#3D didnt even do much for that particular project
freebooter4ever · 1 year
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omg yes hi i love him (thats a serious accomplishment those cube fuckers are tricky!!)
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bapouro · 4 months
If you have the time and if it’d be fun at all, can you talk about how going to school for art is/was? Like what was bad about it but what did it make you realize about why you create? What was originally incomprehensible that became digestible after being surrounded by it? I’m just curious because I really only got into art after college age.
ive finally handed in my final project ever last friday and after somewhat recovering i can now answer u. (ill put an aside here that before i started uni, i saw a lot of the online umming and awing about art school and it being a scam etc that made me nervous going into it. i dont really think it has been for me but keep in mind im doing this in the uk. i think if i was in the usa or somewhere where it was that expensive i think youd get just about as many benefits going to somewhere like a community college instead. its worth a bit of money but not a lot of money.)
i realised while turning over your questions in my head last week how much doing my degree (illustration undergrad) during covid lockdown, illustrated (haha) the point art school had for me. and the point being that after trying to stick it out for the first few terms during lockdown, i deferred, i didnt really see the point i had already spent my entire life making art in my bedroom online for free, without somebody telling me what to do. practically what that degree offered me was physical facilities and resources, but really what i wanted it for was that vague miasma of drive and something bigger than myself to physically 'prove' myself to. i was and still am very interested in that gap between the online environment i learnt art within that felt a world away from my 'real life', and coming to meet with that 'real life' was kind of my goal. i needed both to meet on a very basic level for my quality of life. and id say i succeeded. twice now somebody i was originally mutuals with online turned out to be in my class. i live with one of them now. and i feel some pride now looking back on how much i felt like i had to separate my 'school' art and my 'personal' art during secondary school and now theyre practically one and the same. in fact one piece of advice ive kept with me from the uni tutors here is they consistently wish the students wouldnt 'hold back' so much on the kind of work they make: one of my friends, the one i now live with, was doing a tasteful furry pinup statue for a project and one of the tutors essentially asked them why the statue was being so sexually subtle with it, for example.
so what was bad about it! man... thinking about it the same reason i gave for why i came back after lockdown could also point out how flippant the reasoning was. its still a lot of time and effort let alone money to be putting into something that you dont Need an institution for. and art and academia, as much as you might try, arent going to be as neatly married as maybe STEM and academia. not that there isnt a place for it. we need it in there. but basically your work still has to get 'graded' on things so they can prove themselves as an institution so they can still get money to run. i ''apreciated'' the deadline part, for what it was, because i was(/am) a serial put-er off-er and i knew i needed something big to try and train me out of it. but the actual mark scheme and trying to work off of it is never not going to be nebulous. what the hell does it mean to 'demonstrate my awareness of the changing landscape of contemporary illustration' graded between 0 - 100 via a 3d animation. ive done pretty well. sometimes id get top marks. a couple times i wouldnt even pass and id have to do it again. the only pattern i could really see between what got those marks for me and what didnt was effort? so take with that what you will.
yea that being said, what it helped me realise why i create... i am thankful my particular course at my particular uni is so into their experimentation / medium diversity. because it proved to me again that experimenting is something i love to do. i could keep doing it forever maybe. but that also made me realise after trying to do that project after project that its only one part of the enjoyment. i couldnt sink my teeth in as much as i wanted. part of why im glad to leave is im glad to try and focus on just a few things now. take a project at my pace... reeeally get way too into it. hopefully.
what was originally incomprehensible that became digestible after being surrounded by it? mm.. i think getting to see a lot of the behind the scenes and the people actually doing illustration as a job kind of softened my glare on some art styles / ways of working i dislike. not that i Like them now but that kind of flat illustrator thing.. for some people it really is more of a job than anything else. i think thats fine. theres all kinds of other art to enjoy outside of their 9-5. i just hope they like it too. but of course it does set a precedent for what clients expect/what you feel like you should be making..? oh also i did actually end up really enjoying the couple of art essays we needed to write. reading cultural/art/etc pdf essays was something i already liked to do like reading baudrillard and ellen dissanayake and things but it was great to actually get to apply it in writing. and i think it certainly became more digestible to realise that these kinds of writers and this kind of writing wasnt some hard to penerate academia i couldnt be a part of really but turned out to be writing about things that already applied to life, whether i went to uni or not. really the whole experience... for me i felt like it was just something i needed to do. if anything just to get away from my family and make my own life. im glad i did it. but really art is art no matter where you find it. uni gave me a push to go further, i could sit around and say i couldve done it without uni but i think we overestimate ourselves. i think i couldve but i bet it wouldve taken longer and i may have experimented less, challenged myself less. who knows. just dont ever let something like that put you off art, it will always find you again eventually. im glad you got into it too.
