Blind date
Hi. This isn’t on you prompt list but could you do a one shot of Yelena x Reader and R comes to a long awaited date with Yelena but because of the mission before she has temporary blindness and gets Nat to help with the date. (Kinda like the one episode of Flash. Idk if you watch that.)
I'm so sorry it took so long. I do hope, you enjoy it.
Masterlist Shelter for survivor!Natasha Romanoff
600 followers celebration
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"What kind of a supervillain would use a bright light as a weapon?" Kate couldn't believe that right now you were sitting on a medical bed in front of her.
"Apparently a brilliant one." You were rubbing your eyes and not letting your fellow Avenger help you.
Kate groaned and tried to use a portable optical machine on you. With a doomed expression you tilted your head. Red light, beeping and a disappointed diagnosis.
"Well, it's not that bad." Kate waved her hand in front of you. "It's not permanent. Maybe a couple of days. A day if you're lucky and you'll have your perfect vision again."
"And there's no way to speed it up a little? Maybe a cool pill or eye drops?" You didn't react to her movement and looked in a completely different direction.
"There's no need to intervene. Medicine can only make it worse. So, take it easy. Go home and just relax."
Your phone suddenly dinged. And Kate watched in amusement as you were bumping in the table to get to it faster. But Bishop got it before you.
"So, text from whom are you trying to hide?"
"Give it to me..." You thought you were close to grabbing her hand, but failed miserably.
"If I give it to you, how are you going to know who texted?"
You could hear her grin but you had no other choice. You were waiting for this text for days. Even though now Bishop was teasing you, she was your best friend, your closest person.
"Fine. But no comments."
"It's from Yelena. Everything's OK, she's in town. And she's waiting for your evening together." As Kate was reading, her voice was becoming
higher and higher. "She even added an emoji. I'm surprised, Yelena Belova knows how to use them."
You felt relieved. You asked Yelena out on a date a few weeks ago. Both of you were for some reason surprised by your sudden offer, but it wasn't unexpected. Belova had to leave for a much cooler mission than yours. Every day, you hoped nothing would change, nothing would happen, Yelena wouldn't take back her "yes".
"Why didn't you tell me?" Kate put your phone in your hand.
"It happened spontaneously and I wasn't sure she would even remember."
"Well, unfortunately you'll have to cancel."
"Why?" You were baffled.
"Because you don't see a single thing." Kate packed your bag. "So, tell me what to text her and I'll finally go home. Mom is gonna kill me if I miss the party."
No, no, no. You were waiting for weeks. What would Yelena think about you, if you canceled? You'd never have another chance. Luckily for you, the room became filled with the familiar warm raspy voice.
"Hey girls, how was the mission?"
"Don't even ask me." Nat was shaking her head, trying to run away from you. "I won't help you have a date with my own sister."
"But, Romanoff. Remember when I saved your life in Spain?" You thought you were following her, but instead just crashing into chairs and boxes. You didn't remember the compound as well as you thought.
"You were the one who blew our cover."
"Ok, how about Romania?"
"You shot in the gas tank of our car." Nat took pity on you and stopped you with a touch of her hand on your shoulder.
"I see the pattern, but I'll do anything..."
"Why today? Why is this day so important?"
"Because it's my only chance. You know Yelena. She'll think, it's not meant to be. With our schedules and this accident." You didn't want to lose her. Unfortunately for you, the woman you were in love with so easily believed that she simply didn't deserve normal relationships.
"Fine." Russian sounded softer. Nat knew that you were right. She also knew. how stubborn both of you were. Everyone on the team knew.
And the fact that you managed to  get as far as the date, was good news. "You did help me in Bolivia. I guess, I owe you."
Nat chose the dress, the glasses, gave you an earpiece, drove you to the venue.
"Let the waiter guide you. Don't worry, everything's going to be ok."
With the encouraging words you stepped out of the car.
"You're exactly on time!" Yelena smiled and waved at you.
You wished you had a less awkward entrance, but letting the waiter guide you at least helped you get to your seat. You were lucky, your table was on the terrace and the sun was still felt in the air.
"And she's right in front of you" earpiece vibrated
"These glasses suit you." And yet Yelena noticed how out of place they were. "That's a good start. You're not late. People often can stand me up."
"Why would they stand you up?"
"You knew. the reputation." Yelena nervously tried to laugh it off. "Not that one. That's not what I meant. I'm a proper date. A good girl."
"Oh, sister. That's embarrassing" Nat chuckled.
You smiled and had no idea where to look. You tried to move as little as you could, so that Yelena wouldn't think that you're checking her out.
"Tell her, she looks amazing. Dress is absolutely perfect."
"You look amazing."
"Oh, thank you. I wasn't sure about the color. You like it?"
"Damn it. I can't see the color. The video's black and white."
"Any color should be thankful for you wearing it."
"Nice safe. Didn't expect that from you."
"Really smooth." Yelena laughed.
"Wine list." Waiter announced.
You thought he was on the right. But you only grabbed the air. Menu was on the left.
"Thank you." You mumbled, but the waiter was already gone. "Why don't you choose?"
You handed it over to Yelena, almost knocking over the bottles with water.
"Why do you even need me?"
"So, how was your last mission?"
You got to your dessert without any further complications. And you were really proud that Yelena was feeling comfortable around you. You could swear, you never heard her laughing like this. Even her tone was smiling at you.
"We were saving hostages. Families. It was hard, but worth it. Seeing happy children's faces is why we do it. So that they wouldn't have our fate."
"You're right" You tried to find her hand on the table. And you almost immediately did. Yelena wanted to feel you, she helped you touch her.
"It's OK." You could hear the tears in her voice. "Natasha helps a lot, of course. Just as she does now."
"What?" You shook her head.
"You don't see me, right? What kind of a black widow would I be, If I didn't notice that? How many and which fingers am I showing you?" She was frankly enjoying you being so lost. It was her tiny revenge.
"Oh, I'm so, so sorry. And embarrassed." You took off the glasses and an earpiece. "It's my last mission and I didn't want to cancel. We both have been waiting for weeks. And tell me it's not a middle one."
"I would probably do the same thing, honestly." Yelena chuckled. "Just not ask my own sister."
"Come on, we gotta go to the cab." Yelena was holding your hand and gently showing you the way.
