#4 doods one backseat
indefensibleactions · 6 months
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bombontheevilcat · 1 year
ok ik fire emblem plots ain't a masterclass in any sort of writing but some people really be out here pulling the wool over their eyes to convince people that "umm actually the stories were always bad", when in fact most are just solid fun?? like going in with no expectations I've enjoyed most of the fe plots i've played through.
though of course some (actually really just one) of them are informed by nostalgia; i.e sacred stones, still a super great villain though but like they and their relationship with the protags are the only thing carrying the plot. i'm talking moreso pre-3ds era (not because "that's when the stories got bad") but those pre-titles are the ones going under scrutiny this time.
and i don't have anything against Engage (no i do actually) cuz they still have some great supports that remind me of the GBA games; having a good balance between comedy/sincerity most of the time (though a few characters do suffer from heavier* flanderization than others, really do need to shave down some of the retainers i'm just saying). BUT BUT the story is actually a TURD
-----ok hyperbolic but it's less interesting than staring at water running from a faucet at times. maybe that's my maladaptive daydreaming speaking.
i can take simple, non-serious or basic stories but uhh even hearing about some of the endgame lore, HAHA you thought. it was not what i would have expected from the dev interview where they wanted the story to take a backseat to forward the gameplay. nah this has clearly been rewritten to some degree of care to take up your time <i'd say waste honestly cuz damn these character DON*T know how to be poignant with their post-chapter dialogue half of the time, they REALLY like talking; the switch going into sleep mode ain't a joke in the later stages :sob: > HECK it's even working against the game at times, the mid chapters where you had to fight the same two people from the bad dragons like, I KID YOU NOT, 4 TIMES in a row 😭😭😭, that ain't interesting it doesn't build character just shove some midbosses in there already.
honestly if it just had a more campy and self aware pizazz (and cut back on some dialogue length) i would have eaten up the talk no jutsu of every dang hq cutscene. that would have been fine (if a bit rude maybe?) for a celebration title and that's the bare minimum honestly. it was such an opportunity as well i mean come on this is the series that as recycled its plot for like over half of its titles with some sort of bad dragon(s) and a dark (insane) sorcerer ⚰️⚰️⚰️ YMMV
i didn't even get to the emblems and my big thoughts on those and their integration. but honestly it's just the engage core represented in a smaller package. Emblem Gameplay=Good, Emblem Story=Meh/Bad (especially in the context of it being a celebration title) (why are my favorites done so dirty!!! Micaiah ;;; Eirika and Ephraim ;;;, Ike is great tho, he's just a dood, a goober, and he deserves it)
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Smokey brand Select: Choose Your Fighter
I just watched Maximilian Dood comment on this Watch Mojo top twenty list for the best fighting game and it was an experience. I don’t talk about this much, but i am a fighting game god. Not so much with Capcom titles, though i did well with Darkstalkers and okay with MVC 2, but 3D fighters are my sh*t. When i was young, that was my bread-and-butter; NBA Live and a fighter. As i got older and diversified my gaming palette, RPGs and narrative driven fare really took the pole position but i  never stopped loving fighters. Though they definitely took a backseat, i still played a ton of these things along the way. Anything from Arc Sys took precedent because, holy sh*t those games are fun, but i never slacked off my Tekken status and even kept up with the Street Fighter renaissance My point is, i would consider myself a hardcore Fighter guy and this list made me upset so i wanted to make one of my own. These are my top ten fighting games and titles that i consider classics overall. Now, before we get into this thing, i need to stipulate that i only plan to put one title in a franchise on this list. If not, it would literally just be Tekken and DoA. That should tell you how high in esteem i hold these titles. Also, lots of sequels on this list because iteration and innovation is a core aspect of the Fighting game genre. Also-also, i have played A LOT of fighting games.
