#99% sure she’s just joking or it’s normal friendly flirting
valleynix · 11 months
i don’t know what to do when pretty women flirt with me. help
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knightprincess · 3 years
Stay With Me (Echo x Fem Reader)
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Words: 1553 Warning: None, just a bit of love for Echo
Echo wasn't entirely sure when her touches began to leave invincible burn marks on his skin. He wasn't sure when her voice had began to haunt his quiet moments, but still it had happened. Fives and Jesse had often encouraged him before the Citidal mission, yet he hadn't followed through with it, finding himself somehow terrified by the mere thought of (Y/N) rejecting him, instead he had settled for friendship. Fives had been the one to tell (Y/N) about Echo's fate after the Citidal mission, he'd held her as her heart broke, as she lost control of her tears and as her anger for the situation finally hit her. When Fives was killed Rex was the one to tell (Y/N), yet he had stayed to comfort her, knowing the unhealed feelings from Echo's death had been brought back to the surface, the Captain dare not tell her, his suspicious her beloved Echo was alive, he dared not get her hopes up in case he had to shatter them again. 
Although (Y/N) was a medic, she had found popularity among the 501st, often working along side Kix on the many cruel battlefields. For the most part it didn't effect her, but there were times something had been too much for her to handle. No number of exams and tests could prepare anyone for the harsh reality of war. Echo had taken a particular liking to (Y/N), he had instantly been attracted to her beauty. More than once he'd gotten an injury on purpose just to see her. Kix had caught on quickly but said nothing as he asked (Y/N) to tend to the Arc Trooper. A comment or two slipping from his lips as he did so. Kix had also been the one to encourage her when it come to her unspoken feelings for Echo. Yet he'd seen how much her heart broken when the boys comes back from the Citidal. (Y/N) had planned to tell Echo then and ask him out on a date, instead she had been told of Echo's apparent death. 
Jesse had been the one to tell (Y/N) about the theory of Echo being alive, with Rex's permission, he had told her about the mission to the opposite side of Anaxes with Clone Force 99. About the alga rhythm's voice and the answer given when asked who it was. CT-1409. In that very moment (Y/N) had allowed herself to hope again, her heart had done a few flips at the possibility of her Echo coming back. A lot of troops had noticed you hadn't been the same since Echo and Five's deaths. 
"General Skywalker" spoke (Y/N), as she found the heroic Jedi Knight, he made a point of knowing her after hearing the whispers of his troops. He'd quickly understood why so many of them had taken such a liking to her, not only was she a brilliant medic, but she also showed a love for each of them, always making sure to remember each name and how to tell them apart, a joke or two thrown in while attending to their battle wounds. "Permission to join the mission to Skako minor" she asked, being professional. She had prepared herself for being told to stay behind, she knew there were a lot of troops still in need of medical care, yet she had hope she would be granted permission to go along, offering her medical services should the small team need it. 
"Permission granted (Y/N)" calmly spoke Anakin, placing a hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner, knowing she could offer something many others couldn't. Not only was she positive on the battle field, but she also had skills in other areas. Plus he knew if Echo was there, she'd be one the Arc Trooper wanted to see. "Your skills are valuable. All I ask is you follow my orders. I don't think I could bare for you and Echo to be reunited only for one of you to be lost again" added the Jedi Knight, being sure to make it clear he wouldn't do anything to put her in direct danger. Yet also showing his support for what he could clearly see was there, even if it was something that had previous been unacted on. He could see how much brighter her eyes had become since Jesse had informed her of the discovery. 
The mission to Skako Minor was a success, although (Y/N) had been ordered to stay on the ship. Tech had informed her Echo had been found and they were attempting to make an escape. Just as he had informed her when they had gotten from the city. (Y/N) had waited patiently for the group to arrive, she knew Rex hadn't told Echo, she was there. Almost as he intended on it being a sweet surprise for the Arc Trooper. Especially when he knew Echo needed something, although the medical review with (Y/N) would likely be enough to remind Echo, he was still very much loved and missed during his absence. 
Although the medical review had to wait until the small battle was over. (Y/N) had once again been ordered back to the ship by Anakin, ensuring she would survive it. After it, the group gathered on the Marauder. Each needing some sort of attention. (Y/N) insisting of treating each of them, even if Crosshair and Anakin were being stubborn about not needing it, although she'd given them little choice in the matter. A few comments escaping Tech regarding Crosshair, with the sniper doing his best pout while being treated for the minor head wound. Rex had willingly allowed her to check him over, knowing well she was far more stubborn and generally cared for the well being of every trooper, no matter their rank or which legion they served with. 
