#A Glass Can Only Spill what it contains?! August 6????
mewithoutYou is fucking me up man
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thefaeriereview · 4 years
Blitz: Hollywood Player
Hollywood Name Game, Book 3
Contemporary Romance
Date Published: September 17, 2020
    She has zero friends . . . and is wary of men, living life as a recluse.
His only friend is 90 and when she dies, he’s adrift.
Can a dyslexic actor and a shy loner find happiness together?
Famous from the time she was fourteen, London Russell lands the cover of Sports Illustrated to cap off her modeling career. Leaving the fashion world behind, she follows her dream of becoming a singer-songwriter. Thanks to an ex-boyfriend’s vicious attack on her, London becomes a recluse who turns out hits but never tours—and can’t trust a man. Her life changes course when she encounters a Hollywood screenwriter and director and agrees to write the theme song for their next movie.
Knox Monroe grew up as America’s darling, a child actor featured on several popular television series. After his mother’s betrayal, Knox drops out of sight, returning years later to make the successful transition to adult roles. A known womanizer and loner, Knox meets London by chance. Through her connections, he winds up with the lead role in a new movie.
Will London be able to open her heart and move past Knox’s player reputation? And will Knox knock down the emotional fortress that he’s built around his heart?
In Hollywood, anything’s possible. . .
Hollywood Player is the third book in the Hollywood Name Game series. Each book in the series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed out of order.
  Other Books in the Hollywood Name Game Series:
  Hollywood Heartbreaker
Hollywood Name Game, Book 1
Release Date: August 6, 2020
From internationally bestselling romance author Alexa Aston comes a stunning new Contemporary Romance series. Book One in the exciting Hollywood Name Game series has arrived. Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
  Being late to an interview lands her the biggest job opportunity of her life.
He may be rich and successful—but he’s just this side of miserable.
Can a wannabe be The One for the biggest star in Hollywood?
Cassie Carroll came to Hollywood with big dreams that never materialized. Acting isn’t even on the back burner anymore—it’s completely off the stove. Working for a third-rate agent, Cassie hopes to land a new job that will give her credibility, as well as help pay the rent. Late to her interview, she swerves to avoid hitting a dog—and totals the car of Hollywood’s leading action superstar. Surprisingly, she walks away from their encounter with a job—as the sexiest man alive’s personal assistant.
Rhett Corrigan is bored with the movies he makes and the drop-dead gorgeous model he’s dating. He’s afraid that Hollywood has typecast him—and that he’ll never be able to break out of his action mold and try new acting challenges. When Cassie Carroll literally slams into his life, she brings a breath of fresh air and common sense to his world. She pushes him to be a better actor and a better man
Can these friends become lovers—and can their love survive—in a tabloid-happy town that thrives on rumors and backstabbing?
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      Hollywood Flirt
Hollywood Name Game, Book 2
Release Date: August 27, 2020
  From internationally bestselling romance author Alexa Aston – Book Two in the exciting Hollywood Name Game – a stunning new contemporary romance series. Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!
  She’s Hollywood royalty whose trail vanished a dozen years ago.
He doesn’t do relationships and thinks commitment is a four-letter word.
They Google each other . . . and sparks fly . . .
Sydney Revere, the daughter of a famous movie couple, left Hollywood behind over a decade ago. Christened The Wild Child by the media, she reinvents herself as a serious student who becomes an attorney and marries a safe, predictable man. When her husband cheats on her and the law loses its glitter, Sydney returns to Hollywood. Her father hires her to storyboard his upcoming movie, No Regrets—and then stuns Sydney when he offers her the job as his assistant director.
Dash DeLauria is a rising actor who hasn’t trusted a woman since his mother left. He’s now the guardian of his mentally-challenged brother. Dash is looking to grow professionally and after he wins the lead in No Regrets, he finds he’s lost his heart and soul to Sydney. With both their careers on the upswing, life is sweet.
But Sydney’s ex-husband isn’t finished with her yet. Discovering who she really is—and that she’s wealthy—he tracks her to California, ready to start over with her again.
No matter what it takes . . .
Hollywood Flirt is the second book in the Hollywood Name Game series. Each book in the series is a standalone story that can be enjoyed out of order.
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    Coming Soon:
Book 4 – Hollywood Double
Book 5 – Hollywood Enigma
London looked up and saw a dog bounding her way. Before she could react, the golden flash crashed into her table, spilling her glass of tea everywhere. She opened her mouth to speak and the dog jammed his nose into her crotch. Mortified, London tried to push it away. 