"Just don't let go of me."
"Never. Just another step. And funny how we skipped to the hand holding part."
"Yeah, look..." You stopped Yelena. "I didn't want it to be like this. I truly didn't want it to start with a trick."
"I understand. And I noticed it as soon as you came in. Clinging to the waiter for dear life." She cupped your face and you felt her breath on your lips. "I appreciate the effort. Trust me, if I didn't feel the way I do, I'd walk away immediately.."
You pulled her even closer and she once again guided you. But this time into the gentle kiss, that very quickly turned into a heated one.
"So, we're at a kissing stage?" You asked under your breath.
She hummed a "yes" in your soft skin. "But we'll wait, till we both can fully enjoy it"
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Natasha x Avenger Fem!Reader!!
Reader is soothing Natasha to sleep during a rainy day at the compound!!
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
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After that mission everything changed. Kids' cries and the whimpers of old men were still haunting her. And you knew it, you felt it, you hated it. Nat never told you all the details, but something inside of her was broken. And it happened during the worst rain she ever experienced.
You were supposed to fight nature itself. The winds that were making Nat shiver. The lighting was making Nat forget the world around her. The thunder, that was making Nat dread every future second.
You wanted to help, but Nat was always stubborn. She never let you into her bleeding heart completely. She was always afraid of you being suffocated by her past mistakes, her present sins and her future pain. So much time spent together, so many missions shared, a lot of stories written. And with all that you were still not allowed to see all of her scars. All you could do was have sleepless nights near your broken girlfriend. You thought, you had the chance, Nat thought she had the strength.
But that particular day did everything wrong. You becoming the part of a rescue mission, Nat being alone at the compound, thick clouds and electrified air. You felt that your woman right now was looking at the grey sky through the misted window. She was begging for you to come back. Her heart started bleeding again.
You rushed to her room as fast as you could. Damn you, Steve, with your noble intentions to talk through the operation afterwards. What did you care, when the invisible string of almost love was guiding you towards Nat's wound.
You found her on the creaking sofa you hated so much. Her hair still wet from the hotness of the shower, her skin still aching for the cold glass of the cabin and fingers missing the roughness of the curtain.
"Success?" Nat asked sharply with a drop of jealousy and a hint of resentment.
"Yes." You answered quietly.
You could see the tension in the room, you could feel the alcohol on her breath, you could touch her tears on the blanket.
"Good. You should go to sleep." Nat was looking right through you.
"You want me to leave you alone?"
You heard the drops falling on the cornice leaving an empty sound behind. It was going to rain and Nat flinched at that thought.
"No." Her shaky answer filled the room.
This was new. You obeyed and threw your jacket on the floor. You dived underneath the blanket and immediately were attacked by the softest hands and the warmest skin.
"Take it off." Nat practically whined. "We have a rule."
You smiled at her strictness. Even now she cared for the order. You clumsily took off your shirt and sent it flying to the jacket.
She cuddled up to you as if you were the only reason for her life to remain intact. That was your rule. Skin on skin.
"Is it about the rain again?"
You were tickled by her nodding answer. Your hand was lost in the flame of her hair, while the other was holding your woman closer.
"You want to talk?
"No. I just don't want to be alone tonight." Her answer vibrated into your chest. "Don't want to face it alone. Again."
You frowned at her husky words. There she was, a woman hidden in your embrace, full of love and loyalty. How could the others burden her with their wrongdoings?
The rain was getting louder as were her sobs.
"It was never your fault." You whispered into her wound. "I'm with you. Always. We'll heal together. I promise."
"And the rain is just the rain?"
You were calming her with wondrous patterns on her skin. Your touches were guiding her to the calm she was so craving for. Nat was still hiding in you after every stroke of the lightning, but in a few hours her body betrayed her. She trusted you enough to let go.
You didn't sleep that night, just as many others before and after. But that very moment you knew, that eventually Nat would let you in. She would heal. You would heal each other.
"Yes, the rain is only the rain."
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Hyyy, can I request a survivor!Nat where she was in love with reader in her universe before reader died, and then when she briefly met Peggy to take down ultron and felt a connection to her, and when the watcher takes her to a new universe, the universe where she ends up in has Captain Carter and reader dating, she falls in love with reader all over again and finds herself falling for Peggy as well and the three end up dating
Nat deserves all the happiness.
Survivor!Natasha Romanoff x Captain Carter x reader
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
Falling in love again
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When you stopped breathing, Natasha Romanoff died. Her flesh was torn apart by the rusty arrow, the one that of the Ultrons shot at you.
She ran to you with a blood chilling cry. Your name on her lips, the one she was saying out loud only during the moments of intimacy, now was depreciated by the deadly circumstances. With the last beat of your heart, her universe stopped living, it just couldn't survive without you anymore.
Nat was howling for weeks, as if the sharp tip was forever stuck in her own body, poisoning her existence. Clint was with her, but he could only watch how his best friend was slowly dissolving into madness. It took all of his strength, all of his trust, all of his loyalty to stay with her. He knew exactly what Nat was going through, he too lost his family. But she couldn't even have her friend. He chose to give up and leave her alone with your ghost. The one she saw and felt every single day, but could never touch.
Natasha was talking with you, asking your opinion, sharing the details of her everyday survival. And even after you vanished, you were the one who helped her feel ground under her feet again. She almost resigned herself to her fate. Until Watcher decided to play with the universe.
Out of all the people, why the hell did her variant trust Peggy Carter? Was it the feeling of protection, Captain was radiating from her?
Was it her firm grip on Nat's shoulder during the battle? Was it her genuine smile of concert, that could get behind the wall Redhead build around herself? Was it the sparkle in her eyes that could become a beacon of light in the darkest of the worlds?
The answer was far simplier, at least Nat hoped it was. Peggy was just the first woman she met in a long time, whose behavior resembled affection. Resembled you. And now standing in front of the Watcher, she had to make a choice, voice a plea, show weakness. Natasha was ashamed of her desire to live further. She was terrified to ask for another chance for herself, when you never got that luxury. But what if, just for a moment another person could look at her, the way Peggy did. It wasn't you, but maybe her imagination could create the rest.
Nat's universe wasn't perfect. Her friends were still lost, she was alone and you were only a memory. But at least here, she wasn't enamoured with the idea of not making it through the day.
