#3000 event cgs!
*clothing rustle*
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✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦ WARNING 200% crack, 15% random smut. Please don't take anything here seriously, or literally, or as fact. WORD COUNT ~3000 AO3 clicky
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※ Due to the nature of Gilbert's outfit, it is strongly recommended that he be standing when you start.
The cloak has to go first. His gloves are skin-tight enough that they won't interfere with the removal of other articles beforehand (pun intended). The belt on the cloak attaches just above his left breast-pocket using a heavy-duty clasp.
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Except just-kidding, that's a red-herring in case someone decides to unclasp his cloak in close-quarters-battle to use against him. Unfortunately, anyone fool enough to try will just be giving Gilbert the upper-hand.
To actually unfasten his cloak you have to sneak your hand under the cloak's collar where the other end of the belt disappears into. There's a hidden push-button clasp there. Gilbert isn't ticklish but he'll certainly pretend he is just to fuck with you.
The fur is attached directly to the collar of the cloak, so this is a one-and-done deal. Be aware that the cloak is extremely heavy and don't be afraid to just drop it on the spot and enjoy the beautiful WHUMP that it makes, like angel wings come to rest.
Your next stop is the secondary belt that crosses diagonally over his chest.
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This belt is a mystery, and for reasons of national importance you are not permitted to know how to remove it. Gilbert must always be the one to remove this belt. I repeat. GILBERT MUST REMOVE THIS BELT HIMSELF. It's not just a simple single-pronged screw-clasp belt. Don't get cocky.
Now for his main belt. The plate buckle must be lifted half a centimeter towards you at a precise 180 degree angle so you can slide the leather through the hook on the plate's underside. You may consider doing this while cornering Gilbert against a wall. If you're feeling bold, advise him not to touch you until you're done. Before handling the buckle, you might angle his hips closer toward you by giving the strap a tug.
Don't tug on just the belt loop by itself because it'll throw you off-balance and put you in a vulnerable position for a sensual counter-attack. Unless you're wearing a hat that hides your ears for some reason. I mean Gilbert would just cutely headbutt the hat off you, but why did you bring a hat to this?
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CAUTION. The outer edge of the buckle is lined with poison that activates by touch. The poison can penetrate any fabric except for the mysterious medieval nano-material that Gilbert's gloves consist of. This is why you'll never see Gilbert remove his belt bare-handed (though he has the antidote if he must; and yes, he'll try to convince you that the antidote must be administered mouth-to-mouth, but you must remain vigilant! Think about it: does that make any sense? No? Good. Gilbert was just testing you).
Yeah. It's probably best if you leave this belt to Gilbert too. But if he lets you borrow his gloves just so you can undress him, count yourself lucky. And if Gilbert gets you your own matching set of gloves, I mean that's basically a marriage proposal.
But wait, you say, remembering a thing. Didn't Gilbert stick his glove between his teeth that one time after presumably touching his cane?
No he didn't. That's not a CG that exists. What are you talking about? What wet-suitor collection event?
Fine, okay. Yes. That happened. The rain washed away the poison 💀
The mini-waistbelt. It may be thin, but it has a massive temper if you try to remove it. Would not recommend trying it if you value having a nose and teeth.
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But since you've already come this far, the steps to remove it are as follows:
Tell your loved-ones you love them, or have secretly hated them this entire time.
Place your left hand on Gilbert's right hip; make sure you have proper footing.
Place your right hand on the belt buckle like you're pinching a flaccid penis that is much, much, much tinier than Gilbert's flaccid penis.
Pray again in case you skipped step one.
Use your thumbnail to test the prong. Consider the materials, the craftsmanship, the German Engineering.
Hold your breath and rip the belt from his waist; he can always replace the belt.
Redeem your kiss from Gilbert, and for fuck's sake take off that hat.
If you trip over the discarded belt because you didn't throw it far enough away:
Please, I do insist you pray.
Try to trip directly onto Gilbert's chest so he can live out all of his otome fantasies. Let him commit your scent to memory.
It's okay to grab his cravat in the process because it won't loosen or tighten either way [see section on his cravat below]
It's not okay to grab his pants because no one wants to be pantsed by accident. Also Gilbert's pants don't come off that easy, so you'd just end up dislocating your arm.
If you trip into a natural, organic, Whole Foods fellatio-giving posture, take advantage of it. Gilbert's still wearing too many layers to give a proper, unimpeded blowjob, but just ghosting your mouth over the area with a hint of teeth will make him feel desirable.
Rub some sensual circles through the fabric of his pants; spell out your name with his last name appended onto it (Gilbert is a genius and he can easily-read any message you rub onto his shaft). His inner thighs, particularly past the adductor muscles back toward his glutes, are incredibly sensitive. Placing your palms against them and slowly fanning your fingers out while you nom on his bulge will quietly destroy him. Too bad you can't see his surprised-sprite-expression in the night.
At this stage you should be down to his military coat. You can ignore the epaulets and ropework and tasselry (unless you want to take a moment to mourn all the carnage they represent) because they're all directly attached to the coat.
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If you find yourself tangled in the ropes in your attempt to free Gilbert's arm, don't worry. You have a few half-seconds before Gilbert ensnares you further and halts your honest undressing efforts with erotic tickling.
Use this time well. Consider using Gilbert's own cane to jam the insides of his elbows. The maneuver will both stop him and impress him. But also, do not actually do this, because his cane is coated in that same poison from before.
Why is there such a learning-curve to undressing this man? Don't worry though. Why? I don't know.
The coat itself requires extreme focus while unbuttoning. You don't have to go in order, but if you don't, you run the risk of becoming confused about which buttons you have or haven't touched. Gilbert's coat is what the common people refer to as an optical illusion, and what Clavis calls "an intellectual torture device". It is strongly recommended that you study the unbuttoning maneuver on a practice-coat.
And to be sure, at NO point is Gilbert going to help you on this one. You're screwed if you mess up. And Gilbert is going to enjoy every last second of it.
