#5shot preference
iwanttowriteyou · 8 years
All I Wanted; C.H. 23
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10**, part 11*, part 12*, part 13, part 14, part 15**, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 20, part 21, part 22
A/N: I’m in the middle of exams again - so don’t expect another update this week (Saturday at the earliest). This is going to be the first week off I have since September. Please don’t ask me to update almost immediately after, or voice your unpleasance of me not updating to your liking. You have a life, right? So why wouldn’t I have one? I’m shit tired and the private messages I’ve been getting are actually killing my mood to write. The fact that I’m lacking updates is the nagging, there I said it.  I am doing my absolute best and please respect that.
To everyone else that this doesn’t apply to, thank you for your patience, kindness and uplifting words. A double-as(s)-long update for you. Lots of love.
“And why do you need me here?” Luke mutters as he pushes past my opened front door. He seems exhausted, his face unshaven for quite some days now. “Because I’m quite uncertain about tonight. I can’t shake this feeling I have.” I shrug my shoulders as I follow Luke to my kitchen. I’m already dressed, make-up done and now the nerves are hitting me full force.
“I already told you, Calum really cares about you. And he can be quite romantic if he wants to so I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” Luke chuckles at my nervousness as he drops onto one of the vacant chairs in my kitchen. “That actually calms me a little bit.” I laugh nervously as I fill another glass of water for me to chug down.
“You don’t seem like it. Even if this fails, then you’ve at least tried and go back to what you were before – whatever you were to begin with.” Luke seems so straight-to-the-point with this I’m actually rather jealous I can’t be like a male and be so nonchalant about this. “I guess you’re right.”
My phone vibrates on the kitchen island and I am quick to jog towards it. Calum’s name is flashing on the lit up screen and my heart skips a beat when I read his message.
I’m heading out now, will be with you in five xx
“Shit. Calum’s about to leave. You need to go.” My eyes widen as they skim over the text message again and Luke starts laughing. “Don’t want him to think you’re cheating on him with his best mate now, do we?” He raises to his feet and dusts his jeans off, grabbing his jacket off of one of the chairs.
“We’re not dating or anything so it wouldn’t be considered cheating – He is making this up to me.” I state matter-of-factly, rolling my eyes as I hear Luke scoff loudly. “Well, yeah. Anyway, I’ll probably hear from him how it went but I want you to let me know as well. Have fun.” Luke grins as he pats my cheek with his flat hand before he lets it curl around my shoulders to haul me into his chest.
“Yeah yeah, now scram.” I laugh as I push his tall frame away and towards the back door. “Be safe!” Luke lectures me one more time before he disappears out of the door and it slams closed loudly behind him.
Luke’s car hasn’t left properly yet or I see Calum’s pull up on my driveway. I feel the nervous butterflies erupt in my stomach as I see Calum emerge from his car and start up towards the front door. I don’t wait for him to ring my doorbell but instead I lock up and meet him halfway up my driveway. “Hi.” I smile brightly as Calum grins as soon as he sees me walking towards him.
“Hello beautiful.” Calum smiles as he holds his hand out for me to take. I let my fingers slide along his palm before they lock between his own and I let him guide me to his car. “Where are we going?” I decide to question as he opens the passenger door for me and I slowly get in the car. “I first need to go do something else, if you don’t mind.” Calum seems stoic, his jaw locked as he keeps his gaze trained on the road in front of him, rather than me. He is still grinning a little bit, but he seems different than usual.
“Uh, okay?” I can’t help but let my uncertainty be voiced, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Calum. His hand raises off of the joystick to land on my knee and give it a firm, yet reassuring squeeze. I didn’t pay attention to the road but now that I do, I can’t seem to recognize where we are. “I thought we were heading into town?”
“Yeah but I need to go to a mate of mine first.” Calum smiles at me before he retracts his hand and focuses back on the road. “Did you hear that Michael’s mum apparently walked in on him and Mer a few days ago? I think I would die of shame if that happened to me.” I chuckle as I turn my body a bit, facing Calum as he slows the car down in front of one of the smaller houses in this street.
“Just a second.” Calum mutters as he puts the car in park and exits, leaving me alone in his car as I watch him walk up the driveway and to the front door where a male is waiting for him, one I have never seen before. “This is madness. It’s Calum.” Why do I have a feeling I might end up murdered in a ditch and my body will be hidden for a week before someone finds me – because I sure as hell don’t know where I am.
Calum walks back to the car with another male behind him, someone I have never seen before. Instead of walking to the driver’s side, Calum walks up to my door and gently pulls it open as the unknown male lingers back. “Hey babe, could you - ?” Calum motions his head to the back and I just know my eyes are as wide as they can get, and I’m fairly certain my mouth is agape as well.
I don’t say anything – partially, no, mainly because I am so in shock. I get out of the car and settle in the back seat as the unknown person takes my primary seat. Calum gets in and fires up his car. It’s dead silent at first and I’m staring between the back of Calum’s head and the other guy, back and forth, until I can’t take it anymore.
