#A.G. Lawrence
by Michael A.G. Azad Haykin | But as I checked I found that there is indeed truth in the remark, though it was not made by Karl Marx (1818-1883), but by Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). It can be found in Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Collected Works: Volume 43: Letters 1868-70 (Lawrence & Wishart, 2010; digital edition), page 541, which contains “Frederick Engels Confession.”…
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Peter O'Toole and A.G. Scott (Makeup Department / hairdresser) on the set of Lawrence of Arabia, 1961
* caption * Chief hairdresser A.G. “Scottie” Scott touching up O'Toole’s hair. Goggles were standard issue for cast and crew, for protection against sun and blowing, burning sand.
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) directed by David Lean
Peter O'Toole as T. E. Lawrence
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• Franz von Werra (Swiss Luftwaffe Ace)
Franz Xaver Baron von Werra was a German World War II fighter pilot and flying ace who famously was shot down over Britain and made several escape attempts from Allied POW camps.
Franz Baron von Werra was born on July 13th, 1914, to impoverished Swiss parents in Leuk, a town in the Swiss canton of Valais. The title of Freiherr (equal to Baron) came from his biological father, Leo Freiherr von Werra, who after bankruptcy, faced deep economic hardship. Because his relatives were legally obliged to look after the Baron's wife and six children, his cousin Rosalie von Werra persuaded her childless friend Louise Carl von Haber to permit the Baron's youngest, Franz and his sister, to enjoy the benefits of wealth and education. Werra joined the Luftwaffe in 1936 and was commissioned a Leutnant in 1938. At the beginning of the Second World War he was serving with Jagdgeschwader 3 in the French campaign. He became adjutant of II Gruppe, JG 3 and was described as engaging in boisterous 'playboy' behavior. He was once pictured in the press with his pet lion Simba, which he kept at the aerodrome as the unit mascot.
Werra scored his first four victories in May 1940, during the Battle of France. Downing a Hawker Hurricane on May 20th, two days later he claimed two Breguet 690 bombers and a Potez 630 near Cambrai. In a sortie on August 25th, during the Battle of Britain, he claimed a Spitfire west of Rochester, and three Hurricanes, as well as five destroyed on the ground for a total of nine RAF planes eliminated. The details of the actions are unknown, as the incident has not been found in British records. On September 5th, 1940, Werra's Bf 109E-4 was shot down over Winchet Hill, Kent. It is unclear who was responsible for this victory, which was originally credited to Pilot Officer Gerald "Stapme" Stapleton of No. 603 Squadron RAF. However, the Australian ace Flight Lieutenant Paterson Hughes was posthumously given half of the credit, awarding him a bar to his DFC. Werra crash-landed his Bf 109E-4 in a field on Loves Farm and was captured by the unarmed cook of a nearby army unit. Werra was initially held in Maidstone barracks by the Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, from which he attempted his first escape.
He had been put to work digging and was guarded by RMP Private Denis Rickwood, who had to face Werra down with a small truncheon, while Werra was armed with a pick axe. He was interrogated for eighteen days at the London District Prisoner of War "cage" Trent Park, an country house in Hertfordshire. Eventually, Werra was sent on to POW Camp No.1, at Grizedale Hall in the Furness Fells area of pre-1974 Lancashire, between Windermere and Coniston Water. On October 7th, he tried to escape for the second time, during a daytime walk outside the camp. At a regular stop, while a fruit cart provided a lucky diversion and other German prisoners covered for him, von Werra slipped over a dry-stone wall into a field. The guards alerted the local farmers and the Home Guard. On the evening of October 10th, at around 11:00pm, two Home Guard soldiers found him sheltering from the rain in a hoggarth (a type of small stone hut used for storing sheep fodder that is common in the area). On being removed from the hut he knocked the lamp to the ground, extinguishing the light, then he quickly escaped and disappeared into the night. On October 12th, he was spotted climbing a fell. The area was surrounded, and Werra was eventually found, almost totally immersed in a muddy depression in the ground. He was sentenced to 21 days of solitary confinement and on November 3rd was transferred to Camp No. 13 in Swanwick, Derbyshire, also known as the Hayes camp.