Echo had been the last one treated at his own request. Finding himself nervous to be around (Y/N), especially after so long, although he felt his heart beat faster when she neared, he could help but hope she wouldn't look at him as she had done in the past. He hoped she wouldn't look over his with love in her eyes, he didn't want to be the one who let her down, especially when he didn't feel as if he could give her what he once could have. The Arc Trooper flinched slightly upon feeling her soft hands brush over his shoulders as she wrapped a blanket around him, being sure to keep him warm. She soon got to work, being sure to check the implants forced upon him. Although (Y/N) was pleased to have her Echo back, she could see he wasn't the same man he was before, he had lost the pride and confidence he had. Almost as if he had somehow convinced himself she wouldn't see him in the same way, in the short period they'd been reunited. 
"What's my diagnosis?" calmly asked Echo, a hint of the man he'd been peaking through his voice. The smile come back upon eye contact with (Y/N) being made. Yet (Y/N) could see through his unsure act, she could see he was attempting to be who was before to try and regain what he thought he had lost with you. 
"You'll live, although further testing is required in the med-bay" responded (Y/N), her normal soft grin appearing upon her lips, she was pleased to have him back yet found herself unsure how to say it without coming across as needy. The moment her eyes landed on him at the native village, she felt her broken heart begin to mend, she felt as if something she lost had been found again. Echo soon reached out for her hand, as she went to move away, the familiar burn of his skin where she had touched him, reminding him of the brave soldier he was and still could be if someone gave him a chance. 
"Only if you stay with me" responded Echo, as his fingers gently wrapped around her wrist, feeling the familiar yet welcome burn again. The sense of familiarity overwhelming him as she gave him the all to familiar smile filled with love, the same one she had given him multiple times before when he had flirted with her. The same smile that remained with him during his dull time as a prisoner of war, the same smile he was sure the Techno Union got fed up with seeing, as he often used the memory to block them out when he could. 
"You got it Trooper" voiced (Y/N), being sure to memorize every new detail, as she sat next to him. His drastic change in appearance doing little to bother her. She could tell he was still the same Echo, he was still the brave trooper he had been before. All be it a little broken, but she was certain, she could help fix him again, no matter how long it would take. He had unknowingly fixed her broken heart by coming back, so she was more than happy to help fix him in any way she could. Even if it was something as simple as being there when he needed her most. 
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notquitecanon · 5 years
Billionaires, Archers, and Spies, OH MY!  Marvel Criminal Minds crossover pt. 2 (reader insert) ___
Part one! 
Sorry for the horrendous title. Not much about the BAU in this one, but we’re getting there
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When Coulson said ASAP, he meant ASAP. No sooner than you had been settled into a provided apartment, you were escorted to the Airport to fly to an aircraft carrier. There, Coulson introduced you to Maria Hill who gave you access to an office. There you were given file-upon-file about one, Clint Barton.
You built a solid profile based on the files, and then when you felt you had a good basis- you boxed up the files, shut your notebooks, and (as you had been told) pressed a button. Two minutes later, a man in a SHIELD issue suit walked in.
You immediately recognized him as Clint Barton, and smiled at him, “Hello, Agent Barton, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). I’m going to ask you some questions, please answer honestly- there aren’t right or wrong answers.”
“Aren’t there always?” Clint grinned, slouching into the seat across from your makeshift desk. You just quirked an eyebrow as you sat down.
“So let’s start at the beginning. What was your childhood like?” You asked, watching everything from his breathing to how he drummed his fingers on his knees. Hyper Vigilant, channels into constant movement.
He gave a brief overview of his childhood, his parents Edith and Harold, growing up in small-town Iowa, graduating high school, but focusing on his marksmanship afterward.  “If you’re wondering if something traumatic happened, it didn’t.”
“I never assumed, but thank you for the clarification.” You nodded, noticing his aversion to your questioning-hiding something.
“Ok, well, according to your file, Nick Fury hand-picked you for your skills. Marksmanship, archery if I remember correctly? That must have been quite an honor.” You remarked, eyes carefully watching his facial expressions: a huffed (sarcastic) chuckle, a slight smirk, and his eyes flitted out the window looking up- checking for snipers.
“An honor, I guess you could call it that.” He nodded, meeting your eyes again.
“So what would you call your relationship with Director Fury?” You asked.
“Professional, he’s my superior. We’re friendly, he trusts me to get the job done.” He answered, to get the job done. Is he implying that Fury doesn’t completely trust him- or maybe that he doesn’t completely trust Fury?  “He did me a favor, so I trust him as much as he trusts me.”
Interesting wording again, but when he said “favor” his left thumb rubbed his ring finger. His file said unmarried...
“Alright, any girlfriends? longterm partners? Children?” You asked, trying to prove your point. Clint visibly tensed, eyes immediately narrowing in on you.
“No, no, I’m a player through and through. Hook-ups only.” He easily splurged, lying through his teeth. Definitely has a girlfriend- possibly a wife? Obviously doesn’t want it in his file.
To try to relax the clearly agitated agent you simply nodded, “Well, Agent Barton, I’m sure you know how babies are made. Hookups...”
Clint simply shook his head, “No, No, children.”
“Alright, now let’s talk about professionally, you have a nearly perfect success rate. I understand you recently survived an assassination attempt?”