11. Tekken 3
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I lied. Sue me. This is my list and i absolutely had to put Tekken 3 on this thing. It’s a genre milestone and easily the most fun of this franchise to play. It introduced solid characters that became staples of the entire series and gave me the first i ever got against my older brother. I love this game and, if I'm being honest, this sh*t is ranked 1B to Tekken 5′s 1A but even i think that’s a bit excessive so i forced it into this eleven spot. But i literally love it more than every other game on this list.
10. Dragon Ball FighterZ
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FighterZ makes this list strictly because it’s a 2.5D Dragon Ball fighter. It’s literally everything the fandom has ever wanted since Dragon Ball got it’s Toonami clout. As a fighter, in terms of mechanics, it’s probably the weakest on this list outside of MK2 but it’s hard to leave it off because this thing is everything i dreamed of out of the perfect Dragon Ball fighter when i was a kid. FighterZ is surprisingly accessible, fun to play, has a great look, and introduced us all to Android 21. Admittedly, this thing is incredibly Casual friendly but there is enough meat there, enough depth in that combo system, that an experienced fighter can pull of some beautiful sh*t.
9. Garou: Mark of the Wolves
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I’m not much of an SNK guy, i found the KoF games fun but cheap and Samurai Shodown damn near impenetrable, but i am a fan of Fatal Fury. I always thought those titles had more depth than it’s Capcom competition so to see them abandoned after that Real Bout run hurt. And then i found out about Garou. Fatal Fury 3 is arguably the best fighter of the Nineties and no one played the f*cking thing. The brilliance of this fighting system, the richness of the characters, the dope ass sprite art; It’s all a gorgeous example of 2D, Nineties, Fighter master craft. A lot of cats say that Street Fighter 3: Third Impact is the pinnacle but i would suggest giving Garou a chance. This thing is the quiet champion of the decade.
8. Ultra Street Fighter 4
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I bought Street Fighter at launch and grew with the game as it developed into something really special. I wasn’t a huge fan of the direction the series went with the SF3 titles so seeing 4 get back to basics was a joy. I loved the art style and picking up sticks to play as Cammy again, in a proper Street Fighter title, felt right. I have been a Cammy main since she was introduced, what? Thirty years ago, almost? More than anything, SF4 felt good. when it reached it’s final form as Ultra Street Fighter 4, i was absolutely smitten. Sh*tty boss aside, the combat was exceptional and really brought back the nostalgia for me. I’m not a Capcom guy but you better believe i was around for that Street Fighter 2 hype as a youth. Seeing SF4 kind of re-create that for a younger generation was super cool.
7. Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
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I just mentioned being around for the SF2 explosion so when the first Darkstalkers dropped, i was right there. I was a Mortal Kombat guy so, while i did plat Street Fighter, i was never good at it. Darkstalkers gave me an opportunity to enter the Capcom foray and really develop my talents. I was a Morrigan main and became so unstoppable in that title, it was absurd. When Night Warriors dropped, i picked up damn near where i left off and never looked back. There’s a reason my darling succubus is the perennial representative of her franchise in every single Versus title Capcom drops. While i appreciate the assist, i really wish they would drop a Darkstalkers 4 already. Give it the SF4 treatment and let us horror buffs go to town. It's been eighty four years
6. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
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Listen, i love a good Arc System Works game. Fighters is already on here and i was tempted to throw a BlazBlue and that Granblue fighter on here, strictly because of that studio’s prowess but i would be remiss if i didn’t add a Xrd. This game is peak Arc Sys, pure Guilty Gear, and i love it. I’ve been playing GG since the old timey X days and grew up with the franchise. I was a Sol main so the series treated me pretty well and then Xrd happened. The shift in art style really went a long way to catch my eye but more than that, Xrd delivered to me my cocoa goddess, Ramlethal Valentine. Now, i love Sol. Dude has been my guy for actual decades but the second i got a taste of Ram? My goodness. The entire game is like that, though. It feels distinctly Guilty Gear but an aggressive evolution of what came before. I love this f*cking game and, while i respect X2, it’s Xrd for me.
