704goomy · 3 years
I really like Goomy! (the pokemon!)
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i made this blog to have a place where i can keep my thoughts and stuff nice and organized. when i was younger, I used to keep diaries. (now i have a twitter, but it’s not the same. also, twitter is going to the dogs.) i think i miss being able to talk to myself and write down my thoughts and memories like that, so here i am.
i’m a very quiet person (about my hobbies and interests) both online and off, so right now i’m a little excited to have somewhere to comprehensively direct my thoughts at.  😂 lockdown is driving us to do all sorts of things, i think.
i don’t expect to have other people looking at this (mostly i’m bracing the me of 10 years in the future to find this and be embarrassed and nostalgic) but this is the internet after all, and it’s an open blog, so maybe somewhere down the line i will add one of those carrds and byfs and dnis.
for now, here i am again! settling into my little corner of the internet.
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704goomy · 3 years
may slice of life
I wanted to talk to myself in a way that's not the short, snappy, witty 360 character limit stream-of thought ramblings I usually do in Twitter...
My kittens, who my mother rescued from our roof, are about 2-3 months old now. I'm going to have them vaccinated soon. At first, I was thinking of using the money I received from Eid to vaccinate the whole lot of them (there are 4, so that also means 4 to spay and neuter), but today there were a few bits of exciting Pokemon news~
1. There's a Wooloo raid den event in SwSh. I've already bred my own shiny Wooloo in a Love Ball, affectionately nicknamed Hop Jr. It's my shortest Masuda hunt on record, only 10 eggs! Back on topic though, I've already secured the raid and just need to catch this bad boy to get a Dubwool, since I wasn't planning on evolving Hop Jr.
2. Raihan got a nendoroid...!! There literally ain't no way I'm NOT buying this. Sobs.
So my Eid money is going into Raihan nendo, which is, taking Marnie nendo as reference (1mil+ rupiah!!), going to cost a pretty penny. It's gonna be my birthday purchase for this year. My birthday is coming up soon, on the 25th! I'm far too old to care too much about it, haha. I think my friends will send me a couple nice drawings, but I'm not expecting too much of it. Actually, just last night my sister and my sibling got into an argument over buying me cake. 😓 Goodness, I don't think I even want cake. The one cake I really want is a mille-crepe, but I don't think that's what they're planning on getting, lol. I don't mind though, I appreciate it. As long as people think I'm worth spending on, it's pretty nice.
Ah, also! My sibling has a friend who shares their switch profile on our device, so we can play her games. She bought Pokemon Snap, and I am loving it. I'm sure I put in a good 20 hours in that already (maybe less, but it was 10 the last time I checked). It's beautiful and I adore it.
I think since I wrote my last entry here, I finished LGE (it was nice, but I haven't touched it for postgame), and started Gates of Infinity and Alpha Sapphire. The previous owner of the AS (which I bought secondhand) had a couple nice pokes left behind, which I passed on to a friend to hold before trading back. Among the notable ones is a shiny Tyranitar and a shiny Mew, but the legality of the Mew is questionable..
But, enough Pokemon, I wanna talk about a manga I started reading.
I don't read manga a lot because lately, I've become used to living in the digital age and the constant *doing things* it entails. Stopping to do just one thing (re: reading) is kind of hard nowadays. Even writing things like this feels like such a huge effort! But I think I should try harder. It's nice when I'm actually doing it, and I need to invest some time in putting my thoughts in perspective.
Anyways, the manga is called Yuria-sensei no Akai Ito, by Kiwa Irie. I realize now I don't have much to say about it, since there's only been 6 chapters translated, but it tells its story in a distinctly josei fashion that I really like. I'm going to be keeping my eye on it!
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704goomy · 3 years
about pokemon: my relapse and my backlog
since i basically made a whole new tumblr to talk about my current obsession. here's me talking about my current obsession. read under the cut!
Did you like that ancient livejournal reference? I wonder if people still say that?
It's April right now, but it was around the start of the year in late January when I impulsively decided that I was going to finally buy Pokemon Shield. And yes this is 2021, and SwSh was released November 2019, so you have no idea how fashionably late I fell through the ceiling to this thing.
Did you know what gave me that impulse, by the way? It was fanart. I saw a RaiLeon fanart and I vibed with it so hard that I decided, bruh, I need to get licensed for that ship. And now I'm onto them like white on rice, but this is a story for another time.
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My sweet gaming setup at the time.
Anyway I hadn't been playing Pokemon since 2016 when I halfheartedly played through half of Sun, so when I bought Shield, played Shield, I was surprised because--
All the press and reviews I heard about it--
-- was negative --
I became the Pokemon stannie that I once was in my middle school glory days and I also became somewhat inspired to review all the Pokemon games. Well maybe not all, just the modern ones... But mostly my reasoning is the internet needs less sweaty gamers and more people who appreciate other different aspects of the pkmn games (me) (I'm people)
But before I can do that I need to clear out my backlog in order to have a solid opinion on all of them! Without further ado here is my backlog <3
IN PROGRESS Let's Go Eevee UPCOMING Alpha Sapphire Ultra Moon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky
Now that I've listed them it's actually quite a lot huh...
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Once I finish LGPE I'll probably try focusing on the non-remake ones first. I'm looking forward to all of it tho!
By the way in LGE I'm currently at Silph Co and halfway through the badges. The art direction in this one is lovely. Also is it just me or did SwSh really spoil us with minimal battles? There's so many people to fight here.... help..
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