#6urse headcanpns
astroyongie · 2 months
who in 6urse would ignore you in public after an one night stand and why is it toji and gojo
You have basically it Lmao ;---;
Nanami would be nice and keep conversation
Toji would straight up ignore you
Sukuna doesn't remember your face lmao
Gojo is either ignoring you or talking to you as if nothing happened
Geto îs eyeing you and blushing and trying to hide himself
Choso is torn between ignoring you and saying hello
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astroyongie · 2 months
Yongie we need 6URSE red flags please
6URSE Red Flags
He lacks empathy. Nanami is the type of person to be super into the rationalizing part which gives poor space for him to understand his partner’s outbursts of crying for exemple. He will often be cold emotionally 
He is the type to give up so easily in arguments. there’s no space for communication when voice is raised, this man won’t take you seriously. he might also use lies and emotional manipulation to have his way 
He can be very superficial when he is in a relationship. which means that this man would want his partner to always be perfect for all occasions. they need to be able to hold their head high every time and be super social otherwise Nanami might feel embarrassed of them 
But he also acts super noisy. this man might not show it, but he knows all about gossip and his tongue runs high and he can often find himself sharing details that you might want to keep secret 
He is so PETTY! like doesn't matter the moment or the reason that made him upset. when he is emotionally hit this man will become the pettiest person of them all and make sure to judge everything that you do or say just to get you upset 
This man will speak things that will leave you perplexed. he is so insensitive when he is being an ass, and he would say things that he thinks or believes but without benign careful how he expressed himself
in a relationship this man is irresponsible and thus might have a thing for cheating or to be really distant. he likes his freedom and he doesn't feel like he owns you any explanation 
Yet he is over controlative. he is the type of person that will always try to control everything that you do, from what you eat during the day to who you are with at your work space. he doesn't give much space for one to breathe 
He is extremely stubborn, no matter if you are right or not, this man won't bulge once he makes a decision, especially if he uses his heart to make those decisions. whenever he is hurt he holds grudges like a madman and won’t change those either 
He is very careless and impulsive with his words. He speaks his mind without taking into consideration your feelings which often ends up by him hiring your feelings. sukuna can also be quite aggressive with what he says or on the way of communicating
In a relationship he is exploitive. He is with you for what you are able to bring to the table. if you aren't able to provide the same way he is proving he won’t see you as a partner but as a burden
He acts quite snobby. that because he was always raised this way, but his behaviors will continue even during the relationship. Like he acts as if he is making president money 
He is so damn dramatic and everything that happens to him is negative and feels like death to him. like he will literally act as if the world is crumbling under his feet. also he can be quite narcissistic when it comes to his own inner self 
Like Sukuna he is super irresponsible and impulsive with his words which makes him the type to argue for anything and everything. sometimes the matter doesn't even is that important but he makes a huge deal out of it  
In a relationship is careless, forgets about important dates , forgets to bring some comfort and he might have tendencies to look elsewhere when he feels bored of his partner 
He is codependent with people and he always sticks to them like a glue which gives small occasions for the other people to breathe. he can also act super passive aggressive whenever he is angry or upset 
He is emotionally very selfish. When he has to make choices in his heart he will always prioritize himself and be quite arrogant about it. Other people comes after his own needs no matter the situation 
The way he talks can sometimes feel very snobby, like he takes people as more inferior than him and speaks to them as if they are stupid. so one can feel very insecure when having a conversation with Geto 
In a relationship he is all about exploiting what his partner can bring into the relationship. he is expecting the to be on the same level than he is , or else he won't be very interested in them, or h might feel overloaded with them
He acts like the victim each time someone points out something bad about him. Ghetto gets overly sensitive over the smallest matters 
He can be aggressive when he is emotionally overwhelmed with rage and anger. he doesn't deal well with frustration and pressure, making him quite selfish on his actions 
Choso is a world first class emotional manipulator. when he open his mouth he knows what the people wants to hear and how to get them on the good side. he doesn't do this consciously, as he is a people pleaser
In a relationship, Choso’s red flag is the fact that he is very impatient. he would want to wait too long to be with his partners and he moves alway son the fast pace with can be tiring. he is super demanding as well and gets upset when he doesn't have his way 
He is super co-dependent and he always is behind those he cares and loves because he doesn't know how to live by himself. Choso as a lack of personality here where he needs to live through others 
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