low-budget-korra · 2 years
Korrasami Headcanons #4
Alternative Universe edition
Korra and Asami would met in College. Where Korra has a scholarship for been a wrestling athlete and champion, she also rocks as a drummer in a Rock Band.
Asami is top of her class, likes to create robots in her free time with her nerd friends. Vibes to classic music and dance to keep her fit body.
They would met after Asami then boyfriend,Mako, brings her to a rock concert where Korra would be playing as drummer. 
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nikko-kai-cutie · 2 years
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Twister's Commission #4
Alternate title: Style Challenge Twister Commission for Twister >:3c
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RafftheDrazard Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/nikko_kai_cutie Commissions are open prices here: https://www.deviantart.com/nikko-kai-cutie/art/2022-Commission-price-902555257
Posted using PostyBirb
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lokaleblickecom · 4 days
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alexadd77 · 4 years
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VA -4 Alternatives 7" 1979 (Numbers - X-Certs -Joe Public 48 Hours) Hearbeat Records U K La primera muestra de la escena de Bristol fue este EP previo al magnífico "Avon Calling" Portada algo ambigua para una carta de presentación pero en definitiva un buen Ep. #4alternatives #bristolpunk #numbers #48hours #powerpop #modrevival #punkrock #7" #45rpm #instavinyl #punk #vinylcollection #vinyljunkie #vinylrecords #indie #shakesomeaction #pop #vinylcollectionpost #newwave #recordcover #recordcollection #vinilo #recordcollector #artwork #design #powerpearls https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYicYfJt_X/?igshid=3r03tk6yrwv9
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bolontiku · 4 years
“New Treasure”
Chapter 4
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Alternate Universe
Chase Collins x Dragon!Steve Rogers
Word Count: 4487
Summary: Witch hunters are real, is the connection between the witch and dragon enough to save the day?
WARNINGS: SMUT, violence, Almost death (is that a thing?)
A/N: well, this one got away from me. Sorry it is so long. Also, @magellan-88​ thank you this series has taken on a life of its own. XD
Chase stared at the mirror, hand running along his bare shoulder, he swallowed. There was a mark. His heart skipped. There was a mark.
A distinct mark on his shoulder.
His breath hitched as he remembered Steve’s teeth sinking in at the same time he came buried deep inside him. 
That had been three days ago.
Lovebites should have been gone by now. He ran his fingers over it once again. He dropped his head, a tingle followed his fingers. What did this mean? 
His ribs still ached, it probably didn’t help having sex against the front door, or bent over the back of the couch. Chase could feel Steve’s lips on his neck, his face heating up at the memory of Steve’s large hands slipping around his waist, lower…
Chase huffed, stripping out of the bottoms and jumping in the shower. Steve was insatiable, the man kept him in bed all day and Chase had never had a lover that needed so much attention and cuddling. He dropped his head back into the hot steaming water and sighed, he’d never had a lover that lasted longer than three days, much less one he wanted to stay and spend time with. He cleared his throat, body still sore from the fight with Caleb, no, no he needed to get out of here. He needed to get away from this guy.
He knew nothing about him.
Except he saved him, not only that Steve had healed him, kept him fed, clothed him… even after he had seen him turn into… whatever that had been. 
Chase swallowed the memory of Steve’s lips on his neck as he drove into him making his stomach flutter, his breath picked up thinking of Steve’s lips, the way his hands pinned him down, the way he moaned his name. Chase growled, this was no good. 
The house was quiet, Chase slowly made his way down the stairs, Steve had mentioned he would be out this morning. He wondered if that was why he had been able to sleep in, to shower… Chase sighed. This was his chance to get away. He stopped and poked his head into the room by the stairs, eyes flickering over the many books in the study. Stepping in he ran his fingers over them, he wondered what Steve did to afford to live in this place? He never really went out, maybe he caught the guy on vacation? 
Chase stopped, fingers playing along the spine of the old book.