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jenesys-ph-blog · 8 years
DAY 6: Visit at the Miyagi Reconstruction Park, Cultural Experience, and Start of Homestay Program
Abdel: The visit to the Miyagi Fukko Park sponsored by Sony Corporation Sendai Technology Center showed to me how serious university and industry collaboration is in Japan. We were told for example that his collaboration, and coordination, is vital to the city because whatever is produced or studied here, once pilot testings and series of testings are done, is going to be implemented in the whole city. I wish the Philippines have a strong science and technology collaboration especially since we have brilliant scientists. This exposure has led me to conclude how pivotal government support is to the success of S&T. *The visit to the Sendai Technology Center had me try a simulation of driving a car and actual driving of a sample electronic car. FUN! Plus, it was my first time to drive a right-hand wheel car, which is different from the Philippines as we have left-hand cars and so left-hand traffic. *For lunch, I tasted the best tempura. Ever. ANSARAP! I have always associated tempura with shrimp but tempura refers to the breading and the deep frying and not just the tempura that the Philippine cooking has reduced it into.   *The tea ceremony and the drum session at the Yakurai Culture Center was one for the books. I only wished though that they could have spent more on the tea ceremony. The tea ceremony served a social purpose - people use it to socialize and we were told that the quality of the tea served by the host is contingent on the quality of pent catching up or the importance of matters going to be discussed. On the other hand, I do not associate arts with Japanese save for the kabuki, but the drum session showed an artsy side of the Japanese. The drum beats out of time!
Anya: I think today was one of the best days in the program :)
This morning we visited the Miyagi Reconstruction Park where SMEs worked on advanced mobility-system technology in partnership with the Tohoku University. The fact that they used this facility primarily to recover from the Great Earthquake amazed me because they seemed to be productive with the projects. The overall experience made me happy because I had some engineering dreams and considered applying to a program in Japan. In the afternoon, we moved to the Culture Center. Our group first experienced the Tea Ceremony. When we entered the tatami room there was already a woman in a gold-colored kimono, boiling the water for tea and cleansing the materials she would use. As the she did the preparations, Sohma-san explained to us how to accept the tea offered to the guests. As expected, all those actions had meaning and were signs of respect towards the host making the tea and the other guests. 
Next was the Drum Beating where an ojiisan, along with his family, demonstrated how to perform it. It was awesome to watch their family perform and share their passion with us. Another highlight of today was meeting our homestay family in Japan! My new sisters were Dada from the Philippines, and Sarah and Rachel from Singapore. We met Take-chan, who was to take care of us, and his granddaughter Sachika. Take-chan and Sachika didn’t speak much Japanese so we relied on Google translate. Tomorrow we are schedule to do some skiing. I am looking forward to that!!