“Bunker!” she heard a second time. Looking up, London saw Seth Walker dashing toward her, a leash with a dangling collar in one hand. No, not Seth Walker. The actor who played Seth Walker in her favorite movie franchise.
The one whose name escaped her as he arrived at her table.
His cobalt blue eyes looked even bluer against his tanned face and sun-kissed blond hair. If Adonis had come to life, he would be this man.
“I’m going to kill you,” the actor growled, frowning at the dog. “I mean it.”
The golden retriever buried his nose against her leg.
London burst out laughing.
“I apologize for my dog’s lack of manners.” He reach to latch onto the dog but Bunker was having none of it. He wriggled even closer to London, mashing her skirt against her. The man’s hands froze. She knew he hesitated because it might be hard to get a decent grip on the dog without invading London’s very personal space.
“I give up,” he said in frustration. “Do you think you could help me out?”
“It’s my favorite thing in life to help a man in need.”
Wait . . . was she flirting? She never flirted. Ever. Ever. Ever.
He smiled then, exposing even, white teeth against his tan. Amusement lit his eyes.
“Hand it over.” She reached out and he surrendered the collar, still attached to the leash.
She pried the dog’s nose away from her and looped an arm about him as she slid the collar over his head and lowered it to where it sat loosely around his neck.
Bunker’s owner knelt and tightened the collar. “I won’t fall for that look again,” he told the dog.
“What look is that?” she asked.
He grinned. “The pathetic one that tells me his collar is too tight. The one that got me to loosen it up, which was all the invitation he needed to slip out of it and make his way lightning fast to the most beautiful girl on the block.”
London sensed the blush creeping up her neck. To distract herself, she reached out to pet the dog. Her fingers glided through his silky, golden fur.
“Mind if I sit?” the handsome actor asked.
“Be my guest.”
He sank into the chair next to her and ran a hand through his thick hair. London suddenly wanted to run her fingers through his hair and not Bunker’s. She averted her eyes and focused on the dog again.
“I owe you a drink. At the least. For Bunker’s impertinence. And for making this mess.” He glanced at his watch. “I guess it’s too early for a glass of wine.”
She grinned. “It’s never too early for wine. I spent a lot of years in Tuscany. I’m surprised my father didn’t give me wine in a sippy cup for breakfast.”
He laughed and she liked how his eyes crinkled up when he did. How the smile touched his mouth as much as his eyes. Seth Walker didn’t smile much on screen but this actor did in real life. It made her pulse quicken. Suddenly, she recalled his name. Knox. Knox Monroe.
“Then wine it is. Anything in particular strike your fancy in the middle of the afternoon?”
“I love a good red. No matter what time it is.”
He gave her an appreciative nod. “A good red for a beautiful redhead. I like it.”
  About the Author
Award-winning and internationally bestselling author Alexa Aston lives with her husband in a Dallas suburb, where she eats her fair share of dark chocolate and plots out stories while she walks every morning. She’s a binge fiend (The Crown and Ozark are favorites) who enjoys travel, sports, and time with her family.
Her historical romances bring to life loveable rogues and dashing knights, while her contemporary romances are light and flirty and sometimes contain a bit of suspense.
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thereadies · 6 years
Chapter III: My Reading Machine
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The word “readies” suggests to me a moving type spectacle, reading at the speed – rate of the present day with the aid of a machine, a method of enjoying literature in a manner as up to date as the lively talkies. In selecting “The Readies” as a title for what I have to say about modern reading and writing I hope to catch the reader in a receptive progressive mood, I ask him to forget for the moment the existing medievalism of the BOOK [God bless it, it’s staggering on its last leg and about to fall] as a conveyor of reading matter. I request the reader to fix his mental eye for a moment on the ever-present future and contemplate a reading machine which will revitalize his interest in the Optical Art of Writing. In our aeroplane age radio is rushing in television, tomorrow it will be a commonplace. All the arts are having their faces lifted, painting, [Picasso], sculpture [Brancussi], music [Antheil], architecture [zoning law], drama [Strange Interlude], dancing [just look around you tonight] writing [Joyce, Stein, Cummings, Hemingway]. Only the reading half of Literature lags behind, stays old-fashioned, frumpish, beskirted. Present day reading methods are as cumbersome as they were in the time of Caxton and Jimmy the Ink. Though we have advanced from Gutenberg’s movable type through the linotype and monotype to photo-composing we still consult the book in its original archaic form as the only oracular means we know for carrying the word mystically to the eye. Writing has been bottled up in books since the start. It is time to pull out the stopper. To continue reading at today’s speed I must have a machine. A simple reading machine which I can carry or move around, attach to any old electric light plug and read hundred thousand word novels in ten minutes if I want to, and I want to. A machine as handy as a portable phonograph, typewriter or radio, compact, minute, operated by electricity, the printing done microscopically by the new photographic process on a transparent tough tissue roll which carries the entire content of a book and yet is no bigger than a typewriter ribbon, a roll like a miniature serpentine that can be put in a pill box. This reading film unrolls beneath a narrow strip of strong magnifying glass five or six inches long set in a reading slit, the glass brings up the otherwise unreadable type to comfortable reading size, and the reader is rid at last of the cumbersome book, the inconvenience of holding its bulk, turning its pages, keeping them clean, jiggling his weary eyes back and forth in the awkward pursuit of words from the upper left hand corner to the lower right, all over the vast confusing reading surface of a columned page.