If by some stroke of luck you manage to get his coat off, please be kind enough to fold it and set it on his bed. You can also consider draping it over the window for some extra privacy, but imagine you're an Obsidianite soldier on the ground below and you see your boss's coat covering the window? You're gonna think to yourself, "Oh no, the boss is doing laundry in his room again. I should stop this before it escalates." There goes your hard-sought privacy.
Congratulations are in order because you have reached his shirt. Sure, there's a cravat with an extremely convoluted knot staring you in the face, but it's better than a clip-on tie, is it not?
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I assure you, the knot hidden behind the brooch is not one to be trifled with. It even took Gilbert himself two tries to master it despite being the one to invent it. He wears this particular knot for its strength. It will not come loose or tighten unless someone knows what they're doing.
Despite betraying nothing beyond his evergreen smile, Gilbert is absolutely running out of patience by this point. So rest assured, because he'll gently take your hands in his and dance them through the steps of cravat-removal. Feel free to enjoy the "accidental" brushes against his chin and the skin of his throat. Chilly but sweet. This will be a welcome respite before the horror to come.
The horror being, you know that party trick with the endless scarves?
Good luck.
Gilbert's shirt, upon first-glance, resembles a normal shirt with normal shirt-like properties, such as a post-contemporary thread-count, invisible buttons, hidden seams, etc. It's somewhat loose-fitting but tapers beautifully into his waistband; so prettily in-fact that you might think clothed-sex would be a better option at this point.
But Gilbert didn't allow you to come this far so he could keep his cock behind enemy lines.
If you won't stop admiring his torso, he'll take your hands again and start biting each fingertip. If you're still dazed by his beauty afterwards, he'll switch your positions so that you're against the wall and his knee is against your sensitive bits pulsing pressure in a maddening upward motion.
To avoid this, you need to tear his shirt off. You need to free Gilbert's skin unto moonlight's stage at any costs. Hook your fingertips into the spaces between the buttons. Press your crotch against Gilbert's for leverage. If you need to lay down for this part, please do so.
The shirt will not be kind to you. The weave is too strong, the tensile-strength too god-like. You'll never know what it is to truly sweat until you go hand-to-shirt against Gilbert's spider-silk.
Gilbert for his part will do his best to offer moral support by rocking his hips upward into the warm crux where your bodies meet. Sure his pants are still in the way, but you'll never know a more loving gesture.
"You are not your shirt." You can try to whisper this to Gilbert to make him feel better about this whole ordeal. "You're my Gil. You are not your shirt."
The shirt has feelings too. So after you successfully remove it and have finished orgasming from Gilbert's languid dry-humping, please fold the shirt and place it on top of his coat. If his coat is over the window, place the shirt on the ottoman at the foot of his bed and give it two pats. We're all about aftercare here.
The thigh-garter. Quite possibly the most heavily-reinforced article this man wears. If it looks simple to your untrained eye, that is by design. It's meant to blend into his pants. If he were trying to flaunt it, his coat wouldn't have that suspicious, longer-on-one-side uneven cut.
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Recoil? Poison? Child's-play. Gilbert himself nearly lost a hand the last time he went to remove the garter. The belt is made from a baffling and impossible weave of tiger-gut (died from natural causes) and coir fabric. That time Gilbert stole 100,000 coconuts off a Benitoitian beach was... not for the coir, but the discovery of such a useful byproduct was serendipitous and it was immediately put to use.
You need to incorporate this bit of trivia into small-talk with Gilbert while you attempt to remove the garter. It will take you 58 seconds, but those seconds will be the longest of your life. Your heartbeat will quicken and slow down and quicken again. Sweat will call your grip into question. The technique will require you to slide your finger into the space between the garter and the itchy indent on his thigh from where the garter has been digging into. Gilbert will bury his face into your shoulder and make the most precious moaning sound you've ever heard. He'll bite your shoulder, and he might break skin. The odds were against you from the start.
Could it be? Have you arrived at his trousers?
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Are you beside yourself with frustration from being unable to distinguish the shape of his bulge because the fabric is so dark as to be formless velvet? Does it annoy you that the only way you can confirm how hard Gilbert is for you is by touching him? Do you see why this might be by design?
It was stated earlier in this guide that Gilbert's pants are difficult to remove. Not for him, obviously, but for his partner. Luckily the pants are easier to handle than his shirt was. You're probably still reeling from that harrowing episode, so now is a great time for a tea break while shirtless!Gilbert massages your thigh under the table.
You can ask him for some advice on how to proceed with his pants. Where are the buttons? There are no buttons? Is there some kind of waistband? No waistband? Really? That's interesting. How do you remove it, Prince Gilbert? What? Tongs? Oh, you're joking. You're not joking? What in the actual fuck.
He was asking you to pass the tongs so he could serve you a scone, but you didn't know that at the time, and accidentally took a pair of tongs to his hips.
Now. Two things here. 1) Obviously if a pair of dessert tongs posed any threat to Gilbert he'd not have let it so close into his territory. 2) But you happened to accidentally time it just as he'd timed a sneeze to appear more affectionate in your eyes. Sometimes the planets align for all the wrong reasons.
Don't worry; Gilbert's okay! The tongs were wooden and heavily-sanded and they glided over Gilbert's hip-bones like lip balm. Now would also be a good time to glide your lips over his hip-bones. Really, really enjoy that god-given architecture.
Next, you can try to pull him on top of you as you lay on your back across the tea table (please hurl everything off the tabletop beforehand). Stick two fingers into his nonexistent(?) waistband and trace your hands backwards away from you, lowering your palms into his pants as you go, so by the time you reach his backside you should be cupping his shapely ass. Massage it, knead it. You'll find his slacks will naturally drop a little to accommodate your roving hands.
Now, whereas Gilbert was the one grinding up against you in the shirt section, you must offset your handiwork here in the exalted pants section by grinding up against him. Hook your legs around his if you have to. Be a couple of sexy grapevines.