 Blessy: Being in the field of agriculture, It was like a wonderland to visit the Sony Corporation Sendai Tech center. Even though the experience was quite short, i was amazed by being exposed to their advanced electrical technologies especially in the automobile section. The partnership of Sony and Tohoku university is an example of PPP (Public-Private Partnership) which is also practiced in some of the universities in the Philippines. This kind of partnership could get good support in funding and research to materialize projects and experiments that could be readily used when it is needed. Japanese proved us that they are not just good in developing technologies but also in showcasing talents like what we witnessed in the drum performance. After having our turn in hitting those drums, i could say that skills and practice is needed to have a good performance like what they have shown us. Waiting for our foster parents gave me butterflies in my stomach. I didnt know what to expect and what to do in our homestay knowing our parents doesnt speak English. Good thing, we have a Thai sibling that could understand and speak simple Nihongo. When our okasan arrived, her smile and warm welcome calmed me and made me think i will be enjoying this homestay thing. Oh and by the way, i love the tea ceremony! I love matcha green tea. Candies are the perfect sweeteners for green tea than sugar 😊
 Christian: The day started with us going to Miyagi Reconstruction Park, which was within the vicinity of Sony Sendai Technology Center. The park, which consists of various edifices catering to different needs of technology-based SMEs, was constructed after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Fast recovery of Japanese industries and companies were truly necessary after the earthquake, thus the facility was constructed, with the aim of exploring new industries and developing current technologies to jumpstart the prefecture’s economic recovery. During the visit, we were provided with a talk that gave much emphasis on the collaboration of academic institutions (primarily headed by the Tohoku University) and the SMEs occupying the facility. The universities conducted several researches and studies regarding various technologies (electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, accident prevention, etc.), to which the SMEs helped by producing these products as prototypes and soon, as consumer goods. This collaboration is very important and very applicable in the country, considering that private firms can provide funding in the development of new technologies being discovered and studied in academic institutions.  After eating lunch at a restaurant near Mt. Yakurai, the group proceeded to Yakurai Culture Center. In this facility, we were able to experience traditional Japanese activities. All of us experienced playing the Taiko drums, which is usually performed in traditional events such as festivals. I had a memorable moment during this activity as I played the drums quite hard that I broke one of the drumsticks. Subsequently, the group was also able to participate in a Japanese traditional tea ceremony. During this ceremony, we were oriented on how to act during a tea ceremony and how traditional tea is prepared. The best thing during this activity was that we were able to taste authentic matcha (green tea), which was very delicious. Afterwards, we were able to meet Fuji-san, one of the members of the family whom we joined during our homestay program.  After a five-minute drive, we were able to arrive at the Sugawara family home. After some introductions and dinner, we were oriented with the activities we will be having the next day.
 Dada:  The morning schedule was to visit the Miyagi Reconstruction Park: an incredible chance to personally visit one of the many facilities for high technology inventions/ innovations, Sony Sendai Technology Center. An incredible thing in Japan that is worth emulating is their government's high investment in R&D has led to the country's fast resilliency from the results of disasters. .
Electric cars/ vehicles, lithium ion batteries (super compact batteries), 3d printers, and many more: that's what they have in their huge warehouse-like facility.  The Yakurai Cultural Center was a well funded facility reflected from its architectural design. In it, we experienced the Japanese tea ceremony which was traditionally particular and the exhilirating drum beating (Taiko) lessons which was taught by an enthusiastic professional drummer saying "SOREDONG! SOREDONG! SOREDONGGG!" Memorable first time experiences. ☺ But the most important agenda in the center was the official meeting with the hist families we are assigned to. Anya and I were assign to Take-chan ( Takeo Itou). He's already a grandpa and he brought with him his granddaughter, Sachi-chan. He received us warmly and we were able to understand him through his phone translator. So far, so good 😄 And I'm looking forward for the sledding tomorrow. Yay! 😄😄😄But the weather is really cold kahit sa loob nung bahay. 😣
Grace: Enjoying Every Minute in Japan. On this day we visited Miyagi Fukko Park, enjoyed beating drums and tasted the most delicious green tea ever in my whole life at Yakurai Cultural Center. 
During the visit at Miyagi Fukko Park sponsored by Sony Corporation Sendai Technology Center, we saw their advanced facilities such as the driving simulator, electric vehicles, and 3D printers. I had so much fun in this place especially the driving simulator and the small vehicles that we tried. It's amazing how fast Japanese people make into reality their researches to be able to restore their damaged manufacturing industries by natural calamities. Awesome Culture Experience.  I super enjoyed beating the drums with our teachers, "Raimei-Daiko group. They have different kinds of nicely design drums. Beating Japanese Drum is a nice exercise because I sweated a lot after it.  In the Evening. #YesToHomestay Before I just watch beautiful Japanese houses inside and out but now, i already saw and even had the opportunity to stay inside it. Nina and I were hospitably welcomed by Hashimoto Family in their home, sweet home. 