Extracting the dainty reading roll from its pill box container the reader slips it smoothly into its slot in the machine, sets the speed regulator, turns on the electric current and the whole 100 000; 200 000; 300 000 or million words spills out before his eyes and rolls on restfully or restlessly as he wills, in one continuous line of type, its meaning accelerated by the natural celerity of the eye and mind, [both of which today are quicker than the clumsy hand] one moving line of type before the eye, not blurred by the presence of lines above and below as they are confusing placed on a columned page.
My machine is equipped with controls so the reading record can be turned back or shot ahead, a chapter reread or the happy ending anticipated. The magnifying glass is so set that it can be moved nearer to or farther from the type, so the reader may browse in 6 point, 8, 10, 12, 16 or any size that suits him. Many books remain unread today owing to the unsuitable size of type in which they are printed. Many readers cannot stand the strain of small type and other intellectual prowlers are offended by greater primer. My reading machine allows the reader free choice in type-point, type seen through a movable magnifying glass is not the arbitrarily fixed, bound object we see imprisoned in books, but an adaptable carrier of flexible, flowing reading matter. Master compositors have impressed upon apprentices for years that there is no rubber type. Well, now that the reading machine exists with a strong glass to expand or contract the size of letters, compositors can’t ding on that anymore. Type today can be pulled out and pushed in as easily as an accordion.
My machine for reading eye-adjustable type is equipped with all modern improvements. By pressing a button the reading roll slows down so an interesting part can be read leisurely, over and over again, if need be, or by speeding up a dozen books can be skimmed through in an afternoon without soiling the fingers, cutting a page or losing a dust wrapper. Taken at high gear ordinary literature may be optically absorbed at the rate of full length novels in half hours or at slow speed great pieces of writing may be reread and mused over in half life times if necessary. One so minded may continue to take his reading matter as slowly and dully as he does today in books. The underlying principle of reading remains unaffected, merely its scope is enlarged and its latent possibilities pointed.
To save the labor of changing rolls or records, a clip of a dozen assorted may be put in at one time and automatically fed to the machine as phonograph discs are changed at present. The Book of the Day or Book of the Hour Club could sell its output in clips of a dozen ready to slip into the reading machine. Maybe a bookclub offering a dozen new titles a day would result. Reading by machinery will be as simple and painless as shaving with a Schick razor and refills may be had at corner drug stores, cigar stores, or telephone booths from dawn to midnight.
With the present speeding up of publishing a machine is needed to handle the bulk and cut down the quantity of paper, ink, binding and manual labor now wasted in getting out twentieth century reading matter in fifteenth century book form. The material advantages of my reading machine are obvious: paper saving by condensation and elimination of waste margin space, [which alone needlessly takes up a fifth or a sixth of the bulk of the present day book]; ink saving in proportion, a much smaller surface needs to be covered, the magnifying glass multiplies both paper and ink at no additional cost, the ratio is one part paper and ink to ten parts magnifier. Binding will become unnecessary, small paper pill boxes are produced at a fraction of the cost of large cloth covers; American publishers are discarding covers now to produce more and cheaper books, their next step will be to discard the Book itself in favor of the reading roll. Manual labor will be minimized. Reading will be less costly and may even become independent of advertising which today carries the cost of the cheap reading matter purveyed exclusively in the interests of the advertiser. 
All that is needed to modernize reading is a little imagination and a high powered magnifying glass. The Lord’s Prayer has been printed in type an inch high with illuminated initials as long as your nose and bound in plush in elephant folio; also, it has been etched on the head of a pin. Personally I should have been better pleased if Anthony Trollope had etched his three volume classics on the head of a pin. Maybe no more trilogies will be written when Readies are in vogue. Anyway, if they are, they may be read at one sitting.