"Oh no, Romanoff. Don't you even dare to leave me." Peggy's voice could so easily fill any room. Maybe it was her accent or the choice of words, but she was always in command of any space. And now she was once again in charge of Nat's thoughts.
"I'm still here, waiting for you."
Peggy always needed more time to change into civilian clothes with the complexity of her uniform. But tonight they were going for a drink.
And Captain's company was worth the wait.
Nat quickly got accustomed to their nights out. She never had them before, even when her past life was still intact. You were the only one, who managed to change her spartan lifestyle, the only one who could make her laugh. And now that privilege belonged to Peggy.
"What are you thinking about Widow?" She let her whiskey tumbler clink Nat's beer bottle, which was standing on the table without attention.
"Doesn't look like nothing to me."
What the Redhead could say. She already felt herself as a burden after all these months of letting her anxiety take over for Peggy to see.
You both lost so much, but Captain Carter wasn't a pathetic whimpering mess almost every night. Nat was somehow sure of that.
"I'm having fun." Nat smiled and demonstratively finished the bottle in one go.
"Careful with that kind of amusement."
Peggy gently put her hand on Nat's lost one on the wooden surface. This tiny gesture was enough for Nat to feel the overwhelming protection she was aching for. Skin of the older woman wasn't as soft as yours, but her warmth was real, it was vibrating right into Readhead's pulse point.
"I had my fair share of being careful." Playfulness in green eyes appeared out of nowhere, lightening up everything around them.
"Romanoff, now you're just being a tease."
"And who's fault is that?"
Those evenings were so simple, barely having any weight, sometimes with the words that were not even coherent sentences. But they belonged to Nat. She could pretend, that this extraordinary woman, who saved the world on more than occasion thought of her as someone more than a colleague, someone closer than an acquaintance, someone dearer than just a companion.
"You sure, you don't want me to go with you? It's late."
It was indeed past midnight. And once again Peggy couldn't get drunk, unlike Nat, who was using a street lamp as a support.
"I'll be fine."
"That's not what I asked."
Nat could feel her cheeks heating up. Of course, she wanted Peggy to follow her. For the last few weeks, it was the only thing she so passionately desired. Her name was the one Redhead was muttering in her sleep, her face was the one, she was seeing near her own reflection. Captain Carter was replacing you and the grief was gradually overthrown with jealousy. This wasn't even the variant, she met during the battle with Ultron, but she felt that instant connection even in another universe. Selfish part of her hoped that Peggy did too.
"I'll be fine. you can go and do whatever you do."
Nat didn't want to sound offended, she didn't want to be offended, she didn't want to be so damn needy for the attention of the woman, who wasn't even you.
Nat's last mission was a disaster, a bloody and messy ordeal, in which both her and Peggy achieved very little. The disappointment was almost palpable in the helicopter, with the rest of the team staring blankly in front of them. They lost people, they lost an objective, they lost a will to fight further.
For the first time Natasha noticed tears in Peggy's eyes. It wasn't even their fault. And she wanted to whisper this into the super soldier's ear. And not only that. But how could she, she had no right even to look at her the way she did.
"Are you..." But Carter already left. Of course, she didn't want Russian, she didn't need Russian. And it was for the better. Nat had to remember her place in this universe.
"Hey, Widow. I want you to meet someone."
"What is it? Another boy, you think..."
But that wasn't one of Peggy's innocent jokes about Nat's lonely life.
"I... how..." She felt her own consciousness betraying her. Her body losing it's support, losing every single bone, that was supposed to keep her on the ground.
"What is wrong, Miss Romanoff?"
Was it a ghost? Of course not. How could this voice sound exactly like yours? How could your body arch the same in Carter's arms as it did hers? How could you smile at her, the way you always grinned at Redhead?
"You... you know me?" Her hands were clenched in fists of anxiety and fear.
"Of course." You smiled warmly. "Peggy always talks about you. Every evening you're practically a guest at our table."
"Carter?" She hopelessly asked for an explanation. "How? When?"
"I never told you that I have someone special in my life."
Special? You? for someone else? Green eyes were wondering from the face of the woman she was in love to the face of the woman she actually loved all these years. Nat had to do something, had to rip you out of the villainous arms of a rival. But you didn't recognise her. You were devoted to Peggy, At this moment, you both were. Nat could only nod and concentrate on her own heartbeat.
"Yes, we've been together for two years." You continued with the pride straightening your posture.
"Sorry, I didn't tell you." Peggy said with an apologetic smile. "But you know... with our crazy world."
"You should protect what you have." Nat's voice broke your heart.
You knew she endured so much pain in her life, so much loss. And now this woman was looking at you, devouring you as if you were her only saving grace,
"Miss Romanoff..." You left Peggy's warm embrace to reach out to Redhead.
She barely contained her whimper, when you touched her hand. Exactly as you did many times before. Your fingers gently caressing her palm.
You were so close. She could feel the perfume, you hated so much in her universe. And could see the shade of lipstick you would never wear.
"i'm OK." Nat whispered. "Just tired, I should... I should go."
"No" Peggy put her hand on Nat's shoulder with all the confidence she could. "Today was a hard day. And you're going with us. We won't let you be alone."
Natasha suddenly felt all the pain, she thought, she left in her own universe. But no, she took it with herself. And you were the one to revive it once again
Natasha didn't go with you that night. And the next, and the next, and the one afterwards. Watcher was making fun of her. Peggy was making fun of her. You were making fun of her.
And the only thing she could do was to ignore all her pain altogether. While staying alone in her rented apartment. For seven days she was alone, being choked on her grief.
"Romanoff!" The aggressive knock on Nat's door woke her up. "I know you're there. You can't ignore me forever."
The River of Russian curses was never-ending.
"What do you want?" Top notch spy somehow got her accent back.
The door opened and Peggy sighed.
"You don't look well, Widow."
"Coming here to tell me that was absolutely necessary."
"Well, you ignored my messages."
Nat was studying the brown eyes in front of her. The one that was always associated with the new chance she got in her life. But now those orbs were nothing more than a cruel reminder that the survivor of another universe was not deserving the happiness.
"I'm not going to allow you to come in." Nat didn't move from her spot. Crossed arms and artificial anger. Redhead always knew how to look intimidating.