 Ian: The first program of the day is to visit Miyagi Reconstruction Park which is located in Tagajo, still in Miyagi Prefecture. We were oriented that the buildings and facilities of Miyagi Reconstruction Park are owned by Sony Sendai Technology Center, however, these spaces are leased for free to manufacturing industries in the Tohoku region that are affected by the earthquake. 
First, we observed the driving simulator. Some of us were able to drive the car that is operated virtually. I was amazed by it because it perfectly captures the movement of an ordinary car. Afterwards, they showed to us some electronic vehicles they produced. Lastly, they let us observe 3D printers and different types of batteries they produce. Overall, I was amazed since some of these technologies are produced by university students and it was a good thing that they offer opportunities for small industries to have their own space and facilities for none to a very low fee. 
In the cultural center, the local residents presented how a tea ceremony is done. To be honest, I don't like tea but after tasting the tea we have made, I had a change of heart. I really enjoyed it and I longed for another cup. After the tea ceremony, we proceeded to drum beating. A family of drummers performed in front of us. After their presentation, they let us do the drum beating. Again, it may look easy but I failed in my several attempts, I dropped the drumsticks for so many times and sometimes I get lost in the beat. Regardless of the failures, I had so much fun chanting and beating the drums. 
After the activities prepared for us by the Yakurai Cultural Center, it is now time to welcome our host family. I met my two Thai foster brothers again and the assigned family for us is the Tanaka Family. Luckily, our host family can speak English. Honestly, I am not good in Japanese and I only rely to the Japanese language guidebook. The first thing we went to is the local grocery. We bought ice cream, vegetables and condiments. Finally, we already reached the Tanaka residence. It may look modern on the outside, but on the inside is a traditional Japanese home. Each of us shared something about our own countries. It was really fun knowing each other. Our conversation lasted for so long that we did not realize that it’s already late.The day ended with a huge smile on my face.
 Jerm: We had another insightful lecture today at Sony’s manufacturing factory. It displayed how great and vast Japan’s expertise in technology is. The lecturers first discussed how they go about their innovations – and that they are mostly inspired by necessity. The example they have given was that like the great earthquake of 2011, most of the technology they are currently producing is inspired by that event. They aim to prevent something like that from happening again and that is their main trust in forwarding better technology. This vastness of expertise is the product of years and years of their hardwork and it really serves as inspiration, especially to someone like me who dreams to have the Philippines at par with Japan in terms of technology. With technology, more lives can be saved and disasters like that could be prevent – what Japan proves is that despite any other challenge it is always possible to get-up no matter how hard we fall. Today, we were also immersed in the Japanese culture of Drum beating and Green tea ceremony. Again, it emphasized how deeply imbibed these cultures and traditions are to Japanese people. It was a wonderful experience to participate in the said ceremonies. As for the last part of the day which was the homestay, all I can say is I’m excited and scared at the same time. Scared because I have no idea what’s in store for me and excited for the same reason. So far, it’s going well and I really enjoyed meeting my foster family – they have showed us nothing but warm hospitality. Otosa brought us to a local restaurant to eat out, drink, and sing karaoke. Language is indeed a barrier, but emotions encompass everything.
Juliet: At Miyagi Reconstruction Park, aside from the strong collaboration between private and public sector and academe, I observed the strong regard on innovation and disaster recovery in Japan.The Park is an innovation hub promoting and realizing new industrial creativity and at the same time providing spaces for disaster-affected companies and new SMEs.The sacrifice rendered by Sony company to house this Park is indeed a gesture of strong support and ties for local companies' to recover after the calamities.The Tohoku University's investment on research and development to help revive the disaster-stricken companies is also a good practice in helping local industries to improve their products and services, at the same time, developing hybrid systems and projects. Further, the cultural experience on traditional drum and tea ceremony is also a feel-good one.I observed the intricate and disciplined culture on said activities.