5. Soul Calibur 2
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Of the Soul Calibur titles, the second is easily the best. One can argue 6 or 3 but, for me, it’s 2, all day. I picked up this franchise with the original PlayStation entry, Soul Edge but didn’t get a Dreamcast until after a PS2 so i missed out on the first Calibur. My initial experience with the re-branded franchise was Soul Calibur 2 and it was aggressively wonderful. I as trying to figure out why i knew certain characters and how i played so well with others but that was all in the back of my mind because, f*ck, was this game sneaky. Soul Calibur 2 is the type of rage quit game casuals hate but, if you learn the systems, it is infinitely rewarding. To this day, if you get me on a stage with a four sided ring-out while I'm playing as Nightmare, you’re gonna have a bad time. I’m also very good with Ivy, Talim, Kilik, and Maxi.
4. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: A New Age of Heroes
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How can this not be on here? MvC2 is the pinnacle of the Versus series. Capcom has been chasing this dragon for to decades and i doubt they’ll ever catch it. MvC2 was lightning in a bottle and i spent days in front of my PS2, playing with friends, mastering the f*ck out of this game. Again, I'm not much of a Capcom guy, but all of my friends were so i was forced to “get good” and get good i did. I can’t say i was the best among my peerage but i did okay. I understood the insane sh*t you could pull off and how much fun this game was to lay. I knew it was special with how many people fell in love with this title and, to this day, literally twenty-two years after it’s release, cats still pine for it.
3. Mortal Kombat 2
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Now, I'm so-so to okay at Capcom fighters because i didn’t play Street Fighter 2 like every one else. I played Mortal f*cking Kombat. The thing about Capcom fighters is, they have a very distinct system that carried over from the first Street Fighter, all the way to Street Fighter 5. If you got into that sh*t way back when, you can pick up an play any Capcom title now. I jumped onto this bandwagon very late because i was too buys tearing out hearts and burning people alive with the hellfire i spat out from me skull mouth. I loved MK so much when i was young. It felt dangerous, like i shouldn’t have been seeing what i was. Looking back now, that sh*t was laughably tame but, it was the early Nineties and ‘Murrica was still all “Think of the children” and Satanic Panic about life. MK was counter-culture and an amazing title to boot. And them Mortal Kombat 2 came out and did everything the first title was praised for, better. Today, there are much better MK titles, X immediately comes to mind, but you will never convince me that 2 didn’t drop an atomic bomb in the Fighting game community when it released.
2. Dead or Alive Ultimate
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This one was hard to put so high. I really had to think about why it deserved this spot. There are so many outstanding titles on this list, games with rich, deep, combat systems and colorful characters. Xrd could have taken this spot or any of the honorable mentions could have been scrutinized more and maybe usurped Ultimate from it’s silver position. Nah. Never that. Dead or Alive Ultimate is peak DoA for me. This game is gorgeous, deep as f*ck, and incredibly fun to play. I loved the challenge of that final boss but it is Ayane that this game stand apart. Yo, i love this chick, man. Her fighting style is so flippy, so fluid, so goddamn unorthodox, i couldn’t get enough of it. Like, her counters are devastating but the definite strength of her ability lies in how elusive she is. The first DoA i played was Dead or Alive 3, because she kicks high, so i was pretty well versed in Ayane’s style but Ultimate took that sh*t and amped it up a notch. I eat this game with every character, repeatedly, on my first Xbox and, even after totally dominating this title, i would occasionally boot the old brick up just to spin kick a motherf*cker of a roof with my lavender draped, butterfly loving, kunoichi.
1. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
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This is peak Tekken. It doesn’t get any better. the Dark Resurrection release has everything which makes Tekken great. It’s a gorgeous title that introduced so many mainstay characters, fighters that changed the entire dynamic of the combat. Coming of the excellent but mechanically ardent Tekken 4, Dark Resurrection was a breath of fresh air. I had developed my ability with Steve Fox to a razor’s edge, easily making him my second best character after Hwoarang but then i discovered Emilie de Rochafort. My goodness, did i instantly fall in love with this chick. I just gushed about my love for Ayane in the DoA franchise, right? Well, Lili is the Ayane of Tekken. Her combo potential is f*cking stupid. I love just spending hours in training figuring out brand new sh*t that just ruins dudes in the most aggressively flamboyant way. I have a combo that can one hundred percent a guy that’s not on any list, just straight practice and discovery and that’s why i love the Tekken franchise so much. It’s all free style, lose rules with some of the deepest combat you’ll ever have the pleasure of diving into. I am, quite literally, a God in this game and com back to it all the time because it’s just that fantastic.
Honorable Mentions: Mortal Kombat, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Tekken 2, Soul Calibur, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Rival Schools United by Fate, Tekken Tag Tournament, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Def Jam Vendetta: Fight for New York, Soul Calibur 3, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Mortal Kombat XL, King of Fighters XIII, Tekken 4, Persona 4 Arena, Guilty Gear XX, Tekken 6, Mortal Kombat (2011), Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold, X-Men: Children of the Atom, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001, Killer Instinct (2013), Dead or Alive 3, Tekken 7
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Smokey brand Select: Choose Your Fighter
I just watched Maximilian Dood comment on this Watch Mojo top twenty list for the best fighting game and it was an experience. I don’t talk about this much, but i am a fighting game god. Not so much with Capcom titles, though i did well with Darkstalkers and okay with MVC 2, but 3D fighters are my sh*t. When i was young, that was my bread-and-butter; NBA Live and a fighter. As i got older and diversified my gaming palette, RPGs and narrative driven fare really took the pole position but i  never stopped loving fighters. Though they definitely took a backseat, i still played a ton of these things along the way. Anything from Arc Sys took precedent because, holy sh*t those games are fun, but i never slacked off my Tekken status and even kept up with the Street Fighter renaissance My point is, i would consider myself a hardcore Fighter guy and this list made me upset so i wanted to make one of my own. These are my top ten fighting games and titles that i consider classics overall. Now, before we get into this thing, i need to stipulate that i only plan to put one title in a franchise on this list. If not, it would literally just be Tekken and DoA. That should tell you how high in esteem i hold these titles. Also, lots of sequels on this list because iteration and innovation is a core aspect of the Fighting game genre. Also-also, i have played A LOT of fighting games.
11. Tekken 3
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I lied. Sue me. This is my list and i absolutely had to put Tekken 3 on this thing. It’s a genre milestone and easily the most fun of this franchise to play. It introduced solid characters that became staples of the entire series and gave me the first i ever got against my older brother. I love this game and, if I'm being honest, this sh*t is ranked 1B to Tekken 5′s 1A but even i think that’s a bit excessive so i forced it into this eleven spot. But i literally love it more than every other game on this list.
10. Dragon Ball FighterZ
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FighterZ makes this list strictly because it’s a 2.5D Dragon Ball fighter. It’s literally everything the fandom has ever wanted since Dragon Ball got it’s Toonami clout. As a fighter, in terms of mechanics, it’s probably the weakest on this list outside of MK2 but it’s hard to leave it off because this thing is everything i dreamed of out of the perfect Dragon Ball fighter when i was a kid. FighterZ is surprisingly accessible, fun to play, has a great look, and introduced us all to Android 21. Admittedly, this thing is incredibly Casual friendly but there is enough meat there, enough depth in that combo system, that an experienced fighter can pull of some beautiful sh*t.
