#9mitm friday
astraysimp · 5 months
♡Hi pookies! It’s 9mitm friday and boy have I been waiting for this one!I have been planning this one for soooooooo long….so I am so ready and excited to get this one out!♡ Nessa.exe has malfunctioned♡
Summary: Seungmin has never been into the party scene, but his friends still bug him about going out. But, why would he when he has you and his tiny pochacco at home?
Warnings: college!bf dad Seungmin,Seungmin’s friend are annoying, mad seungmin(not towards you or baby), FLUFF FLUFF MARSHMALLOW FLUFF, soft seungmin, cussing, petnames, fem!reader, lots of pochacco
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Seungmin had just been released from his last lecture. It was Friday, which meant that you didn’t have any classes that day. So, Seungmin knew you would be at your shared apartment with your baby Min Jun. He was looking forward to being able to have his peaceful weekend with you and his baby.However, Seungmin’s friends, Hyunjin and Jisung, had other plans. Seungmin’s plans never included going out and getting drunk. Typically consisting of going back to your apartment, wearing sweats or pajamas and unwinding for the weekend. Oh, and lots of time with the baby.
As he was walking out of his lecture hall and off campus, he felt two hands place themselves on each of his shoulders. “Hey, Seungmin! You down to go to the club tonight?” Hyunjin had asked, smiling at the younger boy. “No, I'm just going to go home to y/n and Minjun.” Whining, Jisung pouted, “But you never go out with us anymore! Come on!” He drawled out, stomping his foot. They always said this, every single time. Hyunjin nodded, “Yeah! Just one night, come on man! It’s been so long since we’ve gone out together!” Hyunjin added.
Seungmin could feel himself getting frustrated. No matter how many times he told them he didn’t like clubbing, he didn’t like parties, he didn’t like drinking…..they never got it. Groaning, Seungmin rebutted, “You guys know I don’t like that type of scene.Why do you keep asking?” He argued, adjusting the straps of his backpack on his shoulder. Quick to butt back in, Jisung replied, “because, you never go out with us, anymore! We’re young and in college, for God’s sake!” “Yeah, we gotta enjoy our youth, bro!” Hyunjin chimed in. Seungmin didn’t care that he was in his 20’s and in college or that he was ‘supposed’ to be out getting drunk at any chance he got. What was in the fun in waking up with a massive hangover, pounding headache and nauseated feeling the next day?
They were soooooo persistent, and Seungmin was growing mad. Usually, he would say no until the two boys gave up and went on their ways. But, for some reason, today they never gave up. Only continuing to badger, pester, poke and prod at their friend until the rubber band of usual his calm collective demeanor broke and all hell broke loose with it. With each playful shove, his anger only built, nearing the end of his rope, before he snapped. Seungmin was practically seeing red. He was livid.
“Maybe, I don’t go out because I DON’T FUCKING LIKE IT. I DON’T LIKE PARTIES AND CROWDS AND GETTING PLASTERED. I LIKE QUIET AND CALM AND DID YOU FORGET I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND BABY I GO HOME TO?! I KNOW YOU TWO LONELY FUCKERS DON’T HAVE SIGNIFICANT OTHERS OR BABIES TO LOVE ON, BUT I DO! AND I WANT TO BE HOME WITH THEM SO STOP FUCKING TRYING TO GET ME TO GO OUR AND FUCKING PARTY! IT’S NOT HAPPENING!” He snapped, shoving their hands off of him and storming away from them and towards your apartment building, still cursing under his breath. Hyunjin and Jisung’s jaws dropped, never having seen Seungmin so mad.
But, they were the ones to cause it.
Hopefully, the 10 minute walk to the apartment complex would cool him down. Maybe, feeling the wind blow through his soft brown locks, or the sun on his face or the slightly chilled breeze would help him relax. He didn’t want to return to your apartment, to you and your baby, with a sour attitude. So, picking out his airpods, he pushed them into his ears and hit shuffle on his playlist, already feeling slightly more calm.
When he was about 5 minutes away, he heard a soft ding play through his airpods, causing a brief and momentary pause in his music. It was a text from you, with a picture of your baby asleep on your chest, both of you clad in pochacco pajamas and a pochacco blanket strewn over you.
“Little pochacco is resting before papa gets home <3”
You had sent that text, albeit sleepily. Your fingers tiredly swiping over the keyboard, before you hit send and set your phone down. You, too, fell asleep waiting for Seungmin to come home.
Making his casual 10 minute walk to your apartment complex, he felt himself cooling off. But, he was still mad. He told Hyunjin and Jisung time and time and time again that no, he doesn’t like going out and partying. Why couldn’t they get it through their thick skulls and stop pestering him about it. Seungmin was never the one to go out and party, much preferring his peace and quiet.
Before he met you,while other college kids were partying, he would be in his dorm playing video games, or at quiet cafes with an iced americano or in the library studying. You were the same way, and in fact, that was how you met.
You were freshmen and it was a Friday night, and Seungmin had just entered the cafe he normally went to, and saw you sitting at a corner table, sipping an iced caramel latte with sweet cold foam and caramel drizzle, made with oat milk instead of dairy milk– which he came to know as your favorite drink and one he would order many many times in the future– perched in your hand. You were wearing a cute soft blue hoodie, the words “it’s okay” embroidered on the back, a pair of black leggings on your legs, white converse and baby blue fuzzy socks on your feet. He remembered how you had glasses perched on your nose, slightly falling as you read your book, and how your hair had tied up into a loose bun with a scrunchy.
Mostly, he remembered how nervous he felt when he saw you, the air having been knocked out of him when you caught him staring and gestured for him to come to your table. A soft smile on your face, you pushed your glasses up the bridge of your nose. “Hi there….I’m y/n.” You had introduced yourself, a soft giggle leaving your pink glossed lips. “Hi. I-I’m Seungmin.” He stuttered back. From that day on, 4 years ago, you and Seungmin had become inseparable. So inseparable to the point that everyone on your campus knew you two as “Mr and Mrs.Kim”.
When you were pregnant, you two were always together. Finding out you were expecting was scary and you cried as you told Seungmin.The two of you were still in college, your futures not even started yet. “Minnie, I’m pregnant,” you cried, burying your face in his chest. “I know, baby. It’s going to be okay,” he shushed, rubbing soothing circles onto your back. Peeking up at him you sniffled, “w-what? What do you mean ‘you know?” He only chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Bubs, I know you like the back of my hand. We’ve been together for 4 years, I track your periods. I figured it out when your app said you were late.” Oh. You smiled up at him, soft sniffles still escaping your, “Oh, okay.” You, in the end, knew it would be okay. With Seungmin, it would always be okay.
As your pregnancy progressed, he was there through it all. Every craving, every bout of morning sickness, doctors appointment, parenting class, baby shower, gender reveal, every Braxton Hicks contraction. He was there through it all, and the same went for your labor and delivery. It was a long 25 hours, but he was there for it all. Letting you squeeze his hands as contractions ripped through your body. He saw you get the epidural, even though it scared him watching the doctors push the needle into your lower back. He held your leg as you pushed, he cried when the nurses announced your baby’s head was crowning and he sobbed when he heard the shrill cries of your newborn son and saw him be placed on your chest.
Finally approaching your apartment complex, he let himself in with his keycard and walked to the elevator. Going home to you and Min Jun, who was now 8 months old, was his favorite part of the day. Humming, he pressed the button that would carry him to the 3rd floor of the complex, where you and Min Jun would be. He was growing giddy as he stepped into the elevator, hearing soft music play as the electronic doors closed. The short minute and a half ride felt too long for him.
Smiling to himself, he saw the panel show that he reached the 3rd floor, and the doors opened. Almost home, he was almost home. Holding his key in his hand, he speed walked down the hall, his eyes beaming. Ah, his beloved apartment 306.
You and Seungmin had gotten your apartment a year into your relationship having decided that 1. Dorms sucked and 2. It would just be better to live together. You were always together so it just made sense. Plus, you and Seungmin preferred the quietness an apartment offered. Your apartment was the perfect mix of you and Seungmin’s personalities. It was cozy, homely, warm and inviting. The walls painted a creme color, soft creme colored furniture making itself home. The apartment always smelled of a soft vanilla scent, thanks to your candles or wax melts or baking.
Unlocking the door, he toed his outdoor shoes off in exchange for his pochacco slippers. He saw how the kitchen was clean, dishes washed and on the drying rack. Min Jun’s high chair sitting next to your small dining table. Smiling, he softly shut the door and left his backpack on the table. “Baby, pup, I’m home!” He called out, after shrugging his denim jacket off, and walked towards the living room.
He loved the living room, pictures of you, Seungmin and Min Jun adorning the walls. Your soft cream colored couch and recliner facing opposite the tv. On the couch were soft powder blue throw pillows that you picked out, claiming they “added a cozy touch.” There was a powder blue blanket laying over the back of the couch, added for cuddle sessions or just being chilly. Next to the couch was a cream colored round coffee table, with a lamp and framed picture of the three of you seated on it. In the space between was a cream colored coffee table. Littered with pictures, a baby bottle(usually), occasionally a random plate or mug. Then, there was the rug. Which shockingly was hard to find, some being too bad and some too small. You and Seungmin thought it would be easy to find, but it wasn’t. So, you two were elated, when you found that one. It was soft, plush and powder blue in a rounded square shape and the perfect size.
Then, some of his favorite pieces of furniture. Baby Min Jun’s play mat and tummy time area. Baby toys messily scattered around the floor. Both are pochacco themed, obviously. You and Seungmin often laid on the floor, playing with Min Jun, playing blocks with him, showing him baby books or just simply enjoying tummy time with him– you loved tummy time.
