#A Heian Villainess survives as a Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei
coolmika745 · 1 year
A Heian Villainess Survives as a Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei Chapter 3 Summary
Chapter 3 started off with Seimei telling the tengu that he did not expect him to get in the inner palace. Arrows were fired at the tengu, but he dodged them. Satsuki was wondering who the tengu was. The frog said that the tengu used to live in the mountains beyond the capital, but has been breaking in it as of lately and that they believe that the curses were rampant because of him.
Satsuki looked at the court lady who tried to frame her and wondered if she was the one who provoked the tengu. The frog explained to Satsuki that the tengu escaped its Master Seimei several times.
Seimei did not seemed to be happy to see the tengu again and just said "you again". The tengu told Seimei that he heard of something more interested and basically said the same thing as he said at the end of chapter 2 about Aki being the daughter of Taira no Masakado and wanted 'Aki' to come with him, but Seimei would not allow that and said that he is not going to let the tengu take an interesting thing with him.
Satsuki got angry with Seimei calling her an interesting thing. The tengu told Seimei to shut up and that he was talking to Satsuki and not him. Satsuki thought that the tengu had his reasons, but she did not think that it was good for him to attack people and curse them. She she did not not know much about her 'father' Masakado and doesn't want to be a villain.
The scene is back on Seimei and the tengu. The tengu laughed and said that it a pity and that he has no obligation to wait for self-important deceptive people to finish talking. Seimei called upon a white tiger shikigami to attack the tengu.
The frog praised Seimei and told Satsuki that even its master's shikigami seemed to be strongest. Satsuki and the frog closed their eyes when they saw the white tiger shikigami was about to attack the tengu, but when they opened them they noticed that the tengu was not in his previous spot. Satsuki spotted him on the rooftop.
Seimei noticed that the tengu dodged his attack and seemed to be unsettled about it. Then the tengu told Seimei that he was at a loss and turned into a bird and flew away. Seimei sent a tailsman after the bird and told it to follow him.
Satsuki thought that Seimei would not seem able to catch up with the tengu in the sky. Then she wondered what what going to happened to her as Heian Women usually lived with their fathers or husbands, and most places would not hire the daughter of a criminal. She got an idea by looking at Seimei and she thought that he would definitely let her off. She asked Seimei to please let her be his disciple and the chapter ended on a cliffhanger. This is the end of the preview.
Here is the link to the tweet thread I made to discuss the manga.
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coolmika745 · 1 year
A Heian Villainess Survives as the Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei Chapter 1 & 2 Review
So I found myself reading another manga about Taira no Masakado, but since I do not live in Japan, I cannot download the app to finish reading it.🙁 I put the app on my wishlist so that it and this story could be released in my country although I may have to send an email about it too.
It is a good thing that Seimei has supernatural powers to see through conspiracies and disprove of false accusations so I will not have to witness another cliche palace drama where the evil court lady frames the court lady she despises who happens to be the female protagonist.
The first part of the chapter 2 could be foreshadowing that Taira no Masakado was one of Satsuki's ancestor as Satsuki said something about her father mentioning their ancestors, but she was not paying attention to him. Also, this just could a coincidence, but Satsuki surname is 'Soma (相馬)' meaning that she could be a descendent of the Soma Clan (相馬氏) who were descendents of Masakado's daughter, Haruhime; not Takiyashahime, but her sister.
Seimei asked a good question about Satsuki being a nonhuman. It is possible that she could be a half yokai like himself as I don't really know if she is fully human at this point in the story. I wonder if that picture they showed in one of the panals was Seimei's fox form 🦊 and Satsuki's rabbit form 🐰 or just a random scene the manga artist drew? It also seems to be an analogy of the 'Fox and the Rabbit' in which Seimei is the fox predator while Satsuki is the rabbit prey and at the end of the story the fox and the rabbit became friends.
From this chapter, I can see that the court lady who tried to frame Aki isn't an ordinary woman, which means that no normal humans could have dealt with her without Seimei being there. The imperial family isn't really ordinary because they are descendents of the sun goddess Amaterasu, but many of them did not inherit supernatural powers from her or their other ancestral gods.
Seimei seems to have met the Tengu before, but under what circumstances. I want to finish reading the next chapter before I post my thoughts on this.