"I'm not asking for a courtesy visit." Peggy brushed away a disobedient strand of the red hair from the face she admired so much. "I want to know how you are. And if you're willing to share, what happened?"
Nat couldn't find strength in herself to answer both of those questions. Carter was so close to her, so supportive, so caring. She didn't deserve to be betrayed by someone she considered a friend.
"I'm fine." She still leaned into the touch of the older woman. "I'm really OK."
"Is it because I didn't tell you about Y/N?"
"No, of course not. It was your choice." Nat lowered her head, being afraid that Peggy was in fact reading her thoughts. "She's nice."
"She's my one and only."
Those words were more destructive than anything Nat ever encountered in her entire life.
"You're lucky"
"I'm begging you, let's go with me. We'll have dinner, nice and cozy. Whatever there is, we'll help you go through this."
Months passed since that first dinner together. First time you touched her in this universe. So what, if it was just a greeting. First time you kissed her. So what, if it was only a goodbye kiss on the cheek. First time she heard you laughing. So what, if she wasn't the one, who joked. You were charming, welcoming and soft. And you were like this for Peggy. Perfect woman, who was better than Nat in every possible way. Romanoff couldn't handle that revelation. But as much as she thought, she didn't deserve domesticity, the more she was craving for it. You were giving her everything she was deprived of for months. Coming home after those perfect dates, Nat was moaning your name, but you were not the only one in her dreams.
There were parties, movie nights, breakfasts, and the parks. Nat often found herself in between you and Peggy, leaning on your hand, but hearing Carter's mellow tone. And she was falling in love with both of you again. And this was wrong on so many levels.
"Nat! We're getting late."
Of course, you noticed that Redhead definitely wasn't in a hurry. The Avengers were waiting, but she didn't care. Just a vision of you and Peggy being a happy couple and her simply crying on the sidelines was reminding her of that rusty arrow in her chest.
"I think I'll skip this one."
When you came into her bedroom, she was still wearing her comfy clothes and not the dress you helped her to pick up earlier. You sat near her and immediately felt her need for your support.
"I can't do this anymore." She whispered and the raspiness of her voice broke something in you. "I'm not strong enough."
"What are you talking about?"
"You and Peggy. It's too painful."
Nat shook her head to get rid of the tears and stood up.
"What are you talking about?"
"I... I knew you..." She hugged herself and really tried not to break down in front of you completely. "Back in my world. And we were... "
"No." She shrugged. "Something more than that. You were my soulmate."
"That explains a lot." You approached her and she let you bury your face in the red hair you adored. "I love you."
The meaning of your last words had the weight of a dying planet. You were laughing in her face, you were making fun of her. You were cruel.
"Don't say that. Don't mock me."
Instead of the explanations you turned her blushing face to you and carefully barely touching kissed her lips. And it felt so right for you.
"You shouldn't..." Nat tried to get away from you, but your arm around her waist didn't let her. "And Peggy... I think I'm in love with her too."
"We know. I love you and so does Peggy."
"We love you, Madly, passionately. It runs through the veins of both of us." You noticed how the fear in her eyes was turning into something far warmer.
"How is that possible?"
"We talked about it. Were sincere with each other. And you're not exactly subtle with your feelings, Romanoff." You kissed her eyes with a smile. "Though, Peggy would definitely like to share this moment with us."
Nat finally smiled and the intensity of her gaze wasn't one of anxiety, but of anticipation.
"Then we definitely should call her."
"And we'll go to the party..."
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Masterlist. Survivor!nat
This. Yelena invited you to the bar. And you carelessly agreed. What would your broken heart do? What would your new girlfriend say?
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She always hated being alone. Too many thoughts, too much tension, too strong a sting of guilt. She was flagging down the waiter, the only person, who was giving her crumbs of attention tonight. Her once full of vigor, body and soul now was betraying her. She was feeling as faded as the leather of her bar stool. She practically was lost in tacky flowers from that pinkish wallpaper. Nobody asked for her ID, when she walked in there, the barman still remembered her from her previous life. She had no idea how long she was already drinking here. And even simply fixing her hair was an unbearable task now. She was tired of feeling lonely, she was tired of feeling empty, she was hating the idea of spending another night alone.
And she got drunk just enough to remember how you made her feel. Just enough to have the goosebumps from just a memory of your praises and devotion. She hated how body was heating up even from the touches of your ghost . If only she could shake it off. If only she didn't depend on you anymore. If only she still was yours to hate. Even for a second, even for an instance. She hoped that no-one noticed how her embarrassment was written all over her posture. Another shot of vodka only added to that. She growled as soon as the fire of the drink again reached her consciousness. Someone tapped her shoulder, but the cold look was too frightening to handle for someone, who just wanted to get a photo with her. Being in the middle of the room full of strangers, lost it's comfort for her, when she started always seeing only your face in that room. And when you left, you closed the door to that calm forever.
She waved at the waiter again, almost losing her balance. And if it wasn't for her barely alive reflexes, this evening would end very differently. "Налей ещё одну." (pour another one) She mouthed directly to the barman. He tried to say "достаточно" (enough), but what could he do? Angry and drunk Yelena was even more dangerous than a miserable and sober. She moaned with her eyelids half open. Fuck, she needed your smell, your presence, your loyalty. And she was drunk enough to call that number on her phone, that she would never call without the alcohol. So what if you desired to use her. Part of her even hoped for it. She was whispering, that she needed you, missed you, craved for you. Your excuses didn't matter, your own life didn't matter, your doubts didn't matter. She got so drunk that she almost felt beautiful and wanted. Even if you didn't love her anymore, she was willing to make one more mistake. The only one she couldn't make sober.
God, you hated that bar. Now even more than before. Those dim lights, that sour smell, those curse words. You never expected this particular establishment to remind Yelena so much of her homeland.
"Где она, Степан?" (Where is she, Stepan?) You asked with an awful accent.
"Боже мой, я уже думал вы не придете. Елена Алексеевна очень активно отдыхает." (God, I thought, you wouldn't come. Yelena Alexeevna is very actively having fun) Barman pointed at her empty table. With at least 6 tiny glasses.
"Где она?" (Where is she?)