It was quiet when he called out, where he’d normally be met with a “Hi baby!” and baby giggles. Seungmin was confused, as he walked into the living room. Then, he saw you and Min Jun. The two of you asleep on your couch, you and your back with Min Jun laying on you. His cheek was pressed to your chest, pochacco pacifier nestled between his lips and a pochacco blanket laying over you two. It melted his heart. Seungmin knew you didn’t have classes that day, you never did on Fridays, and that meant a day of relaxing with your little pochacco.
With soft footsteps, he approached where you lay on the couch, you looked peaceful and content. He knelt down, placing a soft kiss to your forehead and gently swept a few stray hairs from your face. “Hey, lovebug. I’m home.” He whispered, the back of his knuckle grazing your cheek. His heart swelled, overcome with love at the sight of his girlfriend and son.
The sound of his voice woke you , causing you to softly whine, as your eyes fluttered open and fell upon the sight of your Seungmin. Yawning, you sleepily smiled at him, “hi Minnie,” you whispered, your hand securing a still sleeping Min Jun to your chest. “Hi my girl, you do anything fun ” he asked. Nodding, you rubbed your eyes with your spare hand before pecking his lips. You shook your head, feeling your little pochacco wiggle on your chest. “No, just cleaned and relaxed, waiting for you.” You answered.
Min Jun has always been a heavy sleeper. So, you and Seungmin never had issues with getting to sleep through the night. However, as heavy a sleeper as Min Jun is, he always could sense when mama or papa pochacco moved, arrived, or left. It was almost as if his mama and papa senses set off alarms in his little chubby 8 month old body; that told him something was adorable. You supposed that he got it from you and Seungmin. The two of you, also being able to sense any slight change in movement when it came to each other. It was the cutest thing, truly.
Seungmin had just placed a short quick kiss to your lips, before the sounds of soft whines and whimpers were escaping from Min Jun’s pouted ones. Chuckling, Seungmin kissed his forehead, smoothing the rustled soft black hairs on Min Jun’s head. “Ah, why is my pochacco whining?” Seungmin asked, as Min Jun’s eyes, identical, to his own, looked back at him. As if he were responding, Min Jun whined again, one of his chubby hands reaching out towards his papa pochacco, Seungmin.
Holding onto his papa’s finger, Min Jun blinked his big brown eyes up at Seungmin. Min Jun put Seungin’s finger in his mouth, the pacifier long forgotten. It was a sign that he was hungry and it made you giggle. It made Seungmin’s heart melt every time, looking at a miniature version of himself. Smiling, you patted Min Jun’s, pochacco onesie covered, bum and rubbed his back. “Are you hungry, my pochacco?” You asked, as he started gumming away at Seungmin’s finger. The feeling of his son’s wet, saliva covered, gums mouthing at his finger made him cringe– affectionately, of course. Nodding his head, Seungmin smiled and placed a soft kiss against Min Jun’s chubby cheek and made his way towards your kitchen.
Seeing his papa walk away caused Min Jun to whine, longing for more love from papa pochacco. “Baby, have you eaten yet?” Seungmin called out, already grabbing ingredients for ramyeon along with a bottle, jar of pureed apples and peaches and a pochacco spoon. “No, not yet, honey.” You called back, carefully moving yourself to sit up on the couch, cradling a still whining Min Jun to your chest. “I’m making some ramyeon with eggs, honey. Is that okay?” You heard Seungmin call out, as the scent of the broth wafted its way from your kitchen to the living room. Bouncing Min Jun on your lap, you smiled and held his hands so he could stand. “Yes, bub, that sounds yummy!” You replied, as Min Jun babbled and bounced on his legs. Babbling, Min Jun placed his hands on your cheeks, effectively squishing them together and causing you to purse your lips. As best as he could for being 8 months old, he pursed his own lips and pressed them against your own. “Mwah Mwah Mwah” you managed to get out, as he still had his hands on your face. He was all giggles, loving his mama’s kisses.
Being so enveloped by kissing your baby pochacco, you hadn’t heard Seungmin call out that lunch was ready. “Babe? Pup? Lunch is ready!” Seungmin called out, only to be met with no response and the sound of baby giggles. Setting the table, he placed your steaming bowls of ramen on the dining table. Chopsticks, broth spoons and glasses of juice set alongside. “Babe,” he called again, turning to grab the jar of baby food and spoon, setting them on the tray of Min Jun’s high chair. Again, no response.
Once the tables had been set, he walked back to the living room, his eyes landing upon the sight of you and Min Jun sharing sweet kisses. He smiled to himself, quietly padding along the floor, until he was standing by the arm of the couch that was closest to where you were sitting. Leaning down, Seungmin placed a kiss on your forehead, which startled you. “Babe, lunch is ready,” he called out, chuckling as you jumped back in your seat. “Oh, sorry Min. Pup was too busy giving mama kisses. Isn’t that right, my little pochacco?” You smiled, as Min Jun’s eyes shifted to where Seungmin stood he giggled, holding his little chubby arms out to him.
Scooping the 8 month old baby into his arms, Seungmin smiled and made the short walk back to the kitchen. You were following behind, smiling at the sight of Seungmin and Min Jun. “Lunch time for you, huh bub. Are you hungry?” Seungmin smiled, as he placed the baby in his high chair, securing a (pochacco) bib around his neck. Pulling up a chair, Seungmin sat in front of the high chair, one hand holding the jar of food and the other holding the spoon. Turning to where you were sitting, Seungmin shot you a soft smile. “Babe, you go on and eat. I’ll feed the pup.” He said, carefully scooping an appropriate amount of food onto the spoon and lifting it to his son’s mouth. “Ah, say ah, bubba.” Seungmin cooed, watching Min Jun open his mouth, his lips enveloping the spoon. “Mmmmm, is it yummy, my little pochacco?” He crooned, as he continued feeding the baby.
You could only watch with love filled eyes. “The ramyeon is really good, babe. Good job.” You told Seungmin, as you picked up another bite of noodles with your chopsticks, softly blowing to cool them off before taking the bite in your mouth. “Thank you baby. Glad you like them,” he called back, still feeding Min Jun. Smiling, you move to sit next to Seungmin, carefully holding a bite of ramyeon to his mouth. “Open up, honey. You need to eat too.” You smiled, as his lips parted, exposing his beautiful smile and took the bite of food in his mouth. “Mh, thank you hon,” he said through chewing, a bit of broth dripping from the corner of his mouth.
Nodding, you smiled and continued to feed him and yourself as he fed Min Jun. “Of course, Minnie. What are we doing after this?” You pondered, seeing Min Jun get his baby food smeared around his mouth. Shrugging his shoulders, Seungmin carefully scooped the food from around the baby’s lips and fed it to him. “I don’t have anything planned. Was there anything you wanted to do, bub?” He asked, setting the now empty jar and spoon down.
You shook your head no. “Not really, maybe just go relax at the park or something later, the weather is nice.” You answered, as you and Seungmin had finished eating. Taking your dishes to the sink, you washed them clean of the food and set them in the drying rack. Seungmin had scooped Min Jun from his high chair and sat him on his lap, his small hands holding his bottle as he drank from it. Sitting down and leaning your head against his shoulder, you nuzzled into him. “The park sounds nice, honey girl.” Seungmin smiled, gently kissing your forehead. “The weather isn’t too cold,either.”
Nodding, you and Seungmin made separate ways to your rooms to get dressed. Taking Min Jun to his nursery, Seungmin laid him on the changing table. “Hm, what should we wear today, little pup?” He asked, already knowing it would be something pochacco themed. Smiling, he changed his baby’s diapers, holding his wriggly chubby legs still before sliding on a pair of baby sweatpants. He opted to go for a comfortable yet cute vibe. “So cozy, huh, bubbly?” He asked, as Min Jun looked back at him, with his brown brown eyes. “Alright, let’s get a shirt and hoodie on you. That sound good, pup?” Seungmin asked before carefully dressing him in a simple white tee shirt and a pochacco hoodie— of course with a little tail on the back and floppy black ears on its hood. “Now, for your little feet,” he cooed, kissing each of Min Jun’s feet before sliding a pair of white socks and little baby converse on his feet. “All done, my boy. Now, daddy has to get dressed.”
Meanwhile, you were in yours and Seungmin’s shared bedroom. You were humming to yourself, sliding into a pair of soft black leggings. “Hmmmm, what to wear, what to wear,” you thought aloud to yourself. Grabbing a powder blue shirt, you slipped it over your head and grabbed your hoodie. It was, also, powder blue and had a little pochacco printed on the chest area. It was well loved, and so oversized. That hoodie felt like home.
It was your favorite hoodie. Seungmin had gifted it to you on your three month anniversary, telling you “I noticed that powder blue is your favorite color, and pochacco is my favorite character. So….it’s perfect and I have a matching one. “ He blushed, watching as you hugged the hoodie to your chest.
Smiling, Seungmin had quietly slipped into your bedroom, Min Jun in his arms. “Still love that hoodie, don’t you baby?” He asked, setting Min Jun on the bed so he could also get dressed. Startled, you clutched your chest, turning to smile at your boyfriend. “Geez, Minnie. You scared me. But, yes, I still love this hoodie, it’s my favorite one,” you smiled, slipping socks and converse on your feet. “I know, I got you it, 4 years ago.” Seungmin laughed, changing into jeans and his matching hoodie. Not paying him any mind, you turned your attention to your baby. Picking him up, you smiled taking in his outfit. “Oh look at my little pochacco! Did daddy dress you! I know he did! My little cutie pie!” You cooed, as he giggled at you, his small hands waving in the air.