 By photographic composition, which is rapidly taking the place of antiquated methods, type since 1925 has been turned out which is not readable without the aid of a magnifying glass. The English August-Hunter Camera Composing Machine fired the first gun in this revolution five years ago. Experiments with diamond type, like the old Chiswick PreB Shakespeare Complete in one and miniature books of the 64mo Clubs have already shown what a multitude of words can be printed in a minimum of space and yet be readable to the naked eye. Even Cicero mentions having seen a copy of the Iliad no bigger than his finger-nail. Publishers of our day have perfected Oxford Bibles and compressed all the short stories of De Maupassant, Balzac and other voluminous writers into single volumes by using thin paper. Dumb, inarticulate efforts have been made for centuries to squeeze more reading matter into less space, (the Germans since the war publish miniature Z e i t u n g s in eye-aching type to save paper and ink costs) but the only hint I have found of Moving Reading is in Stephen Crane’s title, “Black Riders”, which suggests the dash of inky words at full gallop across the plains of pure white pages. Roger Babson recently listed the needed invention of a Talking Book in a group of a score of ways to make a million. But he missed the point. What’s needed is a Bookless Book and certainly a silent one, because reading is for the eye and the INNER Ear. Literature is essentially Optical — — — not Vocal. Primarily, written words stand distinct from spoken ones as a colorful medium of Optical Art. 
Reading is intrinsically for the eye, but not necessarily for the naked optic alone. Sight can be comfortable clothed in an enlarging lens and the light on a moving tape-line of words may be adjusted to personal taste in intensity and tint, so the eye may be soothed and civilized and eventually become ashamed of its former nakedness. Opticians have given many people additional reading comfort through lenses. 
We are familiar with news and advertisements reeling off before our eyes in huge illuminated letters from the ops of corner buildings, and smaller propaganda machines tick off tales of commercial prowess before our eyes in shop windows. All that is needed is to bring these electric street signs down to the ground, move the show-window reading device into the library, living and bed-rooms by reducing the size of the letter photographically and refining it to the need of an intimate, handy portable, rapid reading conveyor.
In New York a retired Admiral by the name of Fiske has patents on a hand reading machine which sells for a dollar; it is used in reading microscopic type through a magnifier. Admiral Fiske states: “I find that it is entirely feasible, by suitable photographic or other process, to reduce a two and one-half inch column of typewritten or printed matter to a column one-quarter of an inch wide, so that by arranging five of such columns side by side and on both sides of a paper tape, which need not have a width greater than one and one-half inches, it becomes possible to present one hundred thousand words, the length of an average book, on a tape slightly longer than forty inches”. 
Recently the publishers of the New York telephone book owing to the unwieldy increase in the ponderosity of its tomes, considered the idea of using the Fiske machine and printing its product, advertisements and all, in pages three inches tall, in type unreadable by the naked eye. The idea is excellent and eventually will force its way into universal acceptance because the present bulk of phone directories hardly can be expanded unless hotel rooms and booths are enlarged. The inconvenience of searching through the massive volumes of several boroughs has brought New York to the necessity of giving birth to an invention. 
But book me no books! In the Fiske Machine we have still with us the preposterous page and the fixity of columns. It is stationary, static, antiquated already before its acceptance, merely a condensed unbound book.
The accumulating pressure of reading and writing alone will budge type into motion, force it to flow over the column, off the page, out of the book where it has snoozed in apathetic contentment for half a thousand years. The only apparent change the amateur reader may bemoan is that he might not fall asleep as promptly before a spinning reading roll as over a droning book in his lap, but again necessity may come to the rescue with a radio attachment which will shut off the current and automatically stop the type-flow on receipt of the first sensitive vibration of a literary snore.