 June: The technology of SONY was more advanced than I thought. Their simulation technology felt so surreal that you can almost directly relate it to the real thing. The hydraulics, graphics, and motion sensors were all well-coordinated in such a way that driving the simulation would yield results similar to the real way of driving. It was very fun and I learned much about SONY’s technology and the performance of their cars.  Learning more about the Japanese culture was very fun and very informative. We were able to attend a tea ceremony and made our own teas. Served with a few sweet treats, it was soothing and delicious. The process of making the tea was very delicate and very graceful. It was therapeutic as a member of the audience and I loved how the Japanese retain this method in their culture. We were also able to learn about Japanese drumming. The drums were very loud but beating them in a certain rhythm actually made it pleasing to listen to. It required much force and coordination with your co-drummers to be able to produce quality performances using the drums. The teacher was very polite and could capture the audience very well which allowed us to listen attentively as he taught us the art of Japanese drumming. This afternoon, I was able to immerse myself in the Japanese culture even more.
Love: Miyagi Fukko Park has served as an activity base aiming to restore manufacturing industries damaged by the East Japan earthquake last 2011. In collaboration with Tohoku University, Research and Development to develop technologies in supporting and reviving SMEs are being conducted. Japan was able to recover after the earthquake and various technologies were provided that will help in the creation/development of SMEs and other Japanese industries. Various researches were exhibited and shown to JENESYS delegates and some even experienced in driving some of the electric vehicles inside the vicinity. 
Before sending us, the JENESYS delegates, to our respective foster families, traditional/ cultural Japanese activities like drum beating and tea ceremony were experienced. Everyone experienced drum beating. I enjoyed this activity. I felt refreshed (though I sweat a lot) after an energetic percussion session. The instructors gave a soulful performance and I saw the passion of these Japanese artists in drum beating. For me, the most special cultural delight which I have experienced is this activity, the Japanese tea ceremony. We were dressed in kimonos and we were taught how to do the ritual. It was an artistic and calculated performance of making the green tea, stirring it to absolute perfection. Its presentation is very symbolical of the Japanese people; respectful, humble, gentle and generous. 
After the learning session, I, along with Juliet-san, waited for our foster family. The long wait has over and Hiroe-san with niece Seori and nephew Cake came. We had our dinner in a restaurant nearby where we saw Nelson, co-Filipino delegates, with Jeremiah and Thai brothers and foster father. After a sumptuous dinner, we had a videoke. Everyone (The Philippines and Thailand delegates) sang including our foster families. For me, it’s unusual to sing and dance in front of other people but thank God I was able to gain confidence and surprisingly I did it. I was also impressed when I saw Juliet-san entertained us by her singing skills. The newly met foster families were so friendly, accommodating, generous and participative that they even joined us in videoke session.  The day was jam-packed with so many activities and still looking forward for a wonderful and great memories to share with our new found family here in japan.
Nelson: About two years ago, I saw a Taiko (Japanese Drums) concert by the Japanese Exchange Students from University of the Philippines, Diliman. The performance was intense and very entertaining. Today, I was able to watch it again for the second time... in Japan! And the best part of this experience: I was able to play it myself. After the Japanese Drum performance, we watched how the Japanese do the ritual on prepping the matcha or the Japanese green tea. It was so relaxing. The matcha we used is the Tsujiri Matcha. Tsujiri is the name of the brand that originated from Kyoto. For someone who drinks matcha every night, I would say it was the best matcha I have ever tasted.  In the morning, we visited the Miyagi Restoration Park and were able to see the 3D printers, Laminate Type Li-Ion Battery, and those who can drive were able to try the driving simulator and experience the Electric Vehicles. The highlight of Day 6 is the meeting ceremony with our host families. It was both nerve-wracking and exciting. We were picked up by our otōsan Shimoyama Yoshio-san, a 66 year-old farmer. After reaching their cozy home and having met our okāsan Kesayo-san, we hurriedly went to a nearby restaurant where we had a sumptuous dinner with our host-dad for the first time and had karaoke with everyone in the restaurant. It was such a great way to jumpstart our homestay experience!