Not noticing that Seungmin had finished getting dressed, he called out. “Picture time!” He waved his phone, standing in front of your full length mirror. It was a tradition to snap a selfie of your outfits. “Smiling, you held Min Jun on your hip as you walked to where Seungmin was standing. Taking your place by his side, he slung his arm over your shoulders and you cuddled into his side, Min Jun balanced on your hip. “Smile!” He called, you two smiled, the shutter of his phone camera going off.
Once the picture was taken, you grabbed your purse and made your way to the kitchen, so you could get the baby bag and stroller ready. “We’ll be in the kitchen, honey. Don’t take too long.” You said. Quickly, he nodded and rushed to grab his keys and wallet. “Gotcha babe! Be right out,” he rushed as he slipped his feet into his shoes . Once he finished getting dressed, he looked at his phone, setting the new picture as his Home Screen and Lock Screen. Lowering his phone, he examined the picture and thought….
Diapers over clubs, any day
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astraysimp · 5 months
Personal Sunshine
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Hi bubbies! It is once again my favorite Friday! ……..9mitm Friday! Sadly, this is the second to last chapter. But, it is our sunshine Lixie’s time to shine! @straykeedz we’re almost done 🥺
Summary: you and lixie have only been dating for 4 months, but what happens when a bun in the oven throws a fork in the road of your new relationship?
Warnings: new!relationship trope, dad!felixie and baby bokkie, MARSHMALLOW FLUFF, unplanned pregnancy, mentions of failed condom, pet names, fem!reader, brief talks of periods.
You and Felix were still in the honeymoon stage of your relationship.Cuddling, holding hands, spending all your spare time together. Time with Felix was time well spent, in your eyes. No matter what you were doing; whether it be watching movies, playing video games, going to a boba cafe, watching Felix play video games. As long as you were with Felix, you were happy and at peace. So, you two were just soaking up the joys of your new relationship. However, you weren’t necessarily expecting a bun in the oven, 4 months into your relationship.
The day you and Felix found out was forever engraved into your mind. Late. You were 5 days late. And that had never happened to you. Sure, you had been so stressed that a period skipped here and there. But, that was rare, only happening once in a blue moon. You, now, especially wouldn’t be stressed when you had the personification and human embodiment of sunshine by your side. 
 Your periods always came like clockwork, ever since you had started getting them. The second week of every month. It was even marked in your calendar with a red marker, even though you knew it came at the same time. So, there you and Felix were; sitting in the bathroom of his apartment, a little white stick on the counter, both of you glad in your matching pajamas.
They had become your favorite pajamas. A soft pink set that Felix had gifted to you for your second date. The date was a simple movie night at his apartment. The pajamas matched his– except his were a soft blue. Made from a soft cotton, the shirt was a button up with a heart shaped breast pocket, littered with small hearts all over. The pants are made from the same material, same heart pattern and cute cuffed ankles. And his were  the same. “Got these for us,” he giggled out, handing you the set when you had entered his apartment, but not without placing a kiss to your lips. “I saw them at the store and thought they were cute. So, I got us a pair,” he added with a pink fluff to his cheeks and ears.
“Lixie pixie? Pixie poo, What does the test say?”
You were sitting on the closed toilet seat, wringing your fingers nervously. A habit of yours that he had picked up on, pretty quickly. Positive? Negative? These were the longest 5 minutes of your life.
Nervous. Scared. Confused. Perplexed. You felt all the emotions surge through your body, like a rampant white water river courses through its stream when you heard the words pass through his plump heart-shaped lips.
“Pregnant. 3-5 days…..but we-we used a condom,” he said, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at the pregnancy test. And boy, were those lines clear as day. It was unmistakably positive. 
“Lixie poo…….condoms aren’t 100% effective, pixie poo. We couldn’t have expected it planned this to happen, honey bear.” You slipped out, your hands cupping his cheeks. His eyes were full of uncertainty.  Were you expecting this? No, but you were happy to be experiencing it with him. Placing a kiss to his lips, you made sure he could feel the love in your kiss. “We’ll be okay, yeah?”
You had seen Felix play with babies before, and he with you. So, naturally you both had thought of what life with a baby would be like together. Sure, you didn’t expect to find yourself with a bun in the oven…..but it was still exciting. 
Felix has always been the ideal partner, in any and all imaginable ways. So, as your pregnancy progressed and your body changed, he was there. It seemed to come to him so naturally, as if he was always meant to be a dad—to your baby. He rubbed your aching back, massaged your sore ankles, cooked all your cravings(no matter how absurd they sounded) and did it all with a love filled smile on his face and stars in his eyes.
Each trimester brought its own challenges. Morning sickness, cravings, swelling body, fatigue, your growing bump. But, your sweet Lixie poo was so sweet and caring through the entire 9 months. He  even planned your baby shower. The color theme being soft cream and pastel yellow– the same colors that would decorate Su-Jin’s nursery.
The baby shower was amazing, he made it such a cozy environment. There was balloons, chicken plushies, soft blankets and  decorations everywhere. Felix set up all the catering, making sure there were things to suit everyone’s taste. The games? All planned and picked by Felix. There was a special scratch card that revealed the gender of baby Lee, baby themed bingo, see who could change a diaper the fastest, nursery rhyme word unscramble– and of course there were prizes. Yes, Felix picked the prizes out,too. Making each goodie bag, consisting of an alcohol shooter, glow up toy pacifier, candies and mini ultrasound pictures of your baby. The desserts? That was his forte. Of course, there was a cake–bbokari shaped with a bib on– vanilla flavored with whipped buttercream. Obviously, there was a tray of his signature brownies, cut into baby themed shapes– pacifiers, diapers, teddy bears– there was cookies, in a few flavors.  
Heck, he was amazing— no, he was perfect— through your birth,too. He cried when you cried, held your hands, pressed cool cloths to your forehead, fed you ice chips. Felix made you feel calm, even though he may have been panicking himself. “You’re doing so well, honey bear.” He whispered countless times, as he pushed hair off of your damp forehead. For him, cutting the umbilical cord was the best part, seeing you bring a new life into this world.
They say that the eye of a hurricane is calm, even though a storm rages on around it. Felix was your eye, in the hurricane that was giving birth. He brought you a sense of peace, even if there were doctors and nurses surrounding you. The nurse telling you to push, other nurses scrambling around to have materials ready for when  Su-Jin arrived into the world. None of it mattered as soon as you looked into Felix’s eyes. One soft smile and look at his chocolate brown eyes and you could feel yourself calming. The breath you didn’t know you were holding releasing itself from the confines of your chest.
A new life that you and Felix made through love. Baby Lee was a chubby 8.2 pounds— equipped with the cutest little rolls— , born with ebony locks, big round dark brown boba eyes , heart shaped lips and freckles. Felix cried when he held Su-Jin for the first time, cradling the small bundle in his arms as he sat shirtless– knowing how important skin to skin was for a newborn. “Hi, I’m your daddy, bokkie. It’s so nice to meet you. Me and your mommy have been waiting so long.” He whispered, gently lifting the baby to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. 
Su-Jin’s eyes had fluttered open, taking in the new world around him before landing back on Felix. Felix smiled, his eyes looking at the baby who mirrored him, a tiny smile on his face. “My Su-Jin.”
So, just imagine a tiny felix and bang….that’s baby bokkie for you. Yes, you and Felix called him baby bokkie— but his name was Su-Jin. Su meaning long life and Jin meaning precious or rare.
Man, he was precious,too. That baby was more cuddly than his daddy, and Felix was cuddly. Baby bokkie cried when out of your or Felix’s arms, only at peace when being cuddled, finding solace and tranquility in the loving embrace of his parents. Not only was he cuddly, but he wasn’t fussy (unless he wasn’t being cuddled). The cutest thing was his giggle, as it matched Felix’s giggle. He was a perfect baby–calm,slept through the night, angelic. An angel on your,your angel.
Now, he is 7 months old and still as giggly as ever. You and Felix were enjoying doing some tummy time with Su-Jin, while on a casual Tuesday afternoon. And let me tell you, that baby loved his tummy time. You were in the kitchen, preparing a light snack for you and Felix and a bottle of milk for Su-Jin. 
Humming to yourself, you smiled as you could hear Felix cooing to his little Su-Jin. “Hiii, angel boy. Are you enjoying tummy time?” Su-Jin only giggled and wriggled his chubby arms and legs around, loud squeals and giggles escaping his mouth. Felix smiled, covering his face with his hands. “Peek a boo!” He laughed, smiling brightly as Su-Jin giggled and tried looking around Felix's hands for his daddy. “Here I am, baby!” Felix smiled, his eyes forming crescent shapes as he uncovered his face with his hands, causing more matching giggles to fall from both Su-Jin and Felix’s lips.
He was laying on the floor, his chunky body clad in the cutest chicken onesie-courtesy of Felix, of course. Felix was laying on the floor in front of Su-Jin, holding a toy out in front of Su-Jin—the toy in question being a plush bbokari. “Jinnie, who is that? Is that bbokari?” He asked, moving the plushie’s arms to wave at his little one. “Hi, Jinnie. it’s me,bbokari!” The sight of his dearest plushie sending a rush of happy squeals through his system.
Su-Jin looooooved his bbokari. Felix had gifted it to him when he was born and now Su-Jin sleeps with it every night, without fail.Wherever Su-Jin went, bbokari went with him. The yellow plush toy clutched in his small arms, as he slept through the night, with soft white noise playing in the background. 
Angelic little high pitched Su-Jin giggles escaped through the air, as his small chubby hands made grabby gestures at the toy. “Do you want bbokari, my little bokkie?” Felix asked, as you moved to sit criss-cross applesauce, next to Felix. Sensing his mama’s presence, Su-Jin’s eyes lit up. He always knew when you were there, his mama senses going off in his little body.