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coolmika745 · 1 year
A Heian Villainess Survives as a Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei Chapter 2 Summary
Seimei asked where was Satsuki from. Satsuki thought that if she told Seimei where she was from, he would not believe her.
Then there is a flashback from present day Japan where Satsuki was searching for a scroll in her family warehouse that was related to her ancestors and mentioned that her father talked about their ancestors, but she did not pay him any attention. She looked at the scroll and wondered if there was something mentioned about them. Afterwards she ended up in the Heian Era and became a low rank court lady named Aki.
The scene shows Seimei and as a humanoid fox and Satsuki as a humanoid rabbit. Seimei told Satsuki that she could forget about escaping. Satsuki asked if Seimei is suspicious of her even though he helped her. Seimei asked how did she broke the barrier around the Imperial Palace. Satsuki said that she did not know how she did it and just arrived here from a thousand years later, but she thought that there was no way that Seimei would believe that. The frog told Seimei that it didn't think that Satsuki was a bad person. But Seimei seemed to be intrigued by that the fact that Satsuki came from a thousand years later.
The woman tried to get a loose and told them that Aki was the one who created the enhancement on the Crown Prince and was trying to frame her because Aki's father committed treason by calling himself the "Emperor" and caused a war. The woman seemed to have brainwashed everyone in the building and tried to curse Satsuki by attaching a purple thread to her, but Seimei cut the thread and told her to try not to curse anyone back during the interrogation.
Satsuki was surprised that the thread could be cut. Seimei noticed that she could see it to and asked if she was a oni then Satsuki wondered if she had a constitution that allowed her to see strange things like that.
Seimei went to talk to the Crown Prince who was the silhouette behind the curtain. Seimei informed him that since Aki's identity has been cleared, but it would be impossible for her to stay in the Imperial Palace. Satsuki wondered why Seimei said that since she or rather Aki was proving not to be the culprit. Seimei requested to take 'Aki' to the Onmyo Dormitory to ask her a few questions. The Crown Prince told Seimei to do whatever he wanted. Satsuki wondered when Seimei was going to let her be.
The frog notice that something was going on with the box the skull was in and said that it had to stop the mononoke from coming out.
Out came the box was a purple haired man who was a tengu. The men at the palace called him a tengu bastard. Seimei said you again and also addressed him as a tengu bastard too and realized that the barriers around the palace were broken. The tengu said that he heard a more interesting story and turned to 'Aki' and said that she was Taira no Masakado's daughter. Masakado samurai who defied the emperor and tried to become emperor himself, but was destroyed by the hunter-gatherer army. He added that Masakado's grudge still brings disaster to the capital.
Satsuki wondered if Aki's father was such a dangerous person as she read about him in the textbooks. The tengu asked Satsuki would she come with him and the chapter ended.
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coolmika745 · 1 year
A Heian Villainess Survives as a Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei Manga Chapter 1 Summary
There is this manga I came across one day when I was searching for works and arts related to Abe no Seimei on twitter. It is titled A Heian Villainess Survives as a Disciple of Onmyoji Abe no Seimei (平安悪女は陰陽師・安倍晴明の弟子になって生き延びます). All of the pages are in color. Only three chapters are available on the website, while the rest of the chapters are only available in the app, which I think is only available in Japan.
It started off when the Female Lead, Soma Satsuki who transmigrated from the Reiwa Era (Present Day Japan) to Heian Era and she and Abe no Seimei eyes met each other. Satsuki said that she was under pressure from the Famous Onmyoji from the Heian Era while Seimei said that he has been waiting for her.
Then there is a flashback on what happened when Satsuki first transmigrated to the Heian Era. A woman in a Yamabuki Printed Junihitoe [1][2] slapped Satsuki with a fan and accused her of cursing the crown prince. The woman addressed her as 'Aki', which means 'Autumn'. Satsuki wondered if the woman and the other court ladies in the room are just cosplaying and she told the woman that her name was not Aki, but Soma Satsuki. Either the women did not believe her or did not pay attention to what she said. Satsuki then realized that something was different about her and that she was wearing a Junihitoe too. In confusion, she asked the woman where was she? The woman answered and said she was in the Heian Palace where the Emperor sits. This statement shocked Satsuki and she realized she traveled back in time to a little over a thousand of years ago. The woman got back to the subject that she was talking about previously and told Satsuki that she could not escape punishment. Satsuki became frightened when she noticed a skeleton head and realized that it was skull which was used to curse Crown Prince with and wondered why Aki tried to kill someone like that. She then protested and said that she didn't curse the Crown Prince.
