#93 episodes is a lot of episodes even for a 20 mins episode series. but here i am on episode 93 for a show whose avg eps r like. 4 hrs each
orcelito · 2 years
Confronting the fact that I'm partway through episode 93 of critical role campaign 2 and theres only ("only") 140 ish episodes
I very realistically could end up watching the entirety of the second campaign of critical role. Holy shit lmfao
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redthreadoffate · 4 years
1-100 for that ask game, answer them all
YOU! I like you.
1. What is your favourite television show from the 80′s?
Mork & Mindy for the early 80′s and The Golden Girls for the late 80′s.
2. Favourite television show from the early 2000′s?
Is The X-Files still counted?
3. Favourite television show from the 2010′s +?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
4. Who is your favourite female television character of all time?
Eve French
5. Who is your favourite male television character of all time?
Thomas Magnum
6. Favourite television show of all time?
The X-Files
7. If you could watch one t.v. show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
8. Favourite television soundtrack?
All Power Rangers opening theme songs
9. Favourite guest-star appearance on a television show?
Robin Williams in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
10. Least favourite character on your favourite television show?
I cannot believe that I’m going to say this but I’m going with Bobbi Morse from Agents of SHIELD. Bobbi is not the Bobbi in that show. Completely destroyed. I love Bobbi, I really do. But in SHIELD? Nooooo.
11. Favourite character on your favourite television show?
Dana Scully from The X-Files if we’re going with favorite show.
12. Best cliff-hanger?
Even though the show wasn’t picked-up for a second season, I love the clff hanger of Flash Forward.
13. Saddest death scene?
Jo and Ellen Harvelle in Supernatural and Juliet Burke in Lost.
14. What television show would you like to be a regular on?
I’d love to be in Supernatural honestly.
15. What television show would you like to guest-star on?
I’m meant to be the main star.
16. A show that you hate to love?
That Walking Dead from season 1 to 5 (I hate the rest for real).
17. A show that you love to hate?
18. Name an episode from a show that you will always remember?
That Teddy’s Treehouse episode from Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Scarred me. Continuing to scar.
19. Name an episode from a show that you wish didn’t happen?
Beth’s death episode from The Walking Dead.
20. Spin-offs: yes or no?
Depends on the character/s.
21. A show that you started watching but then stopped? What was the reason?
I’ve watched a lot but I probably stopped after watching one episode already so I’ll go with The Walking Dead. First, Beth died. Second, they legit stopped making it about the walking dead. I understand that there are still baddies in a zombie apocalypse but really????
22. Name a show that means something to you, and why?
Agents of SHIELD. It’s the first show that made me realize “OMG. I love watching television shows.”
23. A show that you find relatable to your life?
Kahogo no Kahoko. DO YOU KNOW WHY??? She’s 21 (I’m 24 though, and I watched it just a few months ago) and very protected from the real world, is close to her mother and she fraternal twins in the end??? Something I’ve always wanted when I have kids???
24. A show that makes your cringe?
Can’t think of one right but I’m sure there’s something. Wait, let me think...Arrow.
25. Favourite television villian?
The Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files
26. A show that you will continue to re-watch over and over again?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
27. Name a show that had the worst series finale, in your opinion?
Arrow. I don’t watch it but ew.
28. What is your favourite movie from the 80′s?
Ghostbusters II
29. Favourite movie from the 90′s?
Se7en and Clueless
30. Favourite movie from the early 2000′s?
13 Going on 30 and Harry Potter 1 & 2
31. Favourite movie from the 2010′s +?
32. Favourite movie villian?
Norman Bates from Psycho
33. Who is your favourite male movie character of all time?
Oliver Wood from Harry Potter and Peter Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia
34. Who is your favourite female movie character of all time?
Ariadne from Inception
35. What is your favourite movie of all time?
36. Favourite director?
Christopher Nolan
37. Favourite series/saga/triology, etc.?
Harry Potter and The Chronicles of Narnia
38. What’s your favourite universe?
Harry Potter universe
39. Favourite comic-book movie?
Sky High??? Or Captain America: Civil War
40. What’s your favourite disney movie?
41. Favourite pixar movie?
Rise of the Guardians
42. What’s your favourite animated movie?
Is Christopher Robin counted?
