gotta assume it’s gonna do the same with everything I identify with as a person. In other words, my Persephone destiny is coming up for real, sooner or later, and the more comfortable I am with Plutonian energy the more the balance of that transit and the changes it enacts will shift from horrifying to empowering.
That's why I want to start returning to that kill-the-ego-dead headspace, since I have since drifted more into a peace and love mentality, and I feel like this is part of that. A rebranding of sorts to get my head back in the game...you know, through enduring a long and painful needling of my back.
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laylabahiti · 5 years
i originally posted this task in march 2017, so almost 3 years ago (wow). i already regret looking at this old one lmao
001. name / age / pronouns
2017: xee / twenty / she, her 2020: xee / twenty-three / she, her — fun fact, mine and evy’s bdays are 2 days apart #taurussquad
002. which character(s) do you play?
2017: my complicated af beaN layla. idek what’s going on with her at this point. 2020: i’m screaming i can’t believe i thought 2017 layla was complicated. i had no idea what was to come. i picked up biel not long after that. also had katalina aka brucey’s wifey n i miss her. juliana is a fairly recent addition and, i’m about to spill the beans, a glücksburg is coming.
003. nationality / ethnicity / timezone
2017: american / lots of white european and the other half o’ me is ashkenazi jewish / right now i’m back and forth between pst and mst. homeland is mst though. 2020: obvs nothing has changed except no more back and forth with timezones. strictly mst now.
004. tell us a bit about your  home state.
2017: it’s the first day of spring and we almost reached 100 degrees F :’) we don’t really have autumn or spring here tho. it’s either hot as balls summer or frozen. no in between. like, as soon as temps get below 70 F people break out their jackets. 2020: welcome to the desert, “it’s a dry heat”
005.  favourite color / fruit / season
2017: green / honeydew melon / spring 2020: still green and all its shades / tbh idk how i chose a fave fruit bc i raaarely eat it but bananas and watermelon too / “spring”
006. favourite books + writer whose writing style you admire the most
2017: this isn’t a fair question smh. i have too many titles and names going through my head at once to answer this. 2020: still no fave so i’m just gonna answer this with what i’m currently reading. it’s called suffer strong and it popped up on my insta feed last week (big brother is listening and they know i’m a stressed mf) cheese moment: i admire all ur writing styles :~)
007. what kinda music do you listen to + any fave bands / musicians
2017: listen to a lil bit of everything. these ‘favorite’ questions are difficult for me to answer 2020: same answer tho i grew up listening to the eagles so they hold a special place in my heart n soul. i get to go see them in a couple months (hopefully w my dad) and i’m v excited
008. what are you doing for a living / what are you studying?
2017: lmAO well rn i work in the kitchen of a gas station (sah classy). 2020: went from working in the store to working in corporate *finger guns* apparently i never said what i was studying but i was still in school then. justice studies with a minor in military leadership and certifications in human rights and socio-legal studies. then i studied astrophysics with minors in cyber intel + security and math for a semester, but i didn’t want any more debt ajskdf
009. what’s your dream occupation?
2017: IDK but it has to involve happiness and a nice salary. i have to feed my zoo somehow. 2020: what r dreams lmao
010. relationship status
2017: single then. single now. single forever. 2020: every time i think about putting myself out there, something happens. i don’t have time to date atm
011. coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
2017: it depends on the weather. if it’s cold i’ll have hot chocolate. i usually drink tea at meals whenever though. 2020: i blame my work for all the coffee i drink now, but still all of the above. 
012. dream holiday destination?
2017: santorini 2020: honestmeme....where the hell did i pull santorini from. idk i was supposed to go to iceland for study abroad last year but yknow i withdrew from the university. i still wanna go tho
013. the thing you’re most proud about yourself
2017: not afraid to stand up for myself + others 2020: young me made it sound noble but honestly i’ll put ppl in their place, i don’t have patience anymore jakdas. but tbh right now i guess it’s my perseverance? life has been shitty for a few months but u gotta keep on truckin’
014. tell us a bit about your family!
2017: goD they’re nuts. i’m the middle child out of all my siblings but the youngest on my dad’s side. large age gaps are common, like half my sisters are old enough to be my mom. lots of grand babies and great grand babies. when we’re all together (like this past weekend) it’s ….wild. communication is v poor too. i only have one brother out of my eight siblings, and all those siblings are only half-related to me. at 5′5 i’m one of the tallest in the fam which says a lot. 2020: they’re still nuts n i don’t speak to my mother anymore. i should probs add that my parents have been divorced since i was a few months old so she hasn’t been in the pic for a while. even when she had custody of me jaksldf find me ron howard i’ll give him the rights to my life story
015. how long have you known your closest friend?
2017: three years. 2020: we’re going on 6 years jaksdf i’ll be maid of honor in her wedding this year. i also have another friend that i failed to mention last time but we’ve been close for 9 years (jfc)
016. superpower you’d like to have?
2017: invisibility 2020: mind reading so i know who’s Fake jaklsdjf
017. celebrity you’d like to meet?
2017: john stamos ?? idk i never really thought about it. i’ve met michael phelps though!! 2020: ig i’ll stick with stamos?? ooh or steve carrell or jennifer aniston. 
018. guilty pleasures
2017: chocolate and french fries. i love love love french fries. 2020: now my guilty pleasure is dr. pepper bc i cut it out of my diet.
019. pet peeves
2017: mouth noises (misophonia). people talking over each other and not listeninG. lowkey people leaving the toilet seat up or leaving toilet paper in the toilet like…just flush again. 2020: i really went off on tp huh?? another pet peeve is people committing to something then backing out/flaking without a heads up
020. do you have any hobbies?
2017: sports !!! i’m a grade a heaux for sports. tennis, archery, golf. anything that doesn’t require lots of muscle ya feel. one of my ~hobbies~ i guess is organizing things. i have multiple planners and use them all daily. 2020: i miss how sporty n active i was jkasdf this is my hobby.
021. where would you like to live in the future?
2017: i would looooooove to live in san diego but i’ll probs be stuck in the desert drylands. 2020: tbh i was looking into memphis homes bc it’s cheap compared to here but i don’t really care where i end up. just want a place of my own yknow
022. tell us a story about a thing that recently happened to you! it can be a funny, scary, sad story, your pick!
