#50 shades of grey fashion
thegreatwicked · 3 months
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What is somnophilia? When you say edging... You mean??? Thats a thing? Yes! It is a thing! Welcome to the kink-tionary; don't yuck someone else's yum.
Ok, lets first begin with what exactly is a kink?
A kink is defined as anything that veers off the 'normal' sexual path or experience. It's used to describe things that are of particular sexual curiosity and interest to someone. Things like behaviors and/or practices outside of normal sexual behavior.
What about a fetish? What's the difference? The answer in not so many words is a kink is meant to increase the pleasure and a fetish almost replaces a partner with an object. So in other words, a kink adds to the experience but a fetish is a necessity in order to get off.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and chains excite me...
So we'll start with some of the most common kinks I could find and we'll just keep adding to this list. Here we go!
BDSM: BDSM is an umbrella term that covers a broad variety of practices and it stands for Bondage, Discipline/Domination, Submission/Sadism, and Masochism. BDSM is all about one party exerting dominance over the other and it is mutually consensual, pre-agreed upon, and a satisfying encounter for BOTH parties. 50 Shades of Grey IS NOT THE EXAMPLE YOU WANT TO DRAW FROM. I am not part of the BDSM community but I do have friends in it and they all tell me the same thing, the movie/book is a very poor representation of the community but it's not the only one. BDSM is about trust, consent, and respect. If you or your character derives pleasure from the fantasy of letting their/your partner have their way with you, or if you derive pleasure from the idea of "making" your partner service and please you. This really deserves its own post as it covers a lot but the key thing here is CONSENT. RESPECT. AND MUTUAL PLEASURE. The most highly recommended books I could find on the kink were things like For Real by Alexis Hall, An Old Fashioned Love Song by Michelle K Grant (this book is free!), A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles.
Sadism and Masochism: These two can also fall under the BDSM umbrella as well. These kinks are about your relationship to pain. A sadist gets pleasure from inflicting pain on a sexual partner but it doesn't necessarily have to be sexual pain. A masochist gets pleasure from being hurt. This is also meant to be consensual, and the use of safewords is a necessity. This can veer off into dark territory very easily.
Ropes and Bondage: Another element from the BDSM umbrella. Its a very popular kink and one of the most well known. It involves the use of safewords and trust, respect, consent.
Hosiery: This is the interest in wearing things like pantyhose or having a parner wearing them while having sex or engaging in sexual activity.
Voyeurism: Voyeurism is being turned on by watching other people have sex.
Exhibitionism: This is the opposite side to the coin that is Voyeurism; which is the act of being watched surring sex or other sexual acts.
Roleplay: Taking on different persons during sex and living out a fantasy, stepping outside of yourself for a more intense experience. Popular troupes are professor/student, master/slave, etc.
Dirty Talk: Yes, this counts as a kink. It's the act of using suggestive or explicit language to heighten excitement or sensation. Like what you're doing to your partner, waht you want to do, what you plan to do, what you want them to do to you, etc.
Urophilia: Also known as 'Golden showers' or 'Watersports' this is for people who are turned on by urination, either giving or recieving.
Nipple Play: This centers around a focus on plaing wiht your partners nipples or your own. Things like licking, biting, teasing, etc.
Humiliation: Being arousesd by being put in your place, or being humiliated. So you things like your partner tellign you your dick is small, or you're a slut. It can also involve acts like boot licking and facials (Ejaculating on yout partners face).
Cuckholding: More common among men but not exclusively. This is when you're turned on by your partner having sex in front of you, or away from you but typically it invovles watching directly.
Female Led Relationship: This involves being aroused by giving the female in a heterosexual relationship most of the sexual control. So, sex could center on what she likes primarily as an example.
Auralism: Also called a Sound Kink, the act of being aroused by sounds; think partners hitting the wall durring sex, moans, or things like listening to NSFW audio content, spicy audiobooks.
Age Play: This one involves two CONSENTING ADULTS; you take on roles or ages other than your own so think mommy/daddy in bed, little girl, baby, etc.
Orgasm Control: It can go along with BDSM, but it involves letting your partner control the timing of your orrgasms, usually things like bondage are involved.
Impact Play: Spanking, paddling, canning, etc. Being hit in a consensual erotic context releases endorphins and it gives you a bit of a rush.
CNC: A bit of a controversial one in my opinion, but it stands for Consensual Non Consent. This is someone who is aroused by the idea of being forced or taken by their partner while they pretend to say no. They're commonly referred ot as Rape Fantasies, it's preagreed upon, an carefully arranged by all parties. not for the feint of heart.
Gags: Being turned on by wearing or using gags, think ball gags, panties, etc.
Praise Kink: Being turned on by praise and compliments; think "you're doing so good taking my cock, baby." Or, "You're so pretty when you come,"
Degradation: This is the opposite of a praise kink, being insulted through words or actions; being called a worthless slut, or being spit on, jerked off on, etc.
Blood Play: The act of being aroused by blood, your own or your partners, really popular among anything vampire, werewolf, supernatural etc.
Autoplushophilia: FURRIES!!!! We all know the furries, invovles animal costumes and imagining oneself as an animal.
Mummification: Yet another I was unaware of, no its not having sex with actual mummies, althought that could certainly be a thing. This. involves wrapping your partenr or being wrapped yoursefl in things like Saran Wrap.
Odaxelagnia: Involves sexua arousal through biting or being bitten, it's amild form of sadomasichism.
Olfactophilia or Osmolagnia: Also called a Scent Kink, this involves being turned on by smells, think panty sniffing, arousal smelling, sweat, etc.
Overstimulation: This involves being put into a state of too much sensory input. Usually it involves multiple orgasms without any time to calm down or relax, it can be almost painful before its pleasurable again.
Knife Play: A form of CONSENSUAL BDSM edge play usign knifes, swords, daggers as a source of physical and mental stimulation. Think scratches on skin, cutting away clothes, etc.
Frottage: The act of being stimulated by rubbing against another person, think people who get a little too close on trains, or at crowded venues like concerts.
Forced Orgasm: Another for the BDSM family where one consents to being forced ot orgasm in a way that's beyond their control.
Orgasm Denial: The act of being aroused by being denied an orgasm for a period of time, the idea is that when you do finally orgasm its much stronger than usual because you're so worked up.
Edging: Similar to Orgasm Denial it invovles stretching out how long it takes to reach orgasm, masturbaing pretty much until the point of orgasm before stopping all sexual stimulation.
Temperature Play: The act of using temperatures as stimulation, think ice cubes, and hot wax.
Dacryphilia: Being aroused by tears or sobbing
Size Kink: Being aroused by differences in size in comarison to your partner, height, weight, muscle size, dick size, etc.
Pegging: Penatrive sex invovled things like strap ons and slides, usually involving the anus of men or women.
Somnophilia: Being aroused by people who are sleeping.
