#87% chance the person who said that just hates kink in general
boneless-mika · 1 year
If I listened to the anti-kink ppl I keep coming across I wouldn’t be allowed to have sex at all because the only instance I would is if I were fully clothed and nobody touched my genitals and possibly I’d need to wear gloves
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outsidercade · 7 years
You gonna hate me but,,, 1-102? *devil grin* love you ❤
(Putting it under a cut because this is gonna be LONG oh boy)
1. Favorite season?Definitely fall! It’s got my birthday and perfect temperatures!
2. Prettiest thing you own?Probably my cats lmao
3. Do you prefer to be outside or inside?Honestly it really depends on my mood and the weather and such, but probably inside on average? I’m not sure
4. Furthest ever traveled?I live in Michigan and I’ve been so Japan so I’d say that’s p far
5. What’s your aesthetic in 3 words?It really varies
6. Favorite gemstone?Ooooh uhh… probably bloodstone? It’s hella pretty look it up !
7. Best thing about yourself, in your opinionMy drawing skills
8. Best thing about yourself, in other’s opinionNothing lmao uhh hHHHHH I’ve been told that I’m very empathetic, understanding, and easy/fun to talk to?? 
9. What’s your weirdest fear?Idk if this counts as a fear, but I’m p paranoid about doors and people entering rooms I guess? Like I can’t sleep unless I face the door and I feel really uncomfortable sitting in places where I can’t see every entrance to the room at a time
10. Weirdest dream you’ve ever had?OH MAN well okay uh when I started reading the Harry Potter series in like 7th grade I had this dream where I was like Harry but with wings instead of arms and bird legs? And the dream had the perspective of an RPG or something with a health bar and everything and I had to fight Voldemort in my backyard under my trampoline. Also at some point I ran into my teacher at the time in a hospital in said dream so that was p damn weird
11. Go-to hiding placeAnywhere small, but not too small, where i can be completely hidden without somebody opening a door or latch or something12. Favorite place in your houseLmao my room13. Earliest memoryMy earliest memory is from being on a cruise when I was four and getting really mad at my parents because they saw some dolphins outside and I wasn’t there to see them xD14. Do you believe in ghosts?I’m honestly not sure15. Favorite sea creature?I have no idea so I’m just gonna say sea cucumber or cuttlefish because both are sea creatures that I adore !!16. Cold showers or hot baths?HOT BATHS ALL THE WAY17. Satin or lace?I adore lace so like,,,, definitely that18. Gold or silver?I personally like the way silver looks MUCH better but at the same time there’s The Outsiders and it’s whole kink with the color gold so likeeee,,,,,, idk man19. Hoops or pearl earrings?Pearl20. Aesthetic songShelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon
21. Top 5 songsUHHHH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE BRUHBut uhh at the moment I guess it would be, in no particular order,1- Another Day from Rent2- Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill3- Grease (Is The Word) from Grease Live!4- Beautiful from Heathers5- Nandemonaiya from Your Name
22. Favorite time of the day?Early morning and/or late night
23. Favorite part of your body?Again nothing lmao but I guessss my eyes????
24. Do you drink alcohol?I’m fourteen years old and also allergic to beer so I mean
25. Dream job from when you were a kidI don’t want to do this anymore, but when I was a Smol I really wanted to start a pet-sitting business in my town xD
26. Messy or clean?It depends tbh. Likkkkke my room is messy af but I’m super overprotective of some things and will like stab somebody if they get a book of mine dirty
27. Tea or coffee?I don’t really like either but I guess tea?
29. Zodiac sign?Libra all the way B)
30. Extrovert or introvert?I think I’m more of an extrovert, but it’s hard to tell
31. Celebrity crush?I mean there are a LOT of celebrities I could look at and be like “oh yeah that person’s hella cute!!” but I don’t think I’ve ever had a real celebrity crush
32.  Early bird or night owl?Both lmao
33. Do you believe in love at first sight?I want to but ehHHHHH not really
34. Favorite book quote Honestly I,,,,, don’t have one. I’m super bad at remembering quotes and things like that so I don’t have a favorite book quote ;;
35. Three wishes you haveI’m gonna sound like a greedy bitch but1- To have better grades/be better at life in general2- To be more wealthy3- To get my dream job
36. Do you believe in magic?I have No Idea
37. Do you believe in soulmates?Not really, but I do believe that there are certain people who will definitely be more compatible by nature
38. Zoo or aquarium?I LOVE ZOOS
39. Cats or dogs?I love both but I’ve never owned a dog and I grew up with cats sOOO I’d probably have to say those
40. How many languages do you speak?English is my first language so there’s that but I also know a tiny bit of Japanese?? Not really enough to count it as knowing another language tho
