#A Wild Heart☉Chester
fierywizardmon · 2 years
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(Came back for a hot minute to check on things aND HELLO HI!!!)
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
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A sketchy little meme ft @revenantvoid for the funny.
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fierywizardmon · 10 months
can you play an instrument?
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"Noooooooot really? I mean the easiest thing is drums because you can just DADADADA" he started to make a banging onto the table to mimic a drum set.
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
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My apologies for going dark again as I do without warning, have one  chester warmup I did. HOOhoo
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fierywizardmon · 1 year
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“It’s been...tiring lately.” he looked up to the bright sky as he leaned back against the tree he was sitting around “...feel like a fire that’s at it’s last few embers...ugh”
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
Closed rp for @sayonaradumbass​
What did he remember?
The rushing of wind and destruction of a forested surrounding with flashes of fire and claws. The shuttering he felt through his data as they had changed scenery.
They had to of considering the screaming of civilians after he had crashed right into a busy street right into an unmanned vehicle. Looking up to see a metallic mask of a cyberdramon looking down at him, the searing pain that hit him from claws piecing through his data.
Everything started to get lost in scrambled data from there, as he vaguely heard Donovan screaming his way, something he couldn’t manage to make out. He tried to keep his vision steady to see what was happening but eventually his body had betrayed him as he had gone unconscious.
What was happening now?
A wild fire swept through the damaged streets as a harsh unnatural scream of anger and pain rang throughout. Wireframed hands punching into riot gear of an officer he had pinned down before he kicked them with as much force as he could to make sure the other was out of commission. After making sure they were out he walked onward without much goal other than to wreck this place to maybe feel better, if he could at all. He was just seeing red at this point, anything that moved was either in punching distance or in burning range. Were these humans at fault? They were to an extent in his mind...they’re the reason why his life was spiraling out of control after all.
All those he saw could only give cries for help and pleads to stay away. He grabbed the nearest one who was lagging behind enough from the crowd, they looked to be a business man, a frail one at that. Chester yanked him down and pinned him to the ground with a stomp to the gut. “I’m going to ask you one thing, you bag of meat.” he seethed through sharp teeth “Where the fuck did they go” “who’s they?!” the human cried back at him.
“The man in the wolf mask and pinstripe suit IDIOT!” he yelled pressing his foot down harshly, making the one under him yelp in pain “Tell me or I’m going to incinerate that stupid face of yours.”
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
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“Sorry I wasn’t ‘round when the whole uhh valentines day thing happened, was too busy with Don and Werner.”
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fierywizardmon · 1 year
what happens if you get drunk?
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"Gonna be honest I don't drink, never liked the smell of the stuff. SO I dunno, but I don't care to find out." Chester gave a nonchalant shrug. "I'll be keeping to drinking milk."
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
What happens if someone of your species accidentally gets careless to be hit by a car, how it would be endured, and how long the recovery process takes?
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"I just realized you didn't mean like...trainmon car. you mean like...the things in...the human world. I think I've seen them a bit but honestly I think I could take a car or mostly any digimon. In terms of healin' I still stand by it probably depends on the digimon"
"I could probably collide with that thing and make it explode."
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
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“...or maybe I’m the asshole.”
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
Thoughts on Digitamamon and their cooking?
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Chester was silent for a moment as he tried to get anything from his scrambled data that he called a memory. "I don't think I've had a digitamamons cooking before?"
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"I think it depends really on the Digitamamon you speak of, I've heard some circulating around to be great cooks. But I myself have not really experienced it, the pleasures I indulged in within the prime are well.."
The cogs on lawrences chest whirlled slightly faster as he thought. Giving a soft gasp his eyes for once has a glimmer of life in them. "Actually, thank you for talking about cooking, my dear...anonymous creature. I actually remembered I have a reservation at the gilded opal tonight"
"...This is the first time I heard of this" Chester interrupts.
Lawrence waves him off "Well you weren't invited." "WHY!?!" he yelled.
"It's for me and Donovan to discuss business. Alone."
Chester points at him accusingly "MY ASS THAT'S THE REASON!!! That sounds like a date"
"It's not a date." "That's a date. Werner told me about dates, that's one of them." "We're not going on a date."
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
Would you partner with a human to save both worlds and likely beat up a super ultimate/mega digimon that could fart and destroy like 1/3 of the moon?
Chester couldn't help but give a small snort at that last bit from the grey creature. Giving a wave of his hand dismissively he answered "Much as I'd like to beat the shit outta other digimon specially for good reason. I don't think I'd need a human for that."
"and by think, I know I wouldn't need a human for it." he said almost a little too confidently.
Maybe making up for something.
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
62. What’s the most irrational reason you’ve ever had for disliking someone?
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"So there was this ogremon once that had done like...literally nothing to me. He was just hanging out at Deramons bar and I couldn't help but notice how fucking annoying his voice was." "And OOOOOOOOOH what a tragedy it was that my hand so HAPPENED to slip right into a fist and into his face."
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
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“I’m very glad I am appreciated in my time with the deeds I contribute to society.”
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
” Boo ! Guess who ! “
The Flawizarmon froze in place, the fire on him roaring to life from the fright. He glances over his shoulder with an obviously freaked out look before the flames and his body relaxed.
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"Ya know, you gotta be careful sneakin' around and scaring the shit outta me like that! I could of burnt ya. Humans ain't as durable as digimon afterall..."
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fierywizardmon · 2 years
16. Which one of your biggest flaws do you like to rationalize the most?
There was a silence from Chester for a moment, blue eyes shifting down. Fidgeting with his gloves he finally spoke "My anger." he answered simply.
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"I have my reasons. of course I have my reasons it's not like it comes out of nowhere...We're being practically hunted down and I'm tired. I'm tired and anyone coming after us I think deserves whatever's coming to them. Be it a beat down to the wireframe or getting a one way ticket back to primary village for all I fucking care. They've done such fucked up shit why wouldn't it be right to give them that punishment?"
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"Why shouldn't I be pissed for them coming after the people I care about? Why shouldn't I be angry when they try to fuck with my data?"
"But I'm scared...about what could come out of it." he admitted, thinking back to evolution that was not supposed to happen.
"I can't help it even if I want to, so they don't have to see it."
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