“The History of Ipswich..” he moved to the next one, a copy of the four families, the next few books covered witchcraft and witches. He backed away, mouth running dry, Steve knew he was a witch. Chase’s mind tripped over several possibilities. He didn’t like this at all, no. He hurried back up the steps grabbing his boots and tugged them on. It took him longer than he liked but he found his way off the property and out onto the main road. He would head back to Ipswich, get on the first bus and be out of there before sundown and before anyone could see him. He hadn’t expected anyone to be on the road in, nor for them to stop and offer him a ride. 
He wondered briefly if Steve would miss him? 
Steve looked at his watch, the small diner was crowded, but he hadn’t expected Natasha to call, much less say that he was buying her peanut butter pie from the diner. He wondered what she was doing back here and so soon.
“It really isn’t too soon, it’s been a year since I have been here, and you look different. What is it?”
Steve shook his head, “don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Really?” she asked sitting across from him and perking up as a waitress came over serving her coffee. “Look, things are bad, I know you live in that cave of yours all the time, but I am pretty sure you felt the magic that exploded from here not so long ago, it was enough to send a few..” she tilted her head to the side, red hair spilling over her slender shoulder, “how should I word this? Look Fury and Coulson nearly had an aneurysm and well, Bucky will be around, but that’s not the problem.”
Steve sat back, he hadn’t thought about this. Bucky was in town? A flurry of thoughts and emotions cut through him unsettling his stomach. He should have known, wherever Natasha would be Bucky was sure to follow. Chase was at home, he needed to think of him. He needed to explain what had happened between them changed things, that his mark meant more, things meant more. He shoved the unsettling emotions down and concentrated on what Natasha was saying. “Wh-wait, what?”
“Pierce is in, have you listened to a word I’ve said? This kind of magic unleashing was bound to attract some big guns and since it’s near where you live of course we had to come.”
“Pierce is here? Who else Nat?”
“Listen, no need to freak, he knows we are off the table, but witches are completely on the table, what are you- STEVE!!” she stabbed her fork in what was left of the pie and grumbled as she followed Steve out of the diner. "What are you in a hurry for? Pierce won't come after you, he's here for a witch, dammit Steve!" She cried, grabbing his arm.
Steve rounded on her with a growl, easily pushing her into the building, "that’s just it Natasha! He's after my witch!"
She didn't take too kindly to being backed into a wall, but she stared at him, the words he had just said sinking in. "What are you not telling me Steve? Tell me now."
Steve looked around, sighing, "my witch, he's wearing my mark."
Chase nearly feel asleep, the music playing softly on the radio as the old man drove, he hadn't realized how exhausted he had been. What woke him was the quiet conversation, sitting up halted it, "sorry."
The man in the back seat smiled, "no need to apologize, we tried to keep it quiet. You from around here?"
Chase nodded sleepily. "Family history, but I'm only going back into town to catch a bus back home. You two visiting?"
Chase scrubbed at his eyes, it had gotten dark out. He sat up looking around, and back at the stranger in the backseat. He hadn't even realized there was someone else in the car, "thank you so much for the ride I guess we're almost there huh?"
"Almost, what's your name?" He laughed when Chase looked at him holding his hands up, "I am Helmut Zemo…"
"Steve, Zemo is with him."
His heart dropped, "that man…"
Nat pushed Steve off of him, "this place is crawling with witches, maybe his scent will be off. Where is your witch? If you've bonded then they can't go after him."
Steve ran a hand through his hair, "I need to get home, he'll be fine as long as he stays there and I… left him in bed."
Natasha snickered, "well, then that's a good thing, means you've been solidifying the bond." She raised an eyebrow as he looked away from her, "it has taken? You gave him your mark? He accepted it right?" She groaned loudly as he looked at her sheepishly, "and I bet your witch is smack dab in the middle of this!"
"He used all his magic in that fight, I really can't believe that he survived, not to mention that I found him. Nat, I heard him, he heard me." 
