#2nd Mexican Empire
yourmexahistory · 9 months
Did u know that mexico was once technically under the french empire?
Yeah, do you know the whole 5th of may thing? well it's a celebration of the battle that the mexican state (with the help of indigenous people) won against the french, but they didn't won the war.
So, context. After mexico got its "independence" there were several other states that wanted to take over it: spain, britain, usa, and france. So the french try first through whats called "the war of the cakes" which sounds so much fun than it actually was (a lawsuit that some french bakers put out against the goverment after some people trashed their business). Anyways things happened and this powers (except the usa) decided that the mexican state owe them money so it started to pay whats called "the foreign debt or la deuda externa" which continues to exist 'till this day. Things happen again and now Benito Juarez, Jalisco native of indigineous heritage, masonero (sortof part of the ilumanti? i think?) and face of the Liberal Party whose motto was "The respect to the right of others makes peace", becames president, and decides to just stop paying said debt.
The european powers were angry and they threaten with invasion, but alas, Benito was like wait "abrazos no balazos or hugs not guns. " (reference to the current president of México) "and you win, I'll pay you the money", and the powers were like, you know what, yeah, and retreated. All except the french. (It was the third french empire? The one with Napoléon the third), who decided to invade México, again with around 6 thousand soldiers, which some die in the battle of puebla but at the end they were able to get into CDMX. Making it now part of the french empire.
However it wasn't like Napoleon the 3rd would've wanted to administrate the state/piece of land/ whatever it was at the time, plus he had wanted to established a local economy. So he talked to the Conservative party in México about what where their ideas for a candidate, and they said, a monarch (european obvs.) that was Catholic, and they ended up finding Maximiliano de Hasburgo, an austrian archiduque. Legend has it that the man was like "I'm not going unless the people in México want me to be their "king" or something like it. To which of course the conservative party was like "of course, they love you" (they didn't?? Like you'll see its weird).
Max de Asburgo arrived to Veracruz two years after the Battle of Puebla (aka 5th of May) in May, 1864 and then later made a big entrance to the Capital and all. He was the one that was like, you know what "we should built a castle near this lake that's called mountain of the crickets" which is why we now have the Castillo de Chapultepec, he put in vogue the fashion of having the president reside in a Castle until the presidential palace? home? in Los Pinos was created, which has been changed once again by the current president, who was like "fuck that, I'm staying at the castle" (i think, memory is a bit illusive). That being said, is important to note that Benito hadn't dissapeared, he still had a goverment, that changed headquarters everytime the conservative/imperial forces knocked, but he was there and he was fighting.
So, the arguments between the liberals and the conservatives, have to do with how the state is administrated in based of three key factors: 1st Republic (aka USA model) vz Monarchy (aka european model) 2nd Centralist vz Federalist and 3rd a lay goverment vz a religious one. And Conservatives where very you know, vocal about their religion and how México should be yk a Catholic State, and it WAS, but freedom of religion allowed to people to persue other spiritual/religious avenues therefore weakening the power of the church. And Max didn't only do that, he also took away the good of the chuch and nationalized them, and ecleciastic juristiction- which limit the role of the church in tribunals and stuff.
Max wasn't what conservatives expected. He did ruled under a monarchy, though I think we should know it wasn't an absolutist one, HE had the executive power and when he wasn't present her wife had it (She's a controversial figure some love her some hate her, she has a corrido in her name titled goodbye mom Carlota which refers to when she was exiled after her husband was murdered, but i'm getting ahead of myself). The lesgislative power was manged by the congress of ministers, and the judicial by the tribunal of accounts. But the most important part was that He made the law under which the empire would be mange in accordance to european LIBERAL principles as: personal freedom, equality under law, personal security, people not being able to enter your home without explicit permission, freedom of expresion (or more acurrately freedom of the press), freedom of work, and the most important for the historical context freedom of RELIGION.
Anyways, 2 years later the French lost against the Gringos in some battle, and they are like "we're out of north america" (they still had the french guayana, and i think still do? so they're still in america but they left México). So they retire the french troops that were in México and practically left Max and Carlota to fend for themselves. Things didn't look great for Max the conservatives hated him for being a liberal and the liberals for being a conservative, Benito had taken the opportunity of the french retiring to seized power and get back into the presidential seat. Benito told Max "Go back to where you came from" or something like it, and Max did wanted to go back to Austria but his mom and brother back there were like "And come back as a COWARD, a fail Monarch. No, you stay there and die like men".
And that's tecnically how México was part of the French empire under austrian administration. As always take anything I say with big excepticism, enjoy your 5th of May celebrations.
And die like men he did. The republican party, the one of Benito, held him a trial found him guilty and tie his hands, blindfolded him, and then shoot him to dead the 19 of July 1867. Legend has it that before he was shot he said the following words "Let the blood spilled by my death heal the wounds of México." His blood, however, did not heal any wounds.
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hazbinhappy · 3 months
hii!! I was wondering if you could match me up with someone!! My name is Jamila(its arabic) and im a lesbian she/her hobbies: i sing(soprano),play piano,draw,figure skate,sew,bake, and crochet. Personality: im a very social person!! Im usually nice but i can be somewhat bratty sometimes(as in if we dont do what i wanna i kinda shut down),i can be bitchy sometimes but thats usually when im overstimulated or about to have a meltdown(im autistic), im also really hyper!! My love language is physical touch(im a very clingy person usually. I do have kinda bad communication skills bc of how i was raised so i usually start crying when im mad or sad abt something. I apologize alot sometimes. Im mentally ill(idk if i should mention that😭) abt me!!: I have a cool scar on my hand(it covers the side w the thumb on it) from a 2nd degree burn. I have a few more scars all over! My favorite colors are pink and red. Im mexican!!! I LOVE musicals(especially mean girla and heathers). My favorite actor is Avantika,winona ryder or renee rapp. My style is mcbling(fav color combo for outfits is black and pink) i love shoping. My parents own a restaurant so im usually hanging around there and bake things! I live in Miami(basically live at the beach tbh) i LOVE juicy coutore i own lots of vintage juicy and vintage Victoria secret pink things! Im a cat person! Im a picky eater(😭) and i have insomnia (its horrible.) IM TERRIFIED of bugs and i LOVE flowers i hope this was enough info abt me..😖. My demon has pink hair (like verosika),pale white skin(basically fur shes a bunny),she has bruise marks and cut marks in pink on her fur (kinda like birth marks for hell?) because when she died she was beaten to death. She has bunny ears that are usually flopped down and a bunny tail:3 she wears a red leather mini skirt w a red tank top that has lace on it. She wears juicy coutore jewlery and has red thigh highs w black boots(therye platform)
i hope that was enough info!!! Have a good day thank you:))
Your Matchup is....