You smiled and leaned forward to smatter an array of kisses to his chubby cheeks,setting his bottle down on the coffee table.. “Hi! Hi my boy!” You giggled, as he kicked his little legs, as a showing of glee and excitement. He had started crawling not too long ago, and soon enough his little legs and arms were carrying himself to you. Giggling, he plonked his little body onto your lap.
Smiling, you picked him up, holding him in front of your face. “Hi Jinnie. Hi my bokkie, awwww, look at you! You’re so cute!” You exclaimed, holding his little body close to yours, as he giggled and placed his hands against your cheeks. “Mommy has a bottle for you, bokkie. Do you want your baba, hm?” You smiled, rocking the baby on your lap.
Leaning forward, you grabbed the bottle, testing the temperature of the milk on your wrist. Not too warm, not too cold, just right. “Come here, pumpkin,” you cooed. Turning Su-Jin on your lap, you laid him across your chest, so he was being cradled. Tucking him against your chest, you smiled as he looked up at you, one of his small hands holding onto your shirt. “Here you go, my angel,” you whispered as you slipped the nipple of the bottle into his mouth, letting him drink.
Placing a kiss to your knee, Felix sat up to be level with you and pressed an open mouthed kiss to your  cheek. “Hi honey bear,” he whispered, resting his cheek against your shoulder as he watched Su-Jin drink.“Hi pixie poo,” You sighed out in return, your eyes looking at each other  softly. Placing a soft kiss to his cheek, you smiled. “We made a cutie, huh, lixie?” You smiled, as Su-Jin’s eyes started fluttering shut .
Setting the now empty bottle down, you smiled as the grip Su-Jin had on your shirt tightened, as his eyes closed. You gently patted his back, “sleepy baby, my sleepy boy.” You cooed, cradling him to your chest. Felix leaned over noticing how Su-Jin had fallen asleep, gripping your shirt with his cheek pressed against your shirt. “Angel boy is all pooped, huh?” Felix giggled, as he gently helped you stand up, walking the familiar path to Su-Jin’s nursery.. “Yeah, suppose we should put him down for his nap, lixie.” You said, rocking the sleeping baby. “Probably, it’s tiring being so cute.” He nodded in agreement. 
You loved his nursery, picking out the color scheme and decor, to  picking out the furniture. The walls painted a soft cream color, little pops of pastel yellow littering the room.  Su-Jin’s crib was cream colored wood, a soft mattress lying inside with cream and yellowed blankets tucked inside. Bbokari was lying in the crib, usually, unless he was with Su-Jin. Which was most of the time. You had a plush cream colored swiveling chair with a matching ottoman, a chair you and Felix had fallen asleep on many times, as you watched the sleeping babe. In the corner was a bookshelf, stocked full of baby books, small plushies. Most important, was his framed birth certificate and picture of you. Felix and Su-jin. Those sat on the middle shelf, where they were proudly on display. His nursery was warm, comforting and emanated love.
Holding a sleeping Su-Jin, you walked to his nursery with Felix following closely behind you. “Here we go, my angel boy,”Felix cooed,softly pushing the door open as you walked to his crib. “Nap time, my prince.” You whispered, noticing that he had completely fallen asleep. “Sssh, shhh. There we go, sweetheart,” You smiled, gently laying him in his crib, settling his bbokari plush in his arms.
He looked at peace. His small face and mind free of any worries? You suppose being a baby didn’t really have many worries, though. Just the next feeding time, when mama or papa would give you more cuddles. It seemed to be a peaceful time for Su-Jin. Just generally, he was a calm baby,though.
Funnily enough, when you gave birth the doctors were worried that he wasn’t crying. He was quiet, maybe a little too quiet. But, very very cute and chunky. Neonatal nurses checked him to be sure that everything was okay— and everything was. “Oh, I guess he’s just a quiet little bun.” The nurse told you, giggling when he seemed to grow more calm and serene in your arms. 
“Night night, my sweet pea,” You whispered, grazing your finger over his cheek, after pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Sleep well, my bokkie.”  Felix whispered, watching as his son slept. All the while, you were switching his small sun shaped night light on— a sun because he was your sunshine, along with Felix.
Ever so quietly, you made your way to the door, switching the light off. Turning to face Felix, you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I can’t believe we made him,” Felix whispered into your hair. Nodding against his chest,your fingertips traced soft shapes over the expanse of his back, that was covered in a soft cotton pajama shirt. “I know, but…he’s all ours, forever.” You smiled, peeking up at him through your eyelashes.
Locking eyes, you held a steady eye contact. Both of your eyes holding nothing but pure unadulterated love and adoration, for not only one another but for Su-Jin. Felix’s eyes were glimmering, stars dancing along his chocolate brown irises– akin to the freckles that danced along his cheeks.
You had seen that look in his eyes before, the first time being when he held Su-Jin for the first time. It was a level of love, different to the lovestruck eyes he gave you. It was a parental love. The kind of loving eyes your parents gave you, his parents gave him. There was no way to verbalize the look, it just held a different feeling of love. A love so pure, so unfiltered, so divinely strong that it brought tears to your eyes.
Yes, Felix always looked at you with love in his eyes. And, you did to him, as well. But the difference between the romantic love eyes  and parental love eyes was incomprehensible. Neither you or Felix were able to vocalize it. It was a feeling, a sense of deeper love, it was warm, comforting. The best you could compare it to was the feeling of wrapping a warm blanket– fresh from the dryer– around your body on a cold night or a hug from your loved ones. The warmth and feeling of a profound love  encompassed your being, surrounding you completely, pausing the world around you for that moment. 
Holding his hand in yours, you made your way back to the living room, where you pulled him to sit next to you on the couch. You and Felix had only been together for 1 year and 8 months–4 months before finding out you were pregnant, 9 months of you carrying baby Su-Jin and 7 months of being parents. But, you knew in your mind, your heart, your soul that you and Felix was the one, he was it for you. And, he felt the same. Every fiber of your being, every atom in your body told you that he was your life partner, your soulmate, your safety.
Looking into his eyes, you smiled. “Where do you see us in 5 years, lixie?” A conversation you had before, knowing you;d still be with one another. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, nestling his cheek on the top of your hair. “You know where I see us,” he giggled, his hand patting your outer thigh. “Still, I wanna know.” You giggled back.
Did you know? Yes. But, you loved hearing him tell you anyway. 
Chuckling, he took your hand in his, his thumb grazing your ring finger. “ I see us married, with another kid or maybe two more . In our own house, the color scheme is cream and soft colors. Our house is cozy, welcoming, loving, just like you. When you walk in, it smells like freshly baked brownies–made by yours truly. Su-Jin and his sibling or siblings running around while you’re playing with them. A dog running around– a golden retriever or king charles cavalier spaniel somewhere around the house.” He relayed to you, as you looked up at him, your eyes shimmering with unshed tears. 
“No matter how many times you tell me, it never gets old,” you whispered. Cupping your cheek, he ran his thumb under your eyes, wiping your tears. “My sunshine, our relationship may have been new and just starting, but my love for you will never get old. Even when we’re old and wrinkly, my love for you will be as brightly burning as the day we met.”
Little did you know, he already bought the ring and it was tucked away in his nightstand
⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡⌦ .。.:*♡
♡Please don’t steal, copy, edit, translate, repost (on any platform), plagiarize, paraphrase or in anyway claim my works♡ AStraySimp est 2023♡
🏷️ @mellhwang ; @autumn583 ; @hyunsvngs ; @hotchnrz ; @galamxy ; @ebbaskz ; @turtledove824 ; @galaxycatdrawz ; @fawnpeaks ; @bigsobs4skz ; @143lix ; @bangchans-babygirlgirl ; @aaasia111 ; @reid-deiri ; @tenshimara ; @dancerachaslut ; @peachygirlsthings ; @saturnandgold ; @justscrollinthrough ; @jesuisstay ; @shinywolfbears ; @lewoh-ot8-wh0re ; @alnex05 ; @mixtape-racha ; @shujohajohaminnie ; @heartheartisa ; @skzstaykatsy ; @manuosorioh ; @whosanaanyway ; @cvntywonyo ; @notastraykid ; @jinnie-ret♡
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astraysimp · 4 months
Meant to Be-9mitm
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♡ Hi everyone! I am back with, what is sadly, the last chapter of 9mitm. 🙁
This has been truly such a joy for me to write and I have thoroughly looked forward to each Friday to put these pieces out for you guys. I want to say thank you to everyone who has shown both @straykeedz and I love on this collaboration. It really does mean the world to both of us. HOWEVER, this DOES NOT mean that dad!skz is over. No no, there is so much more to come! I hope you guys will look forward to it! (also me and ms. straykeedz and one of our other dear friends may or may not be planning a collab that will be on my smut page @singsangseung– please look forward to it, IF YOU ARE OF AGE) 
I want to give my pookie bear bestie @straykeedz a MASSIVE MASSIVE shoutout though. So, Bee, my bestie, my pookie bear…thank you so so so so much for making this collaboration happen. I remember us initially planning and discussing this baby MONTHS ago and to have finally finished her has been such a dream come true. It has been such a dream and honor and pleasure to work with you on this, pookie. Not only in the writing and collab aspect, but thank you for being my best friend. I genuinely am so glad that we made this happen and have become such close friends, even if we live so far apart. Your writing is so beautiful and i can only hope to be as amazing as you are,  one day. You are such a lovely person, through and through.  You hold such a dear place in my heart, the binnie to my minnie forever. I love you so so so much, pooks. Hopefully maybe, we shall collab again in the future. But, big big bug hugs and lots of love from me to you, bee!( please don’t cry reading this…..or I’ll cry too….or maybe let’s cry together)
OKAY OKAY OKAY BACK TO THE WRITING,.......just had to simp for my pookie real quick ….DEUCES 
♡Summary: you didn’t mean to fall in love with your childhood best friend…much less did you expect to have a baby with him
♡Warnings: childhood best friends to lovers! Jeongin, dad!innie, pet names, MARSHMALLOW FLUFF, kinda angst( if you count exes giving I.N and y/n ultimatums), fem!reader, mad I.N, cursing, italicized text refers to the past 
There was never a point in your life where Jeongin wasn’t there. In fact, he had been in your life since the two of you were still in the womb. Your mothers were best friends, and had somehow gotten pregnant at the same time. That, obviously, meant that the babies(you and Jeongin) would be best friends, as well. Heck, your mothers had a shared baby shower, shared gender reveal party and had managed to give birth a day apart.