Clint Barton: Loyal to SHIELD, Pride in his work, but not in killing, close emotional ties with Natasha Romanoff, and unnamed girlfriend/wife (not in Files), will follow orders unless he finds a better solution, can work with others, prefers not to. Long-distance specialty- aversion to close up/ slow deaths. Secretive, low to none security risk
Good for the Avengers Initiative.  
As soon as you presented your findings to Director Fury, he had more files sent to you. These files were all labeled [classified] and many of them were mostly redacted.
“Unredacted versions will be available in your office only. I’m eagerly awaiting your next report.” As ever, a man a few words, Nick Fury sent you on your way. This time, you had a couple of weeks to read up on your next interview as she was on a mission.
Natasha Romanoff, Natalia Romanova, Natalie Rushman, Black Widow, your eyes skimmed down the page-long list of aliases. That’s a profile all it of itself, You thought. Next, you read over her accomplishments, both as a Russian spy and as a SHIELD agent. They were extensive. She was a member of the KGB when she was a Soviet (with an unspecified body count). Then, she was brought into SHIELD, where she worked as a normal combat agent before being promoted to strike team delta- then her accomplishments allowed her to keep climbing rank. Skills include excellent marksmanship, more black belts then you cared to count, espionage, seduction, sabotage, hacking, interrogation, and deception. You noted to yourself, a spy of this caliber definitely has training in hiding behavioral traits and tics- might even be able to fake other tics to skew the profile.
A month and a week after interviewing Clint, you opened the door to a stunningly beautiful woman. She was tall- long legs, pale skin, green eyes, body toned from years of training yet still looking like the picture of feminity, blood-red curls that fell almost to her waist. You observed everything, even down to how she was standing, Her stance is meant to come off as unassuming, but actually, she’s already poised to strike if she has to.
“Hello! I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I’m here to ask you a few questions to build a psychological / behavioral profile. Can we get started?” You asked, gesturing to the chair in front of your desk. She nodded, sitting down. Once again, her posture was faux-relaxed- leaned back, legs crossed, arms delicately laid on the armrests, but ready to fight in a split second.
Her emerald eyes watched you as carefully as you watched her, not quite threatening but almost challenging, subtle hostility towards authority? no, maybe other women.
“Well, I have a three-mile-long list of alias, but it doesn’t tell me what you preferred to be called. What can I call you?” You asked, carefully watching her. You registered the nanosecond of confusion before she smoothed the expression, Not used to having a choice.
“I prefer Natasha, thank you.” She nodded to you, and you smiled back.
“Before we get started, I’d like to clarify there are no right or wrong answers, just honest ones, please.” You clarified, noticing how her eyes narrowed, nostrils slightly flared, but no comment as she nodded.
“Alright, let’s start with your life in Russia.” You motioned to her, waiting for her to begin, but she just cocked her head.
“What do you want to know?” The hostility was well masked, but you still caught it. You didn’t comment on it, only thought for a moment how to spark the conversation.
“Just walk me through growing up in Russia, starting as early as you can remember.”  You prompted, watching her try to hide a frustrated sigh.
“My earliest memories are of the red room. That should be in my file.” She brushed off, voice even, not too fast or slow- carefully hiding any defensive tone.
“I know, I was given the files. I’m former FBI and haven’t been here long enough to ask questions. You’ll have to explain it to me.” You apologized. For a long pause, she didn’t say anything, “If you don’t want to talk to me, we can-”
She interrupted, “Ballet lessons, that’s how it started. Then, ballet became a polisher, kept us strong, but lithe. Feminine, but deadly. Then they taught us everything we’d ever need in the field. From flirting to torture.” She divulged, the information was still vague but gave you enough information to prod the conversation.
“So there were other girls with you as well?” You asked, she nodded. Intense competitive conditions among young girls, explains her challenging attitude towards me. “And they taught you...”
“Espionage, seduction, combat, marksmanship, how to blend in and stand out at the same time, deception...” She listed, trailing off. You hid a smirk, not condescendingly, as a joke crossed your mind.
“How to lie.” You remarked, “You could have been a politician.”
She laughed quietly, a laugh which you couldn’t decide if it was fake or she actually thought it was funny, “You think I’m a liar?”
You smiled softly, noting how she was trying to intimidate you, but didn’t comment, “I think you could lie through your teeth and 99% of people in the room would believe you. It’s an impressive talent.”
She smirked, cocking her head slightly, “Would you believe me?”
You shrugged, knowing she was luring you into a trap with either answer, “Are you going to lie to me, Natasha?”
She smiled, showing off perfect rows of pearly white teeth, “Agent (Y/L/N), there’s just some things I can’t tell you.”
You nodded, using the natural pause before moving on, “Let’s move on then, can you tell me about Budapest?”
