baevogue-blog · 8 years
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This is a very simple sketch that illustrates the shops and facilities in Kennedy Town and explains our understanding towards the city after our visits. We want to show how different kinds of buildings are scattered around the city, therefore we present the areas around different exits of MTR and make a contrast on this map.
There are a wide varieties of cuisines and restaurants close to the exit C. You will see Japanese restaurants, cafes, bars and Chinese restaurants. Relatively high-class residential buildings and hotels are standing near the restaurants. For leisure facilities, Belcher Bay Park is situated beside the harbour. There are occasionally other small parks with a few chairs and green plants next to some shops and buildings. Moreover, the tram runs through Davis Street and other intersecting streets near the harbour. When we walked around, we did see some foreigners like Southeast Asians.
The exit B and exit C are at the two different ends of the MTR station. There are also many restaurants near exit B, but they are traditional Chinese restaurants at rather low costs. Western restaurants can be rarely found there, which is a totally different situation from the above location. Small boutiques are opened there which target at locals. The buildings are very old, although few look more modern around Lo Pan Temple. We think that this area mainly accommodates low-income people whereas the other area attracts high-income people.
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Kennedy Town, geographically landed on the northwestern of Hong Kong Island, a significant part that can perfectly reflect the ultimate characteristic of Hong Kong — existed with the mixture of Western and Chinese culture. This area is reckoned as a remote area from the commercial areas, which led to a lack of tourists and also prosper of economic development. Until 2014, there is an enormous juxtaposition on the kinds of shops between now and then. K-town has gradually filled with homogeneous chain stores, largely include food and beverages, and shoebox apartments. The Hong Kong government had erected seven boundary stones in the very beginning of the twentieth century, one of those stones is placed next to the Kennedy Town Recreation Ground at Sai Ning Street.
In the first few excursion to this interesting zone, plus the researched information, we believed that people lived there are mainly locals, but gradually Westerns and East Asians had increased. The salary range of the citizens are mostly middle income, then follow by low income and high income. In around 80,000 people, middle-aged and elderly consisted most of the population, youth will be a minor group. For shoppers, most of them are locals, but the unique landmark has attracted many of the tourists from time to time.
When viewing the mind map, we would like to draw you attention to the COMMERCIAL ZONE, on the bottom left quarter. K-Town is undoubtedly a place that contains traditions and innovations. Shops can range from old-fashioned Chinese stores, to grocery stores, pet stores, or even some small-scale retailers. On the main street walking out from the MTR, a bunch of well-known restaurants are standing on both sides of the street, and surprisingly, the decorations are distinctively different from many other districts in Hong Kong, comparatively more luxurious and stylish, as if some tailor-made shops for the higher class customers.
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
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Kalau macam ni lah makanannya, jangan mimpi lah nak kurus Aina oi. Angan angan ku musnah macam tajuk lagu zaman dodulu tu 😭 Eh matilanak!
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jdplayerlikestodraw · 8 years
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Like a (Double D) Dragon
I threw this together at like 2 in the morning. My enjoyment of Yakuza 0 and my excitement for SK: Peach Beach Splash made this happen.
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sleepwalkwith-me · 8 years
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ROOMforthought 6feb2017
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latenightsandkush · 8 years
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wØrd of the day 06/02/17 www.olayinkaafolabi.co.uk/wordoftheday/6feb2017 Don’t forget to please SUBSCRIBE. 🙏🏾 “Te amo, te amo, she say's to me, I hear the pain in her voice.” I love you, in my opinion, is life’s most precious phrase. One that is underused I feel mainly due to its romantic perception. Te amo is one of my favourite Rihanna songs. I feel the song depicts situations that occur often in life, unequal relationships. In the song Rihanna is being cried out for, all the individual needs is some security, yet she’s oblivious to what the word even means. These situations occur and could be in actuality or simply one individual’s perception. I think in non-romantic situations, the latter dominates. We are all capable of love and probably do have love for people in our lives. I feel It’s important to validate valid these feelings in words. Although actions do show a person's heart, there hits a point when anyone can feel everyone is against them. People get paranoid, people can become closed. You never know what someone is going through. We are humans. So my message to today is to be your friends biggest cheerleader. Be over the top. Gas them like a fan. Show them all the love you can. But don’t forget to tell them you love them. Øracle #daily #quotes #words
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girlsradiooffensive · 8 years
girlsradiooffensive 6feb2017
threskiornis – land stolen (so-called australia) surge – tantrums (ireland) communion of thieves – black earth (us) rvivr – real mean (us) systemic – constellations (so-called australia) migraine – bodies of violence (us) mt zero – your own good (so-called australia) agida – infallibility (belarus) gaze – fuck you, fuck off (ireland) la ligne maginot – der zug (austria) noskill – cego comodismo…
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sssyaaa · 8 years
Pipi, aku kangen sekali dengar suaramu.. Pipi, salahkah aku yg menghindarimu? Tp smua itu aku lakukan krn kamu sudah punya pacar.. Kamu mengganti posisiku dgn orglain.. Mgkin stiap malam hanya aku saja yg mrindukanmu Kamu tidak.. Malam ini sepi sekali pipi Pipi.. datanglah ke mimpiku lagi Sperti kemarin.. Janji ya..Dtg kemimpiku ya Kita ngbrol bareng jalan bareng di mimpiku saja.. Itu sudah ckup mmbuatku senang. Pipi.. sampai bertemu lg Dari aku; Sperti yg kau katakan Aku ini wanita yg lembut Baik.. paling penyabar.. klo marah dirayu dikit uda baik lagi.. -m 6feb2017 11.35PM
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Last Night Dream 37
I had a surgery and my vulva had been removed. I was worried they had taken my clitoris too. "I'll check as soon as I can" I thought. Also, I dreamed about dresses. I put a nice suit (bowtie and all), but the shoes had a big heel, and I kept falling. Also I dreamed about Satan? I don't know. 6feb2017
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
“Kenapa kita perlu selalu istighfar?
Kerana kita pendosa tanpa noktah.”
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
Girls want a guy who say I love you every night and proves it every day.
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
Janganlah sombong akan kecantikan kerana ia akan pudar oleh waktu. Percantikanlah akhlakmu kerana ia tidak akan pudar oleh kematian 🍃
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
When you stand up to pray, pray as if it is your last prayer.
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
Dua doa yang tidak akan ditolak: doa ketika azan dan doa ketika hujan turun. (HR. Al-Hakim)
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
Kalau hidup tak menjadikan solat sebagai penghapus dosa, maka dosa akan hapuskan solat dalam hidup kita. Nauzubillah 😢
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ainaamirr7 · 8 years
Allah is with those who patiently endure.
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