She glared at him, "you managed a connection, without a mark? Before meeting him?"
"Zemo will sniff him out, that witch of yours will bring him to your doorstep." She said, frowning at him.
"I will deal with that when the time comes," he answered ready to go home. The dragon within was more than ready to go, he could feel it, unease settling in his bones, Chase was the one they were after he was certain. The other had calmed, no magic rippling, but now that Chase had exhausted all of his powers what threat did he pose? Especially since he was Steve's, he closed his eyes, he should have explained already, should have told him what he had done.
When a dragon found his soulmate it was nothing to be taken lightly, especially when marked. The one bitten had the power, if they accepted their mate then they became one, sharing in all things, life, breath, magic. Tethered together forever.
Steve could give Chase everything he wanted and the boy could destroy him if he rejected him. If Chase decided he did not love and want to share a life that could last into many many more years to come then Steve was in danger, he had marked him. Chase could take it away, Steve would lose years of his life, live like a mortal till his last breath.
"Steve, it's important that you get your witch to accept you."
"I know!"
"And you left him in bed, connecting and having him accept is more than just sex," Natasha sighed. Steve growled, he knew that, of course he knew that. "Worse case scenario you could always force it…" she scowled at him.
Steve glared at her, "he'll accept me. There's no need to go that far."
Nat fell into step next to him, she smirked as she spotted his bike, "still beautiful."
"Thank you," Steve smiled, "yours is looking good too."
"You gonna be okay with Bucky around?"
Steve stopped, sucking in a deep breath, "yeah, no choice really. Kinda… kinda head over heels with this kid."
"Jesus! He's a baby huh?!"
Steve chuckled, "not my choice, you know how these dragons are. Still, kid is fucking adorable. Kind of a hot head, which is fucking cute."
Chase fidgeted, the town was busy as ever, his knee bounced. He knew they noticed, "the bus depot is at the far end of town, if you don't mind?"
The dark haired man in the back seat smiled, hand falling on his shoulder, "I think we can manage that, right Alexander?"
"I believe it will only take a few minutes, need to make a quick stop, business you know?"
Chase nodded, he really didn't have a choice, not when he was trying to avoid being seen. Still, the way the men looked at him made him feel uneasy, even more so when the older man pulled off onto a dirt road headed into the woods. "Maybe… if you stop here?" He grimaced as Helmut's hand gripped his shoulder a little tighter. "Stop the car."
"No, I don't think I will. See, we came into town to take care of a little issue, now my friend in the backseat there? Helmut has a nose for witches- be friendly."
Chase sucked in a breath as he felt the sharp end of a knife slip up under his chin, "s-stop… wait, don't do this!"
"The moment you got in I knew, even with all of your magic gone, how did you manage to survive that?"
He should have stayed, stayed in bed, Steve would have come back, he would have made him dinner, would have made him eat…
"Witches are still trouble makers, power hungry, destructive, ignorant. Putting mortals into such danger, you've attracted unwanted attention. We managed to cover, saying a gas leak led to an explosion. The families are protected, but you aren't. Your family has made this mistake before, even if you were not raised with proper education as to what you are," he pulled over, parking the car in the dense woods.
Chase could feel his heartbeat stutter, he knew of witch hunters. He had never given them much thought, power always coursed through his veins, he had been able to protect himself always. Now though…
"Get out." Chase looked over at the older man, "it's no fun without a hunt. Get out, I believe Mr. Zemo will give you at least three minutes to run." The knife disappearing.
Chase felt his blood run cold as he reached for the door handle, shoving the door open.
"Two minutes now."
He skidded as he stepped out of the car, finding his footing he bolted.
Steve slung his foot over and his bike roared to life, he hunched over, heart thundering. Something was wrong.
His dragon growled, low and deadly, demanding for action.