In Camp No. 13, Werra joined a group calling itself Swanwick Tiefbau A.G. (Swanwick Excavations, Inc.), which was digging an escape tunnel. The tunnel can still be seen at the Hayes Conference Centre. On December 17th, 1940, after a month's digging, it was complete. The camp had forgers who equipped the escape group with money and fake identity papers. On December 20th, Werra and four others slipped out of the tunnel under the cover of anti-aircraft fire and the singing of the camp choir. The others were recaptured quickly, leaving Werra to proceed alone. He had taken along his flying suit and decided to masquerade as Captain van Lott, a Dutch Royal Netherlands Air Force pilot. He told a friendly locomotive driver that he was a downed bomber pilot trying to reach his unit, and asked to be taken to the nearest RAF base. At Codnor Park railway station, a local clerk became suspicious, but eventually agreed to arrange his transportation to the aerodrome at RAF Hucknall, near Nottingham. The police also questioned him, but Werra convinced them he was harmless. At Hucknall, a Squadron Leader Boniface asked for his credentials, and Werra claimed to be based at Dyce near Aberdeen. While Boniface went to check this story, Werra excused himself and ran to the nearest hangar, trying to tell a mechanic that he was cleared for a test flight. Boniface arrived in time to arrest him at gunpoint, as he sat in the cockpit, trying to learn the controls. Werra was sent back to the Hayes camp under armed guard.
In January 1941, Werra was sent with many other German prisoners to Canada on the Duchess of York, in a convoy departing Greenock on January 10th, 1941, guarded by HMS Ramillies among others. His group was to be taken to a camp on the north shore of Lake Superior, Ontario, so Werra began to plan his escape to the United States, which was still neutral at the time. On January 21st, while on a prison train that had departed Montreal, he jumped out of a window, again with the help of other prisoners, and ended up near Smith's Falls, Ontario, 30 miles from the St. Lawrence River. Seven other prisoners tried to escape from the same train, but were soon recaptured. Werra's absence was not noticed until the next afternoon. After crossing the frozen St. Lawrence River, Werra made his way to Ogdensburg, New York, arriving several months before the US entered the war, and turned himself over to the police. The immigration authorities charged him with entering the country illegally, so Werra contacted the local German consul, who paid his bail. Thus, he came to the attention of the press and told them a very embellished version of his story. While the U.S. and Canadian authorities were negotiating his extradition, the German vice-consul helped him over the border to Mexico. Werra proceeded in stages to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Barcelona, Spain and Rome, Italy. He finally arrived back in Germany on April 18th, 1941.
On his return to Germany Werra became a hero. Adolf Hitler awarded him the Knights Cross of the Iron Cross. Werra was assigned the task of improving German techniques for interrogating captured pilots, based on his experiences with the British system. Werra reported to the German High Command on how he had been treated as a POW, and this caused an improvement in the treatment of Allied POWs in Germany. He wrote a book about his experiences titled Meine Flucht aus England (My Escape from England), although it remained unpublished. Werra returned to active service with the Luftwaffe and was initially deployed to the Russian front as Gruppenkommandeur of I./JG 53. He scored 13 more aerial victories during July 1941, raising his overall confirmed total to 21. In early August 1941, I./JG 53 withdrew to Germany to re-equip with the new Bf 109F-4, after which it moved to Katwijk in the Netherlands. On October 25th, 1941 Werra took off in Bf 109F-4 Number 7285 on a practice flight. His aircraft suffered engine failure and crashed into the sea north of Vlissingen. Werra was presumed killed, though his body was never found.
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O vôlei foi criado em 1895, pelo americano William G. Morgan, então diretor de educação física da Associação Cristã de Moços (ACM) na cidade de Holyoke, em Massachusetts, nos Estados Unidos. O primeiro nome deste esporte que viria se tornar um dos maiores do mundo foi mintonette.
Naquela época, o esporte da moda era o basquetebol, criado apenas quatro anos antes, mas que tivera um rápida difusão. Era, no entanto, um jogo muito cansativo para pessoas de idade. Por sugestão do pastor Lawrence Rinder, Morgan idealizou um jogo menos fatigante para os associados mais velhos da ACM e colocou uma rede semelhante à de tênis, a uma altura de 1,98 metros, sobre a qual uma câmara de bola de basquete era batida, surgindo assim o jogo de vôlei.
