#3sig+ primary ship is an elaborate polycule between res' sig my sigs my suns and my pebbles
tenspontaneite · 2 months
what the hell is 3sig+?
it’s a very obscure series of characters and Google is not helping. Seems to be connected to you?
Lmao yes. it's a Rain World crossover au between my Assembly and @ressioo 's Solar Flare AUs that started as crack and then grew extreme legs. Named thus because it begins with two of my Sigs' selflings explosively and accidentally entering Res' SF universe and meeting his Sig (who we call peepaw for his old man energy). Hence, 3 Sigs. And then +, because it really grew from there.
At this point, I consider it a fairly canon post-story to Assembly, even though it's of high octane crack origin, because I'm way too emotionally attached at this point to do otherwise.
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