kanisuru · 6 years
“Any bones broken?”
3 LITTLE WORDS… || starter pack - accepting 
“No?I don’t think so.” Akira winced as he limped over to one of the benches that flanked the soccer pitch.
 The weather had broken just enough to make it comfortable to run around and play. That, and Akira had too much time on his hands with his break from tour just beginning. It had been far to long since he last found himself in a pick up game of soccer. And maybe, just maybe, he was a little overzealous in his excitement. Memories of high school and college colored his focus, and before he knew it, a buddy’s body crushed into him. Sending the poor bassist heavily into the grass, wincing from the sudden rush of pain that shocked his system. Eri would murder him if he was badly injured. Oberon’s guitarist was tiny, but she be very, very mighty. 
“I think I’m just stunned? Need to sit a second.” He nodded, easing himself down and patting the space next to him.  @98east
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futarou · 6 years
( LINE ▷ ทารก 🎨) it doesn't feel right. y know? like…… it can't possibly be a year ago A FULL YEAR n we're already here
LINE ▷ Azzurro: I feel that way about a lot of things when it comes to you. That you would choose me out of all the people in the world. That you would stay? But then I sit back and think that there is no better person to love me than you. One year down and so many more to go. @98east
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room214 · 6 years
Shipping meme!
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theneonfairy-blog1 · 6 years
98east replied to your post: 98east replied to your post: ...
( LINE ▷ glo worm ) you put your trunk on someone it means you like em… that looks so much worse than i thought in my head
{ MSG ➤ Ampan } Ampan!  The things I could say right now.. I’m dyin’ over here!
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ahnjeon · 7 years
⇢ previously with  miyake amory
Her lips are pulling marginally rueful at the touch, this sardonic humour encountering her visage and she replies after allowing a pause, wet slap of her heel skirting the edges of a puddle, the dreary air was pressing in. “I must be a cold bitch, toting you along in the pursuit of happiness.” Hyejin’s melancholy was petty, spiteful in the turn of events that hadn’t allowed her to bite back as hard, a worrying at her lip bleeding her agitation. Taking care to avoid the dark mess of rain water and debris that clung dutifully to the walk, she dares to venture closer once more, hands tucking themselves into her pockets. His response to her incessant prying merely pulls a sharper edge from her tongue to cut into her words, the articulation careful but brittle, “What a mood, Amory. Aren’t you too young for frown lines?”
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daviscre-archived · 7 years
⠏⠓⠕⠝⠑┆ “ Not that I know of, he loves seafood, so keep that in mind. But otherwise yea, wanna show him the best of the city! You'll figure out who is he when we get there. ” Amory laughed at his response.
☆ ┇ “Aish, you aren’t gonna give me a clue? Have you told me about this person before?” He asked curiously knowing how much Amory liked to tease him once in a while. “There are plenty of good seafood restaurants and some have other options aswell, specially if itis a buffé.“
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pijichu · 7 years
KKT ▷ pikachu⚡  💬 girl  💬 u think my memory is a lot better than it is
 💬 what cds were u spose to get? oberon?
( KKT :  모모 🍑 ) ( msg ) i....don’t remember ^^^^ ( msg ) i just wanted to get ur attention ㅋㅋ ( msg ) where u at what’s the view
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ponymkup · 7 years
98east replied to your post “[ KKT ▷ ポニーキャニオン ] ok but if the table doesn't instantly all shut up n...”
[ KKT ▷ ポニーキャニオン ] lmao then just tell him all food is good food! it's not untrue!
[ KKT - Amory 🇯🇵🍣 ] True, and if he can’t appreciate that then... I shouldn’t date him right? 
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mvxnn · 7 years
[ KKT ▷ チビ ] yall got any big summer festivals happening in august? 🎐✨ cause boy i am here for sweet cakes! we’d eat the whole shrine out!!
[ KKT ▷ Meep ] Of course there is ! There's about 3 happening in Seoul the first 
                            3 weeks of August.
[ KKT ▷ Meep ] Our appetites are insatiable my friend. They'll see us coming from                             a mile away
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keybums · 7 years
[ KKT ▷ fruitcake ] they also teach ya how to kiss ass. N WHAT DID YOU GET?! WAS IT DELICIOUS?!