9. Garou: Mark of the Wolves
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I’m not much of an SNK guy, i found the KoF games fun but cheap and Samurai Shodown damn near impenetrable, but i am a fan of Fatal Fury. I always thought those titles had more depth than it’s Capcom competition so to see them abandoned after that Real Bout run hurt. And then i found out about Garou. Fatal Fury 3 is arguably the best fighter of the Nineties and no one played the f*cking thing. The brilliance of this fighting system, the richness of the characters, the dope ass sprite art; It’s all a gorgeous example of 2D, Nineties, Fighter master craft. A lot of cats say that Street Fighter 3: Third Impact is the pinnacle but i would suggest giving Garou a chance. This thing is the quiet champion of the decade.
8. Ultra Street Fighter 4
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I bought Street Fighter at launch and grew with the game as it developed into something really special. I wasn’t a huge fan of the direction the series went with the SF3 titles so seeing 4 get back to basics was a joy. I loved the art style and picking up sticks to play as Cammy again, in a proper Street Fighter title, felt right. I have been a Cammy main since she was introduced, what? Thirty years ago, almost? More than anything, SF4 felt good. when it reached it’s final form as Ultra Street Fighter 4, i was absolutely smitten. Sh*tty boss aside, the combat was exceptional and really brought back the nostalgia for me. I’m not a Capcom guy but you better believe i was around for that Street Fighter 2 hype as a youth. Seeing SF4 kind of re-create that for a younger generation was super cool.
7. Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
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I just mentioned being around for the SF2 explosion so when the first Darkstalkers dropped, i was right there. I was a Mortal Kombat guy so, while i did plat Street Fighter, i was never good at it. Darkstalkers gave me an opportunity to enter the Capcom foray and really develop my talents. I was a Morrigan main and became so unstoppable in that title, it was absurd. When Night Warriors dropped, i picked up damn near where i left off and never looked back. There’s a reason my darling succubus is the perennial representative of her franchise in every single Versus title Capcom drops. While i appreciate the assist, i really wish they would drop a Darkstalkers 4 already. Give it the SF4 treatment and let us horror buffs go to town. It's been eighty four years
6. Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2
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Listen, i love a good Arc System Works game. Fighters is already on here and i was tempted to throw a BlazBlue and that Granblue fighter on here, strictly because of that studio’s prowess but i would be remiss if i didn’t add a Xrd. This game is peak Arc Sys, pure Guilty Gear, and i love it. I’ve been playing GG since the old timey X days and grew up with the franchise. I was a Sol main so the series treated me pretty well and then Xrd happened. The shift in art style really went a long way to catch my eye but more than that, Xrd delivered to me my cocoa goddess, Ramlethal Valentine. Now, i love Sol. Dude has been my guy for actual decades but the second i got a taste of Ram? My goodness. The entire game is like that, though. It feels distinctly Guilty Gear but an aggressive evolution of what came before. I love this f*cking game and, while i respect X2, it’s Xrd for me.
5. Soul Calibur 2
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Of the Soul Calibur titles, the second is easily the best. One can argue 6 or 3 but, for me, it’s 2, all day. I picked up this franchise with the original PlayStation entry, Soul Edge but didn’t get a Dreamcast until after a PS2 so i missed out on the first Calibur. My initial experience with the re-branded franchise was Soul Calibur 2 and it was aggressively wonderful. I as trying to figure out why i knew certain characters and how i played so well with others but that was all in the back of my mind because, f*ck, was this game sneaky. Soul Calibur 2 is the type of rage quit game casuals hate but, if you learn the systems, it is infinitely rewarding. To this day, if you get me on a stage with a four sided ring-out while I'm playing as Nightmare, you’re gonna have a bad time. I’m also very good with Ivy, Talim, Kilik, and Maxi.
4. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: A New Age of Heroes
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How can this not be on here? MvC2 is the pinnacle of the Versus series. Capcom has been chasing this dragon for to decades and i doubt they’ll ever catch it. MvC2 was lightning in a bottle and i spent days in front of my PS2, playing with friends, mastering the f*ck out of this game. Again, I'm not much of a Capcom guy, but all of my friends were so i was forced to “get good” and get good i did. I can’t say i was the best among my peerage but i did okay. I understood the insane sh*t you could pull off and how much fun this game was to lay. I knew it was special with how many people fell in love with this title and, to this day, literally twenty-two years after it’s release, cats still pine for it.