"В уборной. Не беспокойтесь, с ней все хорошо. Мы следим за ней. Не понимаю, почему именно сегодня..." (In the restroom. But don't worry, she's OK. We're watching her. I just don't understand why today...)
" У нас годовщина." You sighed "Спасибо, Степан." (It's our anniversary. Thank you, Stepan)
You left the cash on the counter to pay for her and a generous tip. You noticed a familiar vest hanging on the back of another chair.
You felt the fabric under your fingertips. It got dirtier, it got rougher. But it still was your present she adored so much.
"Oh, look who's here!" A few customers turned to see who could be so loud.
"Fuck." You said under your breath. "You're that drunk."
Yelena didn't hear you and pulled you into the most awkward hug possible. She bumped into you, forgetting that your body wasn't supposed to be relaxed for her.
"Had a bad day?" She teased you with a grin, while still keeping her hands on your shoulders.
"Why did you call me?"
Yelena wanted to kiss your cheeks three times as a part of a greeting tradition, but you subtly helped her get into her chair. You could feel that this wasn't her first bar today, wasn't her first alcohol of choice. She didn't want to sit, didn't want to let go of you. Just a brief physical contact with you gave her so much more than she could ever forget during your break up.
"I missed you." She quietly admitted.
"A bold claim from someone, who deleted my number the second I left the apartment."
You felt all your anger coming back to you. All this time you waited for her call, her message, her one word. You didn't even need an apology anymore, you needed her. But she ignored you. And now, she had the audacity to summon you and be so vulnerable? No, this wouldn't work on you.
"Your number is the only one I know."
There was something in her voice. Something barely distinguishable. As if it was rusty from being silent all the time. As if it was broken from crying too much on her own.
"Then I'll be your cab tonight. Come on."
"No, no, no." She furiously shook her head. "Drink with me."
"And why would I do that?"
"You know how stubborn I am." She smiled smugly and crossed her arms on her chest.
Even after all this time so mature. You knew too well what game she was playing. Making you forget how you felt just a second ago. Making you submit to happy memories revived by alcohol.
"Fine." You gave her the vis-a-vis she wanted, placing herself opposite her. You showed the waiter your order.
"You haven't changed a bit." Yelena was admiring you, comparing to her own visions of you in her dreams.
You didn't know what to answer. Of course, you did change. She just didn't know it. You had to survive, to adapt, to rebuild yourself. Woman, who was now staring at you with artificial affection, just wasn't ready to hear the truth.
She was drumming her fingers, knees always going. Finally the waiter returned with your drink.
"За тебя." (to you)
Your glasses clicked and the warmth of the liquid embraced you both.
"How is Dani?" She suddenly asked.
"You know about her?" What was even the point of the question? You were not surprised she kept an eye on you, caring about your safety.
"Nat told me." Yelena lied. But because of the alcohol, she couldn't hide the blush. "Does she cook for you?"
"She does." Corners of your lips almost moved. Belova could never hide her unfair jealousy.
"Dani's perfect?" Saying this outloud hurt her so much, painful jolts went through her whole body.
"Why am I here, Yelena?" You were getting impatient, tired.
"I need you." Her hand snaked to yours on the table. Her skin wasn't as soft as it used to be.
"No, you need someone to pity you."
But you didn't remove yourself from her. Yelena blinked her tears away and leaned closer. She could almost catch your new perfume, could almost forget that she was the one who forged the wall.
"It's our anniversary."
"Weirdly how you remember it now, but never did when we were together."
Her lower lip started trembling. Waves of the forgotten guilt were new and vibrant.
"That's enough." You were ruthless.
You helped her get up and felt her grabbing you, trying to get under your skin. She was sweating and shaking, choking on tears.
Her muffled sobs were tearing your eardrums in the car. For whatever reason she didn't delete your fingerprint from her apartment security system.
"There-there." You guided her to the kitchen and gently washed away weariness from her face.
You had to leave, waiting was dangerous. Dani was sleeping in your new home. You owed her that. You stepped aside, you stopped massaging the small of her back.
"Stay." Yelena groaned. She was still facing the sink. But you knew, she was in agony.
"I can't."
"Stay, just this one time." She turned to you and you finally saw her broken heart. It was in her every feature, in her every move, in her every breath.
"Yelena..." You pushed her hands away from your waist. "Stop. What do you want from me? Fuck your pain away?! This doesn't work that way. One evening wouldn't change what you have done. One evening wouldn't erase the fact that you let another woman in our relationship."
You were stumbling over your words, trying to articulate the absurdity of her desire.
"I'm so sorry." She tried again to reach you, but you didn't let her.
"You're not allowed to be sorry. You disappeared for eight months, you called, you manipulated me, you want to use me to forget your mistake."
"No, I..."
"Dani is not perfect. Far from it. But what's even the point. You were. And where were we?" You said through your teeth.
Yelena was defeated, humiliated and lost. And she had no one to blame, but herself. You were right. She did betray you, trusting another woman enough to complain about you.
"I didn't want to lose you."
You laughed bitterly. It was so easy to hate Yelena now.
"Well, remember what you told me, when I confronted you?"
"Don't be shy now, Yelena. What did you say?" You hovered over her, violating her personal space, reminding you about your bond.
"That you're suffocating me."
"Exactly. You have no idea what is любовь и верность." (love and loyalty.)
Yelena opened and closed her mouth. What was the point of this conversation. Her only chance was to kiss you. And this time you didn't push her away. It was an awful kiss. full of torment, insecurity and past mistakes. You could taste her ruined makeup and poisoned cinnamon of her perfume. She was obedient, letting you drink every single drop of her apology with your tongue. You grabbed her hips, leaving bruises and ownership on her. Her moans breaking loose inside and tumbling out to you. You almost forgot how she ignored you.
"Perfect timing." You bit her lip to break the tension. You knew, it was Dani calling. "I have to go."
"No." She didn't let you move from her, touching your forehead with hers. "I can't live without you anymore."
"You will be trapped again."
"I don't care. With you I want to be trapped."
"You lost us." You felt your own tears falling on her clothes.
"I swear, I will love the pain away. Give me a chance."
"Fine:" You caught her gaze "Call me, when you're sober. We'll talk."
You hated that Belova returned to your life. You hated that she still loved you. You hated that you had to break up with Dani. But, damn it, you still loved Yelena and wanted to give her one last chance.