2017: redacted bc it was college angst lmao and not pretty 2020: i found out this morning that my cell phone # is somehow linked to some random guy a few miles away and idk how to fix it online. got some texts today and yesterday this one guy called me 6 times back to back while i was on the phone with someone else. i guess that’s another pet peeve of mine, pls leave a message if it’s important jaklsdf
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Grace & Ava
Grace: you okay babes???! Ava: The furthest from without actually being 💀 Grace: Oh my god what even?! aren't you at that uni thing? Ava: For a few more hours yet, give me strength Ava: Last night was Ava: nah Grace: last night was a sorority girl horror 📽🎞 or like ??? Ava: Allegedly a thing but I've yet to see anyone rocking a skinhead without it being a Choice™ Ava: So, everyone else did go to the 📽🎞 last night but I pulled a sickie 'cos Ava: well, that can do one as a concept but also Ava: Are you sure you even want this? It's a whole saga, like 🙄😫 Grace: duh x 10000 Grace: there's nothing anyone can tell me about mean girls 🔪💔 we can skip 📽🎞 when I've IRL lived it Grace: & obvs! talk to me I'm BEYOND concerned Ava: There are no mean girls Ava: and I think the shit I pulled is beyond a Regina level even Grace: UM no way are you casting yourself 👑 thanks! what happened?! Ava: Sorry but you can try and come for the 👑 after I tell you Ava: So they get current pupils to show you around, do the tour, answer questions, do the whole programme with you, right? Ava: Must be good extra credit or whatever, anyway Ava: There's this guy, and the whole time there's this total...vibe, you know? And I'm not delusional or sad like that, its an actual thing but I know him, know of him Ava: so I know why I should just ignore it, but instead when everyone is out, I DM him Grace: excuse you bitch I'm literally reformed but like putting that ASIDE cos this is so much more IMPORTANT!😱😱 Grace: so are we talking a phoneful of regret or IRL walk of shame? Ava: We talked for a while, so I have literal evidence it wasn't just one-sided but truly do not wanna be that girl but like, I swear Ava: anyway, we did go out, properly and it was Ava: so good Ava: but then he had to go and now I have to die Grace: duh it was 😍😍😍 I know what a vibe means Grace: he has a gf yeah? honey we've ALL done it don't even stress he's obvs not that into her Ava: No its Ava: more complex Ava: there's Ava: well, he's married Ava: but he's not as old as that makes him sound but yeah, clearly quite into her Grace: Ew! What's with everyone getting 💍👰 Grace: if Janis gets proposed to I'm kmsing Grace: it doesn't sound that complex though babes, don't let this family fool you, 💔💍 is such a thing™ Ava: Can't see it myself Ava: they are cute though Ava: of course but I'm not out here doing that myself, that's Buster's bread and butter, not mine Ava: they have kids as well, two Grace: 🙄🤢 Grace: totally but we literally NEVER have to tell her or them that shh Grace: well that explains it 🤰👰💍 he probs doesn't even love her Ava: My lips are sealed Ava: One of them is like...6 or something and the other is a baby so there's like no excuse Ava: It didn't come to anything more than a kiss but I'm mortified Grace: 6? How old is he?! Ava: Again, not as old as that makes him sound Ava: 22 ish, in his last year Grace: THANK GOD! I was literally picturing like a hot 40 Ava: Somehow that would be less complicated Ava: Unless he was a friend of my parents or something but not trying to hit every cliche before I even start Uni Grace: UGH! remember when I went to the fair with that lad who turned out to be 19 & everyone lost it like I was being groomed 🙄 Grace: such a drama Grace: this seriously doesn't sound that bad Grace: either he's bored of her or having his 🍰 & 😋 Grace: who stopped it at 😘😘? Ava: Well, he did turn out to be a creep didn't he Ava: but he could've been a 15 year old creep as easily, I see your point Ava: He did Ava: his phone kept going off Ava: it must've been her Grace: yeah & like I totally worked it out for myself from reading the vibe Grace: same as you last night Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: did he answer? did you literally have to sit there 🤐!!! Ava: I think I might've got the vibe seriously wrong Ava: well, no Ava: I don't know Ava: we were in a club, he couldn't Ava: but we left real quick and he hasn't looked at me today so that's been fun Grace: oh girl please Grace: trust, as someone who has gotten the vibe wrong WAY more times than we need to admit outside of this convo, you so didn't Grace: he's having a freakout, we've ALL been there too, yeah? Ava: Clearly Ava: 😂 Ava: Oh God Ava: I just need to pretend this never happened and peace Grace: come over Grace: we'll go out & make some new drama happen Grace: soon as you do, you'll know if he's bothered Ava: Sounds good Ava: If I didn't have two other Unis to hit before Summer officially starts 🙄 Grace: OMG you're so extra Ava: Rude 😂 Ava: Not as if I can go here now, is it? Ava: I'm burning through options, girl Grace: ILY for it 💜 Grace: did you wanna go there for real? Ava: Not hugely Ava: it was in my top 5 but its definitely not 🥇 Grace: 🤷💅 Grace: it was obvs a 🏆💋 so Ava: seriously Ava: though I'm probably gonna find out that he's made time for every girl on this program Grace: did you pick up on any other vibes? Ava: I don't think so Ava: He did say other girls were flirting with him though Grace: 😂 boys always say that Grace: literally will have been hitting refresh waiting on you 💬 Ava: Or, they really were and that was a subtle dig that I just ignored Ava: 🤡🤡 Grace: ugh don't Grace: nobody's looked hotter the morning after babes Grace: he'd be the 🤡 Ava: Minus the HP🗲 scar Ava: idk where that came from, which doesn't bode well for how trashed I must've been Grace: if he was as wasted maybe he doesn't remember & that's why he blanked you cos everything is Grace: 👋 been there Ava: I wish Ava: like I said, we know each other Grace: do you know his 👰? Ava: 😶 Ava: Just kill me now Grace: has he posted anything? Ava: About how much he 💕 his wife and kids? Ava: Fuck knows Grace: well yeah or idk how wasted he was Grace: anything to go on Ava: His 👰 would not approve Grace: if he doesn't have like a private snap he's no 💔 Ava: Wasn't my first question Ava: Probably does but bit late to ask now Grace: you literally could Grace: cringe but no more cringe than running into him playing happy families when you go get coffee Ava: I'm just gonna leave it Ava: Not a moment too soon Grace: 👌👌💜 Ava: When the alcohol leaves my system my head will be less 🤯 Ava: Standard Grace: his too though Grace: maybe he'll come to you Grace: 🤞 yeah or 🤞 no? Ava: I don't know what I want Ava: or feel about any of it Ava: It's better to just assume nah, a pleasant surprise is always better than disappointment Grace: mhmm Ava: Shut up Ava: I'm confused and hungover, I don't know anything 🙄😏 Grace: no shade Ava: I know Ava: This is too extra Ava: even from me, right Grace: you can wear the 👑 until I earn it back Grace: cos duh who's more extra Grace: me, this hoe Ava: 😂 I'm ready for it Grace: you gotta let me have it there's no 😘💖😍 in my 🔮 Ava: Not even a little? Grace: there was a little but it got too much Grace: too close to being like Grace: I can't Grace: I'm out Ava: I don't think it's all it's cracked up to be, honestly Grace: makes me feel like I'm cracking up Grace: no thanks Ava: Preaching to the converted today Grace: 🙌 Ava: I'll definitely come over some point this Summer though Grace: YAY Grace: I so need you Ava: I think me and the 'rents are going the first two weeks, then I'm going with my friends the last two Ava: so sometime in the middle to play with Grace: ugh if only my mum and dad were organised about anything ever Grace: god knows when or where they'll spring a hol 🙄🙄 Ava: All fun and games Ava: least you get more space these days, I guess Grace: if they're gonna be annoying I'll just bring you with 🤷 Ava: Three holidays would be a record Grace: hot older lad who?! 😂 Grace: Brazil is on another level Ava: If there's sun and sea, I'm happy Grace: you'll be sooo 😊 Ava: 😘 Grace: 💜 Ava: I did not think that would be such a rant Ava: IOU a coffee, I'll ping you the funds rn forreal Grace: As if! like I've NEVER done you that way Grace: shhh Ava: It's done Ava: Consider it a reminder we need a proper catch up when my head is less fried Grace: 👌👌 fine Ava: Don't be mad, it is essential some good happens today Grace: It's fine babes, promise Ava: Good Ava: I better try and finish this essay thing Ava: Or at least make a better start Grace: or at least get yourself a coffee & put some lipstick on Ava: Cheers, I know I look clapped 😂 Grace: shut up Grace: you do not! Ava: I wouldn't wanna chat to me either tbh Grace: Girl, stop Grace: this convo has been wild & I'm living Ava: I meant him, not you 😉 Ava: Only subjected socials to one pic, like Grace: well duh he wants to kiss you again not have a chat Grace: if you wanna talk you'll have to Grace: there's only one kind of convo lads ever start Ava: Hmm Ava: Have better luck with this essay than thinking of something worth saying Grace: what do you wanna say? Grace: like if you could just Ava: Christ Ava: firstly, what the fuck? Grace: he can't shade you for starting there Ava: Though I initiated it so, ugh Grace: he didn't have to go along with any of it Grace: his wife & kids were literally waiting at home for him so Grace: you like deserve to know if there are other girls or not Ava: What's more insane though Ava: asking around every girl on this course, or asking him Ava: There are definite drawbacks either way from where I'm sitting Grace: you said you know him, how much does he lie? Grace: asking him will be more than cringe if you can't believe a word, it'll be pointless Ava: I don't know him like that but Ava: I suppose I've heard that he's a typical lad in most regards so Grace: yeah Ava: but that's from one source so Ava: who's to say they're 100% reliable Grace: right Grace: I'll stalk the other girls, obvs am insane so Ava: No Ava: 'cos then I'll have to tell you who he is Ava: and it'll all get out of hand Grace: OMG do I know him??! Ava: How would you? Ava: 'course not Grace: then why does it matter if you tell me or not? Ava: I'll sort it myself Grace: Ava Grace: is it already out of hand? Ava: That'd depend on who you asked too Grace: I'm asking you Ava: I've got this Grace: promise Ava: 🤞 Grace: 👌
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okay, y’all, i’ve gotta back on my tl;dr bullshit soapbox about something:
so, the other day, i was just mindlessly scrolling through my corporate & capitalist hellscape facebook™️ (i.e. LinkedIn) and came across this totally trite mostly bullshit meme that was shared by some corporate executive search man (whose name i decided to crop out bc eh):
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so i obviously agree with the last three points on this list, bc god yes my life would’ve been a bit better if I didn’t get all my dialogue about mental health only from teen mags and horrible portrayals in teen tv shows (and also this hellsite). and hell yeah everyone, and I mean EVERYONE needs to learn that failure is okay many situations (like failing a class in uni or school) bc everyone fails at something sometimes. and dealing with failure is HARD. and time management is something that I’m pretty sure everyone lies to fuckin hell about on their resume, bc lots of people really suck at it, myself included. so yeah. that needs to be taught. and i also agree with the “how to manage your health” point. bc thats becoming ever more prevalent and important with career burn out etc.