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I think this one was obvious, but still :D
I think that initially she’d own your soul as a fashion designer, but over time you guys forget that she owns your soul
She likes that you have multiple hobbies because in the beginning that means you would’ve been a content farm for her, but as she started to care for you saw that you have a limit she made a schedule that worked for her and you so that you were comfortable
She doesn’t mind the physical touch even if it’s not really her love language, but don’t touch when she’s mad or busy! She is sensitive to that kind of thing so just ask first and you’re in the clear!
Her love language is quality time so spend time with her as she talks shit and she’ll be all smiles
Velvette is like the 2nd bitch out of the V’s so don’t worry about that (though you seem sweet so it balances out a bit)
You’d be surprised that the V’s have pretty decent communication skills (look at the media empire they run in all of Hell) so if yours is bad she’d either ask for clarification so just try to figure it out on her own (not in a bad way, but more so in a time efficiency way)
Crying when mad or sad is just a stress reliever! I don’t think she’d make fun of people for crying, but she usually doesn’t care unless it is you crying because she’s with you not the those other people
Why shop when she can poof it up or have someone make it? Jk she’d also love to shop with you and show off her designs in stores too, but if it’s like trinket shopping she wouldn’t mind as well
She wouldn’t mind having a cat… just keep it out of her studio.
Velvette is probably a picky eater too so don’t worry y’all are there together
Velvette has a shit sleep schedule due to managing their social media and apps and designing so she’s happy to have another person be up with her
Sadly nice flowers aren’t in hell, but hey she can make flowers out of fabric!
“Velv…? You up?” You open your eyes to see Velvette laying on her back, her own eyes closed.
“Yeah, Sweetie… Can’t sleep?” She lets out a deep breath before turning to you.
“No… Wanna cuddle?”
“Yeah, I’ll hold you for a bit.”
 She pulls you closer and you guys curl around each other.
“You’re tense. Wanna talk about your day?”
“Fuck yes. Tell me why this bitch Vox wants to be all modern and shit, doesn’t understand the fact that not everything can have a 1950s filter or theme to it? Have you seen his posters in the lobby? Horrendous! I’m so close to burning them.”
A/N: twinnn where have you been jk jk but i’m cuban and i grew up/visit florida a lot i miss it so much :( i also crochet :)
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vyragosa · 1 year
> fou guides us to tezca after we say we want to give him choco, 2nd ascension, calls us trespasser and in fighting stance (pokemon wild encounter screen blurring as if fou was our eevee, fou calls him nekoman)
> cat vs dog, immediately calls out fou as a beast after fou threatens him if he ever does anything to us
> is using moriarty's unused factory in making a chocolate empire to give him 2 days to "return the feelings i received from you"
> 2 days later, reads about his...bankruptcy!
> drinking in moriarty's bar, "you lost everything?" is comforted by FOU EVEN LMAO. "to be comforted by the beast of comparison by bad luck has come an end.."
> we say "choco palace i really wanted to see it..." POCA SAYS HE WAS JOKING BUT NOW IS SADDENED TO HEAR WE WERE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT...
> only has enough left to make us mexican hot chocolate, says hes broke but he can at least give us this much, don't want us to drink just yet
> says we will cheer over alcohol later, a toast to our survival, a reward for braves <3
"For your efforts and the time you have spent surviving."
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todayshistory · 1 year
Today in History: March 6th
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A bit of March 6th history..
1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte captures city of Jaffa, Palestine defeating the Ottoman Empire
1836 - Battle of the Alamo: After 13 days of fighting, 1500-3000 Mexican soldiers overwhelm the Texas defenders, killing 182-257 including William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett
1857 - Dred Scott Decision: US Supreme Court rules Africans cannot be US citizens
1869 - Mendeleev presents 1st periodic table of the elements to the Russian Chemical Society
1899 - “Aspirin” patented at Bayer
1964 - Boxing legend Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and changes his name to Muhammed Ali, calling his former title a “slave name” (pictured)
2017 - US President Trump signs his 2nd executive order barring travelers from 6 mostly Muslim countries, but leaves out Iraq
2018 - Forbes names Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, the world’s riches person for 1st time at $112 billion, Bill Gates #2 
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themountainsays · 2 years
Was a Mexican throne the during the mexican war of independence most of the anti independence army was made of the nobility in mexico and when during that Spain had a revolution and went we are going to give democracy and rights and liberal constitution to our subjects the army fighting in Mexico was pissed so they defected to the rebels and the leader of said army became the emperor of the first Mexican empire he and the empire were gotten rid of in a year. Fast forward to the 1860s mexico is broke and defaults on its debt this pisses off a a lot of people including Napoleon III leader of 2nd french empire who sees an opportunity to expand the french empire and make mexico a client state since he has a reason for war and the USA was too busy to enforce the monore doctrine so he got a habsburg prince from Austria Maximilian asked him if he wanted to be emperor of mexico he said yes and they invaded creating the second mexican empire the war was long bloody and eventually the french decided it was worth it and left Maximilian was captured and executed by firing squad. He gave the people who were gonna shoot him a gold coin to not shot him in the face for his mother sake and last words were "I forgive everyone, and I ask everyone to forgive me. May my blood, which is about to be shed, be for the good of the country. Viva México, viva la independencia!" He said this in spanish which is notable since he would have spoken german as his first language.
