giestt2931 · 3 years
Cancer And The Spritual Food Therapy But Great Remedial GOD Fruits.(part 2)
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Fifrh remedy-- Bring two apples or any two fruit. If Apples are available, please use the Apple. First day of fifth remedy-- Bring two apples and keep it before God or at the place of worship. Apple should be kept at least 10 hours before using them. Consume one apple in morning and one apple in evening before 5 p.m .Second day of fifth remedy-- Now put four Apple before God at least 10 hours before. Consume two apple in morning and two apple in evening before 5 p.m. Third day of fifth remedy-- Bring four apple and two some other fruit. Put them before god as done before. Consume two apple and a fruit in morning and consume two apple and the fruit in evening before 5 p.m.4th day of fifth remedy-- Bring 4 apple and 4 other fruit. Put it at your worship place. Eat two apple and two fruit in morning and two apple and two fruit in evening before 5 p.m. Now continue this 4 apple and 4 fruit forever.Sixth remedy -At night, take a piece of camphor. Now touch the piece of camphor with the God feet or with your holy book . Now Burn the camphor and rotate it over the patients head clockwise 11 times and put the burning camphor before God. Seventh remedy-- Anyone should read the holy book in patients room between 12 a.m to 1 p.m for half an hour. In evening read the holy book between 10:00 p.m to 11 p.m.for half an hour. It would be better if the patient read the holy book himself or herself. I would like to prefer Hanuman Chalisa for everyone .If Read the full article
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dwjensen · 7 years
Fear and Loathing
Friday, October 27, 2017
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To be honest, I thought that my last post really was my “Last Post.” On several occasions since, I felt the breath leave my body, my heart threaten to cease its function and expected to find my version of the world become one of lights and long lost loved ones. The first two episodes were filled with fear. I panicked as I felt my chest constrict my lungs and major vessels while my brain screamed out for more cognitive control. All I could think of was to find an open area where the undertakers could at least have easy access from which to move me and hope that they brought an extra large body bag. My internal mantra kept echoing “One more week please, I just need one more week.” At this stage I had not completed my taxes for the year nor had I taken my name from the car registration so that Laurie would have no dramas in any future sale. These were the last of an extensive list of ‘my things to do’ etc.
  Yet the most significant part of these episodes for me was the fear and sheer panic that gripped hold of me. When I was first given my prognosis, one of my first thought was “Will I be brave enough in those last moments to die well?” It was if I shape shifted into an old First Nations Chief overlooking a battlefield filled with young warriors versus Custer’s cavalry and proudly claiming, “It was a good day to die.” I desperately wanted/still want to have that courage to face my last moments well and to not endure any fear. I felt such a raw disappointment in myself, after those long minutes had passed, for being so afraid that it seemed to block any rational thoughts of the fact that I had come close to the actuality of dying in those moments. I have no explanation as to the why and wherefore, yet I was compelled to address, confront and amend this reaction. Needless to say that Laurie and I had extensive conversations concerning the above and with the help of an extremely well learned friend in Canada who suggested very credible strategies, I felt as if I was better prepared should this fear raise its head again.
Number three has always been the charm for me and the third episode was no exception. At three am, shortly after making my coffee as quietly as possible, the fear began and the panic just as rapidly ensued. I felt my breath diminishing with every attempt and my heart perform an impossible tap dance against my ribs. I remember that the amount of sweat that poured from my upper body nearly entirely soaked my t-shirt making me shiver with the cool early morning air. I made a feeble attempt to call out for Laurie as I didn’t know how long I could hang on to the counter top and stay off the floor…I didn’t want her to find me this way. And then it happened…something in my head asked, “What are you afraid of?” As I tried to answer myself, I found myself stepping toward the source of the fear and sub consciously felt a slight relief from the panic. As if urged on by something that I can’t explain, I stepped closer and closer, each time forcing myself to breathe in small amounts and concentrate as hard as I could on answering the question.
 Some of my composure returned and as I straightened upright against the counter top, I felt as if I stepped over an illusion of my own body lying beneath me. “It’s only the shell,” either I or something else stated in my mind.” And then, slowly but surely the panic fell away almost in tune with my shallow and slowed breathing, my heart responded in kind with an easier beat and the fear dissolved with the parting phrase of “You don’t need me anymore.” Again, I have no idea where these words originated from; all that I am sure of is that it wasn’t my voice and it felt like a gentle whisper.
 For the next twenty minutes, several waves of less severe symptoms appeared and were dealt with in the same way. I found that if I sat or lay down, I felt a vulnerability for the symptoms to intensify but if I stood upright I could manage my own calming with greater ease. Since that early morning breakthrough, there have been two other occurrences, each weaker than the last and each managed without fear or panic. Obviously there are many physical factors involved as this condition worsens but it was the fear factor that brought me to share this today. I don’t believe myself to be a brave, courageous or a strong individual but I feel that through these events I have achieved a sense of mental strength that had been previously untapped.
My new mantra: “Fear, I don’t need you anymore”.
And besides,
“I just made the Lion King redundant...”
(FYI: I am licensed and only shoot paper targets). 
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