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senaponin · 6 years
Chapter III: My Reading Machine
The word “readies” suggests to me a moving type spectacle, reading at the speed – rate of the present day with the aid of a machine, a method of enjoying literature in a manner as up to date as the lively talkies. In selecting “The Readies” as a title for what I have to say about modern reading and writing I hope to catch the reader in a receptive progressive mood, I ask him to forget for the moment the existing medievalism of the BOOK [God bless it, it’s staggering on its last leg and about to fall] as a conveyor of reading matter. I request the reader to fix his mental eye for a moment on the ever-present future and contemplate a reading machine which will revitalize his interest in the Optical Art of Writing. In our aeroplane age radio is rushing in television, tomorrow it will be a commonplace. All the arts are having their faces lifted, painting, [Picasso], sculpture [Brancussi], music [Antheil], architecture [zoning law], drama [Strange Interlude], dancing [just look around you tonight] writing [Joyce, Stein, Cummings, Hemingway]. Only the reading half of Literature lags behind, stays old-fashioned, frumpish, beskirted. Present day reading methods are as cumbersome as they were in the time of Caxton and Jimmy the Ink. Though we have advanced from Gutenberg’s movable type through the linotype and monotype to photo-composing we still consult the book in its original archaic form as the only oracular means we know for carrying the word mystically to the eye. Writing has been bottled up in books since the start. It is time to pull out the stopper. To continue reading at today’s speed I must have a machine. A simple reading machine which I can carry or move around, attach to any old electric light plug and read hundred thousand word novels in ten minutes if I want to, and I want to. A machine as handy as a portable phonograph, typewriter or radio, compact, minute, operated by electricity, the printing done microscopically by the new photographic process on a transparent tough tissue roll which carries the entire content of a book and yet is no bigger than a typewriter ribbon, a roll like a miniature serpentine that can be put in a pill box. This reading film unrolls beneath a narrow strip of strong magnifying glass five or six inches long set in a reading slit, the glass brings up the otherwise unreadable type to comfortable reading size, and the reader is rid at last of the cumbersome book, the inconvenience of holding its bulk, turning its pages, keeping them clean, jiggling his weary eyes back and forth in the awkward pursuit of words from the upper left hand corner to the lower right, all over the vast confusing reading surface of a columned page. 
Extracting the dainty reading roll from its pill box container the reader slips it smoothly into its slot in the machine, sets the speed regulator, turns on the electric current and the whole 100 000; 200 000; 300 000 or million words spills out before his eyes and rolls on restfully or restlessly as he wills, in one continuous line of type, its meaning accelerated by the natural celerity of the eye and mind, [both of which today are quicker than the clumsy hand] one moving line of type before the eye, not blurred by the presence of lines above and below as they are confusing placed on a columned page.
 My machine is equipped with controls so the reading record can be turned back or shot ahead, a chapter reread or the happy ending anticipated. The magnifying glass is so set that it can be moved nearer to or farther from the type, so the reader may browse in 6 point, 8, 10, 12, 16 or any size that suits him. Many books remain unread today owing to the unsuitable size of type in which they are printed. Many readers cannot stand the strain of small type and other intellectual prowlers are offended by greater primer. My reading machine allows the reader free choice in type-point, type seen through a movable magnifying glass is not the arbitrarily fixed, bound object we see imprisoned in books, but an adaptable carrier of flexible, flowing reading matter. Master compositors have impressed upon apprentices for years that there is no rubber type. Well, now that the reading machine exists with a strong glass to expand or contract the size of letters, compositors can’t ding on that anymore. Type today can be pulled out and pushed in as easily as an accordion. 
My machine for reading eye-adjustable type is equipped with all modern improvements. By pressing a button the reading roll slows down so an interesting part can be read leisurely, over and over again, if need be, or by speeding up a dozen books can be skimmed through in an afternoon without soiling the fingers, cutting a page or losing a dust wrapper. Taken at high gear ordinary literature may be optically absorbed at the rate of full length novels in half hours or at slow speed great pieces of writing may be reread and mused over in half life times if necessary. One so minded may continue to take his reading matter as slowly and dully as he does today in books. The underlying principle of reading remains unaffected, merely its scope is enlarged and its latent possibilities pointed. 
To save the labor of changing rolls or records, a clip of a dozen assorted may be put in at one time and automatically fed to the machine as phonograph discs are changed at present. The Book of the Day or Book of the Hour Club could sell its output in clips of a dozen ready to slip into the reading machine. Maybe a bookclub offering a dozen new titles a day would result. Reading by machinery will be as simple and painless as shaving with a Schick razor and refills may be had at corner drug stores, cigar stores, or telephone booths from dawn to midnight. 