3. Mortal Kombat 2
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Now, I'm so-so to okay at Capcom fighters because i didn’t play Street Fighter 2 like every one else. I played Mortal f*cking Kombat. The thing about Capcom fighters is, they have a very distinct system that carried over from the first Street Fighter, all the way to Street Fighter 5. If you got into that sh*t way back when, you can pick up an play any Capcom title now. I jumped onto this bandwagon very late because i was too buys tearing out hearts and burning people alive with the hellfire i spat out from me skull mouth. I loved MK so much when i was young. It felt dangerous, like i shouldn’t have been seeing what i was. Looking back now, that sh*t was laughably tame but, it was the early Nineties and ‘Murrica was still all “Think of the children” and Satanic Panic about life. MK was counter-culture and an amazing title to boot. And them Mortal Kombat 2 came out and did everything the first title was praised for, better. Today, there are much better MK titles, X immediately comes to mind, but you will never convince me that 2 didn’t drop an atomic bomb in the Fighting game community when it released.
2. Dead or Alive Ultimate
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This one was hard to put so high. I really had to think about why it deserved this spot. There are so many outstanding titles on this list, games with rich, deep, combat systems and colorful characters. Xrd could have taken this spot or any of the honorable mentions could have been scrutinized more and maybe usurped Ultimate from it’s silver position. Nah. Never that. Dead or Alive Ultimate is peak DoA for me. This game is gorgeous, deep as f*ck, and incredibly fun to play. I loved the challenge of that final boss but it is Ayane that this game stand apart. Yo, i love this chick, man. Her fighting style is so flippy, so fluid, so goddamn unorthodox, i couldn’t get enough of it. Like, her counters are devastating but the definite strength of her ability lies in how elusive she is. The first DoA i played was Dead or Alive 3, because she kicks high, so i was pretty well versed in Ayane’s style but Ultimate took that sh*t and amped it up a notch. I eat this game with every character, repeatedly, on my first Xbox and, even after totally dominating this title, i would occasionally boot the old brick up just to spin kick a motherf*cker of a roof with my lavender draped, butterfly loving, kunoichi.
1. Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
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This is peak Tekken. It doesn’t get any better. the Dark Resurrection release has everything which makes Tekken great. It’s a gorgeous title that introduced so many mainstay characters, fighters that changed the entire dynamic of the combat. Coming of the excellent but mechanically ardent Tekken 4, Dark Resurrection was a breath of fresh air. I had developed my ability with Steve Fox to a razor’s edge, easily making him my second best character after Hwoarang but then i discovered Emilie de Rochafort. My goodness, did i instantly fall in love with this chick. I just gushed about my love for Ayane in the DoA franchise, right? Well, Lili is the Ayane of Tekken. Her combo potential is f*cking stupid. I love just spending hours in training figuring out brand new sh*t that just ruins dudes in the most aggressively flamboyant way. I have a combo that can one hundred percent a guy that’s not on any list, just straight practice and discovery and that’s why i love the Tekken franchise so much. It’s all free style, lose rules with some of the deepest combat you’ll ever have the pleasure of diving into. I am, quite literally, a God in this game and com back to it all the time because it’s just that fantastic.
Honorable Mentions: Mortal Kombat, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, Tekken 2, Soul Calibur, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Rival Schools United by Fate, Tekken Tag Tournament, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Def Jam Vendetta: Fight for New York, Soul Calibur 3, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Mortal Kombat XL, King of Fighters XIII, Tekken 4, Persona 4 Arena, Guilty Gear XX, Tekken 6, Mortal Kombat (2011), Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold, X-Men: Children of the Atom, Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001, Killer Instinct (2013), Dead or Alive 3, Tekken 7
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