So, all in all, you and Jeongin have always been attached at the hip inseparable. (And, your mothers secretly hoped you two would date some day)
Growing up, you were each others’ first friends, other than your siblings. Of course you would be, you two were raised together, practically siblings at that point. It never bothered you, how close you two were. The two of you were two peas in a pod, the peanut butter to the other’s jelly. You were always playing together, laughing together, crying together, sticking up for one another.
The thing was, the older you grew, the more friendly affectionate you got– cuddling, hugs, hand holding, him defending you from bullies– but it was platonic.Or so it seemed at the time, which you wouldn’t realize until later on. You and Jeongin were always adamant on that. But, what you and him saw as platonic others saw as flirting. It being “too close to be just friendly.” 
When you and jeongin were in high school, you each had a couple of boyfriends or girlfriends. And, every time they had given you or him the ultimatum of me or them. And without a shadow of a doubt, every time, you had chosen one another. Claiming, “boyfriends and girlfriends come and go. But, we’re forever,” and forever, you were. 
One memory, however, was clear in your mind.  Jeongin had been dating his girlfriend, Hyerin, for about 2 months. She never liked you, but never up front would tell you why. You just felt it. In the way she looked at you, tried to separate you and Jeongin, excluded you from plans. It was clear as day. Jeongin hated the fact that his girlfriend didn’t like his best friend. The reasons she wouldn’t tell you, she did tell Jeongin, though. “You and y/n are way too close.” “She's so into you, and you don’t tell her to stop.” “You’re always with her, more than with me.” all of which, he argued back with, “we’ve literally grown up together, of course we’re close,” “I’m with you all the time, Hyerin,” “she’s not into me, we’re just friends. I’ve already told you that!” 
That one day, it was the end of school and you had been making your way to where Jeongin’s locker was located, excited to hang out and grab snacks at the local convenience store. But, as you were approaching, you could see Jeongin standing there, his back turned to you, while Hyerin stood opposite of him. They were arguing and luckily you had been out of eyesight.
“Jeong, she’s way too close to you for you to be just friends!” She had yelled, venom laced in her voice. You never thought you were ‘too’ close, you and Jeongin had been friends since in the womb.
“Hyerin! We are just friends! How many times do I have to go over this with you?! I am dating YOU!” Jeongin yelled back, frustratedly running a hand through his straight black hair. He sounded just as angry and heated as she did. “Does she think there’s something going on between us?” You thought to yourself.
“It doesn’t feel like it! Wherever you go, she goes with. A date for us turns into you two in the light and me being a third wheel on a date with my own boyfriend!” Hyerin complained, her fists balled up, at her sides. “Whenever I go to your house, she’s there and if you’re not home then you're at HER house!” her voice boomed. But it was true. You and Jeongin were always either at one another’s houses or out chilling somewhere. You just hadn’t known it was this problematic, because she never voiced these issues to you or pulled you aside for a conversation. You would’ve understood her frustrations.
Even just seeing how his shoulders were squared, and how tense his body seemed, you knew that he was pissed, more pissed than you’ve ever seen him before. “Well, what the fuck do you want me to do?! What is it that you want Hyerin?!” He barked, making overly obnoxious hand gestures at her.
Oh, she knew exactly what she wanted…
“Choose. Me or y/n, Jeong. “
..but she wasn’t expecting the answer she got
Jeongin always knew his answer would be you, and you would always choose him. That choice was as easy as breathing. So, with a light scoff, he gave her his answer
Hyerin’s jaw positively dropped. She was gobsmacked. “Really?! Really?! Are you fucking serious, Jeongin?!” Dead serious, he was dead serious. So he laughed, “Of course I’m being serious. I’ll always choose y/n. Hyerin, we’re done.” He laughed out, venomously. 
Well damn, she was at a loss for words. Storming off, she spotted you and rolled her eyes. “There’s your precious y/n, Jeongin,” was all she got out before she turned the corner.
Timidly, you approached him, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Innie, you okay?” You asked, running a hand through his soft hair. That alone, had managed to take his level of anger from a boil to a simmer. Sighing, he nodded and pulled you into his chest, asking with a quiet voice. “I’m okay. Are you okay? How much did you hear?”
Even through his bad moments, which you’ve seen a lot of , he was always concerned for you. Rubbing a hand up and down the expanse of his back, you sighed. “I should be the one asking if you’re okay. You and your girlfriend just broke up……because of me,” you whispered, tucking your face into his chest, inhaling his sweet woodsy scent. 
“Bun, I know. But, if she can’t accept our friendship, then it would have never worked out. I’m always always always going to choose you, bun.” He whispered, cupping your cheeks in his large hands, and swiping the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks, before he closed his fox-like eyes, before pressing his slightly chapped lips against your strawberry lip balm flavored ones.
That was how your relationship started, a whopping year and a half ago. . You didn’t plan on falling in love with your best friend. Honestly, you had never expected to, and neither did he. But, of course neither of you regretted it and the more you thought about it……maybe you and Jeongin had always had those romantic feelings all along and were too afraid to take the plunge, afraid that it could ruin the friendship you sustained. 
When you think about it, the hand holding, cuddling, protectiveness, longing to constantly be near one another, ‘platonic’ kisses did seem a little more romantic and a little less platonic.Your moms always wanted you two to end up dating. Saying that “it  would be perfect, we’re best friends, and you’re best friends so it makes sense. You two know each other so well already!” But, you had always brushed it aside, telling them “we’re just friends, mom.Nothing more, just two best friends. Maybe, they knew all along that you two would end up together. Call it mother’s intuition.
As you and Jeongin grew up and your bond only grew, you were even confused as a couple on numerous occasions. One of your favorite memories being  when you two went to Lotte land together. You wore a coordinating outfit. His was a pair of cream colored  pants, a white tee shirt with a short sleeved soft blue plaid overshirt, finished with a pair of sneakers. You wore a dress in the same color and pattern as his overshirt, with a white tee-shirt underneath with a matching pair of sneakers. Large happy smiles on your faces, as you walked the park,hand in hand.
“Ah, what a lovely couple you make,” an older lady complimented the pair of you. This was a normal thing for you, so neither of you minded it–maybe even liked it. Being mistaken as a couple had happened to you and Jeongin so many times that you both had just started accepting the compliment and not even trying to rebuttal with, “oh. We’re just friends.” Maybe you two liked being mistaken for a couple, so happily in love. Politely, you both nodded and bowed at the older woman. “Thank you,” you replied, a soft blush tinting your cheeks. With that, Jeongin squeezed your hand, a soft giggle escaping his lips. “ We do make a pretty cute couple don’t we, bun?”
But getting to love your best friend was as easy as breathing. You knew everything there was to know about each other. You knew how he liked his eggs–scrambled with bell peppers,cheese, with salt and pepper to taste. Jeongin knew how you liked your iced coffee– light ice, chocolate caramel flavoring, extra syrup and extra creamer (because you don’t like the taste of coffee). You knew how he used to eat sand, or that he tried to run away from home when he was 7.Jeongin knew that you hated brussel sprouts and broccoli, so whenever you had them on your plate he would eat them for you. Conversely, you knew that he loved  tteokbokki, cheese tteokbokki specifically. So, as a true best friend would, you learned how  to make it or would always stop at a local food stand to pick him up a fresh order.  He knew that you were scared of the dark until you were 11. that you had a massive fear of heights and spiders–or just bugs in general, but you liked fireflies because their butts glowed and it reminded you of the movie Princess and the Frog, even though your favorite movie was Tangled. 
When he got braces? You were there. In fact, you were the first person to see him with them, outside of his family. “I hate them, bun. They hurt and look stupid,” he whined, trying to conceal his new smile. “Aish, Innie. You’ll be okay and in fact…I think they look nice.” You consoled him, pulling his hands away from his mouth so you could rub wax over the metal wires that would straighten his teeth out. 
Two years later, when he got his braces off, you accompanied him to the appointment. Hand in hand, you watched as his orthodontist clipped the brackets, pulled out the wire, and smoothed his newly straightened teeth. “Wah, my innie-ah! You look so good! Smile, smile, smile!” You cheered, gently pulling him to sit up in his chair. “Aigo, don’t embarrass me, we’re in public, bun.” He blushed, nonetheless flashing you a bright smile, that you had captured through a picture. “I don’t care! You look so nice, Jeongie!’ The compliment fell from your lips and through his ears, only further reddening his cheeks and causing him to grab your hand to pull you from the orthodontists office. He apologized for making a fuss. But, how could you not? He was too cute and handsome.