With the present speeding up of publishing a machine is needed to handle the bulk and cut down the quantity of paper, ink, binding and manual labor now wasted in getting out twentieth century reading matter in fifteenth century book form. The material advantages of my reading machine are obvious: paper saving by condensation and elimination of waste margin space, [which alone needlessly takes up a fifth or a sixth of the bulk of the present day book]; ink saving in proportion, a much smaller surface needs to be covered, the magnifying glass multiplies both paper and ink at no additional cost, the ratio is one part paper and ink to ten parts magnifier. Binding will become unnecessary, small paper pill boxes are produced at a fraction of the cost of large cloth covers; American publishers are discarding covers now to produce more and cheaper books, their next step will be to discard the Book itself in favor of the reading roll. Manual labor will be minimized. Reading will be less costly and may even become independent of advertising which today carries the cost of the cheap reading matter purveyed exclusively in the interests of the advertiser. All that is needed to modernize reading is a little imagination and a high powered magnifying glass. The Lord’s Prayer has been printed in type an inch high with illuminated initials as long as your nose and bound in plush in elephant folio; also, it has been etched on the head of a pin. Personally I should have been better pleased if Anthony Trollope had etched his three volume classics on the head of a pin. Maybe no more trilogies will be written when Readies are in vogue. Anyway, if they are, they may be read at one sitting. By photographic composition, which is rapidly taking the place of antiquated methods, type since 1925 has been turned out which is not readable without the aid of a magnifying glass. The English August-Hunter Camera Composing Machine fired the first gun in this revolution five years ago. Experiments with diamond type, like the old Chiswick PreB Shakespeare Complete in one and miniature books of the 64mo Clubs have already shown what a multitude of words can be printed in a minimum of space and yet be readable to the naked eye. Even Cicero mentions having seen a copy of the Iliad no bigger than his finger-nail. Publishers of our day have perfected Oxford Bibles and compressed all the short stories of De Maupassant, Balzac and other voluminous writers into single volumes by using thin paper. Dumb, inarticulate efforts have been made for centuries to squeeze more reading matter into less space, (the Germans since the war publish miniature Z e i t u n g s in eye-aching type to save paper and ink costs) but the only hint I have found of Moving Reading is in Stephen Crane’s title, “Black Riders”, which suggests the dash of inky words at full gallop across the plains of pure white pages. Roger Babson recently listed the needed invention of a Talking Book in a group of a score of ways to make a million. But he missed the point. What’s needed is a Bookless Book and certainly a silent one, because reading is for the eye and the INNER Ear. Literature is essentially Optical — — — not Vocal. Primarily, written words stand distinct from spoken ones as a colorful medium of Optical Art. Reading is intrinsically for the eye, but not necessarily for the naked optic alone. Sight can be comfortable clothed in an enlarging lens and the light on a moving tape-line of words may be adjusted to personal taste in intensity and tint, so the eye may be soothed and civilized and eventually become ashamed of its former nakedness. Opticians have given many people additional reading comfort through lenses. We are familiar with news and advertisements reeling off before our eyes in huge illuminated letters from the ops of corner buildings, and smaller propaganda machines tick off tales of commercial prowess before our eyes in shop windows. All that is needed is to bring these electric street signs down to the ground, move the show-window reading device into the library, living and bed-rooms by reducing the size of the letter photographically and refining it to the need of an intimate, handy portable, rapid reading conveyor. In New York a retired Admiral by the name of Fiske has patents on a hand reading machine which sells for a dollar; it is used in reading microscopic type through a magnifier. Admiral Fiske states: “I find that it is entirely feasible, by suitable photographic or other process, to reduce a two and one-half inch column of typewritten or printed matter to a column one-quarter of an inch wide, so that by arranging five of such columns side by side and on both sides of a paper tape, which need not have a width greater than one and one-half inches, it becomes possible to present one hundred thousand words, the length of an average book, on a tape slightly longer than forty inches”. Recently the publishers of the New York telephone book owing to the unwieldy increase in the ponderosity of its tomes, considered the idea of using the Fiske machine and printing its product, advertisements and all, in pages three inches tall, in type unreadable by the naked eye. The idea is excellent and eventually will force its way into universal acceptance because the present bulk of phone directories hardly can be expanded unless hotel rooms and booths are enlarged. The inconvenience of searching through the massive volumes of several boroughs has brought New York to the necessity of giving birth to an invention. But book me no books! In the Fiske Machine we have still with us the preposterous page and the fixity of columns. It is stationary, static, antiquated already before its acceptance, merely a condensed unbound book. The accumulating pressure of reading and writing alone will budge type into motion, force it to flow over the column, off the page, out of the book where it has snoozed in apathetic contentment for half a thousand years. The only apparent change the amateur reader may bemoan is that he might not fall asleep as promptly before a spinning reading roll as over a droning book in his lap, but again necessity may come to the rescue with a radio attachment which will shut off the current and automatically stop the type-flow on receipt of the first sensitive vibration of a literary snore.
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howtotechpress-blog · 8 years
Best leader Android telephones you can purchase August 2016
It’s August, and with a continually expanding number of outstanding Android OEMs achieving development, we’ve seen more new handsets than expected dispatch this mid year. The late spring began off solid with the Moto Z and Moto Z Force (not delivering!), and most as of late Samsung at long last demonstrated to us its Galaxy Note 7 after numerous months of breaks. Be that as it may, which ones are the best purchases?…
Whether you like a pocket-sized telephone that offers more regarding crude components, or a phablet-sized telephone that sticks to stock Android, you’re certain to discover something to fit your inclination when you run with Android. The stage can be found on more than 80% of cell phones on the planet, and there’s an explanation behind that.