A primeira bola usada era muito pesada e, por isso, Morgan solicitou à firma A.G. Spalding & Brothers a fabricação de uma bola para o referido esporte. No início, o mintonette ficou restrito à cidade de Holyoke e ao ginásio onde Morgan era diretor. Um ano mais tarde, numa conferência no Springfield's College, entre diretores de educação física dos EUA, duas equipes de Holyoke fizeram uma demonstração e assim o jogo começou a se difundir por Springfield e outras cidades de Massachussetts e Nova Inglaterra.
Em Springfield, o Dr. A.T. Halstead sugeriu que o seu nome fosse trocado para volley ball, tendo em vista que a idéia básica do jogo era jogar a bola de um lado para outro, por sobre a rede, com as mãos.
Em 1896, foi publicado o primeiro artigo sobre o volley ball, escrito por J.Y. Cameron na edição do "Physical Education" na cidade de Búfalo, Nova Iorque. Este artigo trazia um pequeno resumo sobre o jogo e de suas regras de maneira geral. No ano seguinte, estas regras foram incluídas oficialmente no primeiro handbook oficial da Liga Atlética da Associação Cristã de Moços da América do Norte.
A primeira quadra de Voleibol tinha as seguintes medidas: 15,24m de comprimento por 7,62m de largura. A rede tinha a largura de 0,61m. O comprimento era de 8,235m, sendo a altura de 1,98m (do chão ao bordo superior). A bola era feita de uma câmara de borracha coberta de couro ou lona de cor clara e tinha por circunferência de 63,7 a 68,6 cm e seu peso era de 252 a 336g.
O volley ball foi rapidamente ganhando novos adeptos, crescendo vertiginosamente no cenário mundial ao decorrer dos anos. Em 1900, o esporte chegou ao Canadá (primeiro país fora dos Estados Unidos), sendo posteriormente desenvolvido em outros países, como na China, Japão (1908), Filipinas (1910), México entre outros países europeus, asiáticos, africanos e sul americanos.
Na América do Sul, o primeiro país a conhecer o volley ball foi o Peru, em 1910, através de uma missão governamental que tinha a finalidade de organizar a educação primária do país.
O primeiro campeonato sul-americano foi patrocinado pela Confederação Brasileira de Desportos (CBD), com o apoio da Federação Carioca de Volley Ball e aconteceu no ginásio do Fluminense, no Rio, entre 12 e 22 de setembro de 1951, sendo campeão o Brasil, no masculino e no feminino.
A Federação Internacional de Volley Ball (FIVB) foi fundada em 20 de abril de 1947, em Paris, sendo seu primeiro presidente o francês Paul Libaud e tendo como fundadores os seguintes países: Brasil, Egito, França, Holanda, Hungria, Itália, Polônia, Portugal, Romênia, Tchecoslováquia, Iugoslávia, Estados Unidos e Uruguai.
O primeiro campeonato mundial foi disputado em Praga, na Tchecoslováquia, em 1949, vencido pela Rússia.
Em setembro de 1962, no Congresso de Sofia, o volley ball foi admitido como esporte olímpico e a sua primeira disputa foi na Olimpíada de Tóquio, em 1964, com a presença de 10 países no masculino - Japão, Romênia, Rússia, Tchecoslováquia, Bulgária, Hungria, Holanda, Estados Unidos, Coréia do Sul e Brasil. O primeiro campeão olímpico de volley ball masculino foi a Rússia; a Tchecoslováquia foi a vice e a medalha de bronze ficou com o Japão.
No feminino, o campeão foi o Japão, ficando a Rússia em segundo e a Polônia em terceiro.
