faithandfabric · 4 years
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Good morning! I finished up this beautiful mini quilt from the latest quilt pattern book by @Cinziawhite - it's called "Dazzling New York Beauty", and dazzling it is! Her book has over 50 of these gorgeous quarter sun shapes (as my son refers to them), each using the #foundationpaperpiecing method of quilting - my favorite. In creating my mini quilt for the blog hop, I focused on making it look like the sun; I had just finished reading the book #33DaystoMorningGlory (so so good), and had the morning sun theme in my head. So, I stitched up a bright, bold sun with a lot of negative space for the sky; I envision this sitting on a table with a beautiful statue in that negative space, or a picture frame...so many possibilities. I had fun playing with the jewel toned colors in this quilt; to pull and balance the blues and yellows, I added opposing colored sashing to the quilt, and am so happy with the effect that creates. To learn more about Cinzia's new book, check out the post on my site (link in profile), and check out this mini quilt over on @zelieandco today! (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKOxltpjDNG/?igshid=1rqmyzxu99hak
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vanjpx · 5 years
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08 September 2019 Happy Birthday, Mama Mary! Happy Baptismal Anniversary to me! Happy Marian (re-)consecration Day to me and Marie! Again and again, I will thank You Lord for the wisdom given to my parents, and for the grace that I be baptized on this day n-years back. Which is a day of celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And from then on, this day has always been a reminder for me to look to Mary to be my model as I continue to live out my life as a Christian, as a Catholic, and as a child of God. Today, I celebrated my baptismal anniv with a mass and procession at the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And my baptismal anniv is extra special this year because of the grace to be prayed over by two priests. First with Fr. Charlie Oasan, who has been the first priest that I met here in Singapore way back in 2014. Second is Fr. Bobby Emprayil, who I just met today, and i'm so blessed and overwhelmed for that quite conversation that we had before and after he prayed over me. Mother Mary, happy happy birthday. Thank you for guiding me and for leading me to Jesus ever since that day, and for always interceding in my prayers. Today also is even more special as today is my 5th Marian (re-)consecration day through the 33 Days of Morning Glory. Mama Mary, like my (re-)consecration last year, I give you full permission to do your work in me, that I may become a saint, and a true child of God fully surrendered to the will of God in my life. Teach me to know, to love, and to serve God. Teach me to always proclaim "I am the Lord's servant, may it happen to me as you have said." (Lk. 1:38) Totus Tuus! #evangelineism #ontoHoliness #33DaysToMorningGlory #Emmanuel2019 (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2KBh-xhNd1/?igshid=1lzphnxp7h35g
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wristedhumility · 8 years
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Today, June 27, Feast Day of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, what a fitting day for this🙏🏻 I spent the last 33 days to prepare for this morning, this Morning of Glory, fully consecrating my whole being humbly to our Mama Mary. Amidst the craziness of life, I found so much peace learning and growing during that moment of each day I got to know Mama Mary through four incredible Saints with incredible Marian teachings. Thank you to @mikesibal for guiding us through the retreat and reflecting with us! I'm ready to be a true instrument to the Immaculata. Mama Mary, take me where I need to be, and I will gladly follow. #33daystomorningglory #yougomama #TotusTuus (at USD Founder's Chapel)
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onceuponacrazy · 10 years
morning glory
As some of you may know, I conducted my own personal challenge of not only finding God in everything in life but really understanding His message for me each day.  It’s funny how I started to see Him in the little, almost mundane, objects and scenarios of the day.  My senses were heightened for His word and as a result, I noticed how much God really loves me.  If you’d like to follow the journey for 30 days, feel free to read from the beginning.  Inspiration and explanation of the project can be found here.  You can also check it out on my Tumblr if that platform is your cup of tea.  Feel free to follow or subscribe for future blogs while you're at it!
The project is technically over, but the practice to see Him in all things has only begun.  While doing my 30 Days of Mystagogia project, I was at the same time on a personal retreat.  I joined my friend in doing the 33 Days to Morning Glory so as to consecrate myself to Jesus through Mother Mary.  Today, the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, is actually my consecration day (yay!)  33 Days to Morning glory deserves its own blog someday, but for now I’d like to share an affirmation I received on doing my Mystagogia Project.
On Day 19, the chapter was about Blessed Mother Teresa’s “spiritual sensitivity” and how she saw God in all things.  First of all, Mother Teresa is my homegirl.  She really has made her presence known in my life for the past five years in service, and she never fails to remind me on how to be a better missionary.  Regarding her “Spiritual Sensitivity,” she followed the example of Mother Mary who was always “pondering in her heart” the good things God was doing in her life.  Blessed Mother Teresa found God in the details and pondered on His goodness.  She found Him in all things and reflected deeply on the many signs of His love.  Same Spirit!!!  Totes did that with this 30 Days of Mystagogia project, and it’s just affirming knowing that someone like her has done it too (minus the blogging and with deeper faith, I’m sure).  I look up to Blessed Mother Teresa in my spiritual journey, and she did this as an imitation of Mother Mary, which is what I’m trying to do too.  Ahhh so many affirmations all around it’s just crazy!
Been guided on this journey that has now turned into a new lifestyle.  Thank you, Lord, for reminding me to seek You in all things.  May this be an example others may follow, so they too may see Your goodness and ponder Your grace and love in their hearts.
We face so many trials every day, but when we take a closer look, we will see the greater amount of blessings we are showered with constantly.  Perk up your ears, focus your eyes.  You will see God communicating with you all the time :)
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