but entrepreneurship? people management? conflict resolution? creativity? how to manage money? public speaking? like y’all. three of those ARE taught/learned in school, who the fuck wrote this meme? 
for anyone who actually paid attention in maths class, (which is probably very few people outside of the top performing classes), there WAS A WHOLE FUCKING UNIT that focuses on financial maths (in australia anyway). I ignored this unit as well as maths in general at school, bc I generally hated maths and was convinced that I was somehow never going to get a job. but i remember the gist of the overall topic and its subtopics. one subtopic teaches you how to calculate your wages in various contexts (overtime, double-time and a half, holiday payments, im pretty sure maternity leave pay was jammed in somewhere? idk if other countries would have double time & a 1/2 like australia though). another subtopic teaches you how to calculate interest on bank loans and credit rates on credit cards. a third subtopic teaches you how to calculate savings (obvs in terms of discounts in shops)....im sure there was a bit about budgeting in there somewhere? im pretty sure there were some questions were about tax payments somewhere as a subtopic enrichment exercise? but you get my gist. are these not money management skills? in some sense? like if i could find one of my old maths textbooks or old maths books i’d give an example of a question, to make my point stronger. but the problem, like i said before, is that a load of people (myself included) just zone out in maths in high school and stop trying with it. they forget what they’ve learnt, and just remember how much they hated algebra and how they’ll never use it again. maths was one hell of a fucking strong bitch, guys. but maybe i’m wrong.
creativity? excuse me? have people forgotten about art classes? drama classes? english classes? music classes? need i go on? okay don’t get me wrong, most of these classes did focus a lot on memorising quotes or facts about people (artists/writers/poets/composers/dramatists etc) or specific  periods/movements in art or theatre or literature for example.... but the amazing sculptures/paintings etc people created in art for their final projects in year 12, or even in year 10 were works of their imagination. the scripts people write in drama or maybe english (if you had a fun teacher who did a screenwriting unit, for example) are creative asf. especially in year 12 when they do their major projects, where they may produce a monologue or a short movie, and then there’s a group piece. drama students might even make their own costumes for these performances. LIKE AIN’T THAT A LOT OF CREATIVITY RIGHT THERE Y’ALL????? and english. lowly old english. THEY HAVE A WHOLE FUCKING TOPIC ON CREATIVE WRITING FOR FUCKS SAKE. the original music people might create for their final projects too in year 12? does that not count as creativity? like yes, i know a lot of these things do still have to meet bs assessment criteria (especially in catholic schools, where the main things are you don’t offend the catholic education office and jesus/god lmao) to be considered worthy of a mark for your year 12 exams. but FUCK. HOW THE FUCK AREN’T ANY OF THESE SUBJECTS COUNTED TOWARDS BEING CREATIVE???????? like fuck your corporate creative ideation or w/e bullshit, Callum. drama and english even lend themselves to improvisation in some instances, like public speaking, which is examined further, below.
next, we move on to public speaking. this shit is basically taught from the first goddamn day of “show & tell” in kindy/kindergarten, and this fucker has the gall to say that it’s not fucking taught in schools? someone call in miley cyrus/hannah montana to throw the fuck down in this motherfucking hoedown BC THIS STUPID-ASS MEME-FUCKER HAS NERVE. i hated public speaking. absolutely hated it. even though it was ironically one of the places i ended up excelling in in english classes. even when i fucked up in my english speeches with like “oh, fuck.... said nelson mandela,  i’ve seem to’ve lost my palm card. wait, shit! there it is... excuse me while i pull it out of my ass. whoops, sorry miss” *bats eyes and finger guns at my year 9 english teacher who has her head in her hands and is done with my shit, while the class laughs at my gaffe* i’d still end up with like 73% or like 26/30. it was baffling. but for people who weren’t the class clown/smart alec like i was from years 7-10 (and like i actually wasn’t once i moved schools).... public speaking is like the leading cause of anxiety, right? like by the time i got to doing speeches/presentations at uni i was having panic attacks... the thought of presenting to my classes made me fucking sick with fear and anxiety. nearly every subject i did at uni (even when i tried to avoid subs with public speaking assessments) and throughout school had some type of presentation/speech whatever you want to call it project/activity in it. even fucking SPORT/PDHPE at school and even philosophy at uni. and these fuckers are saying its not taught in schools. FUCK  OFF. like yeah, i get that they actually mean it in the professional sense.... where people can give the sappy bs motivational speeches or an insightful ted-talk worthy 20-minute presentation... or a great sales pitch. but like??? save that for mike “my dad phoned in to EY and i have a job waiting for me after uni” mcfuck in a business major or law degree? or for clubs like toastmasters? fuck. ok enough of the skills we learn in school. let’s move onto the businesslike-sounding ones of “people management”, “conflict management” and fucking “entrepreneurship”. like. what the fuck? okay in some sense people management and conflict management could potentially be used in managing friendships and relationships in your personal life. but like. i can feel the business underpinnings and i dont like it lmao. like why do you want fully functioning adults straight out of school, franklin? and there’s extra credit conflict management subjects at uni??? or at least my home uni had it... and i never did them bc they were intensive courses during summer break lol. but the one that pissed me off the most was entrepreneurship. LIKE ARE KIDS NOT FUCKING ALLOWED TO BE KIDS NOW????? well  apparently: “NO! YOU MUST ALWAYS THINK OF MONEY MAKING WAYS TO BE RICH! YOU MUST BE ENTREPRENEURIAL!!!!!! YOU MUST GENERATE BUSINESS IDEAS FROM THE TIME YOU CAN FUCKIN’ WALK!!!!! AND SPEAK!!! CHILDHOOD AND BEING A TEENAGER DON’T EXIST WORKER BEE!!!! CAPITALISM FOR ALL!!!! WORKER BEES!!! CAPITALISM IS YOUR FRIEND!!! OWN A BUSINESS BY THE TIME YOU’RE 8 YEARS OLD!” like it’s insidious asf. and it doesn’t acknowledge that most entrepreneurs are already privileged people anyway, who usually have some type of money to start off their venture (or that’s what it feels like anyway). and yeah throw all the “THIS BOY IS AN ENTREPRENEUR AT 18!!! 18!!!???? BY STARTING HIS OWN BUSINESS AT 12!!!! WHAT A CHAMP! 😁🙃” clickbait news stories at me, but i don’t fucking care. the concept and perceived over-importance and almost preaching mindset of entrepreneurship is slowly becoming insidious and toxic asf. call me paranoid. but that’s what it feels like.