Breeding: Being aroused by sex with the purpose of impregnation.
Purity/Virginity Kink: being arouse by having sex with a virgin
Leather/Latex: Being aroused by the use of leather or latex, think body suits, leather gloves, etc.
Food play: Being aroused by food in sex, licking whipepd cream or chocolate sauce off a lovers body.
Wax Play: Using melted wax on a partners body, these are meant to be sepecial candles iwth a low burning temperature so as not to harm.
Shibari: Japanese Bondage, intricate knots, etc.
That's good for now! Please note that this is not necessarily an all-encompassing list as I am not an expert on any of these and it's meant to serve merely as a baseline of knowledge to get you started. Further research should always be done first. I am a person and not infallible so if I got anything wrong here let me know so I can fix it! If you'd like me to add anything to this list let me know and we'll keep this kinky train rolling. Practice safe sex, everyone! Have a lovely evening.
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lady-charinette · 2 years
Gabe Hate Blog AU: Things Nino writes for his blog - The Theories Surrounding Gabriel Agreste
"Breaking News: Gabriel's Agreste's basement secretly a torture room?"
"50 Shades of Grey: Gabriel Agreste Edition"
"What could a middle aged man cooped up in his office the whole day have in his basement?" (An anonymous user Nathalie types into the comments section: "His wife lol". Everyone laughs, until the Hawkmoth reveal XD)
"The Elusive Gabriel Agreste: A man of many mean faces."
"The reason Gabriel A. makes few appearances in public is because he's balding."
"There are some folks on here who say Gabriel A. and Hawkmoth could be the same people, but here's my proof why they can't: no person has that much time to be that evil as two people AND design such sh*tty stuff. Such hideous creations take time to be ugly!"
"Gabriel Agreste punches kittens in his free time, change my mind."
"The Disappearance of a Rising Star: Actress Emilie Agreste gone missing. Is her husband the culprit? More at 9!"
"To love a son? Gabriel could never: 10 reasons why Gabriel A. is a shitty father"
"10 Things I Hate about You ft. Gabriel Agreste"
"The latest fashion trends take a turn for the worst: Gabriel Agreste's influence on contemporary fashion in Paris"
"'My father is never there' an exclusive interview with Adrien A. about his relationship with his father"
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If ever there was cry for help, that was it. I hear you! No more shipping and fan wars and charts and Army.
I'm not sure if this would help, but please feel free to pick from a topic below or ignore all of them:
You are obviously very drawn to music and film. What about painting & sculpture? Is there an artist, an era or genre that reigns supreme with you? Any why? Oh, and painting or sculpture? And why?
Ancient Egypt or Ancient Mesoamerica or neither?
Bronte or Austen? Other examples of proto-feminist literature?
Top five absolute worst film/series you can remember?
Is there a period of women's fashion that think, "yes, I could totally rock that," and wish it would make a comeback?
Where--and doing what--do you feel the closest to the sublime?
Finally, do you prefer Western or Asian gg, or not at all? Here's my controversial take and you can ream me out, if it will make for a good copy: It's not so much that I find the K-Pop gg groups look alike, but that they sound alike. I have a hard time distinguishing one voice from another--the range, tone, color, etc. are just too similar for me. Do I just need to listen more?
Enjoy your day!
Oooh, lots of questions and options. Thank you, anon 😊 Right, let's see.
1. I'd have to pick painting over sculpture simply because I was more exposed to art movements in painting in school or throughout my other years of study as an adult. I do have an inclination towards Baroque and Art Nouveau, but I'm mostly interested in everything that falls under contemporary art, beginning with the '70s until the present. Artists that come to mind would be Duchamp, Lichtenstein, Lucien Freud, David Hockney, Yayoi Kusama, Nam June Paik, Bill Viola, etc.
2. I'm going with Ancient Egypt simply because I went through a period in sixth grade when I would read everything I could find on the topic. I heard it's quite common for people to have an Ancient Egypt period in their life, particularly in their childhood. Mine started because one day my dad brought me a book.
3. Despite having first read Austen, I'll always choose the Bronte sisters. Particularly Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights is among my favorite novels in English literature.
4. Worst films I've seen: The 50 Shades of Grey series (I saw two of them just to laugh with other people, but it is an excruciating experience). Sex and The City 2 (highly offensive, wrong on many levels and completely unnecessary). The Twilight Series (I can't be convinced that there's anything good about how the films turned out, nor the story itself). I also saw some Avenger movie just to see what it's all about. Never again. Marvel movies are a plague. And lastly, American Sniper which might have kickstarted the hatred I have for Bradley Cooper and his acting.
5. Not that I think it should make a comeback or not, but my favorite period in women's fashion would be the 1930s. For day and evening wear as well. It has the practicality and glamour.
6. I never thought of it that way and perhaps there's less opportunities/occassions for it, but taking walks by myself through forests. The first time I have listened to Leonard Cohen in my childhood bedroom many years ago. Going to the cinema by myself, sitting in the front row in the middle and watching the full, uninterrupted 5 hours of Nymphomaniac. More often than not, cinema is connected to the sublime in my world.
7. I don't have a particular preference for it. Just as I don't have one for boy groups/bands. If it happens that I like one, then I listen to it.
I can understand why you think that K-Pop gg sound the same, but what I realized in my case is that it's a matter of exposure. There's plenty of bg in k-pop that "suffer" from the same issue, and once you get to listen to them more, you can see some particularities. Boy or girl groups are supposed to be homogenous, with some sort of variety added by the personas they present to the fans. A similarity in sound might be the result of trends and what producers are interested in. Again, groups that distinguish themselves from the crowd (which is quite a big one in K-Pop), do have their own style which can be easily identified the more you get accustomed to it.
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
(DND AU) Details about the Endless siblings' (and Hob's) characters: Names, hair/eye/skin color, and physical descriptions.
Disclaimer: All these names (except for Dream and Hob's) are from fantasynamegenerators(dot)com. Trust me, I did my best.
(Half-Orc Monk)
Character's Name: Gramalgar Marsh
Hair color: Seaweed (#354A21)
Eye color: Seafoam (#3DED97)
Skin color: Sage (#728C69)
He/him. Tall, muscled, short hair in a mohawk.
A single large tattoo of black waves that starts from his left wrist, wrapping around his left arm, covering his left shoulder, and crashing right in the middle of his chest. Upon closer inspection, the waves are composed of lines of prayer.
Sleeveless roughspun tunic, dark trousers, well-worn boots. A simple sturdy staff.
The others' notes on his character:
"Shrek, but a half-orc with hair and a tattoo." - Delirium
"Punk Grandma Marsh." - Desire and Despair
"Ermahgerd the Half-Orc Monk with a prison tat" - Destruction
"He really researched the shades of green holy shit." - Hob
(Gnome Cleric)
Character's Name: Ylssa Kindhelm
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Dark Brown
Skin color: Dark Brown
She/her. Curly hair always in an updo for practicality's sake, but always decorated with pearl hair pins by the dozen.