43. Best voice-casting, in your opinion?
Lea Salonga as Jasmine and Mulan
44. Is there a movie that you could watch over and over again and not get tired?
Inception, Harry Potter 1 & 2, and The Chronicles of Narnia 1 (and a bit of 2 & 3)
45. Name a movie that made you cry uncontrollably?
Piglet’s Big Movie and Christopher Robin
46. A movie that had you laughing throughout it’s entirety?
Night at the Museum (all)
47. A preview/trailer of a movie you saw and thought “I HAVE to see that!”?
48. Rom-com’s or drama?
Rom-coms because drama makes me sad
49. Thriller’s or comedies?
Both, you cannot stop me
50. Horror or psychological?
Psychological horror
51. Your favourite book adaptation turned movie?
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
52. Your favourite actor?
Liam Neeson
53. Favourite actress?
Amanda Seyfried
54. In your opinion, a well deserved Oscar win?
Liam Neeson
55. Favourite Oscar speech?
I haven’t watched many Oscars :(
56. Most memorable movie ending?
57. A movie death that shocked you?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s in Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For
58. A movie you thought was going to be good, but wasn’t?
Oz: The Great and Powerful
59. Biggest Oscar upset, in your opinion?
Not sure :(
60. A movie you hated but everyone else loves?
61. Do you cry during movies? 
62. Do you prefer classic movies, or new movies?
63. In your opinion, the best character casting?
Ellen Page as Ariadne and William Moseley as Peter Pevensie
64. Think of a movie you really love, how many times have you seen it?
65. Do you like to re-watch movies you’ve seen before?
66. Have you ever been to a midnight screening of a movie?
No :(
67. Ever attended a movie premiere?
No :(
68. An actor you love that nails it in both television & film?
Robin Williams
69. An actress you love that nails it in both television & film?
Ellen Page
70. Why is your favourite movie, your favourite movie?
Because it’s so...just such a beautiful movie that is so underrated in a way that people don’t actually think about what’s happening.
71. Movies based on real life/facts or made-up stories?
72. Your favourite movie genre?
73. A movie that made you feel proud?
Smaller and Smaller Circles
74. A movie that scared you/made you paranoid?
Pretty much ever horror movie
75. An Indoor movie theatre or outside drive-in?
Indoor movie theatre
76. Are you a snacker/drinker during movies?
Candies and water or just a soda/flavored drink
77. Where abouts in a theatre do you prefer to sit (front, middle, back)?
78. If you could have a role in any movie ever made, which movie would it be?
79. An underrated movie, in your opinion?
The Purge: Election Year
80. An overrated movie?
Divergent series
81. A movie you felt attached to after watching it?
Christopher Robin
82. A movie that was relatable to you and your life?
Dumplin’? I mean, I’ve got an “okay” body frame but the life story? Pretty much (minus Bo, there is no Bo)
83. Name a movie that made you go “wow” after watching it?
84. Action-packed movies or lots of dialogue?
Both, it’s hard to communicate without the other
85. Fantasy movies to normal life movies?
Depends on my mood
86. Have you ever walked out of a theatre mid-movie? What was the movie?
87. Tell us about your worst movie experience?
I was watching Into the Woods and OMG the person beside me just kept making fucking comments
88. Have you ever spoiled a movie for someone by accident?
I have been spoiled but I never spoiled
89. Ever spoiled a movie for someone on purpose?
Same answer as above
90. Tell us about a movie that made you feel all the feels?
Piglet’s Big Movie because he really tried and he did *I cry*
91. Pick a movie, any movie. Now tell us your favourite scene?
Anytime Peter says “For Narnia/For Aslan!”
92. What’s the perfect movie time/length? 
2 hours and maybe 20 mins
93. Do you get bored easily during movies?
94. The worst acting you’ve ever seen in a movie?
Wow. Probably almost every Filipinx actor trying to be cute or cool. I’m from the Philippines guys.
95. Can you think of a movie where one scene had ruined the whole thing?
Mmmm. Not that I can at the moment. Ah! Steve Trevor being alive again. I know it hasn’t happened but ugh.
96. Are you a “tommy texter” during movies, or a “shhh-ing susan”?
Definitely “shhh-ing susan”.
97. Think of a positive movie experience you will never forget?
Not exactly a movie experience but when I was 18, I got tickets for me ad my mom and the one manning the booth was like, “You have to be 16 to watch.” “Oh, I’m 18.” And then when we were entering the place itself, the guard asked “Ma’am, how old are you?” “I’m 18.”