O_o man that's wild i need to study mexican history so bad, i kinda got stuck w argentine xix and xx century history here but this sounds so sick
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rosheendubh · 7 months
ai-ya…shameless lady-crush fangRRling…
Mostly, character-inspires for the SpaceRockOpera AU (of Star Wars combining TTT/HoT/Dark Empire events, with the Keltiad fused with Firefly-Serenity…)—
-Rhyanon ferch Garowen (Daenerys, combined with equal doses of Yelena Belova/Dr Temperance Brennan/and Dr Janet Frasier…), a biokinetically gifted, skilled medic/biologist and her Dathomiri witch-lover, Kalinda (based off Kalinda from ‘The Good Wife’, even in terms of her role as an info-slicker-cybersecurity specialist…private contract—works with the Terran Core Parliament as much as the ImperialRemnant/Empire of the Hand, or The RepublicAlliance…as her profit and proclivities lie…combo’d with Yennefer of Venderberg…)…
—Rhyanon does, of course become involved with both Luke and Thrawn in a complicated game of illicit love-affairs-illicit bio hacking-cloning-super soldier chimaerasizing-awakening Dark Matter entities and nefarious uses of archeogenomes-space-vampires (the Telchines-Coroniad of the Keltiad, inspired by the Coroniad race of the Mabonigion…)-space vampire fathers and aunts (a little Circe and Medea dynamic…it’s s messed up family dynamic for Rhyanon-)-space vampires exploiting other alien species into bio harvesting servitude (my Ka’ali as a the Terran quadrant origins of the Noghri)-Thrawn is a colonialist authoritarian ass-as are the ChissAscendency-Thrawn-who’s basically my version of Rommel meets Napoleon meets Thomas Jefferson-meets Theoderic the Great-meets Julius Caesar—and Tywin Lannister with Spock-aded to swirl of Bronte-esque Heathcliff and Rochester tragic hero complex-breaks the Galaxy in half by collapsing the Wormhole-sacrifices Csilla-and is willing to bring Artor Imperator’s dead ship back from the Maw/The Dead Zone/Sterike Regions of space to recover the 2nd Starflash weapon lost 1000 years before with the Great Cataclysm-develops a complicated BroMance with Luke-(who’s my version of Luke combined with Peter Quill in Luke Skywalker’s original concept as Starkiller…check it out—his original concept Art before A New Hope even looks like Quill’s StarLord…)-snd a threesome with Rhyanon—who really just wants to go home to Caledonia Secunda-and open a clinic for new world emigres and fly her space-capable pegasuses with her Lady love…lol-yes, that Karaoke scene at the renamed Mos Vespa cantina (princess Vespa as a resurrected Arhinda Pryce combined with Space Balls Princess Vespa) set in a revised ‘Tatooine Ghost’ meets ‘SideTrip’ events as Thrawn-disguised as a Mandalorian/JodoKast-gets inveigled into singing ‘Piano Man with Rhyanon’-in order to defuse a potential tavern brawl-whilst Rhyanon-who’s done up treating idiot criminal under lords inhabiting Fett’s most violent parish where no outreach medical staff with any training dare serve…except Rhyanon-who Luke is after-and Thrawn is after-for their own purposes of saving the Galaxy-with tracking Killick Twilight-on a night Rhyanon just wants to chill with a drink amid the newly imported Terran pastime of Karaoke-at the seedy dive bar-in a scene that turns into Pirates of the Caribbean2-tavern brawl-Thrawn/of course-enacting the role of Jack Sparrow navigating his elegant exit (disguised as a Mandalorian still)-while all chaos spews around him-and WAIT-Firefly’s Operative-named Judah-I believe arrives at some point as well-having traced Rhyanon across the Wormhole sent by River Tam and Mal Reynolds-into a street chase scene through MosVespa (formerly MosEisley)-that culminates with Kalinda on Fett’s pet-rancor (she is Dathomiri by origin)-reprimanding all the misbehaving children-and saving her lady-love who-in a Mexican draw-involving the Operative/Judah-suddenly hears the Operative speak in her native tongue-Pretanic(neo-Brythonic-a combo of Welsh and Gaelic rewound to its Celtic-Gaulic lsnguage roots…but evolved into a future linguistic smash-burger)—later revelations that Thrawn discovers of the Operative/Judah having slain JorgCardas-who crossed the Wormhole as Shepherd Book-and gets a little irritated-as Thrawn wields the Dark Saber in this get-up-here we have the Operative facing off with Thrawn—Katana vs DarkSaber…it’s a honorable death for someone-and the inspiration for River Tam’s “2 by 2, hands of Blue…”
0 notes
goldenpixelcoop-en · 1 year
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plants as a site of knowledge
Film screening (in person and online), billboards and workshop
Billboards presentation: 24.05.2023
 / 19:30 Uhr Film screening: 24.05.2023
 / 20:00 Uhr Botanical walk: 25.05.2023 / 17:30 Uhr Online film screening: 25.05.-01.06.2023 / 20:00-21:35 Uhr
Flucc Wien, Praterstern 5, 1020 Vienna
Online film screening: https://streaming.goldenpixelcoop.com
Films by: Patricia Esquivias, Hanna Rullmann & Faiza Ahmad Khan, Shireen Seno, Tin Wilke & Miguel Goya Billboards by: Pille-Riin Jaik Botanical walk by: Birgit Lahner Curated by: Enar de Dios Rodríguez and Marlies Pöschl, The Golden Pixel Cooperative
The film programme plants as a site of knowledge collects stories about the relationship between plants and memory, accounts that inform about the socio-political and economic entanglements present in ecosystems’ histories. What kind of memory do plants carry with them? To what extent are they part of cultural memory? Can time be turned back in ecosystems and if so, what are the (political) implications? The films that will be presented during this screening reflect on how plants have been separated from their environment in the service of colonial representation or economic interests in order to circulate or be grown in another place.

Besides the screening, which will happen at flucc and will be available online via the GPC Online Screen for a week, there will be also a “botanical walk” around the flucc area lead by Birgit Lahner, and artworks by GPC member Pille-Riin Jaik will be presented on the flucc billboards.
Shireen Seno: To Pick a Flower, 2021, 17 min.
Patricia Esquivias: Cardón cardinal, 2020, 38:37 min.
Hanna Rullmann & Faiza Ahmad Khan: Habitat 2190, 2019, 16:34 min.
Tin Wilke & Miguel Goya: Las Flores, 2022, 19 min.
BILLBOARDS Pille-Riin Jaik: Communal Weeds, 2023, intervention on billboards Weeds like to thrive on disturbed lands. Their favourite locations being next to train stations and roadsides. They adapt with ease to rather cruel conditions and enrich the damaged soils during transitory phases. Where there is a need, there's weed. Deemed quite often unuseful and of disturbance by the pragmatists, weeds have developed various forms of counteractions and elaborate skills of perseverance. Like a many-headed monster, if it's plucked out, a new, more-headed version will appear.
WORKSHOP Birgit Lahner: Botanical walk around the Flucc Past, present and future from a plant perspective The diversity of urban plants, especially the fragmented floodplain landscape in the 2nd district, but also the inconspicuous flora of the city's wastelands and pavement cracks, often perceived at best as a backdrop, gradually come to the fore on this walk. This new view of urban vegetation allows us to recognise the manifold interrelationships between humans and plants and to marvel at their adaptability.
Max. 15 participants, registration at [email protected] Please wear appropriate clothing, the walk will also take place in the event of rain.
Shireen Seno, To Pick a Flower, 2021, Video
A potted plant is placed on a pedestal: It becomes a stand-in for an absent groom in a wedding photograph. While this plant seems to bear a certain agency, the plants in the images to follow have been broken apart in ever smaller pieces, in order to be transported by workers and then sold. Using photographs taken during the American colonial era in the Philippines, Shireen Seno traces the sticky relations between humans, nature and their entanglements with empire.