ᴋᴋᴛ 📨 ɢʟᴏʙᴇ ᴛʀᴏᴛᴛᴇʀ 💬 ) OK just OK 💬 ) the tom yum(myfav) was tasty, reallyreally spicy and they didnt skimp on the seasoning + when our green curry came it was OK but it felt like something was missing which surprised me since the reviews were all about the curry @_@ 💬 ) we ordered a ton of dishes cause we couldnt decide on just a few lol 💬 ) can i just say the presentation was LOVELY? like i still have my mango pudding in the fridge, it’s been 3 days but its too cute to eat??? ?? 💬 ) tbhh, i’ve had authentic thai food in thailand so as pretty as it was, itaewon cant fool me !!  💬 ) Hi, i’m kim kibum, a disney U reject who doubles as a food critic
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miyabie-blog1 · 8 years
( message received → @98east )
11. your muse slams mine against a wall hard.
the   two   of   them   are   talking   backstage,   a   sneaky   picture   would   show   them   in   the   grey   &   badly   illuminated   hallway,   surrounded   by   nothing   more   than   cold   concrete.        ❝     look   what   i   found.     ❞       words   are   flying,   drowned   by   notorious   giggling   when   mischief   rocks    h i g h    &    h i g h e r    in   one’s   head.   eojin   fumbles   with   a   toy,   that’s   barely   able   to   be   recognised   as   such   anymore.          now   rather   a   talisman,   he   shoves   it   into   the   other’s   pocket    ...    slowly,   a   smug   grin   carving   more   shadows   into   his   light   features.
❝      she   said   it   would   bring   her   luck,   let’s   see   whether   she   notices.     ❞          a   reassuring   pat   on   amory’s   thigh   before   he   straightens   his   crooked   posture   again.        ❝      though,   i   mean   her   voice   is  ───     ❞           the   boy’s   hushed   all   of   a   sudden,   choking   on   what   is   to   let   him   breathe.         his   shoulder   blades   bruised   by   the   massive   wall   behind   him   as   amory’s   arm   is   pressed   against   his     F R A G I L E     collarbone.            actually   he   would   shove   him   away   the   minute   he   could   get   a   grip   around   the   tightened   muscles   holding   his   body   in   place.  HOWEVER   he   knew   better.      ❝     you   know,   if   we   were   to   be   in   a   different   situation   i   would   melt   into   your   touch.     ❞    eojin   half-jokes,   slightly   wincing   as   he   hears   the   sound   of    i n d i g n a n t    high-heels   &   notices   the   smell   of   worried  petals   about   to   pass   them.   ❝     is   it   her ?!?!     ❞
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kanisuru · 6 years
98east replied to your post “be honest + what do you think martians really look like?”
Amory only narrowed his eyes, studying his brother and his words that danced around his question so cruelly, "You're such an ass! To me n' the Martians. You think beings from Saturn n' Mars would look the same?!"
“How am I an ass?” Akira laughed, “No Martians were offended or harmed in my answers. I said what I thought. That they could look like anything, including you,” He grinned. “I think it’s stupid to believe that aliens are the caricatures in the movies would have us to believe. The possibilities are endless!” Putting an end to his teasing, Akira allowed himself to sober up and nodded. “Of course not, Momo. Just think about their environments and their distance from the sun. Saturn is much further and a bigger planet. There is said to be water on the Saturn as well. So the creatures on there would have to adapt. What do you imagine they look like?” He was curious. 
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futarou · 6 years
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Blue really is the warmest color Happy birthday my love You’re another year older, wiser, and I swear even more beautiful I can’t wait to see what this new journey brings you💙 @vvanderlust.th
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theneonfairy-blog1 · 6 years
98east replied to your post: 98east replied to your photo “This was the...
( LINE ▷ glo worm ) they’re always nosy as fuck, even as adults, you can’t be a private person n try to make friends w an elephant!
{ MSG ➤ Ampan } They were a bit handsy! I got a few shoves and trunk hugs but shit if they ain’t the coolest animals around!
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ahnjeon · 7 years
⇢ previously with miyake amory 
She's left to level her shoulders after lifting one briefly in a half-hearted shrug, her grip on the phone unsteady as she prods at an arrangement of spicy beef that actually didn't taste that bad but was offput by the -- "Chili duck stir? I looked it up before I bought it and I was informed it would be spicy, but this is..." She releases her utensil momentarily to rub at her itching eyelid, a low sigh barely audible against the feedback register as she flips the camera to give him a glimpse of the mini buffet she had on display against her rug. "...do you see it? I got this Yam Nua and a soup also. But the stir fry-- geulssae... it's kind of bitter. Do you think I'll get sick?" The receiving video turns blurry as she fumbles with her non-dominant hand, the audio coming back as a soft scuffle as she situates herself and presses an inky strand back behind her ear as it springs out of her bun before flipping the camera again, her head coming down to rest against her knuckles as she blinks sluggishly at him, a sudden thought occurring to her. "Yah, yah, Amory-ah, don't mention to Kibum I have your contact, he'll nag me for hours about going through his phone if he finds out, okay?"
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daviscre-archived · 7 years
                    98east called for a starter !
☆ ┇It had been a while ago david and amory had been meeting up since their last attempt. even if they lived in two different countries they somehow managed to keep contact, specially through social media and text messages. amory were finally back in seoul for a visit, which david had been looking forward to. they were going to catch up and probably had a lot to talk about. concidering david had been abroad meanwhile they hadn’t been seing eachother. before he headed out he grabbed his phone dialing amorys number waiting for him to pick up.
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