Piratecore outfits in neutral shades.
Has an enchanted flask that's always filled with cool and sweet lemonade.
The others' notes on her character:
"So...bridal hair, but pirate core. Goddamn what a vibe" - Desire
"The flask is a nice touch, considering her character's sailor background." - Dream
"She's so prettyyyyy 🌼" - Delirium
"Marsh's to do list #1: steal Ylssa's pearl hairpins at the earliest opportunity." - Destiny
(Elf Bard)
Character's Name: Erendriel Emberfall
Hair color: Raven Black
Eye color: Has central heterochromia (pale blue on the outer part of the iris and flickering firelight near the pupils)
Skin color: Pale, almost ashen
He/they. Long, straight hair that reaches his waist, worn in a simple, loose braid.
Prefers to wear well-made comfortable clothing in black, white, or shades of grey.
His main instrument is a lute. It's made from dark wood, has silver-colored strings, and depicts the phases of the moon along its body.
During battle, however, and in very close-quarters combat, he can change instruments and use an ocarina made out of black porcelain instead.
The others' notes on his character:
"blue and blood-orange-eyed bitch, so pretentious" - Desire
"The love of my character's DND life. Absolutely beautiful. 🖤" - Hob
"am i drunk or did I hear Dream say 50 shades of grey? 👀" - Destruction
"I'm gonna steal his ocarina and swap it with a kazoo." - Death
(Dwarf Barbarian)
Character's Name: Regnik "Reggie" Dreldivarr
Hair color: Copper Red
Eye color: Rock Grey
Skin color: Tan
He/him. Average height as far as dwarves go. Long, slightly lank hair. Has the most magnificent beard in the world. Wears a large beaded bracelet on his left arm, (it currently has 2 rows) and each bead represents an unforgettable moment in his life. He carved the beads himself, of course.
Because he lives in the wild, he takes, trades, or buys clothing he likes or thinks will be useful. Just in case. He's a little bit of a hoarder that way. Sometimes wears mismatched clothes. Like a heavily repaired studded leather armor and an expensive-looking snow-white human noblewoman's fur coat.
The others' notes on his character:
"Vegetable man." - Delirium
"Ask Destruction later if Reg's fashion is inspired by what I had to wear in the 1600s." - Hob
"No. No. Absolutely not. Reginald needs to have a makeover. I will not have badly-dressed party members on my watch." - Desire
"Marsh's to do list #2: steal Reggie's white fur coat at the earliest opportunity." - Destiny
(Tiefling Sorcerer)
Character's Name: Temerity (born Valrai Aranthos)
Hair color: Originally black, but dyed white
Eye color: Solid pale turquoise (#AFEEEE)
Skin color: They have vitiligo, so mint (#9FE1BD) and an even lighter mint (#D4FEF0). Their horns ombre from their skin color to a darker green (#0A3B25).
They/them. A little above average in height for a tiefling. Their horns curve upwards and outwards, then back and down, and then curving upwards again, ending it pointed tips, which are decorated in dangling opal and silver jewelry.
Their clothes are flowing and in cool tones to complement their skin, eyes, and (dyed) hair.
The others' notes on their character:
"Virtue Name: Audacity." - Dream
"They're so coooool~ 🌼 Super minty fresh in color! I'm gonna give them a eucalyptus and white roses flower crown!" - Delirium
*math lady GIF on the geometry of Temerity's horns, but tries his best to draw them anyway* - Destruction
"I'm so intimidated by all these hex color codes." - Hob and Death
(Dragonborn Paladin)
Character's Name: Gerrhanuallith Vyrazys (Childhood name: Defender)
Hair color: N/A, but she has four horns, and they're all solid black.
Eye color: Yellow.
Skin color: Her scales are green. At Desire's insistence, the hex color codes are #2D4C06, #405A19, and #4B6E1E.
She/her. On the taller side of dragonborns. Definitely taller than Marsh. Muscled, stern-looking. Has a jagged scar that goes from her left jaw to just under her right eye.
Upper two horns angle up, then back, then up. Lower two horns angle up and out, back, then up and out again.
Austere and clean clothing, always.
The others' notes on her character:
"Oh wow my twin really chose violence for her name. I'm gonna call her Vee. V for Violence." - Desire
"I'm gonna call her Gerry. Her first name is too much." - Delirium
"Jeh-rah-noo-wah-lith I'm gonna kill whoever makes these random name generators." - Hob
"I can't, my INT score IRL is too low for the name and the horn angles. 😭" - Destruction
(Halfling Druid)
Character's Name: Jill Barleyblossom
Hair color: Light brown, like barley!
Eye color: Amber? Kinda like Desire's, but darker in shade! Their eyes are so pretty, I always thought so.
Skin color: Kinda fair, but I want to have freckles!
She/her! Jill is...kinda small for a halfling, but she's gonna turn into big animals later so that's okay.
I like what the girl hobbits are wearing in Lord of the Rings, so that's my fashion! I don't wanna go barefoot, though. I want really sturdy footwear, but I want pretty flower designs on them.
I also want to have a shoulder bag! A normal one that can hold a normal amount, so I can gather pretty rocks and have somewhere to put my notebook and color pencils. Do those exist in DND?
The others' notes on her character:
"aww sunshine girl :)" - Death
"tfw Delirium has a better fashion sense than Destruction." - Desire
"Jill finally thank Christ an easy to remember name." - Hob
"Marsh would take one look at Jill and say, 'I can't steal from this child, but I can steal for her.'" - Destiny
(Half-elf Rogue)
Character's Name: Leoran Sylvaris
Hair color: Dark brown hair
Eye color: Dark brown eyes
Skin color: Kinda tan, I guess?
He/him. It's basically me as a half-elf rogue to be honest. 😂 Ah, but I would like to have my hair up in a manbun during fights.
I can occasionally have a beard, especially in the cooler months. Nothing as magnificent as Reggie's, though. I suppose it would look like my beard in 1389. Which...only Death and Dream have seen, sorry. Uh, imagine Thorin's beard in the first The Hobbit movie, I suppose. In the hotter months, I think I'll just stick to the stubble.
Clothes. Dark in color, hidden pockets everywhere for knives, ropes, caltrops? Other rogue stuff. Think maybe Bucky Barnes in The Winter Soldier movie. Yeah, that's a good look.