It's best to tease his pants lower and lower. Take your time and time will take you.
Gilbert's undergarments are a classified state secret. Don't worry; he took care of them before you even started.
HAHAHA SOMEHOW. Somehow you've made it this far without removing his boots. Somehow you removed his pants without removing his boots.
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How? How did you do this? WHY did you do this? Do you like seeing Gilbert wearing nothing but his boots and his gloves? Is that your aesthetic? Do you imagine him sitting on his dark, moonlit, cobwebby throne like that, with one boot-ed leg over the other, cane held across his belly between the armrests as he watches you watching him?
Do you fancy breaching his lap and plopping down on his cock while he cups your ass with one hand and scrapes his gloved-fingernails down your spine? Do you like feeling his shoelaces press into your skin underneath because it's such a bizarre counter-texture to the sensation of his tongue gliding up your sternum? Does it make you hot when he grabs a fistful of your hair and tugs your head back so he can nuzzle your jawline while chuckling at all the mewling sounds you make? Are you about that friction? Do you like the squeaky sound of his boots as he bounces you up and down?
Just me? :')
Also what even happened to the cane in this scenario? Is it on the floor now? Don't trip, friends.
It was a long battle. There were some close-calls. You may have experienced multiple orgasms on the way. Sustained a gallery of lovebites. But Gilbert is now stripped bare, save for his gloves and eyepatch.
Most importantly, you're not dead from all the poison. Gilbert was kind enough to treat all the poison on him with rainwater beforehand, and he'll have made this clear to you from the beginning. This guide was lacking suspense amidst all the crack, and so that information was intentionally withheld.
The author of the guide recognizes that gloves add an extra layer of allure to intimate activities with Gilbert, so it is up to the reader if they wish to proceed with removal or not. The process is simple. You just take 'em off.
What if I'm capable of removing his cloak while he's laying on it? More power to you. Don't let my limitations as a mere human be the standard by which you judge yourself.
Help. I want to try bondage with Gilbert, but the mini-waistbelt is the only viable option. Please don't forget his endless-scarves-infinite-cravat. Snip off whatever length you need. It'll grow back the deficit. The fabric is BDSM-certified.
The coat fell from the window. Run.
I took his boots off too early and now I can't enjoy the feel of his shoelaces on my ass. Put them back on him. Lace them with care. Don't just half-ass a lacing pattern like you used to do in grade-school. Remember: the pleasure you derive from his shoelaces is directly proportional to the artistry with which they are tied. Please hone your skills on a practice-boot if you are not confident. We all have to start somewhere.
Gilbert's moans are too cute. I couldn't get past the garter section. Feel free to take your tea-break early if this is the case. Talk about your concerns and listen to Gilbert's. Communication is key, and that tea was prepared with love.
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Thank you for reading! If you found this guide useful, please consider hitting the reblog button ^^ I hope your time with Gilbert is extraordinary, unforgettable and magic.
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thyele · 2 years
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MIYAVIさん「I was proud and happy to see that there is a Japanese American community rooted here strongly and been supported by the local San Francisco community as well. Thank you.」https://twitter.com/MIYAVI_OFFICIAL/status/1625908082600710144
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MIYAVIさん「Such a wonderful night. Music, film, fashion (Sake too!) brings people together as a cultural bridge. Honored to be a part of the 1st mile stone. 日本とアメリカ、世界をつなぐ。 音楽や映画、ファッション(お酒も!)文化のパワーが人々をつなぐ橋になる。そう強く信じています。」https://twitter.com/MIYAVI_OFFICIAL/status/1625982644159926272
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*1席のみの美容室*V系ヘアメイク ✂︎ よみ XLⅢさん「DeshabillzのSHUNさんが ご来店下さいました✨ まだ髪型を公開出来ないですので こんなかわいいSHUNさんに^^ あの頃では考えられないこのお姿も この時代ならではですね♪ 高校生のオレが知ったら ビックリするだろうなー! CDにサインも いただいてしまいました✨ SHUNさんありがとうございます🥹✨ https://t.co/yPYtAnoxwd」https://twitter.com/belle_vie_avec/status/1626106299904851968
Deshabillz2023年4月29日(土) 名古屋 MUSIC FARMさん「ありがとですまた、来週お伺いいたします! 押忍!何故まだ? うるせーハゲ黙れ 押忍!禿げてねーし笑」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1626107132142559232
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「https://t.co/0jFZbAtzbr」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1626108206694150145
Deshabillz2023年4月29日(土) 名古屋 MUSIC FARMさん「美容院てとこに来たな 押忍!なんそれ まだ晒せないやろつまらんモヒカンにしてるな #Labellevie https://t.co/0XgpsZWlyQ」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1626109893269934081
KINGRYOさん「こんにちは✨ 2023.2.16(木)15:50 こんにちはツイートをすっかり忘れていたKING RYOです🦁 今日も元気に歌うでーす♪ https://t.co/IAltUfdfuB」https://twitter.com/kingryoworld/status/1626111887753777153
たちすけさん「【メンバー募集】 覇叉羅〜Vasalla〜コピバンやりたい。 当方Dr。 vocal、guitar×4、bass募集。 神奈川県西部で集まれる方。 当方完全アマ志向。 ヤンキー可。」https://twitter.com/CDN_TACHISUKE/status/1528355794718445568
たちすけさん「『はだしのゲン』広島市教材から削除 「児童の生活実態に合わない」「誤解を与える恐れがある」との指摘 | Share News Japan はだしのゲンは教材ではなく、戦中戦後の広島を生き抜く少年たちを描いたハードコアアトミックギャグ巨編だ。 https://t.co/YwDwN9UQja」https://twitter.com/CDN_TACHISUKE/status/1626117585657036800
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daeva-agas · 2 years
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Spoopy fire effects for the Obon event in Ayakashi JP
These fire animations are “outfits” so you have to farm the effect for each character individually
Also. They are so utterly evil, you have to get the outfits for everyone before you can even unlock the CG, and you still have to buy the CG on top of everything. So you have to get like 3000+ of the Big Items to get the CG because it’s 300 items per character, and then an extra 600 to trade for the CG.
