#4-Sided Dive E13
deramin2 · 1 year
Breaking the Boy Scout
Clips from 4-Sided Dive E13, Critical Role C3 E49, Critical Role C3 E51, and Critical Role C3 E63 showing Orym's mental state as the events of C3 E63 unfold.
Whatever your interpretation, I think these are the key scenes and background to gauge where he's at and what he's thinking. Personally I think this marks a turning point in how he views this conflict, but what exactly that means remains to be seen.
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deramin2 · 1 year
4-Sided Dive E13
Liam: "I wanted to make a character who held onto kindness as much as he could, as long as he could."
Love that we're seeing the moment where that might have shattered. Or at least faltered.
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