The others' notes on his character:
"Are you kidding me Hob as Bucky Barnes in The Winter Soldier??? 🔥💋🍆🍑💦" - Desire
"Ninja Hob with a less magnificent beard during the winter. I can respect that." - Destruction
"Hob as a half-elf rogue in a manbun. Dream is gonna flip his shit but I just bet he's writing Darcy-ish notes like 'not handsome enough to tempt me,' because he's an idiot." - Death
"[redacted due to tumblr's low spice tolerance]" - Dream
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radiant-reid · 2 years
👹. Idk why but im also getting Spencer vibes from these names: Aurora? or Lorelei and their nickname being Rory? I feel it. Other names could be Adelaide, Genevieve or Guieneverre idk how to spell it, but you get the point. for some reason im feeling Katherine? nicknamed Kate? Cassandra, Amelie, ANASTASIA!, minerva for some reason? Margot, Faye, Rowena or rowen? Francesca or Francine? Elizabeth I know its popular but still. ok idk where I got this one from but Winnie , its so cute but idk about Winnifred that's a longgg name. Ariadne is a good option and so is Calliope. Idk why but I feel like his kids would have very unique long names but common o r cute nicknames !!
about this post here
Aurora- yes, absolutely. It's a princess name and his daughter would definitely be his little princess
Lorelei- yeah, it's cute and i could see him naming his kid that
Adelaide- yes yes yes ! can i propose some other place names? Paris (it's his mom's favorite), Vienna, Sierra, Sienna, Asia, India, Alaska (because of the John Green book), Brooklyn (an ode to Elle since it's her home), Chelsea, Florence, Sienna, Venice
Guienevere- after the Arthurian legend, yes
Katherine- lmao i was going to put this on the list but it's my name. but also when she comes home and wants to be called Kat (because we all do) that would cause some issues
Cassandra- yes !! and Cass or Cassie is such a cute nickname
Amelie- it's cute but maybe Amelia or Emilia so then her nickname could be Em like Emily
Anastasia- I always loved this but after 50 shades of grey, I probably wouldn't
Minerva- yes, Minnie is such a cute nickname. also, idk if you know this but Minerva and Cassandra are the full names of two characters in Skins
Margot- yes, approved
Faye- cute but it breaks the one-syllable first name, one-syllable last name rule
Rowena/Rowen- I had never heard this name until now, still not sure what I think
Francesca- yes, yes, yes
Elizabeth- yeah and i love how many nicknames there are
Winnifred- I love Winnie as a nickname but Winnifred is too old-fashioned imo, maybe it could be short for Willow
Ariadne and Cassiope- never heard either of these but i do think the greek mythological names would be his vibe
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lithiumseven · 8 months
Love Nikki is such an absolutely buck wild game. She’s the Chosen One, it’s a fashion game, there’s a coming war, she has an animal sidekick, main characters are murdered, you have to beat the pizza delivery guy in a dress up competition in order to get your pizza, the animal sidekick is horny on main, the Prime Minister rose to fame by being the best new clothes designer, Nikki is aware of 50 Shades of Grey, there’s a play called Romeo and Cinderella, that child is committing war crimes, also Nikki might be gay????
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mxdam · 8 months
margarethe's hobbies:
reading. she LOVES books, loves to read. you might think she's the kind of woman who just buys prop books and organizes them by color, but it's not so, and she reads a whole range--poetry, plays, fiction, nonfiction. it's given her a surprising breadth of knowledge and references to draw from and she actually named lucifer after joost van den vondel's lucifer. but, truthfully? her favorites are romance novels. she is a 50 shades of grey lady. she will buy those over and above other books anytime. she's not sorry.
art. she was taught how to paint and draw a little when she was an adolescent, but never in a concentrated way. she does not paint or draw as an adult. rather, any opportunity she gets to see art, whether in a gallery, salon, private home, etc. she takes and she is very serious about it! when she's looking at a painting, sculpture, or other artwork, she takes her time and engages with it thoughtfully. the flip side of this coin is that when she dislikes a work of art, she despises it on sight and is super snobby about it. womp womp.
languages. margarethe knows multiple languages and can hold conversations not just in dutch (her native language) and english, but german and french as well. she also has a decent quantity of latin. she has a highly pattern-seeking brain and is very given to intuitive leaps, so her experience learning languages is that she struggles for a while, then suddenly there's a click and she gets it, and learns by leaps and bounds. she has not cultivated this in a focused or deliberate way; rather she learned french as a young woman bc it was fashionable, and then german because she wanted to have convos with a cute guy she'd met, and then latin because she wanted to seem smart.
in modern verse she is up to like, level 1 billion in candy crush. don't fuck with her
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gemsofthegalaxy · 1 year
Shanespeare's recent video on Tiktok and Art.... very interesting
I know we are all complaining about booktok and music being impacted by tiktok, and i Am interested in this and how much the claims are actually, significantly true.
(On an aside, The idea of tiktok impacting fast fashion to me is the most worrisome just because of how harmful fast fashion is not only to the planet but the people who make it)
But it's also funny because i. hadnt heard of Colleen Hoover until like a week or two ago.
And the "romanticizing abusive narratives is causing issues and setting us back" like. I agree with Shan here, its not "setting us back" because... these things never went away in the first place. Did we forget twilight?? Harley Quinn x Joker?? Whatever happens in wuthering heights, i havent read it, etc.
These tropes are not new and whether they are genuinely harmful is..... a discussion that er can and will continue to have. But it's also not a one-to-one "book depicts romantisized abuse, and then the reader will be abused but think it's romantic". Like, it's more complex than that
I find it GENUINELY fascinating that so many people, especially women, are drawn to the 50 Shades of Greys, the dangerous bad boys, the "I was sold to One Direction" narratives, like.... we can make fun of them all we want but,
The fact that people are drawn to darkness in sex and relationships, at least in fiction, is really neat and I think entering the space with Judgements and Prejudice is not exactly doing it justice. Like, if youre already judging and weirded out by it then will you be able to understand the reason of why people are interested in that? there must be something to all of it, like people also adore watching TV shows about crime, people like horror movies, people like lots of wild things.
And- we are always talking about people who "make <blank thing> their personality" but once again, i believe we should try to remember... every single person has a complex inner world that WE do not have access to. People posting about something a lot does not mean it is their whole personality, it means you only know this side of them.
All that to be said, i am not actually on tiktok. So maybe it is That Bad. And i do think there are critiques to be had, but a lot of the ones i see come across as reductive and very... holier-than-thou, in a way that reduces the fans of these things to mindless blobs rather than individuals with unique motivations for being Into certain tropes or styles of writing..... idk. Lots to think about
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tgfree594 · 2 years
Dakota johnson pokies
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My Top Favorite Nude(Toppless) scenes - IMDb.
Did Anyone Else Notice Dakota Johnson's Bangs in Fifty Shades.
Dakota Johnson Braless Pictures: Photos of Her Without Bra.
Dakota Johnson Nipples - Amharc Amach Sa Scannán 'Fifty.