Her smile faded, “When I worked for the KGB, I had a very specific skill set, and I didn’t care who I used it for. I got on SHIELD’s radar, in a very bad way. I’m sure I was probably on FBI lists and you just didn't know it was me. Well, Director Fury put Clint on my case, to, well, I’m sure you can guess. But He made a different call, and once I defected from the KGB and renounced Russia, he gave me a second chance. I felt like I owed it to him to try to fix what I had done- at least my targets now are bad people.”
“So- for lack of better word- Redemption influenced you to work in SHIELD?” You asked, watching her carefully. She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“I’m not naive enough to look for redemption.” She stated, before eyeing you up and down, “What are you really doing here?”
It was your turn to be smug, smirking as you started, “Agent Romanoff, there’s just some things that I can’t tell you.”
She chuckled, glancing down at her hands. You cleared your throat, “Just one more question, were you aware of Clint Barton’s wife?”
Her shock actually registered, telling you that your suspicions were correct, and also that she probably knew her personally, “He told you about them?”
Them, not her, which means more than one: children. You smiled, proud of your deductions, but shook your head no, that he didn’t tell you.
“Oh, you’re good.”
Natasha Romanoff: Spy/Seductress personality traits, Only appears to completely trust Clint Barton, but Nick Fury seems to be a close second. Alpha female- flirty (manipulative) towards men, abrasive around other women until they prove themselves / or aren’t a threat to her position. Prefers close quarters combat- uncharacteristic of female assassins but registers high levels of confidence, control, and discipline. Eager for redemption/ paying her debts- seems to want to do good. This paired with her high levels of training can make for a ruthless weapon in the right hands (even if it’s her own). Not necessarily a team player, but knows how to manipulate people around her to further her mission.
As for the Avengers Initiative, as long as Agent Barton is present (to have at least one person she trusts), if given separate orders could potentially point other team members in the most effective direction.
Approved at Director's discretion.
The next time you saw Natasha, it was two months later and you were asking about Tony Stark. You already watched all relevant interviews, spoken to both Phil and Nick, and read all the files available to you. Natasha was undercover in Stark Industries (at the moment) and had dealt with Stark one-on-one. The spy seemed more relaxed around you, even pausing the conversation to open a bit.
“I noticed you didn’t put ‘wife and kids’ into Clint’s file.” She started, to which you nodded, “I really appreciate it, His family means everything to him, and he pisses off some powerful people- it’s best no one knows.”
“I know. His family was the only thing he lied about, and Director Fury didn’t admit it, but definitely already knew. Which means the only reason to put it in there would be spite, and Clint seems like a good guy- like a asshole, but a good guy." You explained.
Natasha snorted a laugh, “Yeah that’s Clint.”
“Speaking of Assholes, Tony Stark. What can you tell me about him?”
“Deep down, deep, deep, down- he wants to be a good guy.” She nodded thoughtfully. The wording caught your attention.
“Wants to be?” You quirked an eyebrow. She sent you a tight-lipped smirk.
“He hit’s some roadblock- every time.” She nodded, to which you nodded.
“Keep me updated?” You asked, tapping your pen against a grainy shot of an iron man suit flying through white clouds.
“If it goes according to plan, I’ll get you an undercover interview.” She smiled, flipping perfect curls over her shoulder. She kind of felt like a super intimidating version of Prentiss.
“Thanks, Nat, you’re the best.” You flinched at your own words, noticing her tense and then relax.
“That’s what they keep telling me,” She smiled, and your tension fell away too. “See you around.”
“Hello, Mr. Stark, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), I’m a writer for a psychological magazine. I’m working on an article about the psychology of billionaire superheroes-” You started, but the cocky billionaire interrupted you. It was now September, and you had been waiting for the interview since July. 
“There’s more than one? I should start a book club.” He chuckled, swirling a whiskey drink in one hand It’s ten AM, alcoholic tendencies as Nat reported. It was probably best he didn’t know you worked for SHIELD, as he was more relaxed around you now.  You faked a laugh, blushing as if you were flustered.
“You’re right, few and far between. But, uh, superheroes are a hot topic right now, billionaire superheroes, the public is interested. And also, as you’ve said in interviews, you don’t trust the military to have your tech- so the public wants to know if your...”
You nodded, finally, he motioned for you to sit across from him, which you did quickly, “So let’s begin, we’re going to build a psychological profile based off of behavioral analysis.”
“I’ve read about that science, in fact, I’ve been following the Behavioral Analysis Unit from the FBI- David Rossi’s books are fascinating. Don’t you think?” The question caught you off guard, bringing back intrusive thoughts of your team- all the phone calls you were told to ignore, the purposely left signs that Penelope tried to hack your computer, Reid still emailed you a weekly reading list.
You snapped back to reality, lying easily, “Yes, I’ve actually learned some of my techniques from BAU lectures. David Rossi and Dr. Spencer Reid, Agent Aaron Hotchner would occasionally guest lectures.”
