#50 yrs later! lmao uw u
nvrcmplt · 8 months
{a less than spicy pick from that recent meme lol, but~… imma leave this here, with dealers choice between Hanazaki or Perry~ u w u}
“We can just kiss for a while.” Maybe it was social lubrication from a couple drinks talking, or maybe it was thanks to the drifting topics of chatter between them that even prompted the idea of making that suggestion… But, either way, the blonde went ahead with it. After all, couldn’t hurt to suggest as much to some rather good looking company, right?
Hanazaki was loud in his laugh, his arm around Minato's back, their booth seat was soft under the ass but not a heat absorber making it unpleasant. Perry was leaning into Minato's other side, humming into his own drink with smiles shared but with the offer of such a thing, how could he say no to that? Whilst Hanazaki was placing his drink down, Perry didn't shy away from raising his empty hand to Minato's chin to turn him to face him and promptly press their lips together.
Slightly cooled from his prior sip of ice water, but warm from the atmosphere, the paramedic allowed himself the joy of making Minato's little question come true. Ignoring Ieji's whining about wanting to be the first, but for the moment the vampire took his time in working open Minato's lips with his tongue and delving it between teeth to greet the heat of their alcohol tinted self. Thumb brushes over jaw as his tongue curls and strokes against the blondes. A few more seconds would pass, making sure to leave his mark of smeared black lipstick on those lips and in turn, smirked when they peeled away from each other with a low hum. "Nice." Though the compliment would be swept away in the music, as Perry sat back to watch Ieji take over.
Hanazaki wasn't a man of virtue, he wasn't going to deny it was hot watching those two make out, just contrasts really made him pay attention and now when Minato was free from the vampire's touch - Hanazaki's much more eager and warmer self moved to fill the spot. In taking hold of Minato's cheek in his palm - smiling gentler, smaller, so that when he leaned forward his lips consumed those of Minato's. Unless Perry, which was a soft and cool touch, Ieji's mouth was hot, warm and firmer. He didn't shy away at all in sliding his tongue into Minato's mouth. Chasing the taste of Perry to mix his own taste within it too.
Holding Minato's nape just enough to make it comfortable, his lashes fluttered shut as he continued to devour the smaller male in his grasp. Licking over his gums and rubbing tongue to tongue. Swallowing their flavors and adjusting the angle to make it all the deeper. When Ieji finally felt the pull of needing to breathe, did he release Minato with a slightly more wet set of lips, but he shamelessly licked that flavor from his own as he grinned. "Sexy." Was his comment, but it wasn't left alone for long as Perry returned to the picture.
The vampire had crawled over Minato's lap to latch onto Hanazaki's shoulder and kiss the other over Minato's head for the fun of it all the same.
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