Nothing was a secret when it came to you and Jeongin. It was kind of impossible, when you were friends since you were in the womb. For every step, story and milestone you reached; you were there witnessing it all or would tell each other about it. You also knew that the both of you wanted to have kids, one day. He wanted a boy and a girl and you wanted the same.
Baby names were a conversation you’d had many times. It always came up in conversation, at least, once a week. It started when you were younger, playing house with your baby dolls. They had to have names.
“Jeongieeeeeee, we have to name our baby.” you whined, holding the baby doll in your hands. “Whyyyyy?” A then 10 year old, Jeongin complained, as if the answer wasn’t obvious. Baffled, you drew your eyebrows up. “Why? What do you mean why? We can;’t just call our baby bean, or baby or peanut! The baby needs a name, you pabo!” the words drawled from your lips as you pouted. “Yes we can! I never call you by your name, just by a nickname. We can do the same for our baby.” He complained, his fox eyes turning into small slivers as he sighed. All the while, your eyes were turning into big brown puppy ones. “Nooooooo, innieeeeee! We have to name the babbbbyyyyy. I didn’t carry and birth our baby for him to not have a nameeeeeee,” you dragged on, even going as far as to stomp your feet. “Fine fine fine, aigoo, bun.” He sighed, patting you on the head. “How about Mi-rae?” the name fell from his lips, so easily. “I like it, baby Yang Mi-rae.” 
Mi-rae…it meant future. Funnily enough, a real baby was in your future. And yes….. You took playing house very seriously. 
Little did you know, you would go from playing house to living together in a house, with your baby.
But, you never would have expected to have a baby together. Playing house and raising a baby doll was a very stark contrast to raising a real living, breathing, crying, eating, sleeping, peeing, pooping baby.  Finding out that you were expecting, was quite the surprise for you and jeongin. On the other hand, your moms were ecstatic, over the moon, excited, jumping for joy.
“I knew this would happen. It’s about time! Our babies are having a baby!” Your mom had squealed, when you told her the news. “I know! Oh my gosh! Ah!” his mom had smiled in return. While they were celebrating, you and Jeongin stood looking at each other with a puzzled and befuddled look on your faces. “ What do you mean about time? You knew this would happen?” you blinked blankly at your mother’s. 
Had it not clicked to you before? Turning to you, Jeongin’s mom, softly, placed her hands on your cheeks. “Oh my dear. You two have been closer than atoms and completely inseparable since you have been in the womb. It was only a matter of time before you and Jeongin got together and gave us a baby.” She cooed, her eyes glistening with unshed tears of joy. Similarly, your own mother had pulled you into a warm comforting embrace. “Pumpkin, it’s true. Yes, you and Innie may have denied the feelings when you were younger, but you always choose each other, you two are attached at the hip, act like a couple. We’re so so happy for you two.”
As you named your play baby when you were ten years old, your son was named Mi-rae. He was your pride and joy and a complete carbon copy of his dad, at least in looks. As a baby, Jeongin was naughty, mischievous, always keeping your parents on edge– thankfully, he mellowed out throughout the years. Jeongin always valued his personal space, not being one to enjoy in skinship– unless it was with you. Mi-rae on the other hand was calm, peaceful, and the cuddliest little bun.
He may have looked like Jeongin– sleek ebony hair, dark brown fox like eyes, deep dimples– but his personality mimicked yours. Cuddly, loves skinship, always tired, loving. Interestingly enough, Mi-rae only accepted cuddles from you or Jeongin. Much like how Jeongin only took cuddles from you, even if he acted annoyed at the times you plopped your body on him. 
At the moment, Mi-rae is 9 months old and it is currently 7:30 pm. Which is his bedtime,  since you and Jeongin wanted him to be on a steady and consistent sleep schedule. Thankfully, he was also a heavy sleeper ( like his dad) and had no issues sleeping throughout the night. You were holding him in your arms,gently rocking him. Something that helped  put him at ease and signaled his body that it was time to sleep. “My little love, it’s bedtime. Is mommy’s angel boy ready to sleep?” You cooed, looking down at him with the purest love in your eyes. 
With a pacifier tucked in his mouth, he looked up at you, slow blinks fluttering his eyes. Quietly, Jeongin walked up behind you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “Hi, honey love. Is angel boy asleep,yet?” His voice resonated, his timbre soft and gentle. Shaking your head, you carefully ran the back of your knuckle along the soft plump expanse of Mi-rae’s cheek. “Not yet, Innie. Think he’s getting there, though.” You whispered, seeing Mi-rae’s eyes flutter once more, as the grip he had on your shirt loosened slightly. “Sleepy boy, our sleepy boy.” Jeongin mumbled, leaning to press a kiss to the babe’s forehead. “Our sleepy boy,” you smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Jeongin’s lips. 
Blinking his eyes, Mi-rae fell asleep, his breathing becoming steady and slow. “There he goes. Sleep tight, angel.” Jeongin chuckled, watching the steady rise and fall of Mi-rae’s chest. Although you knew that co-sleeping wasn’t the best, you really truly couldn’t help it. What do you mean put Mi-rae in his crib when he was so peacefully captured by dreamland? No, no, no. Risking him waking up when you put him in his crib? Again,no.
Admittedly, you and Jeongin used to be pretty bad with your co-sleeping habits. But, neither you nor Jeongin wanted to be away from Mi-rae, always making sure he was safe, at peace and surrounded by love. It was hard to let him sleep in his bassinet; the same bassinet that was right next to your bed. For the first 5 months of Mi-rae’s life, he slept in that bassinet. Even harder was when you moved Mi-rae on from his bassinet to his crib. His crib was in a completely separate room–separated by its own walls and a door. For you and Jeongin, that was a big jump. It seemed so far(it was literally 10 feet away). 
Mi-rae’s nursery–warm, simple, soothing, calm. The small home you and jeongin shared was modern yet cozy. New yet familiar. So, similarly you wanted Mi-rae’s nursery to have the same feeling and aura. That took bright colors out of the equation. Dark colors? A no– Mi-rae was a happy baby and so were you and Jeongin. No bright colors and no dark colors. Neutrals, and warmth.  Off whites, creams, soft tinged colors. But, not pastel, just muted. 
Three of the walls of the nursery were an eggshell ivory color. A muted sage green accent wall, framing the soft ash colored crib. On the accent wall were bold cut out letters of his name, painted in an antique gold color- so it stood out, but not too much. 
The crib was slightly warm in tone, the color of its grain matching the color of the three remaining walls. Wanting to keep the tones and vibes as similar and cohesive as possible, the mattress was dressed in an off white bedsheet, a handmade sage green blanket thrown over its rail and a simple cloud mobile hanging over the top. Seeing as you spent a lot of time in the nursery: it was a wise decision to have a reclining chair in the corner, with a lamp nestled in the corner and a sage blanket, for cold nights and napping.
Simplistic, so there were a few toys lingering, but not too many.  Sure, Mi-rae had a lot of toys, but you and jeongin didn’t like clutter. He was also mostly in the warm loving embrace of his mother or father most of the time, anyways. So, wisely a majority of the toys were stored in a toy box, being kept on a rotation on a regular basis. There was a bookshelf against the wall, next to it a changing table with a small garbage can. Only keeping the essentials out, and leaving the room to feel open.
As good as you and Jeongin have been co-sleeping, in the past, one night wouldn’t hurt. Peering up at jeongin, your eyes locking with his fox-like ones, there was a silent agreement made. Just tonight, then in the crib tomorrow. That look was all the two of you needed, as you made your way to your shared bedroom; which was, funnily enough, decorated in the same color scheme as Mi-rae’s nursery. That wasn’t even planned, just sheer coincidence. 
By that time of night, the pair of you had already exchanged your day clothes for warm loungewear, sweats or pajamas. Today hadn’t been necessarily tiring or strenuous or stressful. It’s just that raising a baby took a lot out of you both, so you were ready to climb into bed earlier than most people did. Exchanging all nighters and energy drinks for early nights in and dirty diapers was your new routine, new life, new normal and you loved it. It was calm, peaceful, full of love and filled your heart with warmth.
“Ready for bed, bun?” Jeongin’s voice resonated, from his spot on his designated side of the bed– it was closer to the door and it made him feel as though he was protecting you. Nodding your head softly, you adjusted your hold on a sleeping Mi-rae as you managed to climb your way on your bed.
Bun, your favorite nickname from Jeongin. The main reason he called you bun was because you loved to eat sugar coated bread rolls. They were your favorite snack, leaving a coat of white sugar crystals on your fingertips. “Jeongie, they’re so good!” You always exclaimed, trying to get him to try one. Even with his lack of a sweet tooth, he would admit they were good. So, he just started to call you bun and from that day it stuck. Yeah, he had other nicknames for you– y/nnie, tiny, mini– but bun was the one he used most predominantly. You were his bun and he was your Jeongie, your innie. You were his and he was yours.
 “I am, honey love.” The soft honey-esque sound of your melodious cadence replied to him. A smile tugged on the corners of his lips, turning them into a soft grin, he held his arms open for you waiting for you to be in his safe, secure and loving hold. “Come here, then. I know you’re tired.” A tired titter left him, his chest slightly vibrating as he saw you scooch closer to him. Once in reach of his arms, you were pulled tightly to his chest. A soft sage green duvet being cast over your bodies, as a kiss as soft as a butterfly’s wing was placed to your temple. “Can you believe it? Who knew that we’d be here?” Another soft chortle escaped his pink lips as he looked down at the babe in your arms. “ I know. It’s pretty crazy. But do you ever think our moms were right? That,maybe, we did have feelings for one another all along but we just couldn’t recognise it?” You pondered, relaxing your body and melting to fit the shape of his. 