Dakota Johnson is the daughter of former Hollywood super couple Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, and it's clear that they passed all their acting talent down to her. Her first major role was as Anastasia Steele in the 50 Shades of Grey movie series, but you can also catch her in films like 21 Jump Street, The Social Network, and 2018's Suspiria. Anastasia Steele aka Dakota Johnson’s bang hairstyle is very easy to wear as she did. The average length of her hair is around 16-20 inches but sometimes she appeared with smaller hair also. The primary hair type of Dakota Johnson is flat hair but she did it with straight hair and wavy hair also. Dakota Johnson kept a shorter bang over the. Female Celebrity nipples being clearly and prominently visible through clothing. 55.0k.
15 of Dakota Johnson's Hottest Pics as Anastasia Steele.
Dakota Johnson appears as Anastasia Steele in The Weeknd's new music video for the Fifty Shades of Grey soundtrack.... which features dancers in underwear with crosses on their nipples and bums.
My Top Favorite Nude/Topless scene of 2018 - IMDb.
Candids of beautiful celebs - captured without creating a posed appearance. There are some outfits that could be straight out of Dakota Johnson's closet (casting did a great job putting her in the role of her on-screen BFF), but Eloise also has a vampy style all of her own. Check out the many looks of Eloise Mumford. Image via Splash News 1/16 INFP Fifty shades of grey trench. That coat!.
Met Gala 2022: Dakota Johnson is a sheer delight in a.
SUBSCRIBE: People’s Choice Awards: The E! People’s Choice Awards celebrates all forms of entertainment, chosen entire. We get a brief look at an inch and a half of Dornan here, compared to a prolonged scenes of writhing, fully nude (Dakota) Johnson. There’s loads of both actors’ erect nipples, but little in the way.
Dakota Johnson slips into racy underwear for balcony scene as.
Vaginas Are STUPID. Kathie Lee Gifford doesn't shave her vagina... in fact, she looks down on people who do (people like Hoda Kotb)... and the only reason we know it is because she talked all. See Dakota Johnson’s Best Bikini Photos So Far. While fans got to see plenty of Dakota Johnson ‘s body in the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise, she’s.
Jamie Dornan shared a kiss with Dakota after he revealed... - YouTube.
Dakota Johnson will set heartbeats racing when Fifty Shades of Grey is released this weekend, but she nearly gave fans a sneak preview in a plunging dress at the world premiere.. The brunette.
15 of the Most Embarrassing Celebrity Wardrobe Malfunctions.
Dakota Johnson Actress | Fifty Shades of Grey Dakota Mayi Johnson is an American actress and fashion model. She was born in Austin, Texas, and is the daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. Her maternal grandmother is actress Tippi Hedren. In 1999, she made her film debut in Crazy in Alabama (1999), where she and her half-sister,.
Dakota Johnson risks nip slip in plunging dress at Fifty... - mirror.
This entry was posted 2018-Dec-11 in: Dakota Johnson ← Candice Swanepoel pokies in tiny red bikini in Miami; Eiza Gonzalez in black bikini at a pool in Honolulu →.
Dakota Johnson Looks Toned In Black Lingerie In New Movie Trailer.
Dakota Johnson's pubic hair was FAKE in Fifty Shades and she had a bum double for spanking scenes The actress appeared to show a lot of flesh during the flick but a lot of it was achieved in the.
Dlisted | Jamie Dornan And Dakota Johnson’s Naked Bodies Are.
Jamie Dornan And Dakota Johnson’s Naked Bodies Are In W Magazine. February 11, 2015 / Posted by: Michael K. 0. Either Dakota Johnson’s dutch oven-ing herself to pass the time or Jamie Dornan made Fifty Sharts of Brown in his chonies and the scent wafted her way. Fifty Shades of Grey is expected to bring in anywhere from $60 million to $80.
Dakota Johnson's Bikini Photos: Sexiest Swimsuit Pictures.
Dakota Johnson Actress | Fifty Shades of Grey Dakota Mayi Johnson is an American actress and fashion model. She was born in Austin, Texas, and is the daughter of actors Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith. Her maternal grandmother is actress Tippi Hedren. In 1999, she made her film debut in Crazy in Alabama (1999), where she and her half-sister,. Dakota Johnson. Dakota Johnson's crop top came undone while she was accepting an award at the 2016 People's Choice Awards, but luckily she had some backup on stage. 25/26. Splash News. Ashley Tisdale. The former Disney Channel star didn't really take into account the fact that cameras flash when she chose this outfit. Yes, Fifty Shades of Grey, I am curious. But not about the paddles and nipple clamps. What I want to know is why Anastasia Steele's bangs start out looking like a spastic safety-scissor cut in the.
My Top Favorite Nude(Toppless) scenes - IMDb.
Dakota Johnson is a talented actress. She rose to fame with her acting skills in Fifty Shades Of Grey. Co-starring Jamie Dornan, the film was an immediate box office success. It earned a whopping.
Did Anyone Else Notice Dakota Johnson's Bangs in Fifty Shades.
Keep reading to see Dakota Johnson’s best braless moments! 1 of 9. Matt Baron/Shutterstock. 2015. Giving ‘90s realness! 2 of 9. Matt. Dakota Johnson stuns in a corset and more star snaps 14 More Galleries. 20 Kourtney Kardashian celebrates Penelope's birthday and more star snaps. 16 Malin Akerman shows off her makeup-free face. 03/02/15 AT 12:05 PM. "Fifty Shades of Grey" stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan weren't completely nude for their sex scenes, cinematographer Seamus McGarvey reveals. Photo: Universal Pictures.
Dakota Johnson Braless Pictures: Photos of Her Without Bra.
Updated on February 16, 2022: Jamie Dornan is still happily married to his wife Amelia Warner, with whom he shared three children. Dakota Johnson, meanwhile, has been dating Coldplay frontman Chris Martin since 2017, and many fans even think the two are secretly engaged. As for the rumored romantic relationship between Dornan and Johnson, it. Dakota is proving to be hot property of late, with the actress's name being thrown into the mix as the possible female lead in the movie adaptation of. Malibu, CA – *EXCLUSIVE* – Dakota Johnson leaving her new $12.5 million home after meeting with a designer. Pictured: Dakota Johnson BACKGRID USA 15 FEBRUARY 2021 BYLINE MUST READ: RMBI / BACKGRID USA: +1 310 798 9111 / UK: +44 208 344 2007 / *UK Clients – Pictures Containing Children Please.