“Who are you?” I almost immediately regret it as the words leave my lips when I see Calum shoot me a pointed look through the rear view mirror. The male turns around in his seat and his smirk is so unsettling I squirm in my seat. “Dennis. And who might you be?”
“Y/n.” I bite back, but that doesn’t mean my fingers don’t fiddle in my lap. “Ah, I’ve heard about you.” Dennis speaks as he chuckles lowly before turning back to the front of the car. Calum keeps dead silent and I think it’s wise of him to do so. It doesn’t mean that while I don’t like this Dennis persona that I won’t freak out on him for what he’s pulling here.
“Well, I haven’t heard from you, at all.” I can’t help but grin smugly when I see Dennis make a disgruntled noise as well as frowning almost immediately. I don’t know who he thinks he is, but I’m not going to let myself be taken aback. No, I want to go home and I’ll find a way.
“Where are we going?” I decide to question Calum. His gaze flicks from the road to the rear view mirror back to the road before he scrapes his throat loudly. “I thought we could go for a drink.” “We?” I can’t help but run my mouth and this Dennis figure let’s out a loud snort. I think I’m the only one that wasn’t up to date with the actual plans for the evening.
“Yeah.” Calum’s answer is brisk and dismissive so I decide to stay silent – and if it was my choice, I’d be completely silent until I had the chance to go. I’d be gone in a whiff. The two males make conversation throughout the entire drive, and rather cryptic too, if I may add. I’ve been racking my mind as to whom I could text, call, anything to come and get me from this disastrous date. My only option was Luke. And he wasn’t responding to my texts.
I hadn’t even realised that the car had come to a halt and both men were patiently staring in my direction – until I gazed up long enough from my phone screen to notice both of them. Again, I step out without another word. Dennis is walking ahead and at first Calum follows him – before he seems to realise he brought a date and he slows his pace so he falls into step beside me.
“Are you okay?” Calum seems genuinely concerned as he tries to throw his arm around my shoulder, but I’m quick to dodge it and walk a meter more to the left as I set the door of this deserted bar my goal. “I’m just chirpy, thank you.” I know my bark by now is much, much worse than my bite but if this is the way tonight is going to go – me being ignored on a date between the two of us with apparently another guy who thought it was fun to crash our date – I wasn’t so sure if I wouldn’t bite Calum as well by the end of the night.
Right as I’m about to enter, Calum large hand wraps around my upper arm and he pulls me back, with such force I almost go flying against his chest. I huff out loudly and rip my arm from his hold while raising an eyebrow expectantly.
“Y/n, I’m sorry. Dennis just got dumped by his girlfriend and he didn’t want to be alone – I didn’t think you would mind.” Calum shrug so casually, so nonchalant, that I somehow believe he really thought it wouldn’t matter. And now I’m questioning me ever saying yes to this – to him.
“Well, I guess you’re wrong there. Anything would’ve been better than this. But it doesn’t matter.” I brush it off easily, although I’m boiling inside. I turn around again and confidently walk inside, ready for the disaster date of my life.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” I hear his voice and the grin I immediately get is troubling to Calum, I can see. I turn on my bar chair, grasping the back of my chair as I widen my eyes at the sight of Harry. “Haz! Hey.”
I jump off of my seat and Calum raises as well but with a short motion, a rough push against his shoulder, he sits back down and I can hear the noise he makes – he isn’t pleased with me. That makes two. I hold my arms out for a hug and when Harry reciprocates, I step into his embrace and let out a sigh of relief.
“What are you doing here?” Harry whispers against my hair and I can’t answer quickly enough when he lets go of our embrace. “I’m here with Calum. And Dennis.” “Who the hell is Dennis?” Harry’s frown is very, very prominent as he lets his eyes wander to Calum and Dennis, occupying the seat beside him.
“I asked myself the same when he got in the car.” I smugly chuckle, but it’s more of self-defence right now. I’m laughing to keep myself sane. “Tell me you’re joking?” “Oh, I wish I was, Haz. But I’m not.” I smile tightly as I pat his upper arm, letting my gaze flick over to Calum who’s in deep conversation with his friend.
“If you need help, I’m right here.” Harry points to where his mates had chosen a booth in plain sight. A few of them I recognized and I wave in a friendly manner, receiving the same in return. “Who knows. It might be quite soon.” I laugh loudly but I know it, because I hear it myself, there’s desperation in my voice. I see Harry’s features change and it’s going to sympathy in a split second.
“I’m serious.” Harry states again as he starts going backwards, towards his friends. “I am too.”
As I retake my seat at the bar, I feel Calum’s hand land on my knee. “Who was that?” “A mate of mine. I promised I’d text him but I kind of forgot. Glad I saw him now.” I state as I take a sip of my coke, keeping my eyes trained on the empty glasses stalled in front of me. Calum had blown it. Properly.
“Why would you need to text him?” I’m swift in turning my head and glaring in his direction. “Are you seriously trying to be jealous right now? Because you have no right to, Calum.” “Oh, your lady is angry with you Cal. No sex for you tonight.” Dennis chimes in, laughing obnoxiously loud as he slaps his flat hand on the bar.