“Well, sweetheart, show me what you learned.” He told you, spreading his arms as if to say ‘hit-me-with-you-best-shot’ meanwhile, you inwardly cringed at ‘sweetheart’.
“Alright then, let’s start with early life and childhood.” You prompted, pretending to take notes as he began recounting his life story. You didn’t pay much attention to his words, so much as his actions, which made it easier to tell when he was lying, exaggerating, or under-exaggerating.
Control issues, perhaps to deal with feelings of helplessness- even though he’s a super genius, God Reid never shut up about it. Narcissistic tendencies, which normally doesn’t pair with a savior complex. Alcoholic tendencies, possibly remnants of a bad relationship with his father. Flinches when he moves in certain ways, either still hurting or phantom pains from his time held hostage. Early stages of PTSD?  
Finally, he closed his epic tale as he got up and made another drink, “And here we are together now. Isn’t life funny like that?”
“It’s strange, I’ll give you that. And how’s your current life?” You asked, he offered a cocky grin, running his hand through his disheveled hair and downing his drink. The cocky attitude didn’t reach his eyes, you noted that.
“Me? I’m living the life. Now, let me answer your real question. Why I won’t let my tech go to the government- and why I’m qualified to keep it?”
“That’s a jump. But if you’d like to tell me....” Something you want to get off your chest, Stark?
“When I was held hostage over there, it was because my tech got into the wrong hands. Then I got back and became acutely aware of how many people had been injured because of my negligence. Then I thought to myself, I can hand over some weapons solely to the military, that’ll fix the problem, right? wrong. The military is controlled by politicians, politicians who have agendas. Me? I have no agenda. With tech in my hands, I can go fix problems myself- no bureaucracy.”
Survivor’s guilt. Dangerously independent which feeds into his savior complex. He will not play well with others. Definite signs of depressive self-loathing and self-placed blame.
“Wants to be a good person, but hit’s a roadblock every time.”
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. I have everything I need. Thank you for your honesty.”
Tony Stark: Classic narcissist, paired with a savior complex (likely caused by survivors' guilt, heightened feeling of responsibility, and guilt from his weapons being sold on the black market). Control issues. Will not follow orders, always thinks he knows a better way. Substance abuse issues are likely, alcoholic tendencies are confirmed. Sex addiction is highly likely. These are escapist tendencies. Early signs of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Issues from childhood include a bad relationship with his father (never felt true validation from an unavailable father figure, mother never stepped in). Butler, Jarvis (not to be confused with his AI) seemed to be the primary influence in his upbringing. (Mentioned Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter more than once, bitter with Steve and fond with Peggy)
Avengers initiative: He’s self-obsessed, volatile, will not work well with others. But no matter if he’s part of the team or not, it is almost certain that he will inject himself into any global/ SHIELD conflict.
Rejected, even though he will involve himself regardless of SHIELD decision.
In November of 2010, you were called into a meeting with Fury, 
“This is good work, agent.” Director Fury nodded as you thumbed through the file on Tony Stark. He read over the profile, but didn’t show any emotion.
“Thank you, sir, but I have a feeling that I didn’t tell you anything you didn’t already know.” You replied, watching his eye as he switched to the file on Natasha. 
“You confirmed some suspicions. This will help me convince my higher-ups.” He affirmed, dropping the file on his desk with a quiet thump. You quirked an eyebrow, a small smirk on your lips. 
“You have higher-ups?” You asked, wondering who on Earth was brave enough to give Nick Fury orders. He was like the dark, scary version of Hotch. 
“We all have superiors, agent.” He replied lowly, his eyebrow raising in a way that told you he wasn’t angry but not to press the matter. “You know these were the easy ones, right?” 
“I wouldn’t say that Tony Stark was easy to deal with.” You muttered as he slid another file across. The cover read ‘Dr. Bruce Banner / The Hulk’. 
“I want a profile of Bruce Banner, and a separate one on the Hulk.” He stated, and your eyes flicked to him. You remembered watching the news at the BAU, as the Hulk tore through Harlem. Spencer went on and on about Dr. Banner’s theories in astrophysics, and then the theories that surrounded Dr. Banner’s.... condition.  
“Didn’t Bruce Banner fall off the face of the earth after the Harlem incident?” You asked, ignoring the task of profiling the Hulk. He nodded, turning his computer monitor around. It had several red dots throughout the middle east and down into India. 
“We’ve been following his whereabouts. You will not be conducting an interview, but just build me a profile based off these files, we’ll be bringing in a few other people who had contact with both Banner and the Hulk, and you can interview them.” He explained, leaving very little room for argument. 
“Yes, sir. But, I just need to make sure you understand that these are all secondhand sources, so the profile won’t be near as accurate. And, I’m afraid there won’t be much on the Hulk to profile.” You admitted, collecting the files as you got up. 
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something, Agent.” He called as you left, for the first time feeling uneasy about your position in SHIELD.