Natasha sat still, answering the call that came through, "yes, I feel it. They're hunting." She cried out as Steve tore off, "he doesn't even know where he's headed. Buck, he marked the witch, we can't let them kill him."
Chase couldn't understand the roaring in his ears, he could hear them behind him. He cried out as he heard a crack, pain stinging his side before he realized he'd been shot. 
They were toying with him.
Fear was real. Before it didn't matter, he could protect himself, had always done it. Life was never easy for him, no one wanted him, no one cared for him or looked after him. It was just him. 
But things had changed. 
Now there was Steve.
The next crack knocked him off his feet, his shoulder ached, he choked back the scream and scrambled to his feet. Pain blinding him, he could feel the shirt he had stolen from Steve become soaked. Don't look, don't look, if he looked…
"You're making this too easy witch! Give us something to work with!"
Looking over his shoulder was a mistake, he ran straight into a broken log, feet slamming out from under him, he did cry out as his already wounded shoulder made contact with the dirt ground, he rolled trying to come back up onto his feet. 
Why? Why now? It was hard to breathe, of course he would meet him now. Now that he had fucked everything up, now when he would have hunters coming after him. Of course he’d run away from the one good thing that had happened to him ever.
A hand wrapped around his ankle, he kicked blindly, scrambling to his feet. He had kicked the young man hard enough to send him onto his back, this was his chance! He turned and slammed into the older man. 
"Not as exhilarating as I had hoped," he sighed stepping into Chase. "There it is," he muttered, grabbing his arm, watching as Chase looked down, brows drawing together as he let out a small sob at the sight of a knife handle, hands catching at Pierce’s shoulders. "That's the look, shh, close your eyes, don't look at me. Think of the best day you've had."
“I saw you, c’mon, come out.”
Chase choked as he thought of Steve, he had come for him, given him a few more days when he should have died, so… this was okay. This was okay. He shouldn’t have had those few days, he never should have known how gentle lips could feel or how his name could sound so sweet coming from a single certain person. 
Pierce frowned, “what did you say?” he looked up at Zemo. 
The roaring was deafening, it blocked everything out.
Pierce had seconds to move as three large scaled bodies dropped from the sky. One a deep ruby red, one sleek black, the other deep blue. Zemo caught his fellow hunter, shielding the both of them last minute with a quick uttered enchantment.
“How convenient,” Bucky growled, snuffing his flames and shifting as he landed, “hunt the witches and use their knowledge!” he growled angrily, advancing towards the two.
Steve dropped by Chase, he felt Natasha stop a few feet away. “No, no, stupid, you were supposed to be at home.”
“Steve. NOW STEVE. He still has a pulse.”
“What if-”
“We’ll deal with that later, but now, you must do it now, if he is your mate you can figure it out later, but do IT NOW,” she growled angrily, turning to watch as Bucky slammed into the enchantment, over and over till it shattered.
Steve swallowed, his magic would not be enough to heal the wound, but there was a way. He screwed his eyes shut as he took hold of the knife, tugging it out in one pull. He dropped his head to Chase’s, pressing a kiss to his lips, “I got you kid,” he hadn’t felt pain in such a long time. Anything else was nothing compared to the pain he felt as Chase lay unmoving before him, the knife slid into his chest easily enough. 
Bucky paused, Zemo lay a few feet behind him, Pierce now scrambling away as he turned. Both he and Natasha enthralled, he had heard of it but never seen it. A dragon giving half his heart to his mate. It would ensure that the witch lived, there was more that this kid would get out of it, Bucky felt anger rip through him, he turned in time to see Pierce disappear into the dark woods. Good, he needed a way to get the rage out.
Natasha didn’t move as she felt Bucky disappear, she had seen this once before, and it was just as world shattering.
Chase yelped, it burnt, everything had been so cold it numbed him, his last thought had been of Steve. Now he couldn’t think of anything as fire erupted and engulfed him, he screamed trying to escape.