I give up. I’m not getting this in JP. Will try to get it in Eng because it’s usually less evil. 
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[Image ID: an event banner from Wizardess Heart. It’s a orange and blue background with a CG of Sigurd on it. A chibi Sigurd and MC are on it, wearing Hinomotan-style clothing. Klaus II and Zeus’ sprites are on it. The text “Fall Festival” is on the bottom. End ID]
i am LOVING this theme and this lineup! I feel like it’s a pretty good, varied line-up.I feel like there’s someone here for everyone. And of course the fall theme is super cute!
Quick Facts
Type: Star collection
Total # of stars: 3700
Early bird ends: November 9, 2019
Event ends: November 22, 2019
Tier levels  are top 100, 500, 1000, 1500,and 3000.
Sigurd (300 stars)
Luca (660 stars)
Nox (940 stars)
Caesar (1500 stars)
Azusa (1170 stars)
Klaus II (2400 stars)
Zeus (2700 stars)
Early Bird Prizes
Fall Festival Shoes -Orange- (300 stars)
Fall Festival Head Accessory -Orange- (400 stars)
Fall Festival Hair Bun (600 stars)
Fall Festival Background (Garden) (700 stars)
Fall Festival Kimono -Red- (800 stars)
Prize Breakdown
850 Lune
1 1/2 Aruenaristy
5 Garden Items
3 Room Items
1 3/4 Story Ticket
3 Dresser
3 Storage Warehouse
2 Luca's Spicy Macarons
1 Elias' Classic Muffin
200 Magic Grade
2 Magic Keys
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Wicked Wolves: Ruka Jinguji [Walkthrough]
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[1] Log-in daily to receive items and do Elegance Lesson to increase points and gold.
[2] Always greet your in-game friends to increase gold.
[3] Save up your Story Tickets, Colognes, Sex Appeals, and Gacha tickets to use on event games and special gachas.
**Use my invite code: 6GQDPB. And add me as a friend, Ai and Chisana!!
Don’t forget the others~
Toga Leed
Chapter 1: Terrible Meeting
[1] Where am I? (+5) [2] What do you mean bride? (+3) [3] Do you fancy me?
Chapter 2: Radiant Wolf
CG Route: Elegance Mission -Need +250 Elegance Points
Scenario Route: -Needs +10 Love Points
[1] You’re not scary at all. (+5) [2] Just a little... [3] I don’t know...
Chapter 3: Proof of Fate
[1] Welcome back. [2] Explain what’s going on. (+5) [3] I should head back to my room...
Extra Scenario 1: Jinguji Ruka Chapter 3 Price: 200 Reward Points 
Chapter 4: Impressions and Education
[1] Because everything is so new. (+5) [2] Is that bad? [3] Sorry.
Chapter 5: Countdown to Marriage
Avatar Mission:
Ruka Special Route: White Lace Gloves +Charm 50  Price: 300 Reward Points
Ruka Normal Route: Osmanthus Necklace +Charm 20 Price: 100 Reward Points Price: 2000 Gold
[1] Let go of me! [2] What are you doing?! [3] That hurt! (+5)
Chapter 6: A Side Not Known
Scenario Route: Secret Route -
[1] I’m fine. (+5) [2] Just a bit... [3] Smells?
Chapter 7: A Peek Behind the Mask
Extra Scenario 2: Jinguji Ruka Chapter 7 Price: 200 Reward Points
[1] You don’t have to think I’m cute. (+5) [2] I could say the same for you. [3] You don’t have to say it like that...
Chapter 8: The Jinguji Family
[1] You don’t need to lie. [2] Thank you. (+5) [3] Really, really?
Chapter 9: The First Thank You
[1] I’m sorry. (+5) [2] Did I go too far? [3] Please let me go back to my room.
Extra Scenario 3: Jinguji Ruka Chapter 9 Price: 200 Reward Points
Chapter 10: Night of the New Moon
[1] The new moon...? [2] Does it have something to do with it? [3] I’ll ask Ruka later. (+5)
Scenario Route: Secret Route -
CG Route:  -Needs +45 Love Points (Sweet Moon Route)
Chapter 11: The Scent of Blood
[1] Is it okay? (+5) [2] Quietly hold on. [3]Defuse to ride.
Chapter 12: Azure Colored Eyes
Avatar Mission:
Ruka Special Route: Wedding Veil +Charm 60 Price: 300 Reward Points
Ruka Normal Route: Osmanthus Heels +Charm 30 Price: 100 Reward Points Price: 3000 Gold
[1] I’m not avoiding him... (+5) [2] I may be avoiding him. [3] I don’t know.
Chapter 13: You Are You
[1] I don’t. (+5) [2] That’s true... [3] But it bothers me.
Chapter 14: Welcome Home
Scenario Route: -Needs +60 Love Points (Sweet Moon Route)
[1] That’s embarrassing... [2] Try touching him. (+3) [3] Pinch his cheek. (+5?)
Chapter 15: Under the Sun
Avatar Mission:
Ruka Special Route: Pink Coral Eyes +Charm 150 Price: 400 Reward Points
Ruka Normal Route: Osmanthus Bottle +Charm 50 Price: 150 Reward Points Price: 5000 Gold
[1] It’s all thanks to him. [2] It’s fun to be with him. [3] No I’m not. (+1)
Chapter 16: Cocktail of Jealousy
[1] I don’t want to be either. [2] I never said I’d marry you. (+5) [3] Much better.
Extra Scenario 4: Jinguji Ruka Chapter 16 Price: 200 Reward Points
Chapter 17: Secret in the Library.
[1] We’re coworkers so... [2] We’re childhood friends so... (+5) [3] Not really?
CG Route: -Needs +75 Love Points (Sweet Moon Route)
Chapter 18: Neck Scar
[1] That’s not why. [2] That may be why. (+5) [3] ...