but with those last three topics, i want to make a point that school curriculum’s (in australia at least, and probably worldwide) are so jam-packed already with sport (which is pointless and shitty), geography (ok how to read maps is important, but i never bothered to learned to do it properly), history, science, english etc etc etc..... that like.... where the actual fuck are the gonna jam the above bs (people management”, “conflict management” and entrepreneurship) into the curriculum???? and also teachers are already over-worked enough as it is, they don’t need another load of shitty subjects pushed onto them. and they sure asf don’t earn enough (especially in the states) to have this bs pushed into their subject schedules either. keep them at uni, where they should be. or just in the workplace/in the general public where they belong. and if people suggest that you could probably push these subjects into the year 11/12 business studies programs or elective commerce courses in years 9/10, save your goddamn breath. like i remember looking at business studies hsc papers in years 11/12 to see what they did.... and it was pretty chock-a-block anyway. and my experience of my year 9 commerce was horrible, to say the least. let kids be kids, for fucks sake. they shouldn’t have to be fully functioning adults in the workplace, by the end of high school, for fucks sake. AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP IS NOT AN ESSENTIAL SKILL????!!!! FUCK OFF WITH THAT SHIT, WILHELM. anyway. that’s my rant over about how i hate how corporate people are trying to be #relatablewiththeyouth🙃 with their shitty versions of “10 things i wish we learned in school” memes.... and failing.... without realising that this is why millennials are suspicious and cynical about meme usage by corporate people/corporations.
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lumiereswig · 6 years
Please do the ENTIRETY of Forgotten! Hahaha I’m joking, pick your favorite part because that fic is v long 😍
happily, this gonna get l o n g
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“The ball was flawless. In the garden, the roses continued to reach to the sky, and the storm brushed away; the lights shut off in the palace, one by one, and the music faded to silence. The prince went to bed with one or two or three pretty women he wouldn’t care for by the next day. Up in his room, Lumiere popped open a bottle of champagne.”
I set the opening to take place almost immediately after “Lit By The Sun,” though this time showing the evening Lumiere and Plumette never got—the stolen croquembouche up in their bedroom, the sharing of champagne among the servants. In the original timeline, obvs they didn’t get that—they got fire and feathers instead—but yeah. I am totally alluding to my own goddamn fics.
Plumette, lighting the candles by the bed, grinned at him over the flames. He laughed and raised his glass.
It’s not a lumiereswig post if there’s not a fucking fire reference.
“He’s turning just like his father—the prince’s father was like this, too,” Mrs. Potts explains to the musicians, who know nothing about the palace or its politics. They nod and move closer to each other on the bed. “We don’t know what he’d do without us. He’ll be fine, though; we try not to intervene. D’you only have wine up here, Lumiere? I could use a cup of tea.”
Foreshadowing of future bullshit, and also reminding the readers that Garderobe and Cadenza WERE NOT PART OF THIS PALACE-POLITICS SHIT. They did not deserve to be cursed!! fuck you agathe!!!! #justiceforgarderenza2k18
“If you cannot take a little sparkling wine, get yourself to bed, grandmother,” laughs Lumiere, and she swipes at his arms and makes him laugh. He eases into a seat between Cogsworth and Plumette and throws his arms around them.
Really trying to remind everyone how fucking close the staff is. The fam. Also, fuck you bill condon for not letting lumiere hug cogsworth every .3 seconds
“Think how long it has been!” he says. “Forty years for you, Cogsworth, but most of my life for mine. Why, I came here as a teenager—imagine me, only a little older than Chip! Fresh out of Paris and still reeking of the apothecary shop.” He grimaces, thinking of his father’s dusty store in a side-street of the city. He had fled, then, looking for the glamor his missed; in his room in Paris he had practiced dance steps, reveled in fashion, adopted the graceful movements of the court as rebellion against the bourgeois facts of an ordinary existence. He had come to this palace, and he had lit into life; dancing and feasting and glowing like gold made Lumiere’s heart sing.
but tbh it makes sense to me (and has always made sense to me) that for all his glamor-gold, courtiers-and-candelabras bullshit, lumiere is not from an upper crust background. he’s too extra to have been born to it. That level of golden eyeliner and tequila has to be aspired to.
“We met in this palace, do you remember, mon trésor?” Plumette is close in his arms; her scent—fresh and light, like candy and macarons—right beside him. “I was only fourteen, and I loved you right away.”
“I loved you before I met you,” murmurs Lumiere. “I could never forget.”
Lots more foreshadowing, and also backshadowing. Gotta remind the idiots in the audience which motherfuckers in this story are in love.
The next day is their day off. It is their one day off in the year.
honestly this makes no sense (one day off a year???) but it’s adam. pre-curse adam. i can write him to get away with pretty much any bullshit and be like “””*shrug* uhhh he’s a beast, dudes, of course he banned puppies and kittens from the palace and hates daisies and sunshine”“
also tbh i hate the whole adam dialogue sequence, it’s really badly written
Adam stands in the lonely, empty halls. If he stands in the tower, he can see them weaving their way through the forest and down to the village, to spend their day in the company of each other, in Lumiere and Plumette’s case, or with loved ones, in the case of Mrs. Potts. No matter what, all the servants have each other. And Adam has nobody.
casual evermore references whenever we can’t get in a flame pun
….after all, at least when he yelled they looked at him.
someone told me this line broke them and i am forever pleased. yes mofos!!! relish my very slipshod, mostly shite grasp of the english language!!!!! revel in my poor grasp of human psychology!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Lumiere! The night grows old.”
 The crone grows young.
to make up for the shit in the previous chapter, I really enjoy this bit. the whole bashing-between-the-palace-and-the-village nonsense just makes me happy.
Belle wakes up to a jolt in the road, and the rough wool blanket on her face, and the smell of cheese and paint and horse and wind clinging to her skin. She rubs her eyes and tries to wipe away the sleep. They’re in the wagon, again, and Maurice is hunched up in the bench, encouraging Philippe to trot faster. The contents of Belle’s entire life are jammed in around her, a moving nest of drawings and gear-boxes and packets of cabbage-seed.
aaand we’re with belle. I had to rewrite this chapter about five million times because it wasn’t working—I had planned it out too much in advance, you know, and was just like regurgitating the writing rather than writing it—but I’m happy with the textural detail of this bit. Again, sometimes it pays to use the words around what you’re going for rather than the literal sensation; in this case, cheese and paint and horse and wind, and that rough wool blanket. Home, but also chill, and travel, and being uncomfortable, and the 18th century equivalent of going on a road trip and eating crackers in the backseat while dad’s up front and the crackers making the seat all gritty and reading books in the light of the passing streetlamps, ya feel?