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Could you writing a story with survivor!Nat using the prompts:“I want to help you, so please let me.” and “Sure, you can use me as a pillow.”?
yes! anything for survivor!Nat.
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
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Nat rarely allowed you to go with her on the "resource hunt". You learned all the reasons already and were reciting them in your mind alongside her annoyed tone. "It's dangerous, you're unprepared, there might be an ambush, Clint wants to go with me, I want to do this alone, someone needs to guard the place."
You knew she meant well. You knew she was afraid. You knew she was anxious almost all the time. Those rare minutes together, she was spending on cherishing you and trying to make you feel better, when she herself was blinking her own tears away. She didn't ask anything of you. Your warmth in her dying world was just enough to get through the day. But you wanted to give her so much more.
"Tonight I'm going with you."
"We've already talked about this." She didn't even look at you, being too busy trying to assemble a Glock 23 at the half burned table from the scraps she found yesterday. You desperately needed more weapons and she had to find a way to make it work.
"Nat, Clint is exhausted. And you..." You had no idea even how to name the state she was in. "...I want to take his place."
She twitched, when you put your hands on her shoulders. During the better times, it would always earn a moan of approval. But not anymore, her casual reactions were shattered, just as her previous persona. You hesitated. She didn't want you to continue, she didn't need it anymore.
"Then I'll be alone."
Her stubbornness was driving you crazy. You were fighting with the urge to shake her shoulders, to shake the common sense in her. But the the click of the rusty trigger reminded you that Nat was already on the edge.
"You won't be able to find much, while always thinking about the lookout."
She let out a low warning growl. You didn't dare to doubt her. Not you, not now. Her whole confidence was building around you, fighting the tentacles of despair and failure.
"I didn't mean that." You took away the cold metal from her hands and the needy touch of her fingers caught you off guard. "I want to help you, so please let me. "
She obliged, she had no other choice. Your fingers brushed her hair. She didn't have either the time or the resources to take care of it.
Knots and split ends, too dry, too fragile. Even the shade of the red changed. But you still loved it, still caressed it, still pulled it and kissed afterwards. Your skin burned her temples and just for a second she closed her eyes. It felt good, it felt almost secure. Her slightly tilted head was repeating the direction of your gentle movements. Nat was being washed over by the calm waters of tiredness.
"Why are you doing this?" she whispered, trying to still have that bravado even in the hushed words. "I have to remain concentrated."
"Your favorite glocks can wait for a few hours."
Nat hummed something. A thank you mixed with a request to stop. Being weak tonight wasn't a part of her plan. But she couldn't bring herself to get up and scold you. She missed this too much and she felt something stinging her eyes. Her own tears were lulling her to sleep.
"Nat, just trust me." You gently bit her neck and earned a hissed reply. She didn't even remember anymore that pain could be a part of pleasure.
She let you guide her to your bed. Or rather to the old mattress, that was too small for both of you. You saw the struggle in her eyes. Nat didn't see you lying like this, inviting her, opening yourself for her for such a long time. You tried before, she just never noticed. She got on top of you with a painful groan, her muscles just couldn't stretch the proper way anymore.
"Are you comfortable?"
"Sure, you can use me as a pillow."
Nat nuzzled into your neck, leaving the wetness of her tears on your collarbone. You gently caressed her back until her sharp breathing retrieved it's calmer pace. Her fists were not anchoring you anymore. Her possessiveness fell asleep with all the tension of the last few weeks.
"I will always protect you. Always be by your side." You whispered into her dream.
It didn't take long for you to slowly drift away too.
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For your 300 celebration, could you write a drabble based on this prompt “We need to stop the bleeding – now!” where reader gets shot during a mission with Yelena.
Brilliant, thank you!
It's a bit longer than a drabble. Just got carried away a little.
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
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Yelena knew that this day would eventually come. The worst of her fears, the scariest of her nightmares, the most disturbing feelings.
She never told you, but your cries were a frequent guest of her overwhelming thoughts. Ones, that made her cling harder, weep louder, cuddle longer. She was afraid one day to wake up and not feel your soul near. She was terrified of the cold under her skin, when she was imagining how your warmth was slipping through her fingers.
Your woman woke up today in the middle of the night, with an aching wound in her chest. She didn't tell you what she saw. Her needy grasp and longing gaze were not rare visitors, though Yelena always tried to keep her despair away from your bed. But this time she wasn't capable of it. You woke up to her teary eyes, trembling hands and loudest whisper. "Пожалуйста, останься со мной." (Please, stay with me.) That night you were the one to protect her and give her at least a hope of long lasting happiness.
"I'm here, I'm with you."
Her shaking body was rejecting your words, but the blood in your veins you now shared was impossible to ignore. "I'm not going anywhere." She heard it with her heart and soul.
"Everything's going to be OK!" You couldn't shout down the marching soldiers, but you hoped that Yelena at least caught the positive affirmation.
But your words did nothing, the sound of your voice was lost in Yelena's dream, that started breathing.
You had to save the hostages, Yelena had to lead the attack. Starting together, parting after the successful entrance in the facility.
Your woman was checking on you through the intercom every 10 minutes. The timbre you loved so much, was guiding you through all the obstacles. You were ready for every shot, you were prepared for every strike.
Until the Russian became silent. You thought something happened with Yelena. But you were wrong, something happened with you.
She heard your howl in the earpiece and rushed to you, leaving her second in command in charge of the team.
"С ней ничего не может произойти. Это какая-то ошибка" (nothing can happen to her, it's just a mistake)
She found you leaning on the wall, trying to stop the red drops from falling on the floor.
"We need to stop the bleeding – now!" Yelena yelled. She didn't know who would hear her. "Смотри на меня, не закрывай глаза. Пожалуйста, останься со мной." (Look at me, don't close your eyes. Please, stay with me.)
Her heart was burning as your blood was blending with your tears. She tried to ease your pain with her hands on your wounded shoulder.
"I'm with you, babe. Everything's going to be ok, you hear me?"
You barely could nod, feeling the fire of a bullet stealing your strength. Only a few minutes and the corridor was filled with the sound of a medic running.
"Faster!" She cried and herself gave you a much needed shot of a painkiller, while the doctor was checking the wound. Bandages would temporarily stop the bleeding, just long enough for Yelena to guide you to the helicarrier.