 Nina: We visited Miyagi Reconstruction Park. We were asked not to take pictures on the way to the venue giving me the impression of its exclusivity and security. As we made our way inside, the bright white walls welcomed us. With the Great East Japan Earthquake and the tsunami that hit the area years ago as their inspiration, they made innovations in technology (mostly in vehicles) that would help people in times of these circumstances. They put on high importance in research and development; given that, it is supported by the government, universities and private companies. This day was extra special because it's a snowy day! ❄ We decided to have a quick lunch to have more time playing and taking pictures in the snow. We tried making a snowing without even knowing how to but I am proud of the little snowman we made! (Yay to everyone!)  In the afternoon, we were able to experience to play taikos (as in legit taikos ❤). It was one of the highlights of my day. Together with my new found friends, we chanted "so re dong" and followed sensei as we hit the drums syncronized with the beat. After the drum beating experience, we were able to have a tea ceremony. We witnessed the traditional way of preparing tea. And finally, we were able to meet our host families! Our host parents are Koji-san and Yoko-san Hashimoto. They're very accommodating and kind. They immediately asked us what we want to do, and of course, we said shopping! Me and Grace were nervous at the same time excited for the next days with them. Altogether, Koji-san drove us to our new home ❤ 
 Norshida: A visit to Sony Sendai Technology Center. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 11, 2011 R&D Productions has been the major priorities of Sony Sendai Technology Center in which their objective is to deliver the products to their customers as soon as possible. It was October 12, 2012 when the Miyagi Reconstruction opened. They have these Spherical Robotics and Tsunami and Traffic simulation during disaster arises. Technology in Japan is way more advance that any other country could have. In terms of automobile they have these electric vehicle on which I was lucky that I was able to drive, 3D printing in plastic, acrylic and powder, Lithium Battery wherein they study the most efficient, safe and low cost battery. Japan is on producing efficient and quality products.  Another one hour travel from Tohuko we travelled to Yakurai Cultural Center in which we were able to enjoy and had fun in drum beating or known as Taiko. I am also delighted during the traditional tea ceremony wherein I was able to wear the traditional kimono of the Japanese. Meeting with foster family in which Solly from Thailand, Sittie and I were given to Rei Hitachi.
 Rea: Today, we went to Miyagi Reconstruction park. It based on the buildings owned by the Sony’s Sendai Technology Center. They discussed how the Great East Japan Earthquake inspired them to make these innovations in technologies (like the new traffic system, etc.) that will prevent any damage that will be caused by the earthquake. Also, they highlighted their strong university (particularly Tohoku University) collaboration. The lectures yesterday and today showed us how strong the collaboration of different industries and universities for the advancement of Japan. In the afternoon, we experience two of the cultural activities in Japan which are Japanese drum beating and tea ceremony. Our group tried the Japanese drum beating first. It was tiring but definitely fun experience. After the drum beating, we experienced tea ceremony and even tried to wear kimono. Today is a special day because we will be meeting our foster parents.  Our foster parent is a bit late because of the traffic. Nana san told us that we (me and my foster siblings) were lucky because Endo-san are so kind and their house is big. Masayuki san greeted us with a smile. We introduced ourselves in Japanese. After the short orientation, we headed to their house. It is really cold outside the center. On our way, we noticed that the temperature is -1C. Otosan told us that their house has a concert hall. Their house is not that far from the cultural center. When we arrived, they tour us in their house. Indeed, there is a concert hall inside their house! They have piano and ballet barre inside the hall. Our room is a traditional Japanese room. After we settled down, we went down to have dinner. Since they are still preparing our dinner, Okaasan offered coffee and cake for us. I thought that our dinner will be a Japanese supper but instead they served us Western foods (pasta, soup, wine). We had a fun conversation wherein they told us about their family and their love for music. After dinner, Okaasan prepared the bathtub so that we can take shower before we sleep. Since I am the youngest in the family, we agreed that I will take the shower first (yaaaas! Cos the next person after me will use the same water in bathtub). Even though it is -1C, we did not feel the cold inside our room (thanks to the heater).