Lilles, Reims, Amiens
i don’t understand french geography
A tiny, delicate gesture from his long fingers; it is a surprisingly sophisticated movement for a man in a yellow peasant’s vest, with candle wax creased in the dirt between his fingernails.
this whole chapter is slightly hard to read because it’s clearly trying too hard, but i hope i got across (or at least, whacked you across the forehead with) the bits i felt were important: lumiere’s current emptiness, but the last imprints of who he ought to be hanging around. i also tend to mention the peasant’s vest too many fucking times, just because the image of lumiere wearing anything that’s not satin & silk is fucking devestating. also, it will be important later, and i need yall to remember that LUMIERE DOESNT LOOK LIKE HE NORMALLY LOOKS
“I am nothing now,” says the man, in a flash of vehemence so sharp it is like seeing a flame in the middle of the forest. He looks up to her—his face broad, and white; and it is an empty face, and beyond the fire in his words there is nothing there at all. It is as if someone washed out all his color, and left him only with his yellow vest.  
you can tell, again, this is a lumiereswig fic because suddenly the language is all about fires and flashing and flickers and flames and there’s probably going to be a reference to the sun fucking setting at some point
also, honestly, this was hard to write because i was seeing it as a fucking movie in my head, and transcribing ‘ewan mcgregor lies on a village stoop looking fucking dismal’ is not what literary writing is made of
He welcomes her to the stoop with the flick of a wrist and a tiny nod with the pipe,
just to remind everyone once a-fucking-gain, Lumiere Is Not Normal, And You Can Tell Because He’s Not Being Very Welcoming. like honestly if you don’t say hello by doing a song and dance what the fuck are you doing
“I knew someone once who treasured books that way as well,” he says, and a smile drifts across his face, homeless. Something in him is sparking up at the story: dim, and faint, but laughing. “He once made me read the whole Odyssey—”
ok yes thank god the fic is finally getting good again
Sorceresses turning people to pigs, and the lily-eaters forgetting their homes, and Penelope undoing the days until her husband returns
also if i make a literary reference in a fic i am almost 100% of the time trying to make an obvious as fuck connection between the two
Deeply, deeply frightened. Not of the man on the stoop—she has never seen anyone more harmless, to be quite honest; he is such an empty man, with such silent, lifeless limbs—but of the thing inside his eyes when he speaks of his past. It is Other—a thing not rooted in a Parisian background, or the empty face, or the subdued soul. It is a large streak of gray inside the man’s blue eyes, a gray empty and unnatural and as hollow as cold ice. Staring at his eyes, Belle finds herself clutching her arms with fear.
ahhhh fuck subtlty has gone totally out the window. yall are kind and see what i was going for, but i swear this could be better done if i knew shit
It is obvious to Belle that this is a practiced ritual, the sharing of the secret wine.
in retrospect this fic would be sadder if cogsworth or lumiere weren’t friends, but uhh…i just couldnt bring myself to it.
“Oh là là, he acts as if the French accent is difficult,” says Lumiere, puffing smoke….
“Get off my stoop!” yells the woman. “D’you have wine down there, Lumiere?“
“If you cannot take a little cheap wine, get yourself to bed, grandmother,” calls Lumiere.
and that’s called taking yourself too seriously and referencing your own fic from a few chapters ago
“Mrs. Potts, the crockery-man’s wife,” says Lumiere, and takes a large gulp of the wine. “I barely know her. Thank God.”
PROBABLY THE BEST LINE IN THIS FIC SO FAR. fucking love the simplicity that does so much more than every labored reference to emtpy fucking limbs or colorless eyes beforehands. one simple line and we’re all fucking realizing THE EXTENT OF ALL THIS SHIT
i gotta head off now but i’ll do the rest later tonight
[send me one of my fics (or a bit from a fic) and i’ll do director’s commentary on it—ask here]
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Detective Rinoa
Squally better fucking gather info together with Camp B or I will kill him. I won’t be the only one pulling weight in this. 
Detective Rinoa is on it. 
First things first need to dress for the occasion. I find my best biker shorts, my tightest tank top (might need to use my womanly charm for info), my apple watch, three pens, my pocket journal and a short sleeve cargo vest for all my accessories. 
For protection I bring along Angelo and pepper spray. Plus my shooting star blaster edge. Hair tie on and I am set.
I make a list of all the people with possible info. Christian obviously, J, Tidus, Noah. Also Jenn and Yuna with questions marks after their names. Those two I doubt have any info but maybe since Jenn was dead she’ll remember something. Also I am suspicious of what Natsu was yelling about. Darn if only we had just a little more time together with Camp B I coulda got more info. Maybe they separated us for that reason.
Yuna I put down cause I don’t think she personally had any information but she hung with Eli a 
lot and he knows something. Or at least pretends to know. 
They shut off any way of talking to B. Our phones don’t work trying to call or text them. We obv can’t send letters. I even tried like hacking the system and using email or facebook when I really wanted to talk to Zidane but no that was all blocked. I just don’t get it. When we were in San Diego we were still able to talk to each other just not live together. Now they have us completely separated! Like we been with these people thousands of years and outta nowhere BOOM! Separated. They claim its cause we got “too rowdy” but we were like that forever so something musta changed. 
I bet Ulquiorra knows something about all this spirt stuff but not like I’ll be able to get anything out of him. Or maybe I can? He does have a weak spot for attractive woman. I add him to my list and check myself if the mirror. Yea you got it girl. 
okay who to start with? Christian I probably get most info outt a but I am not in the modd for his cryptic speech pattern right now. So no I wait on that. 
Me and Jenn are friends so I decided to knock her out quick. Okay Rinoa you got this. I whistle Angelo along and head towards her room. 
“Knock knock its me girl!:
“Rinoa!” She runs up and hugs me. She's so cute. I love her. 
“Isn’t this so shitty ! Its like I finally getta be back with Aiden and then they take us apart again ! How could they be so cruel? She pouts and sits on her bed. 
I have been trying the last hundred years to get her to dump that creep but no she's wayyyy into his flaming ass. He;s like a literal monster and fucking killed her! Jenn.  Sweet, innocent Jenn! But she doesn’t listen to reason just with her heart. I admire that in ways but just wish her heart was head over heels for not such a piece of shit as a person. Gray warned me if Aiden found out about what i was doing he would send me straight to hell. He’s not gonna do shit he's a pussy and so what if he does. He doesn’t have shit on me and even if he does that just proves to Jenn he is a fucking monster. Whatever. Fuck Him. 
“I know girl this is so fucked up!! Least we’re on the same camp side!!”
“Yea totally and I guess besides Aiden and Namine I am not really friends with any of them.” 
“Oh you have more friends then that!!” I tried to think who wasn’t a dirt bag piece of shit on that side of the camp. They definitely had wayyyy more then we did. 
“I mean I guess Marcus is like sorta my friend but it always seems like hes making fun of me.” Jenn looked upset at this and began messing with her nails.
You could always tell how anxious she was by how long her nails were. They were like stubs now. It was probably hanging with Aiden. He’s so stressful for her. 
“Yea I feel you girl him and that slut Lana just walk around like they are better then everyone and pretend they are like this power couple when aha- yea no.” (word from narrator. She said the last part with a scoff and a very pronounced “aha: in about the bitchest way you can imagine it) 
“Yea she like hung out in here other day and it was just weeeirdddd.” 
“That is weird why was she in here?”