41. How has your life changed from last year?I’ve developed a p bad social anxiety disorder this year so there’s that?
42. Why do you have your name/url?I’ve got my name just because my parents like it, and I have my url because if you couldn’t tell I’m obsessed with The Outsiders, and ESPECIALLY Johnny Cade xD
43.  Do you keep secrets? How well?I definitely try my best to, but I tend to accidentally let things slip without meaning to on occasion,,,
44. Favorite animal?I HAVE A LOT SO, AGAIN IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER,1- Caribou2- Kangaroos3- River otters4- Birds in general lmao
45. What is love to you?UhhHHHHHHHHH I have no idea how to interpret this question but,,,I don’t know, I guess love, platonic or romantic, is when there’s somebody who you trust and feel really comfortable with, and who you enjoy spending time together with and uhh. I guess that? I don’t know, I apologize 
46. Future children name?I don’t really want kids and if I did I’d adopt, so idk
47. Favorite colorPurple! ^^
49. Cuddles or kisses?I’m a slut for cuddles tbh so definitely that
50. If you could have any person in the world over for dinner, who would it be?I have. No Idea
51. Someone to bring back from the deadMy cat Persion who died last fall ;;
52. Lipstick or lipgloss?I don’t really like either very much tbh
53. Are you street smart or book smart?I’m just not smart lmao
54. Your biggest strengthI’m super nice and friendly, so I guess there’s that
55. Favorite sportVolleyball!!
56. Favorite drink?Just plain ice water lmao
57. Favorite winter activity?I LOVE sledding like oh man I get super sad if I miss the chance to go
58. Last time you went abroadWhen I went to Japan in November!
60. Favorite artistI don’t necessarily have one but I guess I really love @ikimaru because her art style was a HUGE influence on me while I was developing mine and also her art is just Super Gorgest
61. Favorite singer/bandI don’t really have one, I’m kinda just obsessed with Broadway music in general
62. Favorite dancing songI don’t think I have one?
63. Favorite crying songFinale A, Your Eyes, and Finale B from Rent (I can’t find any good videos of the original Broadway cast recording of this and I don’t like the movie version so oops ;;)
64. Do you wear glasses?Yep, have since first grade!
65. First thing you do when you wake upCheck my phone lmao
66. How long do you usually sleep for?It varies a lot but probably about six-seven hours on average
67. One thing you lost and you want backI can’t think of anything off the top of my head I’m Afraid
68. Biggest fearBeing unsuccessful in life and/or being hated/alone/forgotten 
69. Favorite carnival rideI’ve only been to one carnival ever but there was this thing that flipped you around a lot in a lil cage-like thing and I LOVED that !
70. Do you have birthmarks or scars?I get injured a lot and have a bad habit of picking at scabs, so I have a lot of little scars everywhere
71. Favorite childhood memory?Probably when I first got my kitten Kivu in fourth grade, he’s a Good Boy
72. What do you think about during a storm?“wow that sure is one cool storm”
73. One word to describe your life?What
74. Craziest thing ever doneOnce when I was little I tried to wake up my Dad by throwing a hamster at him xD
75. Do you have piercings or tattoos?I don’t have either currently, but I might be getting my ears pierced later today!
76. Favorite flowerI don’t think I have one 
77. Do you have any pets?Yep! I’ve got my rabbit Tamaki, and my cats Ginger and Kivuli ^^
78. Describe your style??????
79. Choose one thing to change about yourselfThe way I look prolly
80. Do you play any musical instruments?I used to play cello, but I don’t anymore 
81. If your life was a movie would it be a comedy, a rom-com, action film or drama?Probably a comedy or a drama? ?? ?
82. Do you prefer dark, dramatic makeup or natural makeup?I like both a lot, it really depends on my mood or the person !
83. Favorite perfumeEw No Thanks
84. Biggest fandomCurrently probably The Outsiders? I’m not sure tbh
85. Favorite Youtuber(s)No particular order again lmao1- Game Grumps2- Markiplier3- Nostalgia Critic4- PeanutButterGamer5- SpaceHamster
86. OTPOH BOY UHH UHHonestly I love so many ships in so many different ways that I don’t think I could choose !!
87. Country, state where you were bornMichigan in the US ^^
88. Your parents’ namesCarol and David
89. Favorite snackI love waaayyy too many snack foods to choose!
91. Pen or pencilI definitely like pencils a Lot more
92. Blue or black inkBlack !
93. Paper books or electronic books?I am a slut for paper books tbh lmao
94. History or geography?History is WAY more interesting to me 
95. Pastel or neonP A S T E L !!!!!
97. Soap or body wash Uhhhhhhh…. Shrug?
98. Conditioner, no conditioner, or 2 in 1 shampoo & conditionerI honestly haven’t used any conditioner in years,,, ;;
99. Singing in the shower or notSometimes !
100. Listen to music while bathing or silenceBoth, it depends on what I’m in the mood for xD
101. Blow dry, towel dry, or air dry your hairA combo of towel and air unless I’m in a rush or something
102. Morning or night showers?DEFINITELY night 
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queerloquial · 7 years
every odd number!