O criador do volley ball, Willian Morgan, conhecido pelo apelido de "armário", devido ao seu porte físico, morreu em 27 de dezembro de 1942, aos 72 anos de idade.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 years
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Canada Post Trois-Rivières
For thousands of years, the area that would later become known as Trois-Rivières was frequented by Indigenous peoples. The historic Algonquin and Abenaki peoples used it as a summer stopping place. They would fish and hunt here, as well as gather roots and nuts. The area was rich in resources. The French explorer Jacques Cartier described the site while on his second journey to the New World in 1535. The name "Trois-Rivières", however, was not given until 1599, by Captain Dupont-Gravé, and first appeared on maps of the area dated 1601.[10]
In 1603, while surveying the Saint-Lawrence River, Samuel de Champlain recommended establishing a permanent settlement in the area. Such a village was started on July 4, 1634, by the Sieur de Laviolette. Additional inhabitants of the early city of Trois-Rivières include: Quentin Moral, Sieur de St. Quentin; Pierre Boucher, Jacques Le Neuf, Jean Godefroy de Lintot, Michel Le Neuf du Hérisson, François Hertel, François Marguerie, René Robineau, and Jean Sauvaget.  The city was the second to be founded in New France (after Quebec City, before Montreal). Given its strategic location, it played an important role in the colony and in the fur trade with First Nations peoples. The settlement became the seat of a regional government in 1665.  Ursuline nuns first arrived at the settlement in 1697, where they founded  the first school and helped local missionaries to Christianize the local Aboriginals and developing class of Métis.
French sovereignty in Trois-Rivières continued until 1760, when the city was captured as part of the British conquest of Canada during the Seven Years' War. Sixteen years later, on June 8, 1776, it was the theatre of the Battle of Trois-Rivières (part of the ill-fated invasion of the province of Quebec by les Bostonnais, Americans from the Boston area) during the American Revolutionary War.
Trois-Rivières continued to grow in importance throughout this period and beyond. In 1792 it was designated as the seat of a judicial district. In 1852, the Roman Catholic church made this the see of the Diocese of Trois-Rivières.
In 1816, Captain A.G. Douglas, a former adjutant at the British military college at Great Marlow, recommended a military college for Catholic and Protestant boys be established at Trois-Rivières. He proposed it operate in a disused government house and he would be superintendent. Douglas' college was intended as a boarding school to educate the young sons of officers, amongst others, in Latin, English language, French Language, History, Geography, Drawing and Mathematics. This preceded the founding of the Royal Military College of Canada in 1876.
In 1908, the greater part of the city of Trois-Rivières was destroyed by a fire; most of the city's original buildings, many dating to the French colonial years, were destroyed. Among the surviving buildings were the Ursuline Monastery and the De Tonnancour Manor. As a result of the destruction, a major redesign and renovation of the city was undertaken, including the widening and renewal of many of the city's roads. Many new businesses and industries became established in the town, attracting additional residents.
During the mid-century, the city became heavily industrialized and lost jobs during the later restructuring. In the 1960s, Trois-Rivières undertook a large-scale project of economic diversification, including founding several cultural institutions and attractions. The Old City of Trois-Rivières was declared an "historic sector" in 1964. The Laviolette Bridge, linking Trois-Rivières to Bécancour and the south shore of the Saint-Lawrence River, was opened officially on December 20, 1967. In 1969, the city founded the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, known for its chiropractic school, its podiatric medical education, and its programs for primary and secondary school education.
Although historically an important centre of commerce, trade and population, Trois-Rivières has been superseded by the two major cities of Quebec: the metropolis of Montreal and the capital of Quebec City. It remains as one of the principal medium-sized cities of Quebec, along with Saguenay, Sherbrooke, and Gatineau. 
Source: Wikipedia
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blogoffshore304 · 3 years
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rleb · 3 years
New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundatio... New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundation | The Last Word | MSN New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit against the President, his foundation, and his three oldest children for using the Trump Foundation in a "persistently fraudulent and illegal manner." Lawrence talks to David Cay Johnston who explains why he believes this is more reason for the President to release his tax returns
New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundation | The Last Word | MSN New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit against the President, his foundation, and his three oldest children for using the Trump Foundation in a "persistently fraudulent and illegal manner." Lawrence talks to David Cay Johnston who explains why he believes this is more reason for the President to release his tax returns
New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundation | The Last Word | MSN New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit against the President, his foundation, and his three oldest children for using the Trump Foundation in a "persistently fraudulent and illegal manner." Lawrence talks to David Cay Johnston who explains why he believes this is more reason for the President to release his tax returns
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Judge rebukes A.G. Barr's handling of Mueller Report as "misleading"
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A federal narrate rebuked Criminal legit Overall Barr's misleading statements on the Mueller document. Neal Katyal tells Lawrence that or no longer it's "by no intention came about sooner than" that a federal narrate has called "out the lawyer overall and announcing, 'That you just can bask in misplaced your credibility and I will't belief you anymore."March 7, 2020
MSNBC Every single day: Subscribe and keep on with it high of impeachment news
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Peter O'Toole on the set of Lawrence of Arabia, 1961 (Chief hairdresser A.G. “Scottie” Scott touching up O'Toole's hair.)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962) directed by David Lean
Peter O'Toole as T. E. Lawrence
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marcusssanderson · 5 years
50 Trust Quotes Honoring Confidence, Belief and Faith
The “trust quotes” collection below will help you appreciate the fundamental role it plays in life.