“I don’t even know she was like asking me about how I feel about Aiden having Harry suck his dick, which I thought was super weird she was thinking about that. Like is she trying to imagine Aiden’s penis or something.” Jenn paused to grab her box of nail polish outta side table drawer. “Anyhow I told her its like fine cause Harrys so weird its like who cares about him.”
“Totally girl.” My nails needed some color too. I searched through her colours till I found a really lovely silver. 
While we both painted our nails and updated each other on our feelings about the newest bachelorette. I felt like Todd should totally get with Kaitlyn but Jenn felt Winston was the better match. Todd was just so cute. Okay now that thats all settled I needed info.
“Hey so like before we got split up Natsu yelled something about you being like a dark thing or like idk what?”
“Yea I don’t know what he was saying it was just like weird and its like how can I be that? Doesn;t make any sense to me”
Rats no info. 
“Yea I wouldn’t worry about it Natsus an idiot and probably just misheard something.”
“Yeah, your probably right.” Jenn looked a bit worried though.
Well this wasn’t getting me anywhere I should go see Yuna next just to get both the easy ones outta the way. 
“Hey girl I gotta go, I am trying to figure out whats going on in this camp. Somethigns fishy and I am going to find out what. Maybe if I do they won’t have us spilt up as much.”
“Okay yea, good luck to you! I know you can figure it out!” Jenn flashed her teethy grin at me. She lead me to door gave me a big hug and sent me on my way. 
Okay next stop stonerville
I tried her room but she wasn’t in there. Fuck hopefully she didn’t go anywhere I guess if she did I could just go to someone else on list. I saw Neji down the hall “Hey Neji have you seen Yuna?’
“Yes she was in the living room watching tv and smoking weed with a ton of people.”
“Thanks!” He seems less angry lately which is nice cause he was getting pretty flippin weird with all his hubris yelling. 
I walked into living room and Neji wasn’t joking there was like 10 people in here. I spotted Yuna squeezed on couch next to Lana and Naruto. Gippal lay sprawled on the couch with his legs on all of them. Such a lazy fuck couldn’t sit up for people. Um Rude!
I didn’t want to talk to her here and have everyone yelling their opinions at once. So annoying. Once I received more information I would relay it to rest of camp but not yet. 
“Rin No Na! What it be what it do?” Jesse yelled. He would be kinda cute if he wasn’t so obnoxious. 
“I am fine, no don’t move over I am not staying.” I looked at tv they were all watching the hangover. I did want to watch it with them but I’ve seen it like 5 times and my mission was important. I sat on coffee table facing Yuna “Psst hey Yuna can we go somewhere to talk’
“WHAT YA GUYS GONNA TALK ABOUT?” Naruto yelled. Great just fucking great now everyones gonna start yelling other annoying things. 
“I bet its period stuff.” Natsu yelled
“No I bet its woman stuff” Naruto yelled
“Periods are woman stuff you dumb fuck” Sasuke yelled
“Shut up all of you its none of your fucking business!.”
Some mumbles and a few more yells how we were gonna have sex and scissor each other. Everyone is so moronic here, it's sooo aggravating. 
“Yea of course Rinoa!” Yuna squeezed herself outta the couch with the grunts from Gippal. He better not vomit on the fucking couch again that was so fucking gross and disgusting.
I guided Yuna to my room which was the safest room to talk. No one ever came here except Zidane but he was with other camp so I am safe. 
“Oh I love what you’ve done with the room!” Yuna smiled and sat on the end of bed . She just sat there smiling. I wonder how her face isn’t stuck in that position from how much she does it. I dug around in my desk until I found my one hitter and a lil bit of weed. I didn’t smoke much so this was probably months old but whatever it will do. I hand the packed pipe to Yuna whose face lights up at it “Oh thank you Rinoa this is so thoughtful!” She takes down the whole bowl in one huge hit. Packing it again with her own personal stash. She hands it towards me but I wave it off. Have to keep my brain clear. 
“So whats going on? Is everything okay?” Yuna asked. Okay good the weed didn’t make her retarded. This stuff wasn’t that strong so that probably helped, also her tolerance I bet is wayyy too high for this cheap stuff to effect her much. 
“Yeah I am fine, everything is good with me. I am just, well I been thinking about all that stuff that happened before they split us up, like about the darks spirits, I was wondering if you knew anything about that?” 
“Oh yes it was such a terrible thing that happened to Jonis dear daughter, I am so furious with Gray and how it all happened. Just so Gray could oh I don’t even know what he wanted out of it which makes me even more mad! “ Yuna huffed a little after all this, its probably from the weed and she didn’t take a single breathe while talking but I liked to believe it was from the extra pounds she carried around with her. Ha chunky Yuna huffing away. Okay Rinoa focus
I didn’t really care about all the stuff with Jonis daughter but I needed Yuna to stay on my side so I said “yea that was so fucked up of Gray, Just cause hes sad and miserable doesn’t mean he needs to bring everyone to his level.” I scoffed and Yuna nodded in approval “So yea anyhow about dark spirits you know anything?”
“Its a horrible place. I don’t know a lot but I know a little bit.” Yuna drank some water and continued “So usually souls are sent to their worlds version of the after life”
Rinoa interrupted “- so its like hell?”
“No I mean hell still exists in some worlds but their soul is still intact for lack of a better term. It can still be retrieved and brought back.” 
“Ok so this place is like totally different from other afterworlds, its like its own entity?” 
“Precisely! Its its own separate place! I am not sure where it came from or how long its been around, Elis I know speculates it formed when the worlds collided, yet I know Aiden was there before that so I don’t believe that is true. Christian told me once its always been around, and after Eli heard about that, he speculated that the reason the worlds collided had to do with this place. I am not sure about any of that. What I do know is the place consists of dark magic and dark beings dwell there. Any soul who steps into that place becomes tainted. So what happened with Lily is because she was killed with dark magic she was tainted and had to be sent there. No other afterlife could handle such a dark being without becoming dark themselves. I don’t exactly know how it all works though.” Yuna looked down seemingly flustered with it all
I pondered on this for a while. She gave me a lot more information then I could have hoped for. 
“So its pretty much the worst place in the universe? No wonder Aiden is so fucked up!”
“Yes it is, Eli told me once anyone who goes there becomes tainted in a way, incomplete rather. Like they aren’t all together human anymore. He couldn’t tell me how or why. He also said anyone who goes their becomes trapped but Aiden is intact and he has his soul still, so Eli must be wrong about that. Or perhaps thats what usually happens and Aiden somehow beat the system? I don’t know its all so horrible I don’t like to think about it!” Yuna took the liberty to pack herself another bowl to smoke. 
“Hmm so if thats the case and J was there and also got out there must be some way.”
“Yes they must be! Ya know I can feel souls with my summoner ability and I have always sensed J’s soul be off. Like it just feels wrong but now that I know he was in that place, thats probably why it feels that way!” 
“Yea and thats why spirits don't seem to want anything to do with him and let him get away with so much shit because they don’t want him around. He probably terrifies them!” 
 I began jotting down things in my journal and Yuna finished off her bowl. 
“Hey Yuna no offense but I gotta go. I need to figure out more about all this and I have quite a few more people to talk to!”
“Oh of course I will leave you, if you need anything more I will be in living room!”
“Okay yea thanks” Just before she left room I thought of one more thing “Hey real quick so I am gonna talk to Noah, Tidus, J , Ulquiorra and Christian , know anyone else in Camp A that would know something?”
Yuna pondered for a second “Perhaps try Sasuke? He seems to know a lot about everything. Oh and try Jet! He was an old commander so perhaps he knows something from his time in charge.”
“Okay yea i put them down, thanks see you around! “ Yuna waved and headed out 
No way in hell was I talking to either one of them. Especially if I didn’t have to. Wasn’t in the mood to get groped and deal with the biggest asshole in camp. No thank you. 