“Shh, I’m here, Chase, listen to me, it’s okay, it’s okay, I got you. Yeah, yeah, look at me..” God his heart was thundering in his chest, he swallowed as those deep blue eyes flickered this way and that before zeroing on him, focusing and holding his gaze. He noticed his grip had stopped fumbling, fingers curling in on his jacket, Chase swallowed deep breaths, chest heaving. 
“S-Steve?” his voice was hoarse, scratchy. “I died.”
“Y-you saved me… again.”
Steve leaned in, pressing their lips together, “seems to be a habit.”
Chase clung to him, body shuddering, something was off. He could feel Steve’s heart beating in rhythm with his, his breath matching the blonds, his body thrumming with something. He was confused, something had happened. Why was Steve here? He had been running away from Steve... “That's the look, shh, close your eyes, don't look at me. Think of the best day you've had.” Chase cried out, “ssssSSTOOP!!” he grunted, reaching down to where the knife had pierced him, but there was nothing. “STEVE! Steve!! He!! T-They, they!! Ngh!”
Steve pulled him into his lap hushing him, small reassuring noises leaving him as he pressed kisses to his lips, jaw, neck. He kept his arms wrapped firmly around the young man, letting him process as much as he could, the sound of desperation broke him. “Go to sleep, my love,” he whispered. Chase made a frustrated sound before tucking his head under his chin, giving into the demand. 
“Lets go,” Natasha reached out, helping Steve to his feet.
“Bucky can handle himself, you know that Pierce won’t get away. Zemo won’t be going anywhere. Once we get you back to your home safely I’ll call it in.”
“I almost lost him…”
“Good thing your dragon located him, idiot,” she huffed angrily as she led the way back to his home. She wondered what this meant, after everything that had happened between the three of them she had been uneasy. No one chose their mate, when she had finally met the man Steve had called his boyfriend it had clicked. Neither would have chosen to devastate Steve that way, she had dated Steve before years and years ago.
There had been no denying it, it was automatic and everything changed. 
She had left, not another word, leaving Steve and Bucky to talk. Bucky had followed not shortly after. Natasha followed Steve into his home, he had had it for centuries. It was the one constant in their lives, even for Clint and Sam. She had missed it, even with Bucky by her side, and she knew he had missed it as well. She had no doubt Bucky was making Pierce pay for what he had done, even sanctioned, there was no way the kid hadn’t called out for Steve. Natasha knew what it was to connect, she had been a master at it, linked to several she knew the signs and whether Chase knew it or not he was well connected.
She just needed him to accept Steve because she sure as hell was not going to lose her best friend.
Chase hummed sleepily, smiling as he felt Steve’s lips on his neck, he squirmed under him, he was back in bed. Why did that not surprise him? Or the fact that Steve’s strong hand ran down his torso, pressing himself between his legs.
“You have to accept me,” Steve hummed, tongue swiping over the strong pulse, terror had pushed him to abandon his bike, shifting into full dragon midair, he hadn’t even realized Nat and Bucky had followed. Not when he could hear Chase panicking, running, scrambling to get away.
“Steve… you can’t, uh, keep me in bed forever,” he caught Steve’s shoulders in his hands, arching into him, pleasure rippling through his body. He felt little flickers of flames everywhere Steve touched, something had changed, he knew it had but his mind was hazy at the moment. Why had he ever thought of leaving? He wanted, needed, Steve. Chase gasped as Steve nipped at the mark on his shoulder, rolling his hips up and moaning as Steve ground into him.
“Say that you accept me, that you’ll be mine forever.”
Chase felt a thrill run through him at how low his voice was, “Yes, just..nngh.. Need you.”
Steve smirked against his skin, “say it,” he urged, hands busy, stripping Chase of his jeans, “say it, that you accept me.”
Chase blinked, he growled as he felt Steve against him, “Steve?”
“If you don’t I won’t give you what you want.”
Chase froze, Steve could give him everything, if he was willing. He knew it, could feel it in his soul and that frightened him, “no.”