Trust is essential to life. It plays an important role in all aspects of our lives.
Whether in leadership, relationships, business, marriage, or at the workplace; trust holds our world together. It allows us to live and work together, to depend on each other, and to flourish.
Without trust, life becomes intolerable. You can’t have any meaningful relationships without trust. No organisation can achieve success in the absence of trust.
Trust is one of the most precious things in the world. Although life isn’t perfect and some people aren’t trustworthy, we should all make an effort to cultivate, earn, and build it.
To celebrate the important role of trust in our lives, below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and thought-provoking trust quotes, trust sayings, and trust proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years.
Trust quotes honoring confidence, belief and faith
1.) ”To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.” – George MacDonald
2.) ”If you have three people in your life that you can trust, you can consider yourself the luckiest person in the whole world.” – Selena Gomez
3.) ”Trust is hard to come by. That’s why my circle is small and tight. I’m kind of funny about making new friends.” – Eminem
4.) ”Trust is that rare and priceless treasure that wins us the affection of our heavenly Father.” – Brennan Manning
5.) ”To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float.” – Alan W. Watts
6.) ”Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.” – Seth Godin
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7.) ”You must trust and believe in people, or life becomes impossible.” – Anton Chekhov
8.) ”A man who doesn’t trust himself can never really trust anyone else.” – Cardinal De Retz
9.) ”I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
10.)” None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.” – Paulo Coelho
Trust quotes celebrating its role in our lives
11.) ”Respect people who trust you. It takes a lot for people to trust you, so treat their trust like precious porcelain.” – Brandon Cox
12.) ”Trust is involved in all the basic elements of a healthy relationship: namely, love (respect and consideration for another person), communication, commitment and honesty.” – Harold Duarte-Bernhardt
13.) ”Trust is the lubrication that makes it possible for organizations to work.” – Warren Bennis
14.) ”Trust is like blood pressure. It’s silent, vital to good health, and if abused it can be deadly.” – Frank Sonnenberg
15.) ”He who does not trust enough will not be trusted.” – Lao Tzu
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16.)” We’re never so vulnerable than when we trust someone – but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy.” – Walter Anderson
17.)” The best proof of love is trust.” – Joyce Brothers
18.) ”When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect. Both parties make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, what is valued most highly.” – Blaine Lee
19.) ”When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.” – Stephen R. Covey
20.) ”Self-trust is the first secret of success.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Trust quotes to help you keep it at the forefront of everything you do
21.) ”Trust is what we do each day, when we get out of our bed and put our clothes on. It is the thing that makes it possible for us to keep putting one foot in front of the other.” – Iyanla Vanzant
22.)” With high trust, success comes faster, better, and at lower cost.” – David Neeleman
23.)” Learn to trust yourself, block your negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and you’ll have energy to spare.” – Bryan Cohen
24.)” Faith begins very small and only grows as we learn to trust the person or item in which we put our faith.” – Dr. A.G. Walp
25.)” Highly successful performers in business and in sports show a level of trust and understanding that separates them from their competition.” – Pete Carroll
26.)” If a person cannot keep her word on a small matter, it is for sure she cannot be trusted with things that really count.” – John Buttrick
27.)” When a person has integrity you can trust what they say and that they live according to their values.” – Jodi Flynn
28.)” Trust is probably the intangible, and cultivated of all characteristic.” – Tim Mason
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29.)” People want to be around those who are up, lively, and happy, all things that engender trust.” Robin Jones
30.)” Three strong attributes, which characterize a person, are hope, trust and a sense of charity.” – M.K. Soni
Trust quotes to help you cultivate, earn and build it
31.) ”Few delights can equal the mere presence of one who we trust utterly.” – George Mac Donald
32.) ”Trust opens up new and unimagined possibilities.” – Robert. C. Solomon
33.) ”Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” – Jesus Christ