All things considered, Google’s mantra for the stage is “Be as one. Not the same.”, and that seems to be valid in the sheer differences of Android telephones, tablets, watches, and in-auto comforts. In the event that a telephone is what you’re after, however, you’ve gone to the opportune spot. Beneath we’ve recorded the best choices among the mid-to-higher-end level as of August 2016, their good and bad times, their particulars, and the best costs you’ll discover anyplace on the web.
New for August:
Samsung Galaxy Note 7
cosmic system note-7
Samsung at last took the wraps off its quite spilled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phablet this month. The telephone, pressing much the same inside particulars of its Samsung Galaxy S7 edge sibling, is for the most part separated by its bigger size and obviously the expansion of the since quite a while ago reputed iris scanner for opening the gadget. There’s likewise the S Pen that has for quite some time been accessible on the Note line, a double edged showcase, and’s Samsung Cloud rival to iCloud.
Concerning the gadget’s specs, the Galaxy Note 7 will highlight a 5.7-inch QHD Super AMOLED show with Gorilla Glass 5, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, a 12 MP camera with a f/1.7 gap (also OIS and 4K video bolster), a 5 MP selfie cam, 64GB of locally available stockpiling, microSD card opening, a 3,500 mAh battery, and a USB Type-C port. There’s additionally an iris scanner, and the gadget’s careful measurements are 153.5mm x 73.9mm x 7.9mm, with a weight of 168 grams.
Cosmic system Note 7 is accessible from all the significant American transporters (Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T) on August nineteenth, yet you can pre-arrange now. What’s more, concerning value, the telephone will be some place in the scope of $770-$800 relying upon which transporter you run with. You’ll have the capacity to get the Note 7 in dark, blue, and silver in the US, with a free 256GB microSD card or a Gear Fit 2 by means of numerous transporters. Samsung says that an opened rendition of the telephone will come later in the year.
Moto Z/Moto Z Force
Reported only two or three months back, the standard Moto Z from Lenovo/Motorola packs a unimaginably svelte outline that is only 5.2 mm dainty. It’s controlled by a quad-center Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, and 32GB or 64GB of capacity, and elements a 5.5-inch quad HD AMOLED show and a 13MP camera with laser-help and stage discovery self-adjust. Its 2600mAh battery is evaluated at 30 hours of life.
Its sibling, the Moto Z Force, is marginally less apparently appealing at a still-respectable 7 mm dainty. This additional thickness does, be that as it may, purchase you some extra elements. The Moto Z Force has a superior 21MP fundamental camera with optical picture adjustment and laser self-adjust and a bigger 3500mAh battery, and additionally a split verification show. Alternate specs continue as before as the general Z. Obviously, both models tout similarity with Moto Mod embellishments.
Neither one of the devices has a 3.5 mm earphone jack, sadly, so you’ll have to utilize USB Type-C or Bluetooth for sound. A 3.5mm to USB-C earphone port connector is incorporated into the container, be that as it may. The USB port likewise gives Turbo Charging, with up to 15 hours of force with a 15 minute charge on the Z Force. Both gadgets are running Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with the standard programming elements we’re acquainted with from past Moto gadgets. Perused our full survey for more data.
Starting now, the telephones are select to Verizon. The Moto Z Droid is $26 every month or $624 through and through, while the Moto Z Force Droid is $30 every month or $730 inside and out. Better arrangements for these telephones ought to be right around the bend, and Lenovo says that the standard Moto Z will be accessible in opened structure sooner or later in the not so distant future.
From prior this year:
OnePlus 3
The OnePlus 3 is the most recent handset from Chinese organization OnePlus. The telephone has a Snapdragon 820 with an Adreno 530 GPU, a 5.5-inch 1080p AMOLED show with Gorilla Glass 4, 6GB of RAM and 64GB of capacity (sans a MicroSD opening, tragically), and it’s controlled by a 3,000 mAh non-removable battery. You’ll charge the telephone super-quick with OnePlus’ “Dash Charge” tech, and concerning cameras, the OnePlus 3 has a 16MP principle camera with optical picture adjustment, and a 8MP camera is on the front.
Obviously the telephone likewise has a significant number of the components you’ve generally expected from a lead in 2016. The OnePlus 3 has a unique mark sensor, wears a smooth outline made of anodized aluminum, comes in two hues, has a 3.5 mm sound jack, and games 4G LTE network (Cat. 6), WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/air conditioning, Bluetooth 4.2, NFC (which the OnePlus 2 prominently did without), and the sky is the limit from there. Make certain to look at our own particular unpacking and impressions review from Dom Esposito.