Chapter 19: Mitsumine Family Footsteps
Scenario Route: -Needs +80 Love Points (Sweet Moon Route)
[1] Of course I do! [2] I’ll do my best. [3] It’s all for Ruka... (+5)
Chapter 20: Under the Moon
Scenario Route: Secret Route - 
[1] This is really hard... (+5) [2] Let’s work hard! (+3) [3] Finally a break... (+1)
Chapter 21:
[1] [2] [3]
Chapter 22:
[1] [2] [3]
Happy End Love Points: 100; Elegance Point: 16,000
Normal End Love Points: 70; Elegance Point: 12,000
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foreverdreamsds · 2 years
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Thank you for joining us in the TeddyRox $10K Summer Challenge! We are very excited to be a part of this event! We are in 4th place with 48 votes! Please keep voting!!!!! Simply go to www.teddyrox.org to place your $5.00 votes and we get the $5.00 donations at the end. Help us win the $3000 first place prize! Reminder: Voting ends midnight 8/15/22. (at Forever Dream Senior Dog Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-HNBiuyEM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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moeninjagirls · 7 years
Walkthrough Season 9 (updating)
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✧ ٩( ‘ω’ )و //✧ 
✧ Chapter 1 - The New Girl ✧
Total: 12 parts
Part 6 Who's this senpai? 💙 closer to Nanao Cy, wanna live in the dorm? Wait, is that senpai...? ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 8 CG
Part 10 You know The Lily of Versailles? 💙 closer to Nanao In The Lily of Versailles, I would be... I feel kind of bad for canceling club today. ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 12 It was really nice meeting you. 💙 closer to Nanao Seems like it's going to be another fun semester. ❣️ closer to Myu Another female acquaintance...
✧ Chapter 2 - Manic Pixie Dream Nerd ✧
Total: 14 parts
Part 8 How'd they feel? 💙 closer to Nanao Don't creep on people not in the club. I wish I were you. ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 11 I'm a nerd, too! 💙 closer to Nanao Nobody's going to care. ❣️ closer to Myu Everyone else here's a weirdo too.
Part 13 I'm so jealous. Outrageous! 💙 closer to Nanao I'm worried. ❣️ closer to Myu
✧ Chapter 3 - It Ain’t Me ✧
Total: 11 parts
Part 5 Let me give you a tour on the way. 💙 closer to Nanao Let's gather information on the way. ❣️ closer to Myu How about a date, ladies?
Checkpoint Required Soul: 3500 Special chance: Pass the checkpoint within 24 hours and get Box x1
Part 8 I can't take it anymore! ❣️ closer to Myu I need to believe in them. Can't call myself a man if I don't do something. 💙 closer to Nanao
Part 11 I look at Johnny. I wish you all trusted me more. ❣️ closer to Myu Only big breasts, huh. 💙 closer to Nanao
✧ Chapter 4 - Idol Masters ✧
Total: 10 parts
Part 2 I'm gonna show him a thing or two this time! ❣️ closer to Myu He'll be there. 💙 closer to Nanao Really think he'd show up at a public event?
Part 6 Singers need to be dressed well. These two are garbage. I'll produce you! ❣️ closer to Myu Pretend the energy drink's a shot! You need the confidence! 💙 closer to Nanao
Checkpoint Premium Story: [Bomb] Spiky Exercise Ball - 200 jewels Normal Story: [Bomb] Exercise Ball - 150 jewels or 2500 niney
Part 8 CG (premium or normal)
Part 9 Don't mind if I do. 💙 closer to Nanao Nah, I'm good. ❣️ closer to Myu Just watching should get the job done.
✧ Chapter 5 - Shape of Myu ✧
Total: 10 parts
Part 2 I know what the groper's gonna do. 💙 closer to Nanao Let's be there for Myu! ❣️ closer to Myu Whatever the case, let's just enjoy the pageant.
Part 7 Zina's surprisingly looking good. Myu's the best though! ❣️ closer to Myu I wish more of us entered the contest. 💙 closer to Nanao
Part 8 No way you'd lose with boobs like that! You're the cutest! ❣️ closer to Myu We're here for you! 💙 closer to Nanao
Checkpoint Premium Story: [Amulet] Myu's Swimsuit - 300 jewels Normal Story: [Amulet] Myu's Swimsuit in Orange - 200 jewels or 3000 niney
Part 9 CG (premium or normal)
✧ Chapter 6 - Game of Clones ✧
Total: 10 parts
Part 2 No, I'm the real one! 💙 closer to Nanao I won't let you hurt them. ❣️ closer to Myu How can you compare me to this bum?!
Part 6 We're nothing alike. ❣️ closer to Myu There's no way an imposter's stronger. Well, I guess he was handsome. 💙 closer to Nanao
Checkpoint Required Soul: 8000 Special chance: Pass the checkpoint within 24 hours and get Good EXP Juice x1
Part 10 Start with the skirt. Shouldn't lose my cool. 💙 closer to Nanao No questions, please. Just let me touch them. ❣️ closer to Myu
✧ Chapter 7 - Big Daddy ✧
Total: 10 parts
Part 4 My future wife. 💙 closer to Nanao A dear friend. Nothing to me. ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 6 Don't sexually harass the ladies. ❣️ closer to Myu ...Whatever. Forget it. 💙 closer to Nanao Stay away from my harem.
Checkpoint Premium Story: [Arm] Lacquered Japanese Bow - 450 jewels Normal Story: [Arm] Wooden Japanese Bow - 350 jewels or 5500 niney
Part 8 CG (premium or normal)
Part 9 I hope I don't grow up to be like them. Can we drink, too? 💙 closer to Nanao Come on, guys. Let's get out of here. ❣️ closer to Myu
✧ Chapter 8 - It Takes Two ✧
Total: 10 parts
Checkpoint Required Soul: 14500 Special chance: Pass the checkpoint within 24 hours and get [Scroll] Red and White for Rituals x1
Part 5 What were you thinking?! Yamabuki was right. 💙 closer to Nanao Have they gotten even bigger? ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 9 I really owe you guys. ❣️ closer to Myu Great job getting all this firewood. Miss, this is the last stop. 💙 closer to Nanao
Part 10 Help me become stronger! 💙 closer to Nanao I have a favor! ❣️ closer to Myu Why'd you leave during the swimsuit competition?