Two months. Two months to build a preliminary profile on your Jekyll/Hyde situation. Two months of reading files, trying to understand his old scientific journals, talking to other scientists who worked with him, and reviewing his childhood through the documents SHIELD could get his hands on. 
You looked over your glass board (making you nostalgic for all the cases you has laid out on boards like this, only now you were working alone), printed out photos (mostly of Bruce, but also of Betty and Thaddeus Ross, a few of project Rebirth, and a lot of the Hulk), dry-erase marker notes, a tentative timeline of his life, and red string connecting relevant ideas. 
Real name Robert Bruce Banner (10/18/1969),  M.D., 7 Ph. D.s, expertise in biochemistry, thermonuclear physics, and specifically in GAMMA radiation. (which was used in the creation of the original supersoldier, Captain Steve Rogers WW2)  
Reid would be jealous, he’s only got 4. 
Strained relationship with father- from feelings of incompetence/invalidation- possibly what pushed him to constantly overachieve. Went to Harvard, was apart of hallucinogen research trials. 
Then a red string connected that thought to one, Betty Ross. 
Know a romantic relationship with Betty Ross, after graduation moved with her to Virginia together and were instructors at Culver University. Went on tenure in late 90s, met Erik Selvig- another astrophysicist, and worked on Electron collisions with gamma radiation. 
Is this a constant overachiever or just someone who knew his potential? 
Up until 9/11 he led a relatively normal life (for a super genius)
Project Rebirth was where it got fishy. Thaddeus Ross (presently General Ross, I had the pleasure of dealing with him with the BAU in the anthrax scare of 2009)  father of Betty Ross (Bruce Banner’s then-girlfriend). Tasked with recreating the original super-soldier serum. Knowing of his daughter’s boyfriend’s talents (and of his own ability to possibly manipulate Banner) he recruited Dr. Banner without telling him the truth of what he was working on- that’s why Banner chose Gamma radiation, thinking he was combating radiation poisoning. 
ingrained mistrust of authority/father figures, but not likely to act on it. Will keep striving to impress/ complete work. probably why he prefers solace. 
Thinking his work was combatting radiation poisoning, and completely on the right track, he tested it on himself- hoping to impress both Ross’s. Of course, since this was now weaponized gamma radiation, it went terribly wrong. Prompting his first transformation into the Hulk. During which, two doctors and a soldier were killed, and Ross’s were among the injured. Overwhelmed with guilt, he escaped to Canada- evading multiple capture attempts. Attempted suicide by gunshot on top of a mountain in Alaska (2006) 
eager to impress father figures until another one betrays him, driven by severe guilt, depressive tendencies, unsuccessful suicide attempt. 
Escaped to South America and lived in hiding for 2 years until his location was discovered. He transformed into Hulk before returning to America. Stayed hidden for a couple days before the ‘battle at Culver university’ marking the first public appearance of the Hulk. Upon provocation, Hulk took Dr. Ross with him. 
Two years without an incident. Bruce Banner has to have a good handle on that anger. Which makes him still extremely organized despite it all.
A few days later, Banner was found in custody and taken in by an Emil Blonsky (special forces) his file was extremely redacted. so that’s all I know on him. After being taken into custody, a second ‘Hulk’ appeared in Harlem. A bitter fight pursued, and with its conclusion, Bruce Banner was in the wind again and still is. Rumors include the middle east, rumors of a Hulk spotting at a destroyed terrorist base.  
With the Hulk, you had less to work with, mostly grainy photos and videos. You had biased first-hand accounts from General Ross, Doctor Ross, Samuel Stern, and a handful of soldiers. The least biased was Betty’s interview but she was very much so still in love with him, so the cognitive interview wasn’t much help. The biggest help you had was the videos of the Hulk in actions of which there weren’t many.  Even though they were helpful to the profile, it was like watching videos unsubs would send in- unsettling, scary, and sad. 
Preliminary ONLY- this is a tentative profile, it could be largely inaccurate without further information. 
Bruce Banner: Reclusive loner type. Can and will survive on his own. Beyond Genius level IQ. High distrust for the government. Goes without saying, but anger issues. Extremely organized. The limited current information makes it hard to complete the profile, but the medical work
Avengers initiative: With his high distrust of the government, it’s more than likely he’ll just be a security risk. And despite his level of control, it will also make him a safety risk to those around him. Unless you require someone with a knowledge of gamma radiation, you’re better off with another astrophysicist. 
The Hulk: Despite the low level of control that Dr. Ross reported after the incident, it is clear that no one can control the Hulk. He can be pointed in a direction, but that level of rage is indicative of the lowest form of control and in most cases intelligence. The Hulk will not take orders. This is a stone best left unturned. 
 “Director Fury will be pleased with your progress. I think you’ve earned some time off, take a week and when you get back we’ll have more work for you.” Coulson told you in early February as you handed over all your research. You quirked an eyebrow.
“Now that you’ve run out of things for me to do? Am I allowed to visit my old team?” You asked, as he began to leave.  Phil turned back to you, with a smile that almost reminded you of a younger version of Rossi. 