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Taylor Swift Parties with Kate Moss, Cara Delevingne, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and Lena Dunham in London's Notting Hill
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Taylor Swift has found herself a new London girl squad, enjoying a night out in Notting Hill on Tuesday as she takes a break from her Eras tour. The 34-year-old singer, who will be back on stage in Liverpool on Thursday night, let her hair down at the Argentinean restaurant Casa Cruz with a new posse of girlfriends. File Image, Kuya JDL, CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons Joining Taylor were fashion icon Kate Moss, designer Stella McCartney, actor Andrew Scott, and writer Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Her long-time friends Cara Delevingne and Lena Dunham, both London residents, also attended the party. Completing the group were the Haim sisters, Este and Danielle, and music legend Chrissie Hynde. Taylor looked stunning in a black corset layered under a tailored grey coat, accessorized with a clock choker necklace, a nod to her album Midnights. She completed her look with towering red heels that matched her lipstick shade. Kate Moss, 50, dazzled in a white satin pencil skirt and matching blazer, finishing her look with fishnets and platform heels. Stella McCartney was the designer of choice for the evening, with Taylor, Phoebe, and Cara all sporting her designs. Taylor's corset costs £1,150, while her pinstripe wool coat is £1,509. Phoebe matched Taylor's style in a £2,065 camel coat from Stella, beaming as she left the restaurant with her Fleabag co-star Andrew Scott, who couldn't stop smiling after the fun night out. Andrew is a close friend of Taylor's ex-boyfriend Joe Alwyn. Their group chat, the "Tortured Man Club," is believed to have inspired the title of Taylor's latest record, The Tortured Poets Department, though Andrew has downplayed this claim. The actor recently revealed he texts Taylor and praised her new album, saying, "I think she is just a force of nature, just an extraordinary human, and this album is really, really amazing." Taylor is a known fan of Phoebe, having first met her when Phoebe hosted an episode of Saturday Night Live in 2019 where Taylor was the musical guest. In 2020, Taylor wrote a letter supporting Phoebe for the Time's 100 list of the most influential people. Read the full article
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thefashionfold · 4 months
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Chloé's AW2024 collection by Chemena Kamali featured a muted palette with shades of khaki, brown, and peach - AW2024 colours on the whole are a lot more delicate that Pre-Fall 2024 with Pre-Fall's bright blues, greens, and reds replaced by cornflower blue, khaki and puce here.
To calculate percentages, a score was assigned to each look, for example a look that was completely Black was assigned 100% Black, a look with equal parts Black and Pink was assigned 50% Black and 50% Pink. Scores for all looks were then tallied and overall percentages calculated.
These are the top 15 colours used in the AW2024 collection by Chloé:
Black 13.6%
Peach 13.5%
Khaki 10.0%
Puce 8.9 %
Sand 7.4%
White 5.8%
Mauve 5.3%
Golden Brown 5.0%
Grey 3.6%
Taupe 3.5%
Cream 3.3%
Cornflower Blue 3.2%
Tartan 3.2%
Navy 2.9%
Coffee 2.7%
Edit by The Fashion Fold
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18-roses · 4 months
Angels Ballard (ABAC)
Heath Ledger with Angel Wings
Shango is a God who was a King
Billionaire Boys Club Reality
Congratulations you are looking at Criminal Anarchy
I am from The Caribbean Life
Make sure to bring your wife
Narcos Era brought the Flava
Pablo Escobar will Live Foreva
100 miles per hour changed your lives
Make sure to get my money this is Croupier with Clive
Money's coming in all I do is win win win
Mo money mo problems is a lie we are chasing Bags like we are blowing in the Wind
Heath Ledger with Angel Wings
Shango is a God who was a King
Billionaire Boys Club Reality
Congratulations you are looking at Criminal Anarchy
I am from The Caribbean Life
Make sure to bring your wife
Me and you do not make love we 50 Shades of Grey
Vibrators and Cuffs for this pussy I Pray
No fucks givin Ballin in The Mediterranean Sea
Every girl knows you are the only girl I see
Engine Roaring Sunsets with Mile High Club
You are looking at Simba you are welcome for the Lion Cub
Trap Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream
Thank you for the Narcotic Dreams
Halo Ballard (ABAC)
Wine, Passion, and Ecstasy when you are with me for life
You know I was down bad you gave me another chance at life
I want to see you in your Birthday Suit and have a slice of your Birthday Cake
Streets are snitching I raised the Murder Rate
All Black Track Suit Dress Code with White Fazos (Air Force 1)
After our marriage I represent the Rio Peso
From $16 Million Heist against the New York Yankees in Montréal
When we are in the Club we are the loudest in the Bathroom Stalls
Wine, Passion, and Ecstasy when you are with me for life
You know I was down bad you gave me another chance at life
I want to see you in your Birthday Suit and have a slice of your Birthday Cake
Streets are snitching I raised the Murder Rate
Autumn walks in any Country you want
Grand Theft Auto Vice City gave me my favorite font
Flowers for reason BDSM is in Season
Feliz Navidad to get off the naughty list you are my only reason
Ignoring you was the right decision
You beauty trapped me in a Prison
When you turn my Wings back to White
Passionate Sex we will never fight
Church Boys (ABAC)
My First Midnight Mass became my Last;
When you walk by all I say God Damn why didn't we have class;
A Pastor's Daughter showed me Prison Break;
Your dad looks at me like a animal eating Steak;
I want to incharge of the Choir;
Dirty Dancing with you is one of my Desires;
Fashion Trends at 17 I wasn't even an Adult;
Everybody knows we are Pagans Chicken Sacrifice Bae we are Occult;
Lavender scented baths with Lobster Candle Lit Dinners;
Everybody knows I eat you after dinner;
Mr. and Mrs. Smith in High School I thought you were the biggest Bitch;
Now that you are with me you need to allow me to be Rich;
My First Midnight Mass became my Last;
When you walk be all I say God Damn why didn't we have class;
A Pastor's Daughter showed me Prison Break;
Your dad looks at me like a animal eating Steak;
I want to incharge of the Choir;
Dirty Dancing with you is one of my Desires;
Yacht Club is what I invision;
Everybody knows you like guys who go to prison;
When we are in the Jacuzzi Champagne is being Popped;
I will never play Football for Team Canada its a waste of time;
I stopped playing at 13 that is why I am worth $100 Million they pay for Fine Wine;
Référence Tracks.
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ayushrajbhu · 1 year
Is it Time to shut up
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It is very tempting to write and comment about everything on social media in contemporary times. On the Internet, it is very easy to become a part of the opinionated mob with the sole purpose of creating outrage. This is exactly why we should be extremely careful about it. A couple of weeks ago, the internet burst into frantic outrage because of a viral video of the Dalai Lama. The video showed the Dalai Lama being approached by a kid who wanted a hug in front of a large audience at his residence. The Dalai Lama hugged him and then asked the boy to suck his tongue. The boy seemed to be terrified and confused at the same time. The audience, on the other hand, seemed to be mostly jolly. Personally for me, it made me uncomfortable watching. This case was very difficult to make sense of.
As far as my personal beliefs are concerned, I am religion agnostic. I see religious texts as ancient literature written as per the prevailing social and economic structure in those times. These may or may not be relevant in modern times. Extrapolating my opinions, I find it difficult to respect the so-called religious leaders of modern times. It is very feudal, in my opinion. Internet was divided. The Dalai Lama published a public apology regretting that incident. Many people of Tibetan Origin argued that many of the things we saw in the video were just a part of Tibetan Culture. There have been many protests by these groups regarding the incident, who saw this as a Chinese conspiracy to vilify the Dalai Lama. Well, I don’t know what to comprehend about these arguments.