✧ Chapter 9 - Lucky Training ✧
Total: 8 parts
Part 2 Once again, you win. ❣️ closer to Myu It's not all about the chest. 💙 closer to Nanao Things could still be a little hotter.
Checkpoint Premium Story: [Amulet] Gold Buddhist Monk Staff - 700 jewels Normal Story: [Amulet] Iron Buddhist Monk Staff - 550 jewels or 9500 niney
Part 3 CG (premium or normal)
Part 4 Remember the three witches! ❣️ closer to Myu Count in prime numbers! 💙 closer to Nanao Can I stop already?
Part 6 I want to protect everyone. ❣️ closer to Myu I don't want to lose to anyone. I want to know the truth. 💙 closer to Nanao
✧ Chapter 10 - Our Only Difference ✧
Total: 12 parts
Part 1 It's easier to grope here. He's read too many comic books. 💙 closer to Nanao There aren't any security cameras. ❣️ closer to Myu
Part 2 I can't let you hurt them. ❣️ closer to Myu That's my harem! 💙 closer to Nanao You're not cool enough to have a harem!
Part 6 That's what makes us different. ❣️ closer to Myu You're just lonely. I know you understand what I mean. 💙 closer to Nanao
Checkpoint Premium Story: [Throw] Shield of Blooming Golden Petals - 850 jewels Normal Story: [Throw] Shield of Blooming Silver Petals - 700 jewels or 15000 niney
Part 11 CG (premium or normal)
✧ Nanao Sweet Ending ✧
Total: 8 parts
Note: the choices in the ending don’t matter, you can choose whatever you want.
Part 2 CG
Checkpoint Required Soul: 23000 Special chance: Pass the checkpoint within 24 hours and get Better EXP Juice x1
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fenren · 8 years
[BL Game] Omega Vampire [Goods]
Masterpost, Site
Includes the artbook, drama CD, clear file, and OST information. These can be purchased from the producers’ online store directly (Karin’s Shop) or from places like animate or Stellaworth. You can find larger, higher quality, and more preview images on the site itself.
I’m going with fairly loose translations on the summaries for these products, since summaries are usually concise, vague, and difficult for me to translate.
Note that (+ tax) means you need to add tax to the price listed. Most JPN sites that sell these products seem to list both so you don’t need to calculate it yourself, but I left that information out here.
Omega Vampire Artbook Vol. 1 & 2
The site lists this product as a “rough book”. Rough book (ラフ画集) is apparently the word for an artbook containing sketches such as character designs or line art. For example:
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This is one of the images from volume 1.
Omega Vampire Artbook Vol. 1
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*In production, final product is subject to change.
Rating: All Ages
Release Date: April 14th, 2017 (Available for sale earlier on March 25-26 at AnimeJapan2017, but you obviously must be in Japan or contact someone who can pick it up.)
Price: 1200 Yen (+ tax)
Size: B5/48 pages (projected)
This is a compilation of “rough” illustrations (sketches), event CGs from the game, and OV illustrations published in magazines. I’m not exactly sure what most of these things are, having never really dabbled in VN media before, but this is an artbook, basically.
You can find some other image previews here at Karin’s Shop.
Purchase Info
I browsed through a few popular sites to find out what each was offering in terms of tokuten. They are all the same price.
Stellaworth: large (unidentified) bromide tokuten
Animate: none that I’m aware of. You get some points for the online shop, though.
Omega Vampire Artbook Vol. 2
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*In production, final product is subject to change.
Rating: R-18
Release Date: May 19th, 2017
Price: 1200 Yen (+ tax)
Size: B5/48 pages (projected)
This one contains the ending CG illustrations and some “heart-pounding” (their words, not mine) R-18 scenes.
Purchase Info
Stellaworth: large (unidentified) bromide tokuten
Omega Vampire Drama CDs Vol. 1-4
These will be released across four consecutive months.
Vol. 1: Hakurō [Moonlight Birthday]
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Moriya Keiichi: Sawa Manaka
Shizuru Hakurō: Aoi Yūma
Ōizumi Genma: Jōgasaki Shinobu
Arimura Kai: ??? (I don’t know how to read this name: 真野大)
Shibukawa Tatsunosuke: Kuroi Isamu
Tani Tomoki: Minamoto Ryōma
Release Date: March 17th, 2017
Price: 3000 Yen (+ tax)
Disks: 1
Summary: Keiichi suddenly remembered that Hakurō’s birthday was coming up soon. As his partner, Keiichi was in high spirits about celebrating, but for some reason Hakurō was indifferent and cold…? Furthermore, there was a splendid full moon on the night of his birthday.
That was because werewolves like Hakurō turn into ferocious wolves on the night of a full moon. Can Keiichi really turn this dangerous night into the best one ever for Hakuro!?
Vol. 2: Genma [Our All Night Binding*]
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Moriya Keiichi: Sawa Manaka
Ōizumi Genma: Jōgasaki Shinobu
Shizuru Hakurō: Aoi Yūma
Tani Tomoki: Minamoto Ryōma
Gōsawa Gisuke: Ōno Ken
Fuwatari Haruki: Satonaka Kanete
Release Date: April 14th, 2017
Price: 3000 Yen (+ tax)
Disks: 1
Summary: December 31st, 20XX. The busiest and most bustling day of the year. Keiichi was fired up, but what really worried him was his partner Genma…In the midst of that, a troubling call came in from the Society. The Club Nosferatu vampires escaped to the shrine grounds bustling with people there for the first visit of the new year. Thus Keiichi and Genma’s endless night began...