“As long as you don’t compromise SHIELD intelligence, I don’t care what you do.” He assured, closing the door on his way out. You breathed a laugh, pulling your old go-bag out from under your desk- old habits die hard. 
more BAU interaction in the next part I promise!! 
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santiagoswagger · 7 years
fic: i feel a change comin’ on
Also on AO3
Jake sighed as he stared at the street beyond his dusty windshield. Running a hand through his already mussed hair, he reclined further back in his faux leather seat. His back cracked with relief at the movement; he’d been sitting still for so long in this tiny box of a car. He had endured this stakeout for four hours already, which would normally be fine, but he was beginning to run out of the sour candies he’d brought with him. He’d been feeling extra snacky tonight. His back cracking was the most interesting thing to happen in the last hour at least. His car companion visibly winced at the sound of the crack ringing through the air, cutting through smirk wide on his face, even as his bleary eyes struggled to focus on her in the dim lighting.
“Does that turn you on, Santiago?” She rolled her eyes in response, just the reaction he had been hoping for. “I can do it again…with other body parts too.” His eyebrows wiggled up and down suggestively as he stared her down. Amy was having none of it; she’d heard better, even from him. The stakeout was taking a lot out of both of them. It had been a last-minute assignment from the Captain and they’d both had to give up Saturday night plans. Jake had whined about it for the first hour they’d been sequestered in the car. Time had trickled by slowly and she was reaching the end of her Peralta patience quota for the day.
“I will never understand why women willingly choose to go out with you,” she said with disdain, her eyes darting from the windshield back to him. “You have the maturity of a golden retriever puppy.”
Jake gasped, his eyes twinkling with delight. He only teased her because he knew she’d give it right back to him. He had never met a worthier adversary than Amy Santiago, even if he did think she was a giant nerd. “That hurts, Santiago!” She rolled her eyes again. “But the joke’s on you because golden retrievers are the best dogs – everyone agrees! Besides, the ladies love Jake.” Amy chose to ignore him, grabbing a pair of binoculars from her bag in the backseat so she could keep her hands busy. The perp they were looking for, a high-level Russian drug dealer, was supposed to be hiding out in the nondescript apartment building Jake and Amy were now parked in front of. She trained her binoculars on some of the building’s lit windows, hoping to spot their guy so this godforsaken stakeout could come to a close and she could get home to her sweatpants and a bottle of red wine.
Jake took the opportunity to stare at her surreptitiously from the corner of his eye, something he had gotten pretty good at in his years on the force. He had the hardest time reading Amy and it frustrated him to no end; he wasn’t sure if it was because it made him question his skills as a detective or if he truly wanted to know what was going on in Santiago’s brain for another reason entirely. He wasn’t sure which was worse.
Since Amy had joined the team at the 99th precinct six months ago, she and Jake had struck up a friendly rivalry. Their first meeting had been pleasant enough and Jake had been excited to get some new blood on the force, and Charles’ weird and awkward ‘wedding bells’ comment aside, Jake knew from the personnel file he’d stolen from McGinley’s desk before her arrival that Amy was smart and had maintained a great arrest record at her last precinct. All of his hopes for a new partner in crime were dashed, however, when Amy looked through the files crowding his desk that first day and found a new lead on Jake’s coldest case. That new lead led to an arrest by the end of the week, something that had eluded Jake for the past two years. Rosa hadn’t failed to point that fact out when they went to Shaw’s to celebrate Amy’s success, Jake would even say she’d done it gleefully. A fire had begun to burn within Jake, his sense of competition igniting for revenge. The next day, he sat down at his desk across from Amy’s and proposed a bet: the first detective to find a new lead on a cold case by the end of the week had to do the other’s paperwork for a month. Amy had agreed readily, her left eyebrow raised in challenge. Jake had won that bet, delighted when Amy threw a pen at him out of shock and anger at the loss.
Thus, a great rivalry was born. The bets hadn’t stopped since. Jake kind of hoped they never did.
Jake was lost in thought, scanning the area around the car for signs of their perp. He reached for his thermos to take a sip of coffee. He was mid-swallow when Amy cleared her throat. “Speaking of ladies…” Jake nearly spit out his coffee, swallowing quickly and trying to ignore the burning in his throat as he turned to look at his partner. She was still staring out of her binoculars at the apartment building, her face unreadable. Jake and Amy never talked about their personal lives, especially at work. They knew a bit about each other’s families, of course, and she would occasionally mention a detail about a date when they were all out at the bar, but Amy was a true professional and refused to talk about sex with her coworkers. Jake had made it his mission to get her to talk about it with him ever since their first stakeout. “Didn’t you have a date last night? With that girl from the bar?”
Her tone was casual but Jake detected something else there. It sounded like she was being careful with her words. “Yeah, Jessica. The nurse.”