She was holding your hand, almost praying, barely being alive herself. But you stayed, you were with her. Her nightmare never became a reality. She made sure of that. She would always make sure of that.
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Hi, congrats on 300!!🥳
Can I request #18 from list 3: "Will you be here tomorrow?" with Yelena and could you make it super fluffy?
Thank you so much. Hope you enjoy!
First date
Masterlist. 300 followers celebration. Survivor!nat
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You always knew that your relationship with one of the earth's mightiest heroes was very far from being ordinary.
Unlike normal couples you never had that candy-bouquet period full of cute dates and romantic memorabilia. With Yelena everything was raw, vibrant and sensitive. She never hid her true nature from you. That hurricane that only you could tame, left no room for any doubts. That passion, that only you could match, left no chance for the others. That need, that only you could fulfill, left no space for misunderstandings. In a few months both of you never even tried to slow things down. You were together, you belonged to each other.
But as much as Yelena enjoyed your dynamics, from time to time she had murkier thoughts. She didn't want both of you to lose the beauty of being in love. And even though in a month you were already living together, she decided to take you out on the first proper date. You got a text that she would pick you up at seven. "Wear something comfy, but fancy." You didn't even try to guess her plans, but it was something new. It sounded like an almost official invitation. Which was never a part of your routine. If Yelena wanted you to go with her somewhere, she simply sent you an address, time and visa versa.
Heavy knock on the door returned you to reality.
"Yelena, you're exactly on time. That doesn't happen..."
As you opened the door, you forgot how to talk. Your woman was wearing a gorgeous purple dress that accentuated all the advantages of her body and matching heels. In her hands there was a giant bouquet of your favorite flowers and you could barely see her perfect makeup and hair behind it.
"I hope, I guessed with the flowers."
"Of course, you did. You know my favorite flowers."
You took the bouquet from her and slowly inhaled the sugariness of nature. At that moment Yelena's beaming face could illuminate the whole world.
"I know. But, tonight we're having our first date. Technically, I know nothing."
You nodded.
"Then give me a second and I'm all yours."
You took care of the flowers and followed the woman, you knew so well to your first ever date.
Everything was textbook perfect. She booked the restaurant you wanted to visit, but always lacked the time. Made sure that your favorite food and drinks were perfectly crafted. You were sure, she even took care of the weather. Because the sky was showing ideal stars, during your stroll in the park afterwards.
You spent hours talking and laughing, discovering each other anew, but inevitably had to come back.
"Thank you for this amazing evening. I'd better..."
"What do you mean?" You were waiting for your woman to come in, but she hesitated.
"It's our first date and I really shouldn't stay."
"We always spend our evenings together. I can't be without you anymore." You blurted out.
Without another word Yelena closed the door, got rid of her heels and pulled you into a hug. Disappointment in your voice was heartbreaking for her.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered. "Of course I'll stay. In any circumstances, I'll always stay with you."
"And will you be here tomorrow? With me?" You tried to hide your face in the crook of her neck. You never wanted to be so vulnerable.
"I'll be with you always."
She cupped your burning face and kissed you. You had no idea, she was capable of giving you so much love and fire in such a tender and soft moment.
"Perfect first date kiss, Belova." You whispered into her lips. "I can only imagine what the second date one will be like."
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Congratulation!! Could you write giving a piggy-back ride with Yelena?
Thank you so much for the request. Hope you enjoy
Piggy-back ride
everything's like in the request above. Yelena Belova x reader, cute and charming, just a tiny thing
Masterlist. 300 followers celebration. Survivor!nat
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You never liked your team building events. Fun on paper but an aquarium with sharks in reality. But you boss was there and you had to make a good impression. Yelena promised to help you, to be charming and funny. She asked so many questions about your colleagues, that you started to suspect, she's forming dossiers. "Don't worry, I'll be your perfect partner." And the important thing was, you believed her words.
You trusted your woman, who chose to wear a dress and heels. Opted to get her hair styled and make up done.
When you arrived at the venue, Yelena turned on an affectionate glow around herself and you. Her accent almost disappeared and her usually raw and streamlined movements became softer.
Elegance was pouring through her and delighted others. Your boss, usually rough and a little rude, was entranced.
For a second, a fleeting moment you thought it wasn't your Yelena. It was a mask, a totally different persona, who was never yours.
Especially, when you were at the bar and she was accepting all the attention and compliments. But your uncertainty quickly faded with only one look from her. Full of devotion and loyalty. She was doing it for you.
"You're enjoying the party?" Your boss interrupted your silent communication with Yelena.
"Thank you. I do."
"After the fiasco of last year it's definitely an improvement. Can you imagine a broken heel, a fall. Fascinating."
Her screechy laugh didn't amuse you. You knew that story, they didn't tolerate anything less than perfection.
As the night was progressing you noticed changes in Yelena. Subtle one. Painted in what you thought was impossible.
"Excuse me." You stole your girlfriend from another pack of admirers. "Is everything OK?"
"Sure." Yelena smiled and grabbed another pair of champagne flutes. "This evening is charming."
"And you're the star of it." You took the offered glass. "But I've noticed something. Someone bothers you, or something?"
"No, no. I'm perfectly fine." She pointed at the guy in the corner. "You should talk to him. He doesn't know, that you were responsible for the latest successful campaign."
You talked to him and the next person and the next. You searched for familiar eyes to get you out of this whirlpool of people. But Yelena vanished and you felt it even before, because the room became dimmer.
You found her in one of the empty corridors, leaned against the wall and breathing heavily.
"Lena, what's going on?"
"Nothing, I needed a break." She tried to straighten herself. "Твою ж мать."
You knew she was cursing in Russian and you already knew what was wrong.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You lowered herself and carefully took off her right jimmy choo. It was her ankle. A little too red, a little too swollen.
"I didn't want to ruin it for you. You waited for this opportunity for so long." She leaned on your shoulders and you felt her nails digging into your skin.
"I don't care about anything, when you're like this." You kissed her calf and stood up.
"What..." Yelena didn't expect that and almost lost her balance.
"Come on." You turned your back to her and were ready to grab her hips.
"No, no, no. Don't even think that you're giving me a piggy-back ride." She groaned. "I worked too hard to craft a perfect persona."