Patricia Esquivias, Cardón cardinal, 2020, Video In 1992, a giant cactus from the desert of Baja California was moved to Spain in order to be showcased at the Mexican Pavilion gardens of the Sevilla Universal Expo. Esquivias’ film tells the history of this journey, the cactus’ life afterwards, currently surrounded by the pavements of a parking lot, and many entangled stories. The narrated collage constructed by Esquivias, which partly happens in front of her computer screen, as it’s characteristic from her video works, draws careful and unpredictable lines between past and present.
Hanna Rullmann & Faiza Ahmad Khan, Habitat 2190, 2019, Video “Habitat 2190” takes as protagonist a site in Calais (France) which served as a migrant camp and is planned to become a nature reserve area. This essay film reflects upon the artificialities of borders, and the intersection of mobilities, while questioning how value is constructed, how nature is imagined and which species get to be protected. Rullmann & Ahmad Khan’s work juxtaposes conversations, official documents, and on-site recordings in order to reveal complex issues from contemporary Europe.
Tin Wilke & Miguel Goya, Las Flores, 2022, Video Trios of magic bells are neatly lined up on the shelf of a supermarket. In “Las Flores”, the people whose labour is behind the immaculate appearance of these flowers become visible. Through the eyes and ears of their mobile phones, Vicky, Roca and Tincho, three Latinx immigrants document their work in a German flower factory during the first lockdown in 2020. A dazzling film told from the interstices, reflecting on labour, the fear of what comes next and the moments of freedom in between.
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nityarawal · 2 years
Bribe Mill-
Obama Care 
Morning Songs
Stop Blaming Me
Inland Empire Health Plan
Obama Care
I Filed Over 1000
David, Samantha & Joanna
No - I Won't Stop
Got A Class Action 
Against Blue Shield
But County Options
#ObamaCare Was Worst
They Wouldn't Sign Me
Up The First Year
The 2nd They Cackled
And Wouldn't Change
My Address From Detention
When I Called 911
For  Free Obama Phone
To Stay Connected
Verizon And
BBVA Bank Dropped Me
Gay Manager Charles
Had Me Raped And Beat 
From 911
Sargeant Protero
United Way
Lexus Lemon
California Rental Car Fraud
With DMV.org
Triple A
Gay Militia
Daniel Crabtree
Officer Enoch
Didn't Seem To Matter
If I Paid Cash Or Not
Spent $5,000 Dollars
On The First Year Of
Therapy For Courts
Spent Thousands On
Private Forensic Dr's
Forensic Psychologists
Forensic Accountants
Doing Tax Returns
The FBI Swallowed
My Money For Lexus
Lemon Lawsuit
I Got Sold Out On Bribes
To Amex
Wells Fargo 
And #BBVA (Bought Out By #PNC Bank ) 
#Verizon Pimped Line Of 20 Years
Encinitasbeachhome.com To Cricket
#TMobile Blocked
Me From Medical
With Congressman Ken Calvert
DA Michael Hestrin
And Oathkeeper Sheriff Pathologist
Chad Bianco
Judge Clark
Atty Clark's
Idyllwild Newspaper Clarks'
Broker Shane Stewart
Plus Insurance Fraud
2.5 Months Of Covid19
Broken Ribs
Another Year Of Abuse
Hostage on #TMobile Bribes
For Courts
Is That The Health Insurance 
You Want Guys
Years Of Court
"I Care Alot"
Psychological Attacks
Neighbors Murdered
Property Managers
United Way Doesn't 
Want To Pay Rent
County Took Bribes
Brokers And Attys
To Shoot Us Down
With Lies
Plea Bargains
We Don't Want To Be Part
Of Your Bribe Mill
Saw 100's Of Court Dr's
They Were The Worst
Loved Dr. Adam Cash
My Latest Forensic Psychologist
But He's Scared Of Court
And Therapist
Tima Ivanova
Who Can Blame Him
For Not Returning
Her Calls
She Obviously Had
A Hiding Agenda
For Emily Pearson's
Hope And Healing Sent
Two Therapists
In 2021 After IEHP Blocked Me
From Own Providers
For Two Years
The First Con Was
Tanisha Thompson
She Quit Within Days
I Called Ken Calvert
Our Congressman
Needing A Ride To Court
I Begged Scott Peters
Sandiego Congressman 
To Help
Stop The Legal Abuse
With Aid
He Promised 211
Would Assist
None of Them Did
Not Even Therapist
Julie Anne Steiger
From Calm And Ground
Or Carmel Benson
My Boss At Idyology
Who Promised Me A Ride
To Court
Nor Ken Carlsson
My Real Estate Atty
Of Three Years
Who Ate Their All The Time
She Wouldn't Let Me Talk To Him
She Wouldn't Let Me
Give Him Check
She Wouldn't 
Help Pay On His Website
With My Small 
Small Pittance Of
A Paycheck 
She Threw Away My Keys
And My Social Security Card
My Hydbrid Battery Was Dead
After 10 Months
Of Raped
I Need Unemployment Comps
So Does Steven Lee
We Didn't Like The Way She
Sexual Assault 
With Police
And The Way They Abducted Me From Work
Her Loyalty Was To Her
Little Boytoy
Daniel Godsnick
Instead Of Me
Her Loyalty Was To Oath Keeper Jeremy Parsons
Instead Of Me
Her Loyalty
As A Psychologist
A Jaded Woman From New York
Whose Been Thru The Courts
Was To The Bribe
She Sold Me Out
I Almost Died
And She Threatened
Our Celebrity Chef
Steven Lee
The Master Class
The Same
If He Came And Got His
Pots And Pans
And Knives
And If He Wouldn't Sleep With Her
She Called Me All The Time
Looking for Him
He Was Camping
And Didn't Want To See Her Face
Even In The Pretty Little
Airbnb Guesthouse
She Had No Respect
For His Marriage
Said It Was Open
I Called Him Pappa Bear
Was A Chef Maestro
You Had No Respect
For His Talents 
Boiled Him Down
To A Gigolo
Then Andrea At Hope And Healing
Quit A Day Before Court
And Birthday In September
When TMobile Cut Lines
For 3 Days
September 16th
Mexican Independence Day
Couldn't Get Calls
Get Payment To Airbnb
And My Host
Therapist Amy Bell Reccomended
Designer SSIs
In 2016
Everyone In California
Is On Antidepressants
It's in The Water
Does It Work
Why Do They Alternate
With Drugs
Why Was My Atty
Ashby Clark Sorrenson
Appearing To Be
On Speed
Lying About Being An
Real Estate Attorney
Lying About Getting My
Under Delusions
He Was Just A Public
Defender Scammer From The
Same Office Of Vista 
PDS Mathew Robert's
Christopher Stapleton
Sherry Stone
Kristin Scogin In Sandiego
Whitney Ryan
In Riverside
Southwest Murietta
All Taking Bribes
For Our Homes
And Businesses
They Beat Me With