The Lure of Opinions:
The rate at which social media conditioning of the human mind has increased is astoundingly high. Our minds have been conditioned to opine about everything for the past two decades. I am not a very online person. I spend little to no time wryly writing about every other little incident on Twitter or Instagram, which I presume is in fashion nowadays. People add their views on every event and have opinions on others’ views. The gratification stimulus is so strong that large parts of the internet are just invested in prompting a reaction from us. We have a whole ecosystem comprising of opinions of every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Every comment section has the “sarcastic cabal”, and “the wannabe witty”, doing mutual bullying inside a whole ecosystem built purely on opinions.
This phenomenon has become bigger and spread wider. The really opinionated lot has overtaken the social space, giving rise to real arguments. The main issue is that people have become rooted in their stances to such an extent that to revise an opinion is seen as accepting one mistake. It has become the norm of today that once you accept your mistake, you will never be allowed to forget that. I do not know the source of the beginnings of this universal rule. But it is acceptable to double down than to say you are wrong. More and more sites pop up, and digital influencers and life coaches who capitalised on this norm have emerged.
It is never just black and white:
These years of arguing have taught me that things are more complicated than they seem initially. Nothing is universal and absolute truth does not exist. If I may say so, things that appear starkly black or white have “50 shades of grey” between them.  And with all the artificial intelligence conundrum, nothing on the internet can be assumed to be true. Through this fraught journey, I have realised that I have begun to have fewer opinions. Social media arguments are often discussed on WhatsApp. People try to build allies behind them and get more people on their side. I feel very contented these days, for I have learnt to say- “I don’t know” to most things. Just for instance, I do not know enough to comprehend the Saurav Ganguly and Virat Kohli death stare and handshake controversy or if the act of Dalai Lama is a customary part of the Tibetan culture or creepy behaviour. My opinion is both irrelevant and unnecessary.
It is very easy to become a part of the internet mob frenzy of social media outrage. We should be conscious of such engagements. People have been screaming for quite a long time. So, it’s high time for everyone to try to shut up a little.
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michaelnguyendotme · 1 year
Do you know the one book that outsold the Harry Potter book series on the UK’s Amazon site in 2012? That’s right! Fifty Shades of Grey According to the Independent at the time, “JK Rowling’s final book in the Potter series, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, is being outsold by the first book in the James trilogy, Fifty Shades Of Grey, by more than two to one on the website.” That makes E.L. James the best-selling book of the past decade in the United States! To honor E.L. James and his book “50 Shades of Gray”, here are “Fifty Shades of Sales” ideas you can use to ramp up your sales. Offer a “Fifty Shades of Savings” promotion, where customers can save 50% on select items.Create a “Grey Christmas” gift set featuring products from the Fifty Shades line.Host a “Fifty Shades of Christmas” event in-store, complete with themed decorations and special discounts.Offer a “Christian Grey’s Choice” collection of hand-picked items from the Fifty Shades line.Create a “Fifty Shades of Giving” promotion, where a portion of proceeds from Fifty Shades sales goes to a charitable cause.Host a “Fifty Shades of Fun” in-store event, complete with DIY activities and craft stations inspired by the series.Offer a “Fifty Shades of Luxury” bundle featuring high-end products from the Fifty Shades line.Create a “Fifty Shades of Romance” gift guide featuring product recommendations for the perfect date night.Host a “Fifty Shades of Merry & Bright” in-store event, featuring festive music, treats, and special discounts on Fifty Shades products.Offer a “Fifty Shades of Stocking Stuffers” promotion, featuring small and affordable items from the Fifty Shades line.Create a “Fifty Shades of Winter” gift set featuring products that are perfect for cold weather.Offer a “Fifty Shades of Sparkle” collection of shimmering and glittering items from the Fifty Shades line.Host a “Fifty Shades of Wrapping Paper” event, where customers can create their own custom wrapping paper inspired by the series.Offer a “Fifty Shades of Gift Cards” promotion, where customers can purchase Fifty Shades-themed gift cards for their loved ones.“50 Shades of Savings” sale, offering discounts on a wide range of products.“Grey Christmas” theme, featuring decorations and gifts in shades of grey.“Fifty Shades of Festive” gift sets, featuring specially curated collections of items.“Christian Grey Approved” seal of approval on select luxury items.“Anastasia’s Picks” collection, featuring gift ideas chosen by the main character of the books.“Mr. Grey Will See You Now” appointment-only VIP shopping experience.“Fifty Shades of Giving” charity promotion, with a portion of proceeds donated to a worthy cause.“Grey Goose” cocktail bar, offering festive drinks inspired by the books.“Fifty Shades of Romance” couples’ packages, featuring special offers on romantic experiences and gifts.“Grey Matter” book club, featuring discussions and events centered around the Fifty Shades series.“Christian’s Closet” fashion show, showcasing grey-inspired clothing and accessories.“Ana’s Attic” vintage marketplace, featuring antique and vintage finds in shades of grey.“Fifty Shades of Delicious” food and drink sampling event, featuring grey-themed culinary creations.“Grey Gardens” garden and outdoor living sale, featuring grey-themed plants, garden décor, and outdoor furniture.“Fifty Shades of Fun” game and entertainment sale, featuring grey-themed board games, puzzles, and party supplies.“Grey Area” art sale, featuring works by local artists in shades of grey.“Fifty Shades of Home” home décor sale, featuring grey-themed furniture, rugs, and home accessories.Grey Matters” wellness and self-care sale, featuring grey-themed spa and relaxation products.“Fifty Shades of Beauty” beauty and grooming sale, featuring grey-themed makeup, skincare, and grooming products.“50 Shades of Green” — a focus on eco-friendly and sustainable gift options“50 Shades of Comfort” — a selection of cozy and relaxing gifts
for the holidays“50 Shades of Romance” — a collection of romantic gifts for couples, including candles, massage oils, and lingerie“50 Shades of Indulgence” — a range of luxurious gifts, such as high-end chocolates and gourmet treats“50 Shades of Fun” — a selection of novelty gifts and games for a playful holiday season“50 Shades of Self-Care” — a range of gifts designed to promote relaxation and stress relief, such as bath bombs and aromatherapy products“50 Shades of Pampering” — a selection of spa-themed gifts, including bath salts and scented candles“50 Shades of Creativity” — a collection of art and craft supplies, books, and other items to inspire creativity and imagination“50 Shades of Adventure” — a range of gifts for thrill-seekers and adventurers, such as hiking gear and travel accessories“50 Shades of Style” — a selection of fashionable gifts, such as clothing and accessories, for the stylish person in your life“50 Shades of Foodie” — a range of gourmet food and drink items, such as exotic spices and unique condiments“50 Shades of Nostalgia” — a selection of retro and vintage-themed gifts, such as vinyl records and classic candies“50 Shades of Home” — a collection of home decor and furnishings, such as throw pillows and wall art“50 Shades of Wellness” — a range of gifts focused on health and wellness, such as fitness equipment and healthy snacks“50 Shades of Tasteful Gifts” — a selection of sophisticated and elegant gifts, such as fine china and crystal glasses“50 Shades of Playtime” — a collection of toys and games for kids of all agesOffer a “Fifty Shades of Christmas” bundle subscription, where customers can receive monthly shipments of themed products from the series. Warmly, Michael
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The world of the Godslayer Chronicles is home to a species known as ''Mothmandids'', a hybrid of mantids and moths, having 4 arms, 2 feet and 2 decorative wings.