"Come on, perfect persona. It's either this or you won't be able to walk for days afterwards."
"But your dress, those people..." And her accent appeared again.
"We're going home. Come on."
You felt familiar perfume and warmth enveloping you and her hands grabbing your attention. In that moment Yelena felt that she was your
greatest concern, your only priority. Both of you didn't care about weird looks and whispers as you were leaving that evening behind.
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Pretty please make a story from list 2 with these prompts:
9-"I would kill for dinner right now."
38-"The wonderful world of high school drama."
47-"Bake me a cake, and we'll talk."
58-"Would you please just kiss me?"
amazing choice. thank you!
Yelena Belova x reader, everything's like in the request above, mentions of jealousy, I've no idea how this escalated from cute to angsty so fast
Masterlist. 300 followers celebration. Survivor!nat
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This wasn't your usual lazy Sunday. Because of the new thread you and Yelena were assigned to a few extra training practices by Sam. It was becoming harder being one of the few people on the team who were not meta. And when you returned home after a few hours of sparring sessions Yelena didn't even hide her mood. You rushed to the shower, but your girlfriend didn't have strength for that. She simply threw herself on the couch.
"I would kill for dinner right now." Yelena groaned, when you returned to the room.
"Sure, let's order something or..."
Yelena stood up with the speed you didn't expect from her. Oh no, no, no. She was going to ask you to do something.
"I thought maybe..." She came closer to you, almost touching your forehead with hers. "You could cook for me."
"Now? After this hellish morning?"
But it was already too late. The pout, the look, her fingers gently brushing your palm.
"Give me at least some time for a break." You were entranced by her closeness. All the pain in your body was quickly forgotten and you fixated all your attention on the woman who was gradually devouring you.
"When Wanda asked you to cook for her, you didn't ask for a break.
"Oh, so that's what it's about." You kissed her cheek. "The wonderful world of high school drama."
She flushed, but didn't step back. Yelena was always very protective of the shared domesticity. She hated when someone was invited or unsupervised in your home. She was getting angry, when someone was interrupting your time together. And a few days ago, she understood that she was jealous, when you were being so cozy for someone else.
"Drama or not, I don't want you to cook for someone not from our family."
"So, I can cook only for you and Nat?"
Yelena nodded and you smiled at her victorious expression. You never thought of this that way. Of how she needed every single ounce of whatever your life together included. It was her fear and doubts. It was Wanda saying thank you while putting her arm on your shoulder.
"Conveniently both of you can't return the favour."
But your comment was left unnoticed. You lost a second and Yelena was slipping out from you. Her playfulness was replaced by heavy thoughts.
She sat back on the couch, with her face in her hands. You sat on your knees in front of her.
"I'm so sorry, I allowed that to happen. I promise, this was the only time."
"Bake me a cake, and we'll talk."
As you were to get up and go to the kitchen, you felt a strong grip on your shoulder.
"Relationships are hard for me."
"I know, Yelena. And we'll work it out together. if you think, it's easy for me, just..."
"Would you please just kiss me?" She impatiently interrupted you.
Without another word you kissed her lips. Kissed away the sob, the tears, the uncertainty. You felt her hands tangling in your hair, her breath stealing your air, her tongue claiming you. You were her family and she reminded you of that.
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For your 300 follower celebration, could you do a Yelena x reader using this prompt “A day at the zoo, is what you need.” where they go to the zoo?
Awesome request. Thank you, love!
Masterlist. 300 followers celebration. Survivor!nat
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You loved falling asleep on your girlfriend, when you had a chance. When you were together on the couch and Yelena was watching or reading something you didn't care about, it was always taking you only a few minutes to peacefully drift away. It was your safe place.
With closed eyes, you were quietly humming yours and Yelena's favorite song, while your heartbeat was becoming steadier and your mind calmer. Usually you were woken up by her gentle whisper with the sexiest accent ever.
But today you were woken up by a very different sound.
"Lena, what happened? How long was I asleep?"
You almost fell on the floor, trying to abruptly get up, while your eyelids were half closed. And if it wasn't Yelena grip, you'd be already lying flat.
"I'm sorry. I woke you up." She gave you an apologetic smile. "Did you rest?"
"Yeah-yeah" You adjusted yourself close to her, feeling her tension. "What happened?"
She surely wasn't capable of deceiving you, but she certainly tried. Especially when she was ashamed. Her red cheeks and wet eyes were longing for your attention, but she simply couldn't ask. It was your turn to provide her with the safest place possible.
"Come here." You invitingly brushed the soft skin of her arm. "It's OK."
Yelena pressed herself into you and you felt an echo of her sobs near your heart.
"They were torturing animals."
"Who?" You were lovingly stroking her hair.
"Documentary." She nodded at the frozen frame of the movie with a weak lion. "They kept them in cages for years. All those animals had no chance to escape. They never even had a possibility to feel real life."
You kissed the top of her head. At this point you got used to those triggers, that could provoke the painful reaction. But this was new, unexplored. Her slender frame was being crushed by the bleeding memories.
"Malysh..." You rarely used pet names, both of you wanting to keep their special flavor only for certain occasions.
"They don't deserve such treatment." She nuzzled into your neck. "No-one does."
"No-one. But, often people also help animals."
She huffed in disbelief.
"You know what." Your fingers gently lifted her head. “A day at the zoo is what you need.”
Yelena was anxiously waiting for her next day off. You knew that she was thinking about your trip. You promised her the whole day of cute
and happy animals and a mandatory visit to a contact section. She learned the map of the zoo, planning the route to see every single animal.
When you finally got there, she was like a child in the candy store. Running in front of you, telling all the trivia she somehow managed to know about every single resident. She even chatted with a few lion feeders. And you snapped a new picture for your wallpaper: Yelena being transfixed by a giraffe.
"So, would you like to return here?" You nudged her arm on your way to exit.
"Sure. And I really hope one day we'll return here with our kids."
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Thanks to everyone, who participated in 300 followers celebration.
I didn't even expect to get requests, let alone so brilliant and thoughtful. I will concentrate on writing them ASAP.
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. The rest will be uploaded during the next week or so.
Thank you so much for your staying with blog and having faith in my sentences.
First date
Piggy back-ride
Falling in love again
Blind date
Masterlist. Survivor!nat
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