“It makes sense, bun. We’ve always been close. We always have chosen each other.” Jeongin whispered back, his voice laced with the want to sleep, and a yawn spilling from his lips. As yawns do, his yawn triggered one to be pulled from your own body. “Mmmm. I mean, that’s true,” you echoed back, your ear pressed to his chest to hear his heartbeat. “I’m glad they were though….I think we would’ve ended up together eventually one day,bun.” He cooed, gently caressing your cheek with the knuckle of his middle finger. “I think so too. We’re just meant to be, in all ways, shapes, forms, and universes. We’ve always been tied together…cut from the same cloth.” You sleepily acknowledged, voice starting to become slurred with sleep as your words started to drift away to your own dreamland. Kissing your forehead, Jeongin flicked the light on your nightstand off so he too could fall into dreamland. “You’re my future. You have always been my future. I love you, my bun,” he tenderly expressed, his own eyes finally falling shut.His mind calmed and he was welcomed to his world of dreams, filled with you and Mi-rae, but he could still hear you let out the faintest whisper. 
“I love you too, my forever.”
♡Please don’t steal,repost on any website, paraphrase, or in anyway claim my works as yours♡ ©AStraySimp2023 ♡ 
🏷️ @mellhwang ; @autumn583 ; @hyunsvngs ; @hotchnrz ; @galamxy ; @ebbaskz ; @turtledove824 ; @galaxycatdrawz ; @fawnpeaks ; @bigsobs4skz ; @143lix ; @bangchans-babygirlgirl ; @aaasia111 ; @reid-deiri ; @tenshimara ; @dancerachaslut ; @peachygirlsthings ; @saturnandgold ; @justscrollinthrough ; @jesuisstay ; @shinywolfbears ; @lewoh-ot8-wh0re ; @alnex05 ; @mixtape-racha ; @shujohajohaminnie ; @heartheartisa ; @skzstaykatsy ; @manuosorioh ; @whosanaanyway ; @cvntywonyo ; @notastraykid ; @jinnie-ret♡
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astraysimp · 5 months
I have started... writing....the next chapter of 9mitm 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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astraysimp · 5 months
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𓆩⟡𓆪Hello hello! It’s 9mitm Friday! It’s our dumpling boy’s turn and man…..this one challenged me. My brain was working hard trying to figure out and plan this fic. LMAO, I enjoyed the challenge and hope you guys enjoy this chapter! XOXO
𓆩⟡𓆪Summary: For as long as you could remember–once your cousins and siblings had found partners, got married and had kids- your family always asked when it was going to be your turn. You hated it, seeing as it got brought up at every family function, but when you and Hyunjin announced your ‘relationship’ last year they shut up….but they still asked about kids…..until you and Hyune showed up with your baby in tow
𓆩⟡𓆪Warnings: fake dating(to real dating) trope, FLUFF FLUFF FLUFF, reader’s family is kinda annoying, you and Hyun have kept your baby a secret(no ill intentions), fem!reader, petnames, if my math of baby’s age doesn’t line actually make sense please pretend it does :D
Ah, Christmas dinner with your family. You loved it….but you also dreaded it. Aunts, uncles, cousins, your siblings, your parents, grandparents all asked when you were going to find a boyfriend, when you were going to get married, when you were going to have kids. It annoyed you to no end. That was until last year when Hyunjin had suggested that you two ‘date’ to shut them up. So, you did, appearing at your family’s Christmas dinner hand in hand.
“Wah, our y/n finally got herself a boyfriend!”
“Finally! She’s not single anymore!”
“A boyfriend?! Oh my god, you brought your boyfriend?!”
“When did you meet?!”
“How long have you been together?!”
“He’s so handsome! Where did you meet him?!”
That was all you heard, until you heard the “so, when are you having kids?” You and Hyunjin hadn’t known what to say, heck your ‘relationship’ was only a show, to shut them up. So, you didn’t answer, telling them, “oh, it’ll be a while.”
It ,in fact, was not a little while. You and Hyunjin had baby Iseul only 9 months later. But, opted not to tell your family, due to wanting to soak up and bask in your new lives as parents.
That brought you to now.
Currently, it was Christmas day and you were getting Iseul ready to go to your family’s Christmas dinner. You were already dressed, wearing a red dress, the skirt sparsely covered in gold sequins, a pair of nylon tights on your legs, a pair of delicate black heels on your feet. You curled your hair, tying half of it up with a bow, your makeup already done– brown and gold eyeshadow accentuated your eyes, blank eyeliner elongating them and ruby red lipstick gracing your plump lips.
Tonight, you and Hyunjin were going to introduce Iseul to your family.
A lot in both yours and Hyunjin’s lives had changed. Your( what started as a fake) relationship had blossomed into a real relationship, you had Iseul 5 months ago, you lived together, he gave you a promise ring, you met his family. Oh, did I mention, you had a baby 5 months ago? Because you did, and her name is Iseul. She is a dream, not fussy, has Hyunjin’s pouty lips, and doesn't cry a lot. You and Hyunjin love her, actually love is too weak a word.
Smiling, you looked down to see Iseul trying to put her foot in her mouth. Laughing, you gently held her legs in your hands, sliding a pair of tights onto her chubby legs. “Hi, my dewdrop. Are you so excited? You get to meet your grandma and grandpa, and your aunts and uncles?” You giggled, as Iseul held her arms and legs up. She giggled as you tickled her belly, high pitched squeals and giggles erupting through the room. Her laugh was one of your favorite things about her, the way she so effortlessly lit up your life with her giggle. Grabbing the dress from beside you, you carefully slid it over her head and put her arms through the sleeves.
My first Christmas
The dress read, across its velvet red fabric, white letters spelling out the words.There was soft fur, along the hem, neckline and sleeves. She looked too cute. Sliding a pair of matching socks over her feet, you smiled and tied her soft baby hair in a ponytail and added a bow. “Oh look at my baby girl! My baby girl is so cute! Should we show appa how cute you are?” You smiled, and gently picked her up, holding her on your hip, as you pointed in the mirror. “There she is! There’s my dewdrop!” You smiled, bouncing her on your hip as she giggled. “Let’s show appa, yeah?!”
Speaking of her appa– Hyunjin– where is he?
You,nor Hyunjin, could exactly remember when your ‘fake’ relationship turned into you actually dating. Was it when the two of you were relaxing on the couch of your shared apartment, his arms around your shoulders and your head on his chest? “We have to make our relationship look real, honey love.” He would tell you.
Was it when he made you heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, for Valentine’s Day? “Happy Valentine’s Day, mumma,” he whispered in your ear. His soft yet calloused hands cradling your cheek, trying to wake you peacefully, where you laid in bed. “Morning, honey oat,” you sleepily grumbled. Your eyes slowly fluttering open to see a tray of breakfast— those exact heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, strawberries cut into hearts, a glass of orange juice and a croissant— percheched on your bed, with Hyune sitting against the headrest. “Made you breakfast, for you and the baby.” He blushed, smiling down at your half awake form.
Was it when you were at your 20 week ultrasound, finding out that you would be having a baby girl and the nurse beamed at you, congratulating you with a “congratulations Mr and Mrs Hwang”
Mr and Mrs.Hwang
You couldn’t remember. Your lives bled into one another seamlessly, the line between real dating and your fake show relationship seeming to disappear. It was easy. Easy as breathing. Sure, ever since you had become friends with the tall boy, you had pictured and thought of dating him. Wondered how his pillow soft and ever so plush lips would feel against your own; how it would feel to be held against his chest as he sang you to sleep at night. The thoughts always lingered in your brain, somewhere in the back. But, you never would have imagined for him to suggest putting on a show relationship to quiet your family’s ever persistent questioning.
Sure, you had also seen Hyunjin interact with babies, over your times as friends. And did it make you wonder about what it would be like to have a child with him? Yes, you weren’t going to deny it. Again, you never would have guessed it to become a reality. But, it was your reality. You and Hyunjin… sharing an apartment, welcome home kisses, having a baby shower, him healing you through. Your pregnancy.
He was there through it all, every step, milestone, doctor’s appointment. He was there. He had even picked out her name, Iseul. “I like Iseul, love. It means dewdrop. Our own little dewdrop,” He muttered, his large hand rubbing against your bump, as you two were laying in bed, one night.
Her nursery theme was his idea, as well. Themes of soft powder blue and a crème color flourishing against the walls. Hyunjin picked out each piece of furniture, as long as you approved of it, assembled them and built the nursery, filling it with his love. One of his, and your, favorite things was the mural that Hyunjin has painted. It was a picture of the sky, clouds gracing the ceiling with rain falling down, but in the spaces between the raindrops, was her name…
Grabbing Iseul’s shoes and snow suit(one of those full body padded baby onesies) you headed towards your and Hyunjin’s shared bedroom? “Where’s appa, Iseul? Hm, where did appa go?” You pondered, seeing as he wasn’t in your bedroom, and the master bathroom light was off.
Where could he have gone? You thought to yourself, as you made your way downstairs, your heels clicking against the hardwood floor. “Hyune? Hyunnie? Babe, where’d you go,are you ready?” You called out, entering the living room.
Then, you saw him– and damn, did he look good. His ebony hair was slicked back, a tailored Versace pair of slacks along his legs, a festive yet classy Versace crewneck on his torso, paired with a gold watch and shiny, black sleek dress shoes on his feet.
Damn, I’m lucky
He was preparing Iseul’s stroller, making sure a blanket was safely tucked in it, to make sure she was warm and had the baby bag sitting on the floor nearby. “Look, dew drop, there’s appa!” You smiled, as she giggled and kicked her feet in your hold.
