#6. alfendi lives forever
I know a lot of people didn’t really like the Relics plot in the anime, but I did and I’m not ashamed about it. I think that all of it was done beautifully. In fact, even if they had called me up and said “Cody, what is important to you to see here?” I don’t think they could have done it more perfectly, at least not for me. I got every single thing I wanted, from big things like their reunion featuring a hug to little things, like a line explaining why Lord Adamas’s invitation was addressed to the Professor instead of Kat. Even things I dared not hope for, like an explanation of what Marina has been up to for the past decade or Alfendi.
I got every single thing I wanted and I couldn’t be happier.
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sonoflayton · 4 years
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Mystery Room Inspector 29 CURRENT INSPECTOR Alfendi Layton, inspector of New Scotland Yard's "Mystery Room", at your service.
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Growing up too Fast 6-8 CHILDHOOD STUDENT Little Alfendi Layton is a young child who's been exposed to the harshness of the world far too early. With a neglectful, abusive mother, Al and Fendi have no choice but to fend for themselves.
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Every Rose has its Thorns 8 CHILDHOOD STUDENT A deadly pandemic has swept the city of Portland, Maine. Alfendi has lost their mother to the Rosalia virus, and they're now fighting the same virus in Resurgam hospital. Now that their mother has passed, Alfendi is now in a state of limbo; once they recover from Rosalia, they will surely be picked up by CPS and taken into foster care.
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It Takes A Village 8-12 CHILDHOOD STUDENT Young Alfendi is a lot like older Alfendi, but a lot… more so. Fendi is very, very eager to please people and be quiet, kind, friendly, and helpful, while Al is violent, isn’t very good with his anger management, gets into trouble often, and has a tendancy to drive people away. These two are a handful, but they’re doing their best after everything they’ve been through. They live now with their adoptive father, Hershel Layton, and their sisters, Katrielle Layton and Flora Reinhold-Layton.
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A Teenager with Teenage Problems 13-17 TEENAGEHOOD STUDENT Alfendi's life hasn't been easy so far, but now, he's finally in a good place, with a loving, supportive family. Al is still violent and destructive at times, lashing out at people, but with support from his school, family, and therapy, he's getting better. Fendi struggles with socializing and making friends, and Al's reputation isn't helpful, but he's making progress, too.
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Too Soon the World Came Crashing Down 18-22 College years Student It’s an young adult Alfendi, aged 18 - 22. Al and Fendi are struggling with the disappearance of their father, the juggling of college, a minimum wage job, the care of a child, and house work. They’re very tired and very stressed, but they’re doing their best to stay afloat despite the hardship.
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A Foreboding Fate 23-24 Pre-Forbodium Inspector Alfendi Layton: renowned homicide inspector within Scotland Yard. He's currently on a task force working to catch the Jigsaw Killer, and when off the clock, looking into the case of his missing father. He's just moved into his father's old flat, but he's still a primary caregiver for his little sister.
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The Path Less Travelled 29 CURRENT INSPECTOR
This verse is an imagining of what might've happened if Lisa hadn't died, and thus, things turned out slightly differently. Instead of adopting Alfendi after his mother's death, Hershel Layton bonds with Fendi, meets Al, and uncovers the truth behind his and Lisa's relationship. With some strings pulled, Hershel was able to foster Alfendi.
Nowadays, Alfendi Cunningham is the sole inspector of the Scotland Yard's Mystery Room. Al is a well-liked character at the Yard, acting much like a big brother to those he's familiar with. He teases, but it's all in good fun. Fendi, in juxtaposition to Al, is reclusive, standoffish, and quiet, and tends to be the character that others avoid, which is perfectly fine by him. He'd rather do his work quietly and go home than socialize.
Since the hospital, Alfendi has had a few interactions with his mother: Her trial, where he stood as a witness at the age of nine, and a meeting with her at her prision at the age of sixteen, which didn't go well. Since then, Alfendi has been no-contact with his mother.