A Marine Officer
Mark Milton
In 2017
When My Divorce
Was Finalized
With Verizon Phone
In Hand
From Lexus
In Pitch Dark
At 5AM
Courts Stole My Home
Stole My Retirement
Stole My Kids
With Restraining Orders
Attacking My Right
To Bear Arms
And Defend Us From Rapists
Ask for Legal Aid
On Social Media
And With Phones
Estranged By
Mathew Brower
A Marine Judge Vet
From Afganistan
Alienated By
X Husband
Attempted Murder 
On Bribes
Endless Bribes
There's Been A
Dr. Gardner Agenda
To Groom My Kids
#FreeBritney And I
Some Of The Shrinks
And Property Managers
Landlords Didn't Make It
Dr. Anthony 
Died At RPDC
Mission Valley Hospital
Kills 70 Moms A
Officer Hanby
And Lardaby
Begged Judge Clark
To Stop The Honor Killings
For Divorce Court
Leslie Wiedner Died 
My Landlady
Within Months of Reccomending Congressman
Scott Peters
Ken Calvert
And Their Atty Nick Depinto
Her Daughter Actress Tina Molina
On Slumlording
On Tollgate
By Idyllwild Arts
Hoarding Art
And Ipad
Fur Coats
Johnny Was
EveryThing Any Rockstar
With Thousand Dollar Boots
You Ask If I Want
To Appeal This
Yes- I Do
I Need All My 
Assets Back
From Dr's Since
2016- Lying And
Taking Bribes From
We Went To Joey
Delia's Marriage
Counselor- She Didn't Work For
Them Or Us
Joey Tried To 
Sleep With His 15 Year Old
Daughter And Friends-
On An Overnight
Mamma Robby-Jean
Said No
Won Custody
Her Teens Didn't Want
To Ever Stay 
At Pervy Daddy's Again
Momma Won In Court
Momma Got All
Sunshine, Moon, Star
And Tatiana
With A New Latino Dad
Sometimes Moms Win
Against Abusers
But It's Rare
And No One Should've
Called Us Crazy
For Being A Realtor
Or Teacher
Who Cares 
Robyjean Was Shocked
To See My Ex Dr. Rawal
Standing Behind Joey
Losing At Court
Looking Like A Pedophile
Before His Family
No One Should Call Us
Crazy Because We Write
No One Should Call
Us Crazy Because 
They Have ADHD
And Think We Ramble
No One Should Call
Us Crazy
Because We're Natural Moms
Or Have High Pitched Voices
Like Michael Jackson
And Britney Spears 
Have Faith
Don't Do Drugs
And Don't Appreciate
Being Raped
By Your Staff
No One Should Call
Us Crazy Because
We Didn't Like Your
Zoo- No One Should
Call Us Crazy Because
Your Insincerity Is
Killing Mammas
No One Should Call
Us Crazy When You
Stole Homes
Tried To Kill Us
In Hospital Cages
On "Mental Health" Care
When Really Dr's
Amped Meds 
So High We Could Barely
Or Function
Restless Leg Syndrom
Ensued On The Next
My Brother Haydn Called
Me On A Recorded Line
To Let Me Know
The Children Were Raped
By 12 Officers
On Wellness Checks
For An Atty Dime
This Has Been Going
On For 6 Years
Leave My Kids
And I Alone
Your Attys Restraining 
Orders And Whole 
Defense Team Failed
Took Bribes And Murdered
Alot - Retrace My Tax 
Dollars - I Don't Want
Those Officers To Work
For Us Anymore
Send Them Out Of
My State
Back To UK
Maritime Law
Prevails Elsewhere
Back To The Law
Of The Land
And Real Estate
My Kids And I Need
Attorneys And Our
Assets Restored
No More Shenanigans
No More Bored Therapists
Wasting Our Time
No More 
With Defense Calls
Recorded Lines
Hundreds of Letters
Child Psychologists
Shrinking & Drugging
Our Kids
We Know You Got Your
Sick Dr. Gardner Method
From Osho
And The Smachtenbergers
We Don't Want Any
Thing More To Do With
Your Courts 
Ashby Clark Sorrenson 
Restraining Order Is
Lori Clark Viviano
Restraining Order Is
Grant Funk- Pedophile 
Paralegal Trafficking X On Heroin
To Steal His Daughter-
With An Officer
Has An Expired
Restraining Order
Atty Christopher Sunnen
Who Had Me Beat 
For Court
Has An Expired
Restraining Order
My X-Husband's
Shouldn't Hold Up
For All These Attys
Promised Us
Family Law
0 notes
yhwhrulz · 2 years
Today's selected anniversaries: 2nd October 2022
Mexican dragoons dispatched to disarm settlers at Gonzales in Mexican Texas encountered stiff resistance from a Texian militia at the Battle of Gonzales, the first armed engagement of the Texas Revolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gonzales
Qing China signed the Treaty of Livadia with the Russian Empire, but the terms were so unfavorable that the Chinese government refused to ratify the treaty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Livadia
Second World War: HMS Curacoa was accidentally rammed and sunk by RMS Queen Mary while escorting the liner to provide protection from submarine attacks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Curacoa_%28D41%29
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was re-elected unopposed as President of South Vietnam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nguy%E1%BB%85n_V%C4%83n_Thi%E1%BB%87u
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thisdayinwwi · 2 years
Japanese Nurses on their way to Europe
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Omaha Daily Bee #OTD Jan 16 1915 publishes a photo of the Japanese Nursing Corp posing for a photo on some steps. 
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Also shown is a Bisbee daily Review photo published on Jan 24 1915. The Nursing Corp was led by Doctor J Suzuki and were on their way to Europe to help with the war effort.  The Empire of Japan was an ally to the United Kingdom and France. The Imperial Japanese Navy protected Australian and New Zealand shipping as well as the West Coast of North America from German Raiders. They also sent the 2nd Special Squadron to help defend Allied shipping in the Mediterranean theatre of operations of World War I. On Dec 19 1914, seventeen Japanese nurses, two doctors, an interpreter and an administrator sailed from Yokohama on the Japanese liner Shunyo-maru bound for San Fransisco. From there they toured the country and in New York were treated like celebrities, invited to lavish dinners and photographed around town. On Jan 13 1915 they shipped out on the White Star liner Megantic, heading for Liverpool. When they arrived nine days later they were the focus of more celebrations and meetings with dignitaries. Finally on Jan 31 1915, 43 days after leaving Japan, they left London on a train to Netley, England to start their work with war wounded.