34.) ”If people like you, they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you, they’ll do business with you.” – Zig Ziglar
35.) ”Never trust anyone completely but God. Love people, but put your full trust only in God.” –  Lawrence Welk
36.) ”I trust you: That’s huge. That’s truth. That’s real love. Everyone uses ‘I love you’ so loosely.” – Justin Chatwin
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37.) ”Trust is not simply a matter of truthfulness, or even constancy. It is also a matter of amity and goodwill. We trust those who have our best interests at heart, and mistrust those who seem deaf to our concerns.” – Gary Hamel
38.) ”Three things you should never break: promise, trust, and someone’s heart.” – Anonymous
39.) ”Better to trust the man who is frequently in error than the one who is never in doubt.” – Eric Sevareid
40.) ”All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.” – J.M. Barrie
Other trust quotes quotes to inspire and teach
41.) ”The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.” – Ernest Hemingway
42.) ”Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none.” – William Shakespeare
43.)” Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.” – Benjamin Spock
44.)” I’ve only ever trusted my gut on everything. I don’t trust my head, I don’t trust my heart, I trust my gut.” – Bryan Adams
45.)” How do you build trust? Trust is earned when everyone’s interests are considered and respected. Communication is the key to do this.” – Sheri Levit
46.)” Trust enables you to put your deepest feelings and fears in the palm of your partner’s hand, knowing they will be handled with care.” – Carl S. Avery
47.) ”I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you.’ … There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.” – Maya Angelou
48.)” Trust is built when someone is vulnerable and not taken advantage of.” – Bob Vanourek
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49.) ”Relationships are about trust. If you have to play detective, then it’s time to move on.” – Anonymous
50.) ”Trust is always earned, never given.” – R. Williams
Which of these trust resonated with you best?
Any successful relationship – whether in business, leadership, with family, or with friends – relies on a level of trust that must be earned.
Trust is fundamental to life. It makes our lives more pleasant and less stressful. Hopefully, the above quotes will help you build and keep trust at the forefront of everything you do.
Did you enjoy the trust quotes above? Which of the quotes was your favorite? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.
The post 50 Trust Quotes Honoring Confidence, Belief and Faith appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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shamefulright · 4 years
Judge rebukes A.G. Barr's handling of Mueller Report as "misleading"
Judge rebukes A.G. Barr’s handling of Mueller Report as “misleading”
A federal judge rebuked Attorney General Barr’s misleading statements on the Mueller report. Neal Katyal tells Lawrence that it’s “never happened before” that a federal judge has called “out the attorney general and saying, ‘You’ve lost your credibility
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mundovolei-blog1 · 4 years
Capítulo II - Como era no início e o que mudou.
Naquela época, o esporte da moda era o basquetebol, criado apenas quatro anos antes, mas que tivera um rápida difusão. Era, no entanto, um jogo muito cansativo para pessoas de idade. Por sugestão do pastor Lawrence Rinder, Morgan idealizou um jogo menos fatigante para os associados mais velhos da ACM e colocou uma rede semelhante à de tênis, a uma altura de 1,98 metros, sobre a qual uma câmara de bola de basquete era batida, surgindo assim o jogo de vôlei.
A primeira bola usada era muito pesada e, por isso, Morgan solicitou à firma A.G. Spalding & Brothers a fabricação de uma bola para o referido esporte. No início, o mintonette ficou restrito à cidade de Holyoke e ao ginásio onde Morgan era diretor. Um ano mais tarde, numa conferência no Springfield's College, entre diretores de educação física dos EUA, duas equipes de Holyoke fizeram uma demonstração e assim o jogo começou a se difundir por Springfield e outras cidades de Massachussetts e Nova Inglaterra.
Em Springfield, o Dr. A.T. Halstead sugeriu que o seu nome fosse trocado para volley ball, tendo em vista que a idéia básica do jogo era jogar a bola de um lado para outro, por sobre a rede, com as mãos.
Em 1896, foi publicado o primeiro artigo sobre o volley ball, escrito por J.Y. Cameron na edição do "Physical Education" na cidade de Búfalo, Nova Iorque. Este artigo trazia um pequeno resumo sobre o jogo e de suas regras de maneira geral. No ano seguinte, estas regras foram incluídas oficialmente no primeiro handbook oficial da Liga Atlética da Associação Cristã de Moços da América do Norte.