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Alfendi Layton has a secret: he can hear, and sometimes see, the dead. While this is an amazing power, if someone asked him about it, he would say that he'd rather live without it. While it can be helpful at times, if he happens to overhear the voice of his case's victim declaring the name of their murderer and such, most of the time it causes him more harm than good. If he helps one spirit with their unresolved business, the rest will come flocking to him, asking for help, and as one man with two identities, he simply can't help every single ghost. He is forced to ignore the spirits, pretending he can't hear or see them, and this tears him apart inside.
Because of his ability and the fact that he can't shut it off, Alfendi suffers from frequent migranes, fatigue, and irritability late in the day.
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Nobody Suspects A Thing 6 PRE-ROSALIA NONE
One day, little Alfendi finds an octopus man on the shores of Portland, Maine. What he didn't expect was that this octopus man would rescue him from his terrible home life and take him in as his own.
Since then, they've become a tight-knit trio, bonding over the fact that they're hiding a 16-foot-tall octopus man in Alfendi's house without his mother knowing. This lasts two years, before the Rosalia Virus pandemic strikes the city, and Lisa leaves Alfendi at home while she rushes to the hospital after developing symptoms. A few days later, Alfendi begins developing symptoms of his own, and in an act of brute strength and willpower, Kraken manages to singlehandedly carry Alfendi across the city to the hospital. There, they meet one Hershel Layton, and their lives were changed forever.
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A Promise to Gabriel 8 AND ONWARD ROSALIA N/A
Alfendi Cunningham, age 8, has come down with the Rosalia Virus. Fortunately for him, he's under the care of a top doctor, one Dr. Karsten Lorimer. As it turns out, years before, Karsten had been a good friend of his father, Gabriel, and promised to him that if anything happened to him, Karsten would take care of Alfendi. Shortly after, Gabriel and Alfendi were involved in a bus accident, one that killed Gabriel and injured Alfendi. Karsten operated on Alfendi's legs. Five years later, Alfendi and his mother contracted the Rosalia virus, and Karsten, who had been flown in from overseas to help lighten the load of the hospitals, began tending to Alfendi, who is among many who are bedridden.
This is a spin-off of Nobody Suspects a Thing.
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Karsten Lorimer, after having adopted Alfendi Lorimer, meets Claira Davers, a charming, funny woman who works as a forensic pathologist. Over time, the two fall in love, and Claira starts to integrate into the family.
This is a spin-off of A Promise to Gabriel.
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The world is infected with the Rosalia virus, A virus that has become sentient, and those infected become part of the hivemind. A man with a target on his head by the virus and a small boy, sick with Rosalia, is humanity’s last hope. He promised gabriel to protect this boy, Alfendi, and he will.
Follow their story as Karsten Lorimer races against time and races through America, curing Rosalia... and hopefully, Not becoming one of them.
This is a spin-off of A Promise to Gabriel.
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The Last Survivor 8 AND ONWARD ROSALIA N/A
The world is infected with the Rosalia virus, A virus that has become sentient, and those infected become part of the hivemind. The entire world, and every living thing within it, has been infected, and now planet Earth is nothing but an incubator for one hivemind organism... Except for one creature, Kraken, a octoman who cannot be infected.
Knowing that Kraken is the key to creating a Rosalia cure and vaccine, Rosalia has developed a relationship with the Kraken, creating a bond of trust with which Rosalia can monitor him easily.
This is a spin-off of Nobody Suspects a Thing and We Are Rosalia.
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Other Worldly CHILD 8 AND ONWARD N/A
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Multiverse: Parallel Worlds Theory 29 CURRENT INSPECTOR
A catch-all crossover verse. In this verse, Alfendi is aware of the multiverse, and things that happen and interactions that take place in this verse are remembered, and regarded as canon to this verse. (Ex: If Alfendi interacts with a Flora, then interacts later with a different Flora, he's aware that these two Floras are different people and still remembers the prior interaction with the first Flora.)
