#A Griff Savage Adventure 2
cathygeha · 6 years
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Savage Strike by Chris Mares
A Griff Savage Adventure #2
Griff finds himself once again in a situation. What kind of situation? One that has him protecting a friend or two, making a few new friends and using skills he no doubt picked up in the French Legion to extricate himself from dangerous situations that Tim and others find themselves in. This story takes place in the heat and humidity of Thailand – a place that is filled with jungles, tourists and dangerous creatures of many kinds.  
I find Griff still conflicted about what direction he wants his life to take. He has been a soldier and the flip side of being a soldier by taking up being Buddhist monk for several years. His training in both helps him in this story. He seems to be going with the flow and unsure where his life will take him as he seems to follow the path of least resistance. Often he finds himself in the midst of trouble, saving someone or giving in to the physical pleasures he tried to give up during his days of being a monk.  
This book has surprises, some twists and turns, more insight into Savage and quite a bit of fighting that show Griff has some signature moves he uses when dealing with those who want to harm or kill him or others.
Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Do I want to read more in this series? Yes
I believe there will be more books in this series and it seems Griff will be in Maine next time we catch up with him. I do wonder what he will be doing because at the end of book two he is on his way to Sweden ;)
Thank you to Wayzgoose for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4 Stars
Drifter-with-a-past Griff Savage travels to Thailand to convince his childhood friend Tim to give up a noble but deadly pursuit—convincing local farmers to switch their crops from opium poppies to orchids. But nothing is simple in this endeavor, as Savage and Tim confront drug lords, contract killers, and police. As if that weren’t enough, Savage’s restlessness leads him to entanglements with a trail of women – which in turn put him in the path of a serial killer. Savage’s impulse is to protect all his friends and acquaintances. But who will protect him?
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Author Bio: Chris Mares
I grew up in a village near Lewes, Sussex, in the UK. At eighteen I went to live on a kibbutz in Israel and my life changed for ever. It was an eye opening experience. I have subsequently lived and worked in France, Japan, and the US, where I currently live. I feel very lucky to have travelled and roamed the world when I did, before many places were overrun by tourists. I now live and work in Maine, a state that I love. I kayak, canoe, hike, camp, mush sled dogs, ride, ski, and snowboard. Currently I teach at the University of Maine which I enjoy very much. My current passion is music, especially playing the guitar and singing, something I never thought I would do in public, but I do.
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