Next stop Noah! 
I found him in his room laying in the dark with his covers up. He looked briefly at me when I entered but turned around to continue staring at his wall. 
I took the liberty to let myself in. I slid out a chair and opened the blinds up so I could see. He looked like shit. 
“Hey I know you probably don’t want to talk about this but I need to know about the dark spirit place or whatever its called.” I paused looking at him “Its important.” I added 
No response. I couldn’t wait for him to get over whatever this was.
“Noah, I need to know, help me out here” 
“Why would you wanna know about that place?” He said it in a whisper 
“I, no we, as a camp need to know!” This came out a lot more harsh then I meant it too. Whatever. Usually the guy was so dumb you asked him anything and he replied. No filters. But now when I need him to talk hes understanding what silence means? What the fuck. Where's lady luck and why isn’t she on my side?
“No you don’t need to know, you think you need to know but it won’t help anything, it won’t change anything. It will just bring pain and destruction. 
I was geting so annoyed at his inability to just answer a fucking question I blew up. 
“OMG are you mansplaining to me? I know what is good and bad for me to know. Fuck right off Noah. I can handle myself, I can handle this, I am not a moron.” 
He sat up slightly at this and sighed “ No you can’t handle this, you or anyone else in camp that isn’t already involved in this doesn’t need to be. Theres no reason for anyone to know anymore then you guys already do. Now please leave me I am not in the mood.” 
I wanted to freak out at him, yet I realized that would get me nowhere. ;”Fine be that way, go fuck yourself Noah!” I slammed his door as hard as I could manage . I sat in the hallway and cried for a little bit. Why can’t I know? He obviously told Joni or else she wouldn’t have had him kill her kid. Or maybe he's the only one that takes orders from Joni. She's such a junkie cunt I bet even if she was here she wouldn’t give me any answers either. Just yell about needing more booze and making stupid inside jokes with jesse that no one else finds funny. They are the worst set of twins I have ever fucking met .
This was pointless. I went to my room and screamed in my pillow for a few minutes. When I was done my throat hurt and Angelo looked worried. 
Sign this whole thing was stupid why did I even try it? No I have to keep going. I decided to go see Tidus when he actually took his meds he was pretty cool and we hung out. When he was off them though it was fucking annoying as shit. Lately he seemed normal so lets hope for the best. I can’t have two let downs in a row. 
I found him in his room lifting weights, his room looked mostly clean which was a good indicator on his saneness. “35, 36, 37,-”
“Hey Tidus its me can I come in?”
“Oh yea Rinoa let me just finish these reps. 38, 39- I waited till he counted to 50 and set the weight down before speaking 
“Hey so I gonna cut right to the chase, your a spirit and everything so I wonder if you know anything about all this dark spirit stuff they were talking about?”
 He was drinking out of his water but stopped after i said dark spirit and his face fell. Oh he totally knows something. 
“Umm no I don’t umm sorry,” He faced away from me and I saw in his mirror him muttering to himself.
“I know you know something Tidus, just tell me I can take it.” He fidgeted around picking up random objects then setting them down. 
“I mean well I wanna tell you but I am not suppose to talk about it” 
“What? Who says you cant talk about it?” Now I was super curious a secret dark spirit place that he was banned from talking about. Oh this was juicy. 
I heard people out the door talking and heard my name so my ears perked up, it sounded like Jesse and Yuna 
“You were talking to Rinoa? Egh talking to her is like I have an itch on the roof of my mouth that only a shotgun can scratch.” Jesse said loudly 
“Oh shes not that bad!” Yuna replied
What a fucking asshole, I made a mental note to go chew him out after this but I didn’t want to wreck my flow I had going here. 
Tidus looked at me sympathetically and I waited till they passed by before talking again
Tidus spoke first tho “Hey don’t mind Jesse he’s just an asshole”
“Uh Yea duh I know that and why would I be bothered by what a lonely wannabe says about me?” My eyes challeneged him to say something stupid. Wisely he changed topics
“Well um what you been up to today? 
“Well I been trying to get people to tell me about the dark spirit place.” 
He looked uncomfortable and said “Uh huh I see, why is it you wanna know so bad?” 
“Because I, or well camp, has the right to know about this, I mean like shouldn’t we do something about it or like go save people from it.”
“You can’t get rid of it that's not how it works, its like saying your gonna blow up hell, its not possible. ANd saving people, why would we have to do that? No one we know is there so that just be a suicide mission.” He shook his head and drank down the rest of his water. Going to refill it in the water jug he had in his room he added “Even if we did have someone to save, we couldn't. It would just be a waste of lifes and resources!” 
“Well Lily got there why wouldn’t we go save her?”
“You know why Rinoa, she doesn’t matter to camp, she's just a kid with no powers.” 
“Omg why didn’t I think of that!” If someone that camp needed or cared about went there we would have to go save them and have to go there! I refrained from saying this out loud though so no one could hear my scheme and block it. Tidus just assumed I didn’t realize Lily was useless which I mean duh, I let him think that though. Makes things easier. 
“Yea I mean maybe she would have powers later but she was only in camp like an hour and I mean like Yuna liked her and- He started rambling about how great Yuna was and I spaced out. Who should I get killed though? It would have to be Noah killing them and use his weird demon thing inside him to do it, can’t be a gun, no pretty sure it have to be Virgo inside him. Hmm who to kill though? My first thought after what Jesse said was him but no he was immortal that wouldn’t work. I don’t know if immortality worked against this but I didn’t want to risk it. Only have one go at this. Hmmm maybe Aerith? She was important plus easy to kill plus Sasuke would go insane and make people go save her with him. Yes, Aerith would be perfect. I almost think Jenn would be funnier to fuck with Aiden but shes useless, so the commanders might not let us go and then Aiden probably just convince himself she never existed and we all would just move on in our lives. Wait, Aerith is a spirit though, that might safeguard her. Not sure but once again don’t wanna risk it. Fuck who then? 
“And shes so caring and pretty and- “ 
“Tidus shut up I am trying to think”
He stopped talking and made a face at me. “You coulda said that nicer” 
“Yea okay I am sorry, whatever, “
“What are you thinking about anyhow?” Tidus inquired. 
Was it safe to tell him? Probably and I would need help with this so bing bing hes the winner! I decided to ease into it though and gauge him out. If he seemed hesitant I would have to find someone new to ask
“I was just thinking how shitty it would be if someone from camp was killed and sent there.”
“Oh yea that would be horrible we wouldn’t see them ever again!”
“I mean never again?” I asked as innocently as I could manage “I mean Aiden got out of there didn’t he?”
“Yea I mean yea but he has Christian helping him when Christian still had access to virgo or well access to his powers”
So thats how it happened hmmm 
“Well couldn’t he access them again?” I inquired 
“No cause Virgo is in Noah.” 
“What about J? He got taken out too? 
“Yea I don’t know how that worked I only just found that out today, I assumine G accessed the igndaemoni stone. I heard that has to do with it” “ I also hear- all of a sudden Tidus’s face just stopped moving 
“What the hell?” I asked and just as I did I saw J walk into the room. Oh so he paused time. What an asshole 
 “J what the fuck!!!! I was so close!!” I pouted and waved my notebook around and my pen flew out of my hand as I flayed around 
“A little too close” His nasally voice said. God his voice was so fucking annoying
“Lets go to kitchen to talk” I followed him in there and noticed quite a few people in there all paused 
“Stop while your ahead Trist me on this.”
“Omg you fucking too-- omg look at grays face!!” 
His face looked like he was just about to sneeze. Contored and retarded looking. 