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Standing Left to Right: Miss H. Hisayasn, Miss S. Myabara, Miss E. M. Hosoia, Miss K. Ogasawara, Miss T. Kando, Miss M. Hirose, Miss K. Matsuda, Miss E. Nishyama, Miss M. Kasin, Miss M. Ono, Miss K. Kasai, Miss S.K. Amiyo Sitting Left to Right: Miss T. Murata, Miss Y. Katsuta, Miss S. Kiycoka, Mr. M. Kuwabara, Dr J. Suzuki, Dr F. O'shinna, Mr. N. Otsuka, Miss Y. Yamamato and Miss H. Matsuzuo.
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Sphere Magazine July 17 1915 left to right: Private Desroches, French Canadian; Sister Okino Kotaki, Japanese; Corporal Thompson, Canada; Lance Corporal Breeze, British; Private Alsdorf, Mexican; Sergeant Holbrook, British; Private Rogan, Canada; In the spinal chair, Private Ellick - Serbian: Sitting, Sister Tome Murata, Japanese; Sergeant Crowe, South Africa; Private Krisko, Russian; Petty-officer Sharp, British.
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Le Petit Journal Dec 24 1916 photo of Japanese Red cross nurses
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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A bit of March 6th history..
1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte captures city of Jaffa, Palestine defeating the Ottoman Empire
1836 - Battle of the Alamo: After 13 days of fighting, 1500-3000 Mexican soldiers overwhelm the Texas defenders, killing 182-257 including William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett
1857 - Dred Scott Decision: US Supreme Court rules Africans cannot be US citizens
1869 - Mendeleev presents 1st periodic table of the elements to the Russian Chemical Society
1899 - “Aspirin” patented at Bayer
1964 - Boxing legend Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and changes his name to Muhammed Ali, calling his former title a “slave name” (pictured)
2017 - US President Trump signs his 2nd executive order barring travelers from 6 mostly Muslim countries, but leaves out Iraq
2018 - Forbes names Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, the world’s riches person for 1st time at $112 billion, Bill Gates #2
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joecial-distancing · 3 years
July Roundup
I’ve been getting back into running this summer. It’s been about 4 years since I’ve done any serious running, and I have been made painfully aware of the differences in my body at age 29 compared to 25. My knees hurt more, I need to attend to stretching much more seriously than I used to. I’m coming at the task with better self-knowledge than last time, though; I know how far and how fast I’ve been capable of pushing, and I find an enormous amount of comfort and strength from that familiarity. 
I’ve also been applying to jobs, a process which started as nauseatingly daunting, but has gradually settled into just a regular chore of the week (ideally chore of the day, if I’m to keep up with new years resolutions). Getting a resume mushed into a satisfying shape has felt nice, as has getting together a form cover letter that I know hasn’t hurt my chances of getting my foot in doors. Annoyance Boxes checked off, and the rest is getting familiar with the rest of the grind. Interviews have been and will be the same process.
I’ve also been playing a lot of Sekiro. I’ve always “liked” Fromsoft games, but it’s been rare that I’ve been able to justify the time investment. There’s an appeal in the structure, endless chances to bash myself against a problem until it clicks, being able to run drills when stuck or inadequate (and there is a hook in the inadequacy; nothing frustrates me more than being unable to Just figure out a solution, or requiring too much time to get there. I have a tense relationship with time and deadline pressure. Impatience is one of my greatest vices). So with school finished, I’m diving into this as a treat to myself. The systems are fun, and the camera is so fucking awful that I get unreasonably angry about it. One thing I always do with these games that I think is anathema to a lot of their fans is to spoil myself on what I’m up against. In dark souls I would always have open area maps, rather than try to navigate the combat and exploration simultaneously. It put my mind at ease, I didn’t like the discomfort of the tension of untriggered surprise. And with Sekiro, I know roughly the zones I’m up against, I’m not above watching videos of the boss fights to learn the proper counters etc. No shame, no honor, that’s not what I get out of these games, really.
As with running, so with jobsearch, so with Sekiro, the method is diligence, the appeal is the pleasure of feeling my improvement over time. There is nothing more exciting to me than casually accomplishing something that I know would have annihilated me only a short time ago. I can finish 2 miles in 20 minutes, I want to get it down to 15. This also means the videogame tends to lose out on the priorities list—if I’m wanting to dedicate myself to practice, there’s almost always a different outlet that’d be better outcomes in the long run
very 8 of pentacles mood overall, lately.
I’m almost done with Pynchon’s Against the Day, which had taken up all of my Reading attention span this month. Unless it does something in the final 8% to lose me hard, it’ll probably clock in as my 2nd favorite of his stuff, behind Gravity’s Rainbow.  Anarchism as expressed against American mining companies, European empires, and the Mexican state; searches for a lost paradise city; warfare between schools of mathematics; the nature of Light. At face value, it feels closest to Gravity’s Rainbow and Mason & Dixon, compared to the rest of his work (I know there’s a lot of subtext and referencing going over my head with all of these in terms of both history and literature; I noticed a lot of reviews of AtD focused about the variety of genre style work that he’s pulling from in certain sections, nearly all of which is lost on me. It has, however, been very fun to me that I’m able to keep up with the mathematic academia infighting depicted in this). There’s a “fairy tales coming to life” quality to all three, if instead of Grimms’ stories it’s historical models of the world: Supersonic rockets wreck the flow of pavlovian cause & effect, the destruction of natural landscape in the course of linear surveying becomes a direct conduit for a massive influx of evil energy, quaternion mathematics casting time as real and space as imaginary allow a yogi to contort himself out of sight and into the imaginary plane. The aether is experimentally disproven in the beginning of Against the Day’s timeline, which doesn’t stop holdout engineers and mystics from working wonders with it.
It feels like there’s about as much going on in here as GR, but where GR is claustrophobically overstuffed (which is also part of the reason it’s a better book) and Mason & Dixon gets kind of plodding, the material here is given space to breathe, without losing momentum. It probably helps that the characters in this are a.) numerous, and b.) unusually solid as far as Pynchon goes.
It’s also got many great examples of something else I really like about Pynchon, which is that he is willing to commit 110% to incredibly stupid jokes. There’s an Elmer Fudd reference in here that completely knocked me on my ass.