Amy whipped her head over in his direction at the word ‘nurse’, a playful gleam in her eye Jake had become all too familiar with. Her ponytail swung in time with her head and she lowered her binoculars to her lap. The perp could wait. “A nurse? Isn’t that every straight white guy’s biggest wet dream? Did you finally get to play doctor, Peralta?” There was that tone again. It was teasing, but there was a new aggression in her voice Jake wasn’t used to hearing. He was, however, delighted that she had used the phrase ‘wet dream.’
Jake laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to navigate this topic with his partner. They were friends, or at least friendly, and friends talked about their relationships. He couldn’t help but feel like they were quietly crossing an invisible threshold. “Eh, it was just dinner. She got pretty drunk and I had to put her in a cab at 9 pm. We didn’t even make it to dessert. I don’t think there’ll be a second date.”
Amy laughed out loud. She wasn’t totally surprised the date had been a dud: Jake was pretty open about his dating life, and she saw the women he flirted with at Shaw’s when the squad went out for drinks every Friday. For a guy who loved a challenge at work, he seemed to have no patience for them in his personal life. Not that she was interested in his personal life. Obviously. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a Jessica that could hold her liquor. That was your first mistake, Peralta. My brother Anton dated a girl named Jessica once. She only had two glasses of punch at the Santiago New Year’s Eve party before she started doing the world’s worst McConaughey impression. My abuela was not amused.”
Jake’s eyes bugged out as he laughed along with her. He loved adding more personal details to his armory – it was more ammunition to tease her with. “One, we are definitely going to talk more about the Santiago New Year’s Eve party soon.” Amy smirked in response. “Two, are you jealous, Santiago?”
Amy sputtered with her whole body, her binoculars flying to the floor of the passenger seat with the convulsion. “What? No! Why would I be jealous of Jessica?”
Jake leaned back in his seat, hands above his head like he was lounging in a pool chair and not in his musty car by the docks in Brooklyn. “Oh, Santiago. I get it. You’re probably wondering what it would be like to date the best detective in the NYPD.” He fixed her with his trademark Peralta smolder. “If you’re thinking it would blow your mind, you’re right.”
Amy snorted loudly. “I can’t date myself, Peralta.” He gasped, clutching his hand to his heart through his stakeout hoodie. “Besides, I can get dates of my own. I had one last night too, in fact.”
Well, this was a surprise to Jake. He liked to think of Amy as a nun; a nerdy, doily-obsessed nun. The sensible, neutral-colored pantsuits she wore to work every day certainly helped fuel this image. He hesitated a moment before responding: “Oh, did you? Santiago, it doesn’t count if other people can’t see him.” He defaulted to bantering with her to cover his momentary lapse. It wasn’t that Jake didn’t think Amy was desirable to men, even he knew she was attractive. It had to be shock that she was volunteering this information willingly (at work, no less!) that had thrown Jake off. Luckily for him, she didn’t seem to pick up on his pause, indignant over his accusation that her date had been an invisible friend.
She scrunched up her face in annoyance and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, shut up, Peralta! He’s a real person.” She crossed her arms and huffed. Her patience quota was really running low. They were approaching hour five of the stakeout with no perp in sight and her legs were starting to cramp from sitting stiffly in Jake’s disgusting car for so long. “I’m very capable of getting real dates with real men.” She bent down to pick up her forgotten binoculars from the floor, pointing them back at the apartment building. She was determined not to give Jake the satisfaction of looking at him. “Maybe you’re the jealous one.”
Her words filled the air between them, hitting Jake like a pile of bricks. Jake, jealous of other men, over Amy Santiago? Nerdy, rule-following, pantsuit-wearing, grammar Nazi, annoying Amy Santiago?  The Amy Santiago that drove him nuts and solved his cases? That Amy Santiago?
Nope. She was straight-up insane.
As Jake opened his mouth in indignation to tell her exactly that, Amy spotted movement in one of the lit windows of the apartment building. “Peralta, I found our guy!”
They moved quickly into action, their legs desperate to escape the confines of the car. Within ten minutes, the perp had been collared and read his rights, and the relief team arrived to take him to the precinct to be processed so Amy and Jake could go home. As Jake handed the dealer over to his fellow officers, Amy came up behind him. She looked almost contrite and her arms were hanging awkwardly at her sides, like she didn’t know what to do with them. “You know I was just kidding about you being jealous, right? And I don’t think all girls named Jessica are lightweights – I’m sure she’s a great girl.”
Wisps from Amy’s ponytail had come loose from their confines during the arrest and she pushed them back behind her ear, Jake’s eyes following the movements of her hands. Amy never apologized to him and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. “You’re a good guy, Jake. Any girl would be lucky to go out with you.” She smiled at him, and he returned it.
“Thanks, Santiago. You’re a good guy too.” She laughed and the tension that had seemed to linger between them before dissipated at the sound. As they walked back to Jake’s car so he could take her to her own ride, he was struck with the sudden realization that she had never called him by his first name before.  
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