#3. as opposed to reimu who will forget who you are if she hasn't seen you in a few weeks-
was thinking some thougths about
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Marisa i think is the kind of person who makes it her business to know everybody, and include herself in all the circles. Basically act like she’s the main character of whatever location she goes to. She’ll make their business her business (if it interests her) or vice versa. It’s all part of how its important for her, an ordinary human, to feel like she can stand equal next to all these strange, extraordinary beings... I was thinking of making a big relationship chart that was just Marisa and everybody else i care to think about associated with her, but got lazy so instead i’m just gonna spit out a few of those thoughts, sorted by some locations.
in the forest of magic, she’s the most outgoing of all the magiciians and would be asking and bothering them about their studies and experiments even if they didn’t ask first. Between their own individual projects, they sure trade notes a bunch and do the occasional collaborative project.. Maybe moreso with Alice, and Marisa would have to really prod Narumi to take part.
in the scarlet devil mansion, Marisa is almost like an extended member of the family. At least, Flandre probably makes the occasional joke(?) that she’d rather have Marisa has a big sister (and Flandre now says that about a certain backdoor god...), Patchouli thinks Marisa (and Alice. And all other magicians other than herself) are novices and is patiently waiting until they’re all on her level, and Sakuya figures that if Marisa is gonna intrude as much as she does, she’ll make subtle(?) attempts to recruit her as a fellow servant.
i think most times when she tries to visit eientei, she’d probably just get lost in the bamboo grove and so just end up hanging out with Mokou and Tewi instead (she runs into Reisen the most in the human village). I think she’d often be trying to get gossip/information out of either or both of them (one is really old and the other hears a lot from all the rabbits) but ends up just bumming around and eating snacks with them instead.
She goes to all sort of places on youkai mountain. I think she’s only tolerated in kappa territory because she’s in the good graces of Nitori. usually, anyway. Whenever Marisa makes Nitori mad, there will be a picture of Marisa in the kappa base with a caption that says ‘Kill on sight!!!’ until Marisa apologises enough. Conversely, she wouldn’t be allowed in tengu territory even if she was Aya’s best friend, which she isn’t, but she’s always trying to convince/bribe/flirt her way in. ...And also when she stops by the moriya shrine, she always asks the gods to give her blessing for free and then calls them stingy when they don’t.
She’s probably popular among parts in the human village, being one of the premier incident resolvers! There would also be people who are wary of her because she’s a weird witch and all, but I think I like the irony that humans would go to Reimu first for their youkai problems, but prefer the presence of Marisa who seems less ‘otherworldly’ in comparison in their eyes. I think Marisa would be happy with that though, as it adds to her charm as a mysterious heroine who comes and goes.
and last thought for now (this is a lie. more in tags), though she’s not the only person who takes it upon herself to make sure the hakurei shrine or its shrine maiden doesn’t collapse upon itself, she’s definitely its number one most frequent visitor.
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