「オレとアイツの一夜さ綴り」 is an odd title. It literally means “his and my all night/one night binding” because 綴り (綴る) is the word for “binding pages of a book together”. Not sure what it’s supposed to mean. Although 一夜さ can mean “a single night” or “all night”, which is a nice dual meaning.
Vol. 3: Aoi [The Doctor’s Love is Too Abnormal]
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Moriya Keiichi: Sawa Manaka
Aoi Setsuna: Hanasaki Ōji
Heinrich Schellenberg: ??? (Once again, no clue. The name is 黒瀬鷹. Most of these are alias anyways.)
Shiraishi Masasumi: ??? (Actually I have no clue how you’re supposed to pronounce this character’s name either. 白石真澄 is a real person, and a woman, so who knows???)
Dr. Mizuki: Ushikaeru Kitarō (ushikaeru is apparently the American bullfrog. It’s obviously an alias.)
Release Date: May 19th, 2017
Price: 3000 Yen (+ tax)
Disks: 1
Summary: One day, while Keiichi was living at Aoi’s apartment. Hungry for Aoi’s blood and love, Keiichi rushed home from school…
“I’m terribly sorry, but can you look after the house for a week starting today?”
“What…! I’ll be lonely.” 
Aoi had to rush off to Kyoto for a business trip. And furthermore it seemed that he was traveling together with his coworker, Shiraishi, whom he had once been in love with.** Instinctively sensing a crisis, Keiichi suddenly got an idea.
“I know. I’ll go to Kyoto, too!”
However, once he got there he ended up running into Heinrich, who was in the middle of filming…!?
*This is actually less of a request and more of ‘I’m leaving for a week starting today; I’ll leave the house to you?’.
**想いを寄せる means “to fall in love”. I’m thinking it should be read as past tense, but who knows maybe Aoi is actually cheating on Keiichi??
Vol. 4: Heinrich [I’m Marrying a Vampire]
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Moriya Keiichi: Sawa Manaka
Heinrich Schellenberg: ??? (Once again, no clue. The name is 黒瀬鷹. Most of these are alias anyways.)
Kumada Takeshi: ??? (蝶華無悟)
Furuya Hiroshi: Ame Kanmuri
Tani Tomoki: Minamoto Ryōma
Gōsawa Gisuke: Ōno Ken
Fuwatari Haruki: Satonaka Kanete
Release Date: June 16th, 2017
Price: 3000 Yen (+ tax)
Disks: 1
Summary: “…Keiichi, let’s get married.”  
“Nonono! I-is that a proposal?” 
Although the vampire Heinrich was a feared despot in his hometown, Keiichi ended up accepting the marriage proposal. But that would mean drinking this man’s blood for the rest of his life. One day, as the marriage drew near, Keiichi was suddenly struck with wedding blues…Can these two and their love overcome this trial!?
Purchase Info
From Karin’s Shop: The tokuten is basically a cast commentary CD. 各巻 seems to indicate one for each volume?
Stellaworth: Jacket design bromide. No preview yet, so I’m not sure what it is.
Complete Set: If you buy all four volumes, you get the illustration below. In order to get it, apparently you have to buy all four volumes, and fill out an application included in the last CD (Vol. 4). I think. I’m not really sure on this one. Like I’ve said before, I never buy these things when they’re released so even though I know what the sentence says, the process is unclear to me.
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Omega Vampire Clear File Set
This is a set that includes the illustrations used for the DVD and USB versions. You can find the ones included on the site.
Release Date: March 17th, 2017
Price: 800 Yen (+ tax)
Size A4 Clear Files (2)
Poster Card (1)
I translated the tracks in this post. 
You can now listen to a preview on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2y7NXdF_sc
Omega Vampire B2 Tapestry
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These were on sale at AnimeJapan 2017 and there was a set amount that could be pre-ordered online. It’s a wall scroll type poster.
Omega Vampire Trading Accessory Buttons
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Is that what button sets are normally called in Japanese? Well, these are just regular buttons with the characters printed on them.
These were also on sale at AnimeJapan 2017
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[Sweetly Haunted]
So first off I fucking LOVE Halloween and I’m glad we’re getting another Halloween event, as well as the tiers for ranking have changed generously. However, I’m pretty irritated that this wasn’t used as a way to give every single boy some Halloween content. With 3 events with 21 stories and 18 or 19 dateable characters, everyone could have had content and I’m incredibly disappointed in Solmare for not giving everyone some Halloween goodness. Elias, Guy, Leslie, Mel, Sigurd, and Alfonse have no received any Halloween content this year. 
But anyway, let’s get into the breakdown of the event! We have a lot to cover. 
Quick Facts
Type: Star Collection
Total points: 3000
Early bird ends: October 15, 2018
Event ends: October 27, 2018
Event Stories
Glenn (110 stars)
Leon (340 stars)
Lucious (590 stars)
Caesar (1040 stars)
Hiro (1670 stars)
Vincent (1860 stars)
Event CGs
Caesar CG (20 stars)
Glenn CG (190 stars)
Lucious CG (200 stars, Early bird ONLY)
Leon CG (970 stars)
Vincent CG (1370 stars)
Klaus CG (1730 stars)
Hiro CG (1950 stars)
Lucious, Vincent, Leon CG (2320 stars)
Glenn and Hiro CG (2500 stars)
Klaus II story (2600 stars)
Klaus and Caesar CG (2700 stars)
Prize Breakdown
2,900 Lune
4 Story Tickets
1 Aruenaristy
2,200 Romance Points
10 Dresser
8 Storage Warehouses
500 Magic Grade points
10 CGS
7 Room items
5 Garden items
2 Magic Keys
2 Elias' Classic Muffins
2 Luca's Spicy Macarons
Early Bird Prizes
Lucious CG (200 stars)
Hat (400 stars)
Outfit for Boyfriend (600 stars)
Candy Frame (800 stars)
Candy Background (1,000 stars)
So, as I mentioned above, the ranking tiers for this event have changed. The lowest tier is the top 1000 players and the lowest is 20,000. I think this is honestly a fantastic idea and it will allow more people to get the ranking prizes. 