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?you better have, we’re kinda dating 
3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?iunno, whens the last time you said something that made me go “cfghvjb fUCK yOU”?
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?not to my knowledge, but if there is they can go fuck themselves bc idfc
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?vault boy tshirt, gray sweatpants. my regular comfy sleepwear stuff
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?i wear jeans anytime i have to leave the house, but if i dont have to go out in public and hide my wookiee legs i actually prefer shorts to either of those. i also rank chef pants higher than sweats bc they breathe better
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?i am antisocial as fuck, my dude. if i could get away with living in my bedroom and talking to like three people total ever, i so would
13. What about ‘R’?i think this is in reference to ‘have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with ___’, in which case, no. i have never kissed anyone, at least outside the “small child gives/receives cheek kisses from family or other adult considered to be basically family” sense
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?yEs. i give so many shits, all of the fucks, and even a couple hecks
17. When was the last time you cried?i think like a week and a half, two weeks ago it was like 2 am and i was tired n lonely and re-read some of ur letters to me. it was a happy cry dont worry. u make me do that a lot
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?nah i like blue
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.that stupid fuckening dog did not shut up for one damn minute after i let her out at ten last night. she barked for eight hours straight and for six i had a headache, i have slept a grand total of 32 minutes and it is now 7 am. hlep
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?to my knowledge yes. unless “im going back to bed, love and kisses~” is secretly your way of breaking up with me :P
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?you do~
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?it you
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?i think i got it from fye at the mall. either there or gamestop. i dont remember
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?theyre lined up on top of my desk. the only thing hiding them is the handful of non-alcoholic glass bottles i also have collected
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?ehhhhhhhhhhhhh i kinda have a Thing with pain so i have a heavy aversion to getting anything pierced
35. Did you have a dream last night?no bc i couldnt fuckening fall asleep
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?idk my dude. the future is unpredictable
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?idk. maybe if ur still awake theres a chance but if ur not then probs not
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?i would hope so, ive been waking up before dawn every day to tell you i love u and i would hate for all that effort to have been for nothing
43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?in those words exactly, not that i can remember
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?yes, but theyre all from early high school and i really ought to go in and take them out but. effort. and i dont even really use facebook anymore
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?yes. all the time
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?nah, two years ago i had a job
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?i think this was my dad? so no
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?well when youve been aromantic for over 20 years you dont expect to develop a crush on ur cuteass mutual so
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?all but two people irl think im a conservative straight cis girl
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?see number 13
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?yes
61. How’s your heart?emotionally its doing fine. physically i could probably stand to cut back on sodium a bit
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?no
65. Are your toenails painted pink?no, theyre black
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?i wouldnt know, ive never been a girl and ive never had a boyfriend. but either way that sounds kinda weird, like i mean sure, promote healthy expression of emotions, but “love it when they cry”?? that sounds kinda messed up my dude
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?a lady from my church whose dog im watching for part of this week
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?it youuuu again
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?lol no
75. Did you wake up cranky?a BIT YES. god i hate dogs
77. Are relationships ever worth it?hell yeah, but you gotta be willing and actively choose to put in the time and effort to support one another through all situations, not just the cutesy happy fun times. it can be hard work, especially if one or more involved parties are neurodivergent, but it is completely worth it to have a relationship based in genuine respect and trust and honesty
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?buddy there aint a day that goes by that i dont daydream of what itll be like when we can finally meet irl
81. Last person you cried in front of?if this is strictly about physically being near someone, and discounting headmates, then… i dont actually remember. i try my best not to cry where people can see
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?i feel like you might be at least a lil bit
85. Are you over your past?well my brain is irreparably damaged and i still cry when i remember that i have at least one person who respects my feelings and consent and i generally try to block out all memories of life before college but for the most part yeah im totally over it :)
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?well i would say no but then we did recently have that convo re: “tier 4 kinks” and tbh that was like the last big secret i was holding in so i guess yeah i do
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?i dont remember the last person i kissed, if animals dont count, so im just gonna give a blanket no
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?well i hope so
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?no
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?ye~
97. Who do you have texts from?you, family, best friend, some people from church who have needed me to petsit/house-sit/bake things
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?see #13
101. Ever kissed under fireworks?no
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