#A Hacker Going Towards a Dream (Post Persona 5 Strikers)
oraclememehacker · 1 month
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"So uh, a portal appeared in my closet that goes to random places. That's how my past two days have been."
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oraclememehacker · 7 months
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"I hope you all are ready for tonight. Special stream will be happening, and the game that I will be playing will be a surprise. Don't forget to follow on my twitch channel, Alibaba."
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oraclememehacker · 3 months
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Admittedly, Riceball has no idea what those are. Is a universal constant, so cannot really notice when something happens. Is just sorta everywhere and nowhere, as is Riceball. Very snuggly though. Perhaps need to patch those things up though, do not sound snuggly.
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"Well, in any case I'm just ready to have some peace and quiet for a while. But knowing me, that's not going to be the case. And I'm not as bored now, thanks to you."
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oraclememehacker · 3 months
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Oh! Riceball knows what to do now! Now they need to have multiverse adventures! Face off against evil twins! Go 88 miles an hour in a dangerous metal box!
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"As fun as all of that is, I think I'm a little multiversed out. Especially after the tear and the fractured."
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
A Fractured Mirror (Multiverse Tear incident)
“Okay let’s see, do we have any mirrors...” Futaba was wondering this since she had a discussion on the chat app with someone. Naruaki Seta to be precise. One of the people in the mirrorverse who could traverse worlds via mirrors. He was going to take her fractured self to see if he could get any info from it, and was needing to make sure that he had a mirror big enough to get through and to take the fractured Futaba with. Futaba didn’t recall seeing a mirror big enough for that in their house, so that was something that she was going to have to ask Sojiro about.
Upon asking, the answer was both bad news and good news. The bad news that they didn’t have a mirror big enough within the house. The good news was that there was one in the cafe. There was a couple of issues with this. That meant either transporting a giant mirror down a street or two and managing to not break it in the process; or having to help transport a fractured person at least a couple of blocks without touching them. It was hard enough to get them in her closet as is. 
This wasn’t going to be fun. So, she decided to keep going on the chat app to him, telling him what was going on and their options.
[Alibaba]: Bad news and good news. [Alibaba]: We don’t have a big enough mirror at my house. [Alibaba]: There is however one at the cafe. Somewhere in the attic. [Alibaba]: So either we transport a mirror, or a fractured. [Alibaba]: Not great scenarios either way.
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oraclememehacker · 5 months
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"I still think about it a lot...that attack on me. Waking up in the hospital and being in so much pain I couldn't even think. I'm just thankful that I'm able to deal with it...but there was times when I just wanted to shut myself in and not deal with reality for a while. But I know if I do that, it won't be any different than when I became a shut in a couple of years ago."
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"I will push on, and endure, regardless. But it's not fun at times. Not with everything that's gone on."
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oraclememehacker · 7 months
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"Some people think it's haha quirky to have a mental illness and be depressed until the not so fun parts of it are shown, like stinking to high heaven because you don't shower, or just looking like shit because you can't muster the energy to do anything, or snapping because your emotions are so out of balance you don't know what else to do. It's not funny and quirky it's shit, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
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"I'm glad my girlfriend isn't too tall. I can just manage to kiss her on my tip toes. Any taller and I'd have to get a step stool out."
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
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“If only Ann was around, maybe we could kiss...not hold hands though. Just kiss.”
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oraclememehacker · 10 months
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"Watch this, I can summon my girlfriend Ann just by this simple trick." Places down a line of cookies leading right to her, and waits for Ann to teleport in randomly.
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
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“I’m feeling really gay today. Where’s Ann when I need her...”
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
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It had been a little bit now since the whole vacation stuff and there was some stuff that happened in it that she had been thinking about. The fact that they were so close to having all been captured and it was only because of her tripping that they were spared a full team wipe. And there was also the fact that Zenkichi was the reason why they were all safe and not stuck in that Jail for however long it was going to be. That’s why she was surprised when she would bump into him in Yongen.
She looked up at him, adjusting her headphones and wasn’t immediately messing with him by calling him old man or anything like that. She had too much respect for him right now to do that. “Hey, Zenkichi, funny bumping into you like this. I need to tell you something.” She would then give him a small hug before pulling away. “I never really got to say this during the incident with your daughter and the Jail. I know all of that was tough but that’s not exactly what I want to talk to you about. I just want to say...thank you for helping me out during then. Without you I probably would’ve ended up having a panic and anxiety attack. So, thank you. Really.”
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
You are super smart and have a lot of technical knowledge. Honestly you are made of girlfriend material. Ann is so lucky.
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"More like I'm lucky honestly. I never expected Ann to be interested in me romantically at all. She's kind, and smart in her own way. There's no way I could ever do any of the modelling stuff, and all of her knowledge of fashion and what works on certain body types is commendable. Plus, she's absolutely gorgeous to boot! I don't compare to her really. But I'm glad we're together. I love her so much."
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
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"Beach episode huh? Well, I do like the beach. It was fun the past few times I've been to one."
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
"I'll still give you headpats anytime you want, Futaba~"
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“Thanks, I really appreciate it. Your headpats always did remind me of how mom did them back in the day.”
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oraclememehacker · 1 year
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"...Necro accidentally put a metal fork in the microwave and it caught fire...why she was trying to cook anything in the first place I have no idea."
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