Sittie: First stop of the day is at Miyagi Reconstruction Park. Our lecture at Sony's today just showed how Japan's leading when it comes to technology. The Sony manufacturing factory aims to solve various problems in vulnerable such as environmental, energy, transportation, aging society and so forth by utilizing their knowledge and cutting-edge technologies and realizing a better place to live and safer more secure society for citizens which they collaborated with Universities. One good thing of local companies in Japan is that, they team up with universities to innovate ideas for society which I hope our country will also do to motivate more young ones to work hard on the things they do. One example is, most universities require their students to make thesis, if only those made by students were used to develop and innovate ideas, there so much more the students can do/offer. We were also able to try driving the Electronic Vehicle and the simulator and see how the 3D printing works.  After Miyagi reconstruction park, we moved to Yakurai Center for us to experience the traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony and Taiko drumming where we really all had fun. Personally, I'm not a fan of green tea so didn't really enjoyed the tea but glad that was able to try an authentic green tea from Japan. After experiencing some of the traditional Japanese culture, we finally met our host family.
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soullesscoyote · 7 years
All the asks
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?My process for naming fics is eitherA) a joke name because i can't help myselfB) or a name that just sounds like "yeah that's a fitting title name"B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?Plenty! I try to follow the rule "write what you know" in a way to convey maybe something I've experienced, but also use it to write what I don't know about.For example I have a lower middle class family, but to write a more well off family i base it on things I've seen and experienced when younger like those times we got home from the grocery store and that first day with a ton of food and i felt like i wouldnt have to worry about eating a ton of it, or even back when i was younger (7) with a loft bed and having all my stuff organized with a spot in my room had me feel really content with my life where i felt like i had everything i wanted and couldn't ask for more. I had a 3d puzzle of the inside of a frog, an ant farm, a hamster, a framed picture of a praying mantis, a very small binder of pokémon cards, a room painted green and at that age and time felt like my life was really together despite not knowing how to articulate it. It felt like my own personal space that i had control of so to write a well of family i try to write in things that give off a similar feeling of a well put together room except a entire house that way where everything feels like it has its place. If that makes sense.C: What character do you identify with most?In Marble Hornets, Jay Merrick who just wanted to help everyone despite how many time those people tried to kill or hurt him.In Voltron, Keith in terms of not always feeling like I belong in groups and sometimes struggling to understand myself. Also Hunk whos a very caring person with a big heart.In Be More Chill i relate to Jake where in freshman year of high school i worked really hard to be the best in my classes to a point that id cry from stress every night.Jeremy feeling unimportant and more like a background character with nothing really notable about him compared to everyone else.Brooke feeling constantly like she's second best to Chloe and people using her.Christine being unsure of what she wants in life as she nears the last year of high school where she feels like she needs to decide.Rich while unsquipped seeming like he hardly knows how to handle himself in social situations and seeming incredibly anxious without a squip also being a big nerd D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?Typically if its a musical depending on viewpoint i listen to songs with those characters in it.In other things its songs that give me a similar feeling to the thing i'm writing (for example i imagine things as color pallets so i try to match them with the colors another thing gives me. Or the corresponding emotion i feel/need to feel as I write a scene.E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?Starting From Square One? The sequel would be more of Rich adjusting to life without a squip and living a pretty happy life with Michael and them going about their lives be it them going to college and struggling or as adults with jobs and trying to figure themselves out during that since i kinda feel like life is constantly a thing of trying to figure yourself out.Out of the tons of Voltron Fics probably more on Keith being glara and the lives/background behind the galra species with how it affects keithIn hu it's hard to say. A lot of them would be hard to find a way to make sequels of but considering Starting From Square one is the only fic i managed make myself work on currently i wouldnt say its impossible to find/make sequels for any of those ficsF: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?For Be More Chill http://archiveofourown.org/works/11671890/chapters/26267448 Both because its from Michaels viewpoint and it definitely doesn't seem to go out of its way to make Jeremy a monster and make Michaels personality center around hsi panic attack like plenty fics do.G: Care to share a favorite crack fic?I'm not too big on crack fics because i personally love really long fics with character development. (crack fics are good, for me it's just my preference where most of the time i'm not