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The Truth Lies in the Evidence 29 CURRENT DETECTIVE
After the events of Forbodium, Alfendi Layton moved to Los Angeles, California for a change of scenery and people to help move on from the past. It seems that the legends of Professor Layton have travelled all the way to America, as Alfendi is hired by the LAPD as a homicide detective despite his besmirched record. Alfendi now works closely with the prosecutor's office to find and punish criminals, but it can be difficult with all this false evidence being thrown around, not to mention these damn defense attornies thinking they can just wander on the scene and take whatever evidence they please. The legal system here needs work.
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A Ghost of the Person I Used to Be 29 CURRENT DECEASED
The events at Forbodium four years later took a different turn. When Justin arrived at the scene, Diane already had her gun pressed against Alfendi's head. Diane, knowing she was about to die but determined to exact her revenge on the man she believed to have killed her father, shot first, killing Alfendi before she took a bullet from Justin's gun, and Justin Lawson changed the scene of the crime to set Lucy up to take the fall for the murder of Diane Makepeace with the motive of revenge killing. Under typical circumstances, this is where the story of Alfendi Layton would have ended.
These circumstances, however, are far from typical. It so happens that on the night he died, Keelan Makepeace had been wearing a very special locket, one with a shard of a very special meteorite kept in it.This meteorite, the Temsik Meteorite, grants special powers known as 'ghost tricks' to the spirits of those who die in its presence. This necklace was given to Diane Makepeace among the rest of her father's belongings, and having recognized it as her father's favorite necklace, she wore it non-stop for four straight years. In the tower, that day Alfendi and Diane died, she had been wearing it, just like every other day.
Alfendi and Diane found themselves in the strange predicament of being dead but not as dead as they imagined they would be, wielding paranormal powers. The two of them hitched a ride out of Forbodium on the belongings of the crime scene investigators. Diane, having exacted her revenge on Alfendi and realizing that her father may still be roaming the earth, parts ways with Alfendi after reaching the city, and Alfendi lets her go, seeing as she no longer has any murderous intent and that he no longer has any sort of way to punish her. Now, Alfendi mostly spends his days silently watching over his sisters, lurking at crime scenes and using ghost tricks to bring attention to evidence, and wandering aimlessly across London.
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Officer Jenny is a Stereotype 29 CURRENT INSPECTOR
In the Pokémon universe, Alfendi Layton is an inspector with the police in Windon, Galar. With his two trusty Lycanrocs, a midday form called Sola and a midnight form named Fang, Alfendi works hard to catch criminals.
Alfendi was raised in Unova with his father, a doctor at a Castelia city Pokémon center, but a terrible accident took his life, forcing Alfendi to live his his abusive mother. A few years later, an outbreak of a deadly disease killed her, and Hershel Layton, a Pokémon professor from Galar who had been helping to find a cure for the disease, took in Alfendi as his own.
While Hershel was studying different forms of Pokémon, he caught three Rockruff puppies and raised them in his home. Al and Fendi bonded with the puppies, and when Alfendi started his own Pokémon journey, Hershel gifted two of the pups to him as his starters (the third, the dusk form, was still being studied).
Alfendi gathered six badges, but his journey was cut short. He needed to return home suddenly to take care of his little sister, Katrielle, because Hershel suddenly vanished. Instead of continuing his gym challenge, he took up a job working as an officer to help support his family, and over time, rose the ranks to Inspector.
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Alfendi is a wolf who's decided to get away from boring everyday life by signing up for Tom Nook's not-so-deserted island getaway package. Now he lives there, going about his new life, making friends, catching fish and insects to sell for bells, and collecting and crafting furniture. Oh, and he also works at the island's police station as an inspector, where he mainly watches over the lost and found, helps to settle disputes amongst fellow villagers, and works to catch that scamming scoundrel, Redd the con artist. What a quiet life he leads, now.
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A Case That Isn't so Strange 29 CURRENT INSPECTOR It’s Fendi and Al, in their natural habitat! This verse abides by similar lore as the Professor Layton franchise and is used when my RP partner and my’s canons contradict one another and we have decided to abide by my partner’s canon. There will be differences from canon and my partner’s canon as we see fit.
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Undefined UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN The verse in which the universe breaks as we know it. Or not. We'll just have to find out together, won't we?
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