98. A movie or performance you thought deserved an Oscar nomination?
99. Best movie soundtrack?
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
100. A block-buster movie that deserved all of the hype & more? 
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stagesofabreakup · 7 years
Stages of a Breakup: Week 33
1. Help your grandma’s friend set up a new computer she bought
2. Also try to help her backup her old one
3. She told the people at Dell when she bought the new computer that she “didn’t want” wifi, so they TOOK IT OFF THE COMPUTER, which you didn’t even know they could do
4. You’re working all night by Ethernet cord
5. The backup keeps failing because of a shadow copy timeout
6. You eat the world’s most intense grilled cheese that your Grandma’s friend (Winnie) makes for you
7. Google some stuff and get the backup to start
8. Winnie’s friend Joan comes over with nips of Ciroc and they talk and drink
9. You think being 75 in New York seems like the shit
10. Eat more cheese, now on crackers
11. Talk with Winnie and Joan for a while
12. Joan used to be a Private Investigator and she showed you her license and told you about how she used to look up all her daughter’s boyfriends
13. She mentions she is looking for someone to stay in her spare room on Roosevelt Island
14. You consider it, and let her know you have something until February but maybe after
15. You and Joan exchange numbers and make a tentative plan to have lunch/see the apartment on some weekend in the future
16. You were supposed to meet your friend but the backup has taken like three hours and still isn’t finished and now it’s too late to go to Harlem because also your friend has a real job
17. You just go home instead
18. Have one beer
19. Text your friend Charlie but he’s on a date (ooh la la!)
20. Try to got to sleep
21. Work from 12-6:00pm at the dance studio college job
22. Finish reading The Color Purple
23. It’s so good
24. Write like 15 pages in your journal
25. Count how many pages you’ve written in your journal in the past 3 weeks and it’s like 50
26. Decide to go to a mic after work in Brooklyn
27. Go straight there with your backpack and laptop and food bag
28. Get there after 45 minutes only to find out they switched it to a different night
29. Decide to go to a different one that’s back in Manhattan
30. Call first so you don’t make the same mistake twice
31. They don’t answer because it’s a bar
32. Decide to go anyway because what are the odds that’ll happen twice?
33. It does
34. Decide to go to your friend’s show that’s back in Brooklyn (thank god you have that unlimited Metrocard!) because you can’t just go home
35. She gets the doorguy to wave the 10$ cover
36. Watch all of your friends on the show
37. Laugh about periods
38. Be happy
39. Hang out for a TINY bit after the show but everyone just wants to go home
40. Go home
41. Work again
42. Start and finish one of the books from your favorite series
43. Agonize about going to your friend’s mic at 6:30 that’s intimidating and terrible when you’re already going to a different mic at 9:00pm
44. Go to the library
45. Check out some books and dvds!
46. Find a movie theatre you didn’t know was there!
47. Go home, drop stuff off, eat
48. Realllllyyyyyyy want to stay in and sleep and watch a library dvd
49. Email the hosts of the second mic you’re coming to reserve a spot and so you can’t back out
50. Walk 45 min there (Upper East Side-fancy)
51. Have the bouncer look at you for ONE second before saying, “Comedy’s in the back”
52. Go up
53. Have a great set
54. Hang around watching people
55. Run into your friend Mara
56. Take the train back with her
57. She decides to come to Philly with you this weekend, says she’ll see if she can find more shows, also you guys talk about maybe starting a mic together
58. Go home
59. Feel accomplished and good
60. Watch The Diary of a Teenage Girl
61. Be ENRAGED that they made the main character thin
62. Be less enraged when you look up the original artwork from the novel and realize she was much smaller than you remember
63. Love the movie
64. Text your friend Jade most of the night about a million different things
65. Feel connected and good
66. Try to sleep
67. Go to bed around 6:00am
68. Get up around 2:47pm
69. Spend two hours trying to get uptown while the trains aren’t working
70. Finally end up taking an express to 125th and walking the 15 blocks back down to where you need to be
71. Which is at a sports bar because the Yankees are playing and your friend Gaby cares
72. Get her and her girlfriend a drink, in addition to yours this costs 40 dollars
73. Hang for a while
74. Smoke weed on the walk to the train
75. Ride the train and start reading The Handmaid’s Tale which you got from the library
76. Find out that one of your cousin’s friends drank your good special beer you were saving
77. Feel your blood boil with rage
78. Have to actively calm yourself down
79. Start watching Fifty Shades Darker
80. It’s SO terrible
81. Go to sleep at 6:00am again
82. Spend a lot of the day in bed simmering about the beer
83. Finally emerge and confront him about it
84. He seems not to understand that that was wrong
85. Impress upon him that it is
86. He asks if you want him to replace it
87. You do
88. Leave feeling ok
89. Go over to Winnie’s again (late) to check out what the backup is doing (it’s STILL going)