J let out his shrill laugh while Rinoa laughed like she was actually saying the words heehee     
“Wait Wait look at Lana!” Her face looked like it was turning both ways and her hand was in her butt cheek.
Rinoa and J continued to point out others with dumb expressions on each letting out their different but equally annoying laughs. 
J wiped a tear from his eye “Oh that rich thats just great.”
I decided to try again “So J what the fuck why did you pause everyone.” 
“For my own safety that's why!” He yelled back. God did he not know how to get his voice at a reasonable level 
“You’re safety from what ?”
J looked around like a paranoid drunk. “Just trust me bitch, you don’t want to go down this path.” J himsellf knew hardly anything about this, he had to take a class in it at the spirit university but he fell asleep half way through and skipped the next two classes and the final class he was so lost on the exam he decided to get drunk in the bathroom and have G make sure he got a passing score. What he did know though was that Ulqiorra would kill him if Rinoa started some shit up. Partly why they let Harry and him spy on everyone was for security reasons and as long as everyone behaved themselves, at least a little, they were allowed to continue being camp security.                                        
“DON’T CALL ME A BITCH!” Rinoa stormed, proving J’s point in her screams of rage if she classified as a bitch or not. 
After her yells subsided with some throw ins of “clay piece of fuck,” “get new friends” “your an fucking asshole” she sat down and crossed her arms and started pouting. 
“I don’t see why I can’t just know, I am not gonna do anything with it I just want to know”
“No you definitely want to do something and I can’t risk you knowing too much and fucking things up for me.”
“For you what the fuck do you mean?”
Shit J thought didn’t need to add that last part “I just mean me as like everyone in camp its won’t be good and Ulquiorras gonna flip out if you unite everyone in some doomed mission.”
 Rinoas face contorted but then twisted into a devious smile. “Okay fine I won’t do anything” She said as innocent as she could manage.
J stared at her with a look of disbelieve but he also was just about to go to Milwaukee with Paine, Yuna and Gippal and he really wanted to get to that. Distancing himself from harry has really done wonders for his social life. He gets to hang out with Gipplal, GIPPAL! His dreams were coming true. 
As J daydreamed about his perfect day with Gippal and how maybe they could break off from the other two and get ice cream and Gippal would get some in his beard and J would slowly wipe it off for him-- Rinoa was thinking of how to get j out of camp so she can continue getting answers. “So can you unpause it, I get it okay?” 
“Yea Yea fine,” J took out a device in his pocket and hit the button. Everyone instantly started moving. 
“What where did you guys come from?” Gray asked 
“WE BEEN IN HERE FUCK OFF” J replied and left to go find his new friends. 
“Yea lay off the dope its making you stupid.” Rinoa shot back at him 
“I don’t recall you guys being in here either” Lana stated
“Whatever you guys are all dumb then” Rinoa flipped her hair and walked out of the room, forgetting about Tidus for the moment and headed back to her room 
In Tidus’s room he was quite shocked by Rinoa disappearing and was terrified he had hallucinated the whole conversation “Oh no Oh no, she was here, wasn’t she? No nonononono! “ Tidus yelled and began searching around his room for her. Looking under his bed and in his closet for obvious places but then under books and his lamp thinking maybe she somehow shrunk. Moving on from schizo boy we head back to Rinoa. 
“Okay I just have to find a way to get J to leave. hmmm “ Rinoa mindlessly pet Angelo while brainstorming. Suddenly Yuna walked in. 
“Hey Rinoa is was lovely talking to you earlier, I hope you figure out what your looking for!” 
“Yea yea I am trying to think now so can you like leave?’
“Oh okay yea no I can’t stay I am going to milwaukee with some friends!” As yuna turned to leave Rinoa yelled for her to stop
“Wait who are you going with?” Rinoa asked, she had to get J to go with them somehow. 
“Oh um Paine, Gippal and J” 
Rinoa jumped up and ran and hugged Yuna “OMG I could kiss you thats fantastic! Don’t let me keep you go go” Rinoa shooed out the very confused Yuna. 
“Okay Angelo we are back on track!” Rinoa jumped for joy grabbed her notepad and ran to go find TIdus. 
-- And that finishes Part 1 of this story-- I will either finish it or can have Rinoa explain how rest of it went when I see ya tomorrow! Probably do the latter so we can move on with plot! 
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fineillsignup · 7 years
13, 15, & 21!
13) your strengths as an author
(Self-challenge: no self-depreciatory “I think” and “sorta” and that kind of thing. I encourage others who do this meme to consider taking the same challenge.)
Dialogue. Love to get them chit-chatting away. Vocabulary; it’s not simply that I have a very large vocabulary, but I’m discerning in how I use it. I don’t use a long word just to use a long word, but I don’t shy away from the more esoteric word if it’s the right word.
15) why did you start writing?
I had a complicated pregnancy and was very confined at the end of it. I ended up getting huge inspiration for a Dynasty Warriors fanfic and churned out 100k words in a month. 100k! Holy hell. This is what happens when you basically do nothing but write fanfic.
I also read a lot of fanfic because there were days that I was literally too exhausted to use a regular computer, but I could use a phone while lying down. Dynasty Warriors is a teeny fandom so I quickly burned through everything I wanted to read. “Naruto,” I said to myself, “that’s over now right? I wonder how it ended?” Aaaand the rest is history.
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
Edit: a;dslfkajdsf;skd I just realized you put 21 and not 19. Why did I copy 19????? Well I’ll answer 21 in the next ask. _(:_」∠)_
If I am aware ahead of time that I am plotting a complex narrative (sometimes I’m not–I wrote Your Most Important Person entirely chapter by chapter, as you can tell by the author’s notes at the bottom that keep saying “Next chapter will probably be the last… no, um, the next one… ok the NEXT one will be the last one…”), I usually have a small document where I basically summarize the major plot points of the story. Because it’s me, though, it often includes stuff like me breaking the fourth wall, breaking into script format, etc. Under the cut I’ll put some of my summary for Heart Under a Blade. This spoils chapters that have already been published, but doesn’t spoil anything that hasn’t been published.
Sakura to Hinata: take it slow
Sakura to Naruto: take it slow
Kakashi to Naruto: take it slow
Naruto to Hinata: would you like to date?
Hinata: *spontaneous heat*Naruto and Hinata: do the do (not on the page)
They get help from Neji and Kakashi. Naruto and Kakashi used shadow clones for the meeting, so it’s their shadow clone that ends up getting put in house arrest with HInata. All for the better because now the real Naruto can move more freely since Danzo et al think he’s locked up. Yamato wood clone as guard. Kakashi, real Naruto and Yamato leave directly for the summit on a double mission: plead for Sasuke and accuse Danzo of complicity in the Uchiha Massacre and thus Akatsuki. (Erroneous but on the right track obv.)

Sai doesn’t know about NaruHina, Sakura doesn’t know about NaruHina. So they still do their “naruto loves you and you gotta kill Sauce” dance and everybody chases after Naruto.
Tobi’s talk with Naruto et al goes along the same lines, confusing everything even more. Tobi is not as confident as he was in KishiCanon. He doesn’t have the 7 tails at all, and one of his few remaining living allies is bonded to its jinchuuriki. Not sure yet how this will change his talk exactly but it will change drastically what he does next. He is Not Ready to take on the whole shinobi world, so he needs them not to ally yet.
Sakura starts to do her confession and Naruto’s like “…Sakura-chan, you are so lying, and also I’m married btw, so clearly I’m not just doing this for my promise to you.” Sakura’s still like “Damn!!! I can’t make Naruto do everything I gotta do this” and her team goes off.
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