Watched the Bo Burnham netflix, which was mostly pretty good, though I’m completely out of patience for ostentations self-awareness or fake debate where the ~comedian~ who’s concerned about being ~white privileged mannn~ feels guilty he might be ~taking up space~, doesn’t know that he ~deserrrrves it~... out of patience because I already know what he did with that guilt (if genuine) — he didn’t scrap the project, he released the fucking thing anyway. What am I to do with this, Bo Burnham? Would you like my permission? Would you like an “it’s ok dude” from people of marginalized groups within your audience? Why am I watching along for a decision you’ve quite literally already made? I don’t trust displays of vulnerability before an audience of this size.
Also watched through I Think You Should Leave, which... sure it’s funny, and also very effective at making me uncomfortable, which is clearly what it’s aiming to do, but. I don’t really get why it’s got such a strong cultural draw within the online spheres I’m normally checked into. Saw some discourse about how the quotability is somehow distinct from regular memeing, which, alright get over yourselves jesus christ.
speaking of flavors of the month, watched 50 shades and lmao. I’ve been told by a trusted source the books are worse which is hilarious.
also speaking of flavors of the [century], S.O. and I have been doing a rewatch of pre-MCU comic book movies, which has been some fascinating anthropology. It meant, though, that we had to sit through howard the duck, an absolutely wretched film. Other highlights so far: willem dafoe power rangers acting, the soundtrack on affleck daredevil (incl a fuckin choice Evanescence exercise montage), Blade & Blade II still hold up.
We’ve also made it to the final season of pre-reboot xfiles. Duchovny’s mostly gone from this last season, replaced largely by robert patrick of T1000 fame, who is a better actor but a worse character, dude’s basically just A Cop. The writing’s weirdly probably better than the last couple Duchovny seasons, but the show doesn’t work without him — his bad acting was the main thing keeping things together, the tone’s all off now.
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diaohking · 4 years
What happened to Grace?
Okay, so let’s get this out first. I have never read the comics so I really don’t know what happens or will happen. I only watch the Netflix adaption and love it. But I have a few thoughts after the 2nd season, about Grace and Reginald. Now, I’m not saying these are ‘theories’ per say, just my thoughts popping up. I do apologize if this is a bit long, I have trouble condensing my process.
Now, after watching the episode The Seven Stages, I am quickly falling in love with Reginald’s and Grace’s dynamic and relationship. And despite his cold persona, I really had a soft spot for Reginald to begin with (I’m all for cold distant classic older man with an elegant aurora, but that’s another story). In the episode The Seven Stages, I noticed something in particular. Namely, when Grace is searching through Reggie’s office, right before she finds the secret room, she makes a gesture and movement on her stomach that almost immediately made me think...is she pregnant? We do know that Reggie in this time is a COMPLETELY different person that what we knew him as in Season 1. Why?
Here are my thoughts. To make it easier, I’ll put it in number form. 
1. We already know he had previously loved someone prior to coming to earth. We know he is an alien so we can assume the earlier flashback we saw of him in Season 1 was of another planet. 
2. My question is this. How exactly does someone with such charm, grace, and-let’s just say it- sweetness Reginald has towards Grace become someone so cold and distant and cruel as we see him towards the children in Season 1. Even in the Light Supper episode, he was willing to listen, be open (and somewhat understand) and, well, polite in his manner. Even in his private conversation with Five, his tone was soft. I really don’t know how Five *didn’t* think that something was wrong with him. He is a completely different person than what we knew of him.
He lost someone he loved but now...he loves someone else. Grace. We can see this in Pogo’s flashback. It portrays the sense of a student/mentor relationship that clearly turned into something more, but when he saves Pogo’s life, she is extremely grateful and proceeds to hug Reginald. You can see it in his eyes that although he is shocked by this, he isn’t appalled by it as we would assume.
Now, back to the pregnant part. Their relationship probably went far (as Diego would like to forget, they *did* date) and Grace became pregnant. (Oh, real quickly, take a quick look at the Mexican party episode, towards the end. How Reginald literally holds on to Grace’s hand the whole time while they are waiting outside, even when his body is a step away. And he listens to her when she tells him they have to go. He clearly respects her).Perhaps, something happened to her and the baby (it is possibly an alien/human hybrid anyways, so Grace probably wouldn’t survive) and now, Reginald has lost not only one by three people he loves. The woman in the flashback, Grace, and the baby. Now the sweet, understanding, even if a bit harsh (not necessarily cruel in 1963), charming man we see is truly heartbroken and hurt. We can even hear a crack in his voice when he is betrayed by the Majestic 12 and he comments: “You lied to me.” This is NOT the same man we are introduced to in Season 1. SOMETHING happened to change him. Perhaps Grace is pregnant. On that note, two thoughts. 
1. She had specifically said: “I can’t wait that long.” Why not demand the truth right then and there because she deserved it? Because he owed her that much? Why is there a time limit on this? Reginald never actually said he would let her know everything in a month or two, but Grace is saying she can’t wait. But despite what some article and popular opinions are saying, she doesn’t say ANYTHING about Reginald not trusting her, or her deserving the truth, or really anything that might imply them actually breaking up. (FYI, couples can just walk away from an oncoming argument to have time to think WITHOUT breaking up. I really hate it when people jump to those conclusions and ideas. It creates too much drama. We really don’t have any indication that they broke up. Nothing along those lines were said. So...yeah. In my eyes, they are still together. Personally, if a woman can’t be patient for a man to tell her the truth or trust him enough to leave him some mystery, perhaps she isn’t mature enough. Wake up call, it ISN’T always about the woman. Men need their space and secrets as well. If the situation was reverse, you can bet the woman would blow up about him not being trustworthy of her without her telling him everything and dumping him, which, is stupid.) Anyways.....I digress (and a bit drunk). 
Why exactly would she say she can’t wait long? What exactly is she waiting for? If she really loved him and was wanting to spend her life with him, as she said, she can be patient. She would have that time. Unless...she’s pregnant, in which case, she only has 9 months to make sure Reginald is a good man and wouldn’t hurt someone like the President. Again, back to her gesturing towards her stomach. If you pause at the right moment, you will see she almost makes a heart shape around what would be her womb and where the baby would be.
Now, let’s say that something did happen to Grace and the baby. Reginald is all by himself with the exception of Pogo. Which...isn’t the same. He misses Grace but more importantly, he misses the child and life they may have had. Now even the coldest of men can say they despite children, but the moment they have their own, it all changes. Like when your dad says ‘no more dogs’ and the newest pup of the family is...only dad’s. LOL 
2. This heartbreak and pain now possess him, though not in the best light in hindsight, to adopt seven children and create a robot mother in the EXACT image of the woman he loved, along with their lab child Pogo, to create the life Grace had said she wanted to spend with him. 
Lastly, these are merely my thoughts, not so much of what will happen, is happening, or canon. Again, never read the comics. If anything else...it will be ONE HELL of a good fanficiton. Anyone up for It?