Satsuki got a glance Aki's memories. There were people telling Aki that her father was a villain and that they were sure that she would make a vendetta against the world too, next there was a woman in the flashback who told Aki to never mention her father name, and lastly someone was about to say Aki father's name, but the memory ended.
Satsuki panicked and said to herself that she has done nothing wrong and yet those people were condemning her or rather Aki and her father for some reason and wondered if those were memories from the body she currently inhabits. The woman who accused her said that what she did was unforgivable and Satsuki wondered if Aki couldn't help, but to curse someone. The woman went on and insisted that 'Aki' should be punished as soon as possible for putting that skull on the Crown Prince's Throne.
The man outside of the entrance interrupted the woman and suggested that they should let an onmyoji from the Onmyou Dormitory analyze the situation in order to determine to who the culprit was and the woman agreed to it. Satsuki noticed a purple thread, but did not know why it was there and frightened by the news that an onmyoji was coming because she knew that onmyoji were fortune tellers and curse experts and that they would be able to expose her or rather Aki.
The woman talked to the onmyoji outside and said that she requested assisted from the Onmyou Dormitory for the Crown Prince. The onmyoji told her that he was a disciple of the onmyoji's head. The woman then realized that he must be the rumored Abe no Doji. He told her that he was now called Abe no Seimei. She complimented him and said that if it is him then he would be able to take the place of his teacher. Satsuki observed the woman and Seimei's conversation and thought that the onmyoji's name sound familiar. Seimei told the woman outside to forgive him for coming here and proceeded to enter the room.
Satsuki realized that he was Abe no Seimei, the famous onmyoji from the Heian Era and the one she saw in movies.
Seimei analyzed the skull and told them that the cursed was an enchantment and if he remembered correctly that it was a curse that gave the same pain to the owner by hurting the katashiro[3] with hair and nails.
Seimei noticed Satsuki and asked who was that wife? The woman said that she was the one who brought the skull to the Crown Prince's Throne. Seimei seemed to be annoyed with the woman and said that he asked for Satsuki's name. The woman got angry and said that she was a low ranked court lady named Aki. Seimei said that he understood what she said and continued working.
Satsuki wondered what will happened to her. A frog jumped on her shoulder causing her to gasp. The frog asked her why was she so frightened and told her not to worry because its master, Seimei will clear all of her doubts. Satsuki then realized that there was a talking frog on her shoulder.
Seimei informed the court ladies that the enchantment for using a skull was a time-honored method which cursed and killed the emperor from 200 years ago. The court ladies commented that they heard how horrible that incident was. Seimei said there were many way to find out who cursed the Crown Prince and that he was going to talk quickly.
The woman agreed and said that they should let Aki confess, but that is not what Seimei meant and said that since it was a big deal, he should asked the curse itself. Seimei performed a chant with a tailsman, which enabled the skull to speak and then he asked the skull who put them in the box. The skull said that they didn't know her name, but it was the woman in the Yamabuki Printed Robe. The woman who accused Aki of placing the curse on the Crown Prince looked shocked and angry said that she would never do such a thing. The skull said that they both bounded by the curse. Then Satsuki realized that the purple thread connected the curse with the culprit. The scene shifted back to the woman and the skull and she told the skull that she did not ask for this. The man outside the door ordered that her to be arrested and interrogated.
Satsuki then realized that Aki was not the culprit and was fascinated by talking frog. Then she asked Seimei was that a scam he performed earlier and if he was really the Famous Onmyoji, Abe no Seimei. Seimei responded and said that he was unranked and uncrowned. Satsuki realized she made a mistaken because the Seimei there has yet to become famous. Seimei went back to the subject of the curse and told Satsuki that he knew who the culprit from the beginning, but did not think that any of the wives would admit it right away. Then Satsuki wondering if those boring movies about Seimei were fictional after all. Seimei then said that there was something more worrisome than that petty curse, which was Satsuki's identity.
Satsuki introduced herself as Soma Satsuki, but realized that she is in Aki's body now, but Seimei was aware that her soul did not come from the world they were in and asked where was she from? The chapter ended on a cliffhanger.
[1] Information about the Yamabuki Flower can be found here.
[2] For more information on a Junihitoe see this page.
Here is a link to more information on a katashiro.
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