His lady? What had Calum been telling this guy? Calum was nowhere near calling me that – tonight was his chance to get back on the map and even that didn’t seem that important to him apparently. I remember Calum’s hand on my knee and I gently remove it, dropping his hand back in his own lap.
“Come on, don’t be like this.” I decide not to answer that, because that would mean we’d have an argument right here and now. And to be fair, I wasn’t in the mood for a handful of people hearing how Calum would cuss at me being a bitch that didn’t know how to chill – because I could hear him say it in my head.
I don’t know how much time passes, it might be only a few minutes, or half an hour… Or maybe even an hour. I’m getting more and more uncomfortable – and don’t make me start about my brain gnawing on everything that has happened and is happening and how much I want to slap Calum, maybe even much him in his nuts – as time progresses.
It isn’t helping either that since the don’t be like this, Calum had been almost completely ignoring me. He went on a smoke break with Dennis, getting up without even saying anything and leaving me there. I wanted to go and sit with Harry, but decided against it and just kept myself busy on my phone. That’s when I feel it vibrate in my hand.
When he comes back, we’re having a smoke break.
I sigh and I quickly glance to my right to see Harry already staring in my direction. I nod my head, letting him know it’s alright and I’ll meet him outside. As soon as the door opens and Calum and Dennis wander in, Harry raises to his feet and disappears outside.
I smile at Calum as he approaches me, but his face remains stoic. He’s listening to what Dennis is telling him, it’s still about his ex-girlfriend (seriously how long can you whine about a girl dumping you for crying out loud). I turn to Calum, letting my fingers trail along his lower, exposed arm. This is the last time I’m trying. If I don’t receive anything that seems hopeful now, I’ll find my way home. Even if it means me walking home alone at almost midnight where I don’t know anything. You can’t say a smartphone isn’t helpful these days.
“Calum - ?” I let his name flutter past my lips, but he, at first, doesn’t respond. After a few moments he turns his head half, still grinning at something his mate said, before he presses his lips against my temple – still without looking at me. “What?”
“I didn’t say anything yet.” I mumble, letting my hand drop from “Oh okay. Great.” Calum mumbles his answer as he swiftly turns back to his mate. I’m an accessory. Calum doesn’t grant me a second glance in the next minutes, which also means I’m not even trying on making up an excuse – I just get up and follow Harry outside. “Hi.” I smile as I let the door fall closed behind me. Harry is already lighting up his smoke and as he exhales his first intake, he holds out his open pack towards me. He helps me light my own and it’s silent for a few moments.
“There you are.” Harry starts and he takes another inhale, pausing the monologue I’m sure he’s about to pull off.
“I’m taking you home. I’ve been looking at you and your body language it’s so disturbing I’m getting stomach aches. Go get your jacket in a second.” Harry dismissively states as he waves his hand inside while taking a drag from his cigarette. I take a step closer to him, me still standing on the little step you have to cross before entering and throw my arm around his neck to haul Harry against my chest. “You’re a life saver, you know?” I whisper against his neck and I feel the goose bumps appears as I exhale.
“I’m just looking out for my friend.” Harry sighs as his hand lands on the small of my back. I let go of Harry and finish the rest of my smoke in silence. “I’m going to get my coat, give me a second.”
Calum looks up when I enter, eyebrows furrowed as his fingers curl around the bottle neck of his beer. “Where did you go?” He slurs. “I went for a smoke. Are you drunk?” I state and smile brightly – because I was leaving this dodgy bar. I don’t let his drunkenness get to me, I don’t even know if I can feel anything for Calum anymore. My hands were fiddling with my coat hanging off of the back of the chair as I wanted for Calum to resume his conversation. I didn’t need to give him an explanation, this evening was explanation enough.
I grasp my coat and Calum hears it, swiftly turns and discards his conversation with this Dennis guy completely. “Where are you going?” “I’m going home, Calum. This – whatever this is supposed to be, isn’t what I want. I didn’t know what you wanted but somehow I think you may have made it quite clear. I’ll see you later.”
He doesn’t say anything. Maybe he is too perplexed, as I was when he decided to let me sit in the back to converse with his mate about ‘what a bitch Sandy was’ – in which I think Sandy was that Dennis guy his ex – too stunned to hold me back and beg me to stay. Maybe he didn’t want me to stay. Maybe he realised that he couldn’t keep doing this to me. I thought handing out numbers was bad – this feeling was even better altogether.
When I come back outside, Harry is waiting for me. As soon as the door creaks, he looks up, grins and drops his cigarette on the asphalt. His boot crushes the small flames before he holds out his hand for me to take. I let my hand fall in his and we keep silent, until I’m safely in the car and know I will be home any moment now.
“I’m so glad you came here. You’re all I had been hoping for.” I sigh as I let my head rest against the leather seats of Harry’s expensive car as he drives off into the night. At least I knew I was going home.
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