A primeira quadra de Voleibol tinha as seguintes medidas: 15,24m de comprimento por 7,62m de largura. A rede tinha a largura de 0,61m. O comprimento era de 8,235m, sendo a altura de 1,98m (do chão ao bordo superior). A bola era feita de uma câmara de borracha coberta de couro ou lona de cor clara e tinha por circunferência de 63,7 a 68,6 cm e seu peso era de 252 a 336g.
O volley ball foi rapidamente ganhando novos adeptos, crescendo vertiginosamente no cenário mundial ao decorrer dos anos. Em 1900, o esporte chegou ao Canadá (primeiro país fora dos Estados Unidos), sendo posteriormente desenvolvido em outros países, como na China, Japão (1908), Filipinas (1910), México entre outros países europeus, asiáticos, africanos e sul americanos.
Na América do Sul, o primeiro país a conhecer o volley ball foi o Peru, em 1910, através de uma missão governamental que tinha a finalidade de organizar a educação primária do país.
O primeiro campeonato sul-americano foi patrocinado pela Confederação Brasileira de Desportos (CBD), com o apoio da Federação Carioca de Volley Ball e aconteceu no ginásio do Fluminense, no Rio, entre 12 e 22 de setembro de 1951, sendo campeão o Brasil, no masculino e no feminino.
A Federação Internacional de Volley Ball (FIVB) foi fundada em 20 de abril de 1947, em Paris, sendo seu primeiro presidente o francês Paul Libaud e tendo como fundadores os seguintes países: Brasil, Egito, França, Holanda, Hungria, Itália, Polônia, Portugal, Romênia, Tchecoslováquia, Iugoslávia, Estados Unidos e Uruguai.
O primeiro campeonato mundial foi disputado em Praga, na Tchecoslováquia, em 1949, vencido pela Rússia.
Em setembro de 1962, no Congresso de Sofia, o volley ball foi admitido como esporte olímpico e a sua primeira disputa foi na Olimpíada de Tóquio, em 1964, com a presença de 10 países no masculino - Japão, Romênia, Rússia, Tchecoslováquia, Bulgária, Hungria, Holanda, Estados Unidos, Coréia do Sul e Brasil. O primeiro campeão olímpico de volley ball masculino foi a Rússia; a Tchecoslováquia foi a vice e a medalha de bronze ficou com o Japão.
No feminino, o campeão foi o Japão, ficando a Rússia em segundo e a Polônia em terceiro.
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calliethompson · 5 years
A.G. Announces Guilty Plea in Fake Mortgage Assistance Scheme
Mortgage Fraud Blog.
Lawrence Adell Sefa, 65, Fenton, Michigan has pleaded guilty today to racketeering. The guilty plea follows charges filed against him in 2017 for using a fake mortgage assistance scheme to steal tens of thousands of dollars from 33 Michigan residents who were facing foreclosures. Between 2012 and 2016, Sefa, through his company LAS Loan Assistance […]
The post A.G. Announces Guilty Plea in Fake Mortgage Assistance Scheme appeared first on Mortgage Fraud Blog.
A.G. Announces Guilty Plea in Fake Mortgage Assistance Scheme published first on https://myreviewnow.tumblr.com/
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newdailybiz-blog · 5 years
Oncology Drugs Market Revenue, Status and Outlook 2019 to 2025
Global Oncology Drugs Market Report provides manufacturers, regional analysis, forecast, segmentation by applications and type and also the exact procedure of the whole industry. Global Oncology Drugs market report supplies an in-depth study with upcoming and present opportunities to describe the future investments in the industry.