“Oh! There my girls are! Hi my loves, don’t you two look so pretty?” Hyunjin smiled, turning around at your voice and seeing you standing there. Making his way over to you, he planted a kiss on your lips and Isuel’s forehead, before taking her into his arms. “My baby’s first Christmas! Are you excited, pumpkin!?” He smiled, as Iseul squished her small chubby hands on his cheeks, happy squeals and giggles leaving her mouth. “I think she is, huh dewdrop?” You smiled, adjusting her dress, before you adjusted the red bow in her hair.
Turning to you, Hyunjin smiled and kissed the crown of your head. “ I need to load the gifts and stroller into the car. Think you’ll be okay getting her ready while I do that, hon?” He asked, as you smiled with a nod. “I got it, babe. Go get everything settled,” you patted his butt lightly, taking Iseul back into your arms. With a nod of his head, Hyunjin put his long trench coat on, and grabbed the stroller and baby bag, slinging it over his stroller, “I’ll warm up the car, while I’m out there, honey!” He called, making his way into the cold night air, popping the trunk open and setting the stroller and baby bag inside.
Meanwhile, in the house, you had slid your own matching trench coat on and fastened its buttons, before setting Iseul on the couch, humming as you laid the opened baby snow suit on the cushions. “Let’s get my dew drop bundled up,” you cooed, gently booping her nose. Carefully, you laid her against the back portion of the jacket, settling her legs and arms in their respective sleeves. “One foot, and another foot and you’re all in!” You giggled, zipping up the zipper. Hyunjin had since reentered, to grab your load of presents, before leaning down to plant a kiss to yours and Iseul’s heads. “Look at my little dewdrop! You look so warm, did mommy dress you up?” He smiled as she kicked her feet, before he went to load the presents into the car.
Taking one of her shoes into your hands, you gently slid it on her foot, clasping the buckle shut. “One foot,” You smiled as she waved her arms around, looking up at you. “And one more foot,” you giggled, repeating the process with her other shoe. Picking her up, you grabbed your keys, phone and bag and made your way to the door. Turning the lights off, Hyunjin took Iseul to buckle her into her carseat. “Ready to go, my loves?”
The drive was about an hour and a half , to your parents’ house. Iseul had managed to fall asleep, and you couldn’t blame her, traffic causing a 30 minute delay. Cars bumping back to back, you had barely moved an inch. You weren’t shocked when you turned from your spot in the passenger seat, to see a sleeping Iseul on her car seat.
Driving during the holidays sucked.
But, you managed to make it, and once you pulled into the familiar driveway of your parents’ home, you smiled. Unbuckling your seat belt, you went to the trunk, grabbing the gift bags. You, carefully, made your way into the house, to be greeted by smiles and warm hugs. But, outside, Hyunjin was grabbing the stroller, setting a still sleeping baby Iseul in it, and the rest of the gifts.
“Hi,everyone! We’re here!”
Your parents rushed over to you, pulling you into their warm embrace. “Hi, love, so nice to see you! Where is that lovely boyfriend of yours?” Your mom asked, noticing Hyunjin wasn’t by your side. “He’s out bringing the rest of the gifts(and our baby) in,” You laughed, turning to hug your dad. “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” Your dad asked, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m good, how are you, dad?” You smiled, walking to the living room, after shrugging your jacket and shoes off, exchanging them for house slippers.
“Hi, yn!”
“Hey, where’s Hyunjin?!”
“Ynnie! So good to see you!”
Everyone called out their greetings and you smiled, giving them all a hug after you placed the presents under the, already full, tree. “He’s on his way in, we have a lot of presents to bring!” You laughed out.
You heard him before you saw him. Smiling, you could hear the wheels locking on the stroller as he was taking his jacket and shoes off. Any minute now and everyone would be in for a big surprise.
“Hello, hello! I’m here!”
And there he was. But, not only him, he came pushing the stroller in, Iseul still asleep, the soft blanket laid over her body. “And, we have a guest!”
“Is that a-”
“A stroller….a baby?!”
“When did you two have a baby?!”
“A grandbaby, oh my gosh!”
Needless to say, everyone was surprised, shocked, taken aback, confused. You laughed, as Hyunjin took Iseul out of her stroller and sat next to you. “Yep, a baby. Baby Iseul,” you smiled, seeing her stir awake. Gently, you tucked the soft fleece blanket around her body, ensuring her pacifier was shut in her mouth. But, they could also see a ring on your finger.
“How old is she?!”
“What’s her name?!”
“Is that a ring?!”
Laughing, you looked over at Hyunjin, seeing him rocking Iseul in his arms. “Wow, lots of questions. But! I have answers!” You giggled, settling yourself against Hyunjin’s side, as he placed a kiss on your temple. “So, to start, her name is Iseul and she’s 5 months old. Uh, we found out we were having her after last Christmas,” You breathed out, as Hyunjin nodded. Clearing his throat, he looked toward you. “We weren’t expecting or planning on having her. She was like our own Christmas present, he laughed, “but, we really love being parents.”
“Why haven’t we met or seen her yet?” Your mom asked, curious as to what took you and Hyunjin so long to bring your baby around. Nodding your head, you smiled as Iseul was slowly stirring from her sleep. “Honestly, we just wanted to bask in having her to herself, for a while, before we brought her around everyone. Becoming parents was a change, a big one, so we wanted to soak it i, have our own memories built and just get to love on her.” You breathed out, hearing a soft whimper coming from Iseul. Hyunjin smiled and nodded, “there is absolutely no ill intentions. We just wanted to be able to soak in the new parenthood love and enjoy her to ourselves.” You both smiled, before Isuel’s whimpers turned into cries, she was hungry. “Excuse me, I think we have a hungry baby on our hands,”Hyunjin smiled, rising from his seat on the couch to grab a premade bottle from the baby bag and go to the kitchen to warm it.
It was true and you and Hyunjin loved the 5 months you had Iseul to yourselves. From the moment she was born, she had her appa wrapped around her finger. Iseul was born early in the morning,2:23 to be exact. You remember Hyunjin crying, as she was placed on your chest, her head covered in soft black hair. She has his lips, and nose but your eyes. She was—and still is— his greatest accomplishment.
Month 1 brought a lot of changes. A new sleep —if you can even call it that— schedule for you and Hyunjin, lots of waking up at the break of dawn for nightly feeds, lots of diapers and dirty clothes. But, also lots of smiles, smiles shared with each other and smiles shared with Iseul. Lots of baby giggles, gummy smiles and big brown eyes.
With each month, your hearts only grew, watching as her personality developed. She was a daddy’s girl, through and through. Loving to be held and sang to by Hyunjin. He loved to hold her small body to his bare chest. Looking up at him, her big brown eyes blinking, easily growing tired throughout the day. “It must be tiring being so cute,” he cooed to her, kissing her small forehead. Hyunjin had fallen asleep in the rocking chair by the crib many times. “Want to make sure she’s okay, honey love,” he’d tell you, a tired yawn falling from his lips. She was, and always will be safe, but he needed to be sure. But, luckily Iseul always slept through the night, easily.
By month 5, Iseul learned to hold a crayon. Thanks to Hyunjin. You would come home to see them in the kitchen seated at the dining table, coloring. But, your favorite sights were seeing them cuddling. It warmed your heart. You also loved watching Hyunjin feed her. It was such a mundane task, but it was the cutest thing to see. Iseul would be seated in her high chair, Hyunjin sat in front of her, and he’d swirl the spoon in front of her. “Here comes the plane,” he would say with a sing-songy lilt in his voice. Her small pouty lips would enclose the spoon and her face would scrunch up, mimicking the way Hyunjin’s own face would pout when he ate. “She definitely is your daughter, honey bear.” You would giggle out, as he used the spoon to wipe the baby food from around her mouth.
Returning from the kitchen, Hyunjin sat on the couch, a warm bottle of breastmilk nustled between Iseul’s mouth, as she fed. “I’m back, and she is less fussy,” he chuckled, knowing a full tummy would calm her down. It was true. Iseul only became fussy when hungry or tired.But, the drive from your apartment to your parents’s house had her well rested. Your cousin had peeped up. “So, there’s a ring on yn’s finger. When did that happen?” She smiled, pointing to the delicate stoned balanced between prongs and snugly set on a delicate band. “Oh that?” Hyunjin laughed, carefully handing you a now empty bottle, before softly patting Iseul’s back. “It’s a promise ring, a promise to never give up on yn or Iseul, and to always be here, no matter how hard it gets…..It’s also a promise to make her my wife,one day. Almost like a placeholder ring until then.” He smiled, as you carefully took Iseul into your arms.
Cradling her to your chest, you and Hyunjin exchanged soft eyes and loving smiles. “Well, we’re really happy for the both of you.” Your dad chimed in, patting Hyunjin on the shoulder. “Thank you. We’re really happy,too.” Hyunjin smiled, his eyes watching as you rocked your baby in your arms, looking down to her with matching eyes. The world around you,Hyunjin and Iseul, seemed to disappear. It was only the three of you. Looking back up , you saw Hyunjin watching you. Smiling, you gently blew him a kiss. Which he gladly caught and pressed to his heart, before sending two— one for you and one for the baby— your way.
“Time to eat! Dinner is ready!”
Maybe, family Christmas dinners weren’t so bad after all. But maybe that's because you had Hyunjin and Iseul. Or, maybe because you wouldn’t be questioned anymore. Standing up, you hold Iseul in your arms, walking to the dining room, Hyunjin following you.
Dinner time
ೃ⁀➷Please do not steal,translate,repost(on any platform), modify, paraphrase or in any way claim my worksೃ⁀➷AStraySimp 2023ೃ⁀➷
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