90. Figure out the password to her new computer she forgot but wouldn’t let you write a hint for because, “it’s the one I always remember”
91. Fix that stuff
92. Scrap the backup because it wasn’t done after two days and Winnie says she doesn’t even want what’s on the computer anyway
93. Realize you’re WAY late to meet your friend Lizzy because everything got pushed back
94. Get to a bar called Ethyl’s like 45 minutes late
95. She’s not mad because as soon as you ger there she gets a phone call from a boy and now you have to wait and that’s karma
96. Ethyl’s seems cool, a waitress comes up to take your drink order twice while Lizzy is on the phone and you have to be like, “still waiting”
97. Write in your journal which is actually needed
98. Feel better
99. Lizzy comes back and actually wants to leave because Ethyl’s is really loud (it is)
100. She wants to get food and suggests Wahlburgers, the hamburger chain restaurant Mark Wahlberg’s family owns
101. Go there
102. Get tater tots
103. Talk about relationships
104. Realize how much you miss your ex-boyfriend’s body
105. Leave Wahlburgers (but not before taking a photo of the word collage on the ceiling of every movie Mark Wahlberg’s ever been in)
106. Go to Lizzy’s house
107. Eat ice cream and paint your nails and talk about rape culture
108. Watch the first episode of American Vandal which you did NOT realize was satire/funny
109. Go home
110. Watch the rest of Fifty Shades Darker and Katy Perry’s A Part of Me
111. Be genuinely sad that she and Russell Brand broke up
112. Try to sleep
113. Wake up at 9:37am for some reason?????
114. Talk to your mom on the phone
115. Address the holiday worries you have been having
116. Tell her you’d rather spend the holidays alone this year now that your parents are divorced and it’s not going to be what it was
117. She understands
118. You talk about how sad you are to miss Mardi Gras this year
119. While you say it you realize how fucking sad you will be to miss Mardi Gras this year
120. Your mom starts looking up tickets just to see
122. You find it again for 170 and BUY IT
124. You are filled with joy
125. But also worry about seeing your ex-boyfriend because you don’t want to but it’s honestly unavoidable and you don’t want to hook up with him but part of you does and you don’t want to get wrapped up in all this again and feel weak
126. You tell like 5 people you’re coming back
127. They are excited but you’re also worried about where you will stay
128. Figure out a few places you can spread it among
129. And a friend who can pick you up from the airport at 8:42am, god bless
130. You also decide to buy your bus ticket for Philly this weekend while you’re getting things done
131. Your friends from college who live in Philly also saw that you’re coming on facebook and texted you so you’re seeing them now too which will be so nice and wonderful
132. On the phone with your mom you guys talked about “Metoo” and she shares that she wants to support but honestly doesn’t feel like she’s ever experienced sexual harassment
133. You are truly shocked that any woman can say that, but also happy that her life has been like that
134. You guys get into a deeper conversation and you share that the fear of rape drives a lot of what you do, even down to the weight you are
135. Your mom confesses that she’s thought that for years but didn’t think it was her place to say
136. You’re shocked but also feel like a weight is lifted having that validated/confirmed by someone who knows you so well
137. Start thinking about how to dismantle that fear
138. Have a really frustrating conversation with your friend Gabe about censorship and comedy
139. Take a shower
140. Get dressed
141. Decide to go to an open mic
142. Walk an hour there because you don’t have a gym membership yet and haven’t left the house today
143. Get there only to find out it’s not a mic anymore but a show
144. Look up another mic and walk there
145. Same thing
146. Do this two more times before giving up
147. Look up a movie theatre (something that can never let us down)
148. Head to it without even seeing what’s playing or any of the showtimes
149. Spend almost 20 dollars in a CVS on Pringles and Australian licorice and Sour patch kids
150. Get the ticket for free because you have an AMC coupon from the time you didn’t get to see Girls Trip after waiting in line for 5+ hours
151. Watch The Foreigner (the Jackie Chan vehicle that’s like Taken but if his daughter got killed in the beginning and it was just for the hell of it) while eating lots of licorice and pringles
152. Take the train home because you’re tired of walking
153. Be aware that more men have leered and catcalled you tonight than they have in a while and this was the first time you actually felt good getting dressed and going out and how strong that correlation between weight and male attention/sexual violence is
154. Kind of decide not to do that anymore and see what happens
155. Also tackle the idea that your ex-boyfriend’s body validates you in a way and try to see what you would feel for him if you didn’t need that anymore
156. Get home
157. Eat a strawberry yogurt
158. Tweet about Dave Chappelle and trans rights some (pro-both!)
159. Decide to read because you have to get up tomorrow to work even though you really want to watch the third XXX movie you have from the library
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