It’s also worth noting that we are getting two avatar outfits through the star collection. One is a cowgirl costume and the other is Nozomi Tojo from Love Live! I’m kidding, but that second outfit really reminds me of Nozomi’s “Dancing Stars on Me!” costume.
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[Fangtastic Seduction]
Quick Facts
Type of event: blue medal slot
# of medals per play: 1
Ends: September 23, 2018
List of Slot Prizes
7 stories (Yukiya, Klaus II, Randy, Joel, Vincent, Leon, Zeus)
8 CGs (Yukiya, Klaus II, Randy, Joel, Vincent, Leon, Zeus, Joel/Leon/Yukiya/Klaus II)
14 Room items
13 Garden items
6 Elias’ Classic Muffins
8000 Romance points
3 Magic Keys
List of Frequent Spinner Prizes (in order of acquisition)
Hat? (2 spins)
3 Dressers ( spins)
Outfit for Boyfriend? (5 spins)
3 Warehouses (7 spins)
Chibi Vampire Randy (10 spins)
Spiderweb Shoes (13 spins)
Coffin Purse (16 spins)
Spiderweb (20 spins)
3000 Romance Points (24 spins)
Chibi Werewolf Yukiya (28 spins)
Spoopy Background (33 spins)
Blue Medal (39 spins)
CG (45 spins)
Hella Goth Spiderweb Dress (47 spins)
Strategies In order to get all prizes, you will need to play the slot 47 times. This includes both frequent spinner and slot items. The first spin is free, so really all you need is 46 medals.
Who’s In the Other CGs?
I haven’t gotten it yet, but I’m going to give an educated guess and say Vincent, Randy, Zeus, and the MC bc they aren’t present in the other group CG but that art is clearly present on the event header.
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otome-obsessed · 8 years
Walkthrough - My Forged Wedding Party - Haruka Utsunomiya
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Login every day for bonuses. Even if you don’t have time to play, open the app and go to my page to collect your login bonus..
Do your cooking missions at least twice a day (every 5 hours). It gives you wife points and gacha points. It’s better to have too many wife points than not enough. That way you aren’t frustrated when you get a mission and don’t have enough.
Save your aroma therapy for in-game events! It may not seem like there is much of a point to them, but you really, really need to resist the urge to use your aroma therapy on the main story. You need to save those up for in-game events because there is a short time-frame to them and they get more brutal once you pass the first route.
Not sure how long they are going to keep the mechanic, but do your daily mission. I would recommend hold out on doing your gacha until you get a mission for it. It’s pretty expensive (500 points) and the odds of you building it up in the time frame of a day are slim.
Do your cooking missions at least twice a day (every 5 hours). It gives you wife points and gacha points. It’s better to have too much wife points than not enough. That way you aren’t frustrated when you get a mission and don’t have enough.
Spin the interior gacha. This walkthrough will not get you to the amount of points needed in order to get the Super Happy End. You need to make up with the other points, by acquiring interior items that raise your wife points that get your more chemistry.
Hold onto your love passes for a double chemistry fever. Another way to make up points is to wait for a chemistry fever that gives you double points for your answers. And, since this walkthrough will give you all right answers, you will get 20 points for right answers instead of 10.
Note: All missions are based on the Japanese version of the game. They are potentially harder OR easier in our game. I will not know until I reach checks.
Episode 1
"Yes." Be uncertain. (+10)
"It's okay, I appreciate what you did." (+10) "Don't worry about me."
Episode 2
Take it. Hesitate. (+10)
Tell him the truth. (+10) Dodge the question.
Episode 3
"Please, don't hide anything." (+10) "I wish you would tell me."
Look up at him. "Yes, it's true." (+10)
Avatar Trial Sweet: Meet the Parents Outfit (Get CG) - 200 Coins Normal: Delicate Pearl Necklace (Charm +70) - 600 Mari
Episode 4
"I won't tell." (+10) "Uh-huh..."
"I'm sorry." (+10) "Um... What happened?"
Episode 5
"What are you doing?!" "Stop that!" (+10)
"Sorry for the trouble I caused." (+10) "Are you okay, Haruka?"
Mission - 3000 Wife Points
Episode 6
"What are you doing?" (+10) "Are you okay?"
"Okay!" "I'll give it 100%!"(+10)
Episode 7
"But..." "Thank you." (+10)
"I sure hope so..." "Thanks. I'm honored." (+10)
Avatar Trial Sweet: First Night Out Outfit (Get CG) - 500 Coins Normal: Round Red Bag (Charm +180) - 5000 Mari
Episode 8
"Just for a bit." (+10) "Sure."
"Stop laughing at me." "Why are you laughing?" (+10)
Mission - 15000 Wife Points
Episode 9
"You're not making sense." "Then why did you come?" (+10)
"What do you have in mind?" (+10) "It's nothing."
Episode 10
"Stop staring at me." "What is it?" (+10)
"But..." "Yes." (+10)
Avatar Trial Sweet: Relaxing Weekend Outfit (Get CG) - 750 Coins Normal: Jeweled Blue Sandals (Charm +180) - 10000 Mari
Episode 11
"I wish you'd put on less." (+10) "I can't stop you..."
Nothing. (+10) "Just use your imagination."
Mission - 30000 Wife Points
Episode 12
"Everyone's watching." "Stop it." (+10)
Watch him closely. (+10) "I'll answer the door."
Episode 13
"Still, you don't have to laugh." "I'm trying to keep it under control." (+10)
"Thank you." (+10) "i can pour my own drink."
Mission - 50000 Wife Points
Episode 14
"You don't mind if I talk to you?" (+10) "You really see through everything."
"I know." "I need to talk to you." (+10)
Episode 15
No selections. Choose your ending based on your points.
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