in a huge mood for them) but i know this one has been p funny https://my.w.tt/UiNb/v4KNrRgajJ H: How would you describe your style?Id say i write in whatever sounds right in my mind while i'm reading to fit the mood of what i intend to portray. Its really hard to sayI: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?Already answeredJ: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].Starting from Square Ones Alternate ending would be it ending where Rich snaps at everyone and it would have a sequel of everyone in the squip squad meeting Rich in college after not seeing him for an entire year. They'd find who took online classes because he didn't want to see anyone and was still pissed and during that time he had gotten several jobs and was barely even supporting himself with how his dad doesnt care for him. (potentially where he may take up selling drugs) and everyone does try to apologize but it takes awhile for anyone to convince Rich they actually mean it.K: What's the angstiest idea you've ever come up with?In Starting From Square One there was a scrapped idea of everyone actually hating rich and him trying desperately to convince them it wasn't his fault he started the fire only when everyone finally does get proof from Jeremy who actually understands Rich's struggle because he had a squip longer Rich hasn't gone to school in well over a week and has goes missing because he's hiding from his dad. L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with?I based one on a dream i had which was like a Xiaolin Showdown, meets high school au, meets almost one pieceLike if you touched these specific items they latched onto you and gave you abilities that typically corresponded to an animal or gave a animals trait to you like enhanced sense of smell, stronger legs for jumping, wings etc. It wasn't fully thought out or planned so it's a very vague idea.M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?Im writing bits and pieces of terraverse, its hard but i'm getting somewhere with it! There's others but they're like aus based off dreams that i'm yet to figure out how to explain or develop in a way they make sense.N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?All of them tbhO: How do you begin a story--with the plot, or the characters?Typically plot first and then i'll add characters to match the plotP: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)It's a little bit of bothI try to plan in advance but as i write Point A going to Pont B i do find things in the story that unfold as I go and then proceed to go to my planning to find a spot to mention it again later.For example i mainly planned on in Starting From Square One that Rich would have known Michaels older brother from when he was a kid but didnt know his last name therefore didn't know he and Michael were related and as I wrote more in my planning it sort of unfolded as I wrote and became me writing in that Michaels older brother dropped out of college because of how stressful it was and Rich gos to stay with him and that's when he finds out michael and him are brothers.Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?While writing if i decide suddenly I want to change something I take what i've already written of that version and paste it into a Google doc of scrapped ideas. That way if i can find a chance to implement them in another fic or other point in a chapter even if written differently i can have the general idea for what i may have intended to go off of.R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?None in particular but I feel like a little bit of everything I've read and written influences my writing since i always find something somebody may have written i want to implement in a fic.Not like their idea. But small things like reading people write about Michael's parents did influence me to include Michaels parents in my fic. Not the same way they did but it was something i read that had made me stop and realize.I never considered what some of these character's families and cousins and such are thinking as they may hear about this from another viewpoint like Michael’s, Jeremy’s, Rich's, Brooke’s, Chloe's, Jenna’s, or Christine's.S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?In voltron (before it became canon) i liked a trope that Keith isn't as angry as everyone makes him and actually is just really defensive and afraid of being seen as weak to everyone else because lance seems to constantly go to pick on him for things.In Be More Chill i stand by the Trope Jake is really smart just perhaps Ditzy and gets really excited over something and struggles to pay attention to the other details because of a long theory and research i did with all the extra curriculars jake did paired with his need to be the best. T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?G o dIn Hollywood Undead stuff I always hated Aron being an unreasonable asshole by default.In Be More ChillJeremy's character being reduced to having been an asshole to Michael because it erases how they were friends for TWELVE YEARS and Jeremy in the bathroom did say "I missed you" TO MICHAEL. Or how Jeremy did have a lot of stressful shit happen to him minutes prior which made him get really defensive over the squip.Everytime people center Michaels personality around his panic attack i love 7 years to my life because they only go as far as Michael hates himself but never even delve into things like how Michael said to Jeremy how he wouldn't be glad to see him after he heard about his research on the squip Kinda like he anticipated Jeremy wouldn't be happy and Michael had a feeling Jeremy wouldn't outright be happy about it.(asks cut me off hold up)
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