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New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundation | The Last Word | MSNBC
New York A.G. Files Fraud Lawsuit Against Donald Trump Family, Foundation | The Last Word | MSNBC
New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a lawsuit against the President, his foundation, and his three oldest children for using the Trump Foundation in a “persistently fraudulent and illegal manner.” Lawrence talks to David Cay Johnston who explains why he believes this is more reason for the President to release his tax returns. » Subscribe to MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/SubscribeTomsn…
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investmart007 · 6 years
New York News; Acting A.G. Underwood Announces Arrest And Indictment Of Licensed Nurse For Allegedly Stealing Over $550,000 From Brooklyn Hospital And Defrauding Medicaid
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/D26xXX
New York News; Acting A.G. Underwood Announces Arrest And Indictment Of Licensed Nurse For Allegedly Stealing Over $550,000 From Brooklyn Hospital And Defrauding Medicaid
Keisha Demas Allegedly Used No-Show Job to Collect Over $550,000 from Interfaith Medical Center, Fraudulently Obtained Over $30,000 in Medicaid Benefits, Underpaid NY Taxes by $40,000
If Convicted, Keisha Demas Faces a Maximum of 5 To 15 Years In Prison
BROOKLYN, htt – Acting Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood today announced felony charges against Keisha Demas, 41, of Brooklyn, NY, for allegedly defrauding Medicaid and stealing over $550,000 from Interfaith Medical Center (“Interfaith”), a Brooklyn not-for-profit community-based hospital that recently came out of bankruptcy.  The Attorney General’s office alleges that Demas was paid for a “no-show” job at the hospital for at least four years. During this period, Demas also allegedly received Medicaid benefits she was not entitled to and failed to remit her income taxes to the State of New York.  In total, Demas allegedly defrauded Medicaid of over $30,000 and underpaid the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance by nearly $40,000.
The defendant is charged with one count of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (a Class C felony), one count of Grand Larceny in the Third Degree (a class D felony), one count of Forgery in the Second Degree (a Class D felony), one count of Falsifying Business Records in the First Degree (a Class E felony), three counts of Offering a False Instrument for Filing in the First Degree, two counts of Criminal Tax Fraud in the Third Degree (a Class D felony), and two counts of Criminal Tax Fraud in the Fourth Degree (a Class E felony).  If convicted, Demas faces a maximum count of 5 to 15 years in prison.
“As we allege, this defendant stole from a community hospital, cheated Medicaid, and majorly underpaid taxes – leaving New Yorkers to foot the bill,” said Acting Attorney General Underwood.  “Our office will continue to investigate fraud and do what it takes to protect taxpayers and our state resources.”
According to the Attorney General’s office, Demas was contracted by Interfaith through an outside nursing agency.  Beginning in 2013 and continuing through at least 2016, Demas allegedly conspired with a former Interfaith employee to falsify her timesheets as part of a scheme to make it appear as if she was working, when in fact she was not.  Demas would then allegedly provide kickbacks to the Interfaith employee with cash payments.  The “no-show” job, which lasted at least four years, allegedly netted Demas over $550,000 from Interfaith.
In 2014 and 2015, Demas applied for Medicaid, allegedly claiming she had no income during those years. As a result, Demas obtained Medicaid benefits, resulting in over $30,000 of paid false claims. In addition, while Demas’ income exceeded $100,000 in each year of the scheme, she failed to file personal income taxes with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, resulting in a nearly $40,000 underpayment of taxes.
Demas was arraigned today on the indictment before Supreme Court Judge William Miller in Kings County.  Bail was set at $5,000 and the case was adjourned to July 17, 2018.
The charges are merely accusations and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.
The Attorney General’s Office thanks the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance for their assistance on this case. The tax case was investigated by Department of Taxation and Finance Auditors Nicholas Capkovic and Nataliya Sydorchuk.
The Attorney General’s office also thanks the New York State Department of Health (“DOH”) along with DOH Associate Attorney Kerry-Ann Lawrence of the Bureau of Litigation and Sara Oberst of the Division of Eligibility & Marketplace Integration, who investigated the Medicaid fraud.
The Attorney General’s office also thanks Investigator Albert Flowers of the New York State Department of Financial Services for his assistance on this case.
Investigators Vincent Gisonti and Frank Tirri conducted the Attorney General’s investigation, with the assistance of Investigator Steven Pratt and William Fitzgerald, under the supervision of Supervising Investigator Michael Leahy and Deputy Chief John McManus. The Investigations Bureau is led by Chief Dominick Zarrella.
The case is being handled by Special Advisor to the Criminal Division and Director of the Crime Proceeds Strike Force Gary T. Fishman, and Assistant Attorney General Herman Wun of the Public Integrity Bureau, with the assistance of Legal Support Analyst Dillon Kraus. The Division of Criminal Justice is led by Executive Deputy Attorney General Margaret Garnett.
Source; Originally published by New York Attorney’s General Office,  ag.ny.gov on May 2, 2018
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