[click image for fullview]
Species lore and details under the cut.
The uppermost set of arms can shift into scythe-like claws, and the legs are pointed and insect like, with spikes on the calf. Mothmandids' heads are triangular with bulging compound eyes that allow them to see in shades of grey in the dark, 2 antennae protruding from their foreheads and mandible-like jaws. The species exhibits sexual dimorphism, men being typically more colorful than Women, and Women typically being bigger in stature. Men are typically between 5 or 6 foot tall, while women can stand up to 7 foot tall. They tend to weigh slightly less than an average human.
Respiratory system: The all have a fluffy neck guard that looks like a puffed up scarf/jabot. Biologically, this releases pheromones used to identify individuals of their kind, and serves similarly to an insect's spiracles, being their primary way to breathe air.
Torpor: Instead of sleeping, mothmandids enter a torpid state, during which they remain fully aware of t heir surroundings. A mothmandid only needs four hours of torpor to be fully rested.
Life cycle: Being insectoids, mothmandids grow quickly. Unless stopped, newly hatched mothmandid nymphs will instinctively attempt to cannibalize their kin from the same brood as their first meal. As they mature, they go through up to 80 molts. Culturally an individual isn't considered an adult before the final 80th molt, which happens around the age of 20 and is the molt that causes wings to finally develop. A molt happens roughly once per season. They age considerably faster than other humanoid species, rarely living longer than 50 years of age. 
Masks and culture
To communicate more effectively with other species, some mothmandids choose to wear hand-painted porcelain masks that are enchanted to mimic facial expressions. These masks are highly prized individually customized possessions,  and mask makers are held in high regard in Mothmandid culture. Mothmandid settlements are rare, as their kind is nomadic by nature. Instead you're more likely to find communities that travel together on semi-fixed routes in mobile houses.
Wigs: Being insects, mothmandids do not grow hair, and instead often like to wear wigs for the sake of fashion.
Skittish is a high-pitched language that includes clicking sounds and gestures, and be transcribed with fairy script.
Naming conventions
Mothmantids don't particularly have a need for names within their own culture, and instead make up names on the spot or take one on as the need arises. They will go by whatever Sound or word they enjoy, or take a name locals end up giving to them. More often than not a gifted name will be a descriptive of their skills, profession or an aspect of their appearance. Because of this, mothmantids tend to be known by many different names depending on who you ask. In some circles individuals may pride themselves with the collection of as many names as possible, as a testament of their skills and influence. In communities where this is a practice, it is frowned upon to give yourself a name, and to lose your mask would be to lose the identity and status tied to it.
Keeper, Baker, Arthur, Burroughs, Somber, Scythe, Fluffles, Big momma, Jewel, Tidy, Felicia,  Jolly, The harvester, Mrs. Mantis, Mr Mask, Oingo-Boingo, Ringeding
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ciyapaofficial · 2 years
How to Build Men's Capsule Wardrobe From Scratch
A capsule wardrobe consists of timeless pieces that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of looks with only a few pieces. Susie Faux, the owner of a boutique, first used the phrase "capsule wardrobe" to refer to versatile fundamentals in the 1970s, and Donna Karan, a designer, popularised it with the introduction of a workwear capsule collection in the 1980s. 
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Your most important clothing items make up a capsule wardrobe, which acts as the foundation for your closet. The capsule wardrobe alone may be used to create full ensembles, and you can layer it with seasonal clothing and fast-fashion products to create other styles. Your confidence will increase and you'll be able to develop your own unique style with really easy styling if you invest in a capsule collection that genuinely suits you. When purchasing your own set of menswear necessities, refer to this list as a reference. 
Make sure you have a fantastic piece of outerwear, whether it's an overcoat, a denim jacket, a bomber jacket, or something heavier-weight. An excellent starting point is a trench coat. 
Black Suit
You should always keep a black suit in your wardrobe. Get it fitted to ensure a proper fit, and pick a design that is straightforward enough to last for 15, 20, or even 30 years. The suit is more adaptable when its parts are separated.
Moto Jacket 
Nearly every other piece of clothing may be replaced more frequently than a leather or motorcycle-style jacket. In your twenties, you can wear it. It is appropriate for wear in your 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. It is ageless, which is what a capsule item should be. 
Shirts With Buttons 
You ought to own a couple button-up shirts even if you don't wear dress shirts to work. You may create a stylish, casual style by layering a white shirt with a leather jacket and wearing it fully buttoned up below. For a capsule wardrobe, choose black, white, navy blue, and light blue. Add more layers of different colours, designs, and textures as soon as you begin to feel at ease wearing your capsule wardrobe.
Your capsule wardrobe should include knits, especially during the cooler months. Choose a warm, neutral-colored item in a shade like camel, milk, beige, grey, or black. Having a crew-neck sweater or pullover and a cardigan will enable you to wear a variety of outfits. Upgrade your regular cotton sweatshirt to a merino or cashmere hoodie if a hoodie is more your style. A maximum of one or two knitwear items are required. 
Keep these T-shirts relatively basic because this is a capsule wardrobe. A crewneck is a traditional choice. Select Solid hues like black, white, grey t-shirt, beige t-shirt, and navy blue t-shirt. You can dress up or down a plain white T-shirt to pair it with nearly everything in your closet. 
Avoid choosing a belt that is only utilitarian. If your pants don't fit properly without a belt, get them adjusted. Pick up a straightforward yet stylish belt for your capsule outfit. A slender belt may make a whole outfit seem professional and avoid looking like a corporate belt. 
Work three pairs of shoes into your capsule outfit to complete it. Keep to fairly neutral hues like white, black, and brown. You can pretty much wear a white shoe with every outfit you can imagine. Choose a pair of black shoes like a Chelsea boot, an Oxford, a brogue, or any form of dress shoe if you want to dress up your appearance.
Original Source: https://www.ciyapa.com/blog/post/how-to-build-mens-capsule-wardrobe-from-scratch
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