EDIT: During their conversation, Reginald comments to Five that in a few seconds, one could not only overthrow an empire but also fall in love. This only CONFIRMS my strong belief that, in perhaps in the Pogo flashbacks, in those few seconds Grace hugged him for saving Pogo's life, he also fell in love with Grace. I also do not put it past Reginald to have overthrown an empire at some point in his life. If anything else, he did help overthrow Camelot (Kennedy), so there is that.
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todayshistory · 2 years
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A bit of March 6th history..
1799 - Napoleon Bonaparte captures city of Jaffa, Palestine defeating the Ottoman Empire
1836 - Battle of the Alamo: After 13 days of fighting, 1500-3000 Mexican soldiers overwhelm the Texas defenders, killing 182-257 including William Travis, Jim Bowie, and Davy Crockett
1857 - Dred Scott Decision: US Supreme Court rules Africans cannot be US citizens
1869 - Mendeleev presents 1st periodic table of the elements to the Russian Chemical Society
1899 - “Aspirin” patented at Bayer
1964 - Boxing legend Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and changes his name to Muhammed Ali, calling his former title a “slave name” (pictured)
2017 - US President Trump signs his 2nd executive order barring travelers from 6 mostly Muslim countries, but leaves out Iraq
2018 - Forbes names Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, the world’s riches person for 1st time at $112 billion, Bill Gates #2 
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another-mexico-oc · 4 years
One Year Masterlist!
Hey guys! How are you doing?! I was thinking since this blog is now one year old, I would like to share with you some of the content, in case you have missed an artwork, a headcanon, a Q&A, etc. Perhaps you´ll see the evolution of my digital artwork and on myMexico OC. So have fun :)
Mexico OC
First pencil sketch
First digital artwork
Soldadera digital sketch
Mexico first drafts, including an alternate hairstyle
Mexico and America having a deep conversation, apparently
Other Mexico OC´s in fanart and fanfiction VS My Mexico OC
2019 Mexico Independence Day!
Mexico, Romano and a mustache (Personally I didn´t like this sketch very much, it needs improvement...)
2019 Mexican Revolution Anniversary, or “Mexico transforms into a rebel girl”
Night out at the City! (A thank you for the first 100 followers)
More Mexico digital pen sketches (Hair down, independence outfit, WW2 outfit and cooking)
2019 Christmas and Posadas
Mexico Samurai/Ninja AU with headcanons (Based on the Tokyo 2020 2021 Olympic Games Design)
More pencil sketches during quarantine (Mexico with her hair down look gorgeous :3)
Mexico wearing a “Charro” outfit
Mexico evolution through the years and centuries
Comics and short stories:
What they have done to me?! Part 1
    Mexico OC Headcanons:
You´re welcome (The most popular headcanon XD)
“Innocent” pranks :3
America or USA?
Tomorrow is my birthday! (This is not really a headcanon, is just a reminder that on September 15th and 16th is Mexico Independence Day)
Miss Mexico is not an early bird
2P Mexico drafts and headcanons
October 2nd (Angst headcanon)
Urban legends and crypids (Halloween headcanon and Inktober sketch)
Mexico has something to confess to Spain...
Aztec Empire Headcanons and Design
Mexico entering to WWII like...
Mexico is not afraid of anything, or does she?
      Latin Hetalia in the Gakuen Hetalia AU
Aquí mandan las divinas 🎼
Club Fiesta!
Incorrect quotes (or kind of):
A lil misunderstanding ft. Canada, Mexico, Russia and America
Is everything a joke to you? ft. America and Mexico
What is this feeling? ft. Nyo America and Mexico
The Confession ft. America and Mexico
We´re still friends, right? ft. Japan and Mexico
If countries would call themselves by their literally translated name ft. Canada, America and Mexico
5 de Mayo, 1862 ft. France and Mexico
England and Spain´ human shields ft. England, Spain, Chibi America and Chibi Mexico. 
Mexico and America relationship (Maybe i´ll redesign this comic later...)
Do you like monarch butterflies?
Why Mexico capital city is built on a lake?
Can you speak nahuatl?
Do you remember Olmec? (With headcanons!)
5 de Mayo! Beware of America, Mexico!
What were your experiences during WW2?
Favourite music (It includes a playlist!!
Favourite weapon
Mexico Avatar AU
Favourite food (And a book recommendation)
Why do you give presents on Jan 6th instead of Christmas day?   and second part here  (includes the Mexican Inquisition! Nobody expected it!
Mexico Hairstyle challenge (Part 1 with China) (Part 2 and 3 on the future with France)
Other characters:
Hetalia Germany and Countryhumans Germany´ comparison
Nyo America - Expression meme
Day of the Dead: America, England, France and Russia. 
Notes and Articles:
Hetalia and Countryhumans: Pros and Cons ( English / Español )
What I don´t like of some female Mexico OCs ( English / Español )
What your favorite Mexico´s ship/OTP says about YOU ( English / Español ) 
Mexico ancient cultures are not the same ( English / Español )
Mexico history with USA in comparison with any other country and how toxic the relationship is (Do not take it seriously)
Mexico´ common cliches on fanfics and comics ( English / Español )
Photos and images:
Hetalia on Scrabble
An Inktober sketch (Instagram self promotion)
A cute chain necklace 
That time I tried to make a sort of poll of which country do you prefer to pair with Mexico?”    --->   And the lucky country was...
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mapsontheweb · 5 years
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Map of Turco-Persian states.
by Brother_Judas:
This map shows most notable societies of the Turco-Persian tradition. Not the most easy on the eye, but it's the only way to show them all together. General idea is to get the approximate extent. This was the idea of u/Thephalanx23 , he wanted to see this map realized so here it this. Also special thanks again to u/Thephalanx23 for helping out with the research.
EDIT: Yellow line is Afsharid dynasty
Feel free to click the “follow” button on my account if you would like to see more maps of this type. Check out some of the highlights of my work below, and post suggestions in the reply of this comment, and I’ll consider making a map from your proposal.
Old world around the time Jesus died
Pre-colonial South America
Ethnicity in Balkans, 19th century
Crusader States, 12th century
Balkans, 11th century
Asia, 500AD
Britain and IRELAND
Byzantine Empire, territorial peak
Reign of Charlemagne
Sumerian Empire
Mediaeval Russia and Ukraine (Kievan Rus’)
[GIF] Important Balkan States
[GIF] Balkan irredentism
European Colonization of Africa
Ethnic cleansing of Muslim populations in former Ottoman territory
Balkan, 1850
[GIF] Earliest iterations of Balkan nations in history
[GIF] The ever-changing borders of the Balkans (1st and 2nd Balkan Wars, WW1)
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