The OnePlus 3 can be had from OnePlus.net for $399.
Samsung Galaxy S7 Active
S7 Active versus Galaxy S7
Samsung and AT&T turned out to declare the Galaxy S7 Active prior this month, and simply like a year ago’s Galaxy S6 Active, the telephone is fundamentally a S7 with a bulky case worked in. You’ll locate a 5.1-crawl Super AMOLED show, a Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM, 32GB of expandable stockpiling, and a 12MP back camera. There’s likewise a gigantic 4,000 mAh battery inside which AT&T says presents to 32 hours of talk time. Likewise with the Galaxy S7, the S7 Active games Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 and a microUSB port to charge this battery (sorry, no USB-C).
We’ve as of now had our hands on the gadget for some time now, so make sure look at our own Jeff Benjamin’s involvement with the telephone in video structure. He says that the S7 dynamic is greatly improved looking than a year ago’s model, highlighting “a streamlined back, enhanced front face catches, and a general outline cohesiveness that showcases the line’s development.”
You can buy the telephone on AT&T Next for $26.50 for 30 months or AT&T Next Every Year SM for $33.13 a month for 24 months. It is accessible in three hues: Sandy Gold, Titanium Gray, and Camo Green.
Sony Xperia X
The Xperia X was reported the distance back at Mobile World Congress, however it wasn’t until simply a week ago that the telephone got to be accessible to preorder for those in the United States. The new leader from Sony has a full HD 5-inch IPS LCD show on the front, a consistent level sheet of metal on the back, and Sony’s trademark smooth adjusted metal edge the distance around the edges. Like the Z5, the X has a unique mark sensor worked into the force catch as an afterthought.
As you’d anticipate from Sony, this telephone packs an incredible 23MP camera on the back. Our own particular Cam Bunton said not long ago that it can “center inside the flicker of an eye, has PDAF and 1080p video recording.” There’s likewise an amazing 13MP front confronting camera. The telephone runs Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with a “generally light” Sony skin on top and is fueled by a Snapdragon 650 processor, which is combined with 3GB RAM and a 2,620mAh battery.
The Xperia X is at present $523.99 transported to at Amazon.
Samsung Galaxy S7/S7 edge
system s7-lead
Likely the most prominent individuals from this rundown, Samsung propelled a couple of completely shocking leader telephones this year. Expanding on the equation that was begun with the Galaxy S6 — including an all-glass front and back, negligible bezels, and a general premium feel — the Galaxy S7 and S7 edge may very well be the best Android telephones that you can purchase at this moment. Despite everything they highlight Samsung’s for quite some time loathed TouchWiz Android skin, yet — whether you get the Snapdragon variation or the Exynos variation — they’re certainly capable, smooth, and cleaned.
The consistent S7 has a 5.1-crawl Super AMOLED board and its Quad HD (2560 x 1440) determination gives the screen a pixel thickness of 575 PPI. The US, Japan, and China will get the 2.2GHz quad-center, Snapdragon 820-controlled chips while different markets are set to get the 2.4GHz octa-center Exynos-prepared adaptations. The S7 highlights a 3000 mAh battery, and the S7 Edge has a greatly applauded 3,600 mah battery. Lamentably, Samsung chose not to run with USB-C, rather picking microUSB. 32GB and 64GB models accessible.
Look at our full survey of the Galaxy S7 edge.
The Galaxy S7 is as of now $555 delivered on Amazon, however we’ve considered it to be low as $500 sent.
The Galaxy S7 Edge is right now $649 transported on Amazon.
Moto X Pure Edition
Moto X Pure Edition (otherwise called Moto X style globally) was disclosed by Motorola in July of 2015, turning into its first class offering for those searching for a gorgeous powerhouse. The organization additionally uncovered a second Moto X called the Moto X Play (later to be known as the Droid Maxx 2 in the US), which is more rough and offers better battery, however is less capable as far as tech specs.
The Moto X Pure Edition, which still stands its ground against 2016 Android telephones, packs a 5.7-inch Quad HD show and the Snapdragon 808 running at 1.8 GHz, 3GB of RAM, 4G LTE, and capacity levels at 16, 32, and 64GB. The telephone has a brutal 21MP fundamental camera with a f/2.0 opening and 4K video catch, a double tone streak, a 5-megapixel front cam, and a front-confronting streak too. With respect to the battery, the Pure Edition sits at 3,000 mAh.
Look at our full survey of the Moto X Pure Edition.
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