Steve sat back, pain rippling through him. “Why?”
Chase felt the sting of tears as he scrambled back, “I’m no good. God, no. You can’t want me!” he bit out, he hit the headboard as Steve reached out for him, “I-I-fuck! I’m such a mess! Why would you want me?” he asked, desperately shaking his head, “Steve, no, there’s got to be someone better for you!”
Steve scooted across the bed, pulling Chase into his lap, “there’s no one, you are my mate, you can feel it,” his hand covered the fresh scar on his chest, “I am there, a part of you now. Say yes, accept it. I promise to help you see what I see.”
Chase chewed on his bottom lip, heart thundering. He should be dead. He shouldn’t be here, why did Steve want him? Why was it that he couldn’t say no? “I just… just like that?”
“Just like that.”
He studied Steve, mapping the man's face, deeper, he could feel their hearts beating in sync, he felt calmer around him, he didn’t want to run away anymore or search for power that he didn’t need. “I accept you Steve,” he felt silly, his ears burning, “how lame,” murmured his hand covering his face.
Steve felt it, the way magic moved between them, bonding them with those few words. Watched as Chase felt it as well, eyes going wide at the sensation, he smiled as the young man stared at him in awe. “I give you everything, my heart, my soul, my magic. I will die protecting you for the rest of our lives and it will be a long time Chase.”
It was odd, a different kind of magic filling him, quiet, like a second skin. Chase didn’t know how to react, but he knew what Steve would like.
Steve let out a little groan as Chase sank down on him, “a little warning?” he groaned, dropping his head to Chase’s shoulder. Oh, he liked the way his mark looked on Chase, he liked how Chase looked on him. The kid slowly riding him, made his thoughts scatter as he pressed their lips together, tentatively, uncertain. Steve rolled his hips up, burying himself deeper inside Chase, swallowing his gasp, hands finding his waist and guiding him, tugging him down as he thrust up. God, the way Chase blushed was enough to make him lose his rhythm. Soft lips, fluttering against his, Steve was positive he would never get enough of him. Now, with the bonding he would keep him in bed for days. Dragons could bed for months at a time, he would have to be mindful of his witch and his needs. 
Chase squeaked as Steve rolled him under, pinning him to the bed, “Stev-ah!!” he screwed his eyes shut, legs wrapping around his waist, hands pulling the blond closer, breath hitching with every thrust. It wasn’t enough, he wanted more, more of Steve. “Fuck! Steve I… I love you!”
Steve felt his world shatter as Chase uttered his confession, Chase’s nails raking across his back, digging into his shoulders as the bond between them strengthened, the dragon reared its head, urging Steve and he was not denied. 
Chase cried out as teeth sank into his shoulder, it was all too much, “Sssteveee!” he whimpered, even as he held him close, hips rising to meet Steve’s.
Steve’s tongue swept over the bite, healing it quickly before he reached between them, hand closing around Chase and stroking him in time with every one of his thrusts, he watched as Chase squirmed beneath him. Loved every little whimper and gasp, knew he was so close to coming. “Chase, go on, it’s okay, so good for me.” Steve drove in as Chase came, Steve following in the same moment, both men collapsing to the bed completely spent.
“Is it always going to be like this?”
Steve struggled to stay awake, gently pulling out and slipping around Chase, needing the contact of his body pressed against his. This was dangerous, he felt more protective over Chase and he knew he could lash out at others. “For awhile.”
“Is it bad that I want more?” Chase asked, fingers ghosting over Steve’s tummy.
Steve chuckled, “lets get some sleep,” he hummed reaching up and pulling Chase in for a kiss. Tender, loving,  it made Chase lose his breath, heart fluttering, he felt Steve’s own mimic it. This was what he had been moving towards all his life? He had thought power was everything, but- he yawned, letting Steve pull him closer, legs and arms tangling in the sheets. 
This was everything.
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